What a marten. Stone and forest martens: description with photo, where they live, video, features of marten hunting. Reproduction and lifespan

The pine marten lives on large area Europe, also found in Mesopotamia and parts of Asia Minor.

Martens live only in wooded area. These animals can also live in the mountains, but only in those that have a forest.

Martens practically do not live in captivity. Because of this, they are rarely found in zoos. But the Germans managed to create conditions in the zoo for martens as close as possible to natural environment a habitat. But in other countries, few people manage to do this.

The appearance of the marten

The body length of the marten varies from 45 to 53 centimeters. Fluffy tail has a length of 20-25 centimeters.

The average weight is 1.5 kilograms. Males are slightly larger than females.

The animal has triangular ears with yellow trim. The color of the skin varies from dark brown to light brown. In winter, the fur is thicker and silkier than in summer.

The legs are short, they have inside hair cover. On the neck there is a rounded spot of yellowish color.

Behavior and nutrition of the marten

Martens are active at dusk and at night. During the day, the animals sleep in tree cavities or in large nests of raptors. Martens spend a lot of time on trees, so they can perfectly climb trunks and jump from one branch to another. They can jump up to 4 meters.

Martens also move quickly on the ground. Each individual owns its own allotment, the boundaries of which are marked with an odorous secret secreted from the anal glands. If the boundaries are violated by a stranger, then conflicts arise between the animals. But in females and males, the ranges may overlap. The area of ​​the territories may vary depending on the time of the year. So, in summer there are more plots than in winter time.

Listen to the marten's voice

Martens have sharp teeth, thanks to which they easily cope with animal and plant foods. The diet of martens consists of voles, small birds and eggs.

Also, animals eat insects, reptiles and even carrion. The marten kills its victim by biting it on the back of the head. From vegetable food martens use berries, nuts and honey. In autumn, the animals store food for the winter.

Reproduction and lifespan

The gestation period for martens is 7 months. Babies are born in March-April. The female gives birth to 3-4 cubs, which weigh about 30 grams each.

After 4 months after birth, the offspring becomes independent, but remains with the mother until the next spring. Life span in wild nature is 8-9 years old. In captivity, if suitable conditions for life are created, martens can live up to 16-18 years.

The stone marten is a predatory animal, despite the fact that it is very pretty. And it is called stone, because it lives mainly in rocky areas. The animal is not so dangerous for people as for the animals themselves living in the forest.

The marten is usually the most common animal among all mammals. The fluffy forest dweller is a dangerous enemy for many representatives of the animal world, and often poses a threat to people.

General description of the stone marten

A lot of people wonder what it looks like stone marten. An adult forest animal can reach a very considerable size, up to 60 cm in length, and in weight up to 2 and a half kg. The length of the tail can reach 30 cm. Nevertheless, the stone marten is very beautiful and luxurious in appearance. The coat of the animal is fluffy, shimmers in the sun and has a brownish tint. Also, the color is light beige, reddish, yellowish brown.

The stone marten has a slender, long body, with a luxurious tail. The muzzle is slightly elongated, while the animal has a powerful jaw. Triangular ears flaunt on the top of the head.


The stone marten eats not only raw meat, but also eggs, insects and their larvae. The diet may also include berries, frogs and fish. The forest animal loves honey, so it occasionally visits the bee hive. Based on the above facts, we can conclude that the animal is absolutely not picky about food, and eats everything that it finds, whether it is a fat caterpillar or delicious juicy strawberries, or maybe a hare.

The following berries are most suitable for the proper development of the animal:

  • raspberry;
  • sweet cherry;
  • cherry;
  • strawberry;
  • blueberry.

From fruits, pears and all varieties of apples can be distinguished. Undoubtedly, the animal loves nuts, because they contain all the necessary proteins and vegetable fats that help develop properly and do not lag behind in development at all.

The main delicacy in the forest are small rodents:

  • mice;
  • red squirrels;
  • shrews;
  • hares.

Also, the animal does not disdain small birds:

  • partridges;
  • woodpeckers;
  • tits.

These animals are not stupid and know what to do so as not to die of hunger in winter. They prepare everything necessary materials for living in a harsh snowy season, as well as certain food. This is very important, because in addition to the cold, there is almost nothing to eat in winter, everyone hides under layers of snow and foliage. Animals love stockpile different varieties berries, nuts, eggs. As a rule, all this is in the trees. And if someone else finds this blank, it is almost impossible for a marten to survive in winter without food. Only occasionally run hares and rodents, but this is not enough.

Habitat of stone marten

The animal mainly lives in oak and spruce mature forests. Only here it is cozy, spacious and most comfortable. But apart from forests, there are exceptions, the animal can be in fields and meadows. Rocky landscapes are not his part, the animal does not tolerate this.

Reproduction and care of young

capable of reproducing after a year of life. Preferably in summer, the animal tries to find a forest partner. Oddly enough, the female's pregnancy lasts about 28 days. One healthy female can give birth to up to 4 small animals. Cubs are born blind, absolutely without hair. They are able to open their eyes only after 30 days.

The life of a marten on average lasts about 3-4 years, but it is extremely rare for an animal to live 10 years.

Since the marten is a mammal, it is natural that she feeds her young with milk. Feeding period approximately 40 days, then, after the teeth have come out, the animals eat solid food and live with their mother for another whole season.

The main enemies of the stone marten

Although the marten itself is very dangerous predator, yet she has a large number of enemies. In the first place, a ferocious wolf. It is the main predator and owner of the forest. Next come foxes, owls and strict hawks. Undoubtedly, all those animals that are much larger than the marten are the main enemies and competitors for food. Therefore, a forest animal does not always walk calmly through the forest, it carefully looks through all the mysterious corners before resting and falling asleep in one place or another.

Animal lifestyle

The animal loves hollows of dry trees, the height of which ranges from 2 meters to 5. Bird nests, gorges between stones can also become a home for the marten, because it is very convenient for her there. Permanent place of residence, the animal does not have, since it constantly roams in certain territories, especially marked by it (a special secret). In these places, the stone marten can live annually, feeding and hunting there.

The marten mostly lives alone, only in the summer season, she is looking for a breeding partner.

The hunting time of the animal is night, therefore the animal is awake mainly in the dark. The animal loves darkness, and at this time feels like the king of the forest. It hunts both on the ground and in trees, strangling its prey.

marten hunting

Almost all types of mustelids have luxurious beautiful fur so people hunt them. Now, in certain areas, hunting for martens is prohibited, as there are fewer and fewer of them. People began to think about how to compensate for this. They grow and fatten martens for industrial purposes, and in the end they get luxurious fur coats for noble ladies. After all, a marten fur coat is very warm and you can wear it for up to 5 seasons.

As mentioned above, martens are known to live in the wild for about 3 years, but there are exceptions up to 10 years. This figure is extremely small compared to life in captivity. After all, life on a farm proper care, food and amenities, reaches 20 years. This figure is staggering, but people do not have to keep and spend so much on martens, because they use them for other purposes, and not for years life.

The marten is a very cute animal, albeit a predatory one. A beautiful neat muzzle, long fluffy hair, five-fingered paws and a long luxurious tail give the animal a well-groomed appearance. After all, this animal native forest dweller, which decorates it with its appearance, participates in the food chain. People often don't think about it. They shoot them ruthlessly and cruelly, thinking only about profit. This attitude can lead to serious problems, up to the disappearance of some varieties of mustelid animals.

Stone marten and pine marten are close relatives. The whole mustelid family is named after them. Externally stone and pine marten very similar: they are both in size, flexible and dexterous, with beautiful lush fur Brown color, and the neck and breast are decorated with a light spot.

How to distinguish a stone marten from a forest marten.

Look at photo of pine marten, she has a yellowish spot, but on the bottom photo of stone marten it is white.

For this, the martens got their nickname zheltodushka and white-blooded.

Where does the marten live and who does it hunt?

In spite of resemblance martens have completely different habits. The pine marten prefers housing on trees in other people's hollows, and stone chooses holes under the roots of the trees.

But both martens summer time prefer to hunt at dusk, at dawn or at sunset. Everything that can be obtained is used for food: rabbits, as well as wild berries of raspberries and blackberries,

and fish for a marten is generally a delicacy.

Martens in winter.

In winter martens hunt
rarely, preferring to starve on especially cold days, hiding in a warm hollow or hole. The marten can also hunt under the snow, using the passages dug by other animals.

Like all mustelids, stone and pine martens jealously guard their hunting grounds and fiercely protect their cubs if they are in danger.

This is what a pine marten looks like

The pine marten (every hunter is probably familiar with its description) is considered to be one of the most valuable fur-bearing animals. Tens of thousands of skins of this predator are mined by our hunters during the hunting season for it. But, in order for you to be able to lead in, it is worth studying in more detail the information about this animal, about the features of its behavior and habitat. And, our publication is ready to help you with this ...

Where does the marten live

What does a marten eat

The composition of the diet of the pine marten is very diverse. And, if we say that she is a polyphagous predator, then we will not be mistaken. Moreover, the marten is always ready to make up for the lack of one food with several others. Interesting fact and what The diet of male martens is somewhat different from the diet of females.. But, basically, these animals prefer mouse-like rodents, small birds, and do not even disdain insects. Although, if there is a shortage with a carnivorous diet, the marten is always ready to make up for it. vegetable feed– such as nuts, berries and fruits…

Do martens eat squirrels

It is noteworthy that some experts argue that if squirrels are not found in marten habitats, then martens can even leave this forest zone in search of food such as. However, recent studies by zoologists and scientists allow us to conclude that it is not entirely correct to think this way. Only in the zone coniferous taiga in the winter period of the year, in 44.5% of the martens caught, squirrel residues were found in the stomach. Whereas, in the summer, the marten may not even pay attention to them at all. Therefore, the relationship between squirrels and martens and whether the gastronomic preferences of the marten affect the fluctuation in the number of squirrels themselves - in fact, there is none. An exception can only be a picture when the number of martens is high and in order to provide food for themselves, they can begin to exterminate squirrels. In all other situations, the reason for the lack of squirrels (this is often complained by hunters who go for squirrels) are rather food reasons - the lack of basic food for this animal.

marten habits

Marten tracks

It is generally accepted that the marten is a fairly sedentary forest predator that can live for years within its forest area if it is not disturbed by other predators and hunters do not threaten its peace. It is noteworthy that each marten has its own area - its territory. Depending on the food supply of such a site and the predatory abilities of the animal, the territory can range from 1 to 25 square kilometers. And, where did the myth about the nomadic lifestyle of martens come from, you ask? So, this is most likely due to the fact that every year, in the fall, young martens settle in the forest, in search of their food site.

Reproduction of martens

Also, it will be useful to know that fluctuations in the number of such an animal as the pine marten occur slowly and with a small gap. So, the years of special abundance are once in 9-11 years, and they are explained by a combination of a number of favorable reasons for this. And, here, estrus and mating occur in the marten usually once a year, at the end of July, and this period lasts until the end of summer. However, not all martens are capable of breeding in the 2nd year of life - only 33-35%, while reaching 3 years old - all individuals already breed.

marten pregnancy

Pregnancy in a marten lasts 236-237 days and is divided into 2 periods. The first period includes 200 days and is latent and hidden. At this time, the embryos practically do not develop and they have not yet attached to the walls of the uterus. And, here is the second period of development - intensive, lasts only 27-28 days. And, as a rule, in late March-early April, pregnancy ends in childbirth. Moreover, in one litter there can be from 1 to 8 cubs, but most often it is 4-5 animals. Larger litters are observed only in favorable years that we wrote about above. However, the mortality rate of young martens is still quite high. And, only 39-58% of small martens live up to 1 year. True, concomitant factors also influence this, and not only the very early mortality of these small predators.

How many years do martens live

Zoologists say that the life expectancy of a marten can be up to 16 years, however, in nature, naturally, these predators live less. So, for example, the number of martens in the upper reaches of the Pechora River in 1957, which were more than 2 years old, was only ... 12% of the total number of individuals.

Where does the marten live

We already wrote above that these little predators do not live outside the forest. However, in order for the marten herself to feel calm and confident in the forest, she needs a good shelter. The marten itself does not build a nest, but does not mind occupying a hollow of a squirrel, or hiding in deep snow in a littered well or in a hollow of an old tree. Yes, martens still climb trees. And, although until recently it was generally believed that this was not the case, such a tree climber is really worth looking for. True, in some areas of its habitat, in view of the fact that there is no such need, the marten does not show such skills of climbing trees. Either a squirrel can drive a predator onto a tree - a marten will pursue it, or a dog - it will hide from its persecution on a tree. Moreover, females climb treetops more often than males.

The marten is fast and cunning predator, able to easily overcome numerous obstacles, climb steep trunks and move along tree branches. Of particular value is its beautiful fur of a yellowish-chocolate hue.

Description of the marten

This is a fairly large animal. The habitats of the marten are coniferous and mixed forests, in which there are a sufficient number of old hollow trees and impenetrable thickets of shrubs. It is in such places that the marten can easily get food and find shelter for itself, which it equips in hollows at a height.

It is interesting! The marten can quickly climb trees and even jump from one branch to another, using its magnificent tail as a parachute. She swims and runs excellently (including through a snow-covered forest, since the thick edge on her paws does not allow the animal to fall deep into the snow).

Due to its speed, strength and agility, this animal is an excellent hunter. Its prey is usually small animals, birds and amphibians, and in pursuit of a squirrel, the marten is able to make huge jumps along the branches of trees. The marten often destroys bird nests. Suffer from her raids not only ground birds but also building their nests high in the trees. It should also be noted that the marten benefits humans by regulating the rodent population in its habitat.


The marten has a magnificent and beautiful fur coat, which is much silkier in winter than in summer. Its color may be different shades brown (chocolate, chestnut, brown). The back of the animal is grayish-brown in color, and the sides are much lighter. On the breast, a rounded bright spot is clearly visible. yellow color which is much brighter in summer than in winter.

The paws of the marten are rather short, with five fingers, on which there are sharp claws. The muzzle is pointed, with short triangular ears, pubescent along the edges with yellow fur. The body of the marten is squat and has an elongated shape, and the dimensions adult are about half a meter. The mass of males is larger than females and rarely exceeds 2 kilograms.


The physique of the animal directly affects its lifestyle and habits. The marten moves mainly by jumping. The flexible, slender body of the animal allows it to move with lightning speed in the branches, only for a second appearing in the gaps of pines and spruces. The marten likes to live high in the crowns of trees. With the help of her claws, she is able to climb even the smoothest and most even trunks.

It is interesting! This animal most often chooses a diurnal lifestyle. Most time it spends in trees or hunting. He tries his best to avoid the person.

The marten nests in hollows at a height of more than 10 meters or in the crown of trees.. It is very attached to the chosen areas and does not leave them even with some lack of food. Despite such sedentary life, these members of the mustelid family can migrate after squirrels, which sometimes migrate en masse over considerable distances.

Among the areas of the forest where martens live, two types of areas can be distinguished: passing areas, where they practically do not visit, and “hunting grounds”, where they spend almost all the time. AT warm time years, these animals choose a small area that is as rich as possible in food, and try not to leave it. In winter, the lack of food pushes them to expand their land and actively place marks on their routes.

Types of martens

Martens are predators belonging to the mustelid family. There are several species of these animals with slight differences in appearance and habits, which is due to their different habitat:

This is a fairly rare and little-studied species of animals. Externally American marten looks like a forest. Its color can vary from yellowish to chocolate shades. The breast has a light yellow color, and the paws can be almost black. The habits of this representative of the weasel family have not yet been fully studied, since the American marten prefers to hunt exclusively at night and avoids people in every possible way.

Enough large view martens. The length of his body, together with the tail, in some individuals reaches one meter, and the weight is 4 kilograms. The coat is dark, mostly brown. In summer, the fur is quite hard, but by winter it becomes softer and longer, a noble silvery sheen appears on it. Ilka hunts for squirrels, hares, mice, tree porcupines and birds. Likes to eat fruits and berries. These representatives of the marten family can easily pursue prey not only underground, but also high in the trees.

The main area of ​​its distribution is the territory of Europe. The stone marten often settles not far from human habitation, which is extremely uncharacteristic for representatives of the marten family. The fur of this animal species is quite hard, gray-brown in color. On the neck he has an oblong light area. Characteristic features stone marten - a light nose and feet, devoid of edging. The main prey of this species are small rodents, frogs, lizards, birds and insects. In the summer, they can eat plant foods. They can attack domestic chickens and rabbits. It is this species that more often than others becomes the object of hunting and the extraction of valuable fur.

Its habitat is the forests of the European Plain and some parts of Asia. The animal has a brown color with a pronounced yellow spot on the throat. The pine marten is omnivorous, but the main part of its diet is meat. It hunts mainly for squirrels, voles, amphibians and birds. Can eat carrion. In the warm season, it eats fruits, berries and nuts.

This representative of the weasel family has so unusual color that many consider this animal to independent species. - a fairly large animal. The length of the body (including the tail) sometimes exceeds one meter, and the weight of individual specimens can be 6 kilograms. The wool has a beautiful sheen. It hunts mainly for squirrels, sables, chipmunks, raccoon dogs, hares, birds and rodents. Can diversify the diet due to insects or frogs. There have been cases of the attack of the kharza on the cubs of the elk, deer, wild boar. It also eats nuts, berries and wild honey.

Quite a large member of the family. Its length reaches one meter, and weight - up to 2.5 kilograms. The habits and way of life of the Nilgir Harza have been studied rather poorly. It is believed that the animal prefers a diurnal lifestyle and lives mainly in trees. Scientists admit that during the hunt, the animal descends to the ground, like other types of martens. Some eyewitnesses claim that they witnessed the hunting of this animal for birds and squirrels.

How long does a marten live

The life expectancy of a marten under favorable conditions can reach 15 years, but in the wild they live much less. This animal has many competitors in terms of food production - all medium and large predatory inhabitants the woods. However, there are no enemies that pose a serious threat to the population of martens in nature.

In certain areas, the number of animals depends on spring floods (during which a significant part of the rodents, which are one of the main components of the diet of martens, die) and constant deforestation (destruction of old forest areas may eventually lead to complete disappearance these animals).

Range, habitats

The life of the marten is closely connected with the forest. Most often it can be found in spruce, pine or other coniferous forests. AT northern regions habitats are spruce or fir, and in the south - spruce or mixed forests.

For a permanent place of residence, she chooses forests rich in windbreak, old tall trees, large edges, as well as an abundance of glades with young undergrowth.

The marten can choose flat areas and mountain forests where she dwells in the valleys major rivers and streams. Some species of this animal prefer rocky areas and stone placers. Most of these representatives of mustelids try to avoid human habitats. An exception is the stone marten, which can settle directly near human settlements.

It is interesting! Unlike other members of the family, such as sables (living only in Siberia), the marten is distributed almost throughout European territory, up to Ural mountains and the Ob River.

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