Venus in Scorpio woman. What does it mean if Venus is in Scorpio in a woman's natal chart

This man is incredibly passionate and temperamental. Naturally, he will also look for a woman like himself. It should be bright, seductive and emotional. Then, he will not be bored with her, both in communication and in bed. If Venus is in Scorpio for a man, then great importance he gives that alluring mystery that a woman is naturally endowed with. Up to a certain point, he will carefully hide his passion, but after he feels that a woman likes him, he will use his irrepressible desire. By the way, sex on "starched" sheets is not for him. He is excited by forbidden tricks, experiments and a crumpled bed. If a woman supports him, and also does not tell anyone intimate secrets She took over his heart and mind.

A man with Venus in Scorpio is the owner, and besides, he is a terrible jealous man. Therefore, she should not flirt with other men with him, especially, praise or admire someone in his presence. But, if she has similar planets in Scorpio, then the situation will soften, and he will become confident in her loyalty and feelings. Venus in Scorpio in a man makes him aloof with a woman who is too clean and likes to chat in bed about pressing matters. For him, sex is not only pleasure, but also proof of love. Although, outwardly, at times, he looks indifferent. He likes domestic women, but if in the bedroom they forget about life and problems and completely indulge in intimacy and pleasure. A man with Venus in Scorpio is slightly mysterious and not like other men, so the woman next to him should also be changeable and original. Everything that is connected with mysticism and violent fantasy suits him perfectly. But she should get used to the fact that in minutes his fire of desire can be replaced by coolness and a hard look.

It is important that she does not start to be terribly jealous of him and pursue him everywhere. Here, this man will definitely be furious, and it will be difficult to keep him. If Venus is in Scorpio for a man, then he does not accept possessiveness on the part of a woman. It is tender to trust him, and not arrange scenes with breaking dishes. She needs to come to terms with the fact that many people like him, and understand that only she is the only and desired for him.

Well, freedom is important for him, at least the feeling that no one presses and puts prohibitions. Although, internally, he is also afraid of being left to the mercy of fate. He tends to suffer greatly and worry that he will be left alone in an instant. If a woman in the signs of Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer has similar planets, then she will understand his feelings and will never give him heartache. For him, there is no "half" of love, because such a man completely surrenders to this wonderful feeling. He, like not many, knows how to be devoted and loving.

Before us is one of the most passionate women who, in love, seeks more sexual satisfaction and money than romantic thoughts. If a woman has Venus in Scorpio, then for her wealth and power are a single whole. She embodies all this in intimacy with a man. If so, love, then it should be all-consuming, at the breaking point and trembling in the knees. Such a woman always has a desire to get close to a man, because she considers this the surest way to prove her feelings. Erotica, pleasure and emotional anguish - all this is so familiar to her and terribly likes it. Therefore, if a man is looking for a truly sexy fireworks and a lot of pleasure in bed, then this woman is perfect for him. She wants to be desired and desire the one she loves herself.

There are many mysteries and secrets in it, and its beauty truly bewitches. An attractive look, an alluring smile and an almost mystical demeanor. If a man dreams of love experiments in bed, then Venus in Scorpio in a woman will allow him to plunge into the world of bliss and forbidden games. She loves to watch horror movies that excite the blood. Well, what about sex in the porter of the theater or dark night being in an alley turns her on more than being close on a bed in a nice little bedroom. This woman is interested in respectable men with "fat" wallets. She does not hide this at all, because for her money and sex are synonymous words. By the way, intimacy with an unfamiliar man excites her, no less. She is dangerous and beautiful, which is liked by those representatives of the stronger sex who can not stand affectation, taboo and the fear of being "caught" during lovemaking.

If a woman has Venus in Scorpio, then she will never stop at anything if she truly loves. She will do everything to win the man she likes. Even if he is married or lives in Nicaragua? Imagine, but this is not an obstacle for her. If a man is ready to give up everything for her and rush off into the distance, towards physical pleasure, then she will not remain in debt either. This woman knows how to truly love, as well as be faithful and submissive, if her partner wants it. But, remember that she is terribly jealous. Therefore, driving her into a frenzy and flirting with other women in front of her is not best method prove your affection. She is insanely sensual and temperamental, therefore she does not hide her desires and will “burn out” from love, if necessary.

Women with Venus in Scorpio

Intricate, complex and deep feelings accompany such women throughout their lives. They are constantly looking for the answer to their questions about relationships and love, breaking the hearts of the men they meet along the way and tearing their own souls. Having reached a certain level of maturity and wisdom, such a young lady will endure torment love feeling on your heart, thereby protecting the chosen one from destructive emotions. In another case (which happens more often), the passion of her personality can fall on those who dare to try her love.

You can expect anything from her: jealousy, passion, resentment, deceit, but you should not consider this a cold-blooded calculation, everything is not at all like that. It's just that a woman with Venus in Scorpio cannot imagine her life without love experiences and sizzling passion, therefore she unconsciously creates an environment of inexplicable suffering, tension and restlessness around herself. Very often, she herself is not happy with the manifestations of the passion of her nature, but even the ability to control emotions and a sober mind leave her when it comes to heartfelt experiences.

This woman regularly asks questions on the topic: “Why can't we be together?”, “Why is love always unhappy?”, “Why am I so often tormented by jealousy?”, “Why is my partner not perfect?” etc. These doubts pierce the soul of the owner of Venus in Scorpio with sharp spikes. For her, there are a lot of problems that cannot be taken lightly. But there is always a way out. She just needs to understand the power of her magnetic attraction, realize how destructive it can be, and not use it against loved ones.

This position of Venus gives the world the most seductive and fatal women, real sorceresses who do not want to follow well-known roads. They are born to disturb public peace. Very often, such girls are seriously interested in magic, otherworldly forces, esotericism and unusual opportunities to enhance their own (already strong) charm. It is very important for her to be confident in her own irresistibility and comprehensive power over men. She needs to realize that there is no need to test the strength of the heart and character of the chosen one (and her own soul). Most she should use her own energy for peaceful purposes or take care of her own personality, correcting her shortcomings. The partner of the representative of Venus in Scorpio can only reflect her problems, indicate the direction in which she needs to move in order to continue development and improvement.

The true task of a woman with such Venus is to learn to live in peace with her beloved, without demanding from him, unquestioning submission, undivided belonging to her alone. She will have to regularly fight with her own nature with the help of intelligence, energy and extraordinary talent. Only accepting the love of a companion for what it is can heal her spiritual wounds and help her cope with her emotions. Sometimes such girls themselves seek suffering from love, since only feelings associated with some secret or completely unshared have the main meaning for them. They consider tragedy an indispensable element of real, true feelings. This charmer is not looking for an easy relationship, she is ready to go through heartache and trials in order to find true love.

Venus in the sign of Scorpio directs her wards, on the one hand, to the realization of high spiritual needs, and on the other, to the knowledge of erotica and sex. Therefore, the wards of this planet in this position have both great moral stamina and strength, and a powerful craving for sexual adventures and opposite sex. Usually these women are incredibly jealous, often harsh and rude, in a word, real owners. Their love is a mixture of rage and bliss, bites and kisses. It can be torment, and evil, and a burning passion, and an obsession. A real dance of death and eros. The range of her feelings is unusually wide: from all-consuming tenderness and trepidation to the most refined perversity.

The feelings of the representatives of Venus in Scorpio are an uncontrollable and uncontrollable force of the inner “I”, the subconscious, which, at the first dissonance, causes extreme manifestations up to painful jealousy, homosexuality and sadomasochism. Such ladies need to cultivate their sexual potency in those areas of life for which they have a calling. This will increase their willpower, self-confidence, and with sufficient perseverance, perseverance and determination, they will achieve a high financial situation and social level. They will have a willingness and desire to help others.

The favorable configuration of Venus with other planets and elements of the horoscope enhances positive features character, gives the desire for spiritual and moral growth, enhances mental abilities. An unfavorable configuration provokes scandals, quarrels, intrigues, squabbles, etc. Plus, bad aspects attract men with a dubious reputation to women, give stubbornness, vanity, lust for power and indicate the possibility of poisoning, accident, premature death. A bad configuration is especially harmful for women, they may show negative traits: fanaticism, a tendency to criminal acts and violence.

What can Venus in Scorpio say about a woman in natal chart? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously: there are many subtleties and nuances. Let's talk in more detail.

What will Venus in Scorpio tell you?

Venus is perhaps the most "feminine" planet. And Scorpio is a passionate, bright, unpredictable constellation. When combined together, these two elements form an explosive mixture. Therefore, a woman in whose natal chart Venus is in Scorpio is also an extraordinary nature.

What can be seen in the character of such a girl:

  1. She is incredibly passionate. Physical attraction to a man always prevails over intellectual. Sexual life for her is always in the first place, she cannot be alone for a long time. Often changes partners, not finding someone who can satisfy stormy temperament and a strong need for vivid emotions.
  2. He loves money and suffers if it is not enough. Therefore, she can even get married solely by calculation, she considers romance to be nonsense. Secure life in the environment loving man- quite enough, while you can not even love yourself.
  3. In his youth, if he enters into a relationship, then it is always worthy of Shakespeare's pen. Love for her is pain and suffering, interspersed with violent reconciliations and passionate sex. Almost always enters into a dependent, sick relationship, but she likes such emotions.
  4. She strives to always be desirable and sexy for her man, so she carefully monitors her appearance. Among these women - the most well-groomed, beautiful, not saving on themselves. A frequenter of beauty salons, gyms and spa centers.
  5. She is always attracted by successful, status, accomplished men. But the reason is not that she wants to solve her financial problems at their expense. This girl is able to make good money on her own. The man wants the same. An idler and someone who does not bring money home, or earns less than her, she is not capable of admiring.
  6. Money turns her on. In general, "money" and "sex" for a woman with Venus in Scorpio are inextricably linked. Both give her unforgettable emotions and are the main source of pleasure.
  7. Very sensual, temperamental, needs the same man. Although in fact, balanced and calm partners are suitable for her marriage, who can extinguish her ardor and keep her from unpredictable actions.
  8. Insanely attractive, this is the same "fatal woman" that no one can resist. Despite the many admirers, she can be very unhappy, although outwardly she looks like a contented life.

The negative moments that we talked about can be smoothed out if you use the advice of astrologers. Let's consider them.

Karmic tasks and purpose

Each person has his own karmic tasks that he must complete during his life if he wants to become happy. There are many varieties of such tasks: some must be completed by the age of 40, others throughout life. Some relate to the financial sector, the second - to the love. And so on.

  1. She needs to learn to live in peace with a man. Extinguish your stupid temperament and find compromises. Restrain yourself when you want to scandal. She needs to be able to manage her emotions, and not live constantly in their power.
  2. Another task is to develop trust in a partner. All these scandals, quarrels, violent showdowns are just a projection of inner pain, behind which lies self-doubt and inability to trust a man. This point is best worked out with a psychotherapist. Otherwise, happy and harmonious relationships may never be.
  3. Surprisingly, this mundane and material nature also needs to learn spirituality. This moment is especially important and stands alone in the natal chart. A woman from birth is capable of many things in the material world: she is most often successful, earns well, but higher matters are alien to her, which needs to be corrected.
  4. It is very important to learn not to go to extremes. It is among these women a large number of those who go into homosexuality drastically change religion, work, lifestyle move. They act on emotions and are very spontaneous. You need to stop this and learn to let yourself cool down.
  5. It is equally important to be able to realize oneself in the family. Find the right man, give birth to children. This is usually a problem. In order for a happy and harmonious relationship to appear in the life of such a woman, she must engage in spiritual development, learn to hear herself and catch the signals of her intuition.

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> Venus in Scorpio

Let us turn our attention to the nature of the personality, when it is typical for people with Venus in Scorpio to combine love with a sense of self-preservation, which develops passion in them.

Venus in Scorpio horoscope

When the negative side prevails in the character, then excessive sensuality, a craving for pleasures, and a need for self-aggrandizement begin to form in a person.

The sensuality of these people transcends all boundaries, goes beyond control. This is the reason for the unjustified waste of energy, which is fraught with the development of physical diseases. Lack of self-control, passion and unbridled behavior prevent such people from taking control of their emotions, so they tend to fall into angry jealousy, lose their temper and play behind the scenes.

With all this, people of this category will stop at nothing on the way to the intended goal, they will take any risks. If their character develops harmoniously, then such traits as wisdom, restraint, devotion, perseverance, undemandingness take over. They manifest themselves as individuals with increased attractiveness and a penchant for deep reflection and self-control.

In these people, sexuality and sensuality can go off scale. They experience a feeling of deep affection for a partner, are able to be in a relationship become diplomats and creative people. In a love relationship, they make concessions, they are ready to devote themselves completely to their loved one.

The combination of sensuality, agility and originality in sex allows them to achieve harmony in love relationships. Erotica absorbs such people completely, for them it is a divine and selfless spectacle, because of which they can lose a sense of reality and self-control. In satisfying their instincts, they will go to any lengths. They draw attention to their person with a pronounced magnetism.

Such people are capable of a deep feeling of jealousy, insults and insults do not forgive. In a love partnership, a person demands a lot, tries to enjoy passion to the maximum. On the high level development there are subconscious impulses in them. They are capable of deep, enduring, intense feelings and affections. Often they dramatize life, and love relationship including.

Venus in Scorpio - a characteristic of a person

The main difficulties in character that prevent people with Venus in Scorpio from establishing harmonious relationships are intolerance, exactingness, and the desire for sensual pleasures. In the first place they have love, erotica and sex. If a person develops inharmoniously, then he develops a fear of sex, he is afraid of what he needs so much.

Under the influence of Venus in Scorpio according to the horoscope, people experience dissatisfaction. What they failed to realize in life, all untransformed desires sexual in nature breed cruelty in them. Often these people will become impatient and unkind to themselves, which sometimes ends in self-blame and masochism.

This category of people does not tolerate prejudice, banal established social norms. Sometimes they behave unpredictably, they can experience a very strong attraction to a sex partner. Both in love and sexual relations such individuals do not accept established norms social behavior. In this conflict, it is difficult for them to find the truth, which leads them to moral and bodily self-torture.

Because of their passion and unbridledness, such individuals bind themselves early in marriage. But the still immature family falls into the abyss of jealousy, secrecy, pompous diplomacy. Disappointed in marriage, a representative of such a group can become a real enemy for former partner. It begins to manifest a craving for revenge and violence. This is an eccentric personality that is capable of experiencing unusual sexual experiences.

Positive and Negative Manifestations of Venus in Scorpio

With such astrological forecast a person manifests deep and stable feelings, his energy potential settles in the very depths of the psyche. Consequently, it is not easy for him to interpret the cause and potential of his own attachments. And it's not easy to explain his behavior to other people.

Thanks to their intense sensual energy, people from this category eventually become deeply religious personalities. They become convinced idealists and mystical creators. But if there is no response to these feelings, then despair and disappointment sets in.

Thus, people with Venus in Scorpio, who began their relationship with deepest love, capable of ending them with deep hatred. Secrecy and secrecy can be traced in the behavior and life of these individuals. Self-esteem does not leave them, under any circumstances. Due to self-doubt, they often cannot realize their passion for pleasure, which makes them then focus on sexual problems.

When the negative aspects of the personality predominate in a person with Venus in Scorpio, cruelty and egocentrism begin to appear. The person is noble and freedom-loving, not obsessed with money. Thanks to the ability to please people, he knows how to derive his own benefit from this. Such an individual appreciates all kinds of surprises, celebrations, luxurious events and sensations.

In relationships with the opposite sex, these people often have anxiety, insecurity, which turns into disappointment and chagrin. They manifest vindictiveness, intrigue, secrecy.

Communication with a person with Venus in Scorpio

When passion takes over reason, a person is capable of the most insane and thoughtless actions. Inside, he feels a sense of deep pride in his love and sexual adventures. Emotionality and sensuality in it dominate the mind.

It is not easy for such an individual to build love relationships, because he lacks a sense of tact, patience and sensitivity for this. If a personality develops harmoniously, then ideals are formed in it in a friendly and loving community. For a loved one, he will make any sacrifice. He does not tolerate irony and condescension in his love relationships.

If a representative of this group is abandoned, he will take it as an insult and insult. This will cause bitterness, aggression, hatred in him. Having parted with a sexual partner for such an individual, it will be extremely difficult to re-establish relations with him, as neglect and indifference will make themselves known.

If the negative aspects of character begin to prevail, then a person with Venus in Scorpio begins to use his sexuality to gain control over other people. He tries to get out of any situation with dignity and honor.

Men with Venus in Scorpio often have an aura of power, mystery, and sexuality. They expect complete devotion from their partner and want to see her regularly. Women often characterize their relationships with such men as demanding complete and uncompromising devotion: “He wants me to give him all my attention and demonstrate my love in every possible way; he doesn’t want to share me with anyone”, “He feels me so subtly that he will immediately guess if I have a relationship on the side.” Venus in Scorpio in a man attracts him to women who intensely radiate feelings and erotic energy - and the more subtle, the better (they do not like the extroverted glamor of the fire element).

A man with Venus in Scorpio operates at the level of instincts, which are quite difficult to calculate. Still, let's try to do it. He is often attracted femme fatale, on whose face the print of passion remains, or in their behavior the intensity of feelings is read. He can pay attention to any woman who stands out in the company with her behavior, clothes, loud conversation, sobs or laughter. He cannot refuse a woman sex. And vice versa, he can provoke women, like a snake-tempter, looking for in them weak spots and instinctive expressions. He delights in mysteries, secrets, danger, menace, unusual situations, fear and risk.

He cares little for indifferent, too calm women who avoid dubious situations. If he finds a woman suitable for his mood, then he seeks to merge with her into a single whole. With such a man you can experience extraordinary passion, but it is very difficult to maintain such intensity. for a long time. The appearance, figure or clothing of a woman does not bother him much, because he is able to undress her with his inner vision and see her true essence. It seems that this was the famous Don Juan, for whom there were no ugly women. Every woman in his arms became an irresistible beauty. A passionate whisper or meaningful silence, the natural smell of the body, better than any special tricks, can excite this man.

An important part of the body is everything that emphasizes belonging to the female sex and openly expresses sensuality and passion. Not only candid poses, translucent underwear, a combination of red and black, tight clothes, leather, belts, buckles, metal jewelry, but even any defect or disproportion can provoke a violent sexual reaction in him. A mask, a veil on a hat, high boots to the hips, a garter belt, tattoos and moles on the body are irresistible. A great sexual stimulus - an extreme situation that increases adrenaline, as well as risky sports - skydiving, scuba diving, mountaineering and delta gliding. A similar effect is caused by the contemplation of a whirlpool, a whirlpool, a joint visit to the bathhouse, sauna.

Men with Venus in Scorpio

This is a very attractive, emotional and sensual person with internal conflicts, without which he cannot think. own life. Having met him in a company, you will immediately understand that it is difficult for such a person to be polite, since for this he always has to make efforts on himself. A man with Venus in Scorpio most often communicates with people with causticity and sarcasm (which you should not be very offended by, since this is in his blood). These are people with high self-esteem, but if you look deeper into them, it becomes clear that their main difficulty is simply to live. To achieve success, they have everything: strength, energy, and intelligence. The irritability of this man provokes the appearance of enemies. He is a man of extremes and is too bold. He is rather closed and cautious, although from the outside it may seem that this is real sincerity, such is his protection from the world. Naturally, his trust must be earned (initially he is extremely distrustful).

A man with such Venus is very quick-tempered and remembers insult for a long time. He will remember betrayal or betrayal all his life (therefore, he will take revenge in any case), to be sure - his anger is terrible. It is difficult for such a Scorpio to express himself: he prefers to remain silent and keep everything a secret. He never dedicates other people to his goals, so few people can understand his motives. At the same time, he is well versed in people (because of his powers of observation and silence), he sees everything that is hidden, therefore he appreciates devotion and loyalty most of all. Despite such aloofness, he does not like loneliness. His feelings are intense, regardless of their reason: relationships or work. This Scorpio must feel the ardor in everything, so that he does not do it. Such a man does not expose his feelings and experiences for show. In life, he passionately seeks beauty and love.

Representatives of Venus in Scorpio always achieve best results in everything they do, if they strive to improve their professional skills. These are real fighters, jealous of the success of others. They often take part in various competitions, which only encourages them. Such a man is interested in professions related to blood and death: surgeons, doctors, dentists, biochemists, scientists, psychiatrists, psychologists, researchers, criminologists, insurance agents, investigators, private detectives and bailiffs. He is interested in original writers, the military, censors, consultants and entrepreneurs.

A man with such Venus gravitates towards philosophy, psychology and mysticism. He speaks masterfully about metaphysics and other abstract matters. He loves movies and books that fit the categories of horror, drama, and suspense. Any direction where nothing is clearly unclear to anyone arouses incredible interest in him. So he can explore the mass miscellaneous information, read a lot of books, in order, in the end, to get to the bottom of the truth. This man chooses for himself clothes of a suitable color palette, perfectly fitting the figure, corresponding to the context, style and situation. He prefers an elegant and classic style, but if necessary, can look completely trivial and even nondescript. It is never possible to say exactly where one or another of his things was bought, and how much he spends on maintaining his image in general. Only one thing can be said with certainty - he appreciates the exclusive.

A careful attitude to the accumulation of finances will not allow him to spend too much on clothes. In general, to own appearance he is calm, as he is completely confident in his irresistibility. As for love, they say about such a man that he has a “cold” heart. And, indeed, he rarely falls in love, nevertheless, life presents him with many surprises. In the end, a woman will appear who can light a flame in his heart. When he falls in love, he surrounds the object of his passion with his all-encompassing attention. If this Scorpio starts a relationship without love, then he pursues selfish goals.

In love, this man is very serious and does not look for frivolous connections. He is ready to go through heartache and trials in order to find true love. Therefore, in a relationship, his behavior regularly fluctuates from passive to aggressive. He is one of those who does not live if he does not suffer. In his opinion, tormenting a partner and tormenting yourself is an indispensable element for inflaming passions. But he loves truly - with all his heart, soul and body. He wants to possess the object of his feelings undividedly. His love is not an obsession for the faint-hearted ladies. A girl must be strong nervous system. He is passionate, and his emotions are intense and deep, while he is always ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of love.

As you already understood, a man with such Venus is in dire need of love: he craves and asks for it, because this is his life fuel. Often he is afraid to express his feelings, so he tries to show them through sex, which can be unusually passionate and full of variety. His attachment to a woman can be so strong that feelings turn from a pleasant experience into a heavy obsession. He is very focused on the chosen one, which can be for him (depending on the warehouse of his character) a pleasant or, conversely, an unnerving factor. Such a man will constantly control his woman (though not immediately), but will never admit it (despite the fact that he is eager to know all the corners of her soul). At the same time, he does not let his partner into his soul. Of course, he gives freedom to his chosen one, but he simply must be aware of everything that concerns her.

Naturally, such behavior greatly exhausts the girl, and, most often, she longs to free herself from such love, to escape from his tenacious hands, but without his consent, this is almost impossible. Because as soon as she decides to run away, he immediately wakes up love "to the grave." He will unfold an unprecedented plan to return his beloved and do everything so that she does not have time to come to her senses, as she will be next to him again. However, if you decide to stay with this person, then an interesting and rich life. This is an independent, strong, man who fights, devours himself, suffers, is reborn from the ashes, but knows how to love, in his own way and with all his might.

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