Levashov who is he. Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov is a patriot of the planet. Pseudo-academician Nikolai Levashov declared himself the savior of mankind and a great healer, but he could not curb gluttony in himself and correct his strabismus

Levashov Nikolai Viktorovich is a talented Russian research scientist, academician of several academies, awarded a number of top awards for his outstanding contribution to modern physics, as well as brilliant scientific achievements in the field of noospheric technologies. Extraordinarily versatile developed person, healer, poet, artist, active public figure, Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov - the founder of a new, fundamental theory of the universe, thoroughly set out in his numerous works and articles.

February 8, 1961, born in one of the most picturesque and unique corners of our Motherland, the city of Kislovodsk Stavropol Territory, from childhood, Nikolai Levashov showed a deep interest and love for the nature around him.

While still a child, on independent “expeditions”, Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov enthusiastically explored the entire nearby territory, all the mountains and streams in the vicinity of his native land, and this amazing area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe unique natural region of Pyatigorye and its energy features are described by him in his biography. The range of interests of the young scientist was unusually wide - Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov loved to work with wood, sculpted, made pencil reproductions of paintings by old masters, among which he especially liked the paintings of Bryullov, Vasnetsov, Raphael, Rembrandt and Leonardo Da Vinci, and he learned to draw on his own.

Also, as an inquisitive boy, Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov invented and created drawings of various devices and machines, but he especially liked to observe plants and animals, of which he fed and nursed all of them on his own. Among his hobbies was reading. After the fourth grade, along with fantasy, adventure, historical stories and just fairy tales, Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov already read books on physics, astronomy, biology, philosophy, history, geology, anthropology, etc.

In high school, Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov took up the labor sector of the school and did real things for her, for example, almost all school classrooms were decorated by his hands. In addition, Nikolai Levashov led two circles for elementary grades - these were biology and shooting art (as a teenager he knew how to shoot well and always loved weapons).

Studying was given to Nikolai Levashov easily and naturally, and very early his life aspirations showed themselves as a sincere, conscious and immense interest in knowing the world around him.

Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov graduated from the radiophysics department of Kharkov University (1984). However, even moving from course to course, he did not receive answers to many questions on natural science that arose in him back in high school. And so, somewhere in the third year, student Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov began his own search for truth, through the knowledge of one's own abilities, which are quite clearly manifested in childhood.

Later, while serving in the army near the city of Ilyichevsk, on the Black Sea coast, in the electronic warfare troops, Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov does not leave experiments with his influence on space. There, Nikolai Levashov opens up the possibility of influencing and changing the qualitative state of the brain of another person, creating new sense organs that nature did not create. This became for him the key with which Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov began to comprehend one law of the universe after another, discovering and learning the mysteries of Nature itself, and found path to true knowledge.

After serving in the army and returning to Kharkov, N. V. Levashov accepted the offer of a friend and got a job at the All-Union Scientific Research institute Technical Aesthetics (VNIITE), Department of Human Functional State. There he studied the state of people in various stressful conditions at the workplace, measuring biopotentials at biologically active points according to a certain method. First, Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov worked as an engineer, and then as a junior researcher.

While working at the institute, Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov continues his experiments and treatment of people, but in his life a number of meetings and significant events take place, the result of which is a colossal breakthrough in understanding and understanding the principles of interaction between biological structures and outer space. Amazing experiments in this direction allowed him to create new structures of the human brain and bring them to a qualitatively different level of functioning and capabilities.

Subsequently, already living and working in America (1992-1993), Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov will begin writing and publishing his first book - “The Last Appeal to Humanity”, where he will describe in detail the essence of his fundamental theory of the Inhomogeneous Universe, as well as the principles of the interaction of space and matter, which underlie all known and only investigated phenomena of Nature.

Many years of experience in real and complete healing of people, impact on climate and weather, research and development outer space, as well as the solution of many global problems at the planetary level and the creation of real technologies of the future today - all this is the result of a quite tangible impact of a highly developed consciousness on space and matter. This impact is based on a full understanding of the unity of the macro- and microcosmos and the principles of their interaction.

To understand what consciousness is and how it can manifest itself high development, it is necessary to have a correct understanding of what a Human is, a human organism, its physical body? Indeed, today for modern science one of the most painful, unsolved mysteries is the question of how complexly organized living beings arise and develop from one microscopic cell? Why, as a result of this development, cells form into complete structures of tissues and organs, and do not grow into shapeless formations? How and what force governs this process?

The idea of ​​the impact on these processes of the "energy field" of the cell itself was independently put forward by the Russian biologist A. Gurvich in 1922 and the Austrian scientist P. Weiss in 1926. P. Weiss suggested that a certain field is formed around the embryo, or embryo, which he called morphogenetic, to which all passive cells obey. The structure of the field controls the process of building individual organs and whole organisms from the cellular material. A. Gurvich believed that energy fields are found not only inside the embryo, they direct and regulate the growth of adult life forms. He also believed that all organisms remain alive only thanks to the "mitogenetic energy field", they absorb and emit mitogenetic fields throughout their entire life cycle.

Back in 1891, the German scientist G. Driesch investigated sea ​​urchins Organisms are unique in the sense that they have both plant (look and act like plants) and animal cells. Scientist discovers he can cut an early spherical embryo into eight different parts, and each part will grow into a completely new embryo, even if the cut piece was 100% plant cells and no animal characteristics.

Interesting research neuro-anatomist Harold S. Burr from Yale University. He discovered that even an unfertilized egg has an electrical energy field already formed in the form of an adult. It (the field) shows a rectilinear charge along the egg in the direction of growth into an adult being. He found such electric fields in many different life forms.

R. Sheldrake, British biochemist and psychologist, put forward the theory of the morphic field (1981). His hypothesis about the causality of shaping suggests that these fields determine the global self-organizing properties of systems at all levels of complexity - from molecules to communities. Morphic fields are not fixed: they are constantly evolving and have a kind of built-in memory.

Very interesting, in the light of the analyzed studies, is the discovery of the Russian scientist P. Garyaev (1984). The discovery of P. Garyaev suggests that the mitogenetic radiation of A. Gurvich and the fields studied by other scientists work through the DNA molecule. When the researcher placed a DNA sample in a tiny quartz container and irradiated it with a soft laser and then observed it with ultra-sensitive equipment capable of detecting even single photons of light, he found that the DNA worked like a sponge absorbing light. Somehow, the DNA molecule absorbed all the photons of light in that location and stored them in a corkscrew-like spiral. The DNA molecule seemed to create a vortex that attracted light like a black hole, but on a much smaller scale.

But the most amazing thing happened when P. Garyaev finished the experiment. He took the quartz container with the DNA and removed the DNA. However, to his great surprise, where the DNA used to be, the light continued to spiral in a spiral, although physically the DNA was no longer there.

An intangible energy structure was clearly present in space, capable of absorbing photons on its own, without a physical DNA molecule. All this may suggest that the DNA molecule has an energy "twin". The double has the same shape as the physical molecule, but as soon as the DNA molecule is removed, the double remains where the molecule was before. Although, the location of the twin may also be the space of the DNA molecule itself, at some frequency that has not yet been studied, and the effects discovered by P. Garyaev are just a trace. P. Garyaev recorded that a phantom or double of a DNA molecule is able to remain in the place where the molecule was placed for up to 30 days.

Based on this study, it can be concluded that human body, which has trillions of highly structured DNA molecules, also has its energy counterpart, because in the human body there is bone and cartilage DNA, organ DNA, blood DNA, muscle DNA, skin DNA, DNA nervous system and brain DNA. The DNA molecule, as you know, stores in the form of genes instructions on what processes should take place inside the cell. It can be assumed that the structure of the energy twin has the ability to translate the necessary spatial changes to physical cells so that they harmoniously develop into the necessary organs and tissues. These conclusions are consistent with the theories and observations of P. Weiss, G. Driesch, A. Gurvich, G. Burr and many other scientists who have studied this issue, about the presence of an information field that dictates to our cells what to do and where.

And even if traditional science is still only looking for and developing theories that can fully explain all these facts, nothing prevents you from drawing conclusions and assumptions on your own, especially when there are already books and publications that can shed light and give a full understanding of all this. amazing phenomena.

The Italian scientist Pier Luigi Highina, who studied the effect of atomic frequencies, made a device that could purify any food placed in it. Another of his devices prevented earthquakes, he called it a magnetic stroboscope. It looked like a "strange propeller" and when it was turned on on a cloudy day, a continuously growing hole appeared above the house for several minutes, in which one could see blue sky.

One day, Igina placed his other instrument under an apricot tree. He set the parameters of atomic vibrations to match those of an apple tree. (The parameters of the atomic vibrations of the apricot and apple tree were previously determined experimentally). After 16 days, he discovered that the apricot tree had completely mutated into an apple tree.

Returning to the discovery of Peter Garyaev, it must be added that he also conducted similar frequency experiments on laboratory rats, only his experiments were directly related to health. He injected rats with a lethal dose of a toxin called alloxan. Normally, this toxin destroys the pancreas, the organ that makes insulin to regulate blood sugar. As a result, the rats died of type I diabetes after 4-6 days. P. Garyaev took the pancreas and spleen from a healthy rat, fired a laser beam at them, and then redirected the light to a rat infected with alloxan. And although this experiment was repeated many times, including three different experimental groups in 2000, 2001 and 2005, almost 90% of the rats that underwent this treatment completely recovered. Their pancreas grew back and their blood sugar returned to normal.

All these data allow us to take a fresh look at the nature of the interaction between DNA and the processes of a physical organism. Moreover, there is an impression that the most important part of energy transformations is simply inaccessible to human perception. However, the reality of these processes finds everything more facts for your confirmation.

In the course of his healing practice, Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov had to deal with quite challenging tasks, such as, for example, the need to grow organs that were absent at birth or to recreate the cells of the lost part of the brain. In the light of the analyzed experiments and experiments, the possibility of solving such problems no longer seems to be something transcendent and unattainable.

The invaluable practical significance of the knowledge that Nikolai Levashov sets out in his books opens up truly grandiose horizons for modern science and medicine. The study and understanding of a new, fundamental theory of the Heterogeneity of the Universe allows a Man to touch the most amazing and inspiring technology of the future - the infinity of the possibilities of the Mind. Chapter 2. Three theories of morphogenesis

P. Weiss, Principles of Development (1939)

A. Gurvich, "On the concept of embryonic fields" (1922)

Article "Victims of Science" http://wsyachina.narod.ru/biology/experimental.html, archive.is

David Wilcock "Source field studies", p. 119

Rupert Sheldrake, Seven Experiments That Will Change the World, p. 59

Richard Gerber "Vibrational Medicine", p.25

Richard Gerber, Vibrational Medicine, p. 34

David Wilcock "Source field studies", p. 156

Fans and followers of Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov celebrate the birthday of their teacher on February 8. Unfortunately, now we have to live and fight without him. Leading a relentless fight against Evil, on June 11, 2012, Nikolai Levashov died, unable to withstand the confrontation. I deliberately did not write about his death before, for me personally, this news was then a protracted shock and somehow I no longer wanted to remember those two weeks of real depression, although I usually am stable in any situations. It was then that I saw all the cruelty of the current world of people and felt my complete Loneliness ...

Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov is alive in my soul

Nikolay Viktorovich Levashov

He would have turned 52 this year. For many years he fought against evil, for many years he had to fight for his life. And he died at a time when information about his deeds and deeds at least a little began to become available and known to the whole world, and not just to the ruling elite. When not only a limited number of initiates from the Light and Dark Forces learned about it, but also ordinary, ordinary people. Although even now, few people know that Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov was admitted as a candidate for the presidency in the last elections, and a further refusal to register was made with violations of the law - who will be surprised by the venality of the bureaucratic and judicial system.

The Dark Forces have many servants and executors. Huge efforts were directed to the fight against Nikolai Levashov. They used all means to slander or completely destroy Levashov. Prolonged litigation and attempts to financially rip him off limited his scope and ability to act. The best "friends" betrayed him and turned into enemies, inflicting this, in addition to physical grief, also the deepest mental trauma that did not heal over the years. However, nothing could stop Nikolai Levashov in his fight against Evil. He stood guard over our entire planet and a part of it, his Motherland -. Knowing the brevity life path, hastened to transfer his knowledge and skills to all Humanity, to direct the earthly community to the Golden Path of evolutionary development. Unfortunately, the fierce opposition of the Dark Forces prevented him from completing his mission to the end. Their actions led to the fact that Mankind was largely unprepared for the perception of the proposed system of knowledge.
However, in spite of everything, he waged his struggle, putting real truth into his words and books. More than 30 scientific articles have been written by his hands, 9 books with amazing illustrations, which he made himself, have been published. His talent was multifaceted - drawing, poetry, social work, healing people.


The first work of Nikolai Levashov, entitled "The Last Appeal to Humanity", was published almost twenty years ago - in 1994. There, for the first time, a system of his views on the essence of living and inanimate nature. He gave explanations not only to the physical processes on Earth, from the creation of our planet to the origin and development of life on it in all its forms, but also explained many mystical, unknowable phenomena for traditional science. Dozens of the most important discoveries published in this book, unfortunately, remained unnoticed or, to call a spade a spade, simply unanimously ignored by the world scientific community.

The next book by Nikolai Levashov was Essence and Reason. In 1999, her first volume was published. Levashov devoted all his attention to substantiating the necessary and sufficient conditions for the automatic beginning and development of life on different planets in different parts of the universe, revealed the secrets of the universe in the light of the theory of heterogeneity of space. Reasoning about the human psyche, about its properties such as emotions, especially love, is given. Levashov also explained some physiological aspects human body, including what is memory.

In 2002, another creation of Nikolai Levashov was born - the book "Heterogeneous Universe". It finally formed the fundamental concepts of Levashov's concept of the world around us. outside world based on the heterogeneity of the physical space. Nikolai Viktorovich eliminated all existing contradictions in the explanations of the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, showed the existing unity of processes in the macro- and microcosm. Despite the high scientific level of the book, corresponding in quantity and quality to the development of a doctoral dissertation, the level of its presentation, due to the absence of any formulas and highly specialized scientific terms, is accessible to everyone. In general, to express the great in ordinary words was the gift of Levashov. He did not like to boast of his reason and reason in great words, as narrow-minded and boastful people do. Its goal was to give people an accessible, understandable knowledge and understanding of natural and social phenomena without tricky pseudo-technical terms.

But his work was again bypassed by the attention of official science, which did not want to accept thoughts that could raise our civilization to a new level of development. And the question arises - why? And N. Levashov gave an explanation for this.

An example is the grandiose deception - "Law gravity". All scientists are aware of this fiction, something that all the initiates are silent about - there is no such law, there is no such phenomenon! But admitting this means losing scientific titles, material income, cash grants for scientific work, honor and become an outcast in a narrow scientific society, in other words - you will be thrown out of Sitema.

Another example of a forbidden topic, only on energy is Nikola Tesla. More than one book has been written about his destroyed discoveries and persecutions, but this direction is closed to official science.

In 2003, the next volume of Essence and Reason was published, in which Levashov continues to study the secrets of man. This time, the subject of study was the mystical "otherworldly" phenomena in human life, the right to interpret which was usurped by all kinds of churches in the person of their ministers. Such postulates of the church as the soul, sin, the re-incarnation of souls, life after death, left the church plane and, in the presentation of Levashov, became ordinary natural phenomena with their own natural laws. The knowledge of such things turns a person from a "servant of God" into a truly free person - the Creator of his own destiny.

However, by giving us knowledge and understanding of the basic natural phenomena, the book also pushes us to realize our own responsibility for the implementation of the true laws of nature. Since ignorance and failure to comply with these laws leads to violations of our evolutionary development, leaving people at its lowest level.

For non-observance of the laws of the universe, violators pay the most expensive - their own evolutionary development. It is precisely the process of degradation of the Essence that is an inexorable punishment for violating the laws of the Universe even out of ignorance, and this punishment comes not in next life and not in hell, but here and now, immediately after the deed.

Nikolai Levashov understood that the Dark Forces deliberately lowered people to the level of rational animals, leaving them ignorant of true knowledge, in a misunderstanding of the role and purpose own life. And he fulfilled the task set for himself - to equip people with knowledge that makes it possible to know himself and the Universe until his last breath.

A year and a half of shameful trial of the book ended in January 2011. "Democracy" has achieved a ban with blatant violations of the Law - "Russia in Crooked Mirrors" is included in the Federal List extremist materials under number 809.

In 2007, the first volume of his autobiography, The Mirror of My Soul, appeared. No comments - you have to read it yourself, nothing to do with the miserly distorted information from controlled Wikipedia. The second volume turned out to be generally fascinating, but the third was not allowed to be completed ...

About real practical actions and deeds in which Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov helped people and fought against the Dark Ones, I won’t write about those who are interested - read on his website http://www.levashov.info/, and whoever knows - he doesn’t need advice.

I will say one thing - my life changed dramatically after meeting Nikolai Levashov. Although the very fact of personal acquaintance was not there - books, articles, videos from meetings with readers. This was enough to wake up, get out of his artificially created little world and see Another Life. Now I know for sure - there will be no return to the former carefree life of an obedient individual from the herd.

Assassination attempts on Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov occurred many times.


Eternal glory to the Great Rus!

Nikolai Levashov died

Editorial RuAN

In memory of a great man

Ksenia Misharina

Vardan Minasyan

The world has not yet realized who he lost

Galina Panina

Nikolai Levashov as I know him

Igor Kondrakov

Elena Lyubimova

Irene Stilwell

Our first true President

Vardan Minasyan

Farewell to Nikolai Levashov

Nikolai Goryushin

Anna Shcheglova

Hurray for Nikolai Levashov!

Sergey Nosaev

The cry of the soul, turning into the voice of Reason

Marcel Mullaianov

Alexander Nazarov

Who was and remained for me N. Levashov?

Igor Kondrakov

Igor Popov

Mirror of the soul of Nikolai Levashov

Dmitry Baida

N.V. Levashov - Creator and Creator!

Igor Kondrakov

Evening in memory of Nikolai Levashov

Dmitry Cherdyntsev

Farewell to the body of N.V. Levashov took place on June 14 from 10-00 to 14-00 in the Palace of Culture named after. Lunacharsky. The farewell ceremony was broadcast on the Internet for everyone. After parting, the body was cremated. In the evening, a memorial dinner was organized for the participants of the Movement.

Video from the farewell ceremony:

half hour farewell movie with Nikolai Levashov on June 14, 2012 in the Palace of Culture. Lunacharsky in Moscow, in which the cremation procedure is also shown a little:

Evening in memory of Nikolai Levashov

Photos of farewell to Nikolai Levashov


Andrei Saltykov. Blessed memory of the Great Man! The knowledge of Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov filled my life with meaning, gave many answers, a correct understanding of what was happening and a further direction for my development. I wish further dissemination of his Knowledge and the Victory of the Light Forces!

Naidenov A.V. Hello! We mourn, we will not leave the work we have begun and will bring it to victory! The memory of Nikolai Viktorovich and his wife Svetlana Vasilievna will remain in our hearts! If possible, convey to the family of Nikolai Viktorovich our deep condolences from all participants in the Movement of the city of Mozyr.

Alexander Sapogov. Very sorry, Nikolai Viktorovich!! He was a good, real person. But we will win anyway!

Valentin Florya. May his memory be blessed! I have no words to express my grief and pain. I am very grateful to Nikolai Viktorovich, a man with capital letter! I will miss him and his work! I express my sincere condolences on the untimely death of a great man, Nikolai Levashov, his family, friends and everyone who mourns with me. His memory will always remain in my awakened heart.

Sergei Kharitonov. Good time! Please accept our condolences on the physical death of N. Levashov! At one time, he once said that his physical elimination would lead to even greater activation of the actions of the forces of LIGHT (in particular, in his person). Let's hope and act in a creative way! Good luck to you, or rather, to all of us!

Love Talanova. Hello comrades. I grieve together with everyone about the great loss of humanity, about the death of the Great Light Warrior, Levashov Nikolai Viktorovich. I will come to say goodbye to Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov.

Nazakat Rasulmetova. Hello, dear editors and associates of Nikolai Viktorovich! My condolences to you and all the loved ones of such a wonderful person. I am a regular reader of RuAN, and today's news shocked me. I am also a reader of Nikolai Viktorovich and I am very grateful to Him for his work and philanthropy. I dreamed of meeting V.N. Levashov, but apparently not fate. I also want to join social movement“Revival. Golden age". I also want to contribute to the struggle for humanity... Once again, accept my condolences.

Adrian Murashov. Condolences to all who mourn the death of Nikolai Levashov.

Andrey Khlystikov. Sad news. Sadness seized the heart, anxiety swept over. The bitterness of loss does not leave. With our deeds, thoughts and deeds, we will be worthy of the memory of the Great Warrior of the Heavenly Race. FROM best wishes to you, friends.

Roman Pankin. Dear allies. I am shocked by the news of the death of Nikolai Viktorovich. My most sincere condolences to you! We won't give up. Never.

Valentin Vasina. I express my condolences on the death of Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov. A huge loss for all honest and thinking people.

Oksana Kushnir. What a grave loss for all the peoples of Russia and all Humanity, what a loss for the VZV Movement, we grieve with the whole family. We express our condolences to the family, friends and relatives of N.V. Levashov. The Light Warrior, the Defender of the people, the most powerful source of knowledge, left the physical plane. We regret that the announced books, so expected by us, will not be written and published. But our cause - the Renaissance - is right and we have no other way. The bright memory of Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov and his wife Svetlana will live forever in the hearts of people!

Valery Sboychakov. I want to express my sincere condolences on the premature death of the Great Man - Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov. On this occasion, I wrote a short farewell poem.

The insidious enemy wounded us right in the heart In the soul seethes with violent grief, There is no escape from this pain, And the enemy rejoices, seeing this coffin.
Great Rus - the son of a glorious people In an unequal battle for our Midgard fell. But he managed to reveal the nature of the enemies And he bequeathed us to continue the fight.
Leaving us a great legacy, the Pillar of Knowledge is the one that will unite us. From his books we will draw those means That we will be helped to defeat the enemy.
We grieve that the heart does not beat in the chest. Our Hierarch was the embodiment of goodness. From darkness to the world of light, he opened the door for us. In his glory we shout hurrah!
We will never forget you, Your light burns in the souls of those who have awakened, We will tell all people about your feat, How you lit the DAWN on Midgard!

Oleg. I just can't believe it. Such bright people are being killed, and it is quite conceivable how strong the dark enemies of our land are. So far, I have not been able to realize that Nikolai Viktorovich is no longer with us, and there will be no more meetings, at least one of which I so wanted to go, but could not choose the time (I live in Odessa myself). I want to appeal to the supporters of the cause of this Great and Light Man... (I can't hold back my tears): keep doing what is not completed... spread the values ​​that people need so much... fight the dark ones, which must be eradicated completely. And remember: you are not alone, there are people with you just like me - a simple programmer from Ukraine, who has already found a direction in his life, thanks to books and videos by Nikolai Viktorovich. I really want to join you in the near future when I return to our Motherland. My deepest condolences from the bottom of my heart...

Anatoly Fedyaev. Sincere condolences for the loss. I just started to wake up. Nikolai Viktorovich opened wide horizons for such short period time. His contribution is invaluable. Let us remember, cherish and honor the legacy he left us.

Tatyana Kirillova. Hello! Six months ago I got acquainted with some articles and books of the great Man - N.V. Levashova. The information received almost completely changed my worldview. My heart became warmer, I wanted to live, create, create... These books awakened deep, quivering feelings of love for my country, my people, which my relatives and friends also began to absorb. My family and I began to regularly visit the sites of the Renaissance, Counselor, RuAN, etc. Today, when I learned about the terrible news that Nikolai Viktorovich is no longer with us, I could not help but write. It hurts the soul from an irreparable loss. Sincere condolences to all those who loved and revered Nikolai Viktorovich. I hope that his work will be continued by his associates. I would also like to join their ranks, because. I cannot put up with the meanness and lies surrounding us. A deep bow to you for your work to awaken the Rus. Special thanks for the "Special Operation". This book saved me and my family from moving to “our own hectare”, which we planned for the summer. current year, succumbing to cedar ideas.

Vasily Bakunkin. Good afternoon! Just got this terrible news! No words! This is a Great Man! I think that I will not live this life in vain, because. in it I was lucky to see and hear THIS messenger of the Light Forces! The highest levels to him, and great gratitude for everything he has done for us - RUSOV - here on Mirgard-land!

Larisa Ladyzhina. And yet they killed ... Such a huge darkness against one. How I don't want to believe it! My grief is great - because the Earth lost such a giant man in such difficult future times ... How we will miss you, Nikolai Viktorovich, in our life, but your bright immortal Soul is still with us!

Alexander Meshcheryakov. To the memory of Light Rus - Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov - these verses are dedicated! How we will miss him...

Over foggy forests in the silence of empty fields A proud falcon flies in the sky, in the gray twilight of shadows. The silence froze, as if listening and waiting, That the proud winged falcon would whisper a prophecy to her.
The Falcon looks with a sharp look, into the dusk of the thunderous sky; He is ready, he is a knight of heaven, to meet his fateful hour. Feels the heart of a proud bird: exactly one hour already, it's time In this battle for the homeland, I will give all of myself!
The clouds in the sky spun, speeding up the passage of time, Humid air shuddered, who will conquer it? The dusk blew with a cold wind, issued his battle cry: Thunder struck, and everything was mixed up: shadows, sparks, whistle and howl!
This is the hour of the spiritual battle for freedom and love! For the victory, I long for the truth to become happy again! For the motherland, fresh air, for you and for me Sing the whirlwinds, tear the clouds, thunder, give more fire! … Above green forests in the silence of the golden fields The proud falcon flies in the sky, in blue sky weekdays. The silence froze, as if listening and waiting, That the proud winged falcon would whisper a prophecy to her.

And also for the surviving Russ.


We created the citadel of words Year after year, step by step. They spun a letter, beech-images, To grow an Iriy-garden.
We collected words-pebbles At the Ripean mountains and along the outskirts. Washed in the Smorodina River, Tempered by fire Perunov.
Fairy tales got along about gels and angels, Songs were sung about the rich land, Wisdom was drawn from the wells of ancestors. And then the marvelous Iry-garden blossomed.
But there was on earth the power of darkness, the Power of the Zelo-villain black. Zelo's Yusha-horn blew, And black crows flocked.
Then the clouds moved to Iriy To the citadel of the Word-image. Through the desert and the Ripean mountains the Black cloud moved.
Zelo approached from the south side To the glorious Iriy, the bright garden, To the southern gates of the citadel-fortress. He uttered a puffy, alien speech:
“Turn to me in front of Borea back! Listen to the word, and accept my power. And each of you will be given eternal life! If not, I will destroy everything with a sword and fire!”
The inhabitants of light were not afraid with a smile-song, they met that speech, Bayans, but the buffoons ridiculed merrily. Strongly believed in the strength of the fortress.
Navnaya force fought with obvious, Krivda fought with truth. The right earth trembled, Arrows-words soared into the sky.
Lost before the time force Explicit Went to the Riphean mountains, hid. Zelo is waiting in the clay fortress, Crows are waiting for bloody food.
Then Zelo went to the gray desert To gray people without family, without tribe. On a hill in the city of their gray Anchar stands Poison flows from his poisoned apples.
Branches with an apple look with thirst, And if you try, you will stand there. You will be infected with a thought-contagion You will forget about the citadel and about the Iriy-garden.
Zelo plucked a scarlet apple from a tree. He blew it into a stone Yusha-horn. Crows flew to the gray side They sprinkled their feathers in a poisonous word-resin.
Black clouds moved to Iriy To the citadel of the Word-image. Through the desert and the Ripean mountains the Black cloud moved.
And Zelo conceived a clear cunning, a subtle cunning, an insidious thought. Not from the south he went to Iriy-sad With a black cloud he went from the west.
Under the guise of a beggar wanderer, An old man with a staff, with a gray beard, Zelo entered through the western gate Into the blooming, bright citadel.
As day and night are not alike, So Zelo looked at the people of Iriy In their bright eyes, clear in their souls, And great anger dismantled him.
"Don't be you people happy Forget your relatives, Scatter your letter across the fields, Only wheatgrass and sedge will sprout here.
You will destroy your house from the inside, You will take out the bricks from the wall yourself, You will take everything apart, take it home, Whoever drags more is right.
And when there is no wall - To know and the motherland is no more. There is no culture and no history, which means that everything will become my law.
He squeezed the Ancharov apple in his fist And went to the center of the city To the chambers of silver and gold In the heart of Iriy to the prince's house.
“Goy-thou prince red sun! From Borea I'm coming to you, I'm coming from the north. From a distant place I go to your ancestral home, I will clear the news and bring you a gift of justice.
“Come on, prophetic wanderer, perhaps You will be my gracious guest. What is your name, calling? How to call you a father?
“My name is ringing, ancient as a sunset. Magnify me Yar for the father. And I brought you this apple as a gift, This is the wisdom and knowledge of the ancestors.
Taste it and you will know the secret of eternity. The secret that your great-grandfathers knew. Your road will be rich And your citadel will be invincible!
Clouded the eyes of the prince's Thirst for eternal knowledge awakened. He took a scarlet fragrant apple He took a bite and at the same moment fell into oblivion.
Black crows are sitting right there On the high walls of the fortress. Deadly poison glitters on their feathers, And their black eyes are full of rage.
An unequal battle ensued, Krivda fought with truth. The right earth trembled, Arrows-words soared into the sky.
The cawing of the ravens drowned out the bell. People hid from poisoned arrows. In fear they fortified their houses, Pulled out stones from the foundations of the city.
Navnaya force fought with obvious, Krivda fought with truth all the time. shuddered the earth is white Arrows-words pierced the ground ...
The citadel survived this time as well. Only the wall was dilapidated and beaten, Yes, and the light of heaven died out over Iriy - The garden went to the ground as ashes.
Everything that happened then - you know, Just do not remember everything that was BEFORE. And the wall still stands, though frail. Do not hide behind it, do not hide.
We created a citadel of words Year after year, step by step. Well-built bricks And the enemy is still storming.

Lydia. I can't believe that Nikolai Viktorovich is no more, that this has happened... No, this simply cannot be, my mind refuses to accept... Tears for Svetlana have not yet dried up. It is impossible to understand that someone in their right mind could do this ... There are no words to express the pain of this loss ... My sincere and deep condolences to the friends and family of Nikolai Viktorovich.

Viktor Prokopenko. Condolences to all the peoples of Russia. A heavy loss for relatives and friends and all Russians. There are no words to express my sadness and despair. I saw HIM as our president in the not too distant future. I told all my friends and relatives about his activities, and many of them opened their eyes, they became proud of us, the peoples of RUSSIA, they were drawn to the knowledge of the history of our Motherland. Can't believe he doesn't exist. Farewell, Nikolai. The memory of you until the end of my days will be in my soul.

Yuri Kharin. Health and good luck in good deeds.

Rejecting dogmas and prejudices, open heart start the path. To hear revelations, To understand what life is about.
It's time interesting time, The great time is coming, We are part of the game of the gods of heaven And our life is also a game.
Seek the truth and it will be revealed to you, Light will be shed on the forces of darkness. The creature already feels and worries, After all, she will soon have to answer.
The end will come to lies and betrayal, Slave labor will sink into the past. All bullying will end. Get up! Russians are coming!
Russia, remember - you, the Great! Faithful people and land. The many-sided Slavic people Become a friendly family again!
Wealth of subsoil, forests and rivers. Seas and grain fields. An era is coming golden age, The era of a strong ruble!

Galina Zueva. There was a shock, madness, when I saw this on the site. N.V. was like a loving father to me. My relatives, how good it is that you are not at a loss and love him so much. In the morning there was a strong feeling that he would definitely incarnate in order to become president and save Russia, because this important work had not yet been completed...

Maxim Yakovlev. Accept, brothers Russ, my contribution to our revival... I am with you...

Alexander Belikov. Friends, please accept condolences in connection with the grave loss for the Planet Earth-TeremRa of one of the brightest Sons and Daughters of humanity, Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov. The memory of Light is always with Him. The Universe accepted everything that was and will be done by the Son of Light, Peace to His Spirit, Light and Joy, which He carried and will continue to carry with the Reason Bearers-Rus and all other Reason Bearers of our Planet. Peace, Light and Love to you, Reasoners!

Every time I stumble upon the materials of the portal, where the name of Levashov is mentioned, I have such a state when I want to grab the "Kalash" and paint the author on the wall, or push him into the furnace at worst. I would not call it a Holocaust, but rather an auto-da-fe (from the term "auto-da-fe", meaning the fight against heresy), because the materials taken from Levashov's websites smell like outright nonsense. It is worth noting that in the Middle Ages (although I don’t particularly sympathize with the Middle Ages) when power was strong catholic church, mass cremations of heretics and heretical books were quite common practice. Just like the cremation of sodomites (in my opinion, this is the only and brightest spot of the Middle Ages). Over time, when the power of the Catholics began to fade away and eventually was completely abolished, European science could breathe freely. Having undermined the power of the Catholics (remember Voltaire's: "Crush the reptile!"), the thinkers of Europe finally defeated scientific charlatanism. It was proved that the center of the Universe is the Sun, and not the Earth, as the philosophers of antiquity and daddies in cassocks thought. The apogee of the struggle with the church and the dumping of the corpse of Catholic charlatanism into the grave was Nietzscheism, which drove the last nail into the coffin of church dogmatists with the treatise "Antichrist. The Curse of Christianity." Then the losing church decided to cultivate scientific charlatans in order to distort philosophical works and present content with the opposite meaning embedded in it. Among these charlatans, one of the places is occupied by Levashov, whose 55th birthday many of his admirers probably celebrated on February 8 of the current year. In his material dedicated to just his so-called. "works" I will try to deal the final blow to his "concept". Even if this does not lead to the complete collapse of Levashovism, it will at least somehow protect historical science from its profanation by all sorts of charlatans. One of the goals of this material is to sow chaos in the ranks of the Levashovites themselves, and if I succeed, then the entire system of Levashov's "worldview" will turn into lumps that will be cremated by magma from the information caldera. Another name for this material, I would title it like this: "The Final Solution to the Levashov Question" or "Yellowstone for Levashovists."

Your fragile boat into the knowledge of the ocean
I threw boldly, full of boldness,
And I got everything I expected
And besides that - the universes of revelation.

The above quatrain meets everyone who visits Levashov's websites: levashov.ws, nikolay-levashov.ru, levashov.rf. Who is Levashov anyway? Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences? Healer? Professor? Medium? know-it-all? How many people, so many opinions. What has scientific degrees and does he have them at all?

I do not set myself the goal of analyzing in detail all the provisions of Levashov's "concept", because from the words of sober-minded people I know that those who fell under the influence of his works or personal "guardianship" fell into one or another totalitarian sect. And it is very easy for a fool to get into such places: it is enough to grab a pamphlet or a newspaper of a certain philosophical or religious content from a random passerby on the street, read its contents and forget. I was also offered this, I happened to stumble upon this while studying at the university, but every time I passed and pass by such "offers", and I will continue in the same spirit - to ignore these idiots. "Indifference," you say? I SHIT! For to paraphrase proverb, you can put it this way: "do not slurp on someone else's bed." But a person is very often driven by instinctive desires, and those who do not hold back actually turn into zombies. In fact, they are made into socio-schismatics, and those "teachers" who are engaged in zombifying individuals, sit like our radical "appazytsiya" on State Department grants or "charitable" funds of rich untermensches from across the ocean. So Levashov turned out to be the one who fell under their distribution.

Here is the actual biography of Levashov, written from his words, which many of his supporters know as "Pater noster".
Born in 1961 in Kislovodsk. In 1984 he graduated from the Department of Theoretical Radiophysics of Kharkov State University.

After serving two years as an officer after graduating from the university, N. Levashov never returned to science.(That is, based on this, Levashov did NOT have any degree, because in order to obtain one, he would have to go to the magistracy / graduate school and then to the doctoral program. Personally, I have one more doubt: maybe Levashov did NOT graduate from any university at all?) This period of life is described in detail in the first volume of his autobiography “The Mirror of My Soul”.

"Awards" and "diplomas" Levashov

Diploma International Academy Informatization, 1998

Diploma of the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences, 1999

Diploma of the International Academy of Sciences of Integrated Security, 2006

Diploma of the International Academy of Family Medicine, non-traditional and natural methods of treatment, 2009

Medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of noospheric technologies, 2006

Order of Global Security, 2007

The highest Russian public award, the Order "Pride of Russia", June 30, 2008

Order badge "Unity" III degree, for action for the good of Russia and the unity of all healthy forces on Earth, October 20, 2009

Order sign "Unity" II degree, for action for the good of Russia and the unity of all healthy forces on Earth, June 26, 2010

Order of the VANKB "For fidelity to duty", II degree, August 2, 2010

Order badge "Unity" of the 1st degree, for action for the good of Russia and the unity of all healthy forces on Earth, 01/16/2011

And the last "award", the image of which is not on Levashov's sites - "The Order of Mikhail Lomonosov" with the wording "For a great contribution to modern physics and outstanding social activity Public Organization"Commonwealth of creative forces" 25.02.2012

All these "prizes" were received by him not without outside help. By his own admission, "academician", that FUCKtic Fuckt testifies that for 15 years he lived overseas in the country of subhumans - the USA. Naturally, rich uncles recruited him through their funds, allocated grants and simply gave the command "work out your fishing - you will be yours." Hence the conclusion: from Levashov they made "Gorbachev of Russian history" and all these awards were obtained by him through bribery by his masters of Russian scientific structures. Well, one of the main bosses in addition to Rockefeller in Russian history appointed Soros. It was he who began to look for "his fools" to write his own version of history. Moreover, in the Soros textbook of history in the section "Second World War"The battle on Midway is named the main battle, and the rest of the events are listed separated by commas. Naturally, this is a direct and compelling reason for auto-dating such a benefit, and if you oppose such measures, then fly after charlatan labor into the fire of the Inquisition.

Now about some provisions of Levashov's worldview concept.

Great Tartatria
Quasi (crypto)-imperators, relying on Levashov, claim that Russian Empire tens of thousands of years, while the school does not say anything about it. How is it really?
According to this opinion, you come to the conclusion that the first ancestors of the Slavs lived on the territory modern Russia at least 15 thousand years ago. For reference: 10 thousand years ago, the last glacier descended from the territory of the present Eurasian continent, and the first people appeared almost 2.5 million years ago. That appearance, which modern humanity has today, it acquired almost 40 thousand years ago. And the ancestral home of mankind was not some kind of Tartaria, but East Equatorial Africa, thanks to its climate. Only when the climate on the planet began to change did humanity eventually leave their homes and go to the North, or rather, closer to northern latitudes, although there were those who moved deep into the very ancestral home of mankind. Moreover, it should be noted that when drawing conditional parallels between the migration of mankind to other parts of the globe, the movement of consonants in the same German, the basis for which was the Bavarian-Austrian dialects, in which the Gothic movement played a key role (This information is a purely historical, scientifically confirmed fact; it is given only for a lyrical digression).
What else should be emphasized is that Tartaria has nothing to do with Daaria (also mythical) and others similar formations, as well as attitudes to all sorts of "Aryan" theories. The term "Tartaria" also has nothing to do with the Tatars, but contains another concept - Tartarus. Among the ancient Greeks, in their myths, Tartarus was the name of the crevice, where the titans were gathered by the Olympian gods as a result of titanomachy. The Dutch artist Rubens even painted a picture dedicated to titanomachy.

P.P. Rubens. Fall of the titans
This is a dark abyss, which is as far from the surface of the earth as the sky is from the earth: according to Hesiod, a copper anvil would fly from the surface of the earth to Tartarus within 9 days. Tartarus was surrounded by a triple layer of darkness of the god Erebus and copper walls with copper gates of the god Poseidon.
According to ancient Greek authors, Tartarus was in the North. Later, the authors began to consider Tartarus the most remote place in Hades.
In the Middle Ages, the most abandoned and remote corners of the earth began to be called tartar. In late antiquity, Tartarus was represented as a space of dense cold and darkness.
Later, in European cartography, due to contamination, Tartar is associated with Tartaria - northern Turkic-speaking Asia. This is how the scientific myth about the Great Tartaria appeared. Today Tartarus is synonymous with the concept of "Mordor", with which modern Eurokhokhs associate Russia.

Russ, ukry and ancient rutens
There are several theories about the ethnicity of Russia: Norman, Slavic (anti-Norman), Indo-Iranian and others.

The Norman theory suggests that in the Middle Ages in the East, Rus was called people from Scandinavia (modern Sweden), also known as the Vikings, who in Western Europe called the Normans. This conclusion is based on the evidence of written sources, including, but not only, on the interpretation of the Tale of the Calling of the Varangians contained in the Tale of Bygone Years in 862:
“And they said to themselves [Chud, Slovenes and Krivichi]:“ Let's look for a prince who would rule over us and judge by right. And they went across the sea to the Varangians, to Russia. Those Varangians were called Rus, as others are called Svei, and others are Normans and Angles, and still other Goths, - like these.

It should be noted that the Chud tribe is named after Lake Peipsi located near modern Estonia. Their second name is Vendi (Vendi). The Slovenes lived not far from modern Lithuania, and when the Vikings first set foot on the coast of the eastern land, they called their inhabitants Ross, because their facial features and appearance talked about similarities with the Normans. And the area where the Krivichi lived was the territory of present-day Latvia. Thanks to these tribes, the modern Balts originated. This happened as a result of the mixing of the Baltic tribes with three Slavic ones, and the Baltic languages ​​​​appeared their own names denoting Russia: Russia- in Lithuanian, Kreevija- in Latvian, Venemaa- in Estonian.
The origin of the ethnonym "Rus" is supposedly traced back to the Old Norse word Róþsmenn or Róþskarlar - "rowers, sailors" and to the word "ruotsi / rootsi" among the Finns (Ruotsi) and Estonians (Rootsi), meaning Sweden in their languages, and which, according to some linguists, should have turned into “Rus” when borrowing this word into the Slavic languages. However, the Finnish Ruotsi, and hence the Old Russian "Rus", cannot be identified as a proper Scandinavian-language prototype.

The Slavic theory was first formulated by V. N. Tatishchev and M. V. Lomonosov as a critique of the Norman theory. It comes from the interpretation of another fragment of the Tale of Bygone Years:
Therefore, the teacher of the Slavs - Pavel, from the same Slavs - and we, Rus ... And the Slavic language and Russian are one, after all, they were nicknamed Rus from the Varangians, and before there were Slavs; although they were called glades, but the speech was Slavic.

What is curious, but according to the anti-Norman theory, modern Poles originated from glades, and Lech became their father, according to the Czech Chronicle.

You must have heard of Levashov? It is not regrettable, but from time to time there are followers of the occultist Levashov trying to recruit patriotic citizens. Who is this false academician N. Levashov? He is known for his pseudo-anti-Semitic views and publications that refute the "official" history of Russia, zombifying young patriots by offering cooperation ... Here and there some figures appear, I don’t even know what to call them, enchanting dolbs ... or mishandled Cossack women who offer the "truth" which is Levashov's website. To be honest, I'm amazed by them. Just yesterday, I posted here on the site the information of the kosher nationalist Karabanov, so today the agitator Levasheva floated in the comments.

I myself am quite informed about such figures, if there are false teachers about whom I don’t know yet, I try to study their activities. As they say, he who is informed is armed. In order to always have at hand material exposing certain figures, which could be referred to, I try to post it on the site. Today the time has come to Levashov.

I will not describe Levashov's biography in detail, you will find it on Wikipedia. He was born in February 1961 in Kislovodsk. He grew up and developed like an ordinary youngster. From his own words, he even mastered the university department, after which he stepped "to trample kirzachi." After the army, during the period of the occult boom, he was engaged in typical sessions of hypnosis and healing of the naive, where his second wife, in the future a well-known fraudster, Mzia Levashova, now known as Andromeda Mzia Solomonia, from whom, by the way, later suffered a lot troubles, since the lady turned out to be of Jewish blood.

After some time, he met his princess Svetlana, and everything began to spin. In 1991, he emigrated to the United States, where he earned money with his sessions, pacing, and later speaking on shit programs on radio and TV. He also had a chance to take a picture with the millionaire Rockefeller. Among other things, he dissuaded two people with cancer from treatment in the hospital, claiming that he had telepathically eliminated the disease. As a result, they safely and suddenly died (one - within a month). After filing lawsuits by their relatives in 2006, he decided to change his place of work and returned to Russia, where, on an increased wave of patriotism, he again began to fool the unfortunate.

According to numerous forums and sites, he has a castle in France, not a simple one, but a Templar one, built on the site of the destroyed main temple of the Templars in France. There is also a lot of information on the Internet about Masonic symbols and emblems. The emblems are old and familiar to those who are interested in the Masonic hydra, or rather they will tell me. Many write that the publication of the works of the occultist Levashov will be financed by the head of the Rockefeller clan. By the way, Rockefeller said that the writings of Levashov indicate that the Jews are a gray race of aliens, led by Baron Rothschild. And they are Rockefellers - the descendants of real Old Testament Jews - one of the Slavic space tribes. The mere mention of Rockefeller about our occultist makes one wonder where the legs grow from.

In Russia, Levashov appeared suddenly, from nowhere, jumped out onto a patriotic platform like a devil out of a snuffbox. He immediately wrote many books. Their main essence is empty translations of someone else's. But I wrote a lot. The patriots have problems - they can’t find money to publish one normal book, but he has no problems with financing. This Levashov, who has come from nowhere, sits down tightly to replace traditional, well-established values.

Do not rush to think that this is just another way to discredit the organization and some leader, carefully get acquainted with such false teachers and check our future depends on it. As we understand the situation as a whole, we will tell our friends. Remember, enemies disguise themselves to make them harder to recognize, in order to gradually replace the values ​​of those who believed them. Their rule is 90% truth, and 10% substitution and misinformation, to which the blind flock like moths to a fire. It plays on the feeling of patriotism in people by hammering in a distorted reality.

Here is a photo of Levashov with Laurence Rockefeller in 1995. A painful topic that pops up

Very often one has to argue with his associates and ask

Have you seen the photo of Levashov with Rockefeller?

Where? What are you?

One could doubt that the photo is fake and posted somewhere on a dubious site, but on Levashov's official website, which he himself posted. This photo was posted on Levashov's website in order to show what a great healer he is, and how he treated Rockefeller himself. This is due to the fact that the main income of the academician is associated with healing activities, when many people, after his “patriotic” meetings with readers, massively signed up for a private reception with him. Therefore, reluctantly, I had to put this accusatory photo for advertising, although it later caused a lot of criticism from Russian patriots.

Can everyone see the photo? The photo looks like the "presentation ceremony" of Levashov's book "The Last Appeal to Humanity." If the book was given to Levashov, would Levashov hold it, in my opinion is it logical?

The Last Appeal to Mankind is a captivating book of global proportions, it describes the universe according to Levashov, his theory of everything! If you haven't read it, don't read it. My advice to you, do not fill your head with nonsense, as a last resort, it is better to read science fiction. It won't do any harm.

However, even the power of thought of the astral paladin did not help Nikolai Viktorovich, and on June 11, 2012, this kind husband suddenly died at the age of 50 from cardiac arrest. Companions from Levashov made him a martyr-hero killed for his struggle against world Zionism. They say that his death is only disguised as an accident. In fact, Levashov was killed.

As you can see, the pseudo-healer, pseudo-academician Nikolai Levashov died, but the zombified people remained and continues to spread the infection left after him.

Since the site is designed for the sane, those who are loyal to our native faith, Orthodoxy, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the forum material back in April 2013,. The seminarians of the Theological Seminaries are usually quite intelligent and well-read, and one can listen to such people.

Collection of materials against Nikolai Levashov

Forum Administrator:

I open a topic in which I want to collect the maximum number of publications against Nikolai Levashov and his "teachings".

In general, I would call Levashovshina a phenomenon. His teaching is outright nonsense, Nikolai Viktorovich himself is a mediocre speaker and lecturer, but they listen to him and believe him.

It seems that our people are so stupid that they are ready to believe anything ...

The presidential candidate is the author of extremist books and the creator of the "psy-field generator". Moscow healer Nikolai Levashov, who plans to run for the presidency of Russia, has handed over his documents to the CEC. This was reported on December 12 by ITAR-TASS. The meeting to nominate Levashov was held on December 2 in Moscow. According to the laws, the CEC must consider the documents submitted by Levashov within five days. If the department registers an initiative group of voters, Levashov will have to collect 2 million signatures in his support throughout Russia by 18.00 Moscow time on January 18. Earlier on Monday, billionaire and ex-head of Right Cause Mikhail Prokhorov announced his intention to run for the post of head of state .Nikolai Levashov - Russian writer and publicist, academician of four non-state academies. Levashov himself calls himself a healer. Religious media is characterized as the creator of destructive sects. Two volumes of Levashov's book "Russia in Crooked Mirrors" were recognized as extremist. The Obninsk court ruled that the author incited ethnic hatred towards Jews in them. On Russian television, the healer is attracted as an expert on superpowers. Judging by the academician's website, Levashov also calls himself the creator of the "psy-field generator", thanks to which plants grow several times faster and bloom in winter. In addition, the presidential candidate of Russia reports on his successes in programming watches with a calculator for the treatment of diseases. ”... the democrats prepared for us lifelong slavery in“ mines and wells ”and inevitable death from starvation and disease. The last opportunity to reverse the situation in our favor is to try in March 2012 to elect a person who really has the ability and ability to resist world Evil as the President of Russia; a man selflessly devoted to Russia, and selflessly fighting for it for more than 20 years, a Russian scientist - Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov! ”, The candidate’s website explains.

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