Fortune telling by date of birth. Peaks - an unfavorable prognosis. When you need to guess at desire

Sometimes, you really want to look into the future to find out whether your wish will come true or not. We will teach you how to read wishes!

To find answers to your questions and find out if fate will help you realize your cherished dream, it is not at all necessary to have special sacred and secret knowledge. To help us in this can simple and accessible to all fortune-telling on desires.

How to guess at desire

Anyone can make a wish. However, in order for fortune-telling to be truly accurate, it is necessary to prepare for it. First of all, you need to choose the right time. The full moon is best suited for these purposes. But guessing should be before sunset, and not at night. Since the night is more suitable for rituals and rituals, rather than fortune telling.

When you need to guess at desire

The day of the week also matters.

  1. On Monday, you can guess absolutely anything you want.
  2. On Tuesday and Friday, you should look for answers to difficult, serious and love questions.
  3. On Wednesday, make wishes related to business, work and study.
  4. Thursday is associated with material well-being, so you can ask fate if it will give you a million.
  5. On Saturday and Sunday, guessing at desire is not accepted.

The meaning of the days of the week in divination

Monday is a universal day when you can ask any question, especially regarding personal development.

Tuesday - favorable for getting answers to questions about whether the wish will come true.

Wednesday is a day suitable for fortune-telling if you are interested in issues of study, career and any development at work.

Thursday - it is worth asking questions about money. Repayment of loans, repayment of debts, receipt of bonuses, etc.

Friday - you can ask the Universe about love moments, intimate relationships.

Fortune telling for the realization of dreams should be carried out on Monday. On issues of conflicts and health, it is worth guessing on Tuesdays. The appeal to the Universe on Friday must be sincere in order to receive what was conceived.

Divination by desire. Ways

Try to take divination seriously. Clear your thoughts, focus on desire, create a calm atmosphere. Divination by desire is usually carried out with the help of cards, books, candles, coins, etc.

Fortune telling with the help of a book

Divination by desire with the help of a book is one of the most simple ways. It also has a beautiful magic name- bibliomancy. For fortune telling, take any book, make a wish. Now, without opening the book, think of any page and line number. After that, open the book, find the intended page and line, read it. This will be the answer. According to the meaning of this line, you can understand whether the wish will come true or not.

Fortune telling with the help of cards

An equally popular way of divination by desire are cards. To do this, you should not go to a fortuneteller or learn complex layouts, because there are simple divination on the wish on the cards. The easiest way is to make a wish and shuffle the deck, concentrating on what you want. Now draw a card from the deck. If the red suit fell out, then the wish will come true, but if the black one does not.

Fortune telling on a wish on the cards can also be done as follows. Shuffle a large deck of cards and arrange 15 cards, suit up, in one row, discarding aces. Then lay out 2 more rows of 15 cards. If during the alignment all the aces come out, then the wish will come true.

Fortune telling with coins

You can also guess with the help of coins, but it is best to use old coins. They will gladly reveal all the secrets to you if you take divination seriously. Take a handful of coins in the palm of your hand, make a wish and toss them up. Count the number of coins that landed tails and heads up. If more coins lay on heads, then the wish will come true, and if tails - no.

Here is another fun way to divinate a wish using coins. You will need three coins of different sizes. Write a wish on 3 pieces of paper, wrap one coin in them and put them under the pillow. In the morning, pull out the first paper that comes across with your left hand. If you come across the largest coin, the wish will come true. The average coin says that the wish will come true, but not soon. And if a small coin came across, the dream was not destined to come true.

Fortune telling with a mirror

Very interesting fortune-telling can be done with a mirror. Light a candle and smear the round mirror with wax. Write a wish on the wax with charcoal and put the mirror in a cold place. Spray the mirror well after a couple of hours. cold water. If the inscription disappears, then the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling with dice

AT recent times Dice divination is very popular. After making a wish, put two bones in a cup, mix and throw on the table. At the same time, hold the cup with your left hand and rotate the bones counterclockwise. Now look at the combinations that have landed.

If 2-1, 6-6, 3-2, 5-5, 4-3, 6-4 fell out, the wish will come true.

If 6-5, 4-1, 6-1, 5-1, 3-3, 5-2, 4-4 - most likely, it will come true, fate gives many chances.

And if 6-3, 2-2, 6-2, 5-4, 1-1, 5-4, 4-2, 5-3, 3-1 falls out, - alas, the desire will not come true.

What fortune-telling do you know? Write to us!

Some people, having set a specific goal or made a wish, want to know whether it will come true or not. Here you can rely on your own intuition, or use fortune-telling, which will help you discover all the secrets and give answers to your questions.

There are several ways to find out your future or the possibility of fulfilling a desire:

  • On tarot cards.
  • Through certain situations.

The most reliable option is the use of Tarot cards, which our ancestors resorted to. Here it must be borne in mind that real cards can attract negativity if they are mishandled, so it is best to use online fortune-telling.

Rules for divination by desire

The main rule is the presence of faith in truthfulness, because, as you know, the results of fortune-telling can be certain clues from above. They can prevent bad events in life or change the algorithm of their actions to achieve the goal.

What else needs to be considered:

The best days for divination

To tell fortunes on your own at home, you need to not only follow the above rules, but also pay attention to what days it is best to do this, depending on the area that the question affects:

  • Monday: universal day, suitable for any divination.
  • Friday and Tuesday: the cards will show the correct information about matters relating to the love and family sphere.
  • Wednesday: good for questions about careers and professional field activities, education.
  • Thursday: the alignment of financial well-being and the receipt of material values ​​will be true.

It is undesirable to guess on Saturday and Sunday. The cards will not give a 100% correct answer, so it is better to reschedule the session to the appropriate day.

The simplest divination by desire

This option is suitable for absolutely all people and does not require special preparation. All that is needed to get an answer to the question posed is to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • We take a piece of paper, cut it into three parts. On the first we write “yes”, which means the fulfillment of a desire, on the second - “no”, on the third - “yes, but there will be difficulties on the way”.
  • We turn everything into small lumps, hold it in our hands, mentally asking a question and imagining what should come true.
  • We go to sleep. In the morning after waking up, we immediately take out a piece of paper from under the pillow, ask the question aloud and unfold it to get an answer.

Easy card reading

Another simple way allows you to get an answer to absolutely any question regarding desires, for this you just need to do the following:

  • We hold in our hands a new deck of 36 fallow deer, we begin to shuffle it slowly, imagining what we want. The concentration of attention should be maximum.
  • After a few minutes, we remove 9 cards from above and put them face down in front of us. If there are aces among them, we remove them and shuffle the deck again.
  • If aces are found in the new layout, we again put them aside and repeat everything.

If for 3 “shuffles” it was possible to remove all 4 aces, then the desire will soon come true, and without much difficulty on the part of the fortuneteller. If you can't get one out, nothing will work. If from 1 to 3 aces fell out, the cards cannot give the correct answer and you need to repeat everything again.

Reliable card divination

If you have time, you can tell fortunes on cards that will show a 100% reliable result. How to do it:

  • We shuffle the card, trying to focus as much as possible on our question.
  • We alternately lay out one card from the deck in front of us, pronouncing their names in a whisper in ascending order: “six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack ...”.
  • Having reached there, we again return to the name “six” and do everything again until the deck is over.

If the spoken word at the end coincides with the name of the card, the wish will certainly come true, but with some explanations:

Other cards show that you will have to work hard to get what you want. It will take outside support and constant effort, but even this does not guarantee success.

It is also important to pay attention to the same cards that are nearby:

Online divination

The network presents many options for divination online using cards, and they all differ in the principles of execution, but there are also unifying factors:

  • During the procedure, you need to clearly understand your goal and correctly formulate the question.
  • When opening only one result, you need to focus on it. If several cards are opened that interpret differently, you should read the description and draw your own conclusions.

Divination "Black Rose"

Most often, this method is used by gypsies, because. consider it the most reliable.

To get an answer, it’s enough to shuffle the deck, thinking about what you want, then ask a question and pull out just one card - it will give an explanation:

  • Spade or club suits - the chances are negligible, the fortuneteller is in trouble.
  • Diamonds and hearts - everything will be fine, the desire will come true.

Fortune telling on cards: will it come true or not?

An important question that interests all girls before fortune-telling is whether the desired will come true if the cards show a positive result?

It is important to consider here that a person’s life depends not only on magic, but also on his actions, but cards can set right direction so that the goal is achieved as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

You need to choose the method of fortune-telling yourself, but it is best to use card fortune-telling: as you know, it is the Tarot that can predict the future, so gypsies and famous fortune-tellers always use them.

The most important thing is to believe in the power of magic and clearly imagine your goal, otherwise the cards will not be able to give a reliable answer or harm the fortuneteller.

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Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will get a chance to get rich unexpectedly in July, and 2 signs will have a very hard time. You can go through the horoscope on the official website

Online fortune-telling for the desire of the four Kings is very simple, affordable and true divination on the cards. Just shuffle the cards and see the result. If you get 4 Kings, then your wish will certainly come true. 3 Kings - with 75 percent certainty that the wish will come true. 2 Kings - maybe, but perhaps the wish will not come true. 1 King or none - unfortunately, your desire is unattainable. Make a wish and start fortune telling online for a wish.

Divination by desire

This simple but accurate wish spread will help you find out if your wish can come true. Guessing a wish online is very simple: tune in and imagine for a couple of minutes that your wish has already been fulfilled or is in the process of being fulfilled. Then start divination. Click on the deck of cards and select a card - significator. Follow instructions.

Solitaire for Wish

Everyone has their own desires. Secret and lightning fast. And the date of execution of each desire has its own. In that online layout if you wish, you are invited to know the exact date fulfillment of desire, up to the day. Online fortune telling is accurate, the cards don't lie. So, tune in to your desire and think about it, focus and follow the instructions.

Divinatory solitaire for a wish

This is a very long execution, but very accurate solitaire game for the fulfillment of a wish online. He will let you know if your wish comes true or not. Will tell you how long to wait for its execution. Everything is very simple. Technics online solitaire the desire is very simple: you need to remove one card from the deck when someone tells you the name of the cards. For example, say "Ace", and you click on the card. If the card and the word match, then the card is removed. If not, then scroll on. The speed of the fulfillment of a wish depends on how quickly you remove all the cards from the deck.

Online Wish Solitaire

Online Wish Solitaire - play solitaire and see if your wish comes true or not. You can also use this online solitaire to get the answer to the question. This solitaire is universal. It will help you find the answer to any question about life situations. You can play this solitaire several times a week for a desire, but only once for an answer to a question. If you play solitaire for a wish, then the deadline for its execution is about a month. If the answer is to a question, then when posing the question, indicate the time frame. Solitaire is very simple - you need to remove paired cards until you remove all the cards from the field. If there are no cards left, then the wish will come true. And if you stayed, then, alas, your desire is unattainable.

Most accurate divination on desire will slightly open the veil of the future before you! We invite you to guess online for the fulfillment of your cherished dream. If you really want something, then it will certainly come true! However, to be 100% sure of this, you only need to use our virtual service.

click on the goldfish image!

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Fortune-telling for the fulfillment of desires has attracted people at all times, as it allows you to get answers to exciting questions. Think about what you want most in the world and ask your question! Higher powers will tell you what is the probability that your wish will come true.

Not only girls, but also men also dream, they also have secret dreams, they are also interested in accurate fortune-telling for desire. By the way, guys guess no less often than girls! For you, our readers, we have developed this amazing service. Will your secret dream come true or not? Divination by desire online will help you find out the whole truth.

We offer you "fortune telling online free of charge". Before pressing the button, concentrate on the issue that worries you. Imagine the face of the person with whom your desire is connected. Or mentally "draw" the situation in which you want to understand. Then silently tell the Universe about your aspirations and hopes and press the button. Our fortune-telling on desire is the most accurate, it will give you a truthful answer!

What can you ask the universe

Use our online service everyone can. This fortune-telling is free of charge, and does not require you to register. We give you the opportunity to communicate with the Universe and ask her - will your dream come true or remain unattainable?

Questions-desires can be very different, but they always begin with the word "I want":

  • To buy an apartment
  • Move to a new spacious house
  • Buy a new trendy jacket
  • Meet an attractive girl (boyfriend)
  • Get married or get married
  • Reconcile with your beloved (beloved)
  • Get a pay raise
  • Have a baby (boy, girl)
  • Win the lottery a large sum
  • Receive a car as a gift, etc.

Fortune telling on desire online is the most accurate - this is your chance to find out how close you are to your goal, how much time you still have to wait for your dream to come true. It must be borne in mind that unrealistic wishes and desires are doomed to failure. For example, "I want to get the moon out of the sky" is a prime example unfulfilled wish. It is also stupid to think “I want it to snow in summer and roses to bloom in the park in winter” - because you know that this will never happen. Ask the Higher Forces only your sincere questions-desires, the answers to which you really care about.

Looking into the future to see if a wish will come true is much easier than everyone used to think. This can be done without the help of professional magicians. All you need is a deck of cards dice or an ordinary wild flower. And even if none of the above was found at hand, it remains possible to turn to knowledge from the field of numerology. Simple, familiar numbers can have a magical effect on the fate of a person and contribute to the implementation of his ideas.

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      Card reading

      Fortune telling with the help of cards is considered the most reliable. However, you should not resort to it too often, otherwise the "tired" deck will refuse to work. The optimal break between sessions should be at least a week. It is forbidden to use children's or comic decks for divination, because in this case the result may also turn out to be frivolous.

      • tarot

        You can guess both on a full deck, and only on the Major Arcana. It is enough to shuffle the cards, pronouncing your desire, and then take out three pieces from the deck. Whether a wish will come true, you can find out based on the value of the cards that have fallen out:

        • The Devil, the Tower, the Last Judgment, the Moon, Death, the Hanged Man, as well as all the Swords, say that the dream will never come true.
        • Lovers, the Sun, the Wheel of Fortune, the Empress, the World and all Pentacles report that a person will definitely get what he wants.
        • The rest of the cards (as well as all the Wands and Cups) predict the fulfillment of what was conceived with a probability of 50 to 50.

        If all three Arcana belong to different categories, the universe does not yet have an exact answer to the question. You can repeat the divination later.

        playing deck

        For fortune-telling, both a regular deck of 36 cards and a poker deck, in which there are 54 of them, are suitable. The one who makes a wish must formulate it out loud and at the same time shuffle the cards, pulling out one. Her suit and rank determine whether the dream will come true.

        Mages are advised not to use a deck for divination that has already been played or played solitaire. Purchase unopened.


        • An ace or a joker means that you should not hope for a dream come true.
        • Jack, queen and king make it clear that the situation is not hopeless. But you will have to do what you want on your own, and there is nowhere to wait for help.
        • Cards with numerical designations promise that the wish will come true, but not very soon.


        • All senior cards of this suit predict easily overcome obstacles on the way to a dream.
        • But the younger ones are advised to make another wish, since the realization of this will require unjustified efforts.


        • Queen, king, jack, ace and joker indicate that the dream is feasible, but its wording should be corrected.
        • The rest of the cards warn that in pursuit of what you want, you will have to take serious risks.


        • Senior cards sweep away all doubts - the dream will come true.
        • The younger ones promise a high probability that the wish will come true soon.


        From the point of view of numerology, there are many factors that indicate that a wish will come true:

        • A person constantly catches the eye of cars with beautiful license plates when he thinks about his dream.
        • In advertisements, advertising booklets or on big boards, he often sees telephone numbers with the same, repeated numbers.
        • He constantly encounters the image of the desired object or event, even in the most unexpected places.

        Also, this esoteric science will help you make a wish correctly so that it will surely come true. About the fact that this can be done under the chiming clock on New Year, everyone knows, but you should not wait as long as 365 days to inform the universe about a new dream.

        First you need to calculate your luck number and focus on it. This is done by adding up all the numbers that make up the date of birth. For example, a person was born on July 11, 1996. Add 1+1+0+7+1+9+9+6 = 34. If you get a two-digit number, you need to reduce it to a single one: 3+4=7. For this person, the seventh day of the week, the seventh day of the month, the phone number and the car number, in which there are many sevens, will be successful. And a wish made at 07:07:07 on the 7th day of the 7th month has the highest chances of coming true.

        How to use flowers to find out if a wish will come true?

        Chamomile divination is widespread and, as practice shows, its results are rarely erroneous. However, only a few people know that you can ask about whether a wish will come true with other flowers.


        For divination on a dandelion, you need to find a flower on which seed voles have already formed. Then tear it off, and so that the fluffy ball does not crumble ahead of time. If it worked out, you can proceed to the main action, and if not, the procedure will have to be repeated from the very beginning.

        There are two ways to find out if a wish will come true:

    1. 1. In calm, calm weather or indoors, you should blow on the flower. Less than 5 bats remaining on it after such an execution portend that the plan will come true in the near future. From 5 to 10 "parachutes" indicate that the dream will come true within a year. When there are many surviving seeds, the wish is not destined to come true. But the bare stem gives an extremely positive prognosis.
    2. 2. With strong gusts of wind, you can stand facing the east and raise a dandelion above your head. If at least a few flyers landed on the body or clothes, all the wishes will come true in just a few days. Otherwise, a person is not destined to realize his dream.


    This method of divination by desire is the most humane. Early in the morning, you need to choose two calendula flowers you like, decide which one will mean “Yes” and which one “No”, and then mark them somehow (stick pegs of different lengths next to each other, tie threads on the stems different color). The main thing is not to damage either the flowers themselves or the bushes on which they grow.

    After that, you can safely go about your business until the evening. Before dark, you will have to watch the calendula. The answer to the question will be given by the flower that closes the petals first.


    Fortune-telling should be carried out at a time when not all the seeds have formed in the sunflower. Without looking at the flower (for greater reliability, you can blindfold or close your eyes tightly), 10 seeds are taken out of it one at a time. What they turn out to be will determine the outcome:

    • all full and ripe - the desire will surely come true;
    • among the good seeds, one empty one came across - in order to make the dream a reality, you will have to work hard;
    • more than one empty seeds - alas, the desire is impossible.

    Divination on dice

    The classic version of fortune-telling provides for the presence of two dice, on each side of which there are points from 1 to 6. Before throwing them on a table or other flat surface, you should clearly state your desire aloud, it is not forbidden to do it mentally. You can throw from palms folded together, a special container made of wood or ceramics. An opaque cloth bag will also work.

    If one of the cubes fell to the floor or flew off a long distance from the fortuneteller, higher power not yet ready to answer. You can repeat the divination session a few days or weeks later.

    Interpretation of combinations that fall out during divination on dice.

    The number on the first die The number on the second die Interpretation
    "one""one"The wish will not come true. A man asks for something that he doesn't really need
    "one""2"There will be only one chance to fulfill the dream. You have to be careful not to miss it.
    "one""3"You will have to fulfill your plan on your own, it makes no sense to rely on the help of other people or a combination of circumstances
    "one""4"Wish will surely come true
    "one""5"The probability is 50%
    "one""6"The situation is under development. The wish will come true, but not as fast as we would like
    "2""2"It takes a lot of work to make your dream come true.
    "2""3"There is no reason to doubt that the wish will come true
    "2""4"The situation is ambiguous. The implementation of the plan depends on many factors that are not subject to the will of man.
    "2""5"It is worth believing in the fulfillment of desire
    "2""6"You should acquire patience - the fulfillment of a dream will not happen soon
    "3""3"The desire is sincere, and higher powers will certainly contribute to its implementation.
    "3""4"If you believe in the best, everything will miraculously come true
    "3""5"Will have to wait. The plan will come true when the time is right.
    "3""6"The probability that the wish will come true is extremely low. You can only count on luck
    "4""4"Everything will be fulfilled, but in the distant future
    "4""5"You should formulate the desire more specifically and repeat fortune-telling
    "4""6"There is no reason to doubt the fulfillment of your desire
    "5""5"The implementation of the plan is impossible. A person is not sure of the correctness of his desire, or it is imposed on him by someone pursuing his own benefit.
    "5""6"It will be difficult to achieve what you want, but with due diligence, the result will please
    "6""6"The dream will come true only thanks to a happy accident.

    Use for divination cubes that are used in gambling, highly undesirable. It is worth buying a new set and storing it separately in a box.

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