When to conceive a child to give birth in July. What month is best to conceive a child. What dates are not suitable for conception

Probably not today women who would not know that the best period for conceiving a child is from the 10th to the 18th day from the first day of the last menstruation. However, not all couples succeed in planning the conception of a child, many have sex for pleasure and then it turns out that the woman is pregnant. Indeed, to make a plan, follow a special diet and arrange a "holiday" in honor of the conception of a child, as some experts advise, seems redundant to us.

Important for conception child- this is the presence of love and understanding between spouses. If you are confident in your partner and love him, then just enjoy his intimacy and spend more time with him in bed. It is not necessary to think about conceiving a child, this process should be natural. During the period favorable for the conception of a child, it is best to have sexual intercourse every other day, but their number should not exceed 7 acts per week.

Before it was believed that before conceiving a child, a man needs to abstain for one month so that the seminal fluid accumulates. There is some truth in this, the more often a man ejaculates, the more seminal fluid is consumed. However, sperm motility directly depends on the frequency of sexual intercourse. In sexually active men, spermatozoa are more dexterous, but the concentration of spermatozoa in their semen is much lower. You should also not worry about the best position to conceive a child.

spermatozoa have special flagella, with the help of which they move easily, regardless of how they got into the vagina. There is no need to worry about the fact that a small amount has flowed out of the vagina. This is normal, the remaining sperm is enough for hundreds of sperm to rush up to the uterus and reach the egg. Viable spermatozoa remain for three to four days. If the release of the female germ cell occurs during these days, then the fertilization of the egg will become possible.

Each family pair seeks to conceive a child so that he would bring them joy and be the successor of the family. Therefore, no one can condemn those who carefully plan and responsibly treat the birth of a child. In order for the expectations of the parents to be justified and not overshadowed by the birth of a sick baby, on the day of conception, both partners should absolutely not drink alcoholic beverages, take medications and drugs.

If you wish to baby was born in a certain month, it is very easy to plan the date of conception of a child in advance. For example, you are so in love with your husband and admire him that you would certainly like to have a baby on his birthday. Mark the desired date of birth of the child on the calendar and count back 7 days from it. Add 3 months to the resulting number and add 14 days. The resulting date is the day of conception of the baby, who will be born on dad's birthday.

For example, if u dad's birthday 07/26/85., then you need to conceive a child on 11/02/12, so that he is born on 07/26/13. Of course, it is almost impossible to plan the date of conception of a child on the day, because not every woman has a pregnancy that lasts 40 weeks. Therefore, attempts to get pregnant must begin to be made two weeks before the date of conception received, and only there, as God wills. If you're lucky, you can get there at exactly the appointed time.

When planning time conception of a child, it will not be superfluous to take into account what month the baby will be born. If conception occurs in winter, then he will be born in autumn, if in summer, then you should wait for the addition in the spring. Accordingly, a child conceived in the fall will be born in the summer, and you will celebrate the birthday of a baby conceived in the spring in the winter month. Each season has its pros and cons, so in which month it is better to give birth to a child, you should choose not according to the season, but according to the horoscope. Calculate the zodiac sign in which you would like to give birth. The signs of the Zodiac are decisive in a person's life, the success of a person and his character depend on them.

Based on the horoscope can recommend which month to conceive Aries, Gemini, Leo, Capricorn and other signs of the Zodiac. But it is impossible to single out any sign and recommend it for conception. Each sign has its positive and negative sides. But there are periods of time that are contraindicated for conception. For example, he does not advise conceiving a child in fasting, this may affect the future and health of the child. The most important condition of fasting is marital abstinence, violation of it can lead to unfavorable childbirth and illness of the child. The Church advises that if parents conceived a child during fasting days, then they should definitely repent before the birth of the child.

The best day to conceive child counted as the fifth day after each new moon. Also, the chance of conceiving a child increases a lot from October 26 to November 10, when the Moon is in Scorpio. After all, the Moon governs conception and fertility. According to the sign of the Zodiac the Moon is in, you can plan the birth of a boy or a girl. So if on the day of conception the moon was:
- in the female signs of the Zodiac - Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio, most likely you will have a girl.
- in the male signs of the Zodiac - Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius, then wait for the birth of a boy.

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There comes a time in every woman's life when she thinks about having a baby. So that the news of pregnancy does not take you by surprise, you should thoroughly prepare for this event and, above all, choose the right time for conception.

And the years go by...

Doctors consider the period from 21 to 26 years as the optimal age for the first pregnancy. The period of puberty is over by this time, the hormonal background is stabilized, the body is young, not burdened by any chronic diseases, the tissues of the ligaments and joints are elastic, which facilitates the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth. However, in most developed countries of the world, the age of women waiting for their first child is increasing. The reason is the reluctance of women to interrupt education, the desire to make a career. Therefore, the time of the birth of the first-born is postponed for the period after 30, and even after 35 years.

Of course, late motherhood (and we are talking about the first birth), of course, also has its advantages: a woman approaches the birth of her first child, as a rule, responsibly, she already has an established career, and good financial security. Usually this is more “conscious” motherhood. However, the noticeable “aging” of primiparas causes anxiety among doctors: if there are no objections in the emotional and psychological plan, then a younger age is physiologically optimal for the first birth. A number of weighty arguments convince us that it is not worth postponing the birth of the first baby for a distant “later”: firstly, the ability to conceive decreases with age, and it is more difficult for a woman to get pregnant, Secondly, in women over 35-40 years old, the likelihood of various gene disorders at the level of germ cells. This can cause congenital diseases, including genetic ones, and malformations in a child. In women over 35 years of age, complications during pregnancy are more common, during the bearing of a baby, chronic diseases may first appear. The complicated course of pregnancy adversely affects the health of the child.

Previously, it was believed that the age of the father has a lesser impact on the health of the unborn baby. Considering the susceptibility of a modern person to the massive impact of a number of adverse factors: poor ecology, stress, the harmful effects of alcohol, smoking, etc., it is noted that fertility (the ability to fertilize) even in relatively young men - 30-40 years old - is significantly reduced .

In determining the best time to conceive, the most important thing is your conscious decision to have a baby. The need to plan a future pregnancy is accepted by many spouses. How to determine the optimal moment that will not only ensure the maximum likelihood of conception, but will also contribute to the successful course of the entire pregnancy and the timely completion of its easy delivery, the birth of a healthy and desired baby?

We'll take a break...

It is recommended to plan the next vacation before the crucial period of pregnancy. Trips, flights, change of climatic and time zones can adversely affect pregnancy and the developing body of the baby. If you and your husband are lovers of extreme sports and recreation, then you need to remember that difficult hiking conditions, carrying heavy loads, mountain descents, rafting on rough rivers with high rapids, etc. can be very dangerous for the expectant mother. You should also minimize the very possibility of injury, because you will be responsible not only for your life, but also for the life and health of your unborn child.

If you have not yet taken the next annual vacation, then it would be rational to add it to the maternity leave, thereby saving yourself from daily duties, commuting, early morning rises, public transport trips, etc.

If you are still studying and it is not possible to plan the time of conception and pregnancy for “after school time”, then it is advisable to calculate the time of pregnancy so that the birth occurs during the holidays. Many cases are known when female students did not even interrupt their studies after giving birth. Of course, without the help of relatives who would stay with the baby for the duration of the mother's visit to school, this is not enough. In addition, many new and important responsibilities fall on the shoulders of a young mother, and it is also necessary to recover after childbirth. Therefore, the additional burden of attending classes is obviously unnecessary.

Before planning the time of pregnancy and childbirth, you should talk with relatives and friends - can one of them help you with the child, stay at home with him if you leave after the holidays to study without academic leave. Moms who were students during pregnancy are not advised to plan a pregnancy for the period of state exams and thesis defense. Expecting a baby is not the best time for such a tense and nervous period, and although most teachers and members of the examination committee take into account the special position of the student, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid the excitement of the examinee, and among the examiners there may be people with different mindsets. Why do you need extra worries?

Help Wanted!

The need for help in the first weeks and months after childbirth is felt by many mothers especially acutely: the load on the woman's body after childbirth, during the formation of lactation, is too great. In addition, it is necessary to master the basics of caring for a baby, the rules of breastfeeding, etc. as soon as possible. Therefore, when planning pregnancy and childbirth, discuss your plans with relatives, for example, future grandparents. Their help can be invaluable.

Help will be especially needed with a short interval between births, when the older child is still small and requires increased attention. The solution of many problems is greatly facilitated if one of the grandparents has already retired and do not mind sitting with their little grandson or granddaughter. Perhaps one of the relatives will be able to go on vacation after the birth of your baby, and in the future you will resolve the issue with a nanny or learn how to manage on your own.

What does it cost us to build a house?

In our time of expensive housing, the housing problem for many young couples is particularly acute. Consider and decide where you will live with a new family member, preferably before pregnancy and childbirth. In the room where the baby's crib will stand, it is recommended to make repairs. Many pregnant women start repairs on their own while they are expecting a baby. This is not rational, since it would be optimal to completely exclude contact with various building materials and derivatives of the paint and varnish industry during pregnancy. Many organic solvents widely used in construction and repair work adversely affect human health, they can cause allergic and toxic reactions during their application and drying, until the solvent has completely evaporated. Therefore, this problem must be solved before pregnancy, or one of the family members of the expectant mother, and not herself, should deal with this.

If you rent a house, keep in mind that for some time after giving birth, the entire financial burden of providing for the family will fall on the shoulders of your spouse. In addition, the costs associated with the birth of a baby (spending on disposable diapers, baby clothes, etc.) will be added to the rent for housing. However, this problem can also be solved by taking care of it in advance (your friends, whose children have already grown up, will gladly give clothes for babies), and the best and cheapest food is mom's breast milk!


When planning the time of conception, consider the fact that your baby will be born in the season preceding this event: if conception occurs in winter, then the baby will be born in the fall, if in spring, the date of birth will fall in the winter months, if in summer, the birth of the baby should be expected in the spring, and if in the fall - the birthday of a new family member you will celebrate in the summer. However, each season has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Conception in winter - childbirth in autumn. Conception and the first months of pregnancy fall on an epidemiologically unfavorable season - the peak of the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. It is in the first three months of life that several critical periods pass, during which the embryo is extremely vulnerable and sensitive to the effects of adverse external factors, including viral infections. Childbirth and the first months of a child's life will take place in the "dull" autumn season. It should be borne in mind that bad autumn weather can interfere with walking with a baby in the fresh air, and gray, cloudy days, rains can threaten your good mood, especially considering that after childbirth, women are generally susceptible to this scourge. However, if the last months of pregnancy fall in the cool autumn or winter months, then the last trimester and its characteristic flow more easily: the tendency to edema and insomnia is less pronounced.

Conception in the spring - childbirth in the winter. In such a situation, conception occurs at a time when the maternal and paternal organisms are weakened by spring hypovitaminosis, although at present, with a wide choice of vitamin preparations, the problem of hypovitaminosis is receding into the background. When planning conception and pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe to future parents the necessary vitamins that are important for the normal development of the baby. Also, the spring season is unfavorable in terms of the incidence of respiratory viral infections. The last, third trimester of pregnancy falls on the season when it is cold and slippery. This is fraught with falls, injuries, unsafe for mom and baby.

The advantages of the winter season include a good production of melatonin in the last trimester of pregnancy, which plays a positive role in the normal falling asleep of the expectant mother and the successful course of the last weeks of pregnancy. In addition, the last months of pregnancy are easier to bear in the cold season than in the summer heat.

Conception in summer - childbirth in spring. Conception in one of the most prosperous period in terms of weather conditions and saturation of the body with vitamins is, of course, favorable for the most vulnerable first trimester of pregnancy. The birth of a baby and the lactation period will take place in the spring season, famous not only for the awakening of life in nature, but also for hypovitaminosis, although both mother and newborn baby need enough vitamins. This can cause a weakening of the body of the baby and the woman in labor.

If conception occurs in winter, then the child will be born in autumn.

Conception in the fall - childbirth in the summer. Autumn is the season when the body is saturated with vitamins, which is favorable for the birth of a new life. However, the autumn slushy transitional period is fraught with an increase in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, repeating the dangers of the winter season. The last trimester of pregnancy falls on long summer days. Due to the long daylight hours, the expectant mother may have problems falling asleep, which are already very typical for this period of pregnancy. In conditions of long daylight hours, the production of the hormone melatonin, which is extremely important for the successful course of the last weeks of pregnancy, also worsens. In addition, in the summer heat, the tendency to edema increases.

For students of expectant mothers, summer is the optimal time of year for childbirth. Enlisting the help of relatives from the beginning of the school year, the student mother will spend the most difficult first months of a baby's life with her baby. This will allow her not to take academic leave and continue her studies without interruption. In addition, warm summer weather eliminates the need to wear heavy clothes, which is already so difficult in the last months of pregnancy due to the significantly increased weight.

Making plans together

Be sure to discuss with your husband the problem of your work: will you work during pregnancy, does your work allow you to solve the problems that inevitably arise during the period of expectation of a child? What is your situation at work: can the management meet you halfway by shortening the working day, letting you go to the doctor, allowing a later start of the working day (which is important if, for example, you need to take tests in the morning), not sending you on business trips, etc. d.? Does your family budget allow for a situation in which the role of the earner falls entirely on the shoulders of the husband? Even if the answers to all these questions are not too comforting - do not despair! From any, even the most difficult situation, there is a way out. Perhaps the state of your health and the course of pregnancy will allow you to avoid all the difficulties described. However, be prepared that, if necessary, work and everything connected with it should be sacrificed - the health of the child is more important!

In order not to be late...

In a series of flashing days, weeks, months, it is sometimes difficult for us to stop and think about the most important and necessary. Therefore, such an important and responsible step - the birth of a child - everything is postponed "until better times": when we finish our studies, get a job, make a career, when we will move to a new apartment when we save money, we will make repairs, when we will deal with all the affairs at work ... Unfortunately, the inexorably running time can play a cruel joke on us, and the joy of motherhood and fatherhood will turn into an unfulfilled dream. Therefore, try to have time to plan and calculate everything, agree on everything and fulfill everything, but remember that in any case, the conception and birth of your baby will occur at the most appropriate and necessary moment of your life! Even if this moment does not coincide with the time of conception calculated by you.

Yulia Lukina,
therapist, Ph.D. honey. Sciences,
researcher at the State Research
center of preventive medicine of Roszdrav, Moscow

Comment on the article "Let's discuss the timing ... When is it better to conceive a child?"

Feeling sad. For some reason, I remembered the moment in the series "Sex and the City", when Charlotte and her husband finished the nursery and did not manage to get pregnant ... Probably, they had read similar articles.
Well, as for planning, it is necessary to get pregnant in a warm way and give birth in the summer, I also read it more than once. Only it doesn’t work out for me for some reason, I get pregnant only in winter, even crack. In general, according to the current life, it is best to give birth in January, so that you can be the first to enroll in the kindergarten in time and not fly by.

I, too, plan to give birth to all the children in the summer, but for some reason they turn out in the winter. Although uncomfortable is a passion like! And doctors bypass a month and the eldest from garden to garden on ice with a baby, but you see such a fate. As for planning a vacation before maternity leave, without even being pregnant, it’s generally funny. According to this logic, it is better not to look for work at the planning stage, so that there is no stress. It turned out that just at the planning stage of the second child, they were laid off at one job, and I got pregnant clearly a month after the placement on a new one. Here is such a perdimonocle. They just didn’t want to give me a vacation according to the schedule, it seems like pregnant women are OBLIGED to take it before maternity leave or after. And what is this vacation if the belly does not fit in a swimsuit or with a 2 month old baby in February? So that the authorities rest like this all their lives

05/23/2009 00:40:27, mom-mommy

I always thought that it’s good to plan and decide everything in advance, but life is not a train schedule :)) It’s funny to hear in which month it’s better to give birth and conceive, you might think it depends on us :))

Total 4 messages .

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Better to have a healthy baby. I have all sorts of children, both winter and spring and autumn ... There were no summer ones. Let's discuss the timing ... When is the best time to conceive a child? In women over 35 years of age, complications during pregnancy are more common, while carrying a baby, they can ...

Girls, good afternoon! Join the planning team. I am 37 years old. I have 2 sons: 18 years old and 4 years old. We want a daughter. A question. Is anyone going to get pregnant according to Anastasia here? And then I got together, looking for an interlocutor.))

As they correctly wrote, it is impossible to conceive a child during fasting, therefore, it will also not work to deduce how fasting affects conception. 03/11/2003 03:46:39 PM, Ilda.

Let's discuss the timing ... When is the best time to conceive a child? 02.07. 2017 22:21:13, Irisha_184. Conception question. Let's discuss the timing ... When is the best time to conceive a child? Conception in winter - childbirth in autumn. Who is having a baby in early June?

I conceived right after all the flus, I didn’t get sick myself, so I’m waiting for the birth in September. I think that it is very convenient, you can immediately start hardening the baby, and not soar him in 30 degree heat. Good luck 07/10/2002 15:06:42, Tanichka. Let's discuss the timing ... When is the best time to conceive a child?

Communication with the child before conception?. Personal impressions. Pregnancy and childbirth. But now I just found out that the soul of a child, even before conception, chooses its parents.

At the end of this week I have "dangerous" days. We want a child for a long time, but somehow everything "didn't work out" - either for money, or for work. Now I have matured completely, otherwise I will never get out of this circle (money, work, business). And then there was the question of alcohol before this important matter. Yesterday was my birthday (damn, it would be better if they were not!). She explained to her husband that she didn’t need to drink, well, in extreme cases - wine. He answered me - that he would drink just a little bit, 100-150 grams, and that's it.

Girls, don't get me wrong, but the ultrasound gave me a slightly different date for the conception of a child. How accurate is this? It is very important!!!

Pregnancy Calendar. Let's discuss the timing ... When is the best time to conceive a child? Yulia Lukina. The choice of time for the conception of a child. Increased immunity, proper nutrition - before conception and in early pregnancy.

When is the best time to get pregnant? This question is increasingly of concern to people, both women and men, who dream of having a child: after all, we no longer classify the idea of ​​family planning as a purely theoretical one. A modern person does not have an overly healthy lifestyle: we take a variety of medications, we are exposed to harmful factors at work, sometimes we allow ourselves some, frankly, excesses in the form of alcohol and nicotine, etc. That is why people are increasingly thinking about planning the continuation of their own kind - in order to protect the unborn child as much as possible from the consequences of all these harmful circumstances, if possible, excluding them from their lives in advance. There are many considerations that influence the choice of the optimal, from the point of view of future parents, time for conceiving (and, accordingly, giving birth) to a child - from general medical to purely personal, and sometimes funny. Let's make a reservation right away: there is no scientifically based ideal time for conception. Moreover, "unplanned" but desired children are healthy, smart and loved no less than "planned". However, we will try to consider those factors that most often influence the choice of time for conception. The choice of the time of conception may be determined by certain medical considerations. Let's list some of them.

Time elapsed since the withdrawal of contraceptives

It is believed that after the abolition of oral contraceptives, as well as after the removal of the intrauterine device, it is desirable to refrain from conception for 2-3 cycles. During this time, the hormonal and vitamin-mineral balance is normalized, which is affected by oral contraceptives, as well as the uterine wall and the activity of the fallopian tubes, which changes under the influence of the IUD, are restored. After the use of pastespermicides, conception can be planned already in the next cycle (pregnancy that occurs against the background of the use of these contraceptives can be complicated by fetal malformations), and barrier contraceptives such as a condom and a diaphragm do not affect the likelihood of conceiving a healthy child at all.

Time elapsed since the birth of the previous child

According to WHO recommendations, at least two years should elapse between childbirth and the conception of the next child. After a caesarean section, the two-year interval must be observed especially strictly. In addition, it should be taken into account that it is desirable to observe a six-month break between the termination of breastfeeding and conception. It is during this period that the female body is fully restored and is able to meet the hardships of the next pregnancy without harmful stress.

Time elapsed since the termination of a previous pregnancy

It is believed that after an interrupted pregnancy - regardless of whether the abortion was spontaneous (miscarriage) or artificial - before the next attempt to conceive a child, you need to wait six months. This time is best used to correct those disorders that led to a miscarriage or were an indication for artificial termination of pregnancy.

cycle day

The magazine "9 MONTHS" has repeatedly said that conception is possible on strictly defined days of the cycle, coinciding in time with ovulation. It would seem that there is nothing to choose from. However, if you are having trouble conceiving a child, it may be wise to ask yourself the question in the first place: “Are we choosing the right time? Are we missing this very ovulation? Usually ovulation occurs two weeks before the next menstrual bleeding (with an ovarian-menstrual cycle of 28 days, the moment of ovulation coincides with its middle), that is, if your cycle is 28-30 days, then the best time to conceive is 14-16 day, however, this date may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the woman. There are a variety of methods for determining the moment of ovulation - from measuring basal temperature (in the morning, without getting out of bed, they measure the temperature in the rectum; the moment it rises indicates ovulation) to a home ovulation test (the test is based on determining the increase in the level of luteinizing hormone). The chances of conceiving a child are highest within 48 hours after a positive home test result. If you really want to conceive a boy or a girl, you need to keep in mind that the sex of the child is determined by the sex chromosome located in the sperm. The life expectancy and motility of spermatozoa carrying different sex chromosomes is different. Spermatozoa carrying the X chromosome (female) remain viable longer in the female genital tract (48-72 hours on average), but are less mobile. Y-spermatozoa (male) are more mobile, but live less (on average 24-36 hours). Therefore, those who want to give birth to a boy without fail can be advised to have sex on the day of ovulation. For couples dreaming of a daughter, it makes sense to indulge in this activity 2-3 days before ovulation, and refrain from sexual relations during ovulation. Of course, it cannot be said that this method gives a 100% guarantee, but following these recommendations somewhat increases the likelihood of having a child of the desired gender.


Of course, everyone has heard such expressions as "early pregnancy" and "late pregnancy" at some time. Apparently, there is a certain golden mean - the age that is optimal for the birth of a child. Indeed, although a woman is capable of childbearing from the moment of puberty (11-12 years) until the extinction of the menstrual function (48-50 years), the ideal age for having a child is considered to be the period from 20 to 35 years. This is due both to the physiological characteristics of the female body (after all, pregnancy is not just the process of carrying a child in the uterus, it is a restructuring of all organs and systems), and to psychological and social factors. Do not forget that, according to statistics, a woman over 35 years of age has an increased risk of having a child with genetic disorders (for example, the probability of having a child with Down syndrome is doubled). For men, this age threshold comes later. Now the world is actively studying the effect of age on the reproductive abilities of men. Although it is too early to talk about the final results, it has been proven that already at the age of 50 in men, the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate, and hence the ability to fertilize, is significantly reduced. Therefore, when thinking about when you would like to conceive a child, take into account the age - both yours and your partner's.


Here you can give different reasoning and arguments. conception of a child autumn it is favorable that the expectant mother meets the hardships of pregnancy rested, her body is saturated with vitamins, strengthened by summer vacation, which, as a rule, implies leaving the city and increasing physical activity. The last, most difficult trimester of pregnancy falls on a pleasant spring period, when there is no longer any need to carry a heavy fur coat, there is no danger of slipping and falling on an ice-crusted sidewalk, but at the same time that exhausting summer heat has not yet begun, which can aggravate the development of preeclampsia second half of pregnancy.

The baby will be born at the end of spring - in the summer, which is good in terms of preventing rickets. There is an opinion that a favorable course of the third trimester is facilitated by a high concentration in the maternal blood of melatonin, a hormone of the pineal gland (pineal gland), which is secreted in the dark. In winter conception, pregnancy is deprived of this advantage, which is undoubtedly present if the child is conceived. spring and his birth is expected in late autumn or winter. Spring conception occurs against the background of a lack of vitamins (therefore, you should consult with your doctor in advance and ask him to choose the appropriate vitamin complex for you). In the summer, the gestation period is not very long, so the season is more likely to favor the course of pregnancy (we have already listed: vitamins, rest, etc.). We have already talked about the main advantage of pregnancy, which ends in autumn - the beginning of winter (increased content of melatonin in the body ). The disadvantages include an increased risk of SARS and influenza, as well as slippery (in winter) streets and the need to wear heavy winter clothes. On the other hand, a baby born in winter, although deprived of the opportunity to walk in the fresh air and receive enough sunlight immediately after birth, is protected from viral diseases (which are not uncommon in winter and early spring) thanks to maternal antibodies that he receives with milk. The same advantage is enjoyed by a child conceived winter and born, respectively, in the fall. Winter conception also needs to be “fortified” beforehand. Some inconvenience can be delivered by the hot summer months that fall in the second half of pregnancy (the likelihood of a more severe course of late preeclampsia). Summer conception is favored by an abundance of natural vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy, while the last months fall at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, when the dark time of the day is still very long, and, consequently, the melatonin content in the body is high. True, at this time it can still be slippery on the streets, the likelihood of influenza and SARS epidemics remains. But the newborn baby will enjoy the spring sun (a natural prevention of rickets), and summer fruits and vegetables will saturate mother's milk with vitamins.

It is possible that we have lost sight of some considerations about the pros and cons of a particular season in terms of conception. However, we hope that the very principle of constructing an argument is clear to you, just as it is clear that it is very difficult to choose the ideal time. However, in our opinion, the best time for conception is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn (the birth of a child occurs at the end of spring - the beginning of summer).


Of course, the listed factors are far from exhausting the entire set of arguments that guide couples planning to conceive. Sometimes career considerations come to the fore (“I’m only at the beginning of my journey, I have such prospects, I’ll achieve this and that, then I can think about a child”), material opportunities (“a child is so expensive, Let's earn extra money, and then ... "). Someone certainly wants his child to be born under a certain zodiac sign and carefully calculates the time of conception based on the desired time of birth. There are times when parents dream that the birth of their child will coincide (or in no case coincide) with some holiday or birthday of one of the older children or other family members. Sometimes a future dad (or expectant mother), whose birthday falls in the summer months, having "suffered" in childhood from the inability to share this holiday with school friends (after all, everyone leaves in the summer), seeks to save his child from such a fate and plans conception accordingly ... In general - compare, weigh the pros and cons, plan! In conclusion, I just want to remind you once again: no matter what considerations you are guided by when planning the time of conceiving a child, do not forget about the need to undergo a medical examination before pregnancy(it is necessary for both future parents): agree, parents must be sure that they have done everything possible so that their baby is born healthy!

If a woman realized that she was ready for motherhood, and it was decided at a family council with her husband that it was time to have a baby, couples often wonder when it is better to conceive a child. There are many methods to help determine which days are favorable for conception: calendar and vaginal, test or ultrasound, folk methods or a special calculator. A fairly common technique is the calendar of conception of a child, which will have to be kept for about three months.

Every parent wants the future baby to be healthy and smart, so spouses often plan in advance, choosing the best time to conceive a child. And often this is not just a favorable period for conception, but also a complex of other factors. The issue of pregnancy requires a responsible approach. Sometimes even the best time of the year matters.

Attention! Scientists have proven that mothers who give birth to their first baby before the age of 22 have a minimal risk of developing breast cancer.

Experts consider the 20-26-year period to be the optimal female age when it is better to conceive a child. This is the most suitable period for the appearance of the first baby, because the first birth at the age of 30 can be complicated by unforeseen deviations. And at the age of 20, it is much easier for the body to recover from childbirth, the duration of the postpartum period at this age is shorter and it proceeds much easier.

Regarding the season when it is better to conceive a child, there are no generally accepted standards. Each season has its pros and cons, so the choice of which month is best to conceive a child is up to future parents. If fertilization occurs in the summer, then childbirth will occur in the spring months, when the woman experiences beriberi and cold attacks, and the last months of pregnancy, when the body will increase the most, will fall during the frost period. Therefore, the calculation should be made taking into account that you need warm clothes of a larger size, because it is necessary for a pregnant woman to walk in the fresh air. And when walking, you will have to take into account the presence of ice, which is dangerous by falling. Therefore, these months are not the most favorable time for the last trimester.

If the date of conception of a child is calculated for the fall, then the birth will take place in the summer months. The disadvantage of such a pregnancy is the tense first months, when mommy needs to beware of colds and taking medications that negatively affect fetal development. But there is a certain plus in such a pregnancy: the baby will be born in the summer, so you don’t have to wrap the baby in a bunch of clothes and constantly worry about how well he is dressed.

How is the process of conception

In order to correctly calculate the best days for conceiving a child, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the process of conception in more detail - how it happens, phases, etc. Conventionally, experts divide the process of conception into several cycles: ovulation, fertilization and transportation of the fertilized egg to the uterine cavity for fixation. A mature egg is required for ovulation to occur. In order for it to ripen successfully, you need the effect of FSH, and for its safe release - luteinizing hormone.

With a normal hormonal status in the middle of the cycle, a mature female cell leaves the ovary, that is, an ovulatory process takes place, after which, as a rule, the cell is sent to the uterine cavity. The whole process takes several hours, therefore, in order to catch a moment favorable for pregnancy, it is necessary that the sperm is already in the uterus or tube when the egg moves through it. After the release of seminal fluid, sperm can live in the uterus and tubes for another 2-3 days. It turns out that every month a woman during ovulation has the most favorable days for conceiving a child. The duration of these favorable days is about 72 hours.

So, the ovulation period has passed and the sperm has met with the cell. But in order to become pregnant, the penetration of the spermatozoon through the cell membrane must occur. A group of sperm dissolves this membrane and only one penetrates inside, after which the sperm combines with the cell and a zygote is formed, which begins to rapidly divide into many cells that combine into a cavity with a liquid and an embryo inside. All these processes take place while the cell is implanted in the uterine cavity, in order to gain a foothold in it later. Usually implantation occurs on the 20-22nd day of the cycle. After fixing, we can assume that the conception has happened.

How to determine the optimal date of conception

Favorable for the conception of a child, sexual intercourse committed just before the start of the ovulatory process, so that the sperm have enough time to get to the cell. If you correctly calculate the date of conception, then pregnancy is sure to happen. If you accurately calculate at what time the cell is released, and actively carry out sexual acts on these days, then the chances of pregnancy will be maximum. How to determine favorable days for conception?

How to calculate the optimal day for conception? It is necessary to accurately determine the ovulatory period. Since the cell lives only half a day, sexual intimacy a day or two before ovulation is more preferable than after it. After all, sperm need some time to get to the right place. The best way to calculate the day of ovulation, according to most women, is based on measurements in the basal temperature chart and performing special ovulatory tests. In order to accurately calculate the due date for conception, a woman is recommended to keep a basal chart for at least three cycles, determining the exact days of ovulation. Using the data obtained, you can make a calendar for the conception of a child and calculate the optimal days for this.

Conception calendar - what is it?

You can make a calendar yourself or use an online application that also quite accurately allows you to identify dangerous days for women who do not want to get pregnant or favorable days for those who are especially expecting a baby. To roughly imagine the work of such a program, which performs calculations, determining the safe days for conception, the time of ovulation and the best days for pregnancy, let's get acquainted with the factors on the basis of which it was created.

In almost all women, ovulatory processes occur approximately in the middle of the cycle. The online program makes calculations, revealing the middle of the cycle, and based on the calculated result, determines the favorable and dangerous days for pregnancy. The program also takes into account that fertilization cannot occur at the end of the cycle and during menstruation. These days are considered safe. Such calculators help to determine on what days the next ovulation will occur, menstruation will begin, etc.

In order to calculate the time of the release of a mature cell according to the conception calendar, you just need to enter data on the last menstruation and the duration of the cycle. The calculator will give results by date of conception, ovulation, when a woman has a good chance of pregnancy, and when having sex will not lead to conception. It cannot be argued that the results issued are impeccably accurate, but they allow us to roughly determine dangerous and safe days for fertilization. The conception of a child on the calendar can be calculated a year in advance, then it will be easier for a woman to navigate when to plan protected or unprotected sexual relationships, depending on the ultimate goal. Such calendars are quite easy to use, they often have certain days painted in the right colors, which greatly simplifies the work with the program. Using calendar data, you do not have to look for how to calculate the date of ovulation or conception.

Is it possible to calculate the gender of the baby

Different parents approach pregnancy planning in different ways, some are glad that the long-awaited conception happened at all, and for some it is important what gender the children will be born. The conception calendar can even calculate the days when the time is most favorable for conceiving a daughter or son. Such calculations have a completely logical explanation.

  • Spermatozoa containing the male chromosome set are nimble, they move faster and are more active. But such sperm live much less than "tadpoles" with a female chromosome set.
  • If sexual intimacy took place during the ovulatory period (with a 28-day cycle, approximately 14 days before the expected start of the next menstruation), then the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases for the spouses. If the couple really wants to give birth to a girl, then sexual contact is recommended to be made a couple of days earlier.

But such a rule, unfortunately, does not always work. The fact is that today it is very difficult to find absolutely healthy people, each of the future parents has some kind of health disorder, including reproductive. All this affects the speed of spermatozoa. If a partner has an acid-base imbalance in organic structures, in particular in the reproductive system, or her cervical and vaginal secretion, under the influence of pathological factors, has changed its composition to be more aggressive for spermatozoa, then their motor activity can seriously decrease. Also, "zipper" lose their rate of fire if a man is in a state of severe physical fatigue.

So, the time favorable for the desired pregnancy is determined, the spouses are ready, it seems that they did everything right, but conception still did not happen. To increase the chances of successful fertilization, it is recommended to follow some tips.

Men should avoid hot baths, steam rooms and baths, because excessive heat can have a deplorable effect on spermatozoa and simply destroy them. It is also better for expectant fathers to avoid riding and cycling, which is associated with a negative effect on sperm from constant rubbing of the scrotum. The intake of various kinds of steroid drugs, various stimulants for building muscle mass and other pills that bodybuilders are fond of today is categorically excluded. You will have to refuse to take them at least six months before the planned conception.

There are also restrictions for women. It is better to give up various attributes for sex, such as stimulating lubricants and creams, because such products often change the vaginal environment, which leads to the death of spermatozoa. Any douching can have a similar effect, so it is also better to refuse them while trying to conceive. The position also matters, for example, with a missionary position, sperm loss will be minimal, but penetration into the vagina, on the contrary, will be maximum. And to consolidate the effect of the partner, it is better to lie down a little on the stomach after sex.

As you can see, the favorable time for conception depends on many factors that must be taken into account. Therefore, planning a pregnancy requires the most serious and responsible approach, then you will get exactly the results that you have been waiting for so long.

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