What day of the week is best to get married. Church calendar of weddings. What to bring with you for the wedding ceremony

The sacrament of a wedding is a very important and responsible step in the life of a family. Having decided to get married and seal their union before God, the spouses need to choose the optimal date for the sacrament. The Orthodox wedding calendar for 2019 will help them with this.

The best days to get married

The wedding is performed by a priest Orthodox church. Only baptized Orthodox families who have registered their relationship with the registry office are allowed to get married.

Exist special days who like to choose for a wedding believing couples:

  1. The period between the Epiphany of the Lord and Maslenitsa - from January 20 to February 20;
  2. The best time for a wedding is considered to be Krasnaya Gorka - starting from Sunday after Easter. The main church holiday always falls on different numbers, so the optimal day for the wedding also does not have a specific date. In 2018, it falls on April 23;
  3. Memorial Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - May 22;
  4. Day of the Izverskaya Icon of the Mother of God - October 26;
  5. Days of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - November 4 and 21.

Days suitable for a wedding

Other dates in 2019 are also suitable for performing the sacrament of the wedding. Sunday is traditionally chosen. The ceremony is also held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

When choosing a date, you must focus on the Orthodox calendar. The wedding is not performed on the days of important church holidays and during fasts. You can get married on one of the following days:

  • January 20-23, 25, 27, 29 and 30;
  • 1, 3, 13 and 17 February;
  • 23, 24, 26, 28 and 30 April;
  • 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19-22, 26, 28, 29 and 31 May;
  • 2 June
  • 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30 and 31 July;
  • August 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 30;
  • 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 13, 15, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25 and 29 September;
  • 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 20-23, 25, 27, 29, 30 October;
  • 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26 November.

You can't get married in March and December.

Important church holidays and fasts (when the wedding is not performed)

A church holiday is a day when you need to come to the temple to perform a solemn service, and not think about your own affairs. Weddings are not held on such days.

The following are prohibited for marriage:

  • January 14 - Circumcision of the Lord;
  • April 16 - Easter
  • July 12 - Memorial Day of the Apostles Peter and Paul;
  • July 7 - Nativity of John the Baptist;
  • September 11 - the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist;
  • October 14 is the day of the Intercession of the Virgin.

Weddings are also prohibited during non-one-day church fasts - Christmas, Great, Apostolic and Assumption, as well as on the eve of them.

The wedding is not performed on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, as well as on patronal holidays (each church has its own).

Dates not favorable for the ceremony

It is not customary to perform a wedding ceremony before the Twelfth Holidays, however, this is not prohibited. By prior agreement with the priest, you can get married on one of these days.

Dates of the Twelfth Feasts:

  • January 7 - Christmas;
  • January 19 - Epiphany;
  • February 15 - Candlemas;
  • April 7 Annunciation;
  • April 9 - Palm Sunday;
  • May 25 - Ascension of the Lord;
  • July 4 - the day of the Holy Trinity;
  • August 19 - Transfiguration of the Lord;
  • August 28 - Assumption of the Virgin;
  • September 21 - Nativity of the Virgin;
  • September 27 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross
  • December 4 - Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos

The wedding calendar includes quite a few days that are favorable and allowed for the sacrament of the wedding. In order to be aware of the existing prohibitions, it is necessary to attend church regularly and observe Orthodox fasts.

And also be sure to consult with the priest - he will help you choose the right date for the wedding ceremony.

Moon calendar

For those who are used to orienting their lives on the phases of the moon, there is moon calendar. It does not correspond to the Orthodox, but is suitable for planning important events, among which is the sacrament of the wedding.

  • The new moon is suitable for various undertakings. However, these days a person has the weakest energy, and physical activity is not recommended for him;
  • During the period of the growing moon, human activity increases;
  • The full moon is characterized by an exacerbation of feelings. Days like these are not good for taking important decisions where calculation and cold reason are needed;
  • The phase of the waning moon is suitable for completing business.

The days of full moons, new moons, periods of changing phases of the moon, as well as periods of solar and lunar eclipse– 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14 and 19 lunar day. While 10, 11, 16, 17, 21, 26 and 27 lunar days will be the best for performing the ceremony and starting a new stage in the life of the family.

To see how the preparation and celebration of the sacrament of the wedding takes place, you can watch in the video selection.

Many couples prefer not only to legalize their relationship in the registry office, but also to confirm them with a wedding ceremony. This is not only one of the most beautiful Orthodox ceremonies, but also a very serious step. Someone may not know, but you can not get married at any time, there are days when, according to Orthodox traditions this rite is not performed. So let's see what days you can get married in 2018?

Marriage is not an easy step. couples. It happens that they do it after many years living together. But many young lovers who are confident in their feelings perform a mysterious ceremony immediately after marriage.

It's important to remember one thing here.: when expressing a desire to conduct this ritual, one should think carefully, be sure of each other's feelings. After all, this is a wonderful divine union of two loving hearts - once and for all. It will be valid for a lifetime. Even if one of the couple is disappointed in the future, this union cannot be broken. Rituals of debunking simply do not exist.

If everything has already been decided and after the marriage, the young people decided to get married, and such an order should be, it is worth fully weighing the decision and approaching the choice of date very competently. And here the Orthodox wedding calendar for 2018 will help you.

It was just created for those who want to get married. After all, it is well known that the church does not perform this ritual every day. Namely in Orthodox calendar weddings, the days are clearly indicated on which, according to church canons, the ceremony can be performed, and on which it is prohibited.

What days can you get married

The church is fraught with many prohibitions, and therefore it is necessary to choose a significant date especially carefully, to bypass all the pitfalls and other unpleasant moments so that the marriage is strong and long.

That is why brides, even the most not superstitious ones, begin to remember all, even insignificant little things. On the eve of the wedding, they tend to succumb to superstitions and are attentive to all the details, because in their opinion, their happiness depends not only on complete understanding and trusting relationship but also from the date of the wedding.

A large number of rules and restrictions can make any bride despair, but here are some tips to help you make the right choice.

Sunday is considered the most suitable day for the wedding ceremony, but ceremonies are also performed on other days of the week, such as: Wednesday, Friday and Monday.

The strongest marriage is for those couples whose wedding falls on the first Sunday after Easter. This holiday is called Red Hill. Of course, there are some difficulties, because this event has the same uncertain date as Easter, but in 2018 it falls on April 15, which should definitely be remembered by those who want to get married on this particular holiday.

Also, according to beliefs, the second suitable date the day of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, celebrated on November 4, is considered, as well as other holidays of the Virgin.

It is also worth remembering the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which is also considered very good time for the wedding.

Of course, not many newlyweds will be able to conduct their ceremony on such days, they will have to look further, sort through various dates, carefully checking them with the calendar. Many do this, starting from existing restrictions. It is quite easy to choose the right time, by the method of elimination, discarding those days when the wedding is prohibited.

Thanks to such simple actions, one can be able to find the most suitable time intervals in which any church will agree to hold a ceremony.

You can see which days are suitable for you for a wedding in this calendar:

When prohibited

Do not forget that the church has a rather impressive list of dates on which the wedding ceremony is prohibited. This prohibition primarily applies to long fasts.

Weddings are also prohibited on the days of Solid Weeks, of which there are as many as five.

According church rules, weddings are not held on the days of major Christian celebrations. Such days must be spent with the church, not paying attention to their personal, base desires, devoting all their time to prayers, so as not to belittle the importance of the holiday.

This is due to the fact that during church festivities it is customary to subdue the desires of the flesh, as well as take care of your spirit.

For an unprepared person, it will seem that there are too many prohibitions, and, therefore, there are no days to hold your ceremony, however, if you carefully study everything, you can choose a day that will satisfy you, as well as be suitable for the church.

However, in order not to make a mistake in choosing and not overshadow the ceremony, be sure to consult a priest who will tell you exactly the right dates and help you with your choice.

Why can they refuse to marry?

The Church reserves the right to refuse to conduct the ceremony to those couples whose personal qualities are not consistent with the foundations of the Church and with social norms. Therefore, a couple will not be married if:

  • They are clerics;
  • If both partners are not baptized, or at least one of them, then first you need to be baptized;
  • They are atheists;
  • Are in another marriage;
  • They took a monastic vow;
  • Relatives, both blood and spiritual;
  • They practice different religions;
  • People over sixty;
  • minors;
  • If they are guilty of divorcing a previous spouse;
  • If for one of them or both this is the fourth marriage.

In very rare cases, the Church may deviate from strict principles and allow these people to get married, however, in order to hold a ceremony, a good reason is needed. The last word remains with the ruling bishop, it is he who decides whether such a couple should be married or not.

Is it possible to get married in May

According to the wedding calendar, this month is perfect for a wedding, but people warn against such a step in this beautiful spring month.

The saying goes:

If you get married in May or get married, you will toil all your life.

Indeed, this spring month is the most suitable for marriage - it is warm, beautiful. But, sadly, there are few marriages during this period.

From where this statement came to us, it is now difficult to say. It is known, for example, that in ancient Rome, May was considered an inappropriate month for weddings because hard work fell at this time, as they say, not before the celebration.

Maybe the statements of astrologers also played their role that in May our Luminary comes close to the star Algol - the spirit of evil, as in old times called it by the Arabs. And he, negatively influencing the consciousness of a person, causes his scandalous states, which destroy marriage unions.

But outside the window is the twenty-first century and it is good that there are newlyweds who neglect this belief.

They, not paying attention to all the predictions, decide to get married in this most wonderful month of awakening from winter sleep nature, with its clean, breathtaking air, green lawns, heady smell of trees covered with color, lilacs, daffodils, tulips and other early flowers.

Therefore, every couple who decides to seal their union must decide for themselves whether to believe all this. Is it possible to take the statement of astrologers for reality. And choose for the wedding the day that is most acceptable for both.

If marriage is really for love, then, in spite of any prejudices, mutual respect, understanding and trust will accompany you all your life. And the bonds with which you bind yourself are not a heavy duty, but happiness. Your wedding day will be the best day of your life!

Coming up to significant event in their lives, young people, and older people, are increasingly choosing one of the biggest sacraments - a wedding. There are many questions related to the holding of this celebration. Therefore, among other yearbooks, it is considered to be in demand church calendar weddings 2017.

A thousand years ago, the wedding ceremony took place in nature. No one came to church, since Christianity in Russia was just in its infancy. Therefore, the holiday at which young people converged was Ivan Kupala. Since then, a tradition has appeared to put a wreath of wild flowers on the bride’s head and go around the birch three times with the groom, having previously been cleansed by fire. And since the XIV century, wedding ceremonies began to be held in temples.

The idea of ​​the strength of the bonds of marriage, fixed by the church through a beautiful ceremony, which is already more than a thousand years old, gradually took root in the heads of the newlyweds. It is believed that if a marriage is consecrated in heaven, then it will be long and happy. Is it so?…

The wedding ceremony is not only beautiful and ancient tradition, but also a responsible step towards creating a strong and happy family. Sometimes to this important step, the couple comes years later, only when people are finally convinced of their feelings and intention to live together for the rest of their lives.

If you have visited the page because you have already decided on this serious step and are planning to hold a wedding ceremony in 2017-2018, the first thing you should do is choose the right date, and my article will help you with this.
As you probably know, there are certain days for a wedding in a church. For your convenience, I have compiled a wedding calendar for 2017-2018 for you. From the wedding calendar 2017-2018 you will find out on which days, according to the canons of the Russian Orthodox Church, a wedding ceremony can be held, and on which not. Hope it will be useful! In addition, in the article you will find clear information on who can and who cannot get married in ...

The church calendar of weddings in 2017 has at its disposal more than 100 days, in which the wedding ceremony will forever hold two loving hearts the bonds of marriage. According to the canons of Orthodoxy, it is forbidden to enter into a marriage union and conduct a wedding ceremony in posts that are large in common. church holidays and holidays celebrated in particular parishes. In 2017, there are more than 100 such days. So you can easily choose the date of the wedding and the wedding, after agreeing with your priest additionally.

About how to prepare for the wedding, Smart Tips have already been told here.

Read this article:

When not to get married in 2017?

In ancient times there was no state registration marriage. Lovers sealed their relationship with bonds in front of the face of holy icons, pronouncing oaths. When a new family was born, the event was celebrated with all the luxury and solemnity. The main event required careful preparation in order to avoid the gossip of others. Reverent attitude to the wedding ...


When is the best time to get married?

When is it better to get married - before the wedding or after living together for five years, having strengthened your feelings? From an Orthodox point of view, of course, before the wedding. Because the wedding calls on God to strengthen the family and help in the most complicated everyday situations. There are situations when even lovers find it difficult to understand each other, because people are so different, and the union of two is a very difficult reality.
There can only be one wedding. The second and third weddings are theoretically possible, but this is a different service - not a celebration, but repentance. The Church allows re-marriage only because of the weakness of human nature. From the Orthodox point of view, those embarking on the path of common life should have a firm determination to walk along the earthly road together until death and unite after it. And in order to go this way, he must be blessed by the Lord in the sacrament of the wedding.
Since ancient times in Russia, every young couple entering into marriage got married in a church. Thereby…

For those wishing to seal their union with the bonds of church marriage, the question often arises - when is it better to get married? On the day when two loving person get married and get married, a miracle of God happens, namely, a new family is born. And the two become one flesh. And for them this day is truly special and blessed, since the Lord Himself in the Sacrament of the Church blesses them for a joint married life. And for the rest of their lives, this date will become their joint annual celebration of mutual love. Any day they choose could be that day. And here it is not necessary to pay attention to various superstitions or " folk omens". And it is better to try to prepare for the great Mystery of the Wedding. It is advisable to confess before him and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

It is necessary to remind once again that in the Sacrament of the Wedding a special grace is given for the creation of a family and childbearing, and it is not permissible for Christians to deviate from this great Sacrament. Unfortunately, many now not only ...

Many girls dream of getting married. Then they grow up, become beautiful girls, meet their betrothed and you can make your dream come true - to participate in this sacrament. It is important that you love each other from the bottom of your heart, be believers and understand that God invisibly unites your souls into one flesh in heaven. To know when you can get married, look at the church wedding calendar 2017 on the Internet. Can you go to the priest in church and ask when you can get married in a particular month? He will answer.

The sacrament should not be taken lightly. In the old days, there were practically no divorces. Young people were often wooed by their parents. From the height of life experience, they know better who will get along with their child. Most often, love came to young people in marriage. They gave birth to children, took care of them, were churched, observed fasts. They were afraid of God and everyone tried to sin as little as possible.

Between the married spouses, after the blessing of God, an invisible connection arises - spiritual bonds. They are…

Even in ancient times, a certain sacrament was performed between two lovers. As a result, people began to call this sacrament - a wedding. It was a tradition and young people took this process very seriously. But, for example, at a time when our parents were young, the wedding was not so important. Everyone had enough of a stamp in the passport and a trip to the registry office.

And now, in our days, the newlyweds again give preference to the wedding, and each newly-made couple seeks to get married in the church as soon as possible. But do they think how serious it is?

Our youth should clearly understand that a wedding is not a fashionable feature - it is a responsible step that is taken once in a lifetime. In addition, it will be possible to debunk married spouses (to issue a church divorce) only under very serious circumstances.

Therefore, this rite must be treated with great responsibility. Most young couples cannot be married for more than five years. Divorce litigation begins. And how hard...

When is the best time to hold a wedding ceremony: time and date

Days for the wedding

by the most happy days for the wedding, they are considered from Epiphany to Shrovetide, between Petrov and the Assumption Lent and, of course, on Krasnaya Gorka, this is the first Sunday after Easter. Unlucky are those marriages that take place in the period from the Nativity of Christ to the Epiphany. In addition, it is not necessary to get married on the eve of the twelfth holidays. In no case do not get married on all posts, including Wednesday and Friday. Dangerous for weddings are the days of the Beheading of John the Baptist (September 11) and the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 27). A wedding brings misfortune to a marriage not in a church, but in a monastery, after which people quickly disperse.

wedding time

Agree on the wedding in the temple, either the future husband and wife, or their parents. It is considered a good omen if they talk about the time of the wedding not with the church servant, but with the priest himself. He himself will tell you the hour at which you will appear in the temple. All weddings usually...

Wedding is one of the seven sacraments of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is believed that marriage was established by God in Paradise, and Jesus Christ, being a guest at the marriage in Cana of Galilee, sanctified and confirmed the very arrangement of marriage.

Long time(until the 10th century) there was no special wedding ceremony in the church, and even then it appeared gradually, in stages. At first, it was enough to declare oneself a man and wife in the church community - in this case, the marriage was considered perfect, and it could not be dissolved.

Later, it was necessary to take the blessing of the priest for the marriage, sometimes the presence of the priest at the wedding feast was required.

By the 10th century...

A wedding is one of the most responsible and solemn events in the life of a married couple who have decided to legitimize their feelings not only before society, but also before the face of God. Help in proper organization of this event, to find out all the details of the ceremony and decide which days and dates are favorable for the wedding in 2017, our article and the Church Orthodox wedding calendar below will help.

Wedding in the Orthodox Church

The wedding can take place in any church, which you will have to choose on your own and to your taste. For lavish ceremonies beautiful ones are chosen major cathedrals, for a secluded wedding - small churches. You should prepare for the process in advance: visit a church a few weeks in advance, meet a priest who will help conduct the ceremony, choose a day (see the Orthodox calendar below).

The best auspicious days for a wedding in 2017

AT last years more and more newlyweds are not limited to the wedding ceremony in the registry office, but remember the thousand-year tradition - the wedding ceremony in the church. The reasons for this may be different, including banal fashion, but in any case, the preparation and organization of the wedding is a matter no less complex and responsible (and in some respects, especially spiritually, even more complex) than the preparation for the wedding itself.

Therefore, before deciding to get married, you need to learn as much as possible about this ceremony, and not only on the Internet - here it is necessary for the newlyweds to visit the church, otherwise the wedding will be simply impossible. And I will tell you about the main points and subtleties of the wedding ceremony in the church - about the meaning, preparation, conduct and other issues.

What is a church wedding?

Wedding is one of the oldest religious traditions, which is inherent not only in Christianity, but also in other religions. It was the wedding that meant the entry of people into ...

When, according to the canons of the Church, it is possible and when it is impossible to get married in 2017 and why

Wedding calendar for 2017: when you can get married

In 2017, you can get married:

January: 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29 and 30
February: 1, 3, 13 and 17
March: great post
April: 23, 24, 26, 28 and 30
May: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29 and 31
June: 2
July: 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30 and 31
August: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 30
September: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 13, 15, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25 and 29
October: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30
November: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26

Wedding calendar for 2017

The Sacrament of the Wedding in 2017 is not performed:

on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday throughout the year on the eve of the Twelfth, Temple and Great Feasts in ...

Church wedding calendar 2016

In some cases, young people so strongly want to bind themselves with the unity of souls and bodies that, in addition to legal marriage, they also choose a wedding ceremony. It is important to remember that the wedding is a heavenly union, which is approved by God, and subsequently God always helps the spouses to live a happy and long life together. But it is not always possible to get married in church temple. Exist certain dates, when this ceremony can and is desirable to be performed, and there are such dates in the Orthodox calendar when the wedding ceremony will not be performed in any church. In addition, there is a special approach to the personality of the spouses, there are also certain rules for who can enter into a heavenly marriage, and who is strictly forbidden to do so.

The wedding calendar for 2016 represents auspicious and permitted moments when this sacrament of heavenly marriage is performed. In this calendar, events are also marked in which marriage is prohibited.

Church wedding:

Now we are married...

What is a church wedding: the beginning or the end? Not the beginning, because that is what Love is. And not the end, because there is still much to be done. The wedding is the blessing of the church, the strengthening of two different people on the path of living together and consolidating their chosen solution. In other words, a wedding is a stage followed by a continuation.

A wedding is one of the seven sacraments of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is believed that marriage was established by God in Paradise, and Jesus Christ, being a guest at the marriage in Cana of Galilee, sanctified and confirmed the very arrangement of marriage. For a long time (until the 10th century) there was no special wedding ceremony in the church, and then it appeared gradually, in stages. At first, it was enough to declare oneself a man and wife in the church community - in this case, the marriage was considered perfect and it could not be dissolved. Later, it was necessary to take the blessing of the priest for the marriage, sometimes the presence of the priest was required for ...

A wedding in a church is a sacred rite that gives a husband and wife a church blessing for a happy family life, birth of children. Many couples decide to hold this beautiful and touching event. But in order for the rite to be not just a tribute to fashion, but to become a serious deliberate step, it is worth knowing its features.

Important conditions for a wedding

It is allowed to get married on the wedding day or after a time: a week, a month, years. The main thing is that all conditions stipulated by the church are observed.

Who can get married

An important condition for the ceremony is the presence of a marriage certificate. In addition, spouses must be baptized Orthodox Christians. However, in some cases, a wedding may be allowed if the spouse is a non-Orthodox Christian, provided that the children born in marriage will be baptized in Orthodoxy. Compliance with the age of marriage is also important: the bride must be 16 years old, the groom - 18. Do not be afraid of rejection if the wife ...

Perhaps the wedding is one of the most significant, joyful and beautiful Christian rites, which, with its sublime atmosphere, evokes a feeling of joy and love even for those simply present, not to mention the young who decide to seal their union before God.

The wedding itself is defined as a divine service in the church, during which the Sacrament of Marriage is performed: the Christian marriage is blessed and consecrated. In an Orthodox marriage, each of the spouses must take their place. The husband should be the head of the family, responsible for the direction of family life, for its well-being and strength. The wife, on the other hand, must build a family life, not allowing the daily bustle to destroy its spiritual foundation. To summarize what has been said, we can say that a woman is the soul of any family, and a man is the body.

The word "marriage" Slavic origin, and it means - "to be together." In the old days, a team of horses walking together, in a bundle, was called a marriage couple. According to church canons, spouses ...

wedding rules. When you can and cannot get married

Many couples now, in addition to the official registration of marriage, decide to consolidate their relationship in the face of God by getting married in a church. For some, this ritual is more important than an entry in the register of civil status, and someone just wants a solemn and memorable ceremony. In any case, when deciding to enter into a church marriage, and this is precisely what a wedding implies, one should take into account several important points. Even if regular church attendance is rare for future spouses, it is necessary to respect the rules and traditions established by the Orthodox Church.

When you can not get married in the Orthodox Church. There are a number of reasons why the Church has the right to refuse a couple to marry:

beliefs and religion

If future spouses profess not christian religion(Islam, Buddhism, Judaism), or are atheists. You can’t get married without being baptized in Orthodoxy, they can also refuse ...

Tips for those who are going to get married.

First of all, it is necessary to agree on the place and time of the sacrament of the wedding. Now in many churches there is a preliminary record, which indicates not only the day, but also the time of the wedding.

Any relative can do it. In this case, the priest will be crowned, on whom the sequence of requirements falls. In the same churches where there is no such record, the newlyweds draw up a receipt for the sacrament on the wedding day, behind the candle box. However, here it is impossible to give an exact time, since the weddings will begin only after other requirements. But you can negotiate with a specific priest, if there is a need for this.

In any case, the church will need a marriage certificate, so the registration of marriage in the registry office must be before the wedding. If the obstacles listed above arise, those wishing to get married must personally contact the office of the ruling bishop. The Lord will consider all circumstances. With a positive decision, he will put a resolution according to which the wedding will take place in any temple. In the first centuries of Christianity, weddings took place immediately after the Divine Liturgy. This does not happen now, but communion before the beginning of married life is extremely important. Therefore... The newlyweds should come to the temple on the day of the wedding to the beginning of the service, eat nothing, drink or smoke the day before - from twelve o'clock at night. And if married life already in place, refrain on the last night from marital relations.

In the temple, the bride and groom confess, pray at the liturgy and partake of the Holy Mysteries. After that, prayers, requiems and funerals usually take about an hour. During this time, you can change into wedding clothes (if the temple has a room for this). There are other points that are better to pay attention to: it is best if the bride wears comfortable shoes, and not high-heeled shoes, which are difficult to stand for several hours in a row; the presence of friends and relatives of the newlyweds at the liturgy is desirable, but, in extreme cases, they can come to the beginning of the wedding; taking photographs and filming a wedding with a video camera is not allowed in all temples: it is better to do without it by taking a memorable photograph against the backdrop of the temple after the sacrament; wedding rings it is necessary to give it to the crowning priest in advance, so that he consecrates them by laying them on the Throne; take a piece of white linen or a towel with you. On it the young will stand; the bride must certainly have a headdress; cosmetics and jewelry - either absent, or in a minimal amount; required pectoral crosses for both spouses; according to Russian tradition, every married couple has witnesses (best man) who organize the wedding feast.

They will also come in handy in the temple - to hold the crowns over the heads of the newlyweds. It is better if these are two men, since the crowns are quite heavy. Best man must be baptized. The church charter forbids marrying several couples at the same time, but, as practice shows, this happens. Of course, each couple would like to get married separately. But in this case, the sacrament can drag on for a long time (the duration of one wedding is 45-60 minutes). If the newlyweds are willing to wait until everyone else is married, then they will not be denied a separate sacrament. In large cathedrals, they are crowned separately for a double fee. AT weekdays(Monday, Wednesday, Friday) the probability of several couples coming is much less than on Sundays.

Days when there is no wedding

1. Tuesday
2. Thursday
3. Saturday
4. Lent (seven weeks before Easter)
5. Petrov post (second Monday after Trinity)
6. Dormition Fast (August 14-27)
7. Advent (November 28 - January 7)
8. Christmas time (January 7-20)
9. Cheese week (one week before the start of Lent)
10. Easter week(bright week)
11. February 14 (the eve of the Presentation of the Lord)
12. April 6 (Eve of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
13. Eve of the Ascension of the Lord (39th day after Easter)
14. Eve of the Holy Trinity (49th day after Easter)
15. Holy Trinity Day
16. September 10, 11 (eve and day of the Beheading of John the Baptist)
17. September 20 (Eve of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
18. 26.27 September (eve and day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross)
19. October 13 (Eve of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos)

Dates are given in the new style.

Topic of the article: wedding in the Orthodox Church - rules. And I would like to tell you about weddings not just as a beautiful ceremony, but as a sacrament that can inexplicably and unknown to “people” affect your whole life. And not only for you, but also for the life of your children.

My grandmother told me that people get married not even for themselves, but for their children. Indeed, in the sacrament of the wedding, the couple is blessed for the birth and upbringing of children.

In the article I will tell you about the sacrament of the wedding in the Orthodox Church in plain language. And I will definitely answer all the questions that arise in preparation for the wedding. Also in the article you will find a video with the answers of the priest to all your questions about the wedding.

Notice the word "sacrament". It is this word that is intended to suggest that you should not get married if you do it not consciously, but at the insistence of your parents or because it is fashionable or so accepted. A wedding is one of the seven sacraments of the Orthodox Church, along with baptism, communion, and priesthood.

We've all heard the expression, "Marriages are made in heaven." But we have no time to think about the secret and important message of our day hidden in these words.
We all want to live happily ever after with our loved ones, but we neglect such an easy and affordable opportunity to receive the sanctification of our union. To do this, you just need to seriously, consciously and thoughtfully prepare for the wedding.

What should be done before the wedding?

So how do you properly prepare for your wedding? The couple must take communion before the wedding. This can be done the day before or on the very day of the wedding at the morning liturgy (morning service). The wedding is usually performed immediately after the liturgy.

You need to prepare for communion: fast for 3 days, read special prayers - Adherence to Holy Communion, confess. Here is the answer to the question, is it necessary to fast before the wedding? If young people take communion on the wedding day, then fasting before the wedding (more precisely, before communion) is needed.

What do you need to get married in a church?

You need to buy in advance before the wedding:

  • Icons of the Savior and Mother of God(icons must be consecrated, so it’s better to buy them not in a store, but in a Temple),
  • Wedding candles (beautiful wedding candles can also be bought at the Temple).
  • 2 towels (towels), one for laying under the feet of the bride and groom, and the other for wrapping the hands of the bride and groom,
  • Wedding rings.

Who can be a witness at the wedding?

Previously, witnesses at the wedding were called guarantors and heirs. They were to instruct the young. Therefore, as witnesses, as a rule, they took experienced, family people. Now more often they take their friends as witnesses. A wedding without witnesses, at the request of the young, is also possible.

What days can you get married?

The basic rules to be followed are as follows. You can not get married on the days of all 4 fasts, as well as on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. There are also a few more days in the year when a wedding is not performed.

After the end of the wedding, a bell ringing is heard in honor of the birth new family and the guests congratulate the young.

Church wedding - rules. VIDEO Answers to the questions of Archpriest Pavel

Find out the answers to the questions you still have to put your wedding preparations behind you in this short video. Archpriest Pavel answers questions.

What rings are needed for a church wedding?

It used to be customary to buy wedding rings - gold for the groom and silver for the bride. gold ring the bridegroom symbolized the brilliance of the Sun, and the wife's silver symbolized the light of the moon, shining with reflected light.

Now often buy both rings - gold. Rings can also be adorned with precious stones.

How to choose the right outfit for the bride?

What should be the wedding dress in the church? The dress should be light, not tight-fitting and no longer than the knee. Shoulders, arms, neckline should not be bare. If the dress is off the shoulder, use a cape.

The head must be covered. You can use a veil, scarf or cape with a hood. In the hands of the bride at the wedding is not a bouquet of flowers, but a wedding candle.

Don't do too much bright makeup. Shoes are better to choose not very high heels because the wedding ceremony can last about an hour.

Young people and witnesses must have pectoral crosses.

Inform your guests about the rules of dress at the wedding. Women and girls should be in dresses with covered knees and shoulders. And also with a covered head.

How to celebrate a wedding? Congratulations on your wedding. What do they give for a wedding?

The sacrament of the wedding is joyful and solemn. It is customary to continue the celebration at the table after the end of the sacrament. But since a spiritual holiday is being celebrated, the feast should be modest and quiet. From this point of view, it is better to separate the wedding day and the wedding day in time.

In congratulations on the wedding, they usually wish salvation for the soul, congratulate on God's blessing, wish to live happily ever after, take care of each other, love and cherish. Wish for peace and peace of mind. It is also better to give spiritual gifts, for example, icons or spiritual books.

What do you need to get married in a church if you are already married?

If you are already married, no matter how old, and have come to a mutual decision to get married, congratulations. This is very beneficial for both you and your children. Our spiritual father says that marriage is even more important for children. because at the wedding, parents are blessed for the birth and upbringing of children.

For you yourself, the wedding is also very valuable, because now you will not live in fornication, but in a legal marriage made in heaven. And now God himself will bless your union.

For the wedding, you will need all the attributes described above in this article - the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God, 2 candles, towels (towels), rings. Rings can be the same ones you are wearing now. You need to agree in advance with the priest about the date and time. Prepare for communion (fast for 3 days, subtract the following for Holy Communion, confess). You can take communion on the day of the wedding or earlier. You can invite witnesses to the wedding. But you can get married without them.

When is the wedding not taking place?

The sacrament of marriage cannot be performed:

  • If the bride or groom is not baptized and is not going to be baptized before the wedding,
  • If the bride or groom announces that they are atheists,
  • If it turns out that the bride or groom was forced to come to the wedding by parents or someone else,
  • If the bride or groom has already been married three times (it is allowed to get married only 3 times, and in order to terminate the wedding there must be a good reason, for example, the betrayal of one of the spouses),
  • If the bride and groom are married to another (other), civil or church. First you need to dissolve a civil marriage and obtain permission from the bishop to dissolve the church marriage.
  • If the bride and groom are related by blood.

They often ask whether it is possible to get married for those who are in a civil marriage that is not registered in the registry office. In general, the church is not very welcoming civil marriages but still recognizes them. Moreover, the laws of marriage according to church canons and civil law differ. However, some churches ask for a marriage certificate.

I really hope that in this article "Wedding in the Orthodox Church - the rules" you have found answers to your questions. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments. If I don't know the exact answer, I'll ask my spiritual father.

I wish everyone to enjoy life, even rain and bread, to love and be loved!

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