As long as the Circassians are loyal to Russia and the Russians, the Caucasus will not turn into an ulcer that cannot be healed: Lev Vershinin. About the Circassians stepping on the Chechen rake

From the editor."Russian Journal" publishes the second part of the conversation with the writer German Sadulaev. This time we talked with Herman Umaralievich I am talking about the problems of Chechens living inside Russia.

Russian magazine:You own the phrase "it's hard to be a Chechen." What does it mean to be a Chechen outside of Chechnya? After all, on the one hand, the media constantly relay information about the participation of young Chechens in hooligan conflicts or criminal offenses (from a fight in the Don camp to the murder of A. Politkovskaya), and on the other hand, many major Russian businessmen and federal politicians emphasize their Chechen origin.

German Sadulaev: First of all, by tradition, I want to note that I am not a Chechen. This is officially established and publicly declared by the highest official of the respective national-state entity. Therefore, I cannot know what it means to be a Chechen - neither in Chechnya itself, nor outside of it. Really, most I spent my conscious life in the spiritually native and close city of St. Petersburg, only some atavisms and a slight accent remained from the Chechen identity in me. A book with a provocative title "I am a Chechen!" the publisher, the late Ilya Kormiltsev, and I published when the definition of “Chechen” still sounded like a sentence, and many large Russian businessmen and federal politicians carefully concealed their Chechen origin, even changing their names, surnames and passports. At that time, I called myself a Chechen and defended the honor and dignity of this people in front of stereotypical accusations of savagery, barbarism, an innate tendency to crime and other nonsense. Now being called a "Chechen" is like a privilege, and many major Russian businessmen and federal officials have remembered their Chechen origin. I, with a calm heart, refuse this high rank. I am a person of leftist convictions, a socialist, and therefore an opponent of all and sundry privileges.

RJ:What kind of “Chechen identity” is the leadership of the Chechen Republic or the Chechen society trying to build, if one can call the adherents of Sharia so? Given the unspoken taboo on interethnic marriages(unlike the Soviet period), mono-nationality of the republic and high level Islamization? What will be the result of what you called modernization through archaization? Is Islamic democracy possible in Chechnya?

G.S.: Islamic democracy is in principle possible everywhere, including in Chechnya, but the fact is that such an issue is not on the political agenda for the Chechen society. The state form, which is de facto accepted by the Chechen society, is a national-religious monarchy. Apparently, this form corresponds to the real level of socio-political development of this nation. The issue of democracy, if it is included in the agenda, will be very, very far away. Chechen society perceives any more or less democratic rulers as “weak” and reacts to democratization the only way- complete disregard state power, disorganization and arbitrariness. This is a sad fact. The Chechen identity that I knew and related to was to a large extent a Soviet or Sovietized national identity. I don't understand anything about the new identity. This is precisely the result of modernization through archaism: a bizarre mixture of traditional patterns of behavior with a radical transformation of the individual and society.

RJ:In your book “Shali Raid”, you write that a young man, after graduating from a university, especially in a large city, the capital, returned to his native places and immediately received a high social status, Good work. Is this the case in modern Chechnya, what values ​​does the Chechen society instill in its youth?

G.S.: This, of course, is not true. And not only in modern Chechnya, but throughout modern Russia. The value of education in general and higher education in particular has rapidly devalued. No diploma is no longer a guarantee of any status. We understood this back in 1991, when I was in my 2nd year at the Faculty of Law at Leningrad State University. A year ago, the future was seen as certain and secure, a year later it turned out that no diplomas matter, only papers - money - matter, and it does not matter how they were received. There is monstrous unemployment in modern Chechnya. Finding a job in the specialty of a university graduate is problematic. Employment issues are decided not by the average score in the diploma, but by connections and money. Very good values ​​are instilled in young people: patriotism, religiosity, following the laws of the state, morality, diligence, modesty. Religious and moral sermons go on for hours on local TV channels. And in mosques, and in schools, and at meetings, they teach only good things. Yes, only children, they do not listen to what adults tell them, they watch what these adults do, how the elders themselves live. And when they see all these palaces and Porsche cavalcades, when they see that bribe-takers and liars are prospering, and honest people live in poverty, they draw conclusions. A few, the most radical ones, choose the most radical - and dead-end - path to combat the surrounding hypocrisy: they become victims of another lie, go "into the forest." Most - adapt to the society that is.

RJ:What are they - young Chechens? In your interviews, you clearly distinguish between young "lawlessness" - children of authoritative parents who "lawless" (for example, driving a car to the Eternal Flame) realizing the possibilities of their parents, and ordinary Chechen children who do not have the opportunity to go to other regions. But if we recall the situation in the Don camp, in which ordinary Chechen youth took part, one gets the feeling that young Chechens, in principle, are carriers of an increased charge of aggression and fans of the “cult of power”. Is it a reflection of the militant mentality or the result of the militarization of modern Chechnya?

G.S.: You know, I don't believe in a "genetic predisposition" to moral or immoral behavior. Tales about this are at best unscientific nonsense, at worst racist. Some breeds of dogs have their tails cut off generation after generation, but puppies are still born with tails. Acquired traits are not inherited - this is a postulate of science. Cesare Lombroso more than a century ago tried to prove that there is a certain type of "inborn criminal" that can be identified by anthropological features. His theory was not confirmed. Chechens, or Avars, by virtue of their "origin" are neither more nor less "aggressive", or "freedom-loving", or "moral", or, conversely, "dissolute" than Russians or Ossetians. All such external social signs are acquired in the process of education. I believe that today's Chechen youth too often behave unworthily outside the republic. And the reason for this is a bad upbringing. That is, they explain everything correctly in words to children, but they don’t reinforce moralizing with their own positive example. Young people see corruption, impunity, immorality, permissiveness of the authorities and oppression of the weak, the youth are strongly affected by patterns of behavior broadcast through modern media - satellite television, the Internet - based on the cult of power and pleasure; all this enters into a systemic contradiction with the strict morality of a traditional society and gives rise to "dislocations" of consciousness, and after them - the inadequacy of behavior. I sharply criticized the Chechen society precisely for such “dislocations”. Of course, the "dislocated" consciousness reacted to my criticism according to its own logic - a large-scale campaign was launched to denigrate and discredit the modest me. What kind of lies were piled up, what kind of accusations were not invented! A specially trained android, Nukhazhiev, wrote a whole treatise "Sadulayev's hammer". It is even surprising that so much attention was paid to my insignificant person. And then there was "Manezhka", and the officials had to publicly admit that there are problems and they need to be solved. And just recently, Prime Minister Putin, at a meeting with young people in Kislovodsk, said almost the same thing that I said a year ago about the shortcomings of our behavior. But the androids are now silent for some reason. They don't mind.

RJ: How do you feel about growth Lately attention to the "Circassian issue"? Isn't it reminiscent of increased attention to the Caucasian War, the search for the guilty and the victims, while the recognition of the "genocide of the Circassians" by Georgia is reminiscent of the sublimation of nationalist sentiments in Chechnya in the early 1990s?

G.S.: Oh, with the Circassians a separate long and interesting story. I am against the definition of royal Russian politics in the Caucasus as "genocide of the Circassians". In general, anything can be called genocide. Wars, as a rule, were fought for destruction, war itself is a crime against humanity, and no additional labels like "genocide" are required. There is the concept of "ethnic cleansing" - it may not be related to the war. But then let's first decide on the events closest to us. In Chechnya, in 1991-94, a large-scale ethnic cleansing took place, the destruction and expulsion of the Russian-speaking population. The exodus continued after. It did not happen by itself that out of about 300,000 Russian-speakers by now, 3,000 remained in Chechnya. Minus 99%. Where are the others? The authorities say "they left". Of course, the Russians left, the Kursk submarine sank. Everything happened by itself. About 297,000 Russians lived in Chechnya and now they don't live there. For much less significant reasons, NATO announces ethnic cleansing and brings in troops. So let's figure out what it was, how, where and why 297,000 Russians "left". It was recently. This can be investigated. You can investigate the history of each family, why it "left", and how many Russians "left" from Chechnya immediately to the next world. This is what is relevant about ethnic cleansing in the Caucasus. More relevant than stirring up the affairs of past centuries, where there was little truth, little humanity, a lot of evil and violence - this is understandable. Just do not blame "Russia" for everything, and even more so the Russians.

And by the way, you probably noticed that most of the stereotypes that now the Russian consciousness (and the Chechens themselves, some, narrow-minded) attribute to Chechen society (everyone has a couple of Russian slaves in the basement, they don’t know how to work - only to fight, etc.) e.) are completely based on reliable historical realities - only on the realities from the life of not the Chechen, but the Circassian people, and not in the 20-21, but in the 17-19 centuries. And the Chechens themselves at that time were mostly quiet downtrodden workers, plowmen, blacksmiths, cattle breeders. They bent their backs on the Circassian feudal lords on the plain. Or they suffered from poverty in the "free", but naked and poor mountains. Only gradually (and with the help of the "damned Russians") did they begin to get rid of the Circassian yoke, and - these are the quirks of history - apparently, in the form of psychological compensation for centuries of slavery and humiliation, they attributed to themselves the qualities and signs of their former enslavers, and soon they themselves believed in the fact that there were no Circassians, that they themselves have always been such proud and free warrior-robbers, and the Russians believed in it even faster, who generally did not distinguish Circassians from Chechens and other wild mountaineers very well.

So this sublimation of Circassian nationalism is now meaningless and useless. The great Adyghe people should engage in the cultural unification of all their branches, the preservation and development of their great national culture, and not comb historical grievances. Otherwise, you can reach the “fair” demand to return to the Circassians their fiefs and slaves from all the surrounding peoples.

The Caucasus has always been an arena of confrontation between the great powers. They tried to conquer it, to exterminate the peoples inhabiting it. The “Circassian question”, which has gone down in history, unexpectedly found its embodiment in the theme of sports. Fortunately, the theme of the Olympics, its holding in Sochi, spurred anti-Russian sentiment. Sports no longer looked so harmless in the eyes of those who harbor malice. The very holding of the Olympic Games by Circassian radicals is perceived as a challenge to their national feeling.
War is always blood. Everyone should remember this. It is obvious that on the topic of "genocide", "the Circassian issue" the politicians of the national movements are trying to find a solid ground under their feet. So far, apart from statements, processions, petitions, some Circassian leaders have not taken any active steps. This initial phase reminds me of the 1991 national movement in Chechnya. Everyone remembers how frantically local nationalists propagated the theme of the genocide of the Chechen people during the years of the Caucasian War and the deportation of 1944. These two successful trends then made it possible to muddy the minds of the people. They played on the most bleeding page of the people. Their bet was a win-win! The older generation was still alive, seeing death and the horrors of deprivation. The pain demanded recognition. And the “healers” took advantage of this: doctors, unfortunately, who were looking for benefits for themselves, and not a cure for the patient. The situation is akin to the Chechen one: a motley clique of so-called leaders plays with the fact that it can lead not to the prosperity of Circassia, but to its death, which has not taken shape.
One of the signs of the lack of unity of the Circassian national movement is that there is no single concept, no single plan of action. Incited, now by Western, now by Georgian strategists, this movement shows only one thing - an attempt to legitimize in the eyes of ordinary Circassians and present their goals as secular, democratic. At the same time, extremist exclamations are also heard from this movement. For example, "Great Circassia". I would like to ask whether the historical memory of the tragedy has so eclipsed consciousness that the authors of this project are ready, like the Chechen separatists, to go to the end? With regards to the Chechen separatists. In December last year, a video was circulated in which the well-known "mujahideen of the entire Caucasus" D. Umarov called for the disruption of the "satanic" games organized "on the bones of ancestors buried in our land." It is obvious that the dying underground armed movement needs a new stash in the form of the Circassian theme. This is what the bandit underground is trying to take advantage of. At the same time, the Circassian leaders themselves ("Adyge Khekuz - Circassia", "Right to the Motherland", "Adyge Khase-Circassian Parliament", "Khase", Circassian Research Institute "TIM", "Mound", "Patriots of Circassia" and "Circassian Union"), hastened to brush aside the newly-minted "Circassian", the Mujahideen of all times and peoples D. Umarov. So in an appeal dated January 12, 2014: “In this regard, we, representatives of Circassian national organizations, declare that we reject any criminal actions, including terrorism and extremism. We are fighting for the right to unity, preservation and development of the Circassian people exclusively within the legal field - taking into account the legislation of the countries of residence of the Circassians, within the framework of international law guaranteeing human rights and the rights of indigenous peoples”. Indeed, how did the Chechen D. Umarov get the Circassian lands ...? And who authorized him, the bandit, to make statements on behalf of the Chechen people against the Circassian? It is clear that representatives of the underground are trying to use the Circassian issue for their own purposes. Their chance is not great, but to declare themselves as defenders of religion and peoples is pure propaganda: if the Zulus lived nearby, then a tireless fighter for “pure religion” would come out in their defense. With their statements, the bandits once again prove that they are close to what they are doing, what the Circassian leaders are doing in words and paper so far. The path is inevitably a dead end, leading to the creation of another zone of instability already in the western part of the Caucasus. An attempt to transfer armed resistance to the Circassian lands can be grounded, knowing that there are "hot heads" in an environment like the secular movement. But, this is at first glance. With all the dissociation from religiosity, there is also a national factor. Extremely religious beliefs here are replaced by national ones. At the same time, the intensity of passions is in no way inferior to religious radicalism, which has gained strength, for example, in the eastern part of the Caucasus. With a successful scenario of "orange revolutions", these two elements can, when combined, show a powerful destructive force.
Given the situation in Ukraine and the unequivocal statements of Ukrainian nationalists regarding the southern regions of Russia, the chances of destabilization in the western part of the Caucasus and spurring tensions throughout the region are growing. This is not an exaggeration, given that various Western organizations, and in the recent past, Sunny Georgia, a ward of the West, are making efforts to develop the Circassian issue along an extreme path. The fact that the Circassians are just a bargaining chip in political games can be seen from the Georgian "body movements". Everyone remembers that the Georgian parliament back in 2011 supported a resolution that spoke about the genocide of the Circassians in the second half of the 19th century. Georgia became the only country in the world that characterized those events as genocide. After that, the Ministry of Culture of Georgia even created the Circassian Cultural Center, Circassian Television, a propaganda machine began to work on the Internet, denouncing Russia, demanding to prevent the Olympics in Sochi and so on. The surge of interest on the part of Georgia was due to well-known events in Russian-Georgian relations. Until the last, M. Saakashvili cherished the hope of becoming a Caucasian gendarme. His anti-Russian attacks further strengthened the belief of the Circassian leaders that Georgia would not abandon them. But M. Saakashvili's plans were not lucky enough to come true: the parliamentary elections in October 2012 destroyed his plans of the Caucasian hegemon. He not only did not become the spokesman for the aspirations of the Circassian national movement, but also own people, tired of his "tie chewing", made a choice in favor of improving relations with Russia, the country that once saved them from liquidation. The new government of Georgia in the "14 points of Ivanishvili" proclaimed that "Georgia's relations with the peoples North Caucasus will be based on the principles of good neighborliness, which will not be used for confrontation with Moscow.” According to many experts, this thesis suggests that the new Georgia may refuse to recognize the genocide of the Circassians. Against the backdrop of more critical political failures (Abkhazia, South Ossetia) for Georgia, the topic of genocide is not relevant. The only thing that is clear is that Georgia will be ready to revoke this recognition if its northern neighbor comes close to this issue and starts a dialogue on it. Moreover, in the light of internal Georgian events, it is obvious that the Circassian movement has suffered a major loss - Georgia is no longer a reliable partner. This can be seen at least by the attenuation of the work of the propaganda machine in the same Georgia. As if on cue, the importunity of slogans subsided, there are no longer incendiary speeches.
Whoever does not need all this, in view of the fact that it can turn into major complications, is Russia itself. Having lost the Georgian rear, some Circassian leaders do not get tired of spreading that, they say, after the Olympics, Russia will take over the Caucasus. A favorite tactic of provocateurs. This is how, by and large, villages in the same Chechnya were destroyed: to shell the feds, successfully escape, and with the people with whom they “courageously” covered themselves, come what may ... This tactic is successful, especially in terms of propaganda. The killed civilian will be actively exaggerated and sold as news through various information channels. To hide behind, figuratively speaking, a corpse as a form information attack- a common phenomenon in the camp of the separatists.
Speaking of separatism, unfortunately, it should be noted that there is potential in the Western Caucasus. There is nothing wrong with the fact that Circassians from all over the world are returning home, in particular, from hot spots, Syria, Libya. Russia itself is helping in this to the best of its ability! But the statements of the radicals among the leaders of the Circassian movement leave no doubt that they consider this repatriation as a basis for creating, not a republic of Circassians within Russia, but a separate state. Again, the theme of the Caucasian War of the 19th century should be considered a kind of ideological "springboard". The fact that any political movement based on pain, the tragedy of historical memory, is doomed to failure can be seen in the neighbors in the region - Chechen separatism. Finally dead in the minds of people and self-exposing himself. Is it worth going down this path? If the Circassian leaders are ready to sacrifice the lives of people, then let them put their relatives and friends at the beginning of this "human conveyor"! And so, to operate like a boy with soldiers, excuse me, that's what the power is to stop. Only radical national movements can escalate the situation, and only they will benefit from even an open conflict. The task of the authorities is to prevent this.
With regards to the West. The Circassian theme does not yet cause much interest in comparison with the theme of homophobia in Russia. It is known that a number of countries expressed their unwillingness to participate in the Olympics in view of the so-called discrimination against gays. But this does not mean that the issue of freedom of perverted relations has generally closed the possibility that the West may use the Circassian theme in a dialogue with Russia in the future. Focusing the attention of the West on this topic is possible if provocative exclamations materialize in actions, armed resistance. Which again plays into the hands of a morally free Europe and some Circassian leaders deprived of reason and honor. In fact, the heterogeneity of such a movement plays into the hands of those who see Russia divided and in conflicts, permanent and manageable. It is always convenient to accuse some or other leaders of pro-Russian sentiments and expel them from the camp in disgrace. The situation of political squabbling of the Ukrainian opposition is an example of this. There is nothing new behind the high-flown words of the Circassian leaders. The question is the price of confrontation, how far are the newly-minted "saviors of Great Circassia" ready to go? Sweet words about independence, breathtaking uniqueness are often fraught with, and turn into a national disaster. Another reason for the West to prick Russia for its national policy. The task of Russia, as I see it, is to involve the Circassian movements in the all-Russian political process. Do not push away those who are ready for dialogue, even search common points contact in the camp of the radicals in order to soften the camp of the irreconcilable, and the final marginalization of the ideas of separatism.
Abubekir Murzakanov, Chairman of the Circassian National Social Movement "Adyghe Hekuzh - Cherkessia": “Circassian national activists have repeatedly declared the unacceptability of holding Olympic Games on the bones of the ancestors of the Circassians, however, both Russia and the world community ignored the aspirations of the indigenous people of Sochi - the Circassians. In fact, there is an infringement of the rights and freedoms of an entire ethnic group. This situation is further aggravated by the fact that 90% of Circassians still live in exile, unable to return to their homeland. historical homeland» . Reading such statements carefully, you understand that before realizing that the Circassians can and should live in united country far. Further: “In this context, it is especially strange to see the refusal of world leaders to attend the Olympics because of the infringement of the rights of sexual minorities. It is not clear to us why the rights of homosexuals prevail over the rights of an entire nation that has been subjected to the most severe genocide, which is still subject to infringement of the natural rights of any ethnic group declared by international law. Indeed, the theme of perverted joys is closer to the West than the fate of any people in general. The views of A. Murzakanov, filled with puppyish naivety, do not touch the West in any way. Wait, Mr. Murzakanov, the West will pay attention to you too! In the meantime, gays and terrorists are the "sweet couple" for the West.
P. S .: According to media reports, a number of representatives of the Circassian people have been invited to the Olympics. According to Anatoly Kodzokov, head of the external relations department of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University: “In total, 26 Circassians from abroad will take part in the opening of the Winter Games. More than half have already arrived in Sochi today.” According to him, these are residents of Syria, the United Arab Emirates, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, Germany. All of them are members of the Association of foreign graduates and friends of KBSU. " During the Winter Games in the Olympic Park of Sochi, the "House of the Adyg" will be opened, also reported Kodzokov. "This is a vast pavilion in the heart of the city, where all participants and guests of the games will be able to get acquainted with the culture, traditions, historical heritage and modern life Circassians in Russia and abroad, - explained an employee of KBGU. - The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating the "House of the Adyghe" and its implementation belongs to the administration Krasnodar Territory, as well as the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee:


Mark Bliev. Circassia and Circassians, Chechnya and Chechens, Oetia and Ossetians... What's next?

In 2004, a monograph by Dr. historical sciences, Professor of the North Ossetian State University M.M. Bliev "Russia and the highlanders of the Greater Caucasus. On the way to civilization" (M.: Thought, 2004. - 877p.). In 2011, part of this monograph was released as a separate book "Circassia and Circassians ...". Neither one nor the other has received an objective assessment. As conceived by the author, the first work is aimed at a complete revision of the prevailing views on such a major historical phenomenon as the Caucasian War. The message of Mark Bliev comes down to a relatively simple logical conclusion: the Dagestanis, Chechens and Circassians of the North-Western Caucasus were at a stage of socio-social and economic development when external raids and wars were their natural "nature". Therefore, the "stronghold of civilization" - Russian Empire, had to resist the onslaught of the mountain barbarians. As a result, the Caucasian War took place in the 19th century, the reincarnation of which at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries. there were two "Chechen" wars.
According to Mark Bliev, agriculture and cattle breeding, handicrafts and trade were not decisive in the life of the above-mentioned mountain peoples of the Caucasus, but only raids and robberies. And nothing could change this stage-genetic predisposition of natural bandits to forcible seizure of property. And, although the lion's share of the Georgian captives in the markets of the North Caucasus was provided by the efforts of his fellow Ossetians, the latter (like, for example, the Ingush, Balkars and Kabardians) are completely deleted from the honorary row of robbers. Pleased!
Many in the 90s. 20th century I wanted to "hang out" on the "Chechens"; integral part Chechenophobia has become such a phenomenon as the "cleansing" of Chechen history. Among the most famous names here is our friend Mark Bliev. The first fell asleep with his "certificates" about the Dagestanis, Chechens and Circassians, doomed by their "stadial nature" to raids and wars with Russia, power ministries Russian Federation: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, FSB of Russia, Main Intelligence Directorate and Institutes of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The old truth says that if a person sets himself the wrong goals, he will necessarily be forced to resort to the wrong means and methods. This is especially true in scientific research. The first oddity that the reader encounters when starting to study M. Bliev's voluminous work is the complete absence of a historiographic analysis of the problem.
Absolutely necessary scientific analysis works of predecessors turned out to be replaced by M. Bliev in the section "Instead of Introduction" with several phrases, rare in terms of the degree of cynicism and ignorance: "In the war unleashed by them (the Circassians. - Auth.) with Russia, they could not cope with overcoming their own disunity and, having lost historical landmarks , were involved in mass emigration."
And this is about that indisputable fact, when by 1864 more than half a million, or even more, Circassians were driven by the Russian army from their lands to the Black Sea coastline, from where the Turks took them dying of hunger and disease to Asia Minor and the Balkans. According to his own words, when assessing this tragedy, Bliev did not forget "the importance of protecting the facts from 'moral interpretations' in the name of preserving their own historical essence and research significance. "Bravo! Not everyone has the courage to sign their own unscrupulousness ...
Well, now let's follow the author's advice, discard the "moral interpretations" in his regard and take up "accounting" - let's see how the evidence-based side of the study is built in the chapter "Chechnya" (pp. 43-63), which can be safely called differently: "Chechen history from Mark Bliev set out in the language of hostility."
Judge for yourself: “It is worth mentioning separately the determinism of the laws of the development of society and their relationship to the history of Chechnya. "Russian sources record Chechen raids on the Russian border and conflicts on this ground with the Grebensky Cossacks. In those ancient times, participants in the raids from Chechnya, along with firearms, used bows and arrows. In front of our contemporaries, Chechens armed with the latest small arms and anti-aircraft weapons greeted the 21st century by raiding and kidnapping people.”
My friend Mark, well, where is the science here and where is the ordinary disgusting? Nothing personal about you. You just enlighten us in what hypostasis we should consider you in this case. Agree that in your escapades one can easily suspect not only disgusting, but also elementary ignorance of the subject, shameful for a doctor of sciences. Firstly, representatives of the international terrorist international met the 21st century in such an original way on the territory of the Chechen Republic, Dagestan, Ingushetia, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Kabardino-Balkaria. Secondly, the Chechens were the first on the territory of the Russian Federation in 1993, with weapons in their hands, in an organized manner to fight against the dictates of the criminal regime, in this case in the person of General Dudayev, and, before the entry of Russian troops in December 1994, they managed to repel 11 punitive expeditions separatists on the cities and villages of Chechnya. And in this war, the Chechens were helped most of all by fraternal North Ossetia, about which, dear Mark, the leaders of Ossetia at that time were apparently not disposed to tell you.
As for the abductions of people in Chechnya, in Moscow and the North Caucasus in general, and in North Ossetia in particular in 1996-1999: Mark, Mark...whose cow would moo!
Now let's go back to the beginning of the 17th century. in the history of Chechnya, when, according to M. Bliev, "Russian sources record Chechen raids on the Russian border and conflicts on this basis with the Grebensky Cossacks."
The Cossacks of the Zaporozhian Sich, the Don Cossacks, and the Grebensk Army, at least at the beginning of the 17th century, were not engaged in a productive economy, but lived, dear Mark, just at the expense of what you so generously "rewarded" others. This is where your imagination could run wild, because here there are “male brotherhoods” and a “military community” and the classic “raid system” and a ban on such innocent economic activities as arable farming.
And the reincarnation of the "robber" Cossack element in the XXI century. could see the inquisitive look of our researcher, picking up a modern reference book of the Cossack troops of the Russian Federation. And if, in addition, we give figures on the number of serious criminal offenses committed in the Russian Federation, on the number of professional bandits in organized criminal gangs Russian cities, about the theft and transfer of capital to offshore companies, etc. etc. Mark, yes, the sea is spilled on your problem. But, as we have already understood, dear Mark cannot rave about anything other than his fellow highlanders, sir.
Mark, you reported Chechen attacks on Russians already at the beginning of the 17th century. And I want to invite you to earlier times - the middle of the 16th century. At the dawn of Russian-Caucasian relations in 1562, a campaign took place in the Ossetian mountains of governor Pleshcheev and Moscow’s ally Prince Temryuk, who cruelly “fought the Tatsky lands near the Skininsky towns ... and took the Mshansky and Sonsky taverns one hundred and sixty-four and beat many people and were full of imali ". You explain here for what good deeds the Russian archers, Cossacks and their allies smashed the Ossetian villages. It was not the Chechens and not anyone else that the Russians were the first to take in the Caucasus, but for some reason immediately for the "non-conflict" Ossetians.
To paraphrase you, I will say - probably because Ossetia met the 21st century. threatening Russia with singed vodka. Weapons are much more terrible than Chechen machine guns, grenade launchers and anti-aircraft guns. Mark, Mark, such methods of discussion are completely unusual and unacceptable for the author of these lines, forgive me Ossetian brothers. But you just got Mark with your stupidity!
You definitely need to read more. Start with Karamzin.
We read further and do not believe our eyes. Let me remind you that Mark is talking about the Chechens, the largest autochthonous people of the North Caucasus, which today ranks fourth in terms of numbers in the Caucasus after Georgians, Azerbaijanis and Armenians and 4-5th in terms of numbers among the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation. Without a shadow of a doubt, poor Mark signs his elementary ignorance of the ancient and medieval history of Chechnya. According to "traditions", he says, until the 16th century the "Chechen tribe" lived somewhere there, in the mountains in the upper reaches of the Argun and, in general, its appearance in the North Caucasus is a "late phenomenon". Laudaev) did not deny that "Chechens are a newcomer people in the Caucasus" (?!)". Well the word of honor takes aback.
All this is very bad, but then it gets even worse, since a direct, obvious and vile lie was used: "The archaeological expeditions that worked in Chechnya in the 70s and studied pre-medieval periods material culture, did not find monuments closely related to the Chechen ethnos ... ".
Meanwhile, one of your Chechen brothers in spirit - Salama Dauev, just like you, who slandered and slandered entire peoples in his opus, including Ossetians, another Chechen historian branded in print as "the scum of the nation!" The point, apparently, is that there is a "hero of the nation", and there is also his antipode - "the scum of the nation." I advise you to read another of your spiritual brothers - Denis Baksan. I am sure you will like what and how he writes about the origin of the Ossetians. And no less original than you are about the Chechens.
It seemed to you, dear Mark, that it was not enough to declare the Chechens outside of civilization and history, the very idea that this people since the end of the ice age has occupied a physical place on their land, not a single inch of which has been taken away, much less stolen from another people, is unbearable to you!
In the modern Chechen society, meanwhile, the representatives of Ossetia are deeply respected, expressing in their work the general mountain ideals, moods and aspirations. This is the great poet Kosta Khetagurov, the outstanding writer of the Chechen Ossetian Dzakho Gatuev, the outstanding historian of the Chechen Ossetian Felix Totoev, the remarkable historian of modernity, the only representative of historiosophy in Russian historiography, a brilliant scientific talent - the Ossetian Vladimir Degoev. One can disagree with him in many respects, but one cannot but respect him for the genuine and pure beating of thought, for the loftiest philosophy of historical knowledge.
What M. Bliev wanted to achieve using scientifically verified means, using the laws scientific knowledge was impossible to achieve. Therefore, our author, firstly, practically abandoned the entire huge historiographical base of the history of Chechnya, and secondly, from scientific character as such. A rough attempt was made to install on a given topic in the parameters of black (rather even dirty) propaganda. But since our poor Mark is no expert in the information war (special knowledge and professional skill are also needed here), it turned out neither this nor that! Not a candle to God, not a poker to hell!
As for the charms of the real colonial policy of tsarism, which caused the mountain raids that offend Bliev’s gentle nature so much, let’s give the floor ... to M.M. Bliev, sample 1957. In one of his early articles, he cites an interesting document - a complaint from Ossetians expelled for forced labor from 1804: "We were forced to cut brushwood and throw it into this mud ... the legs of a Cossack horse got stuck in the brushwood laid in this way and for they began to beat us with a whip and killed 2 people.
80 soldiers and 12 mounted Cossacks came, for whom the administration demanded food from the peasants: a day - 10 pieces of cattle for soldiers, 2 for Cossacks ...
There was no skin left on horses and bulls from carrying heavy loads, and we were not given pay ...
Two women were harnessed to a yoke and tied to a sled, and the soldiers from behind urged the women on with whips.
The Ossetian peasants villainously (oh, this genotype!) concluded this letter as follows: "We prefer to die ... than suffer, wait for death from lashes and see the shame of our wives (under, by us. - Auth.)". Well, they put it just like the ideologist of Caucasian Muridism Magomed Yaraglinsky: “Better heaven in the next world than Yermolovsky hell in this world.”
And how did the conductors of the "civilizing" policy in epaulettes respond to the protest of the mountain peasants, who, according to the declaration of the Arbat thinker Yu. Baluyevsky, were engaged in "exclusively ... armed protection" of the peoples of the region? We read: "whoever has bayonets should not be paid money. I swear to God ... that I will not leave a stone unturned ...".
I quote M.M. Bliev of the 1957 model further: "Alexander I himself was forced to admit:" If it is common for mountain peoples to encroach on all sorts of predation, then on the other hand, according to fairly reliable information, it seems impossible to justify the actions of various officials or our residents with them, who often allow themselves to drive away their cattle and do other oppression to them, diverting them from us and destroying any power of attorney (under, by us. - Auth.) ".
This is not what we cite these texts to oppose to M.M. Bliev sample 1957 Mark Bliev sample 2004 Concepts, ideas and approaches may change with time and level of knowledge. The only thing that is impossible is to lie and involve people in dirty politicized lies. Whatever the times. Mark, we are sure that no one burned you with an iron!
By presenting modern Chechens, mountainous Dagestanis and Circassians directly and potentially dangerous to the civilized world (because of their "nature" and "stage character"), Mark Bliev came into conflict not only with the truth, but also with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The final is more than natural!

The article "Chechens" (translated by B. Schilotti) is a translation from the German language of an article by M. Wagner, a traveler in the Caucasus. M. Wagner was frightened by stories about Chechens, and this fear of Chechens left its unpleasant imprint on his article. He imagined in the eyes of the Chechens "infidelity and the desire for murder", he "would not follow the invitation of the Chechens to the village." Despite all this, "Chechens" represent history. Value, especially since there has been almost no literature on Chechnya so far. "Chechens", written almost 80 years ago, is interesting for the modern reader, although there are some incorrect provisions and erroneous conclusions in the article, which are quite obvious to Soviet man. And just because it is interesting to read an article about Chechnya and the Chechens of a foreign contemporary of the Caucasian war, this article is placed in the proposed collection. "Chechens" are placed in the German collection "The Caucasus and the land of the Cossacks from 1843 to 1846", Leipzig, 1848

Just as the Circassians in the Western Caucasus constitute the main core of Russian enemies, around which various clans of other small nationalities - Abkhazians, Abikhs, Chigets, Elbrus Tatars (Karachais) and Kabardians are grouped, so among the mountainous peoples of the Eastern Caucasus, the Chechens are at the head of the northern conquerors resisting the invasion. The name "Chechens" refers, in fact, to one small clan of this people, which, however, stood out so much for its courage and energy that the Russians designate by this name all the peoples who speak the same dialect, of which, including the Kistins and the Ingush, there are up to 150 thousand shower. Circassians, Tatars and Lezgins call this people "Mizchegi" (p. 187). The extremely harsh dialect of the Chechens has nothing to do with the language of the Circassians, Lezgins, Tatars or Ossetians, although some words from different mountain dialects have also passed into the Chechen language. Klaproth reveals this language, due to its structure, as completely independent, but at the same time says that the Chechens took a lot of words from their neighbors - the Avars. Regarding the origin of the Chechens, there is still the deepest darkness. They are considered the most ancient inhabitants of the Caucasian peninsula, who have preserved the primitive customs and the warlike spirit of the ancients, and even now, as in the time of Aeschylus, they are "wild crowds, terrible in the noise of their rattling swords." The Chechens gave a brilliant refutation to the German scientist, who in his book "Russia and the Circassians" very little appreciated the strength of the resistance of the mountain peoples to the Russian sword and scepter. Our famous and insightful geographer Ritter turned out to be more right when he said: "The wars of Timur, Peter the Great and Nadir Shah against the peoples of the Eastern Caucasus showed that the regions of Dagestan and Lezgistan belong to the world's isolated fortresses, which enable their inhabitants and defenders to resist the most famous conquerors. Chechens inhabit a beautiful mountainous country between the high Caucasian Alpine chain and the Terek; in the east, their area is limited by Koisu, and in the west by a pass leading from Vladikavkaz to Transcaucasia. This mountain area is rich in beautiful forests and meadows, but agriculture in the high valleys of Chechnya yields only small crops; but all the same, the time of ripening of the loaves is the most important for the mountain dwellers, who then usually keep calm until the loaves are taken to a safe place. When late autumn sheaves from the fields disappeared and the fast waters of the Terek and Sunzha fell, then everyone in the Cossack line knows that the militant cry of the Chechens will not be long in coming. All points lying in the Terek valley from Vladikavkaz to Vnepnaya are being attacked by the Chechens. Vladikavkaz, Groznaya, Gizel-Aul and Temir-Khan-Shura are at present the main operational points of the Russians against the Chechens. In these fortresses you can meet daily a large number of these slender savages. Like the Circassians, they visit the Russian fortresses mainly to pass the time, and the Russians, who expect from these lively relations with their enemies good results , allow them to freely visit their fortified places. In Vladikavkaz - a large and important point on the Terek - I saw for the first time a large number of Chechens and, because. I just came from the Kuban, where I saw the Circassians, then naturally, I compared the external impression and appearance that both these peoples brought to me. They play the same role in the Caucasus, but differ in language and origin, and until recently had no contact with each other. “Chechens,” I wrote in my diary in Vladikavkaz, “I like less Circassians, with whom they have a common slenderness, bold restraint and an aquiline nose, but not a common facial expression. Free, open, inquisitive and a little wild expression, their behavior is so chivalrous that it is impossible to treat them without sympathy.In the more darkly colored face of the Chechen, there is, along with an expression of great energy, some kind of gloomy, unpleasant feature: I saw people here in whose eyes glittered infidelity and the desire to kill which frightened me. I would trustfully accept the hospitality of the Circassian bridle, I would not follow the invitation of the Chechen to the village. The face of the Chechens is slightly longer and thinner than the face of the Circassians, and their beard is less abundant than that of other eastern peoples, for example, the Turks and Arabs.The clothing seems to be the same among most Caucasian peoples: tight brown trousers and a brown coat with a leather belt and multi-colored , sewn on both sides of the chest, with pieces of cloth for storing cartridges. The head is adorned with a Caucasian turban - a large hat with a multi-colored top and a wide band made of disheveled sheepskin, which, falling on the forehead, further enhances the wild and stern look of the mountain dwellers. All wear a long dagger at their waist and a long gun tucked tightly against their backs. Some young people are more richly dressed: they wear coats woven with silver, and magnificent daggers and sabers with silver handles. The review of the troops, which was carried out in Vladikavkaz by General Baldinin, the Chechens, Kabardians and Ossetians watched with great interest, just as I examined the artistic figures of the Caucasians. "I quoted this passage from my notebook unchanged, but I agree that the stories I heard earlier Russian military about the actions and traits of the Circassians and Chechens, perhaps, did not remain without influence on this comparative assessment of the two peoples.Reviews of Russians are more favorable for the inhabitants of the Western Caucasus than for the inhabitants of the eastern mountainous belt. Loyalty to this word is less common among them, severity with prisoners of war is greater and, in addition, they are inspired by such religious fanaticism, which the Circassian does not know. The last feature especially distinguishes the western Caucasian from the eastern highlander. If the Circassians recently think a little more about the Koran, then this is more in order to increase hatred and dislike for Russian Christians, rather than from internal spiritual motives ... ... While the Circassians have an innate love for freedom and independence and, at the same time, some hope of robbery and booty constitute the main reason for their resistance to Russia, among the Chechens, hatred of Russian domination is motivated more by their ardent religious fanaticism. All the prominent leaders of the Chechens, from Sheikh Mansur, who knew 20,000 religious verses by heart, to the current leader of the Chechens, Shamil, who plays the role of a prophet, felt the need to base their secular power on religious fanaticism, just as the marabout Abd-El-Kader did in Algeria . This religious fanaticism in the Eastern Caucasus facilitates the unification of the peoples of different languages ​​under one leadership and makes it difficult for the numerous Russian troops to wage war, a war that, thanks to the heroic courage of the inhabitants and the natural conditions of the country - the "World fortress of nationalities", will not end soon. During my stay on the banks of the Terek and in high mountains Caucasian I got a lot interesting information about the life and customs of the Chechens. I was especially attracted by the simple stories of a Polish soldier who more than a year was a prisoner among the Chechens and almost in close proximity to Shamil, whom he served as a slave. He could not bear life in the mountains - a harsh climate, poor nutrition , - and took advantage of the opportunity to run under the banner of the double-headed eagle, no matter how little sympathy, like a Pole, he felt for them. Although, according to his assurances, he was taken prisoner during the expedition of General Grabbe, he risked a punishment of 3,000 rods - the usual punishment for all Russian deserters in the Caucasus - a punishment tantamount to martyrdom, if one of the more humane officers did not managed to somehow mitigate the punishment. Only with great difficulty did the poor Pole manage to avoid a terrible death, which, according to Russian officers, often befell the innocent. According to the stories of this Pole and other surviving and exchanged prisoners, the descriptions of housing, customs and occupations of the Circassians, given by me above, can be almost completely attributed to the Chechens. But this coincidence does not yet give the right to conclude about kinship, because the way of life and occupations of primitive peoples depends on the nature and climate of their country, and these coincide completely in these two countries. The position of a woman among Chechens and Circassians is almost the same, but among the former there is no sale of women to foreign countries. Trustworthy persons told me that Chechen women treat a foreigner favorably and they show a lot of pity for the prisoners, as far as the jealousy and distrust of their husbands allows. Not one Russian prisoner escaped from captivity thanks to the Chechens, and together with their liberators they came to the Russian camp. After everything I learned about the Caucasian woman, I can say that in addition to the warlike spirit of the Amazon, a spark of tenderness and femininity lives in them. Returning victors are greeted with joyful cries and hugs by women and girls, the wounded are cared for with disinterested devotion, and even a poor prisoner of war, thanks to the kind-hearted attitude of a woman, finds solace in his unfortunate fate. The poet Pushkin in his "Prisoner of the Caucasus" correctly captured this character of the Chechen girl, who, like the voice of a "good genius," sounds over the stream and warns the Cossack girls. It is very difficult for a traveler, even if he has collected many facts and listened to many opinions, to speak out about the fate of a people if he does not study it during many years of staying among them. The Russian military is also incapable of correct judgment, because their observations are not updated with constant new observations, and their hatred of the people, who so selflessly and desperately defend their freedom, is well known. On the other hand, foreigners, seized with hatred for Russia and the admiration of all Europe for the courage and militancy of Russian enemies in the Caucasus, are even less capable of correct judgment. .. The Chechens are a brave barbarian people, but they deserve even less than the Circassians the exaggerated admiration with which they are treated in some European countries. Fanaticism, infidelity, severity are not features of a cultured people. Another question: is it possible that admiration for the people personally is sympathy for their cause? One can resolutely reject the savagery of some people, but still one must ask: "But what right do others have with fire and sword to subdue this free people?" Whoever knows the fate of the Armenians in Turkey or the Doukhobors in Russia needs no other motives to explain Sheikh Mansur's statement to the Englishman Bell: "If England and Turkey leave us, if all other means of resistance are exhausted, then we will burn our houses and property, our we will suffocate our wives and children, and, retreating to our rocks, we will die to the last man" (p. 193)

(In the book: “ABOUT THOSE WHO WERE CALLED ABREKS”. Collection of stories, novels, legends, fairy tales, poems and socio-economic essays about Chechnya and Chechens. Grozny, 1927)

“I, a Russian, don’t give a damn about your story”

Plexus of the "Caucasian knot" of the third part of the cycle: 1. Georgia and the highlanders of the Caucasus: devoted love. 2. “Russian view: Your peoples are simply unlucky to be in the neighborhood of Russia» ; 3.”Jews don't live here? Disorder means they will live soon! Circassians, Russians and the Chosen People”; 4. " Abkhazians and Chechens against Russians? Abkhazian-Chechen-Circassian-Russian tangle”;

Georgia and the highlanders of the Caucasus: devoted love.

Adzharian independence! Armenian autonomy in Georgia! Menglels are not Georgians. Independent Mengrelia!

Circassian - Georgian:
What I am about to write, read very carefully! When we restore Circassia, we will definitely wipe you freaks off the face of the earth. We will not leave a single Georgian scum and it makes no difference to us with whom you will be and in which military bloc. You scum is the reason for the Russian-Circassian war, and we have not forgotten this and will never forget.

Circassian for Circassian:
We will never forget this. But there is no collective responsibility. As the Bible says, whoever remembers the old is out of his sight. And who will forget that two.

Circassian for Circassian and Georgian:
The rear must always be protected, and therefore, first of all, we will take care of the safety of our rear, which means that you Georgian sluts should not be behind our backs .... We will not cut and kill you, we will drive you back to Persia like sheep and let your Persian brothers deal with you

The Georgian army surrendered in South Ossetia on the 3rd day. I wonder how many heroic feature films Georgians will make on this topic. Movies they know how to shoot is a fact.

Megrel - Circassians:
To steal, you need to have brains and talent, and you only know how to sniff a dry piece of sulugun, near an oak tree, mediocrity. what they turned the flowering land into. Loafers, druggies. I can imagine how Russians are sick of your faces, nothing, it won’t be long to wait and they will decide you like your bulldyg brothers, they’ll do it right, the flag in their hands.

Suluguni is a pale shade of Circassian cheese.

Circassian for Georgian:
The Abkhazian and Ossetian projects were followed by the Mingrelian and Adjarian ones. So let's meet in Zugdidi and Batumi. Moreover, I lived in Batumi for 2 years. The people there are good, they hated you, the people of Tbilisi. We will help them.

Circassian - for Circassian:
Georgia is seriously ill with Nazism throughout the 20th century, just the maximum of its external manifestations occurred in the 1990s-2000s. You can't prove anything to them, you can't explain anything. According to history, they still have not officially exposed the concept of Ingorokva. ( Pavle Ingorokva (1893-1983) - an outstanding Georgian literary critic, historian and ethnographer, made a huge contribution to the formation of modern Georgian statehood. It was he who formulated the theory of the Georgian nation and the concept of the historical borders of Georgia that dominated Georgian thought. Recognized in Georgia as one of the best specialists in classical Georgian literature (in particular, he deciphered the meaning of ancient Georgian singing signs) and the history of the Georgian Middle Ages. According to some reports - Abaza by nationality. He was a member of the "Commission for the establishment of borders between Georgia and Abkhazia" (it included K. Tsereteli, D. Oniashvili, P. Ingorokva and General Odishelidze), created in June 1918 as part of « Agreements between the Georgian government Democratic Republic and the Abkhaz People's Council. He formulated the concept according to which the Abkhaz descend from one of the Georgian tribes, the Abkhaz migrated to the territory of Abkhazia only in the 17th century, “descending from the mountains of the North Caucasus”, and Abkhazia is a primordially Georgian land. For the first time, his concept was announced on June 22, 1917 in the report of Pavle Ingorokva "On the Territory of Georgia" at the founding congress of the National Democratic Party of Georgia. Based on the report, the Congress decided that “the territory of Georgia consists of the provinces of Kartli, Kakheti, Samtskhe-Saatabago, Imereti, Guria, Mengrelia, Svanetia and Abkhazia, which are united by centuries-old state, cultural and economic relations unit." This formula was and is decisive for the leadership of Georgia in all periods of its statehood: under the Menshevik government, in Soviet period and after the restoration of independence. In its finished form, in the appendix to Abkhazia, it is set out in the Georgian language printed in 1954 fundamental research"Giorgi Mercule" (publishing of the book was not allowed for many years). The release of the book caused mass protests in Abkhazia. Since the end of 1988, the leaders of the then Georgian opposition Z. Gamsakhurdia, M. Kostava, A. Bakradze actively promoted this theory at rallies and in the periodical press, making it the rationale for the idea of ​​"Georgia for Georgians", with independence, Ingorokva's concepts became the ideological justification of the armed actions of the governments of Georgia against Abkhazia. The ideas of P. Ingorokva are now widely spread among the Georgian intelligentsia, historians and the entire population of Georgia, they are, one way or another, shared today by almost all the leading medievalists of Georgia. Buried in the pantheon of eminent public figures in Didube, in Tbilisi. - Abraham Shmulevich). Normal Georgians (and there are quite a few, thank God) of course admit that, like the “Ingorokva school”, no one has compromised the Georgian historical school, but this is practically the official Georgian doctrine and 99% of Georgians will foam at the mouth with nonsense about “ Abkhazians are not Abkhazians” - the Abkhazian kingdom and the founding of Kutatis (Kutaisi) cannot forgive the Abkhazians. When the Georgians stop harassing the Abkhazians, then the Circassians will be their best brothers, as has happened more than once in history. But we will never surrender the Abkhazians how they didn’t pass when Russia helped you, the Georgians, in the summer and autumn of 1992 in full (which the Georgians prefer not to remember). Abkhazians from relatives have only Circassians, and Circassians have only Abkhazians. Therefore, for the sake of outsiders like Georgian, even once loved, we will never betray blood relatives.

Circassian for Georgian:
Why do we need Tbilisi? Ask yourself a question. For what? If you had not started the war in 1992, the Caucasus would have been different. You are responsible for everything. You destroyed the Caucasian unity and plunged the region into geopolitical games. There is already someone with whom. Depends on the situation.

Highlander for Circassian:
Absolutely right - all the peoples of the Caucasus in the 1980s looked at Tbilisi as a symbol of the Caucasian Dream. And at the turn of the 1980/90s, the Georgians destroyed the Caucasian Dream with their own hands, relying on Georgian Nazism. Now there is no turning back.

Circassian - Georgian:
In fact, today, when two sick teeth were pulled out of Georgia, things should get better. All adventures will fly out of my head. Russian border guards will ensure this unconditionally. And the government in Tbilisi will be reluctant, but will deal with the country's problems. The main thing is not to waste time. There is still interest from the great powers. But I'm not sure about the adequacy of the authorities in Tbilisi. Although in Russia everyone notes the successful fight against corruption. I think if they talk about it in Russia, the successes are apparently impressive.

Let Georgia condemn the Circassian genocide. If Georgia recognizes the independence of Abkhazia and condemns the genocide and deportation of the Circassians, it will open a new page in the relationship between the Abkhaz-Circassian and Georgian peoples. But, I'm afraid, the current Georgian authorities have not grown up to the level of Ilya Chavchavadze, who condemned the genocide and deportation back in the 19th century.

Georgian - Circassian:
Abkhazia is not recognized. Genocide is a must, and probably in the near future.

Circassian - Megrelu:
If Georgia recognizes the independence of Abkhazia and condemns the genocide of the Circassians and Vainakhs, global changes will take place in the Caucasus. This will open the way to true reconciliation and the solution of all problems.

Abrek, do you know the history of Abkhazia at all? Where is the Egris lands? up to Sukhumi they are Apsuians, then what is not yours is visible even now. go and see for yourself. just know that as long as your corrupt compatriots are in power, and they will exterminate others with the Russians (as was done in the war of 1993), all is empty chatter. Or could they populate their part of Abkhazia with Circassians and we would recognize it. This is what Georgia has been offering lately.

Abkhaz - Megrelian:
Listen, daraga, Georgia has been using lands that do not belong to it from Sukhumi to Psou for so long, so now we can use a little Egrisi lands, well, a little, a little bit, 200-300 years, and then we will give it back.

Russian view: Your peoples are simply unlucky to be in the neighborhood of Russia.

Let's talk about Circassians. You were completely fucked up Caucasian war, still want? Then you were scattered a little, are you stirring up again? So, sheep, we always beat everyone who attacked the Russians, we will beat this time too. No problem.

Yes, I would rather lose this Caucasus already! With all Caucasians! How much can you pay with Russian blood and Russian money ...

Yes, you are sick, Shmulevich, to feed breakfast. When, finally, WHEN will Russia lose the Caucasus? Force events. Zae "ali mountain pancakes with their complexes. Fuck you from Russia!

Is it a loss?

Russian - Russian:

"Is this a loss?" Sorry, if you mean Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana, then yes.

Oh, God willing, Russia would have taken and lost the Caucasus in fact.

As you are all tired of your genocide, the Russians were stronger and smarter, and therefore conquered from the Baltic to the Pacific Ocean, the British behaved the same way, the Spaniards - that's why they created a great white civilization - the fruits of which everyone now enjoys. Sooner or later you will get your freedom like the whole Caucasus - then you are not capable of anything, you will walk around the world with outstretched hands like the former republics of the USSR, and you don’t know how to do anything except washing toilets.

Russian - Chechen:

If necessary, I will come to Grozny again - this is one of the cities of the Federation, an ordinary town founded by Russians. And even better, if we come there again with a "peacekeeping mission") Damn, well, at least Ramzan would start a rebellion sooner! I hope, however (hope dies last) that things will not be brought to a mutiny and that the “brave Ichkerians” will be pruned in advance. Why I hope - they behave too arrogantly even in relation to the "elite", and the Kremlin does not forgive this. They will always worry about themselves) Therefore, racing in the center of Moscow with shooting or foreign execution of Kadyrov's opponents can be perceived as an encroachment on the sacred))) Bust. Was Pronin removed because of Evsyukov? Rather, the reason, and the reason, is precisely the impunity of the Vainakh motor rally in the center of the capital, when the participants, having been pressed, were released. Now they start to restrict. The main thing is to be tough, otherwise they don't understand.

I read these your men's disputes, and it became so funny. I understand that the Russians here are just joking and making fun. You see, you Circassians, Chechens, Circassians and others are small nations. I, a Russian, don't give a damn about your story, on your losses, on the alleged genocide, because we won. And if necessary, we will win again and arrange another genocide. Your peoples are simply unlucky to be in the neighborhood of Russia. While Russia is worth nothing to you. And Russia is eternal, unshakable, unshakable. Is Rus' strong? War, and pestilence, And rebellion, and external storms, the pressure of her, raging, shook her - Look, everything is worth it! And around her unrest fell - And Poland's fate is decided ...

Internationalist before 1991:
The descendants of robbers and slave traders want to rob and trade in slaves again! If Russia makes concessions, it will lose not only the Caucasus, but also lose itself. Therefore, no concessions. No step back!

May 21, 1864 is also our Victory Day. Let's celebrate it as it should be: let's remember those Russian heroes who won back these fertile places by clearing them of the savages. Glory to Russia!

Let's talk about half-witted Circassians. You raked to the fullest in the Caucasian war, do you want more? Then you were scattered a little, are you stirring up again? So, sheep, we always beat everyone who attacked the Russians, we will beat this time too. No problem. Do you want your last scraps to disappear? Then stir up under the leadership of "good" Jews, they will lead you where you need to go. These are such brothers. You, Circassians, live as you like, no one hurts you, you cut down the forest as much as you like, sell, enrich yourself, no one tells you anything, but this shop can easily be covered up. As soon as a little our lads get the idea that this forest and they can also sell themselves at a profit. Yes, and the meadows are nishtyak, it is good to graze cattle there. If you want to lose all this free advantage, then sing more to the Jewish tune.

“Jews don't live here? Disorder means they will live soon!”

Circassians, Russians and the Chosen People.

Anti-Semitism in the Russian Internet space is on the rise. The authors of the Russian Internet forums manage to connect with the Jews, of course in a negative context, any topic discussed: from flying to the moon to catching minnows in the rivers of Georgia. The situation in the Caucasian Internet space, including the “Adygnet”, is somewhat different. The intensity of Jewish fear among the peoples of the Caucasus is very different from the Russians (including the Russian Caucasian sub-ethnic groups - the Terek and Kuban Cossacks). Anti-Semitism is significantly noticeable only among the Chechens. Among the Circassians, anti-Israeli and generally anti-Semitic positions are occupied by Islamists. But anti-Semitism, hatred of Israel is becoming a common, unifying discourse among world Islamism, as if hallmark"Wahaba".

Russian, there is no Jewish conspiracy in the Circassian issue and let's stop constantly making Jews guilty everywhere. Do you think that the Jews are artificially trying to unite the Adyghe Circassians and Kabardians into the Adyghe nation? If you think so, then you don’t understand anything about the Circassian issue ... By the way, with his publications, Avraam Shmulevich gives you Russians valuable advice not to try to hide the problem, but to solve it quickly until you Russians have completely and completely lost the entire Caucasus.

Is it possible to announce the entire list of the Cabinet in exile? And it is not clear who is who. I'm sure half of them are Shmul's relatives!

Circassian - Circassian:
Are you an anti-Semite? This rare beast among the Circassians, not "endangered", but not even "born")))))))))) I have only met the third in my whole life - you))))))))

True, we here think that it would be more expedient to return the Crimea to Odessa, Kherson, the Volga region and Astrakhan with adjacent territories to the Jewish people. It is much more desirable for us to have the Jewish people as neighbors than you occupiers, and all the more inappropriately it will be fenced off from someone with barbed wire and Chinese walls

We already lived next door to the Khazars and our ancestors say that these were calm and very peaceful times and our peoples prospered :)

Cossack from Sochi:
It always smells bad when a representative of a third nation tries to resolve a problematic situation between two peoples. What does the Jew Shmulevich have to do with Russian-Circassian relations?

We, the Circassians of the Diaspora, believe that there will be no peace for the Jews in the Middle East, therefore it would be more expedient for them to move from Israel to the Crimea and form the promised land in these territories, which I brought. Moreover, there are several million of them in Odessa and Kherson and in the vicinity. If you know, when they planned to form Israel, they considered two options, and one of them was Crimea, and as I heard, the Americans were already paying Sovka a lot of money for Crimean peninsula but the Jews chose the Middle East.

Russian - Circassian:
Millions of Jews don't live in Odessa and Kherson, don't give a shit... Look at the data of the last all-Ukrainian census, how many Jews there are in Khokhland. So all the Jews go to Ethiopia, and better to Mars!

Don't you say Jews live in millions in Odessa and Kherson? Disorder means they will live soon!

Abkhazians against Russians? Abkhazian-Chechen-Circassian-Russian tangle.

Abkhaz: Georgians, just like Russians, they will burrow into our lands.

Abkhaz - for Chechen:
You won't surprise me with a war, we've been fighting for 15 years too, and there's no end in sight, they barely brushed aside the kickels, right now the hares are sitting on their heads. Secondly, you’re fine, you can’t speak without Russian obscenities, or what? And what nonsense are you talking about the Eastern Caucasians, who are more militant than the Western ones, you are just five times more. Compare: there are a hundred thousand Abkhazians, and you know how many Chechens. So the time will come, and we will all see who is worth it. As for not helping the Chechens during the war: you know, the Abkhazians still have complexes about this. But we had our own reasons, we ourselves fought, and there are very few of us, everything counts. We will have a future if we act in concert.

Chechen - for Abkhaz:
Your so-called war was just a gangster shootout compared to ours, in 1x, in 2x there are also only 1 million of us against the whole Russian, 143 million, besides, the weapons of the Russians are more powerful than those of the Georgians, they tried all weapons except nuclear weapons on us. Well, your Circassians are printing here against the Vainakhs, accusing us of disloyalty to the Russians, that's what Vainakhs you see, only the last schmuck could write such a thing, why should we be loyal to the Russians? or you? for genocides? or for non-repetition of these genocides? Only the last gang ... will have such thoughts in their heads, but you can’t call the West Caucasians militant in any way, the only thing you dare to do is fuck the Georgians by hiding behind the Rusaks in advance, I don’t consider it militant when I see the so-called president of Abkhazia and Kokoity, then I involuntarily recall the jackal from Mowgli, who also went north with Sher Khan

Abkhaz - Chechen:
About the presidents, if I were you and your Kadyrov, I would be silent. And I can say, and you will confirm with your messages, that the bulk of the Eastern Caucasians are impenetrable stupid.

Abkhaz - Abkhaz:
Why should I forgive all Russians and love them. No, I hate them as much as the kickels, and I wish them all the worst.

Abkhaz - Russian:
You are all cannon fodder and no one else. Then one guy told me with a laugh how he recently shot down Russian soldiers, two corpses, two cripples without legs. So our cops accepted him and immediately let go of what kind of cattle people should be imprisoned. and these wounded soldiers were lying in the hospital, ownerless for part of their own, they were already decommissioned material. Hold on! vorcy-anons.html Here is the cattle. they even smoothed it out there, it doesn’t say that the kid was released, and why should the emu sit for cattle.

Avraam Shmulevich - The reaction of the Russians is very characteristic, they suddenly began to try in every possible way to shield the Abkhazians. Another interesting feature: for an Abkhaz it is natural that a rural guy drives his own Mercedes, even though this Mercedes is “not so hot”.

From my Jewish point of view, what deserves the most attention and indignation is that the killer's relatives "agreed" with the commander of the Russian soldiers, and he not only did not pursue the killer, but simply left his crippled soldiers to the mercy of fate. For Russian nationalists, this fact did not cause any reaction at all, and did not prevent them from indulging in dreams about a “normal commander” who should “find and bury”.

That's right: the scoop is everywhere the scoop, and the nomenclature in the scoop is the nomenclature everywhere. In Abkhazia, it’s just that the locals have families, and even those who fought, armed victorious people - it’s better not to openly mess with the authorities with such people, and this is the only limiter that is basically absent in other regions of Sovka.

Russian - Abakhzu:
The issue is not national, but social. There is enough such crap on the Mercs all over the country ... " cool guys", masters of life. It is useless to teach them. If there was a normal commander in the unit, the only way out is to find and bury it ourselves.

Abkhaz - Russian:
Just national. If he shot down the Abkhazians, he would be literally fucked up. And so he was brought to the department, his relatives arrived, agreed with the commanders of the soldiers. And the boy was released. A he has merc also not so hot, and he is a country boy. Just, when you treat yourself like cattle, everyone around you treats you the same way.

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