The scenario of the New Year's party based on the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" for children of senior preschool age. Scenario of the New Year's performance "in the footsteps of the snow queen"

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Annotation. Scenario new year holiday in preparatory group kindergarten. The group is attended by children with disabilities (HIA), children have severe speech disorders.

Scenario " The Snow Queen» (based on the work of the same name G.H. Andersen). Actors are both children, namely: the Snow Queen, Kai, Gerda, Old Woman, Troll, Crow, First Dove, Second Dove, Little Robber, and adults: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Leading. Children participate in dance performances.

Purpose of the event: creating conditions for the creative self-expression of pupils by including them in theatrical and dance activities.

Event objectives:

  • develop intonational expressiveness in children through the performance of roles;
  • to cultivate correct, loud, expressive, clear speech through participation in theatrical productions, learning poetic texts;
  • develop the ability to express their feelings and emotions through dialogical speech the ability to listen to the interlocutor;
  • develop coordination, auditory perception, smooth, expressive movements through the participation of pupils in dance performances.

Forms of organization of children's activities: motor (dance), speech, musical.

Event progress

guests meets Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: Hello!

I dreamed all year
How will it come New Year,
And around the elegant Christmas tree
We will spin a round dance.

Leading. Snow Maiden, why are you alone? Where is Santa Claus? The children prepared a fairy tale for him.

Snow Maiden. Delayed, Santa Claus. He has a cartload of gifts. Let's call him all together "Where are you, Grandfather Frost?"

(Children repeat in chorus).

Father Frost.(Enters out of breath.) I'm coming, I'm coming, guys. I met animals, I had to treat them.

Looks at the Christmas tree, it has extinguished lights.

Father Frost. You have to light the tree. Come on together, come on together, one, two, three, burn the Christmas tree. (The Christmas tree begins to sparkle with multi-colored lights).

Leading. Grandfather Frost, sit comfortably on your ice throne. Our guys will show you the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen. Do you know who the Snow Queen is?

Father Frost. Heard about this one.

Where are the eternal ice floes and the cold all around
The queen lives in a complex palace.
Whoever pleases her is in her halls,
Forgetting everything, she lives with her.

Mysterious music sounds.


We got into a fairy tale with you
And so the wind howled
The blizzard played.
Kai and Gerda are around here somewhere
What fairy tale did you know?

Children."The Snow Queen".

Leading. Let's see what happened in our fairy tale.

Kai and Gerda come out.

Where is my sled, Gerda?
I'm going for a walk.

Gerda. Don't go far. Ride only where we always walk.

They go behind the tree.

Troll. My wonderful mirror, what will you show me? Yes, this kid Kai, who always obeys his named sister. Why are you alone? ( Meditates). Now I'll break my mirror, let the pieces scatter in the wind. ( Gloating. Breaks the mirror, saying).

Fly with the wind, let the blizzard carry you away.
I want you to fly in circles.
That stupid boy named Kai
He left his named sister, now get it.

Kai appears, covers one eye with his palm and screams.

Kai. Oops, something got in my eye. Where I am?

He looks around, trying to figure out where he is.

Dance of the Blizzard with Snowflakes.

The Snow Queen sits on a throne, Kai plays next to her.

The Snow Queen. Now the boy will live with me, I think he will like it. ( Go behind the tree).

Gerda. Is Kai missing for a long time? Where is he? I'll go look. ( leaving).

Dance of flowers. Their owner comes out.

Old lady.

My flowers are beautiful
Everything makes me happy
And my happy days
They don't pass in vain.


Where am I
Such beauty all around.
I wonder if Kai is hiding here?

Old lady. What lovely creature has visited me?

Gerda. I'm looking for my sworn brother, Kai. Have you seen him by any chance?

Old lady. Stay with me, and you and I will definitely find your brother. (He combs her hair with a magic comb).

Gerda falls asleep, waking up, she sees flowers near her, depicted by other children. Starts looking at them.

Gerda. Strange, there is a missing flower.

He sees the old woman's hat, examines it, finds a rose.

Gerda. What am I doing here? I have to look for my sworn brother. ( Runs away).

Gerda encounters a raven.

Crow. Who you are?

Gerda. Hello, I'm looking for my named brother Kai. Have you seen him by any chance?

Crow. What does he look like?

Gerda. A blond boy with a sled over his shoulders.

Crow. Maybe he is, then he lives in a palace with a princess and he is now a prince.

Gerda. How about a princess?

Crow. The princess is tired of being alone, and she took your brother as her husband. I'll take you to the palace and you'll see if it's him or not.

Gerda and Raven exit.

Gerda. Yes, this is not my Kai. We need to go further in search of him.

Dance of the robbers and the little robber.

Gerda and the little robber meet.

Little robber. What a girl! I like her and will play with me! ( Pinching her and touching her hair).

Gerda. I'm looking for my sworn brother Kai. Have you seen him by any chance?

Little robber. Let's go to my house, I'll show my deer and pigeons, maybe they know something.

The little robber girl and Gerda enter the house.

First dove. The news has come to us from afar. What are you looking for, right?

Gerda. Yes, yes.

Second dove. He is in a carriage seated next to the Snow Queen

He quickly darted off into the distance.
Where is he now? Here is sadness.

First dove.

Don't be sad, we know
Where to look for it
But you, go on a long journey.
That Lapland is a cold and distant country.
Under the eternal ice, snow, she
Gloomy, majestic and very snowy.

Little robber.

Take my deer
May it kill you soon.
You will get on it
To the realm of the Snow Queen.
But in return, leave me the muff.
I'll give you mittens, warm up and go.
Don't freeze, be brave!

Gerda ends up in the Snow Queen's palace, pretending to be very cold, barefoot and without mittens. She sees Kai sitting and playing.

Gerda. Kai! My dear Kai! Finally I found you!

Kai sits with a deadpan look, looks around. Gerda hugs her named brother. Kai shudders, clutching at his heart.

Gerda! My darling!
Where were you?
Where have I been? ( He looks around in surprise).
Who has bewitched me? ( Hugs Gerda tightly. They, holding hands, go out of the ice halls. A little robber comes forward.)

Little robber.

Oh you tramp!
How so
Neither a dream nor a spirit describe,
Rushed off to the end of the world?
Suddenly Gerda set off after you.
Love and kindness are with her here.
Appreciate it, do not forget and know
Always help as you can.
And I have to go, my friends!
And we will leave by different roads, and that fairy tale will end.
Who listened well done!

The little robber, Kai and Gerda bow and go behind the Christmas tree.


After all, this is a fairy tale, there is a hint in it,
Friends are near
You're not alone.
Trouble will pass us by
When friends are always with you.
Love and kindness is stronger
Any evil force.

The music from the movie “My sweet and gentle beast” sounds, the children stand in pairs and dance the waltz.

Father Frost.

Well, my friends, it's time
Stayed here for a long time not in vain.
A good fairy tale, of course, was shown to me.
Crying, I leave again on the road.
In the country where all the blizzards, terrible colds flew.
Snow always lies in a layer ...
Where is my Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden.

Here I am, Santa Claus.
You have a cartload of gifts.
You forgot about gifts.
Why didn't you treat the guys?

Father Frost.

Oh, and, really, I, friends,
He came to you with gifts, and shed a little tears.
The story is pretty good
Gerda is a glorious soul.
Didn't let my brother
Kayu stay alone.
Goodbye, kids
Happy New Year, everyone, friends!

Santa Claus treats everyone with his gifts, bows, leaves.

Larisa Ruban

Children enter the hall to the music, stand near Christmas tree.

Vedas: With songs and laughter

Everyone ran into the hall

And everyone saw a forest guest

Tall, beautiful, green and slender,

It glows with different lights.

Isn't she a beauty?

Do you all like the tree?

This holiday has been long awaited.

Haven't seen each other for a whole year

Sing, ring under the tree

New Year's round dance!

A round dance song is performed about the new year ___

1reb: She was going to us for a holiday for a whole year

The green beauty of the forests.

Then quietly dressed up in the hall,

And now her outfit is ready.

2 children: We all admire the Christmas tree today,

She gives us a wonderful aroma,

And the most the best holiday New Year

Comes with her to kindergarten!

3rd child: When sparklers shine

When crackers are heard thunder

Happy new year everyone, happy new year!

And we will sing at the feast at the Christmas tree!

A round dance song about a Christmas tree is performed

Children sit on chairs. Under a gentle melody, the Snow Maiden enters

Snow: A snowstorm knitted me a white hat for the New Year.

A blizzard of felt boots felled from fluffy snowball.

I love frosty frost

I can't live without cold.

Santa Claus chose me name:

I am the Snow Maiden, friends!

How beautiful this room is!

How elegant, you are friends.

Did you invite Santa Claus?

It's time for us to call him!

Guys, Santa Claus is very close, you only need him

call. Let's call together his:

Santa Claus come to us

Light a wonderful Christmas tree!

Children's name is Santa Claus. They look out the window. Santa Claus hurries to the children!

Father Frost: Wow! Finally! Hello guys!

Hello my granddaughter!

Hello my friends!

What are you guys and savvy people!

It's good that I'm celebrating the new year with you!

Snow: Santa Claus, look!

The lights on the Christmas tree do not burn!

D.M.: We will fix this trouble!

Let's make the Christmas tree shine!

Come on baby, come on

Play with lights!

Let's say together: One two Three! Our tree is on fire!

Children repeat the words in chorus, the lights on the Christmas tree light up.

Snow: Santa Claus, you are a magician!

The Christmas tree instantly disenchanted!

D.M.: Eh! Doing good is nice!

Opening this ball

Let's continue the holiday

Sing and dance together!

Children stand in a round dance around the Christmas tree. 2.

Reb.: Who is in an elegant warm coat

With a long white beard

Comes to visit in the new year

And ruddy, and gray-haired?

Reb.: He plays with us, dances,

With him, the holiday is more fun!

Santa Claus on our Christmas tree

The most important of the guests!

Singing a song about Santa Claus

Playing with Santa Claus___

Children sit on chairs.

Reb.: At the holiday we will dance from the heart,

Let's sing our favorite songs!

And with Santa Claus we will conjure a little,

And in let's get his fairy tale!

Reb.: A in a fairy tale awaits us New Year's miracle ,

We will meet new friends there!

And the fairy tree is our friend

Fulfill wishes children!

Snow.: New Year's comes to us at night

A whole world of mysterious wonders.

Follow me in fairy tale takes us away,

In the kingdom far away and in the forest.

D. M .: Now to our doorstep

The wizard approached - New Year!

Hear! Unknown road

Story walking lightly!

The light goes out. Sounds of disturbing music and the howl of a blizzard. The ball is turned on.

Flies into the hall circling The Snow Queen.

sn. K .: In the kingdom of the distant, in the kingdom of white

Among the snow, among the ice.

I live like queen,

Cold is my only companion!

Snow sparkles, snow sparkles

Making me happy with beauty.

It will never melt

Even in summer and spring.

Ice blocks decorate the castle,

How the crystals ring.

And transparent icicles,

It's so nicely cold!

It's cold everywhere in my house,

I own the realm of ice.

And everywhere snowflakes are circling,

Spin, spin and fly!

A dance is being performed « Snowflakes»

sn. K: I Queen of the country,

Where there is neither sun nor spring,

Where all year round the blizzard is blowing.

Where there is only snow and ice everywhere.

Silence, I love peace

Noise and fun can not stand.

I've been waiting for you since the beginning of the day.

Nobody remembered me.

Well, I don't hold grudges

But I'll give you a surprise!

Howl blizzards! Fall snow!

Rush into the distance, blizzards!

Dress up in the white fur of centuries-old fir trees!

Everywhere I look

Will be in ice captivity

Forever! And from now on all of you

In the realm Snow Queen!

Snow: Guys, don't look at Snow Queen! Close your eyes!

Children close their eyes and only Santa Claus did not have time to hide from view Snow Queen! The Snow Queen with a chilling laugh flies out of the room.

Snow: Guys, everything is in place, no one was hurt? Well, good! I think none The Snow Queen can't spoil us fun party New Year!

Santa Claus sits frowning, shriveled and grumbles under his breath.

D.M.: Why did the people gather here?

What kind of holiday is the New Year?

The tree is so scary

Yes, and you are here, who are you?

Snow: Grandpa, it's me!

Your granddaughter Snow Maiden!

We came to the guys for the holiday

Laughter and joy brought!

D. M .: Joy ... laughter. but for whom?

Not! I don't remember anything!

Children are evil, to be honest,

I'm not interested in you.

I'm leaving for Queen

There I will be in business!

Bye everyone! Goodbye, friends!

And get away from me!

Santa Claus is leaving. The Snow Maiden finds a piece of heart near the Christmas tree.

Snow: Guys, that's the trouble, so trouble! I overlooked! Saved you, and grandfather from evil spells The Snow Queen did not save. froze kind heart Santa Claus is insidious Queen. That's just a small part of his hot heart remained. How can the guys be, tell me!

Children suggest what to do in this situation.

To continue the holiday

We need to find Santa Claus.

Bring back his big heart

To disenchant from evil spells.

Guys, can you help me find Santa Claus?

Well, then on the road!

The Snow Maiden goes backstage. The flower fairy comes out.

Flower Fairy:

AT endless forests. Somewhere in the realm of Morpheus,

In the land where your dreams come true

I live serenely Flowers bright Fairy

(The one that fills flowers with love)

In the morning I wash myself with crystal dew,

In the evening, the moon shone with a smile on me.

And the wind, captivated by my beauty,

He sang songs and gave bouquets of rainbows.

And, listening to songs about distant wanderings,

About wonderful worlds where there is winter,

Sometimes I got a little sad

And I myself believe in a wonderful miracle.

The Snow Maiden enters.

F. Ts .: Whom are you looking for, young lady?

Snow: Have you seen Santa Claus?

F.C.: what strange things are you tell. It's always summer in my garden, it's always warm and roses are always blooming.

Dance of the Flowers is performed.

One of the butterflies gives the Snow Maidens a piece of heart.

Snow: Thank you, beautiful creatures! Thank you for the warmth and shelter good flower fairy! And it's time for us guys to hit the road!

The Snow Maiden goes backstage. Under the minuet, the Prince and Princess come out.

After the dance sketch, the Snow Maiden comes out.


Where are you from, beautiful creature?

Prince: Where are you going, how long ago and why?

Oh yes, I forgot, let me introduce myself,

Prince, royal son and meanwhile

Tell your story.


Quietly in my ear in order

So that the guards do not hear her,

Just in case, not much.

Oh, yes, curtsy - Princess!

My prince, he is crazy about us.

You pass and do not stand still,

Tell us everything in order yourself.

I'm glad to meet you, believe me.

I thought you had Santa Claus.

He's not here! And now what should I do?

I don't know where to look for it now.


How sad is everything you talk about told.

How I want to help you now.

I will call my friends, they will help,

Maybe someone can give some good advice!

Children sing a song fairy tale, miracles___


You sincerely touched the Snow Maiden.

We are full of sympathy for you now.

You are well done! Here's a piece of your heart

Frost must be saved!


Snow Maiden, drive more boldly now.

Now, perhaps, every hour is precious.

May your courage be with you along the way.

And may luck not leave you.

The Snow Maiden goes backstage, the prince and the princess also leave the hall. Robbery music sounds.


Hey! Who draws me there as an angel?

After all, I don’t give a damn about evil and good.

All I'm seriously interested in

Diamonds, gold, silver! 7.

The dance of the robbers is performed.

the robber profession is dashing.

I don’t know a better craft since childhood.

I'll whistle a little, I'll scare anyone in an instant.

Rob, rob, whatever.

And there is no need to work.

Everything can be obtained with a pistol.

Let only someone go through the forest.

Let's leave it alive, okay, so be it.

But everything that you are now carrying with you,

We will take away from you, and all the cases.

Not life but story. No care.

And there is no better craft in the world.

The Snow Maiden enters. Robbers surround the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden:

Dear robbers!

With the guys we are looking for Santa Claus.

He is friend children He is kind, the best.

Captured by The Queen of the Snow he suffers,

And we suffer here, there is no salvation.


How touching that you said,

And you the story pissed me off.

I have no family, no brothers.

Robbers - here you are my family.

1 time: I heard everything, how insulting I am,

Nobody misses me like that.

2 times: you are offended, but I am so very ashamed.

What have I traded my life for...

3 times: We so want to be loved.

Hey, Ataman, take pity on the Snow Maiden.

You let go and give a piece of heart

And we will play with the guys as soon as possible!

Ataman of robbers conducts an outdoor game ___

After the game, the robber leaves. The Snow Maiden connects the particles of the heart and it begins to beat.

Snow Maiden.

Guys, we have collected all the pieces of the good heart of Santa Claus. It beats again. And it tells me what the hell The Snow Queen is very close! But last way most dangerous! Are you not afraid? Then follow me, and the heart will show us the way.

Children and adults go to the theater hall - to the kingdom snow queen. The curtain is closed. The ball is spinning.

A dance sketch of the Trolls is being performed

The curtain opens to the howl of the wind. The Snow Queen sits on a throne, Santa Claus sits on an ice floe and lays out words from ice floes.

The Snow Queen:

I ice kingdom queen.

I am the mistress of snow, blizzards, ice.

Who's lucky enough to get here

It will stay here with me forever.

To all I am indifferent and severe.

I'm only afraid of heat and fire.

Well, how is Santa Claus doing? Ready word?

After all, the word "Eternity"-this is happiness for you!

Father Frost:

Silence. You can only hear the snow crunching.

Insensibility and icy eternity.

I do not care. The heart doesn't hurt.

I make a word out of snow "Infinity".

The Snow Queen let Santa Claus go!

S. K: I don't think so! 9.

Snow: Oh yes! Then hold on!

Droplets of the sun run to us soon

You will melt cold ice!

Performing oriental dance

S.K.: Oh, you nasty obnoxious girl!

Why did you bring a ray of sunshine here?

I will instantly turn you into an ice floe!

And I won't leave a trace of you!

The Snow Queen touches the Snow Maiden with her wand. The Snow Maiden takes out a burning heart. Queen reaches out to him.

S.K .: I tried to turn you into an ice floe,

But you managed to distract me so...

And what's in your hands stubborn girl?

It's hot and burns like an oven!

Oh what's wrong with me? I feel like I'm melting

The age of the kingdom of ice has ended.

Another moment ... everything ... I disappear,

And the kingdom disappears after me!

The light goes out. The Snow Queen disappears. At first disturbing music sounds, then the melody of awakening the Snow Maiden gives her heart to Santa Claus. Santa Claus is waking up

Father Frost:

What am I doing here? What are you guys doing here? Where is the fancy tree? Where is the cheerful elegant hall? I don't understand anything!

Children tell Santa Claus what happened.

Well thank you guys. Thank you, granddaughter Snow Maiden! You have disenchanted me! Well, now let's hurry to our Christmas tree, otherwise we have very little time left. And until the clock strikes 12 times, we can work miracles!

Children and heroes go to the festive hall. There they are met by all the heroes fairy tales.

flower fairy: They say, under the new year-

What you don't want -

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true!

Prince: new snow in the new year flew over the beautiful land.

For the planet of people, let it bring the desired peace.

Princess: May kindness reign, defeating deceit and evil,

In the New Year, in the New Year, let the Christmas tree give us warmth.

Rogue: Kindness will always help, kindness will melt the ice,

Together we will all sing a song, Soon, New Years is soon!

Performing New Year's song___

All heroes: Well, now attention, kids!

It's time to give out gifts!

Heroes distribute gifts to children.

Father Frost: We'll say goodbye to each other,

And again we will part for a whole long year.

And a year later, the blizzard will howl again,

And Santa Claus will come again!

Snow Maiden: Just don't forget us at all,

You wait for us - we will come with grandfather.

And meet us again with songs and dances,

And we will bring you the best gifts!

To the sound of the chiming clock, the Heroes leave the hall.

Scenario of the New Year "The Snow Queen"

Description: the presented material is intended for teachers primary school and kindergarten teachers; this fairy tale is accompanied by musical accompaniment, which distinguishes it from the usual New Year's scenarios and gives individuality.
Target: creation of conditions for the disclosure of the creative potential of the personality of students
Tasks: development of communicative abilities of the child's personality;
improvement of speech activity;
the formation of stage performance skills in a large audience.

Characters: Host, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Grandmother, Kai, Gerda, Water and frogs (2 children), Baba Yaga and the hut, Atamansha and robbers (2 children), Deer (child).
(Music "New Year's waltz")

Vedas: A wonderful day is coming
The New Year is coming to us!
Feast of laughter and fun
Fairy tale holiday for children!
How beautiful in our hall,
We called our friends
Our people are having fun.
All: We welcome the new year!
(Exit of the Snow Maiden, Kai, Gerda)

Snow Maiden: Happy new year, happy new year
With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance,
With beads, with crackers,
With new toys!

VED: Congratulations to everyone in the world
We all sincerely wish:
To clap your hands
For feet to stomp
To make children smile
They had fun and laughed.

Snow Maiden: Hold hands tight
Stand in a wide circle
We will sing and dance
Let's welcome the new year!

(round dance " winter song»)
Everyone sits down, the Snow Maiden remains.

Snow Maiden: The blizzard is completely naughty, and the snowflakes are sometimes completely mischievous, they whisper, they whisper to you New Year's fairy tales.
Do you guys like fairy tales?
Well. - 1 -2 - 3 look buddy!!!

(Kai and Gerda run out from behind the Christmas tree, grandmother sits knitting socks)

Kai and Gerda: Grandma, grandma, tell us about the Snow Queen?
Grandmother: About the queen? Far, far beyond the mountains, beyond the snowy deserts, lives this proud, mysterious mistress of icicles and snowflakes! Well, confess, my friends, didn’t you eat icicles on a walk?!

Kai: Grandma, they are so crispy!
Gerda: Here S.K. finds out that you crunch her icicles, how angry with you
Kai: Well, let it be, just think, yes, I’ll put it on a hot stove, only a puddle will remain of it!
The music of a blizzard sounds, the lights go out, the Snow Queen comes out

(The exit of the snow queen)
The Snow Queen: From distant lands I came here
My little Kai, come here.
I lost my way, I don't know the way
Please, boy, take me away! (takes his hand)

In the regions where I live - there eternal ice,
They sparkle like diamonds
And myriad stars twinkle in the darkness...
Do you want to, boy, you visit me?
(The Snow Queen takes the boy away)

Grandmother: Kai, come back, come back my boy. (Lights out)
Gerda: Grandma fell asleep, it's 12, but Kai is still gone.
I'll get dressed and go look for him. (walks around the tree)

Gerda: What should I do, how should I be? Whom should I ask? Where is my poor dear Kai?

(Sits down on a chair, begins to cry. Waterman comes out. Gerda sees Waterman, backs away, as if afraid.)

Gerda: Well, who are you? Answer.

Song of the Waterman with a dance of frogs (2 children)
I am Water, I am Water, someone would talk to me.
And then my girlfriends, leeches, and frogs - fu, what a disgusting thing!

And I want to fly!!

I am Water, I am Water! Nobody hangs out with me.
Inside me is water. Well, what to do with me? Disgusting!
Oh, my life is a tin!!! Well, her in the swamp!
I live like a toadstool, and I can fly, and I can fly,
And I want to fly!!

Water: What are you, a poor girl sitting in a swamp like a frog.
Why did you come here?
Tell me, do me a favor.

Gerda: I'm looking for Kai's brother, and I can't find it in any way.
Maybe you took it out?
Where has my brother gone?
(Gerda starts to cry. The merman strokes Gerda on the head)

Water: And why do you look, cry and worry.
Stay with me, we will make friends with you.
It's warm and damp here in my swamp.
We will have a great apartment for happiness.
(The merman with frogs pulls Gerda into the swamp.)
Gerda: Water, water, I will make friends with you.
There is a treat for a friend, and sweets and cookies.
The merman takes a candy, eats it, treats the frogs.

Water: Okay, for kindness, I'll help you, Gerda.
Your brother is among the snows, among the cold white ice.

In the realm of blizzards and blizzards, you can find him.

(Gerda meets Baba Yaga)
(Screensaver from the film "Morozko" Hut on chicken legs.)

Gerda: Hut, hut, turn your front to me, back to the forest!
(The hut turns, and a young, energetic Baba Yaga appears from there.)

Baba Yaga: How old I am, I don't know.
In a mortar I fly with a broom.
My Teremok is so good
Looks like me in every way
In this chamber of mine
The oven burns brightly.
Teremok on chicken legs!
Grandmother Yozhka is waiting for guests in it

Gerda: Dear baba yaga, help me
Where is my brother, tell me.
I'm looking for my brother everywhere
And I can't find it anyway.

Baba Yaga: Why do you need a brother?
Stay with me.
Let's have fun living here
We will live and not grieve.

Gerda: It's better and warmer here
But my brother is the sweetest.
Where can I find Kai brother? (asks plaintively)

Baba Yaga: Only in the Snow State.
Take care of yourself sister
You can get very cold. (Baba Yaga gives her her scarf)
Be careful on the road, here the robbers are naughty.

Gerda says goodbye and go behind the Christmas tree. A whistle sounds, Atamansha appears.
Song of the Atamansha (to the motive of the song "The Bremen Town Musicians")

(Atamansha sits down, begins to guess.)

Atamansha: Here is the long road, here the gold awaits.
I feel that there is a lot of prey, someone is coming into my hands.
I need to call my dear robbers.
The atamansha rubs her hands, whistles, robbers come running (2 children. Everyone whispers and temporarily hides. Gerda comes out.

Gerda: Dear brother, respond, you will find yourself as soon as possible.
Right me or left? (thinks where to go)

Atamansha: Look what a queen!!!
You will live with my daughter.
Tell bedtime stories.
You can cook porridge for her.
And you can just forget about your brother, about yours.

Atamansha: Hey, you're on the right, and you're on the left, surround the queen. (Atamansha with the robbers bind Gerda)

Gerda: You take what you want, I'm not sorry to give everything.
I am looking for my brother, there is no time to waste.

Atamansha: Shut up. After all, I'm not kidding. I don't like to let go.
Don't cry, I told you, I don't like any tears.
Don't feel sorry for your brother. I'm not joking, I'm serious.
(Waving a pistol in front of Gerda's face)

Atamansha: Your brother to me, what's the matter?
Maybe she wanted it? (showing a gun)
I want to and I will destroy, I love passion to do evil.
Will you help me and protect the deer.
Hey, robbers, go and bring the deer.
(Robbers (children) leave the auditorium)
Deer comes out.

Atamansha: Hey, deer, go quickly, you will meet her.

Deer: I know your trouble, and I will help you.
I saw your brother, it's not easy to get there.
With the queen he went to my Lapland.
Do a good deed, let me go with her.

Atamansha: Come on, quickly shut up, don't knock with your hoof in vain.

Gerda: I beg you, help me, I ask you for help.
You are so kind, even though you are angry with us. (Gerda hugs Atamansha.)

Deer: I will be able to show the way, you have pity, let go.
I will warm her with warmth, well, do not be angry, but help.

Atamansha: What are you all screaming about here, or I'll shoot you.
Can I really be good?
What should I do? How can I be? (children's answer)
Okay, stop shedding tears, let you go, so be it.
There is a coat and a hat. (gives clothes)
I'll give you gloves and some food.

(Atamansha escorts Gerda and Deer. Gerda hugs Atamansha goodbye. Gerda and Deer leave.)

Atamansha: Of course, I'm cruel and evil -
It is not for nothing that I am called Atamansha.
But I'm happy for Gerda, and for Kai -
I almost burst into tears from happiness ... (Atamansha runs away with tears.)

(The noise of a blizzard sounds. Deer comes out again with Gerda.)

Deer: Here is Lapland, go, Kai is already waiting there.

(The deer (child) goes into the auditorium. Gerda looks around, shivering from the cold. Kai enters, begins to lay the word “Eternity” out of the ice.)

Gerda: Kai, my brother, how long have I been looking for you here.

Kai: Get out of here quickly, I write the word "eternity".

Gerda: Didn't you recognize your dear Gerda? How long have I been looking for (takes his hand)

Kai: Let go of my hand.

Gerda: You are an evil nasty boy, how can you do this to me?

Kai: Get away, I told you. Leave. Can't you hear?

(Gerda cries and hugs Kai.)

Kai: What happened? What's wrong with me?

Gerda: Kai, you returned to me.

Kai: What have I been doing here for so long?

Gerda: Lived as if you were in a dream. Kai, let's go home soon, everyone has been waiting for you there.

Kai: Let's run faster, let this life melt away. I don’t want to be in my heart with an ice floe, let the winter go away.
(Gerda and Kai join hands.)

Gerda: You and I are two halves, kindness saved you.

(The noise of the blizzard sounds again. The Snow Queen enters.)

The Snow Queen: How dare you come here to me.
I will not give you Kai, do not ask.
I will turn you into white snow.
And I will leave here for many centuries.

Gerda: Ah, the Snow Queen
After all, you were a little girl!
Haven't you made friends with anyone?
Didn't she love anyone?
In this new year's eve
You alone can help us...
Bring my brother back soon
And in us you will find
Two new friends.

Water: You showed sympathy, Gerda,
And it couldn't be otherwise
Grandmother: You showed a heart of gold -
I was able to melt an icy heart.

Atomansha: Now I know friendship is permanent
And in happiness, and in trouble, call your friends.
Baba Yaga: It is impossible to live without friends in the world,
And it is impossible to live if there is no love in the heart.

Snow Maiden: Let the Snow Queen not be angry,
Cold and anger are not afraid.
We know that kindness and tenderness,
The truth will surely win!

(The clock sounds; enters D, M.)

Santa Claus: Hello my friends!
I am glad to see
All guests and all children.
Happy New Year,
I wish you a snowy winter!
For the sled to roll you,
For you to play snowballs.
To snow blizzards
They sang their songs to you.
So that they are not afraid of frost,
To grow and temper!
And now in the circle of friends
I want to amuse you!

Snow Maiden: We clap our hands
Let's get together in a round dance
So desired has come
Nice holiday.

(Children stand in a circle around the Christmas tree "round dance near the Christmas tree")
Vedas: Oh, the children sang beautifully!
Let's continue the holiday
Let's play with grandpa!

(The game "Transfer the snowdrift" is being held)

Father Frost: You sang and played
They didn't read me poetry
I will sit quietly
I'll take a look at the kids.

Vedas: Grandfather Frost, listen to what poems the children know about winter, about the Christmas tree, about you.
children read poems at the choice of the teacher

Snow Maiden: you played and danced
Singing and reciting poetry
It's time to end the holiday
It's time to leave
We wish you goodbye
Health, happiness, children.

Vedas: And the holiday does not leave us
He goes to your houses,
And will sing and dance again
And Happy New Year?

The scenario of the New Year's holiday based on the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

Author - Lapatina Svetlana Vasilievna, teacher of the extended day group of the MOU Tumskaya secondary school No. 46 branch "Oskinskaya basic comprehensive school"
This material will be useful to educators, counselors, class teachers.
students elementary school.
Purpose of the event: creating a favorable festive atmosphere.
The music “Visiting a fairy tale” sounds, the magician Ole - Lukoye comes out.
Good afternoon! I am a storyteller and magician Ole-Lukoye. In the evening when everyone
the children go to bed, I quietly come to them in the bedroom. I have two
umbrella. One - old, black - I open it over capricious, spoiled, lazy children and they dream of deuces all night, torn
jeans and semolina. And the other umbrella is bright, beautiful. I open it over kind, well-mannered, smart and hardworking children, and they dream of excellent grades, gifts and fairy tales!
Come on, raise your hand, which of you is naughty, quarreling, lazy?
Now raise your hand, which of you is a good student, doing good deeds?
Then I will now open this beautiful umbrella and say magic
words: Umbrella, umbrella turn around, good fairy tale begin! (twirls umbrella)
The music is "The Snow Queen - Kai and Gerda"
Grandmother - Children, sit closer to me, I will tell you a fairy tale. When night falls, the Snow Queen flies through the streets of the city
and looks into the windows of houses.
Gerda"Oh, how scary, isn't it?"
Kai“Are you scared, it’s just a fairy tale. How many sleigh rides
in the farthest dark forest, I did not see any queens or queens there. All my friends know perfectly well that they won't scare me snowman or slide
ice. Even small children are not afraid of this fairy tale, but I already completely
Music sounds. The Snow Queen flies. Throws snow.
I am the queen of the cold! I am the queen of ice!
I am the queen of the snow, I came to you here!
The Snow Queen: I'm dying of boredom in my ice palace and I need little friend. He will stack the pieces of ice, and I will give him the whole world.
Grandmother: But we do not have such boys who will stack ice for you in your ice kingdom.
The Snow Queen: Better don't make me angry, otherwise I'll freeze you all.
The Snow Queen: I liked this boy. He is so quiet and calm. It's obvious that he has a cold heart.
Grandmother: You are mistaken, Madam Queen, and it is time for you to leave
our home.
The Snow Queen: Well, let it be your way. But just let Kai come closer to me, or are you afraid, boy?
Kai: I'm not a coward at all! I'm not afraid of the Snow Queen!
The Snow Queen. Mirror fragments fly behind a row...
They want to make everyone cold and evil!
When a shard is in the heart, laughter stops,
Who with a cold heart will forget everyone!
Kai: Ha-ha-ha! Look, our roses have become ugly and nasty!
Gerda: Kai, what are you, these are our grandmother's favorite roses.
Kai (turns to Gerda): And you, if you cry, I will pull your braid. How did you bore me! I'll run, I'd rather sled
(Kai runs away.)
Gerda and Grandmother (in chorus): Kai, come back, wait!
Music sounds - Boy Kai.
Gerda. Wow, what a blizzard! Where is the road? Where is the forest here?
Can't find my brother Kai. Was with me - and suddenly disappeared.
Poor, poor Kai. Where is this ice kingdom? Where does the Snow Queen live?
The music is "Waltz of the Flowers"
Dance of the Fairy Flowers.
Fairy 1: Who are you looking for, girl?
Gerda: Have you seen the boy with the Snow Queen?
Fairy 2: What strange things you say. It is always summer in our garden, always warm and wonderful roses always bloom.
Fairy 3: Gerda, we haven't seen the Snow Queen, but we know that you can save Kai because you have a good heart. You will have to overcome many difficulties, but do not be discouraged. We will give you a flower - a seven-flower, he
will help you.
Gerda- Petal magic, you fly, fly,
Help me find the Kingdom of the Snow Queen.
Music "Song of the Princess"
The exit of Nesmeyana and the king.
My father built the best palace in the world for me.
There are dolls and marmalade in it, and a favorite is chocolate.
Day and night I eat bananas, nannies guard my every step.
Why is everyone in the kingdom calling me Nesmeyanoy?
Nesmeyana. And why is it cold anyway?
Why frost, why Nesmeyana
Red nose from cold? I rub my cheeks with a mitten,
I'm shedding tears from the cold! BUT...
Tsar. Today, Nesmeyana, is a merry New Year!
And shedding tears for the princess, well, it doesn’t suit at all!
Oh, I have no time to invite guests to the ball,
We need to wipe away the sea of ​​tears.
Gerda: Tsar - father, let me clean everything here, and my friends will help cheer Princess Nesmeyana.
(Children-heroes come out to the music.)
1.Pinocchio: Of course, I am a very strange wooden man.
On land and under water I am looking for a golden key.
I stick my nose everywhere, do you recognize Pinocchio?
2.Malvina: I am a beautiful doll, you know me.
I teach Pinocchio to write from A to Z!
3.Cinderella: Call me Cinderella, I came to congratulate you.
Today at school is a ball, a merry carnival! Riding Hood: I'm wearing a red hat, pies in a basket
I walk to my grandmother along the forest path
If I meet a wolf, I won't cry. I'll call the hunters out loud then.
5.Puss in Boots: Boots and a bright bow, but ready for exploits!
I will tell you without concealment, the best of cats!
I am a cat in boots, in a fairy tale I do not know fear!
6.Musketeer: People know everything around, the musketeer is yours best friend!
My friend the sword always lives with me.
Resourcefulness, courage decide everything!
7. A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,
And there was that girl a little more than a fingernail
Thumbelina slept in a nutshell,
What a girl, how sweet she is.
Nesmeyana - How wonderful! So funny! New Year's Eve, ball, dancing!
Tsar - Thank you guys for making my daughter happy.
Gerda. Tell me how to get into the kingdom of the Snow Queen.
Tsar. She lives far in the North, in Lapland, among the stormy blizzards and
snow. I will order the three fastest horses to be harnessed.
Nesmeyana: And I will give you a warm muff, cape.
Music "Song of the Robbers"
Exit Baba - Yaga and the robbers

They say we are byaki, beeches
How does the earth carry us?
Give me some cards in hand
Fortune telling on the king
Oh, la-la, oh, la-la
Fortune on the king.
Baba - Yaga. - Hey, forest robbers, my fighting friends.
I found a job for you - a girl is riding in a carriage through the forest.
Catch that girl, take away the carriage
Robbers. This is a couple of rubbish. Everyone is ambushed! Wait for the enemies!
(robbers run away from the hall, return with Gerda)
Gerda: Little robbers, please let me go.
Kai will die without me. Do you have friends?
Atamansha. You can, of course, let go. But for ransom.
Gerda. What do you want? Present? Candies?
Rogue 1- Oh, not a word about sweets, since last New Year my teeth hurt.
Rogue 2- And I dream of watching a fairy tale about a ruddy bun.
Gerda. Then let's invite my friends
Music. "Song of the Bun"
To the music, Kolobok runs out from behind the Christmas tree and stops in the center of the hall.
1. I am a cheerful Gingerbread Man, a ruddy side of the Gingerbread Man.
I'm mixed on sour cream, I'm cold on the window,
And today to your Christmas tree, I'm invited guys.
Where are you going buddy?
Kolobok: I'm in a hurry to go to school today.
There will be a happy holiday.
Wolf: I haven't eaten at all since morning.
Kolobok: What are you, grey! Do not rush!
The kids are waiting for us.
Come to the children today
Together we will celebrate the New Year!
Wolf: Well thank you very much!
I will come to the tree.
Bear: Hello, glorious Gingerbread Man!
Where are you going buddy?
Kolobok: I'm in a hurry to go to school
Today the children have a Christmas tree.
Bear: Can I eat you?
Kolobok: Not! My friends are waiting for me!
Come to the children today
Bear - I will definitely come
And I'll bring Mishutka.
squirrels: Hello, glorious Gingerbread Man!
Where are you going buddy?
Kolobok: I'm in a hurry to go to school
Today the children have a Christmas tree.
Come visit the children
We will celebrate the New Year together.
Squirrels - Definitely come
And bring nuts
Hare: Hello, glorious Kolobok!
Where are you going buddy?
Kolobok: I'm in a hurry to go to school
Today the children have a Christmas tree.
Come visit the children
We will celebrate the New Year together.
Hares: We, the bunnies, have not been forgotten,
We were invited to the Christmas tree.
Hares, don't yawn!
Start dancing!
Fox: I'll catch you all now!
Oh, how many hares are here -
I can eat anyone.
Here you are, me, oblique,
And I'll take it home.
Gingerbread Man, Bear, Wolf come out.
Bear: Fox, you release the hare,
We must all visit.
Fox: You, my friends, forgive me ...
Here he is, bunny! Take it!
Kolobok: How, forgive her friends?
Bear: You can't quarrel!
Wolf: Well, you can forgive.
Fox: I will be friends with you.
Kolobok: And now, friends forward -
The Christmas tree is waiting for all of us!
All: Happy New Year
We wish you happiness, friends!
Baba Yaga. Thank you guys. And you, Gerda, I will give you a magic ball.
Gerda - Magic ball, you roll, roll.
Find yourself in the kingdom of the Snow Queen!
Music "Emelya". Emelya exit
1. Wake up, Emelya, your week has come!
Emelya (drowsily). What?
2. Come on, get dressed quickly, get to work!
You don’t sit on the stove - it’s better to go for water!
Emelya (irritated). I don't feel like it!
1. If you don’t go for water, you won’t receive gifts and you won’t dance a fashionable dance.
Emelya (cheerfully). I love gifts! And I love to dance! Give me buckets, I'll run to the well.
Emelya puts on mittens, a hat, takes two planar buckets made of cardboard, and goes to the well. He leans over him, fills buckets of "water" and retreats in amazement. The pike is visible from the bucket.
Emelya. That's the pike! It will make a nice ear!
Pike (voice) Emelya, don't kill me, let me go. I will fulfill any of your desires, you just say: “At the command of the pike, at my will!”
Emelya. Okay, swim on your own
Emelya puts the buckets on the floor near the well.
Emelya. Oh, I don't feel like carrying buckets. At the command of the pike, at my will, go, buckets, home yourself.
Emelya. Ah yes, the pike - did not deceive me!
Well, well, business is time, and fun is an hour
Let's dance now. Dance "New Year's Rhyme"
Gerda. Emelya, Tell me how to get into the realm of the Snow Queen.
Emelya. And you say magic words: By pike command, according to my desire.
Kai and the Snow Queen come out. The Snow Queen sits on the throne and Kai sits on the floor next to her.
Kai. Oh, how quiet, how boring we are.
The Snow Queen. Better than when the noise and din.
Kai. And today is New Year's Eve.
The Snow Queen. No one will come in here with us.
Kai. We will die of longing without songs.
The Snow Queen. Better take care of your throat.
Kai. So we will be sad together?
The Snow Queen. Yes, but we live in peace.
Near the Christmas tree, Kai is sorting through the pieces of ice on the floor, Gerda comes up to him.
Gerda: Kai, honey, it's you!
Kai: Do not disturb me. I have to put together the word "eternity" from the pieces of ice.
Gerda: Why?
Kai: The Snow Queen said so.
Gerda: Kai, I've been looking for you for so long, and you don't even recognize me.
Gerda. Kai! Kai! It's me, Gerda!
I found Kai, but his heart is ice cold. How to melt it?
Guys, let's put the word "friendship"
Kai: Gerda! Why are you crying? How cold it is here.
The Snow Queen. How dare you show up here? I will freeze you with my cold. Only the most ardent friendship can defeat me, and your guys quarrel very often.
Kai, Gerda. Not true!
The Snow Queen. Now let's see if your friends can help you. Here is my magic wand. A simple person can only hold it for one second. If a person holds it longer, he will immediately turn into an ice figure. Now you must pass my wand and not drop it.
Presenter: Guys! Together, Kai and Gerda won't be able to hold this one for long. magic wand Let's help them!
Game "Pass the magic wand"
Children quickly pass the stick to each other.
Snow Queen: Oh, wait, (holding her heart) something hurts here!
The Snow Queen. Ah, from this hot friendship, I just melt ... melt ... melt ....
All the same, children, you managed to defeat me,
They managed to melt all the ice in my heart!
It's time to say goodbye, I'm sorry
I'm in a hurry to go home to the ice kingdom
The Snow Queen "melts" (the light starts flashing and goes out completely for a few seconds, at which time the Queen leaves the hall).
Ole - Lukoye. This is how it is, guys.
In fairy tales, good always wins.
Kai. Friendship will help anyone in trouble,
Gerda. With a devoted friend, nowhere is scary.
Ole - Lukoye. Let's continue the holiday
I propose to call Santa Claus.
Music Santa Claus
Santa Claus. Get up, guys, hurry up in a round dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year with song and dance!
Round dances:“Who is Santa Claus”, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
1. There are many wonderful holidays,
Everyone comes in their turn
But the best holiday in the world
The best holiday is New Year!

2. He comes on a snowy road,
Having swirled snowflakes round dance.
The beauty of the mysterious and strict
Fills the heart of the New Year!

3. He gives us faith in a good case,
On the first day and new turn,
Helps to get better
To all the people of the world New Year!

4. Louder laughter and more joyful hugs,
And flies from all earthly latitudes
Clock chime.
We are all brothers to each other
On the planet holiday - New Year!

5. In the New Year, cheerful laughter,
So much joy for everyone
And on a Christmas tree elegant
Multicolored garlands.

6. Let this year
Will be good for everyone
Let it not be silent
Everywhere children's laughter!

7. Let people be
With an open mind
Let everyone come
Come to us for a big holiday!

8. At midnight, the clock will be heard -
New Year is coming
Wish each other happiness
That minute is coming!
The song "Three White Horses" is performed
Santa Claus. It's time to say goodbye
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,
Nesmeyana. Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids.
Emelya. I wish everyone success in the New Year,
More cheerful, sonorous laughter.
Tsar. More cheerful friends and girlfriends,
So that everyone laughs around with you.
Baba Yaga. We say goodbye to you
It's time to part
Gerda. And in this winter hour
We congratulate you.
All: Happy New Year!

Scene 1 .

Music sounds. Curtain.

On the stage, the Snow Maiden decorates the Christmas tree, sings something, and takes care of the house.

Snow Maiden: Hello dear guys! How glad I am to see you! For a whole year, Santa Claus and I have been waiting for this meeting, preparing. They found the best Christmas tree in the forest, dressed it up, lit the lights. We got the "Book of Fairy Tales", we hope that it will come in handy. After all, the New Year is the most fabulous time when real miracles happen, the most secret desires come true! Well, it looks like everything is ready! Our holiday will begin soon. Let's just wait for Santa Claus. He, as always, has so much work to do on New Year's Eve: to wrap the trees in the forest from cold winds with white snow, to visit the animals, to prepare gifts for the children ... Oh, what am I! It's time to take the ice cream out of the fridge. And you, friends, do not be bored, I will quickly turn around!(runs backstage)

Music sounds - the theme of a snow storm.

An Evil Blizzard appears on the scene.

In the dance, she "enchants" the Christmas tree - extinguishes the lights on the Christmas tree.


The Snow Maiden appears. Carries ice cream on a tray.

Snow Maiden: Well, here comes the ice cream!(puts on the table) Now we will wait for grandfather and start the holiday. And the Christmas tree has been waiting ...(looks at the tree and notices the transformation) Fathers! What's this? What trouble happened? What happened to our Christmas tree? Frozen, frozen, stands all enchanted! Who was here? Whose tricks are these?(The guys may be shouting that the winds have bewitched the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden: Everything is clear, it was not without the intrigues of the Snow Queen! Evil Blizzard - her faithful assistant - will freeze anyone who is objectionable to the Snow Queen. Apparently, the evil sorceress decided to spoil our holiday by freezing our Christmas tree, casting her dark spell on it.

Snow Maiden: What to do? Tell grandpa? He will be upset, old, he will worry. Sorry for him. It is necessary to help the Christmas tree out of trouble. Guys, can you help me? Thank you! Let's go all together to the Snow Queen, demand to disenchant the Christmas tree and return the holiday to us! Do you agree?(Children shout "Yes!") But I don’t know the roads to the Snow Queen’s castle(thinks). But on the other hand, we have a magical "Book of Fairy Tales", and the heroes of all fairy tales live in it, and, for sure, one of them knows the way to the Snow Queen. Guys, who can help us? Which fairy-tale hero has already made a difficult path to the Snow Queen's castle, saved his named brother Kai from the cold captivity of the villainess? Guessed? Of course it's Gerda! She is here to help us! Let's say it all together magic spell so that the "Book of Fairy Tales" will let into our world fairytale heroes. Repeat after me:

The snowflake is dancing

Dancing: one, two, three...

Help us, snowflake,

Open the door to a fairy tale!


Gerda appears from the Book of Fairy Tales.

Gerda: Hello, dear Snow Maiden! Hello dear guys!(Looks at the tree, nods her head) I see that you called me for a reason - the trouble happened.

Snow Maiden: Yes, Gerda, you are right. Look what Evil Blizzard did with our Christmas tree. Standing, poor thing, neither alive nor dead - frozen, enchanted. Apparently, the Snow Queen decided to deprive us of the New Year's holiday. It is necessary to save the Christmas tree, to return the holiday!

Gerda: That's right, the main thing is not to give up and go to the goal! This rule also helped me save Kai. The road to the Snow Queen is not easy. We just need to remember the story.

Snow Maiden: Guys, do you remember the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? (Children: "Yes!")

Gerda: And I'll check it out now. Answer my questions.

Who made a magic mirror, the fragments of which turned people's hearts into ice: an evil troll or a sorceress? (Evil troll)

Where did the shards of the mirror that froze my brother Kai hit: in the eye or in the heart? (both in the eye and in the heart)

Snow Maiden: Well done guys, you know the tale.

Gerda: This knowledge will still be useful to us. Well, it's time to go to the palace of the Snow Queen. Are you not afraid?(Children: "No!") Can you handle it?(Children: "Yes!")

Excellent! Then get up out of your seats! Put your hands up! Stretched! Clap! They stomped their feet! Well done! I see that they are ready to travel. As you remember from the fairy tale, the first obstacle in my way was the river. I crossed it in a boat. So now we are going to sail on the river. Snow Maiden, help!

Snow Maiden: Repeat the movements together!

Music. The curtain closes.

Dance "Along the river"

Let's go to the river! - marching

Waves on the river! - undulating hand movements

And is the water cold? Help your feet in the water! - swing your legs

They splashed water on each other! - swing your arms

We got wet! Grab a towel and dry off! - wave hands

Shake off the towel! Hanged on a rope! - swing your arms

Checking out the river! - hand waves

Checking the direction of the wind! - arms alternately up

The wind is small! - two hands from side to side

Let's get on the boat! Let's take the oars! Rowing! - depict rowing

We row to the right! Left! Right again! Left again!

See if you can see the coast?

Let's look right! Let's look to the left! - visor by hand

Hooray! You can see the coast! Who is standing on the shore. Let's wave to him!

Well done! We row to the shore! Sailed! Clap your hands! Let's sit down!

Scene 2 .

Music "Waltz of the Flowers"

Curtain. The scenery of the magical garden.

From the "Book of Fairy Tales" comes the Fairy of Flowers. She has a basket in her hand.

Flower Fairy: (looks at children) Ah, what glorious flowers grew in my garden!

Snow Maiden: Hello dear Fairy. We are not flowers. My name is Snegurochka, and these are our friends and helpers - boys and girls.

Flower Fairy: Yes, now I see that they are not flowers. It's a pity, with you my garden would be filled with joy and merry laughter. Let me show you my garden, tell you the most beautiful and long story and we will be with you for a long, long, long time(begins to conjure, waving a flower) make each other happy...

The music is louder.

The Flower Fairy begins to dance.

Gerda: Stop! Stop!(music cuts off abruptly). Are you on your own again?(referring to the Flower Fairy) You've already tried to bewitch me once! You wanted me to forget Kai and stay with you in your magical garden.

Flower Fairy: Gerda? Yes, I missed something again. So sometimes you want to talk not only with flowers, but also with pretty kids! Forgive me!

Snow Maiden: Guys, forgive the Flower Fairy! Gerda, do not be offended, I think that the Fairy will help us.

Flower Fairy: Of course I'll help! Are you looking for a way to the Snow Queen's palace?

Gerda: How do you know?

Flower Fairy: Oh, dear child, I'm a fairy! But my magic is good. After all, I sincerely fell in love with Gerda, and therefore I wanted to keep her. But I won't stop you. I know that you are looking for the Snow Queen to remove the evil spell from the New Year tree and return the holiday to the children.

Snow Maiden: All right.

Flower Fairy: But first I ask you to help me.

Gerda: We are happy! Really guys?(Children: "Yes!") How can we help you?

Flower Fairy: Help me plant flowers in my garden. To do this, you need to unite the guys who want to help me into two teams - teams of 5 people each.

Snegurochka and Gerda are recruiting teams.

The Flower Fairy explains the conditions of the game.

Music. Flower planting game.

Fairy of Flowers gives prizes to the participants of the game

Flower Fairy: And I also want to give you this magic wreath(takes out a wreath from the basket). It contains great power. I know that this wreath will come in handy for you!

Snow Maiden: Fairy, come with us! I think your magical powers will be useful to us on the way.

Flower Fairy: Okay, I'm happy!

Music sounds.

The curtain closes.

Snow Maiden: Where are we going next, Gerda?

Gerda: Guys, do you remember where I went next according to the plot of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? (Children answer) Quite right: to the palace where the Prince and Princess live.

Snow Maiden: To the palace? There is also a special etiquette, special ceremonies, special dances!

Gerda: Quite right. They greet each other like that. Girls - ladies-in-waiting, princesses - curtsy. Like this!(shows) And the boys are knights, the princes bow(shows)

Snow Maiden: I think our guys will handle these special ceremonies. Really guys?(Children: "Yes!")

Flower Fairy: Let's make it easy! Let's try. The girls will show themselves first!(referring to children) Get up, girls, in a circle and repeat after me!

Maid of honor dance.

Snow Maiden: Boys, let's clap for our girls. And now the boys will show themselves. Get up, boys, in a circle and repeat the movements after me.

Dance of the knights.

Gerda: Well done boys! Take your seats. What beautiful carnival costumes you have! Let's clap one more time!

Scene 3 .


The curtain opens. Scenery of the royal castle.

From the "Book of Tales" comes the Learned Raven.

Scholar Raven: Karrrr! Hello, r-r-guys! Pr-r-greeting you, dor-r-horny Ger-r-rda! R-r-glad to see you, Snegur-r-rochka! My respect, dear Fairy!

Gerda: Hello, Mr. Scientist Raven! Glad to meet you again!(curtsy)

Snow Maiden: (in curtsy) We greet you!

Flower Fairy: (nods) All the best!

Scholar Raven: I must inform you at the pr-r-ravs of the Chief Counsel of the Cor-r-roles that the Pr-r-rintz and the Pr-r-princess have left the castle and went to the cor-r-role's New Year's Eve ball.

Gerda: What a pity! I would love to talk to them.

Scholar Raven: But I am pr-r-recre-r-very aware of your pr-r-problems. And I'll be happy to help you!

Snow Maiden: Thank you, wise Raven! We need to get to the Snow Queen's chamber. But the road is so hard!

Scholar Raven: Your strength is in knowledge! I'm going to ask you a few questions. Connoisseurs will be encouraged by pr-r-riza. And the questions-r-dews will concern the topic "Horses".

Gerda: I know! coming year 2014 eastern horoscope- the year of the Horse, so the questions will be “horse”!

Scholar Raven: Ver-r-rno! The first, who gives the right answer, will receive the right answer. Snegur-r-rochka, Ger-r-rda, look carefully!

Scientist Raven holds a "Horse Quiz"

Scholar Raven: Well done, r-r-guys! You correctly answered all the questions of viktor-r-dew, therefore you deserved the main cor-r-role gift-r-rock. I can’t give you a cor-r-reta and horses, on them Pr-rints and Pr-r-princess left for the New Year's ball. But I vr-r-entrust you with a magical exercise! With the help of this exercise, you will get to the gr-r-borders of the Snow-Kor-roleva lands.

The scientist Raven gives the Snow Maiden and Gerda a "magic harness" -

an arc with bells and says goodbye to the guys.

The curtain closes.

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's get into the invisible magic sleigh! Let's get in a circle!

Gerda: Are the horses ready? How do horses scream? And-go-go! Together! And-go-go!

Snow Maiden: We beat with hooves! Well done! Now turn around and run in circles!


Dance "Fussy horses"

But! Let's go! - running in chains

Branches ahead! Sit down! - squat movement

Get up!

Branches on the right! - lean to the left

Branches on the left! - lean to the right

Bumps! - jump

Smooth road!

ahead forest dwellers! Let's welcome them!

We wave right hand!

We wave with our left hand!

Let's slow down!

The horses are tired!

Put your hand on the head of the person standing in front, pat on the head, say in unison: “Well done! Good horse!

Gerda: Well done boys! Take your seats. Rest.

Flower Fairy: Yes, we have come a long way.

Snow Maiden: Let's clap for each other!

Scene 4 .


The curtain opens. Scenery of the winter forest.

Snow Maiden: Oh, where are we? Around the forest, silence ...

Gerda: This silence is deceptive.

Flower Fairy : And this forest is not easy.

Gerda: Dashing people live here - ruthless robbers.

Whistle is heard

Snow Maiden: I'm afraid!

Gerda: Began!

Whistling. Music.

The Little Robber runs out of the Book of Fairy Tales.

Little Robber: Caramba! Everyone stay where you are! Money, jewelry, furs - on the barrel! Shooting without warning! Don't ask for mercy!(runs up to the kids) So what do we have? The dress is beautiful - perfect! Just right for me!(to another) Where do we hide our cell phone? Turn out your pockets! Let's live!

Snow Maiden: What are you doing?! Stop pestering children immediately!

Little Robber: And who are you? So, a fur coat, a cap - nothing like that, it will fit me to go hunting! .. Who am I, you ask?(loudly) Ha! Yes, I'm in charge here!(a little quieter) After mom of course! Everything is mine here! The forest is mine, the animals in the forest are mine, the mushroom berries are mine too! And you are all mine now!!!

Gerda: Yes, nothing has changed! You still make a lot of noise, scare, threaten! But you have a good heart!

Little Robber: Who else is this?(sees Gerda) Gerda! My golden friend!(hugs Gerda) How I missed you! It's great to have you around again.(points to the guys) Is this your gang? Good guys! Let's go hunting! We have a great hunt here!

Gerda: Wait, let me say a word! We are not on a walk, Little Robber. Our business is very important. We go to the palace of the Snow Queen. She bewitched our Christmas tree.

Flower Fairy: And without a Christmas tree, what is the New Year? We want to force the villain to return the holiday to us.

Little Robber: Yes, Gerda, it's a serious matter. The Snow Queen is a serious contender. But don't despair. There are many of you, you are a gang, and the Queen is all alone.

Snow Maiden: We are not a gang. We are a friendly and cohesive team

Little Robber: Well, team, so team. Only now help will not hurt anyone, even a friendly team. I will help you defeat the Snow Queen. Yes, it's a quid pro quo!

Gerda: We agree, what's the matter?

Little Robber: Do you know my menagerie? Remember, there were different animals in it: squirrels, hares, chipmunks, there was a wolf, about five foxes.

Gerda: Yes, I remember your animals. And what happened to them?

Little Robber: Yes, run away! My assistant fed the animals, but he forgot to close the cages!

Snow Maiden: So let the animals live in the wild!

Little Robber: So! You know what, you need the Snow Queen?

Snow Maiden: Need!

Little Robber: And I need my animals! I love them very much, I feel sad without them. Yes, and they are used to living in captivity. They don’t know how to get their own food, everyone will die from hunger and cold! We gotta save the animals!

Gerda: And how do we catch them?

Little Robber: With the help of the lasso! It's like a rope with a loop at the end. Throw it around the animal's neck and that's it - it's yours, how cute!!! Okay, I figured it out!

Gerda: Good. How will the guys help you?

Little Robber: I need the most dexterous, the most accurate, the most frisky guys: two teams of 3 people.


Gerda and Snegurochka choose players.

Little Robber: My little animals are these cones, and the lasso is these rings (shows props)The task is : you need to throw a ring on each cone. Each of the guys will have the opportunity to make three throws. A successful hit is one point. The points scored by team members are added up. The team that scored the largest number points, wins! And I won't stand for the award! I will reward the hunters with my prizes!

The Little Robber holds the game "Hunting".

Players receive prizes.

Little Robber: Great! Thank you for your help! Now let's dance!

General dance (disco).

Scene 5


The Snow Queen appears from the central doors.

The Snow Queen: What wild dances? What's that noise? Stop immediately! I love silence and dead peace! Only the sound of the wind and the icy cold! Only white snow and ringing ice!

Little Robber: So, who else is this? What kind of commander is this?!

Snow Maiden: This is the Snow Queen! The one that decided to leave us without a Christmas tree!

The Snow Queen: Snow Maiden? Ha ha ha! How did you end up so far from home, from your old Grandfather? I thought you were sitting there crying bitter tears over your dead ice tree!

Little Robber: Don't you dare hurt my friends! And then you will deal with me! So, the tree, the evil blizzard, the spell - all your tricks, evil witch?

Gerda: Of course her! Only a person with a heart of ice can commit such evil deeds!

The Snow Queen: Gerda? Well, of course! My old friend! And you are a brave girl, since you again decided to come to me!

Gerda: And I'm not afraid of you! And your intrigues are known to all. You only know how to intimidate old women and small children.

Little Robber: Well, everything, she asked for it! Now I am you!...

The Snow Queen: Well, what are you going to do to me? You stupid, weak people! Do you think that without a Christmas tree and shiny tinsel, without Santa Claus and his gifts, the New Year will not come?! Why is it necessary to gather in noisy companies, to sing, shout, dance, laugh? After all, you spend so much mental energy on this!

Flower Fairy: People say how you celebrate the New Year is how you spend it.

Gerda: Therefore, people gather together, have fun, rejoice, sing and dance. After all, no one wants to be sad all alone for a whole year.

Little Robber: Why explain to her! Let's better show how friendly and cheerful, united and mischievous we are! Shall we show guys?(Kids: Yes!) Then together we carry out my commands and shout louder!

The game "Are all friends in this room?"

Then hug

Are all friends in this room? (Children: "Yes!")

Then pinch neighbor on the right, and now the neighbor on the left!

Are all friends in this room? (Children: "Yes!")

Then tickle neighbor on the right, and now the neighbor on the left!

Are all friends in this room? (Children: "Yes!")

Then pull neighbor on the right, and now the neighbor on the left!

Are all friends in this room? (Children: "Yes!")

Then, so that we do not quarrel,

Together shout: "We are friends!" (3 times)

Snow Maiden: Well done boys! Look, Snow Queen, what friendly guys we have!

Gerda: You give one smile, and you get two in return!

Little Robber: You pinch once, and in return they pinch you 2 times!(laughs)

The Snow Queen: (with sadness) I don't know what love, friendship, joy is. All around me is cold, snow and wind. I'm always alone. In my big, beautiful and cold castle there are never guests, I have no friends, no relatives.

Gerda: That's why your heart is so cold! Poor thing! You're just lonely and unhappy!

Snow Maiden: Dear Queen! Let's celebrate this New Year with us?(points to the guys) See how many friends you will have at once!(referring to children) Guys, do you mind?

Flower Fairy: Let's forgive the Snow Queen. And she will unfreeze the Christmas tree and return the holiday to us! Do you agree?(Children: "Yes!")

Little Robber: Agree Queen!

Flower Fairy: And we will give you this beautiful wreath of flowers(takes out a wreath from the basket). It seems to me that it will suit your eyes very much and will make your outfit a little happier and warmer.

The Snow Queen: Oh beautiful wreath! What flowers! White color- my favorite! Do you think I will look prettier?

Little Robber: Well, not as beautiful as me!...

Gerda: (nudges the Robber with his elbow) Don't even hesitate!

The Snow Queen: OK then! Let me try! But only once! I'm not going to be friends with you!

The Flower Fairy helps the Snow Queen put a wreath on her head.


Magic happens - the Snow Queen covers her face with her hands, then takes a deep breath, puts her hands to her heart, her face changes: facial features soften, a smile appears.

The Snow Queen: What's this? Why so hot in the chest? Why do you want to cry so much? Cry and laugh at the same time?

Gerda: It melted the ice in your heart! Now you can see and feel everything ordinary people!

Little Robber: Wow, it worked! E-eh!!!

Snow Maiden: Queen, now you are not snowy at all! You have become kind and gentle, affable and friendly!

The Snow Queen: Yes, I feel it! I want to sing and enjoy life! Let's Dance!(circling)

Snow Maiden: With pleasure! That's just the Christmas tree to defrost!

Gerda: Get rid of your evil spells! And we'll start celebrating!

The Snow Queen: Of course!(turns to tree)


The Snow Queen tries to conjure, but spreads her arms

The Snow Queen : Excuse me, I can't remove the spell.

Snow Maiden and Gerda: (together) How? Why?

Little Robber: What else? Are you brainwashing us again?

The Snow Queen: Not!Apparently, when my heart thawed out, I lost mine. magical abilities! Now I can't unfreeze the Christmas tree! Please forgive me!

The Snow Queen walks from side to side in desperation, almost crying. The little Robber rushes towards her.

Little Robber: Hey hey girlfriend! Why are you spreading dampness here? I can't stand girly tears! Go here! You understand….

The Little Robber hugs the Snow Queen and,

mumbling words of comfort, takes her backstage.

The Flower Fairy leaves with them.

Gerda: All in vain! We have come such a long way, overcome so many obstacles and all in vain! We could not return the Christmas tree to its former beauty! Now our holiday...

Snow Maiden: … It will take place! Never despair! Friends! Guys! We must believe in miracles, especially on New Year's Eve! We forgot about the main New Year's wizard! Guess who it is? Who on New Year's Eve fulfills any wishes?(Children: "Santa Claus!") That's right, Santa Claus!

Gerda: Well, of course! How could we forget about him?! Let's call Santa Claus! He will definitely help us!

Snow Maiden: Guys! I'll ask you a question

You must give me an answer.

Answer only amicably

Choir "YES!" and a loud "NO!"

Santa Claus old man cheerful(children "Yes!")

Likes jokes and jokes?

Knows songs and riddles?

Will he eat all your chocolates?(No!)

Will he light the Christmas tree for the kids?

Wearing shorts and a T-shirt?

Doesn't he age?

Will it keep you warm outside?

Gerda: Cold hands, cold nose!

Who do we need...(children: "Santa Claus!")

Snow Maiden : Let's call together: "Santa Claus!"

Scene 6

The children are called Santa Claus. Music.

Santa Claus enters the hall.

Father Frost: Hello, hello, kids - girls and boys! How glad I am to see you, dear guys! How I missed you! Snow Maiden, granddaughter, what happened? Where did you, fidget, run away from home?

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, I'm sorry, this happened here! Our Christmas tree was frozen by the Snow Queen! Gerda and the guys and I decided to find her and persuade her to remove the spell ...

Gerda : (interrupts) … But they themselves accidentally performed magic, and now the Snow Queen has become kind …

Snow Maiden : (interrupts) … and can't remove the spell from the Christmas tree! We wanted the best, but it turned out ...

Father Frost: (laughs) Hush, hush, hustlers! Nothing terrible happened! Have you made a New Year's Eve trip through a fairy tale? Good! Did you show yourself with the guys as a single friendly team? Excellent! Made friends with the Snow Queen? Well done!

Snow Maiden: And what about the Christmas tree, grandfather?

Father Frost: If you were able to melt the icy heart of the Snow Queen, then it will be easy to unfreeze the Christmas tree. Guys! Let's all make another New Year's miracle together!

Music "Exit D.M."

Winds, storms and snowstorms

Snow covered, flew

They made a round dance.

Fairy tale doors will open!

The staff will knock - Once! Two! Three!( Santa Claus knocks with a staff)

Tree, tree, die!

The general light goes out. Searchlights are lit

Father Frost: Now, guys, help me light the lights on our Christmas tree. Repeat after me:

"Christmas tree, tree, hurry up,

Flash hundreds of lights!

Children repeat in chorus.

Music. The lights on the tree light up.

Father Frost: And now for our Christmas tree

Together we will sing and dance!

All the characters of the fairy tale come out and dance with the guys.

Song "Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Christmas Tree"

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, let's play with the kids!

Father Frost: Great idea granddaughter! What game will we play?

Flower Fairy: Let's play the game "Dress up the Christmas tree". I love everything to be beautiful! Here is my Christmas tree!

He takes out props for the game: an artificial Christmas tree, toys.

Heroes choose 2 teams of 3 people.

The game is played 2 times. Prizes (6+6)

Father Frost: Well done boys! And now please the old man with my favorite song about the beautiful Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: Our tree is amazing!

In her festive dress.

We are you today, tree,

And we will dance and sing!

Music. Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Father Frost: I danced with you now

Lost my mitt!

Snow Maiden: (holds D.M.'s mitten)

Father Frost! Look!

We found the glove!

Come on, show your dexterity

Get the glove!

Gerda : Hey buddy, don't yawn!

Pass the mitt!

Pass it around

Pass it on to each other!


The game "Mitten" is being played

Snow Maiden: Here are the guys! Dexterous what, nimble!

Father Frost: Oh, something I'm tired of! I'm not young anymore to take part in such races!

Scholar Raven: By the way, about jumps. Have you forgotten that the coming year is the Year of the Horse? I r-r-offer the game-r-ru "Christmas Runs"(takes out props - wooden horses on a stick).

Father Frost: Great game! Snegurochka, Gerda, choose players - 2 teams of 3 people.

The game "New Year's Eve". The game is played 3 times

Little Robber: And now, friends, let's dance a fashionable dance! I invite you to a New Year's disco!

Snow Maiden: And you, grandfather, sit, rest, look at the guys!


Children's disco.

Father Frost: New Year - special holiday!

The happiest of all.

Not without dancing

Songs, jokes and fun!

Snow Maiden: Our tree is shining bright!

All the people are having fun!

Great gifts are waiting for you!

Hello, hello New Year!

Little Robber: Santa Claus, and gifts? Forgot about gifts?


The song "Christmas Toys"

Giving gifts to children.

The final. Curtain.

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