Mink coat black and white. Short mink coat - what to wear and how to create fashionable looks? Mink coat with short sleeves

Visually, such furs rejuvenate women. Of course, this acquisition is not cheap, and the issue of its choice must be approached with great care. You can buy mink models directly in the online store www.furmonde - we will deliver for fitting within a day. Or visit the showroom in Moscow near the Baumanskaya metro station.

What types of shades exist?

There are dozens of variations of light shades. natural mink presented in the following color palette: white, mahogany, pastel, demibuff, palomino, pearl, sapphire, violet, cinnamon. But the pastel color has many variations of different shades of beige, sapphire, topaz, powder.

Everything else is basically artificial color.

The lighter the model, the more demanding it is for accuracy when wearing and storing.

How to choose light mink coats?

  • Such furs are suitable for young girls who add sophistication, and mature women who are visually younger. Stylists advise focusing on the type of appearance. Fair-skinned and fair-haired girls will suit fur with a silver sheen.
  • Do you have blond hair? take pearl shimmer models, as well as pastels and the whole range of beige.
  • An important rule - do not buy a fur coat that will be identical to the color of your hair.

Before purchasing, ask yourself a few questions: where will you wear it? Do you go outside more often? Do you travel more by car or by public transport? Do you prefer to wear a hat or do you prefer to wear a hood? All this will influence the choice of style.

Designers say nothing is better for statutory exits light mink can not found. Women are more likely to purchase models in dark shades, so you will look outside the box in the good sense of the word.

What to wear with light mink coats?

It all depends on the style. If you purchased a shortened version, or, as they say, an auto lady, then you can wear jeans, suit pants. Not for official meetings, it is appropriate to wear even tight-fitting leather pants. With shoes it is better not to experiment much. It is best to give preference to classic shoes. Accessories in color should not contrast strongly with fur.

Where to buy light mink coats?

Visit the website of the online store site. A wide range, a convenient catalog, filters for choosing models. Order home delivery for fitting - we will bring it to you coat per day. The fitting time is unlimited and in case of purchase you do not pay for delivery. Come to our showroom in Moscow - our staff will help you make the right choice. There are discounts on some fur coats - have time to buy at a bargain price.

A white fur coat is suitable for any representative of the fair sex. Such a fur product looks elegant and solemn, it is easy to create a unique and stylish bow with it.

Features and Benefits

White color is versatile and can be combined with different tones to create trendy combinations.

In a white fur coat you will definitely be the center of attention. She is always in fashion as white is everyone's favorite classic.

The only drawback of a white fur coat is its color. It should be cleaned more often, which affects the appearance. Compared to dark-colored fur coats, a white fur product has a shorter service life.


New styles, original models of snow-white fur coats attract the attention of the fair sex.

Short coats are very popular. Among the novelties of white fur products there are short capes and jackets, as well as long fur coats. Such an assortment allows each fashionista to choose the perfect option, based on personal preferences.

Many models of short fur coats have a hood, which is perfect for everyday wear. Often, white fur coats are fastened with internal hooks to create a harmonious, cohesive look. Models on buttons of dark tones look spectacular. Black fittings will help create contrast and emphasize the color scheme of the fur product. Today, models with a large hood or without it are in trend.

Designers love to experiment by combining natural fur with leather.

Usually white fur is combined with white skin. For example, a fur product may have leather sleeves, a strip in front for attaching accessories, or in the form of an insert to separate the top of the fur coat and its hem.

In the classic version, a white fur coat is sewn from one piece of fur. The product from small shreds looks original. Today, transverse fur coats are in fashion. Symmetrical patches are arranged horizontally, creating transverse seams. The original looks like a model of symmetrical shreds, which are arranged in random order.

A white fur coat is often used to embody a wedding bow in the cold season. It perfectly complements the magnificent and solemn dress of the bride.


In modern collections of fur products, designers focus on short models, midi-length models are also found, but floor-length fur coats are somehow receding into the background.

A long white fur coat looks luxurious, elegant and beautiful. In such a fur coat, every woman will feel like a real queen. Such a product is suitable for creating a solemn bow.

Shades and print

Animal prints remain popular among the fair sex. A fur coat with a white leopard color looks beautiful and elegant. To show the beauty of the print, designers often offer maxi-length models.

A black and white fur coat is a great option to express your individuality, to be in the spotlight. Designers often use furs that initially have such interesting colors. For tailoring fur products, rabbit or lynx fur, black and white mink are often used. Black stripes make each product spectacular and unique.

Another group of original combinations is gray-white fur coats. They are more practical than the snow-white options. The combination of two colors makes it possible to decorate the fur product with an interesting print.


Almost every girl likes white fur coats, because in such an outfit you can feel like a real princess, looking elegant, beautiful and spectacular.

Unfortunately, not every girl can afford such a purchase because of its impracticality. On white, any kind of pollution is very noticeable. Another drawback is fragility, since white fur literally begins to turn yellow in two or three seasons.

How to choose and care?

When choosing a white fur coat, special attention should be paid to the quality of tailoring and fur, since the service life of the product depends on this.

  • To determine the quality of the fur, you need to stroke the pile. First, the villi rise, and then return to their original position. This shows that fur fibers are elastic and natural.
  • All villi should be the same length. If in some places of the fur product there are bald patches, we can safely say that we have a fur coat of poor quality. It is not durable.

  • Natural products always have a pleasant aroma. The presence of an unpleasant odor suggests that you should stay away from such a fur coat.
  • When stroking the fur, you can determine its strength. You just need to pull the villi in different places of the fur coat. If there are no fibers left in your hand, then such a product deserves your attention. Natural fur coats never shed. The only thing that can reduce the strength of the pile is storing the fur coat in inappropriate conditions.
  • If the fur meets all the requirements, then do not forget to check the wrong side of the fur coat. Manufacturers of high-quality fur products do not sew one edge of the lining. This allows you to inspect the skin. The yellow color indicates the age of the fur.

A white fur coat tends to turn yellow, and also gets dirty very quickly, which is why you should pay attention to caring for it:

  • To clean a white fur coat from any kind of dirt, a regular shampoo is an excellent choice. One spoonful of shampoo should be dissolved in a glass of water. Next, take a clean cloth, moisten it in the resulting solution and gently wipe the areas of fur contamination.
  • There is another way to clean a white fur coat, but you should only turn to it if the first method did not help. It is necessary to take gasoline instead of shampoo and carefully wipe the necessary places.
  • Heavy soiling on a white fur coat cannot be removed at home, so it is necessary to occasionally use dry cleaning services. Professional cleaning with the help of special equipment will return the fur coat to its original appearance.

  • If the fur coat gets wet, be sure to dry it, but only at room temperature. The fur product must be hung on a coat hanger, away from any heat sources.
  • In order for white fur to retain color and shine, the fur coat should be combed out. It is enough to carry out this procedure once every two weeks.
  • When exposed to sunlight, a white fur coat will definitely begin to turn yellow. This cannot be avoided. But in order for the fur product to be white longer, it should be stored in a dark place.

What to wear?

A white fur coat is a versatile piece of clothing because it looks stylish with many things. It goes well with dark clothes. A dark leather belt will become a worthy addition to a snow-white fur coat of midi or maxi length.

The most demanding fashionista will not refuse an elegant and elegant white mink coat. The worship of men and the envy of women in this case are simply guaranteed! In a white mink coat, it’s not a sin to go down the aisle, to a gala dinner or other social reception. And if you want to be chic every day - please. Designers have developed many models with white mink fur for daily use. Such a choice can be called truly royal! It is impossible to imagine a more stylish and elegant outfit for cold weather than a white mink coat.

dazzling splendor

Each girl can pick up a white mink product. The photos in the article show that they come in different lengths and styles. Some people think that this is not the best choice for everyday wear, but if you choose the right shade, you can shine not only on holidays. Such products are especially popular among Russian beauties, because our country is famous for its mink furs.

They came into fashion in the 1930s. Hollywood stars were able to advertise these white fur things well. This inspired girls and women around the world to acquire attractive outfits in the form of light white fur coats, boleros, capes. For a century now, a white mink coat has remained in trend and is present in many designer collections. The photos presented in the article prove its following advantages:

Variety of shades

The pure white mink is the Hetlung breed, but there are many others with a yellowish tint. These breeds are obtained by crossing animals with albinos. Some girls are afraid to buy a white fur coat because they are afraid that it will turn yellow. There are such cases. But this problem is solvable. After all, you can initially buy a product with some shade, for example, yellowish, gray or blue. The snow-white version of the fur coat is suitable for festive outings. It can be a wedding, a trip to the theater, a presentation. Such a product requires special care and caution.

An interesting variant of white, only with a slightly muted tone, is a pearl coat. She is as catchy as white, only a little less elegant. An even more practical option is cream. On such a fur coat, yellowing is the least noticeable. Some girls prefer models with a gray or blue tint. Very romantic and gentle is the powdery tone, which has a slightly pink tint.

long models

Long white mink coats are always relevant. Photos of such models clearly show that they can be floor-length or slightly covering the knees. This is a very solid purchase. Most often they are bought by adult ladies. Such a thing is truly status, not every product can be compared with its chic and elegance. White mink reviews indicate that the following models are the most popular among long fur coats:

Gorgeous short pieces

White fur coats made of mink are gaining more and more popularity. Especially young active girls love them. Such products well emphasize the charms of the figure. White short mink can be combined with many wardrobe items. Straight and flared short models to the hip are in demand today. Very short fur coats to the waist look attractive. Such things are more practical than long ones. This style was called "autolady". Short warm model suitable for most of the winter period.

Models with a hood

Leading positions on the fashion catwalks today are occupied by white mink fur coats with a hood. Lovers of lush hairstyles and long hair do not like to wear hats, because under them the styling loses its appearance. Such women of fashion stop their attention on a fur coat with a hood. It helps not to worry about the hairstyle. Mink fur has a low lush pile with a thick undercoat, which will not allow you to freeze even in the most severe frosts. Hoods are deep and small. Volumetric hoods store heat well and protect hair.

When purchasing a mink coat with a hood, consider the following points:

  • The price of such a product will be slightly higher than usual, because more material will be used up.
  • The hood must be raised during storage so that it does not crush the fur on the shoulders.
  • For sewing hoods, the remains of the skins are used. Before buying, it is worth examining the product, if there are any differences between the shades of the fur coat and the hood.

It is worth noting that such mink models do not require any unnecessary decorative additions.

Features of white sheared mink

Women do not always think only about the warmth and comfort of fur, but also about beauty. A white product made of sheared mink looks very presentable. These are very smooth and shiny. Do not confuse this type with plucked fur, these are two different technologies. The word "haircut" implies the formation of a pile of the desired length. Fur gets rid of stiffness and acquires the same structure. Sometimes pile to eliminate defects and damage on the surface.

A white fur coat is already aesthetic in itself, but in such processing it becomes even more accurate. Such a product is famous for its even and smooth surface with a darkish tint. You will immediately notice the luxury and high cost of such a thing. Here are three benefits of sheared fur:

  1. The ability to create a variety of patterns on products.
  2. Thanks to polishing, a noble and rich shine is created.
  3. Fur coats are light, practical and durable.

Sheared mink has one characteristic feature - when you touch it, it tingles in your hand. This suggests that you have natural fur in front of you. Often, white products with sheared pile are complemented with collars or hoods from other types of fur. Lush beaver, arctic fox is in perfect harmony with the mink's sheared pile. The leaders of products with sheared fur are elongated mink models.

The most fashionable styles

What else, besides the classics, have designers prepared for fashionistas from white mink fur? Very tempting, versatile and relevant style is urban minimalism. In this direction, styles have been developed that resemble a men's straight coat to the knee. In such fur coats there is no collar and cuffs. A straight mink coat, not overflowing with details, is an example of elegance. In such a simple silhouette, the beauty of fur is well revealed.

Another original design solution for creating white fur coats is the transverse assembly of the fur fabric. The so-called fur coats - "crosses" - a product made of strips. They can be narrow or wider. Lay out these strips in a horizontal position. Such a white little thing looks like a solid canvas. The seams are completely invisible.

One of the new silhouette ideas is the "bat". The emphasis in this model is on the extended line of the shoulder and the cut of the sleeves, which resembles the wings of the aforementioned animal. Such models are slightly narrower at the bottom and have a delicate collar. Additional decor for this style is inappropriate.

A fur coat will become a particularly festive version of a white fur coat. Such a model is made of whole uncut fur in a transverse assembly. There are instances without collars or with a rack. A special decoration of such fur coats is an unusual three-quarter sleeve. Girls love to wear beautiful high gloves under them. It is appropriate to decorate such an elegant fur coat with a large brooch or a chic belt.

The above styles of white fur coats are suitable for slender ladies. But what about the owners of magnificent forms? Don't be upset, the designers have taken care of it and developed "butterfly" fur coats. They are distinguished by luxurious sleeves and a trapezoidal cut. Various decorative elements look very organic on such models. They are decorated with voluminous collars and boas, cuffs, original hoods, hem trim. The white fur coat "butterfly" with a black collar looks original.

A fairly comfortable model, which is gaining more and more popularity, is a transformer coat. . In such products, some elements are unfastened, which completely changes the little thing. If necessary, you can unfasten the hood. In some models, the hem or sleeves come unfastened. Thus, the fur coat turns into a fashionable white vest.

Long and short fur coats with a belt are distinguished by special femininity. The latter favorably highlights the waist and makes the product more elegant. The belt can be not only made of fur, but also made of leather and other materials.

Girls with a good figure choose fitted white fur coats. All the advantages of the hostess will be emphasized by such a white mink product. This is perhaps the most elegant and feminine option. Several seasons are very fashionable original coats-dresses , which have a fluffy flared hem and a fitted top. Most often they are complemented by a chic hood. Especially this option is suitable for owners of slender legs. It will give a young coquette a touch of special grace. In this model, the girl looks a little summery, the flying image does not look bulky and baggy.

Another fashionable style of recent seasons is the "balloon" fur coat. Such a fur coat at the waist and at the bottom is gathered with a drawstring. Elegant business beauties are happy to choose this sexy and feminine model.

Some girls prefer original light coats with zippers. On the one hand, such a fastener will forgive the model a little, and on the other hand, it will make it original. The zipper looks especially great if the mink fur is combined with the skin. Most often, locks are used for short models such as "autolady".

Combination with other shades and furs

Every woman wants to look slim in a fur coat, so she chooses a short pile (shorn mink). Such fur allows designers to create real masterpieces, because it can be combined with other furs. So, white hooded mink coats can be trimmed with fur of silver fox, sable, lynx. This is the trend of recent seasons. These furs have a longer pile than mink, so the combination looks interesting.

A chic collar, pockets and cuffs can be made from other fur. Often such inserts come in a different color: black, dark gray, brown. Sable inserts in contrasting tones look especially chic on a white mink coat, because this is an even more expensive fur.

Products with a combination of white fur with other shades look original. The most common option is white with black. Inserts of a different color will help emphasize some features of the figure. A neutral ensemble will be a combination of white and gray. Ash color will make the design of a white thing more fascinating. For such fur coats, contrasting belts are sometimes offered.

How to choose and what to wear

When choosing a white mink coat, they are guided by their taste, there are no special rules. It's just worth paying attention to some of the nuances. To purchase a quality item, contact a branded store with good reviews. So, the most reliable way to determine the naturalness of a fur product is to run your palm over it “against the wool”. In natural fur, the pile immediately falls into place. Pay attention to the villi, they should not differ in length. If you like to wear dresses and skirts, then pay attention to a long light fur coat. Short and medium fur coats are suitable for lovers of trousers and jeans. Pay attention to the cut, because mink fur is always honorable anyway. Here are the main features of a quality mink coat:

  • shiny, flowing, iridescent coat;
  • thick elastic pile;
  • professional durable painting;
  • soft skin, no cracks;
  • few seams.

You can pick up many fashionable combinations for a white mink coat. Such a bright thing and so attracts attention. Don't over complicate it with accessories. A delicate and romantic look will be made up of such a little thing with a white knitted hat and scarf. This image will complement the original openwork mittens or gloves. The bag is white or black. Small handbags or clutches are suitable for "autolady" models. Get acquainted with two fashionable bows for a white fur coat:

  1. Black tight pants or leggings, an original belt, white leather gloves, red lipstick, hair in a high bun or ponytail.
  2. White coat with short sleeves in the style of Chanel, black knitted dress, high boots, lacquer clutch.

It should be noted that gold jewelry is perfect for such outfits. It is better to choose boots for In addition to hats, you can wear plain hats and berets.

Artificial fur coats of all shades of white, various styles will still be relevant in the winter of 2018-2019. Girls who prefer luxury, lightness and convenience of eco-fur outerwear will be able to choose a white faux fur coat without difficulty! The assortment on the shelves of boutiques and showcases of the online store pleases.

Short white synthetic fur coat without fastening.

We hope our article with a photo will help you choose a stylish and comfortable white fur coat, which necessarily contains several original details.

The latest trend is that real fur is becoming less and less popular, giving way to more trendy models of fur coats made of artificial materials. Another trend is a shift in emphasis from natural colors to fabulous, frosty, truly wintery whites and silvers.

A daring and playful look with jeans and sneakers.

fashion styles

Here is a list of the most stylish models of white fur coats that will be relevant this winter.


A white fur coat not only looks very impressive and makes the image more colorful and fabulous, but also brings a little positive on cold winter days. A stylish bow, complemented by an elongated, with a belt at the waist, or with a hood in the style of an oversized white mink fur coat, will stand out against the background of the dark outerwear of others, attracting interested looks to you and forcing you to be the center of attention.

Fur coat under a mink of model cross-section with the shortened sleeve three-quarters.


If we return to the fashionable fur coats of past seasons, then the cut of most of them belonged to the classic one. Modern models with a hood delight us with convenience and excellent fit.

With a large hood midi length.

With a stripe on a white background

In modern models, original patterns and eye-catching prints on white fur are welcome.

With blue spots.

Short white coat with black stripes.

For evening dress

The main accent in such a fur coat is precisely its bright shade, while the length and style fade into the background. If we talk about stylish decorative elements, then multi-colored fur coats on the podium were decorated with metal details, rhinestones, original prints, leather cuffs, buttons in a contrasting shade.

Fur coats with a belt

A long fur coat with a belt that emphasizes the waist is one of the most trendy models of this season. Usually this kind of manto leaves the neck open. Therefore, fur coats on the belt are only suitable for areas with relatively warm winters.

White faux fur coat with black belt.


Faux fur coats in the winter season 2018 are made in the oversized style, beloved for their comfort. Therefore, they look perfect in elegant and expensive images.

Shortened models

For several seasons, short white fur coats made of faux lush and smooth fur do not lose their relevance. They perfectly play the role of a stylish accent with which any bow will look original and expressive.

Naturally, this model is not designed to warm you on particularly frosty days. Its main purpose is to be a decoration of a winter outfit, its most stylish detail. Cropped coats are extremely versatile.

With knitted scarf and hat.


During the day, sleeveless faux fur coats or white vests can be worn with regular jeans and turtlenecks, and when creating an evening look, combined with elegant dresses made of velvet, satin, lace and chiffon.

Sleeveless white faux fur coat with black hat.

Fur faux white vest.

White fur vest plus burgundy denim trousers.

The choice of colors for clothes and bags for fur vests is very diverse, ranging from classic gray and brown tones to ultramarine shades and animal prints.

What to wear

White fur coats in alliance with hats look fresh and stylish. The color of the headdress can be any. These bows can be worn with things in a casual style or with feminine dresses, with elegant boots and ankle boots. In fashion blogs, Vtoriya Platinum, you can also find original outfits with hats and faux fur coats.

With a checkered scarf and a blue hat.

With a black wide-brimmed hat.

A white faux fur coat paired with athletic shoes looks perky. In addition to the stylish look of the bow with sneakers, girls in this outfit get convenience.

With sneakers and a pencil skirt.

With skinny leather trousers.

The image of Tatyana Rudakova.

With Marsala sweater and beret.

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