Animal farm. Mink breeding. Mink farming as a business

Mink breeding as a business - interesting idea for breeding fur animals. Very few varieties of animals with valuable fur can be bred in captivity. And minks are just one of those. Moreover, the demand for finished products very large - many ladies prefer to buy winter fur clothes from this noble animal. Moreover, they are ready to purchase not only fur coats, vests, but also accessories for their wardrobe - warm mittens, large collars, beautiful scarves.

For many, the presence of a mink coat is an indicator of well-being. No wonder women are so fond of such clothes. Hence the high demand for mink fur. Therefore, if a businessman wants to open a profitable and profitable business, then raising these animals will allow him to more than return his investment and start making good money.

But you need to approach the opening of a mink farm responsibly - you need to think through your actions in advance, study the legislation, get all the necessary orders, understand how to raise animals. This is the only way to expect successful business.

Mink: features of the beast

When thinking about where to start and how to succeed in their business, the entrepreneur must first study in detail the features of minks. This animal belongs to the order of predators, the marten family. They are small in size, but very attractive in appearance. Fur is considered to be the main advantage of mink not without reason - it is very smooth, silky and shiny.

Breeding minks at home is possible due to the ability of these animals to quickly adapt to external conditions. However, for a large-scale business, it is better to immediately think about opening a farm.

Breeding European minks will not work, as they are under protection (listed in the Red Book). This means that you will have to choose from American breeds.

Due to the variety of shades of fur of these animals (more than 340), there are different color schemes and fur products. The most popular are the following shades:

  • black;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • sapphire.

Manufacturers of fur products prefer to use the fur of females for sewing. For example, global brands have completely abandoned the use of male fur.

Mink varieties

For breeding minks, businessmen most often use the following varieties of these animals:

  • Dark brown. This is the most commonly encountered variety. It is from it that individuals with fur of other shades are obtained by crossing.
  • Black. This variety is also called "jet". It turns out a mink due to the manifestation of a dominant mutation. It was first released in Canada. In nature, such animals are rare.
  • Blue with silver tint. One of the most numerous and sought after colored varieties.
  • Sapphire (smoky blue). They proved to be more prolific than the silver-blue mink. They came just from crossing this variety with the Aleutian mink. But the survival rate of these individuals is lower than that of other brethren.
  • pastel. This group includes individuals from light brown to dark chocolate shades. They are quite prolific and tenacious.
  • Beige. They are more commonly known as American minks. The color may vary from light to darker. The animals themselves of this breed are larger than other brethren. They are rightfully considered one of the most prolific varieties of mink.

The final cost of an individual will depend on its breed, quality of fur, size, fertility and other factors. On average, an adult mink can be bought for 15,000 rubles. And a puppy at the age of 3 months will cost a little less - 10,000 rubles.

When evaluating any business, an entrepreneur makes a preliminary assessment of whether the case in question is profitable or not. In the case of mink breeding, the level of profitability will largely depend on the correct direction of work. You can choose one or combine several options:

  • cultivation and subsequent sale of breeding individuals;
  • sale of adults;
  • sale of finished skins;
  • sale of clothes from natural fur.

In the case of selling skins, you will have to master the appropriate technique or hire a person who will deal with cutting individuals. But the sale of fur products will require serious investments. It makes sense to leave this idea for the future, when the breeding of minks will be established.

Features of cultivation and breeding

Since minks are predatory animals, meat and fish must also be included in their diet. This is the only way to ensure high quality fur. But in addition to these products, you need to add to the diet:

  • corn;
  • compound feed;
  • milk and other dairy products;
  • fish fat;
  • grass;
  • vitamins and useful minerals.

And at the age of 10 months, minks mature and can give birth. Mating usually takes place in March. Puppies are born after about 7 weeks. One female is able to bring from 4 to 14 cubs.


To keep minks, you will need a site. It is important that it is not located near residential buildings. Approximately 6 acres will be enough to open a farm. First you need to build the sheds. These are structures that have a gable roof on top. Inside are the cells. They can be made independently from galvanized mesh. Moreover, each cell should not have a size larger than 2.5 cm. In the enclosures themselves, you need to install:

  • houses;
  • feeders;
  • drinkers;
  • baths.

If an entrepreneur wants to seriously engage in animal breeding, then he needs to carry out all the necessary communications to the site: water, heat, sewerage, electricity.

In addition to the premises for keeping animals, it will be necessary to equip a warehouse for storing feed, inventory, a place for slaughtering and making skins.

Methods for processing skins

If an entrepreneur is engaged in growing minks for the subsequent sale of skins, then you will need to hire a specialist or independently master the technique of processing skins. Usually slaughter is carried out in the middle of autumn. In this case, most often one of the following methods is used:

  1. After removing the skin inside cleaned from the remnants of meat and fat. Next, the products are laid out with fur to the bottom and the surface is allowed to cool. Only after that the skin is covered with salt and allowed to dry completely. It usually takes a couple of days.
  2. The skins immediately after cutting the animal are sent to a saline solution for a couple of hours. Then they are taken out and laid out on a smooth surface. In this position, they are left for several days to dry completely.

Legal aspects

Design own enterprise in the case of breeding minks, it is not so simple. First, you will need to register. An entrepreneur can choose for himself an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You need to find out in advance which OKVED code to prescribe. In this case, the code 01.49.22 - "Breeding of other fur-bearing animals on farms" will be applicable. It applies not only to minks, but also to sable, otters, martens and other animal species.

An entrepreneur cannot do without obtaining a license to carry out activities. Its validity period is 5 years. It should be noted that farms engaged not only in breeding minks, but also in their production and use (finishing skins, including) are subject to licensing. To obtain a permit, you need to contact the Ministry Agriculture RF. You will need to take a package of papers with you:

  • statement (the type of future activity must also be indicated);
  • copies of documents certifying the registration of the entrepreneur (entry in the USRIP or USRLE);
  • copies of constituent documents;
  • payment document for payment of the license fee;
  • copies of papers that allow assessing the level of qualification of the entrepreneur and the specialists working for him.

Based on these documents, the application is considered. But the future mink breeding farm must also meet certain requirements:

  1. availability of documents for all individuals confirming their origin and having information about their breeding and reproductive qualities;
  2. mandatory comprehensive assessment of animals every year;
  3. the presence of an individual entrepreneur or a specialist working in an LLC as a deputy, of the appropriate education in the profession of “animal engineer” or “animal technician”.

Documents will also be required from the veterinary service, SES, firefighters. Even after obtaining a license, the enterprise must strictly comply with the existing rules, regulations and requirements.

It usually takes about 2 months to make a decision on a license. Already after the issuance of the relevant document, the supervisory authority can visit with an inspection no more than once every 2 years.

Financial results

An entrepreneur who has not previously been involved in breeding fur-bearing animals is unlikely to clearly understand how much money he will need, so he should make calculations even at the stage of considering a business idea. Start-up costs include the following:

  • construction of necessary facilities (warehouses, sheds) - 400,000 rubles;
  • arrangement of premises (purchase of drinking bowls, feeders, bathtubs, etc.) - 250,000 rubles;
  • working inventory and equipment - 150,000 rubles;
  • purchase of individuals - 500,000 rubles;
  • other expenses - 50,000 rubles.

It turns out that it will take at least 1,350,000 rubles to open.

  • meals - 650 rubles;
  • utilities- 50 rubles;
  • salary - 500 rubles;
  • veterinary care - 100 rubles.

Total: 1,300 rubles. And it will be possible to sell the skin of an individual for 2,000 rubles. That is, with one you can get an income of 700 rubles. The average monthly profit will be 100,000 rubles. This means that the payback is 14 - 15 months, and the profitability is in the region of 25 - 30%.

When selling adults or fur products, you can hope for a higher level of income.

Yes, the times have sunk into oblivion when a mink hat served not only as an effective protection against frost, but was an indicator of high life status its owner. However, the demand for the fur of this nimble animal is still high. Only the format of its presentation to the consumer audience has changed - in the last 10-15 years, mink coats have been in fashion. Moreover, it is worth noting that this type of winter clothing is not only presentable, but also really gives comfort and warmth in winter. For Russia with its snowy and frosty winters this factor is extremely important. Such a high consumer demand naturally requires satisfaction, which means it is worth considering breeding mink as a business.

Important! Mink is a small predatory animal belonging to the mustelid family. Its length without a tail is 40-50 cm. It is valued for its smooth, short, shiny fur with a thick undercoat. Of particular interest is its color. Today there are more than 300 different color shades. Mink skins of black, brown, sapphire and silver-blue color have the greatest industrial value.

Mink breeding features

We immediately emphasize that in the world, including in Russia, American mink is grown on fur farms. American breed give preference because the European mink is classified as an endangered species and is listed in the Red Book. The fur of female minks is valued higher than that of males. Skins are made in the period November-December. It was then that the animal has the highest quality indicators of fur.

Important! Growing mink as a business will show good profitability only with a large number of animals.

What is required for the technological process

  1. A plot of land for the equipment of a small farm - a site in a summer cottage is quite suitable.
  2. The mink is kept in spacious cages - the size of the mesh cell is 2.5 cm.
  3. A house is built in each cage for the animal, and a feeder, a drinking bowl and a small container of water are also fixed. The presence of a house is mandatory, this is due to the instinct of a mink living in wild nature in the hole. But the water tank is a response to another natural need animal - frequent bathing.


Mink is a carnivorous animal. To obtain high-quality fur, it must be fed with meat and fish. Although, in practice, in industrial cultivation, meat and fish production. To do this, the owner of the fur farm must establish a channel for the acquisition of such raw materials in large quantities and at wholesale prices.

In addition to meat and fish, you will have to balance your diet:

  • Compound feed.
  • Grain.
  • Grass.
  • Fish oil.
  • Dairy products.
  • Special vitamins.

Attention! A particularly high-quality diet for minks should be provided in early spring, when the animal is going through a rutting period, and also in summer, when females are lactating.


The female mink is ready for childbearing at the age of 10 months. In March, pre-selected males and females are placed together for mating. The appearance of offspring should be expected after 7 weeks. One female leads 12-15 puppies. At proper care we can say that the mink does not get sick. This result can be achieved by observing some important rules. For example, a mink must be vaccinated annually, as well as monitor the maintenance of vitamin and mineral balance.

Mink as a business: how much start-up capital is required

Calculation for 1000 individuals

Please note that this does not include the cost of the land. If the breeder of fur farms will purchase it on purpose, then the cost part will naturally increase significantly.


Important! The wholesale cost of mink skins varies in the range of 2000-6000 rubles. In order for the return to be maximum, the livestock should at least partially consist of breeds with a rare fur color. Although such young animals are more expensive to purchase, the result will be higher income, since the skins are valued much more expensive.

Mink as a business involves the sale of products in several areas:

  1. Sale of breeding animals.
  2. Sale of adults - today fashion trend keep minks at home.
  3. Sale of skins.
  4. Sale of finished fur products (including tailor-made ones).

Competently built marketing, in addition to organizing your own workshop for sewing mink products, involves cooperation on an ongoing basis with clothing factories, as well as companies exporting skins abroad.


Mink breeding as a business is an activity that involves a solid investment. Caring for animals requires scrupulous adherence to breeding technology. Animals must be vaccinated and provide a special diet. If you give slack at least at one of the stages, then the risk of death of the livestock increases. If everything is “OK”, then the financial result will be highly profitable.

Over time, the fashion for keeping unusual wild animals in the house is gaining momentum: it seems commonplace for many people to keep a dog or cat in an apartment, they want to feel like the owner of a squirrel, fox, ferret, or exotic animals (snakes, koalas). More and more began to domesticate the mink, which was previously considered only a valuable source of fur. - one of the few fur-bearing animals that They can get along well with people with the right upbringing. In this article we will talk about what a mink looks like and how to feed such an animal at home.

Description and photo of the animal

Minks in the wild are predators, but are relatively small: body length - 40-50 cm (without tail), female weight - 750-850 g, male weight - 1.4-1.5 kg. The body of animals from the weasel family is slightly flattened, the legs are short, and therefore small predators cannot move quickly. But in the process of evolution, they have formed membranes between the fingers, which allow animals to swim quickly and dexterously.

Did you know? Male mink during the period of sexual activity are able to make unusual sounds, similar to giggling or whistling.

Many people probably know about mink wool. It is very thick, iridescent, has many different colors(white, dark black, gray-bluish, brown, brown). These animals have very sharp teeth and a strong bite, so they can bite through without any problems. human hand. This fact should be considered before buying a mink for your children.

Some people worry that keeping a mink in an apartment is associated with the constant presence of an unpleasant odor. We hasten to note that an animal from the weasel family very clean, and will not emit unpleasant odors. This will only be possible if the cleaning is irregular and of poor quality.

This beautiful animal has a selfish nature. Mink can recognize and love only one person, or even treat all family members with increased aggression. In this regard, experts do not recommend giving mink to children to play with. It is best to buy a toy for the animal, with which he will play with great pleasure.

This animal is susceptible to many diseases, and, unfortunately, does not tolerate many of them. That's why pet You need to regularly take them to the veterinarian for check-ups and vaccinate in a timely manner.

Features of life in the wild

The natural habitat of minks is considered to be most of of Eastern Europe and North America. There are two varieties of mink: European and American. The second was brought to Europe before the start of World War II, and today the population of the American mink in Europe significantly exceeds the population of the European one. To a greater extent, this is due to the displacement of the European animal by its larger relative.

This animal lives near rivers, lakes and bays, but very rarely settles further than 200 meters from a reservoir. Minks get their name from the fact that a large number of time is spent in burrows that are built near thickets of bushes, or near roots big trees. The main enemy of the mink is considered river otter, which almost always wins the battle for territory, as it is a larger beast.

An animal from the weasel family leads an active lifestyle for all year round, in winter period time begins to roam more and stay near non-freezing water bodies. The animal tries to pull all prey to the shore: frogs, fish from nets, water rats. Sometimes it feeds on plant foods rich in essential vitamins (lingonberries, mountain ash, seeds of perennial plants). If the animal lives near the village, then with a high degree of probability, chickens or other household birds will disappear from people.

When the males are ready to mate, they start active search females. At this time, they can move far from their holes. Usually, several “admirers” begin to look after one female at once, but one always wins - the most aggressive and strong. The female's pregnancy lasts a month and a half, after which the mother takes care of her cubs for 12-14 weeks. The lactation period in these animals is long, and takes about 10 weeks. When small animals learn to hunt and get their own food on their own, they will leave their mother in search of a place to live.

Mink in the house: pros and cons

Many people are still very surprised when they find out that mink can be kept as a pet. Perhaps in 20-30 years this will become commonplace, and animals from the weasel family will replace many domestic cats and dogs. But today, many doubt the domestication of these predators, and in order to make it easier for people, below we will give all the pros and cons of the domestic mink.

About the pros

Among positive aspects domestication of this animal, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  1. They are very active and interesting animals with enough high level intellect. Every child will have fun watching these little fluffies play.
  2. Loyal, faithful and sincerely loving only one person in the family. Usually it turns out to be the one who best looked after the animal from early childhood.
  3. With proper upbringing, the mink will become an excellent companion for a cat or dog. They will play together and protect each other.

About cons

Minks, unlike cats and dogs, have not gone through many thousands of years of evolution under human control. Animals from the marten family are still wild. It may also take them many hundreds and even thousands of years to become more "socialized". Concerning, negative sides in the content of such animals at home, there are several more:

  1. If you leave your pet unattended for a long time, he will become aggressive and naughty.
  2. A poorly selected diet will lead to the fact that an unpleasant odor will come from the animal's cage.
  3. You should not take such a pet to a house where there are small children. The fact is that the mink may not like children's games, and it will begin to bite and scratch.
  4. It is possible to accustom this animal to a tray, but this still does not prevent him from marking the territory with urine and feces, because such instincts remain at the subconscious level.
  5. Mink often changes mood. Sometimes she gladly goes to the hands of the owner, but in some cases she can behave aggressively and unpredictably.
  6. There is a fairly high probability that even with all the rules of upbringing, you will grow an aggressive and unfriendly beast.

Did you know? Statistics say that mink provides about 75% of the world's fur needs.

Choosing a pet when buying

Prices for animals from the weasel family can vary greatly. Some sellers offer predatory animals for $50 or more, others want $300 or more for their pets. Everything will depend on the type of mink, the quality of its wool, the popularity of the nursery and the living conditions in it. Be that as it may, only the fact that the animal needs to be bought only in young age. If you buy an adult, chances are high that you will never be able to find mutual language with your pet.

Breeding and selling mink- not as common as, for example, breeding German Shepherds or British cats. This is due to the popularity of these pets, which is only gaining momentum and is still at the very bottom of the rating. The easiest way to purchase is to search for good nurseries on the Internet.

Of course, if there are nurseries in your city where mustelids are bred, this will greatly facilitate your task. It is not so easy to choose a healthy cub, so it is better to take an experienced friend or veterinarian with you to the nursery. The cub must be mobile, active, without visible defects on the skin and musculoskeletal system. His coat and eyes should be shiny and there should be no sign of stool under his tail.

Conditions and place for the animal

Experts recommend keeping such an animal only in spacious cells, where there is a lot of space for active games. Due to the fact that mustelids are very mobile predators, leading an active lifestyle all year round, they need to be given freedom of action. Many people try to practice keeping a mink without a cage, when she just walks around the apartment, like a cat or a well-mannered dog. Of course, with a free content, one should be prepared for torn wallpaper or scattered things, but such behavior is characteristic only of ill-mannered animals.

If you still decide to purchase cage for your pet then buy only a metal product, since the tree will not stand under sharp teeth furry predator. The cells of the cage should be small, the cage itself should be spacious, equipped with a drinking bowl, a feeder and a tray. It should be noted that the pet's cage will have to be cleaned daily, as long-term neglect will cause unpleasant odors, characteristic of many representatives of the marten family.

Don't Forget Walking with your pet. Minks are very fond of walking on a leash in the fields or in the forest. Bathing is also important aspect in animal care. It will be good if you live in a private house, and you have the opportunity to equip a "fluffy" small pool near the house. If this is not possible, then take him to swim in the nearest body of water, just do not let him swim without a leash.

What to feed the animal

You already know that the mink is a small aggressive predator that in the wild feeds on fish, toads, birds, small rats and some foods. plant origin. At home, it is important to create an optimal diet that will be balanced in terms of the presence of all the necessary nutrients in food. vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, polyunsaturated fatty acids. The wrong diet can lead to poor pet health, problems with hair and claws.

Veterinarians recommend feeding the animal with fish, poultry, seafood, porridge, and dairy products. Fresh berries (blackberries, lingonberries) will also benefit the animal, because they are rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Sometimes you can feed the animal with purchased dry cat food, but always make sure that there is clean drinking water in the cage.

Important! An adult needs 150-300 grams of balanced feed per day.

Care and cleanliness

An animal cage is needed service regularly so that unpleasant odors do not arise in the house. This must be done with special care and affection, so as not to cause excessive aggression in the animal. In addition, do not forget about the regular combing of wool. For such procedures, you should purchase a special brush, after consulting with your veterinarian. Regular combing will help the animal quickly change the fur coat; in addition, such procedures improve blood circulation in the upper layer of the epidermis.

We monitor health

About mink breeding

The process of breeding these beautiful furry predators is not so difficult. It just needs to be treated with care, seriousness in intentions and readiness for unforeseen circumstances (always keep the phone number of the nearest veterinarian at the ready).

Did you know? The first mink farm was established in 1925 in the US state of Utah. It was created by Kento Vernon, who caught a furry predator when he ate his chicken.

These animals reach sexual maturity only at the age of ten months. Before the onset of puberty, animals must be closely monitored and all sexual intercourse should be interrupted, because early pregnancy can lead to the loss of the female and her offspring. It is best to plant a male and a female in one cage in March, since it is during this period that the animals are at the peak of sexual activity. The period of gestation by the female takes 1.5-2 months, but it is not so easy to find out about the pregnancy of the animal. The fact is that the round tummy of the animal appears only 2 weeks before the expected date of birth.

One female able to bring up to 10 cubs, who are born blind, hairless and defenseless. For a month and a half, they feed exclusively on mother's milk. After this period, babies can be placed in a separate cage and transferred to adult food.

In general, caring for a mink is not difficult even for beginners. It is no more difficult than keeping many other exotic animals. You should be patient and take care of the animal, and he will delight you with his playful character, wonderful fur and beautiful offspring.

For people who want to organize their own livestock business, I recommend taking a closer look at the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbreeding a mink at home or.

Mink breeding as a business is a profitable business that proper organization, will certainly bring you a stable and large income.

Mink is an animal that is very famous for its beautiful fur. Every woman dreams of a chic mink coat. Products from the fur of this animal are quite expensive, only rich people wear such fur coats and vests. Mink coat not only very warm and beautiful, but also worn for many years without losing its presentation.

Not only fur coats are sewn from mink fur, but also hats, mittens, collars and scarves. The demand for fur is quite large, so its cost is considerable.

From this, many entrepreneurs are thinking about organizing a mink breeding farm.

Mink breeding business plan

Mink breeding at home

The mink is a small predatory animal of the mustelid family. The animal is small in size up to 50 cm. The mink comes in a wide variety of colors from brown, black, to silver-blue. Interestingly, for the production of elite fur coats of world brands, only female skins are used, the quality of their fur is much higher than that of males.

To keep these fluffy animals, you need to equip cages and a room. Cells can be made independently or made to order. It is important that the mink has enough free space, take care of the convenience of the animals. Raising these wild animals requires free space, so this species earnings suitable for people living in rural areas. If you are a resident of the city, we recommend that you do it at home.

A house should be equipped in the cage, where the animal can hide from prying eyes. Also put a special feeder for food, a drinking bowl and a container of water, these predators love water treatments.

Minks are aggressive animals, so they need to be kept in separate cages. The length of this structure should be at least 60 centimeters, and more, it all depends on your preferences. But even in such an area, predators will feel comfortable.


Minks are predators by nature. In the wild, they feed mainly on small rodents, fish, and birds. If you decide to start breeding mink at home, you must provide the animals with a complete, balanced diet. Basically, it should be fresh meat, fish, plant foods and dairy products.

It is not necessary to feed the mink with low-quality oily waste. It is best to breed rodents for these purposes, providing these predatory animals with a complete, healthy diet.

It is also possible to feed minks with inexpensive fish that can be bought in bulk. But do not forget that these furry animals are prone to various diseases, which is a risk to your business. Therefore, take care of the constant monitoring of minks by a veterinarian, and also add vitamins to food for prevention. This will significantly increase the chances of survival of the offspring.

Business registration

Before starting your business, you must register as a sole trader or LLC. To breed minks, you need to obtain a license, as well as documents confirming the origin and evaluation of the breeding and productive qualities of animals.

If you plan to implement your detail as individual entrepreneur, then they must have an appropriate education (livestock specialist or zooengineer). If there is no education, then you need to register as an LLC and hire, for the position of your deputy, a person with the appropriate education.

In addition, the maintenance of minks on your farm will be checked by the sanitary and epidemiological service, which should issue a conclusion on whether you adhere to the rules and regulations.
After collecting and submitting documents within 60 days, the licensing authority decides whether to issue or refuse a license, which is issued for 5 years.

Sales of products

This business does not require large investments. You can start small, buy a small stock and leave young females for breeding. Naturally, in this case, the payback period of the business will be longer, but with a lack of funds, this good exit out of the situation.

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Mink implementation options:

  1. Sale of live minks as pets or for divorce. Additionally, you can earn money by selling minks for breeding. Also today, keeping these animals at home as pets has become fashionable. But here you should not forget that the mink is a predatory and rather aggressive animal that is difficult to tame. The only way to domesticate a mink is to care for the cub from the moment of birth. It is almost impossible to tame an adult animal.
  2. Sale of skins. You will receive the main income, of course, by implementing this valuable fur. Fur factories and shops can become your clients. Prices for mink skins are quite high, everything will depend on the quality and a well-established distribution channel. So take care of that initial stage implementation of your idea;
  3. Tailoring of fur products. If you own your own mink farm, you may well open a fur tailoring factory. Thus, you will be able to successfully invest your money and significantly increase your profits.


First of all, I want to note that this business is profitable and quite promising, because fur prices are only growing every year.

An important condition for success in business is a competent investment, it is also important to adhere to the technology of breeding, caring for and keeping furry animals. Without proper care, minks can get sick, and you will lose all your livestock and doom your business to failure.
Highly important point- Smart market. It is important to find buyers in advance and, if possible, conclude a contract with them for the supply of products.

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