Where does the otter live on what continent. River otter. Description and habits. Habitats. Otter hunting with a trap. Distribution and habitats

Russian name- Otter
English name- Otter
Latin name - lutra lutra
Detachment - predatory mammals(Carnivora)
Family - marten (Mustelidae)

The status of the species in nature

Since 2000, the common otter has been on the list International Union conservation as a "vulnerable" species.

Bank building, deforestation, river pollution sewage, active fishing - all this deprives otters of their original habitats and food supply. For a long time, otters were mercilessly exterminated for the sake of their beautiful waterproof fur. As a result total otters living in nature has significantly decreased. The use of pesticides in agricultural activities also negatively affects their numbers.

View and person

On the map of the Tver region there is a rural settlement Vydropuzhsk, with a population of 505 people. Locality located on the road Moscow - St. Petersburg. According to one version, the name was formed according to the description of the area in which otters were freely found.

Since ancient times, otter skins have been used as a commodity for exchange, for example, the ancient Vikings exchanged shields for it. The otter is a very valuable fur animal, its fur is considered beautiful, durable and wearable. An otter fur coat can be worn up to 30 years, and at the same time, the fur has a wonderful property - “waterproof”. In captivity, they did not learn how to grow an otter, the animals were usually hunted, killing thousands for their fur, but now fishing is prohibited, as they have become a protected species.

But not only valuable fur attracted human attention to otters. It turns out they can be used as assistants for fishing. Otters have been tamed for this purpose many centuries ago. This was done in the old days by the Chinese, Indians, Germans, and the British, taming a young animal and growing an assistant for fishing from it. And today in some countries South-East Asia locals groups of otters are trained to drive fish in the net. Large adult animals are kept on long leashes, and the growing young swim freely, since they usually do not swim far from their parents.

Distribution and habitats

The common otter is distributed over a very wide area: it lives on the coasts of the seas and freshwater bodies throughout Europe and Asia, is found in the southern regions of the tundra and in the north. North Africa. In Eurasia, it can be found on the territory of almost all of Europe, in Asia Minor, some areas of Southwest Asia, in the Himalayas, in the very south of India, China, Burma, Thailand, Indochina; the otter lives in northwestern Africa, the British Isles, Sri Lanka, Sakhalin, Japan, Taiwan, Hainan, Sumatra and Java.


The otter is a medium-sized animal with an elongated, flexible, streamlined body, short limbs and a thick, muscular tail. Body length - 55–95 cm, tail - 26–55 cm, weight - 6–10 kg. The dense and waterproof coat is dyed brown or dark brown, with a light brown undercoat. The sides are light, the belly is silvery, brownish or yellowish. Paws and tails are dark brown. The fingers are webbed.

Lifestyle and social behavior

The way of life of otters is inextricably linked with water, as a rule, otters live in freshwater reservoirs, occasionally settle in estuaries and on sea coasts.

They prefer rivers with whirlpools, with rapids not covered with ice in winter, with water-washed banks, overgrown with windbreak cliffs. In their habitat there should be many reliable shelters and places for burrows. As a rule, the animal arranges its lairs in caves or in thickets near the water. The entrance holes of holes, as a rule, open under water.

Otters are territorial animals. One otter in summer can control a section of the river from 2 to 18 km long and about 100 m deep into the coastal zone. The animal likes to walk along the same places and paths that it uses from year to year. Under favorable conditions and a sufficient amount of food, otters can live on the site for a long time, but having the need to change the feeding place, they are able to make large transitions of several tens of kilometers even through waterless spaces. In winter, when the number of fish decreases and water polynyas begin to freeze, the otter is forced to roam, and can travel up to twenty kilometers in a day. The length of the otter track is about 9 cm, the width is up to 6 cm. On loose snow, the body and tail leave a deep furrow, the animal rolls down the snowy slope on its belly, leaving a depressed track in the form of a gutter. The otter does not accumulate fat reserves, and the only protection from the cold in the harsh season is warm waterproof fur.

The otter leads predominantly night image life, and she likes to spend the day in a secluded hole or in a nest among the washed roots. If hot days come, it basks in the sun, lying on stones or a tree trunk lying in the water. It hunts at dusk, using its well-developed, like any predator, external senses: smell, hearing and sight.

Otters are remarkably good at hiding the traces of their presence, this often fools researchers, and makes it difficult to carry out measures to preserve and protect the species. Often the only sign indicating the presence of otters in the region and their number is droppings. Otter droppings are liquid, most often found near water (on logs, stones and shallows) and contain undigested remains of prey. Many scientists see these footprints as a system of notation and believe that they are used by otters as a means of communication.

Feeding and feeding behavior

The otter swims and dives perfectly, hunting, it can stay under water for up to 2 minutes.

The main food addiction of otters is fish. The menu is varied and consists mainly of carp, pike, trout, roach, gobies, and preference in nature is given, as a rule, small fish. In winter, sometimes the otter catches frogs, and quite regularly - caddisfly larvae. It also does not deprive water rats and crayfish of its attention. It can also catch "land" animals: rodents or birds.


It can make a wide variety of sounds: chirping, screeching, hissing and whistling. When frightened, the beast always hisses. An otter frolicking with itself emits a peculiar chirping or chirping.

Reproduction and rearing of offspring

Otters are solitary animals. The ability to reproduce in them comes to the second - third year of life. Mating depending on: can take place almost all year round, as, for example, in warm Europe. In Russia, the rut is usually from February to August, newborn otters appear in May - October. Sometimes the female brings offspring twice a year. AT mating season males actively compete with each other for the attention of the female. The winner, as a rule, can stay with the female for several days until she drives him away. Otters mate in the water.
Pregnancy, including the latent period during which the embryo does not develop, is almost 270 days in some areas.

Cubs are born blind, with a closed ear canal, without teeth, usually there are 2 or 3 of them in a litter. The weight of a newborn barely reaches 100 - 130 grams, and the total length is 12 - 14 cm. They spend about three months on milk feeding. At the age of 8 weeks, the mother begins to slowly feed them, leads them to water to teach them to swim and hunt. Kids are very willing to play with each other, run, bask in the sun. It helps them gain skills adulthood. When the otters turn one year old, young animals, as a rule, begin to lead an independent life, but they can remain on the mother’s territory for about six months, but in the end, the parent herself drives them away from her site.


In nature, otters live up to 10 years, in zoos their life expectancy is longer.

Animal in the Moscow Zoo

Our otters have been living in the zoo for a long time, they can even be called old-timers. Although the animals are very mature (the male Gavril was born in 2007, and the female Ldina in 2005), they rejoice at the visitors like little ones, and even arrange a “show” for them - they jump, stand in columns, writhe in the water like loaches. Otters are very fond of how swimmers in the pool "wind up the mileage", swimming on their backs from one edge of the enclosure to the other. The otter enclosure is spacious, it combines three small pools different shapes and depths with running water. The animals also have the opportunity to hide from the attention of visitors, they can at any time hide in internal shelters through small square holes, curtained with a transparent rubber door, and located at the bottom of the wooden wall of the enclosure.

Our otters have fun in different ways: they can hunt sparrows and ducks flying into the aviary, or they can swim, catching up with live carps specially launched into the pool.

They feed otters with fish, liver, beef heart, they prefer apples from fruits, they love raw carrots. They also receive mineral and vitamin supplementation, for which food is sprinkled with a powder consisting of vitamins and minerals.

This predatory animal can grow up to a meter in length and weigh only 10 kg. torso otters strongly elongated, and the small head is slightly flattened from above. The ears are barely visible under the layer of fur. They are small and round, equipped with valves that protect the auditory openings from water. Small eyes allow animals to see perfectly both on land and under water. Paws are short with tenacious claws. There are webbing between the fingers. The tail is quite long and muscular.

The teeth are very small but sharp. All otter species are brown in color. The fur cover is short, but very thick and does not let water through, which is why it is highly valued.

Otters molt in spring and summer. This process happens gradually. Old hairline very slowly and imperceptibly changes to a new one.

Otter habitat

Otters live on all continents except Australia. They live wherever there are streams, rivers and lakes, with which the life of these animals is closely connected. They prefer waters with a gentle current. They live in burrows or caves near water. True, there are exceptions. For example, a cat otter can settle on sea coasts.

Otters can only live in clean waters. Therefore, pollution greatly reduced the number of the species.

What does an otter eat

Otters are considered remarkable hunters. The body has all the adaptations for hunting in the water. Between the paws of the membrane, and the fur prevents the loss of heat.

The main prey of otters is fish, frogs, crabs, crayfish. Some eat shellfish and birds. When the food runs out, the animal moves to the nearest water bodies. Animals are very agile in the water. They can dive deep and hold their breath for several minutes.
Basically, the otter is nocturnal, but can appear during the day. They can also hunt for fun: first they catch fish, then they release them.
Otters love to be in the water. They not only hunt there, but also clean their fur. The animals treat the hairline very carefully, because heat-conducting properties depend on its condition. Even with low temperatures animals can spend time in the water.
Otters feed mainly at night. During the day they prefer to rest.

Otters are of great benefit to the fish industry. They eat non-commercial fish that feed on caviar and fry.

Otter breeding

The breeding season for otters falls in the spring. Pregnancy lasts about 60 days. Usually females bring 2-4 babies. They are born blind and covered in fur. The weight is only 100 grams. At two weeks old, babies can crawl. Two months after birth, they grow teeth and little otters learn to swim. Children become independent at 6 months, but for some time they are near their mother.

At the age of 12 months, otters leave in search of other habitats. They can live both alone and in small groups.

Otters live for about 15 years, but often die earlier. Otters are very brave animals. If it is necessary to protect herself or her cub, she can attack a large animal.
In captivity, animals are quickly tamed. They are very affectionate and love to play. Able to quickly learn the commands of the educator.

Otter Enemies

Otters have many enemies. It all depends on where you live. It can be crocodiles, wolves, birds of prey, jaguars. But most of all, otters suffer from hunger. They can not affect the lack of fish in any way. Therefore, most often they can be found in corners untouched by man. Since the proximity of people and pollution of water bodies reduces food supplies.

AT last years the number of otters has greatly decreased. The reason for this is poaching, especially in winter time. These animals suffer greatly at the hands of man. Mostly because of the fur, which is considered the most durable and highly valued. Therefore, otters are constantly hunted. In many places, the number has decreased precisely for this reason.

In addition, the numbers were affected by oil spills and pollution. Also, many representatives of the species die in fishing nets. On the this moment there are less than a thousand individuals worldwide.

In most European countries otters are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the Red Book. Special measures are being taken to save them.

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To underground mammals are predominantly rodents. Among them there is a full range of transitions from burrows - ground squirrels, marmots, voles, etc., spending a significant part of their life on the surface of the earth, to diggers - mole rats, zokors and a number of others, almost never coming to its surface.

Typical burrowing forms there are also in other orders: marsupial mole - among marsupials; mole, African golden mole - among insectivores; armadillos - from edentulous; the aardvark also belongs to the burrowing ones. Shrews are characterized by a reduction in the eyes and auricle, a valky body shape, a short tail or even its complete absence, and low, lintless fur. Some of them make their moves with the help of short but extremely powerful forelimbs, for example, mole, zokor, others use teeth for this, for example, mole rat, mole voles and a number of other rodents. It is noteworthy that in some representatives of the latter group, the lower jaw can move to an additional articular surface located behind the "normal" one, and in this case the animal can act like a hoe with its upper incisors.

To arboreal mammal refers primarily to the vast majority of monkeys and semi-monkeys, whole line rodents and marsupials. There are tree forms among insectivores (tupaya), and among edentulous (sloths, tenacious anteaters), and among predators. Arboreal mammals are characterized by grasping or prehensile paws, like monkeys, prosimians, many marsupials, often a prehensile tail, for example, most broad-nosed monkeys, some marsupials (cuscuses and opossums), arboreal forms of anteaters, lizards and porcupines, from carnivores - South American coats. Marsupial flying squirrels, woolly wing, from rodents - real flying squirrels and African spiny squirrels have a skin fold on the sides of the body, which increases its "bearing surface" when jumping.

To the real flying animals include only bats, of which the majority are at the same time associated with tree plantationsniami. Such are fruit bats, eating fruits and resting among the branches, many insectivorous the bats spending the day in hollows. Of our forms, the most associated with trees is the red vespers, which lives exclusively in hollows.

aquatic mammals, perhaps the most diverse of all the major environmental groups mammals: there is a full range of transitions from forms such as mink, polar bear, water vole, in which morphological adaptations associated with a semi-aquatic lifestyle are barely expressed, up to whales and dolphins, which have the organization of strictly aquatic animals, quickly dying out of water.

semi-aquatic image many mammals from a wide variety of orders lead lives: from monotremes - the platypus, from marsupials - the South American floater (the only aquatic marsupial), from insectivores - our water shrew and the African otter shrew, from rodents - the water vole, muskrat, nutria, capybara and a number of others , from predatory - mink, otter, polar bear, and from ungulates - hippopotamus. Even more aquatic animals are the beaver, and even more so the desman and sea otter, or Kamchatka sea ​​otter. With the exception of the hippopotamus, all these animals are characterized by extremely thick fur, sharply divided into an awn and undercoat. The auricles are either absent or greatly reduced. In many, the hind limbs are equipped with well-developed swimming membranes (muskrat, beaver, platypus, which has membranes on the front paws), and in the sea otter they have turned into real flippers. The tail, at least in smaller forms, is well developed.

It is so different from its relatives that zoologists are ready to recognize it as a separate detachment. The river otter, which is very difficult to photograph due to its caution, lives along the banks of fresh water bodies. She prefers mountain rivers or those whose rapid current does not allow water to freeze in winter, as well as with a rocky or pebble bottom. Therefore, in the valley large waterways it is rare to find her.

It is known that for plants there is a special list - the Red Book. river otter, unfortunately, is also included there, and not because she became a victim of uncontrolled hunting. The fact is that this small predator can only live in very clean water, and the industrial rise in Western Europe in late XIX the century was very polluted The otter completely disappeared from the expanses of Switzerland, Great Britain, Spain, Sweden and the Netherlands (now there are attempts to introduce animals in their usual habitats). And in other parts of the Old World, the number of animals has decreased significantly.

Subspecies of these creatures are found in North and Latin America, in Asia (up to South China) and, of course, the river otter does not live in arctic tundra. After all, even in winter, she needs open water. The largest of the species is the South American giant otter, which can weigh up to 25 kg. By the way, these giants, unlike their counterparts, who prefer to live alone, settle in small communities.

great swimmer. Everything in her physique is adapted for a long stay under water. The body is streamlined, elongated, the hind legs are longer than the front ones, there are membranes between the fingers. Almost imperceptible ears are equipped with a special valve that prevents water from entering the auditory shell. Since the animal does not have a thick layer of fat (and remains flexible and fast), all hope for the preservation of heat relies on fur. It is dense, with coarse guard hairs and a delicate wavy undercoat. But most importantly, it does not get wet at all! When moving in water, the otter is helped by a flat head and a long, muscular tail. The color of the otter is dark brown on top, and its belly is light, slightly silvery.

Eurasian river otter - small predator. Males reach a body length of 90 cm and a weight of 10 kg, females are much smaller (55 cm and 6 kg). Their main food is small fish, but these hunters do not disdain eggs and chicks of river birds, frogs, caddisflies. The habitat of one individual is rather small - 250 m of the coastal strip, which it marks with excrement. But the otter neighbors live peacefully, and in times of famine converge to places where there is food. The animal digs one permanent hole, the entrance to which opens under water. The lair itself is dry, warm, lined with moss, grass and leaves. In winter, animals stay close to polynyas or gullies.

The river otter prefers to hunt in the morning and in the evening. During the day, she basks in the sun, perched on a stone or a trunk of a fallen tree. Her disposition is cheerful and mischievous. Otters often play with themselves: uttering squeals and chirping, they love to roll into the water from inclined surfaces. In captivity, they are quickly tamed, recognize the owner and fawn like cats. In the wild, they live up to 10 years. Otters are very caring mothers. The female bravely defends her brood (usually there are 3 or 4 cubs) even from humans. The young live with the parent for about a year.

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