The ground part of the log house of the well is laying logs. Construction technology of a wooden well. Registration of the above-ground part of the log house

Despite the growing popularity of concrete well structures, today wooden wells have not lost their relevance, due to the availability of material, ease of processing and the absence of the need for heavy construction equipment. In this article, we will delve a little into the history of such structures and learn how to make a wooden well with our own hands.

According to archaeological research, the first wells appeared as early as 5000 BC. Moreover, some historians consider these structures to be a symbol of the beginning of civilization. From that moment on, a person could not only engage in hunting and gathering, but also develop agriculture, giving preference to a sedentary lifestyle over nomadism.

As now, in ancient times, the basis of the well construction was a deep pit, at the bottom of which there was a natural source of water. To strengthen the walls, the most accessible material was used - wood. Oak wells were very popular in Russia, given the ideal performance characteristics of this type of wood and its ability to maintain the integrity of the well shaft for many years.

Interesting to know. Various methods were used to determine the location of the dig. Some of them are still used today - these are dowsing, observation of plant growth, places where fog descends, etc.

Surprisingly, for more than 7,000 years of the existence of wooden wells, the construction process has not undergone major changes. Despite the technical boom that humanity has been experiencing over the past few decades, today most mines are equipped by hand using technology that has existed for many centuries.

The manual method is still a priority in the construction of wells today.

Wood for a well

In well construction, many tree species are used, but it is better to give preference to those that are able to maintain strength for the longest time.

Characteristics of various breeds

When choosing a tree, it is necessary to rely on the maximum life of the material in conditions of constant contact with moisture. In this case, it should be taken into account that the "life" period of the surface part is usually 1.5-2 times less than that of the underwater part.

Consider the service life of the breeds most often used for the installation of log cabins of wooden wells:

  • Oak - 35 years (underwater) and 25 years (above);
  • Bog oak - 50 years and 35 years;
  • Alder - 20 years and 10 years;
  • Pine - 20 years and 5 years;
  • Birch - 10 years and 5 years;
  • Willow - 10 years and 5 years;
  • Elm - 8 years and 5 years.

Oak is considered the most durable breed for well construction.

Log preparation

The choice of a certain type of wood is only the first stage of construction. The next step is the proper preparation of logs, for which several important nuances should be taken into account. The log should be even, without large knots and any deformations. The presence of rot and insects is especially not allowed.

Important! The tree should not be treated with antiseptics, as this will negatively affect the quality of the water and can lead to health problems.

Before direct use, the bark is removed from the logs, after which each element is adjusted to the desired size (the features of the installation of the log house will be discussed below).

Prepared logs for the log house

Oak staining technology

Having decided to make a wooden well from oak, you need to be aware of one unpleasant feature - oak wood gives the water a bitter taste. And although it disappears over time, it should take at least a couple of years for this to happen. In order to prevent the appearance of bitterness, before the arrangement of the mine, the oak is subjected to a staining process, which is carried out according to the following technology.

  1. The bark is removed from the wood and the knots are cut off.
  2. The tree is cut into the desired size, for which you first need to calculate the dimensions of the future well.
  3. The frame is assembled and adjusted, with each log numbered to prevent confusion in the future.
  4. Further, the oak is heated in the river (the lake will not work, since the water must be running).
  5. After 2 years, the blanks are taken out of the water and dried under a canopy.
  6. After complete drying, you can start digging and arranging the mine.

The process of staining oak takes a lot of time, but the result is a really high-quality structure with good drinking water.

Building a wooden well with your own hands

The construction of a wooden well is a complex process that requires a professional approach at all stages of construction, from choosing a location to installing a log house.

Location selection

Determining the place of digging is of great importance, since both the quality of the water and the integrity of neighboring buildings depend on it. In order to prevent subsidence of the soil and the destruction of the foundations of capital structures, the well must be placed at least five meters from these objects. And to prevent contamination of groundwater with runoff, the drain pit should be located 20 meters from the intended digging site.

Advice. It is best to dig a well in summer or early autumn, when the aquifer has a minimum level.

The most reliable way to determine the depth of an aquifer, apart from expensive geological exploration, is to take information from the nearest neighbors. If one of them already has a well, then you can do without calling specialists.

The layout of the well on the site

Features of the installation of the log house

As a rule, wooden wells are square in shape with a side of 70 cm to 150 cm. The frame is made of rectangular plates or cylinders, which are cut from logs with a diameter of 18-22 cm, and are assembled on the surface before digging the shaft. In addition, each crown is marked for proper assembly.

If any method of connecting logs can be used for the above-ground part of the log house, then the underground part should not have protruding elements. In this case, the connection of the corners is carried out “in the paw”, “in the half-tree”, “in the bowl” or without a trace. The crowns are connected with dowels 10 cm long, and to further strengthen the structure, adjacent rows are sewn together with steel brackets.

Log cabin with a joint "in the paw"

Construction stages

To make a wooden well with your own hands, you must follow these steps.

  1. In the chosen place, the marking of the mine is made, which digs to a depth of 1.5-2 m.
  1. A log house is mounted on the surface with a height exceeding the depth of the dug hole by 3 crowns. From the inside, all the crowns are temporarily interconnected by vertical boards, which will create additional rigidity when the structure is lowered.
  1. The log house gently descends down the shaft, preventing the walls from crumbling.
  1. When the wooden structure is firmly on the bottom, the process of deepening the pit begins. To do this, the soil is undermined to a depth of 20-30 cm, first in the central part of the walls, without touching the corners. Next, wedges are inserted under the lower logs, and soil is removed from under the corners. After that, the wedges are knocked out, and the frame falls lower.
  1. As the structure is lowered, the missing crowns are built up from above. The deepening of the mine and the installation of the log house is carried out until the required aquifer is reached.

Advice. In loose soil, the log house of a wooden well can get stuck. To continue the movement, he is besieged from above with a sledgehammer. If the efforts made do not give a positive result, the work continues by building up crowns from below.

In order for the log house to easily enter the mine, its size must be carried out “with a margin”

Safety rules while digging a well

Building a well requires a serious attitude to safety. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The mine must be fenced around the perimeter at a distance of about 1 meter. At the same time, within a radius of 3 meters there should not be heavy objects that can roll down.
  • The rope for lifting the bucket of soil must be checked for strength.
  • In the case of using electromechanical hoists, only worm gears are allowed, which have a self-braking effect.
  • All lifting devices must be thoroughly inspected daily.
  • Work at the bottom of the shaft should be carried out in a protective helmet.

A properly built well will delight you with clean and tasty water for many years.

As you can see, making a wooden well with your own hands is quite realistic. However, for this you need to go through several difficult steps, including the choice of wood, the installation of a log house and the digging of a mine, where it is necessary to comply with basic safety requirements. Therefore, such work should not be performed without the necessary experience. In this case, it is better to contact specialists.

Due to the availability of wood as a structural material, it is widely used for the manufacture of wells at the present time. However, not every tree's wood is suitable for this purpose. The most suitable material is oak, it is good to use elm, larch or alder. The oak stands in the surface part of the well for about 25 years, and where it is constantly under water, for tens and even hundreds of years. Birch, in the underwater part of the well, serves 10 years, in the surface - 5 years. Spruce is rarely used for log cabins, because it dries out a lot, cracks and quickly rots. Aspen should not be used either. From this tree, an unpleasant smell and a taste of bitterness are transmitted to the water, the wood itself quickly rots, and the water has a putrefactive odor. Dead trees are absolutely unsuitable for making a log house. They are too fragile and short-lived. Regardless of what kind of wood you will cut the well from, the forest must be absolutely healthy. Signs of rotting, rottenness, fungal infections, wormholes and mold are unacceptable. The above-water part of the well, in addition to the above rocks, can be cut down from pine.

Historically, chopped wells are built square in shape. The sides of the square in the clear are from 0.6 to 1.3 meters (usually 1 x 1 meter). The log house is made from whole logs with a diameter of 15-18 cm or from plates cut from logs with a diameter of 22 cm. A log house made from whole logs makes it possible to achieve greater water resistance of the walls of the well. A log house is assembled on the surface of the earth before the start of digging the mine, and each crown is marked for proper subsequent assembly.

The log house is cut "in the paw" with or without a root spike. The main thing is that there are no protruding parts of the crowns left. For greater strength, the crowns are fastened together with wooden dowels, 8-10 cm high, which are placed vertically apart. In order to prevent the lower rims from being detached from the upper rims (in winter), adjacent rims are fastened with steel brackets after final assembly, or the corners and the middle of each side are sheathed with boards.

With a well depth of no more than 6 meters, when the earthen walls of the mine are strong, do not collapse or swell, and the flow of water into the mine is not strong, you can start building a log house directly from the bottom of the finished mine. In this case, the mine is first dug to full depth. After that, a base frame is built at the bottom of the mine, an aspen shield is installed, and the prepared log house is assembled on it.

The construction of a well in the Solnechnogorsk dacha by the method of building crowns from above is used when its depth is large enough and exceeds 6 meters. The walls of such a deep mine are difficult to keep from crumbling.

The trunk of a country well can be formed from different materials: brick, stone, reinforced concrete rings or logs. The first three are durable structures that will last as long as the water from the aquifer will flow into the well. Wooden wells are a tradition, they are an echo of antiquity, when wood was the most affordable and cheapest material in Russia. We must pay tribute to the fact that wooden well structures are not uncommon. And today there are lovers of antiquity who give their preference to logs, not concrete. Of course, such wells will not last so many years, but it all depends on the wood from which they are built.

Some types of wood have antiseptic properties that prevent the growth of microorganisms and harmful bacteria. Such a well will not only last a long time, but also keep the water fresh and safe for health. Much attention is paid to the drying of wood. For the construction of a log house, materials with a minimum moisture content should be used. This will ensure that the joints between the logs are sealed when the wood gets wet. Therefore, if it is decided to use a log house to strengthen the mine, the materials should be taken care of before you start.

But the most interesting thing is the construction of the log well shaft. In fact, this is an ordinary log house that can be assembled without a single nail. True, inside the well shaft there are their own laws and their own loads, so the connection between the elements of the log house should be not only a connection, but also fasteners. Most often, ordinary metal staples are used for this.

Section of a rectangular wooden well

The structure of the log house itself is a wooden shaft of rectangular section; round wooden wells are rare. We can say that a circle is a polygon. On the one hand, the rectangular shape facilitates the construction process, on the other hand, certain difficulties are created. But everything is in order.

Construction technology of wooden wells

Let's start with the construction technology, because this is the main stage. Without understanding how a well is built from timber or logs, it is impossible to understand the nuances regarding its construction. Therefore, a phased technology, how a well is dug, and how a wooden trunk is formed.

  • We will not talk about where to dig a well. Let us denote only the main parameters. It is better to build a well 20 m from the foundation of the house. The distance from sewer wells, septic tanks and cesspools should not be less than 30 m. Most often, wooden wells are built with a square section with a side of 70-150 cm, for which logs with a diameter of 18-22 cm are used.

    Location of the well in the suburban area

    Attention! The frame should be assembled in such a way that its corners do not protrude beyond the walls of the structure themselves. This is necessary so that the wooden structure fits freely into the dug shaft, without touching the walls of the shaft with its corners.

  • The first step is to dig a mine with a depth of no more than 2 m.
  • On the ground, a log house is assembled from logs. Its height should exceed the depth of the shaft by three crowns. The crown is one row of logs laid in a horizontal plane. In order for the wooden structure not to part, it is necessary to install temporary fasteners from the inside. For example, you can fasten all the crowns with boards, nailing them to the logs with nails.
  • After that, the resulting square section structure must be lowered into the shaft. To do this, you can use any lifting mechanisms, or you can do everything yourself. Important - when descending, it is necessary to ensure that the frame does not destroy the walls of the well shaft.

    Log cabin in the mine
  • Now you need to go down and start digging the soil from the inside of the well. That is, in this case, the technology of sinking wells is used, when the soil is selected from the bottom of the structure, and at the same time, the structure itself, which forms the shaft, independently descends into the depths. As for the log house of the well, it is necessary to take into account the fact that these are not reinforced concrete rings, so the technology for lowering it here is completely different.
  • First, the soil is dug out over an area free from the walls of the structure. That is, in the middle. The digging depth is 20-30 cm. Then the soil is removed from under the walls in the middle, without touching at the corners. Next, wedges are installed under the walls, which will hold them to the canopy. After that, you can remove the soil from under the corners of the log house. It remains only to knock out the wedges. Thus, the log house will fall lower.
  • At the same time, as necessary, crowns are built up from above.
  • And this process continues until the well reaches the aquifer.

Attention! If digging a well using the technology of a lowering log house is carried out in loose soils, then there is always a possibility that the structure may get stuck in the mine. Therefore, if such a situation occurs, then you will have to besiege the wooden structure with a sledgehammer.

Surprising is the fact that, despite the current trends that occur in all areas of human life, the construction of wooden wells has not changed much over the centuries. Even when forming a well shaft from reinforced concrete rings, I mean with my own hands, exactly the same technology is used in loose soils.

Ready frame for a well

How to properly assemble a log house

Speaking about the construction of a wooden well with your own hands, you cannot omit the issue of assembling the log house itself. As mentioned above, the design must be such that its corners do not protrude beyond the walls. Therefore, a special assembly technology is chosen, which is called "in the paw". Firstly, the above requirement is met in this way. Secondly, this is the most economical option, because the logs are adjusted to the corners of the structure with minimal consumption. But this design also has its minus - this is the high labor intensity of manufacturing the ends of the logs. Here it is very important to accurately markup so that the elements of the log structure are connected into a single line, both vertically and horizontally.

Pay attention to the photo below, it shows the configuration of the end of the log, which will need to be formed with your own hands. Not the simplest form, but if you take into account the markup rules, then this will not be a big problem. In addition, it is important to use a good cutting tool that will allow you to easily cut wood to any depth.

The end of the log log "in the paw"

It is very important to understand the fact that the accuracy of the markup and the accuracy of the undercut is in the future an indicator of the tightness of the entire structure as a whole. Therefore, there are certain sizes shown in the photo, which are interconnected by exact ratios. For example, if logs with a diameter of 180 mm are selected for a log house, then the remaining parameters will be equal: a=127 mm, b=95 mm, c=64 mm, f=32 mm.

In this case, the end result should be as shown in the figure below. It clearly shows that the logs are interconnected by a special wooden spike. This is usually done only in the log cabins of buildings. For wooden wells, this is not necessary, because the crowns of the structure will be fastened together with metal brackets. And this is another plus of the log house "in the paw". Because it is very difficult to make through holes of rectangular section in logs.

Assembled log house "in the paw"

As already mentioned, the most difficult thing is to make the markup. Only an experienced craftsman can do this without problems with his own hands, using a simple measuring tool. Inexperienced craftsmen are advised to make a cardboard template, which is applied to the log, and along which cut lines are applied.

By the way, the paw profiles shown in the photos above are not standard. There are many configurations that help build the necessary frame for the well. In this case, it is necessary to know that the outer section of the paw should be larger than the inner one. As for the tool that cuts the wooden elements of the log structure, they used to use ordinary saws, today more and more often you can see electric or gasoline saws in the hands of craftsmen.

How logs are connected in a paw

In principle, there is nothing complicated in this technology if the ends of the logs were cut to the required dimensions. The main thing is to create a tight connection of the crowns. Therefore, the lower planes of the logs must be cut along, that is, a plane must be created that will adjoin the rounded surface of the log of the lower crown. That is, when assembling the log house, you should get such a connection as in the photo below.

Connecting logs in a log house

It is believed that the oval groove is the best option for a sealed joint between two elements. And the larger the “S” dimension, that is, the width of the groove, the tighter the connection. The rules for sampling a groove are quite simple.

  • An oval size is applied from the end of the log, which determines the width and depth of the cut.
  • Further, parallel lines are applied along the log, defining the future cut.
  • A tie-in is carried out along the drawn lines with a gasoline or electric saw. It should not be straight, but in a circle, thereby forming a rounded groove surface.
  • Now, every 20-40 cm, longitudinal cuts are made, taking into account the depth of the groove.
  • And the last is the removal of wood from the groove. To do this, it is best to use a special tool - an adze. In the photo below, it is shown in the hands of the master.
  • Be sure to control the shape of the groove using a template (pattern).

Groove cutting in logs

In fact, making a log house with your own hands is not so simple. But, using an electric or chainsaw, you can simplify the process to a minimum. And, of course, an important component is the dimensions and their precise application. Today, during the period of a huge variety of lumber offered, you can not use logs. As practice shows, modern wooden wells (photo below) are increasingly assembled from timber.

If they are made on high-precision equipment, then these are exact dimensions, these are verified contact planes that do not form gaps when connected. And for a well, this is the most important component, plus ease of docking. If the well is made of timber, then there is no need to carry out complex processes associated with fitting the crowns to each other. Moreover, there is no need to cut grooves and other elements. Of course, this does not apply to the ends cut "in the paw".

Log house for a well from timber

Wood for a well

There are certain requirements regarding the quality and type of wood used. Firstly, it should be noted that the beams and logs must be of high quality, that is, without a large number of knots, without rot and mold, without resin secretions, cracks and shells. Any defect under water or in spaces with high humidity reduces the life of the wood. And the well is just such an object.

Secondly, wood should not spoil either the taste or the color of the water in the well. Thirdly, logs and beams cannot be treated with any protective preparations. Everything should be natural. Fourthly, it is forbidden to close cracks and gaps with natural, and even more so, synthetic sealants. Wood in water will swell over time, this will ensure high tightness of the joints.

Fifth, you need to choose the kind of wood that will last a long time. For example, oak is the strongest material that can be used as a log house for a well for 35-40 years. True, this tree will release tannins into the water, which will color it and give it a specific flavor. Therefore, most often, material from bog oak is laid in the underwater part of the well, and from ordinary oak in the surface. By the way, bog oak is the most expensive material. You can also make it yourself by placing the logs in running water and keeping them there for 2-3 years. After the material is laid under a canopy, where it dries up to 15-20% humidity. Bog oak is dark in color and contains no tannins.

Bog oak

As for other types of wood, such as larch, pine, cedar, they also do an excellent job with the negative effects of water and humidity. Their maximum service life in underwater space is up to 35 years, in surface space no more than 25 years. Beech, elm and even ash also do not affect the quality of the aquifer. But they quickly fail, especially those located above the surface of the water in the humid space of the well. Air and humidity turn them into dust. Therefore, many craftsmen try to combine with wood species, laying species that do not feel good in the air down under the water, and install crowns of logs of durable species above the water.

Attention! It is better not to build log cabins from birch, willow or alder. These trees make the water not potable. Water in such wells, if they are rarely used, goes out.

Head of a wooden well

The trunk of a wooden structure rises above ground level by 70-150 cm. The head of the well is assembled in the same way as the entire underground part, in the form of a log house. Purely constructively, this is a good solid construction that will protect the well itself from the negative conditions of its operation: precipitation, wind with dust, foliage in autumn, birds and animals. But, as life shows, not always the upper visible part of the well is a log house made of logs or beams. The headband can be easily finished, making it a real work of art.

In terms of finishing, there are no restrictions, since everything is easily attached to wood. The most important thing is the tightness of the barrel. Therefore, it is recommended to install a canopy in the form of a roof or a full-fledged house over the well. It will be protected from precipitation, sunlight and debris. Be sure to put a cap on the neck. If possible, it is better to make a fence around the wooden well from large animals. In principle, a low wooden fence (palisade) will cope with this task.

How to make a log house for a well from a bar of natural moisture? It is necessary to use only proven types of wood with special properties.
Wood should not rot in wet conditions and should not have a specific smell that can spoil well water. Bog oak would be ideal.
Ordinary oak wood will not go to a well log house, because it has the ability to add bitterness to water and color it brown. Considering the photos of log cabins, the ideas of designers and just craftsmen who have brought their ideas and fantasies to life, you can choose a log cabin for a well in your backyard.
It should be noted right away that log cabins from other wood are somewhat inferior to oak products, but their combination gives the desired results.

Wood for a log house properties, characteristics

Monolithic or prefabricated reinforced concrete shaft of the well is widely used at the present time. If relatively recently, 30-40 years ago, they were entirely wooden and made of durable wood, now well reinforced concrete rings can simply be equipped on top with timber and other materials.
Skilled craftsmen used to line wells with stone slabs. One of them, built at the end of the 19th century, with a depth of more than 35 meters, has been functioning to this day, not drying out even in the driest periods.
It is impossible to say that all the owners have become adherents of reinforced concrete structures.
A lot of owners choose log cabins for wells log cabins for wells made of wood:

  • Wood should not rot and release substances that can spoil the taste and color of water for a long time.
  • Have a certain density, strength and not have large knots.
  • The logs prepared for the log house must be well dried beforehand.

Attention: A prerequisite for the implementation of a wooden log house is dry wood, subsequently, swelling from water, it increases in volume and naturally seals all the grooves and cracks in the log house.

  • Out of competition, bog oak goes to the log house, the water in such wells is of high quality, and the life of the well reaches 40-50 years.
  • Wood for a log cabin made of ash, beech, elm is also distinguished by sufficient strength, water resistance and does not change the taste of water. However, the surface of the log house, made of these materials, quickly rots in wet conditions, although being completely in the water, it feels great.
  • Wood such as pine, cedar or larch is an excellent material for building a log house. The service life of wood reaches more than 30 years in the underwater and surface parts of the structure, without deteriorating the quality of the water.

The simple observations collected in the table from operating practice will help you choose the right wood for your log house.

Name of wood Duration of operation, years Negative impact deteriorating water quality susceptibility to decay
Under water Above the water smack Color
Willow 810 5 No No No
ordinary oak 25-35 and more 20-25 bitter brown No
Pine, aspen 15-20 5 bitter No No
Alder 20 5 No No rots
Larch 25 or more 20 No No No
Bog oak 40-50 and more 50 or more No No No

Note: The bitter taste that ordinary oak, pine and aspen gives to water disappears over time.

  • A log cabin made of willow, spruce or birch wood has an indecently short service life, only 5-7 years. They have found their application in shallow wells and how the superstructure of the upper part, and the lower part of the log house, without fail, is made of durable, waterproof and durable wood, straight, healthy, without traces of rot, made not from dead wood, not damaged by bark beetle and not having wormholes.
  • The price of a combined log house, when beech, elm, ash wood is started down, and the top is made of pine, oak or larch, is more attractive to consumers.

How to build a wooden frame

A wooden well implies the construction of a log house. The work is delicate and complex, performed by qualified craftsmen.
Experts do not advise a beginner to take on the work with their own hands:

  • Ready-made log cabins are offered for sale, and if there is a desire to make it yourself, then a method is used when all the corners of the log cabin are made without residue and the tree does not protrude from the corners. With this method, there are 2 positive points, a minimum of effort is expended, the amount of work is reduced. Construction in the "paw" is selected in the presence of logs as the source material.
  • The “half-tree” method, also known as the root tenon method, is used when harvesting from a bar.

Two harvesting technologies for a log house

The log house, made by the method of felling in the "paw" allows the corners of the log house to be obtained without a trace:

  • Preliminary, a thorough marking of each end of the log is made. A certain goal is pursued here, the size of all “paws” should be equal in plan, and the height of the “paw” should be proportional to the thickness of the log.
  • One inner side of the log (edge) is hewn along the entire length. This part will go inside the log house.
  • The second edging is cut along a length equal to 1.5-2 log diameters, it is opposite to the first edging.
  • The remaining pair of edges is calculated by a length equal to the diameter of the log, by a width equal to the width of the first edge.

Attention: The log house is prepared in compliance with strict verticality and squareness of the corners, which in the future will not complicate its installation in a square earthen mine.

  • The hewn ends of the logs have a square shape, as can be seen in the diagram, the sides of the resulting timber should also be equal to the segment “A” of the diagram.
  • Further, through equal 8 parts, lines parallel to the sides of the beam are drawn.
  • The corners of the square are marked with letters, numbered edges are obtained.
  • Then, 1/8 of the rib is deposited on the VG rib, AB, ZhZ - 2/8 each, DE - 3/8 each.
  • The marked points are connected and the edges of the “paw” are obtained with the dimensions VG - 6/8, AB, ZhZ - 4/8, DE - 2/8 of the side of the beam.
  • The first "paw" will be obtained after careful and careful removal of the excess layer of wood.
  • Further work will go faster, the main thing is the experience gained and then the desired “paws” are cut down on all the logs.

  • A selection of longitudinal sealing grooves with preliminary marking is made.
  • Prepared logs are trially adjusted and joined together on the surface to make sure that their actions are correct.
  • The prepared timber for the log house involves making corner joints into a “half-tree” or a root spike. Here, too, there are 2 positive points.
  • The first method consists in the presence of a spike on one of the bars, on the other there is a groove; their connection is known as a “thorn”, “groove”. The crowns are fastened with round dowels.
  • The half-tree method speaks for itself. Half cuts of beams fastened with round dowels are stacked. One of them is assigned the function of fastening 3 beams together.
  • After choosing the technique for joining logs or timber and harvesting the crowns for the log house, the digging of the shaft begins, the soil is removed manually from the bottom.
  • Each descent into the mine, starting from a depth of 4-5 m, should begin with a gas check to avoid accidents.
  • Instructions and experts recommend all stages of work, especially the installation of crowns, and perform under the constant supervision of an experienced craftsman.

  • To the side, the log house is being assembled.
  • It must have an integer number of crowns corresponding to the depth of the mine.

Attention: It is not necessary to caulk this part of the log house so as not to provoke decay processes that worsen the quality of drinking water.

  • Particular attention is paid to fitting the crowns, the gaps of which should not allow foreign particles, substances, including soil to pass through.
  • The connection of the crowns is carried out with dowels. To prevent the log house from deforming during the descent, vertical boards are nailed to the crowns inside.
  • A part of the log house is lowered into the shaft, trying to prevent the walls from crumbling.
  • Having achieved the draft of the log house to the desired depth, the next one is built up on the upper crown, achieving a systematic descent of the log house.
  • After installing the log house, the water is pumped out completely from the well several times, a couple of weeks after that the water is used only for technical purposes.
  • When it becomes clean, it can be taken to the laboratory for analysis (see) and only after that it will become clear whether it is drinkable or not.

How to replace or repair a log house

Each reinforced concrete or wooden structure develops its service life and it is required to replace the log house in the well after a certain period of time.

  • The problem of wooden wells, as a rule, is the rotting of logs in a log house bordering on water.
  • The lower part of the wood in the water is well preserved.
  • The owner is lucky if only part of the log house needs to be repaired, then the question of how to change the log house in the well will come down to removing damaged and rotten logs and replacing them.
  • Worn-out wooden crowns are replaced with a new frame or reinforced concrete rings.
  • It should be noted that the combination of different sizes, shapes of structures and different materials is not an easy task. Rings are placed on special transitional shields.
  • If the log house is in poor condition, experts can offer to remove the old, wooden one, and replace it with a reinforced concrete shaft, especially since there is already a shaft.

The video presented in this article suggests replacing a damaged log house by digging a well in a circle. The damaged area is changed and buried again.
A laborious method with a lot of earthwork. Another way is more accessible, when a worker descends on ropes into a well to get good logs.
On the bars nailed on the sides, a flooring is laid, on which it is convenient to work and have tools at hand. Rotten log cabins are pulled out easily, new ones have taken their place, so, moving in a circle and changing rot in turn, the old log cabin acquires a new sound.
The earth crumbled in small quantities on the flooring is easily collected and fed to the surface. The flooring is resurfaced, if necessary, and the old well can be repaired in a short period of time.

The well shaft is made of wood and installed in a shaft dug in the ground, the walls of which are then reinforced with a log house. The wood used for the well must be water-resistant, not give the water a taste or spoil its taste. In addition, the wood should be straight-grained, easy to process, completely dry, not infected with wood beetles and fungi - pests of wood.
The higher quality the wood used, the longer it lasts. Frequent repair of well log cabins is undesirable, as it takes a lot of time to repair and requires a constant supply of materials.
For the underwater part of the log house, bars 18 cm thick are used, and for the surface, bars 22 cm thick. The latter are destroyed more slowly than thin ones. In addition to logs and bars, plates are used, which are obtained from sawn logs with a thickness of at least 22 cm. Logs, bars and plates on the inside should be planed, and not hewn. Hewn logs have a lot of small stabs of wood, into which impurities get and linger, and which, together with the water that gets into them, accelerate the decay of the wood. Once again, we remind you that wood must be dry, because when wet in water or in dampness, it swells, increases in volume and seals grooves and corner joints. When arranging all connections during the felling of a log house, it is necessary to achieve a tight fit between them.
Oak. The most durable wood for building a well In the surface part of the log house, it lasts about 20 ... 25 years, in the underwater part even more. True, at first the oak gives an unpleasant aftertaste, because it contains tannins.
Larch serves as long as oak. It does not add any taste to the water. In the surface part of the log house, it serves for at least 20 years.
Pine. This wood is straight, of high quality, light enough, splits well, is easy to process and therefore is widely used for log cabins. In the surface and underwater parts of the log house serves up to 20 years. Dry wood sometimes gives the water a resinous taste. When using dry wood, the sting in the water is negligible and it disappears over time.
Elm and alder. These two rocks are well preserved in water up to 20 years, in the surface part - up to 5 years. They rot quickly in damp places. Doesn't add any taste to the water.
Birch. It remains in water for up to 10 years, in the surface part - up to 5 years. It rots quickly in damp places.
Willow. It remains in iodine for 5-8 years, in the surface part - up to 5 years.
Aspen gives the water an unpleasant bitter taste at first. It remains in water for 15-20 years. in the surface part - no more than 5 years.
Linden It is used to a limited extent and only in shallow wells. This is explained by the fact that it is very soft and quickly becomes unusable in water. Mostly linden is used to make dishes, including for storing honey. Replacing rotten log crowns in shallow wells is much easier than in deep ones. The lower crowns are mainly made of pine, alder, elm, aspen, larch, and sometimes oak.

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