Casco Insurance Law. Casco law. is there a single law? The car owner can choose one of two options

CASCO insurance is a voluntary protection of the interests of the client for various risks, and it concerns the possession, disposal and operation of the car, as well as the equipment installed on it. At the same time, many car owners are wondering if there is any law on CASCO at all in 2020, or so far no rules governing such insurance have been introduced.

It should be noted right away that at the moment there is no specific law that would regulate the provision of CASCO insurance policies, but at the same time, in the Russian Federation, the rights of every person are protected by a special Law on the organization of insurance business, as well as civil law, and any clauses contrary to these documents, if desired, you can always challenge in court.

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That is why it will be useful for every driver to understand what this legislation is and how it can be used to protect their rights in court.

Uniform payment rates

Each insurance company establishes its own contract rules and certain clauses of the proposed policy, because the CASCO program provides for a pure individuality, which is what modern businessmen use. The tariffs and conditions under which this service should be paid are also separately stipulated, so we can safely say that each modern organization has unique rules and principles of work, and no law on CASCO practically regulates them.

But, since the rights of the client are protected by the above legislative norms, it is possible to challenge the decisions if they do not comply with the specified documents. On the net today you can find many thematic forums for motorists, where drivers actively share with other people their experience of cooperation with certain organizations, and also offers a lot of information about how reliable and cheap CASCO is in certain organizations.

General insurance standards work for every insurer that operates in Russia, and in most cases it is best to resolve problem situations peacefully, without involving the judiciary in solving the problem. In particular, you can search the forums for stories similar to yours and use the solutions suggested there.

Only as a last resort, you should already think about filing a lawsuit, because often everything can be resolved much faster and cheaper, even for the insured himself.


If we talk about the laws governing the main issues of CASCO insurance, then we can list several legal acts that establish rules for insurers:

  • Russian Civil Code.
  • Law "On the organization of insurance business".
  • Federal Law "On Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance".

But at the same time, if the OSAGO Rules are established in accordance with a specific Government Decree, then the CASCO rules are individual in each case, and they must be studied in each insurance company.

In fact, it turns out that if separate legislative norms and certain official rules were developed for OSAGO, then no special law or specific rules are provided for CASCO. Everything related to this type of policy is partially regulated only by the law "On the organization of insurance business", which was developed back in 1992.

On the other hand, such legislative regulation of OSAGO policies is required for the reason that each driver must issue them, and this requirement is enshrined in relevant laws, while CASCO is, in fact, just a common service of most insurance companies.

- this is a special program in which only the first payment is made, and the second half of the amount is paid in the event of the first insured event.

In what order disputes over CASCO are resolved, lawyers explain in an article on.

What affects the price

Each company can independently calculate its own tariffs for providing its customers with a CASCO policy, also setting its own correction factors.

The latter can be developed on the basis of:

  • the cost of components for certain brands of cars;
  • statistics of thefts and accidents in specific regions;
  • the cost of work that is carried out at service stations in this region.

On average in Russia, the total cost of a CASCO policy rarely exceeds 10% from the price of the vehicle that the insured wants to protect, and most often ranges from 5% from its price.

Among the main parameters on which the insurer is based in determining the exact price of its services, it is worth highlighting the following:

The term for which the insurance policy is issued An annual contract is much cheaper compared to CASCO, which is issued for a couple of months.
Presence or absence of an extension If the insured is ready to immediately pay the entire insurance premium without paying in installments, CASCO will cost him less.
List of risks and additional services The more points added to the contract, the higher its total cost will be.
Availability and scope of the franchise If the policyholder is ready to independently cover a certain share of losses that will not be compensated in the event of an insured event, he can be given a good discount.
Model, class and make of car In the process of calculating insurance compensation in case of damage, the specific cost of repair work will be taken into account, and if you want to insure a car that is often stolen, the cost of CASCO will be too high for you.
Vehicle production year If you insure a car that has an honorable age and high mileage, the cost of the policy will increase for you.
Availability of anti-theft systems Some companies make the presence of anti-theft equipment a mandatory requirement when applying for CASCO insurance, while others simply offer a serious discount on the purchase of this policy to those people who decide to provide their car with additional protection.
Driver age If the person taking out the insurance is younger 21 or older 65 years old, he will have to pay extra for the contract.
Driving experience and statistics If the driver has solid driving experience, and at the same time he rarely gets into emergency situations, he can be offered a similar cost at CASCO.
"Name" of the insurer Reputable companies that have been operating in the Russian insurance market for a long time often offer their customers quite interesting price offers.

Update of the law on CASCO in 2020

The cost of issuing a CASCO policy is calculated depending on the total cost of the car, spare parts and repairs. At the same time, it should be noted that earlier CASCO was a mandatory service for those cars that are bought in installments.

The increase in the cost of previous CASCO packages is currently planned in the region of 10-20%, and many insurers who do not want to lose their customers are reducing tariffs for the purchase of voluntary insurance, trying to constantly use:

  • breakeven prolongation;
  • convenient communication and payment Internet services;
  • limited coverage (restriction on the number of insured risks);
  • telematic products.

There were no changes in the legislation in 2020, and the main provisions remained the same:

  • If the insurer refused in violation of the current legislation or the norms of the contract drawn up, then the direct owner of the car can apply for an announcement of a fine to the insurance company, as well as demand compensation for moral damage. If the court fully satisfies the requirements of the client, which relate to the direct violation of his rights, the insurer must also recover a fine in the amount of 50% from the amount that was awarded by the court to the client.
  • If the insurer does not pay compensation within the prescribed period, then in this case the car owner has the right to regulate the problem situation through the court, demanding the payment of additional compensation equal to 1% from the amount of compensation for each overdue day. It should be noted that the total amount of the penalty cannot be more than 100% .
  • Amendments are going to be made to the Code of Administrative Violations that relate to fines for insurance companies. After the introduction of new legislative norms, if a company violates the deadlines for considering an application, makes an unreasonable refusal to pay or unlawfully underestimates it, it will be fined in the amount of one to two million rubles. If a company illegally refuses to conclude an insurance contract or imposes additional services on its customers, the fine varies from three to four million rubles. Among other things, there is a penalty in the amount from 500 to 700 thousand rubles in the event that the company transfers information about its work to the Russian Union of Motor Insurers too late or not in full. The latter applies to any CASCO agreements and drawn up by the company during the reporting period.
  • If the car owner accidentally forgot the keys in the lock or left some registration documents in the car, and his car was stolen from the parking lot, the company does not have the right to refuse to pay insurance compensation, which used to be a fairly common practice.
  • There is no difference in who exactly was driving the car at the time of the accident. If the driver drove the vehicle legally, then in this case the rules of voluntary insurance will be fully applied to him as the main insured, and this means that it will be impossible to recover the amount paid from him in the subrogation procedure established by laws.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that if the amount required for the restoration repair is more than 75% from the total price of the vehicle at the time of the accident, the total structural loss of the vehicle is recognized.

In such cases, the amount of payments is often greatly underestimated by insurance companies through the use of a depreciation factor, as well as taking into account the value of car remains that are suitable for use.

In such a situation, the insured must completely abandon the good balance, doing this in favor of his insurer, so that he is provided with full insurance compensation. This right is secured in accordance with article 10, paragraph 5 of Law No. 4015-1 of November 27, 1992.

The price of cars has risen significantly, while the car loan market is in a severe downturn

Failure risks

Often, insurers are looking for all sorts of reasons to completely refuse to pay out insurance compensation to their customers. In total, experts indicate three main groups of conflicts with insurance companies, the first of which includes situations involving a complete refusal to provide compensation.

This group includes the following cases:

  • Absence . Quite often, insurance companies claim that in fact an accident or some other situation that the owner of the vehicle finds himself in is not an insured event, which is proved in the process of conducting an insurance examination. After that, accordingly, the client is denied at least some payment, but such manipulations can often be easily challenged in court in order to prove their right to receive payments.
  • The client missed the deadline for contacting the company to receive payment. It is worth noting that in the case of CASCO, this is the most popular reason why insurers refuse compensation to their clients. Here, the chances of challenging this fact depend on what specific insurance risk the company should pay for. In most cases, it is basically impossible to prove your case, and if you miss the deadline, you will have to repair all the damage yourself.
  • The driver was not allowed to drive at the time of the incident. For example, he had an expired technical passport or driver's license, he was in a state of intoxication, he was taking some kind of medication, or he corresponded to a number of other similar reasons. In these cases, the refusal to pay compensation under CASCO is lawful and not subject to legal proceedings.
  • The commodity value of the car cannot be paid under any circumstances, which must be indicated in the drawn up contract.
  • The driver forgot the keys in the car or left the registration documents in it, and it was stolen. For this reason, insurers send refusals to pay to this day, but if you wish, you can always challenge the decision in court, having a 100% guarantee that the court will order the payment of compensation and, possibly, additional compensation.
  • Refusal to pay material damage in a situation where it was not possible to determine the culprit of the incident. Payment is charged in the event that you have documented the damage caused to you.
  • The insurer has the full right to refuse payment if the car got into an accident due to its technical malfunction, but the main feature here is that the insurer will have to prove that he is right, and therefore not all companies prefer to refer to this paragraph.
  • The insurer is not obliged to pay for damages that are the result of using the car with various violations.
  • The insurer is not obliged to pay damages if the insured left the scene of an accident in violation of applicable law.

On the last point, it is worth noting that leaving the scene of an accident before the arrival of the traffic police and carrying out all procedures is allowed only if there are victims in the accident, and you need to deliver them to the nearest medical facility as soon as possible. And then in this situation it is highly recommended to photograph the scene of the incident and your car from different angles in advance, because it will be extremely difficult to prove your case later.

CASCO - voluntary car insurance against damage or theft. However, voluntary vehicle insurance in Russia is poorly developed due to the extremely high cost of insurance, as well as the relatively low level of knowledge by drivers of the features of this insurance area.

Unlike OSAGO, which, from the point of view of Russian legislation, is compulsory civil liability insurance, CASCO does not have any predetermined rules and a strict fixed price. Buying a CASCO policy is not a mandatory procedure, but a voluntary one. Insurance organizations independently develop tariffs, conditions and programs.

CASCO is a voluntary vehicle insurance. This concept is not an abbreviation.

This word is borrowed from Spanish and translated as "helmet". It should be noted that the term is used in many countries of the world: Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, France, Germany, Spain, etc.

This type of insurance is not regulated by law and, as a result, is not mandatory. Therefore, the most important role in terms of regulating the issue of providing insurance, the procedure for receiving funds (as part of the payment) belongs to insurance companies that draw up internal documentation.

However, the legislator did not hand over CASCO issues to insurance companies. There is a list of legal acts. They, in fact, correspond to the operation of issuing CASCO, and payments are also made for this type of insurance. The legal acts that govern CASCO are as follows:

  1. Chapter 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. The law governing the organization of insurance business.
  3. Insurance rules, that is, an internal act of the insured company, which is of a public nature.

It is worth recalling that the current legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for a law on CASCO. However, the rules for voluntary car insurance are regulated by the following laws:

  1. Federal Law No. 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights", published February 7, 1992 (last revised June 4, 2018). This law regulates the relations that arise between consumers and producers offering goods and services.
  2. Federal Law No. 4015-1 "On the organization of insurance business", published November 27, 1992 (last modified August 3, 2018). This law regulates relations between citizens (individuals) and companies operating in the field of insurance.
  3. Federal Law No. 14 "Civil Code of the Russian Federation", published January 26, 1996 (last revised May 23, 2016). It is a set of federal laws of Russia that regulate civil law relations.

What changes have been made to the laws?

Since June 1, 2018, the payment limit under the European protocol has doubled, that is, the registration of a traffic accident without the participation of an employee of the state traffic safety inspectorate.

Now the amount is from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. In addition, this document provides for the procedure for direct compensation for losses under CASCO. According to the new law, the victim can apply only to his insurance company.

The amount of compensation for worn components and parts, according to the new law, the minimum amount of compensation will be 50%. Previously, the company was obliged to pay up to 20% of the amount of damage caused to a citizen.

You can draw up and sign the contract at any branch of the insurance institution.

From the moment the client's application is accepted, within twenty days, the insurance company undertakes to pay monetary compensation or give a referral for diagnostic, repair and preventive work.

Upon receipt of a referral for the repair of a motor vehicle, the client is obliged to agree to a possible extension of the period for fulfilling the obligations of the insurer. Moreover, the full responsibility for the delay in repair by technical service lies with the insurance company that issued the referral for repair and diagnostic work.

The penalty for delay in payment of insurance, according to the new legislation, is 1% of the amount of payment. It should be noted that previously insurance organizations paid 0.11% of the refinanced rate.

Restrictions on payments for damage to a motor vehicle increased to four hundred thousand rubles. Previously, this amount was one hundred and twenty thousand rubles. The required vehicle wear has dropped to 50%. In St. Petersburg, the Leningrad region, as well as Moscow and the capital region, an experiment was launched to develop the amount of coverage in accordance with the European protocol.

Thus, the terms of payment of the sum insured according to the standards of the European Protocol cannot exceed the established period, which is fixed in the contract with the insurance company. The maximum amount of payments in case of registration of a traffic accident is fifty thousand rubles.

CASCO insurance rules

The CASCO insurance rules contain a list of documents required to conclude an agreement with an insurance company.

The contract with the insurance company is valid only if all the points of the document are filled in correctly, as well as the absence of points that in one way or another contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The contract is concluded in writing and signed by the insurance organization and the client.

To draw up the contract, the client must submit the following documents:

  • identity document: passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, military ID, driver's license;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • a notarized copy or original of the vehicle registration certificate;
  • technical inspection coupon or diagnostic card;
  • residence permit on the territory of the Russian Federation (document required for foreign citizens).

Insurance conditions

There are many insurance companies offering CASCO insurance services. However, the insurance conditions are identical:

  1. The insurer undertakes to provide services only if there is a corresponding contract concluded with the client.
  2. Not only the insured, but also any third party specified in the contract can receive money for the damage caused to the vehicle.
  3. In order to receive compensation under CASCO insurance, a citizen must submit an application and documents. This must be done within the period specified in the insurance rules.
  4. The insurance organization is obliged to familiarize the client with the current rules for issuing a CASCO policy.
  5. The owner has the right to receive compensation not only in case of damage to his car, but also in case of theft.
  6. The owner of the vehicle has the right to protect his interests from the unequal actions of the insurance company within the framework of the court session.

In contact with

There are a number of laws working in relation to CASCO issues. However, there is no single law on CASCO. This is voluntary insurance, which is handled by many insurance companies, and various laws may establish important conditions for insurance, such as prices, tariffs, and CASCO rules.

CASCO insurance laws

Among the laws that affect the conditions of insurance, we can name:

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Law of November 27, 1992 N 4015-1 "On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation";
  • Law of February 7, 1992 N 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights".
In addition, the general rules for CASCO insurance in any insurance company are stated in the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2013 N 20 “On the application by the courts of legislation on voluntary insurance of property of citizens”.

The law regulating CASCO, by 2018, determined these insurance conditions:

  • Protection of the driver in case of unfair refusal of the company in payments. In such a case, the law provides a fine to the insurance company in favor of the driver.
  • It does not matter to the insurance payout who was driving the insured car at the time of the accident.
  • In the case of a decision on payment through the court, the insurance company is obliged to pay the driver one percent of the amount of the payment for each day of delay.

The driver receives a denial of an insurance payment in writing and can later use it in court to prove the validity of payments from the insurance company. CASCO legislation allows the driver to protect his rights in case of refusal to pay.

What to look for when applying for insurance?

When applying for CASCO, the insurance company makes up its cost, based on many factors. The insurance company has the right to independently decide which tariffs will be applied to a particular driver, while the main points that will be taken into account in the decision can be considered the statistics of theft and accidents, the price of spare parts of the car in question and the quality of its service. In addition, there are a number of data that significantly affect the cost of insurance.

Also, car owners who decide to purchase insurance should pay attention to. This option will cost the driver less, however, depending on the type of insurance, in the event of an accident, you will have to pay part of the repair cost. Therefore, CASCO with a franchise is more suitable for experienced and careful drivers who are confident in their ability to ensure safe movement on the road. It is also better to apply for a franchise if the driver has a certain amount of free savings, with which he can pay his share of the cost of repairs in the event of an accident.

Driving experience and statistics If the driver has solid driving experience, and at the same time he rarely gets into emergency situations, he can be offered a similar cost at CASCO. "Name" of the insurer Reputable companies that have been operating in the Russian insurance market for a long time often offer their customers quite interesting price offers. Update of the law on CASCO in 2018 The cost of issuing a CASCO policy is calculated depending on the total cost of the car, spare parts and repairs. At the same time, it should be noted that earlier CASCO was a mandatory service for those cars that are bought in installments.

This means that it is impossible to recover from him the amount of insurance compensation paid in the manner of subrogation, provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 965 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. USEFUL TO KNOW! "total"). In this case, the amount of payments is often significantly underestimated by the insurance company by deducting depreciation (at the rate of about 18% per year) and the value of the vehicle's useful remains.
It is best for the insured to use his legal right to refuse suitable balances in favor of the insurance company (abandon, in accordance with Article 10, clause 5 of the Law of November 27, 1992 N 4015-1) and receive an insurance payment in the amount of the full sum insured.

Casco insurance law in a new edition

In these cases, the refusal to pay compensation under CASCO is lawful and not subject to legal proceedings.

  • The commodity value of the car cannot be paid under any circumstances, which must be indicated in the drawn up contract.
  • The driver forgot the keys in the car or left the registration documents in it, and it was stolen. For this reason, insurers send refusals to pay to this day, but if you wish, you can always challenge the decision in court, having a 100% guarantee that the court will order the payment of compensation and, possibly, additional compensation.
  • Refusal to pay material damage in a situation where it was not possible to determine the culprit of the incident.

Casco rules

  • Duration of the policy (annual is cheaper than concluded for a shorter period).
  • Payment by installments (an agreement with a one-time payment of an insurance premium is cheaper).
  • A set of risks and additional services included by the insured in the insurance contract. More points - higher price.
  • The larger the share of losses approved by the insured that is not compensated as a result of damage (franchise), the lower the price of the policy.

Vehicle data.

  • Make, model, class of car (in the calculation of damage insurance, the average cost of repairs is taken into account; for brands that are often stolen according to statistics, insurance is higher).
  • Year of manufacture of the car (the older - the more expensive the insurance).
  • The presence of effective anti-theft systems reduces the cost of the policy.

3. Data about the driver.

Overview of Casco insurance law

Due to the presence of legislative regulation of the provision of this insurance service and normal competition in this service market, the conditions of various firms as a whole do not differ significantly. However, a number of different conditions can be found. So, for example, the insurance companies Rosgosstrakh and Reso offer the insured the opportunity to independently choose a service station for refurbishment, on the basis of which the calculation of damages is carried out.

The term for reporting a car theft is often different: Alfastrakhovanie obliges its customers to write a statement within 5 days, RESO - 1, Rosgosstrakh - 3. At the same time, all companies insist on notification in an accessible way before 24 hours have passed since the discovery of the fact of the theft of transport.
There may be different exceptions to insurance payments.

Basic provisions of the Casco law


It is worth noting that in the case of CASCO, this is the most popular reason why insurers refuse compensation to their clients. Here, the chances of challenging this fact depend on what specific insurance risk the company should pay for.

In most cases, it is basically impossible to prove your case, and if you miss the deadline, you will have to repair all the damage yourself.
  • The driver was not allowed to drive at the time of the incident. For example, he had an expired technical passport or driver's license, he was in a state of intoxication, he was taking some kind of medication, or he corresponded to a number of other similar reasons.

Insurance Law 2018

The reasons for refusal to pay compensation under CASCO in each case may be individual, because. they are prescribed in the Procedure for insurance of a particular company, and are also fixed in the contract. These may include:

  • The damage was received as a result of a violation by the CASCO owner of the rules of the road, for which a punishment in the form of deprivation of rights follows (but can also be determined individually).
  • The accident was not properly documented.
  • Prior to the examination, the car owner independently eliminated the results of damage.
  • Due to the negligent actions of the owner of the vehicle (for example, forgotten ignition keys in the well or an unactivated alarm).
  • The machine was damaged by the owner during a wash or inspection, although not purposefully, etc.

A specific list is fixed in the contract.
Back to content ✔ CASCO cost.
In total, experts indicate three main groups of conflicts with insurance companies, the first of which includes situations involving a complete refusal to provide compensation. This group includes the following cases:

  • No insured event.
    Quite often, insurance companies claim that in fact an accident or some other situation that the owner of the vehicle finds himself in is not an insured event, which is proved in the process of conducting an insurance examination. After that, accordingly, the client is denied at least some payment, but such manipulations can often be easily challenged in court in order to prove their right to receive payments.
  • The client missed the deadline for contacting the company to receive payment.

Casco law new edition of 2018 with comments

If the court fully satisfies the requirements of the client, which relate to a direct violation of his rights, a fine in the amount of 50% of the amount that was awarded by the court to the client must also be collected from the insurer in favor of the insured.

  • If the insurer fails to pay the compensation within the prescribed period, then the car owner has the right to regulate the problem situation through the court, demanding the payment of additional compensation equal to 1% of the indemnity amount for each overdue day. It should be noted that the total amount of the penalty cannot be more than 100%.
  • Amendments are going to be made to the Code of Administrative Violations that relate to fines for insurance companies.

The final cost of a voluntary auto insurance policy depends on factors such as:

  • The actual market value of the car at the time of insurance.
  • Makes and models of the vehicle.
  • Insurance payout amounts.
  • The presence of additional services in the insurance (auto lawyer, tow truck, etc.).
  • Having a franchise.
  • Accident-free driving under the previous policy, etc.

The cost of policies of this type of insurance depends on all these factors and on average varies within 2-6 percent of the market price of vehicles. Back to content ✔ CASCO with a franchise. The deductible in the CASCO insurance contract assumes that in the event of an insured event, the car owner is obliged to bear certain expenses independently.

Casco law new edition of 2017 with comments

Voluntary insurance is carried out on the basis of an insurance contract and insurance rules that determine the general conditions and procedure for its implementation. The insurance rules are adopted and approved by the insurer or the association of insurers independently in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this Law and federal laws and contain provisions on the subjects of insurance, on the objects of insurance, on insured events, on insurance risks, on the procedure for determining the sum insured, insurance rate , insurance premium (insurance premiums), on the procedure for concluding, executing and terminating insurance contracts, on the rights and obligations of the parties, on determining the amount of loss or damage, on the procedure for determining insurance payment, on the period for making insurance payment, as well as an exhaustive list of grounds for refusal in insurance payments and other provisions.
In what order disputes on CASCO are resolved, lawyers explain in the article at the link. What affects the price Each company can independently calculate its own tariffs for providing its customers with a CASCO policy, also setting its own correction factors. The latter can be developed on the basis of:

  • the cost of components for certain brands of cars;
  • statistics of thefts and accidents in specific regions;
  • the cost of work that is carried out at service stations in this region.

On average in Russia, the total cost of a CASCO policy rarely exceeds 10% of the price of the vehicle that the insured wants to protect, and most often ranges from 5% of its price.

CASCO is a voluntary car insurance that is aimed at protecting the vehicle from unforeseen situations on the road and off it. Unlike compulsory third party liability insurance, OSAGO, which is regulated by many rules and regulations, is the same for all insurers and is offered on the same terms in any insurance company, CASCO does not have a strictly agreed price and general rules. Since the acquisition of such a policy is a purely voluntary and individual matter, each insurer himself develops programs, conditions and tariffs for CASCO. It can be said that each company has its own local laws.

However, the rights of the insured can be protected by our civil legislation and the Law on the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation, since any legal entity is obliged to act within the framework of the law and the Constitution. Remember: if the internal rules of the company contradict the legal norms established by the state, they are not valid, and you can easily prove it in any court.

There are many thematic forums on the Internet where unfortunate car owners who are faced with unscrupulous work of insurance companies ask their more experienced colleagues for advice. And although there is no such thing as a single law on CASCO, no one has canceled the general insurance standards. Sometimes you can solve a case peacefully without bringing it to court, in any case, on specialized sites you will find hundreds of typical stories and their resolutions, some of which will most likely be similar to yours.

Before getting involved in a bloody war for the observance of your rights, try to deal with the company in a human way, and only if you could not establish personal contact, use extreme measures.

When can a company refuse to pay?

In an effort to increase their own benefit, insurance companies do not always pay compensation promptly and in full. In principle, all disputes with insurers are conditionally divided into three groups, the first includes a categorical and complete refusal to pay when an insured event occurs. This happens if:

  1. The insurer does not agree with the occurrence of an insured event. He believes that the damage to the car was received in some other way, and not described in the statement. At the initiative of the insurance company, an examination may be carried out confirming that there was no insured event. Its results can be challenged in court and prove your right to receive compensation.
  2. The insured contacted the insurance company too late, having missed the deadline set for this. In the case of OSAGO, this trick does not work, since the law clearly states that this is not a basis for exempting the insurer from payment, but in the case of CASCO, this is a fairly common reason for refusal. However, it can be recognized as valid only if the late appeal to the insurance company affected the degree of the insured risk, in all other cases the insurer will have to fork out.
  3. The driver did not have the right to drive this vehicle or was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the accident. There is nothing you can do here, the company is right, in this case CASCO is really not paid.
  4. The loss of the commodity value of the car is also not compensated, be prepared for this even before signing the contract.
  5. The driver left the keys or registration documents in the car. In this case, the insurer may refuse to compensate for losses at the risk of "hijacking", this issue will need to be resolved in court.
  6. The person who damaged the car has not been identified. Sometimes the company refuses to pay if the culprit of the damage is not found - for example, at night someone painted plenty on the side of your iron swallow with a nail, and who it was - look for wind in the field. But remember, if the damage is documented, the company has no right to deny you a refund.
  7. According to the insurer, the car has malfunctions, which caused the accident. In this case, the insurer will have to work hard to prove his case, from the point of view of the law, by default the rights of the policyholder.
  8. The insurance company believes that damage to the car is the result of wear and tear or improper operation. Such a development of events is possible if the insurer interprets these terms too loosely, and meanwhile, their definition is clearly spelled out in the specialized literature.
  9. The driver left the scene of the accident. The company has the right not to pay in such a case only if the driver's leaving the scene of the accident led to an increase in the degree of the insured risk.

In addition, the insurance company may underestimate the amount of the insurance payment or delay the compensation period. All these cases are also completely resolved in court.

How does CASCO work abroad?

In accordance with the agreement, most often the policy is valid only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but if desired, it can also be extended to the CIS, the European Union and Europe. If you do not know what conditions are specified in your insurance, you can be sure with a high degree of probability that your CASCO does not work abroad, otherwise this would inevitably affect the cost of the policy. Yes, and such changes are made only at the initiative of the insured. However, CASCO expansion is not possible for all companies, find out in advance if your insurer offers such a service.

The extension of the insurance coverage area can be carried out for almost any period, ranging from a few days to a year - that is, the duration of the entire policy. Since this directly affects the price of the contract, adequately assess how much you need this service at all. If you are going to frequently make road trips to countries near and far abroad - this is one thing, but if you want to expand the policy "just in case" - once again weigh the pros and cons.

The above described a number of not the most pleasant cases when the insurer tries to cheat and save on payment. This will not happen if you approach the choice of an insurance company responsibly - for example, using the services of the Insuri network. Our site contains the most reliable insurers who have earned an excellent reputation and good name. Work with the best and you will be better.

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