Aspen leaf. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

Aspen - healing tree that can help in alternative treatment diseases associated with inflammatory processes and diabetes mellitus. This is an affordable plant material that each person, if desired, can collect on their own and make from it. medicine. Its main advantages are naturalness, mild action and efficiency proven by practice.

What does aspen look like and where does it grow?

Aspen (the second name is trembling poplar) is a wild tree of medium height, which can reach 35 m. The trunk diameter in rare cases reaches 1 m, although this figure is usually much less. Aspen has many varieties, but in folk medicine traditionally use Ordinary, which can be found everywhere in the middle latitudes.

The edges of the leaves, which have a rounded shape, are cut with large teeth. Their petioles are long, but flattened in the middle, so with every breath of wind the foliage begins to tremble, which is characteristic feature tree. Trembling poplar is a dioecious plant. In males, the earrings are pink or reddish, while in females they are green.

Aspen grows pretty fast: after 50 years, its trunk rises 20 meters above the ground. But its age is short: the life of a tree usually ends after 90 years. It is very rare to find specimens whose age is 130 years.

This tree is found in latitudes with a temperate and cold climate throughout the entire European and Asian continent. Aspen often forms entire species arrays, or preferring the edges or sunny glades of dense forests.

The composition and medicinal properties of aspen

The properties of common aspen are explained by its chemical composition, which contains a number of useful substances. The most valuable of them is salicyl, which is a natural analogue of aspirin. When it enters the human body, it organic compound relieves inflammation and lowers the elevated body temperature caused by it. The highest concentration of salicyl is in the bark of the tree, so it is widely used in alternative medicine.

Aspen also contains:

  • vitamins;
  • bitterness;
  • tannins;
  • a number of glycosides;
  • fatty complex and other acids;
  • micro and macro elements.
  • carbohydrates;
  • ethers, etc.

What does aspen look like (video)

Therefore, remedies prepared from the leaves and especially the bark of the tree help in the treatment of diseases. They provide:

  • antipyretic effect;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • thinning blood;
  • stabilizing the work of the endocrine system;

Also taking aspen increases sweating.

Therefore, the tree is used in the treatment of a number of diseases, primarily associated with inflammatory processes. Also, aspen bark is an ingredient for folk remedies treatment of diabetes.

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Preparation of medicinal raw materials

Crushed aspen bark, already ready for the manufacture of preparations, is sold in pharmacies and herbal shops. But, having gone to the forest, you can independently collect and produce plant materials: special skills and knowledge are not required for this.

The leaves of the tree are harvested in May or June. After that, they must be dried in a special dryer at a temperature of about 55 ° C or spread on paper in a dry, warm and well-ventilated area. You can also use the heat of an oven preheated to 60 ° cooker. In a similar way trembling poplar buds are also harvested in early spring.

A little more difficult to collect aspen bark. You will need a sharp knife to make the job easier. You need to go to the forest from about April 20 to June 1, because during this period active movement juice. You need to choose young trees, the trunk diameter of which is not more than 8 cm. With a knife, make two rounded cuts around the tree at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Then the bark is cut vertically between them and carefully removed. You need to make sure that there are no pieces of wood left on it. The same manipulations can be repeated with branches.

Arriving home, you should wash the bark and dry it in the oven, cutting it into small pieces of 3-4 cm each. The temperature should not exceed 60 ° C. Drying can also be done in a dry, ventilated room, but in this case, the process will take up to a week.

It is forbidden to dry the leaves and bark under direct sunbeams sun. So from the healing raw materials will evaporate most of useful things. Harvested aspen can be stored for up to 3 years, although it is considered the most useful in the first year after harvest.

The healing properties of aspen (video)

The use of aspen in traditional medicine

Basically, in folk medicine, aspen bark is used, which is most valuable due to its composition. From it, funds are made in the most various forms: decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures and even ointments.

Decoctions and infusions from aspen

There are 3 main ways to make a decoction and infusion of aspen bark:

  1. Finely chopped bark is poured clean water in the ratio 1:4. The container is put on a slow fire, they wait for it to boil and leave for another 30 minutes. After this time, the broth must insist for at least another 6 hours, tightly closed with a lid. Such a "greenhouse effect" will help useful substances stand out in the water. If the bark was purchased at a pharmacy, then the boiling time is reduced to 5 minutes, since the raw materials have already undergone heat treatment. This remedy is taken in half a glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The decoction is especially useful for diabetes.
  2. Infusion of aspen bark is very useful for pulmonary tuberculosis and inflammatory diseases.. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials is poured into 0.5 l hot water and insist 12 hours. Drink a glass in the morning and evening.
  3. Otherwise, prepare an infusion for the treatment of diabetes: bark and boiling water are combined in a ratio of 1: 3 and left for 10-12 hours. It is preferable to take the drug in the morning on an empty stomach. Between courses of treatment, each of which lasts 3 weeks, there should be a 10-day break.

The most useful decoctions and infusions immediately after preparation. Over time, useful substances from them disappear. Although the liquid may have an unpleasant aftertaste, it is not recommended to sweeten it even with sugar substitutes.

Aspen ointment

The ointment will help with foci of inflammation on the skin, burns and dermatitis. The bark should be burned, and the resulting ash (10 g) mixed with vaseline (20 g). Such a tool can be stored in the refrigerator and used if necessary until recovery. Very soon, the unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

Aspen tincture on vodka

Universal tincture of aspen on vodka suppresses inflammatory processes in the body, enhances the work immune system and promote health with vitamins and minerals. To prepare it, you need to mix the bark and vodka: 200 ml will be required per 100 g of raw materials.

The bottle is placed in a dark place for 2 weeks. After that, you need to strain the liquid, and use it 15-20 drops before meals. To make it easier to drink the tincture, it is diluted in a third of a glass of non-carbonated mineral water.

How to brew aspen bark

Tea made from aspen bark is recommended for diabetics, people in the recovery period after infectious diseases, as well as for prevention with a tendency to increase blood sugar levels. It is enough to pour the bark (2 tablespoons) with a couple of glasses of boiling water and leave it in a teapot or thermos for 30-60 minutes. Drink immediately after preparation.

Kvass from aspen for the treatment of diabetes

Aspen kvass is not only good for health and lowering sugar, but also pleasant on hot days, because it refreshes well. To prepare it, you need a jar of 3 liters. It is filled either with dry bark (one-third of the capacity), or fresh (half a can). Also add 2/3 cup of granulated sugar, water and 1 teaspoon of fat sour cream. In a couple of weeks, an unusual and healing drink will be ready.

Aspen is the most common type of tree. Despite its rapid development and growth, it is quite painful. Under favorable conditions, it reaches an age of no more than 100 years. Growing in cold temperate climate on wet soil. Found in many European and Asian countries.

The specific name of the tree comes from the word "tremble" - "tremere". Due to the peculiarity of the structure of aspen leaves, they characteristically tremble even with a slight wind. The plant develops well in mixed forests.

Tree Features

Aspen is a slender deciduous tree from the Poplar genus of the Willow family. In height, as well as, it can reach up to 35 meters, and the diameter of the trunk is 1 m. The plant is dioecious, has a rare crown and bark of a light greenish-gray hue. Young shoots have a cylindrical rounded shape, old branches are distinguished by clearly visible leaf scars.

Leaf buds are bare, reach 5-10 mm, color - 12-15 mm. The oval leaves are gray-green in color with wedge-shaped endings. The long petioles are flattened on both sides and slightly curved. The leaf plate ends with jagged edges, a young plant can secrete nectar on them.

The tree propagates by the root system, seeds and stump shoots. The tree blooms in early spring. Lush inflorescences resemble earrings in shape. Males are 10 cm long and brown-brown or bright purple in color, females are light green. The pods are filled with small seeds with silky white hairs.
With their help, they are transported over considerable distances. Aspen plays an important role in shaping landscapes.

The base of the tree is several powerful surface roots, 30-40 m long. Numerous root offspring are formed on them. With an increased influx of nutrients, dormant kidneys awaken. The length of the offspring can be from several meters to more than 10 m. Horizontal roots can grow together with the rhizomes of other trees, forming a single system with them. You can see what it looks like in this article.

In the first year of life of young trees, their root system is characterized by increased intensity and duration of growth. The growth can be about 6 cm per day.

The plant has an increased resistance to low temperatures, is not afraid of frost. Can grow in shady places in soil with hyperacidity and humidity. Aspen is picky and easily sprouts from a regular branch. Widely used in woodworking, chemical, paper industries. In winter, the bark of young trees becomes the main source of food for many animals.

The plant belongs to a number of medicinal, widely used in traditional medicine:

  • kidney-based drugs are taken orally for cystitis and joint diseases;
  • for gastritis, pancreatitis, diabetes and fever, decoctions from the bark are used;
  • an infusion based on tree ash helps with adnexitis;
  • ash is added to various healing ointments;
  • infusion of kidneys on alcohol helps to relieve pain from hemorrhoids and dysentery;
  • leaves are used to create hot poultices for rheumatism, lichen and warts are treated with juice.

The tree is well known in folklore, with its help they drove away evil spirits from a person and his home.. People believe that it has magical properties and is able to absorb negative energy.

The main varieties of aspen

There are 7 varieties and one tree hybrid in the Poplar genus. These include:

  • ordinary or Eurasian;

Common aspen

  • trembling or American;


  • large-toothed aspen;


  • Chinese;


  • Japanese;


  • black poplar or black poplar;


  • white poplar

white poplar

There are many related tree species. These include poplars laurel, hairy, fragrant, Maksimovich, Korean, Ussuri, Amur, balsamic, David's aspen and many others. Each of them differs in the structural features of the root system, the shape and shades of the crown, trunk, leaves and peduncles.

What varieties of Ipomoea flowers are the most common and grown most often, you can find out from this

Length and stages of life

On average, the life expectancy of an aspen is from 60 to 80 years. Under favorable growth conditions, it can live up to 100, and in rare cases - 150 years.

With age, the wood of a tree loses its useful qualities. It is often affected by fungi, is prone to heart rot and becomes the target of attacks by various pests. For this reason, at the age of 40-45 they are cut down.

The formation of a mature aspen tree occurs quite quickly. The first year of life is due to the rapid growth of seedlings. They are able to reach a height of up to 1 meter. The root system is actively developing, the offspring grow even up to 2 m. Their leaves are significantly different from an adult tree. They are softer bigger size and slightly pubescent.

The rapid growth of aspen is observed for 50-60 years, then it slows down significantly. Ten-year-old plants reach a height of up to 8 meters. First of all, the foliage of the tree develops, after which the shoots grow in length and thickness. The active growth of aspen is influenced by two main factors - the amount of precipitation and air temperature.

In autumn, the tree attracts attention with a bright palette of colors. Its leaves can be either yellow or fiery red or pink. It is worth noting the specific smell that appears only in aspen forests. It resembles bitter vanilla and lasts even after the leaves have fallen.

tree care

Complete tree care is right choice places of its landing and watering. The plant is planted in the ground in the form of seedlings or seeds. Transplanting seedlings is carried out in the spring to give them time to take root in a new place. Aspen is not picky, quickly takes root. It is planted away from residential structures, because due to the early appearance of rot in the trunk, the tree can easily collapse. Fluff during flowering causes allergic reaction some people.

aspen seeds

The distance between each landing pit should be at least 2 meters. Otherwise, instead of trees, seedlings will grow into a single shrub. The recesses themselves should be shallow.

It is important to have an additional drainage layer of 8-10 cm from crushed stone or pebbles. With it, the soil will retain moisture and create favorable conditions for the growth of aspen.

For full development seedlings should be provided:

  • the right choice of soil. Suitable fresh, fertile and well-drained loamy or sandy loam soil;

  • regular watering of the plant. artificial breeding aspen requires periodic soil moisture. During dry periods, watering should be plentiful. The tree does not tolerate dry land;

  • top dressing. It is introduced at the stage of transplanting seedlings or planting them in the ground. Further fertilization is not required due to the powerful and well-developed root system. More often, mullein is used in a ratio of 1 kg per 20 liters of water and superphosphate - 20 g per the same amount of liquid;
  • pruning thick branches from February to April. Young branches can be cut all year round;

  • felling mature trees over 50 years old. Young shoots quickly appear around their stumps.

The soil at the planting site needs additional loosening and weeding. Proper care will accelerate the growth of a young aspen and its healthy development in future.


In more detail, the technique for trimming and removing aspen is shown in the video below.

Aspen preparation for winter

Mature tree tolerates well low temperatures, frost. It sheds its leaves in winter. Annual shoots freeze easily and require additional protection. AT growing a plant at home, it is placed in a greenhouse or covered with a film. If it cannot be transferred to the house, then the soil is covered with a thick layer of spruce branches.

It is important to ensure a high level of humidity in the areas of aspen growth. The soil is watered daily, without touching the plant itself with water.

Disease and pest control

Aspen is prone to a large number of fungal diseases. It is capable of infecting other plants growing nearby. Armiliaria mellea (Quell) is capable of causing tree trunk and root rot. The fungus enters the trunk through wounds on its surface or passages of aspen barbel larvae. The root becomes infected through other affected rhizomes. As a result, old and too young trees wither.

Various fungi affect not only the roots, but also the trunk of the aspen, its branches, leaves, fruits and seeds. They lead to the wilting of the tree and the premature fall of its fruits. Diseased seedlings curl, blacken and die. To prevent the spread of rot, the affected plants are dug up, their individual sections are cut off. Shoots of young plants can be protected with a thick layer of sphagnum peat.

The result of a tree infection by a fungus

Aspen is also subjected to a large number of attacks from various pests. These include willow volnyanka, aspen mining moth, red-winged leaf beetle, bouquet mite, toothed corydalis and many others. They mainly affect the leaves of the plant. A common pest of seeds is the poplar catkin moth. Most insects are destroyed at the stage of formation of larvae and caterpillars by treating the tree with insecticides.

Aspen roots attract the bear and water rat. Destruction is carried out with the help of special poisons. The grass around the trees should be mowed in advance.

AT winter time the bark of the plant attracts hares and moose. It becomes their main food source. You just need to scare the animals away from the plantations.

Despite the short lifespan of the aspen, it has a fairly powerful root system and develops rapidly. The appearance of new offspring contributes to the growth of trees over a large area. The plant is not whimsical and can be easily grown by beginner gardeners. Easily affected by pests and fungal diseases, close attention is needed to the condition of the aspen. You will also be interested in our article “” and of course the material about.

Despite the fact that the aspen looks like a pretty and harmless tree, people compare it with the hydra.

The fact is that the "offspring" of aspen grow from its roots, "scattering" at a distance of 30-40 m throughout the district.

It turns out that if you cut down a tree, ten new ones will grow in its place. Real hydra.

Tree Description

Another name for aspen is "trembling poplar". With amazing property aspens tremble at the slightest breath of the breeze associated with many legends. One of them, the most famous, explains this phenomenon by the fact that a cross was made from its wood, on which the Son of God Jesus Christ was crucified. The aspen trembles with horror, and in autumn it turns red with shame.

Aspen is found most often in forest-steppe zones, sometimes on the border of the tundra and forest. You can see aspen not only in a vast area Russian Federation, but also in Europe, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and the Korean Peninsula.

Unpretentious aspen is found on the banks of ravines, reservoirs, along the edges, in swamps, mountains. Due to the deep root system, it is able to survive fires. It can spread at a high rate - up to 1 m per year, covering an area of ​​​​several hectares for several years.

Aspen is considered a pioneer tree. More whimsical plants use underground tunnels left over from rotten aspen roots to displace aspen from its "familiar" place. The soil, which enriches aspen, also contributes to this.

Its leaves, falling to the ground, quickly decompose, turn into humus, make the soil fertile and attractive to other plants.

Beneficial features

In times of famine, the bark of the tree was dried and ground into flour, which was used as a pastry. Taiga hunters still use the crushed bark of the tree as a food supplement in order not to get tired and to be more enduring in long and difficult transitions.

Northern Sinap Apple Variety: Description and Cultivation

The bark contains many healing substances: higher fatty acid, carbohydrates (fructose, sucrose, glucose), tannins, salicin, a whole range of trace elements (copper, zinc, iodine, iron, etc.). A decoction of young bark has been used for a long time:

Useful properties of the bark are used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, pneumonia, malaria, syphilis, dysentery, rheumatism and diseases of the urogenital area.

Aspen leaves do not lag behind the bark in their own way. useful properties. They contain: vitamin C, carbohydrates, carotene, organic acids, tannins, etc. A decoction of the leaves has an antipyretic, expectorant and stimulating effect. T It is also used in folk medicine for:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • pancreatitis, etc.

How to make a leaf decoction

Sin .: trembling poplar, gentian, Judas tree, aspen tree, osyka, aspen, aspen, shaker, whisperer tree.

Aspen is a deciduous fast-growing tree with soft wood, belongs to the poplar genus. Aspen is not used by official Russian medicine, but in Western European medicine, preparations from the plant are produced to treat diseases of the genitourinary system. The second name - trembling poplar - comes from the peculiarity of the leaves of the tree to tremble in the slightest wind.

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flower formula

Aspen flower formula: *O0T2-∞P0, *O0T0P(2).

In medicine

Common aspen is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, however, it is used in folk medicine with great success.

AT medicinal purposes in aspen, bark, buds, leaves and juice are used. Aspen preparations are used in official medicine Western Europe from diseases Bladder and prostate.

Aspen has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitussive and anthelmintic properties, which makes it a promising drug in the complex treatment of such serious diseases as tuberculosis, smallpox, malaria, syphilis, dysentery, pneumonia, cough of various origins, rheumatism and inflammation of the bladder mucosa.

Some synthetic drugs (aspirin, sodium salicylate, acesal, as well as the first antibiotics) contain derivatives of the active ingredients of aspen and related plants.

Contraindications and side effects

Decoctions and infusions from aspen buds have pronounced astringent properties, so it is better not to use them for chronic gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by constipation. Also, aspen should be taken with caution in the diagnosis of "dysbacteriosis".

In cooking

Aspen is used in cooking quite indirectly - for processing food by smoking and preparing marinades, where “liquid smoke” is used. This liquid is obtained by burning aspen branches.

In other areas

Aspen is used as a landscaping tree in landscape design.

Aspen bark is one of the components of the leather tanning process. Yellow and green dyes are also obtained from aspen bark.

Aspen flowers are an early and good honey plant, and special gluten is released from aspen buds, which is processed by bees into propolis.

Aspen wood is currently used in the construction of houses, more often in roofs (and earlier, aspen was used to cover the domes of churches). Also, aspen is a raw material for the manufacture of plywood, cellulose, matches, containers, etc.

Young aspen shoots are fed by forest animals in winter.


Aspen, or Common aspen, or poplar trembling (lat. Populus tremula) - view deciduous trees from the genus Poplar of the Willow family.

Botanical description

Aspen has a columnar trunk that can reach 35 m in height and 1 m in diameter.

A tree lives on average from 80-90, sometimes up to 150 years. The aspen tree grows quite quickly, but the wood of the tree is soft and therefore prone to disease. As a result, large and at the same time healthy trees are almost impossible to meet.

The root system of the tree is deep, root offspring grow quite strongly.

Young aspens have smooth, light green or greenish-gray bark that cracks and darkens to a butt with time. The color of aspen wood is white, with a greenish tint.

The leaves of the tree are rounded, sometimes rhombic, arranged alternately. The length of aspen leaves is from 3 to 7 cm, sharp or obtuse at the top, with a rounded base, the edges are crenate, with pinnate venation. The shoots of overgrown leaves can be up to 15 cm long and have an almost heart-shaped shape. Petioles of aspen leaves are flattened from the sides in the upper part, long, because of this there is a strong trembling of the leaves when the air moves. In autumn, the leaves change their color - from green to golden yellow and brown-red.

Aspen is a dioecious plant. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, grow in hanging catkins. Men's earrings are reddish, up to 15 cm long, women's earrings are greenish, thinner than men's. Aspen blooms before the leaves bloom, that is, in late April-early May. Seed ripening occurs after 35 days, then they are dispersed by the wind. For germination in moist soil, 1-2 days are enough. Aspen begins to bloom after 10-12 years, then flowering and fruiting occurs annually. The flower formula of the common aspen is *O0T2-∞P0, *O0T0P(2). The fruit of the aspen is a very small box, the seeds inside of which are provided with a bundle of hairs.


Aspen is quite widespread in temperate and cold climatic zones Europe, almost throughout Russia, in Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, on the Korean peninsula.

It grows on the border of forest and tundra, occurs in forest and forest-steppe zones, along the banks of reservoirs, in forests.

The tree is picky, grows well on various soils, both aspen forests and as part of mixed forests. In the steppes, trees form aspen pegs, which reproduce by shoots of the root system, while new stems in the colony appear further than 30-40 m from the parent tree. Some aspen colonies of this kind can reach several hectares, growing by about a meter per year. The location of the root system of such colonies allows trees to survive forest fires.

Aspen belongs to very frost-resistant trees and grows almost to the forest-tundra. Due to the rapid growth, by the age of 50 it can produce up to 400 cubic meters of wood from 1 ha. Lives up to 150 years.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Aspen blooms before the leaves appear, so the collection of leaves is carried out in early May or June. The leaves are dried in the shade, you can also dry the raw materials in a dryer at a temperature of about 60 degrees. Aspen buds must be harvested before they bloom. The speed of drying after collection is also important (the fastest way to dry the kidneys is in an oven or oven).

The bark is collected not only from young aspen trees, 7–8 cm thick, but also from thin branches, approximately from April 20 to June 1 - during the period when the juice begins to move.

The bark is incised sharp knife around the trunk, at a distance of about 30 cm. After that, a vertical incision is made on each resulting tube and the bark is removed. It is better not to cut off the bark from the aspen, so that wood does not get into the raw material - this reduces medicinal properties bark.

The collected bark, cut into pieces 3–4 cm long, is dried under a canopy or in an oven or oven (at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees). If the raw material is dried indoors, it must be well ventilated. You can not dry the aspen bark in the sun, so it loses its properties. Shelf life of harvested raw materials is not more than 3 years.

Chemical composition

Aspen leaves contain glycosides, including salicin, carotene and ascorbic acid, protein, fat, fiber.

The bark also contains glycosides (salicin, salicorotin, tremulacin, bitter glycosides, populin), essential oil, pectin, salicylase, tannins. Aspen bark includes many useful trace elements: copper, molybdenum, cobalt, zinc, iron, iodine, nickel.

Aspen buds contain glycosides salicin and populin, benzoic and malic acids, tannins, essential oils, carbohydrates and other compounds.

Aspen wood includes cellulose, nectarine, and resin.

Pharmacological properties

Aspen bark contains biologically active substances that determine its pharmacological properties.

Phenol glycosides cause anthelmintic action (especially against opisthorchis), tannins and organic acids, essential oils and bitterness give choleretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antispasmodic properties.

A decoction of aspen bark has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, promotes the removal of small stones from the gallbladder.

Aspen extract contains a large number of vitamin C, so taking aspen preparations will help fill its deficiency.

The anthelmintic effect of aspen is given by phenol glycosides, saligenin derivatives - salicin, populin, tremuloidin, tremulacin, salicortin.

At the same time, the toxicological composition of the bark extract was also studied. The study showed that it has low toxicity and is practically devoid of allergenic properties.

Moreover, the drug reduces the level of immediate hypersensitivity (ITH).

In the children's clinic of the same university, an experimental treatment was carried out, during which the aspen bark extract was well tolerated by children, no adverse reactions to the drug were observed, choleretic and anti-inflammatory effects were expressed.

Application in traditional medicine

Aspen buds, dried and ground into powder, were mixed with fresh butter or sunflower oil. Healers recommended this drug as an anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent for burns, chronic ulcers, and to soften hemorrhoids. Folk healers recommend drinking aqueous kidney preparations for diseases of the joints, cystitis, urinary incontinence in pregnant women and many women who have given birth, and prostate adenoma. Aspen bud alcohol tinctures are used for gastritis, dysentery, hemorrhoids. Frayed kidneys are part of an ointment that helps with bruises, trophic ulcers, hemorrhoids, joint diseases.

A decoction of the bark is considered in folk medicine a good remedy from scurvy, hernia, syphilis and fever. Decoctions from aspen bark are used for gastritis, diarrhea, diabetes, pancreatitis, edema of various origins, and pulmonary tuberculosis. In Tibetan medicine, a decoction of aspen bark is used to treat prostate cancer.

With neuralgia, radiculitis, sciatica, baths from a decoction of the bark of young trees help.

Ash from aspen bark is added to ointments for eczema, and infusion of aspen ash is taken for adnexitis. Aspen is also recommended for prostatic hypertrophy and bladder disease.

The juice of the leaves is taken orally for rheumatism, and externally - as a lotion from a snake bite, warts and lichen are also smeared with juice.

Young aspen leaves are used as hot poultices on sore spots for gout, rheumatism and salt deposits in the joints.

History reference

Previously, aspen was disliked because of sinister beliefs. This tree was not planted near houses, was not used in kindling, and did not even use the shade from the crown of this tree. In Ukraine, houses were not built from aspen. However, aspen helped in the fight against all evil spirits, amulets were made from it. It was considered that the most pure water will be in a well with an aspen frame.

A long time ago, the antibacterial effect of aspen was used - tree branches were necessarily put in barrels with sauerkraut- so that she does not wander.

Taiga hunters use aspen bark for food in winter. Substances contained in the aspen bark relieve fatigue and increase endurance during long and difficult transitions.

The aspen tree is included in the Red Data Book of Chukotka autonomous region (2008).


  1. Grozdova N. B., Nekrasov V. I., Globa-Mikhailenko D. A. Trees, shrubs and vines: a reference guide. - M.: Lesn. prom-st, 1986. - S. 287-288.
  2. Ivanova T. N., Putintseva L. F. Forest pantry. - Tula: Approx. book. publishing house, 1993. - S. 55-56.
  3. Skvortsov V. E. Educational atlas. Flora Central Russia. - M.: CheRo, 2004. - S. 95.

Populus tremula
Taxon: willow family ( Salicaceae)
Other names: aspen, quivering poplar, shaking, whisper-tree
English: Aspen Poplar, European aspen, Aspen

Botanical description of aspen

A tree up to 30 m high and up to 50-100 cm thick. The crown is ovoid or wide-cylindrical, the bark is greenish-olive, smooth, dark gray on old trees, fissured. The leaves are rounded, on long petioles, serrated, the petioles are flattened in the upper part, and therefore the leaves tremble at the slightest breath of the breeze. Flower buds are ovoid, large, bloom in the spring in the form of earrings from 4 to 15 cm long. Aspen blooms in April-May before the leaves bloom. The seeds mature after 35 days and are dispersed by the wind. On moist soil, they germinate in 1-2 days. Aspen propagates not only by seeds, but also by root offspring. The root system of a tree is very powerful.
Leaves on an adult aspen appear 20 days after flowering. In autumn, the leaves turn a beautiful color from golden yellow to brown-red. Aspen begins to bloom from 10-12 years. Flowering and fruiting annually.

Aspen habitats

Aspen is extremely frost-resistant and spreads far to the north, reaching the forest-tundra. It grows very quickly and by the age of 50 gives up to 400 cubic meters of wood from 1 ha. Lives up to 150 years. Widely distributed in the forests of the European part of the country, in Western and Eastern Siberia, on the Far East, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in Kazakhstan. grows in Western Europe, Mongolia, China and Korea.

Collection and harvesting of aspen

Aspen is a valuable medicinal plant. ethnoscience uses bark, young shoots, buds and leaves as medicinal raw materials.

The chemical composition of aspen

Aspen leaves contain up to 2.2 percent glycosides, including salicin, 43.1 mg /% carotene and 471 mg /% ascorbic acid, protein, fat, fiber.
The bark contains up to 4.4% glycosides (salicin, salicorotin, tremulacin, bitter glycosides, populin), essential oil, pectin, salicylase enzyme, up to 10 percent of tannins. In addition, a whole range of trace elements was found in aspen bark (in mg / kg of dry matter): 23-28, 0.03 molybdenum, 0.06 cobalt, 138-148, 83-90, 0.1-0.3 iodine 0.7-1.0 nickel.
Aspen buds contain the glycosides salicin and populin; benzoic and malic acids, tannins, essential oil and other compounds.
Aspen wood contains cellulose nectazan, resin.

Pharmacological properties of aspen

Aspen has hemostatic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, expectorant, astringent, diaphoretic, and anthelmintic effects. An aqueous extract of aspen bark is used to treat opisthorchiasis.

The use of aspen in medicine

Aspen bark and leaves have a mild, expectorant and stimulant effect.
Aspen bark, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. It is used for rheumatism and relieves menstrual pain.
Young shoots, buds, bark, aspen leaves are used as a hemostatic and remedy.
A decoction of buds, young leaves, aspen shoots is used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory agent for febrile conditions, gastritis.
An infusion or decoction of aspen buds is a popular remedy for fever, chronic, pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis.
Alcohol tincture, ointment (aspen bark with fat), fresh juice is used externally to treat burns, eczema, boils.
Aspen ash from the trunk and bark of a tree, mixed with fresh pork fat, is applied externally as an ointment for eczema: the leaves are burned, fumigated with smoke, boils are sprinkled with ash.
Steamed kidneys and aspen leaves are applied for pain in the joints.
Aspen is included in preparations for the treatment of chronic and bladder disorders.
Aspen leaves are used for healing. They are applied to hemorrhoidal cones for 2 hours, after which they are removed and after 1 hour they are replaced with fresh ones, again for 2 hours, and then everything is washed off with cool water. During the week, the procedure is repeated 3-4 times with breaks for at least a day.
There is an original folk method of treating teeth: they take a freshly cut short aspen log, drill its core, but not completely, pour it into the resulting hole table salt and plug it with something (the density of the cork is important), put the log in the fire and, without letting it burn out to the end, pour out the salt, already saturated with juice, from the hole. This salt is either directly placed on the aching tooth, or diluted in a ratio of 1:10 for rinsing the mouth.

Aspen is widely used in the medicine of many peoples, it helps well with inflammation and in cases where you want to quickly get rid of mental confusion. With prolonged contact with aspen, headaches, drowsiness, difficulty breathing, nausea, and even loss of consciousness may appear. Aspen is active from 14 to 18 hours and in cool weather. Aspen energy can be compared to a strong cold shower.
Aspen is used in, the elixir is prescribed for "vague fears of unknown origin", "anxiety" and "premonition".

Medicinal preparations of aspen

Decoction of young bark: brew 1 cup of chopped bark with 3 cups of boiling water, boil it for 30 minutes, insist under a cloth heating pad for half a day, strain. Drink 3 tbsp. l. 1 hour before meals.
It is used for kidney diseases, cystitis and other diseases of the bladder, urinary retention and salt deposits in the joints, gout, urinary incontinence, colitis, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, colds, cough, nephritis. This decoction is recommended for indigestion, dyspepsia, coughing, and also as an appetite stimulant.
Decoction of buds, leaves or bark: 1 tbsp. l. raw materials in a glass of boiling water, boil for an hour, strain and drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.
Kidney tincture at 70% alcohol or vodka and an aqueous extract of the kidneys has pronounced antimicrobial properties and is used as a diaphoretic or anti-inflammatory.

The use of aspen in the economy

In the old days, aspen branches were always put in barrels with sauerkraut - so that it would not wander. Aspen bark is used for food. To do this, it is prepared in the form of ribbons 40-50 cm long, dried, ground into powder, then added to flour for baking bread. Taiga hunters add aspen bark to food in winter to relieve fatigue and increase endurance during long and difficult transitions.

A bit of history

Aspen is the strongest representative among trees that take bioenergy. Apparently, it was not in vain that in the old days the aspen stake was associated with the spirit of the restless dead. According to legend, the aspen absorbed part of the bioenergy of the deceased and he could no longer actively remind the living of himself. To those who died mysterious death or was killed, and for suicides, an aspen cross was placed in the coffin and an aspen stake was placed on the grave. There are many other superstitions associated with aspen. She was declared a cursed tree; firstly, because it trembles - it means that it is afraid of something, secondly, it almost does not give a shadow, although it has a lush crown, and thirdly, it burns brightly, but it gives little heat. Although all this is scientific explanation. For example, the trembling of an aspen is explained special structure its leaf - it has a very long shard, and the leaf itself is dense and not as flexible as other trees.

Used Books

1. Maznev N.I. Encyclopedia medicinal plants. 3rd ed. - M.: Martin, 2004
2. Edmund Launert. Guide to Edible and Medicinal Plants of Britain and Northern Europe. Hamlyn, 1989. ISBN-13: 978-0600563952
3. Simon Mills. The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism. Healing Arts Press, 1985. ISBN-13: 978-0892812387
4.Bown. D. Encyclopaedia of Herbs and their Uses. 1995, ISBN: 978-0888503343
5.P.M. Chancellor. Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies. The C. W. Daniel Company LTD, 1971
6. Johnson, C.P. Useful plants of Great Britain. 1862

Photos and illustrations of aspen

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