Dangerous animals for humans in the forest. The most dangerous animals for humans. The most dangerous snakes - Inland taipan and Egyptian cobra

The king of all life on earth, of course, is a man. But this does not mean that we are not exposed to danger from the world of animals and insects. Meeting one on one with many representatives of an animal and insect species can turn into in the best way. The real threat to human life threatens not only from huge and ferocious wild animals, sometimes the smallest, at first glance, harmless mollusk or frog with a bright bewitching color can cause damage to health much faster and more seriously.

It would be wrong to compile a list of the most dangerous animals based on the number dead people from one or another representative of the fauna. On all continents of the earth, on every piece of land lives different amount of people. For example, in some provinces of India a large number of dead peasants from the bites of poisonous snakes. But it is also known that the snakes in this region are not the most dangerous, just the peasants have to work in the habitats of the crawling reptile. In fairness, the list of the most dangerous should contain precisely those creatures that, under the same conditions and with the same number of people, will cause more harm.

The most big reptile reaching seven meters. The habitat of the crocodile is quite extensive, ranging from eastern India to northern Australia. The second name of the giant predator is the cannibal crocodile. Born hunter and killer Australian crocodile can kill an adult buffalo. Waiting motionless for hours for its prey, the reptile pounces with great speed, leaving it no chance. In nature, there have been many cases when crocodiles attacked a whole group of tourists. If the killer managed to squeeze someone in his vise, it is already impossible to escape. Such a death machine is capable of simultaneously attacking 2-3 people.

They inhabit almost all of Africa, sometimes found in India. An unpredictable animal with powerful paws and huge fangs, used to stay away from people, but just like all other predatory cats, when danger arises, it does not pay attention to the number of enemies. There have been cases when lions, having attacked a person at least once, became cannibals, preferring exclusively human meat. To cope with an embittered, hungry predator is possible only with three or four people.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, it is the most dangerous and poisonous mollusk in the world. Fortunately, over the past 50 years there has been no mention of a person dying from a meeting with a cone. Mollusks living in warm sea ​​waters, if possible, hide in coral reefs. With the help of a sharp spike located in the proboscis, the mollusk not only gets its own food, having previously killed it, but also protects itself from external threats. Nothing will save a person who has taken this deadly weapon in his hands. The toxicity of the poison is so great that one "bite" with a poisonous spike is enough to paralyze and stop the heart at once in 2-3 adults.

This large fish reaches 6 m in length, and the weight can fluctuate around 1.5–2 tons. The most dangerous, cruel and bloodthirsty sea predator is called "white death". It is impossible for a man to escape from this monster. The shark does not bite easily - it snacks. It's not uncommon for me to be hungry White shark, swam close to the shore and attacked people. There is evidence that tells about the same predator, which attacked in different places during the day, dragging several people with it. A meeting with such a fish is especially dangerous because it certainly will not work to swim away from it, therefore, some impotence shown by a person under water gives a toothy shark great advantages.

At first glance, this is a huge lazy animal, calmly and measuredly floundering in the water. But one has only to give the smallest hint that someone is encroaching on its territory - beware. The life of hippos takes place in constant battles with relatives, trying to show their superiority over others. The animal can hardly be blamed for speed and aggression. A rather frisky, three-ton carcass with huge fangs and powerful paws in moments of rage can do a lot of trouble. There were cases when a hippo bite a large crocodile. A huge mouth, opening to the full vertical, can take the life of 3-4 adults at once, and given the partial clouding of the mind with a sense of danger, the female hippo is ready to crush and kill until no one is left around.

African snake, about which many terrible legends have developed. " Black Death” reaches a length of three meters in length, but there are individuals even larger. It hunts both during the day and at night, so the probability of meeting a mamba is very high. Known for its vindictiveness, it can pursue the victim for several hours, while developing speed in open space up to 20 km. One of the most poisonous snakes, mamba, prefers not to hide when meeting a person, she does not try to hiss and show her hostility, but simply attacks, lightning fast and mercilessly. A small amount of poison is enough to kill an elephant. With one bite, the snake injects 50–100 gr. poison, leaving liquid in reserve for another 3-4 bites, while the lethal dose for humans is 30 g. Therefore, the black mamba is capable of killing 3 to 5 people.

The devil from Komodo Island reaches 3.5–4 m in length and weighs more than 100 kg. Predators feed mainly on small animals and rodents, but if hunger makes itself felt strongly, they attack a horse, cow or buffalo. Meeting with the largest lizard can turn out to be rather sad even for large representatives of the animal world. Quick kick tail easily breaks limbs. Seeing that the victim is slightly defeated, the monitor lizard begins a series of deadly bites. In addition to sharp, cutting teeth, its saliva contains a small amount of poison. Fortunately, there are almost no people on the islands where they live. The monitor lizard will never be the first to attack a person, but if he feels a clear danger, then he will go from defense to attack. If you drive a monitor lizard into a corner, in complete desperation, he will be able to cope with 5-6 people.

Ferocious predators, reaching 3 m in length and weighing 1200-1500 kg. Thanks to a special sense of smell and vision, they can see their prey for many kilometers. Fearless, curious thug is very hardy and fast. A well-fed polar bear will never attack a person, but given that this animal is almost always hungry, there have been many cases of sad attacks. Dealing with a bear is difficult, even with a gun, as an angry wounded bear will fight to the last breath. There is a case in history when a downed polar bear tore to pieces three polar explorers, and four more barely managed to escape. It's scary to think, but to cope with such a death machine, you need a lot of strong hands.


Usually, these living "armored vehicles" lead a cautious lifestyle, attacking someone very rarely, trying to avoid conflict by fleeing. But do not provoke the rhinoceros too much. There is a rule among hunters that if the first shot did not kill the rhinoceros, but only wounded, the second is no longer important. A wounded animal turns into an uncontrollable, angry death machine. Stop a 1.5-ton rhino rushing at a speed of 30 km/h. just impossible.

The jellyfish is the shape of a rounded cube, for which it received the second name "box jellyfish". With a small body size of 4–5 cm, the jellyfish has long tentacles about 50 cm long. It is in them that a dangerous poison is located, several times greater than the toxicity of the most poisonous snakes. The main danger lies in the fact that it is almost impossible to see it, since it is absolutely transparent. Unfortunately, due to the widespread habitat of jellyfish in coastal areas northern australia and South-East Asia, the number of human deaths is quite high. In a person stung by a jellyfish wasp, severe burns and unbearable pain which subsequently leads to cardiac arrest. How more jellyfish the faster death occurs. One such individual is able to sting up to 5-6 times, causing a corresponding number of victims.

Lives in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. A small creature with a beautiful bright color, has deadly weapon mass destruction. The main problem is that the bite of an octopus is completely painless and a person does not even suspect that after some 5–10 minutes his body will completely paralyze and lead to respiratory failure. With experiments on rabbits, scientists have found that the poison of one blue-ringed octopus enough to kill 10 adults at once. Unfortunately, antidotes for the terrible and painful death still no.

The best and most courageous hunter on the entire "black continent" is considered to be exactly the person who was able to kill not a lion, or even an elephant, but a ferocious and powerful African buffalo. This animal, absolutely not amenable to any training or domestication, sweeps away everything in its path. Possessing great strength and the will to win, the African buffalo uses all means of defense and attack in battle - horns, hooves, teeth. The buffalo is used to fighting to the last. Until he falls dead, he will pursue the offender. On the continent they have heard about the cunning of the beast, leaving the hunter with a gun, he makes a loop and strikes from the rear. The growth of a buffalo reaches 2 m with a body length of 3–4 m, and the weight of individual individuals reaches a ton. An angry buffalo terrifies even hungry lions. If he finds himself among a crowd of people, a huge number of victims cannot be avoided.

One of the smartest mammals on the planet. Huge, heavy and strong animals often cause positive feelings. Many representatives of this species are actually kind and obedient, easy to train. But there have been cases when a five-ton giant begins to show unjustified aggression. At such a moment, it is extremely dangerous to be nearby. In addition to the inexplicable behavior of enraged elephants, eyewitnesses accompanying hunters from Africa often mention cases when elephants themselves hunted people, silently (!) sneaking up from behind and inflicting a fatal blow with their trunk. If you multiply the cunning, intelligence and strength of an angry and uncontrollable elephant rushing at a crowd of people, one can only imagine how many victims there will be.

Leader in danger and lethality. The poison of this creature, consisting of more than a hundred different substances, is 20 times the strength of the toxicity of other poisonous frogs. An adult frog contains enough poison to kill 1,500 people (!). Just touching a dangerous creature can cause painful convulsions, convulsions and complete cessation of breathing. The situation is complicated by the fact that an antidote has not yet been developed in the world. Small brightly colored frogs only 3-5 cm in size can be found on trees, shrubs, shallow ponds and swamps in Brazil.

The views of residents and hunters from different continents on the ranking of the most dangerous animals will always be ambiguous. It is precisely those individuals that inflict obvious mortal wounds on a person are described above. The assertion that malarial mosquitoes or tsetse flies are leaders, is fundamentally wrong, since a bitten person has the opportunity to turn to special authorities in time, where he will be provided with the necessary medical care. After a meeting, say, with a hungry bear, the help of a doctor is no longer useful.


We will talk about animals that can harm a person by any means, techniques, means - whether it be weight and aggression, claws, poisons, teeth, stings, swallowing alive, strangulation. Today we will talk about the most dangerous animals in the world.

By the way - animals - these are insects, and birds, and snakes, and fish. Therefore, we will consider all living beings, ALL - in the literal sense. By the end of the article it will become clearer what it is about. But in general, the most dangerous animals are not tigers, bears, scorpions, sharks, but ... creatures are much smaller and at first glance much more harmless, but let's talk about everything in order.


It is believed that the African elephant is larger, more aggressive than the Indian one, and cannot be trained. These are cunning, smart and cautious creatures, despite their size - they know how to move silently, there were cases when elephants caught hunters by surprise, sneaking up from behind unnoticed.

There are cases when elephants in India trampled people for no reason, destroyed their homes. Elephants that have broken away from the pack are especially dangerous (especially in mating season), and if something happened to baby elephants, aggressive, angry animals - they can kill a person in an instant. An elephant can run quite fast - about 40, sometimes 70 km per hour.

Every year, elephants kill several hundred people - about 600.

“This animal is so large that one of its awkward movements is enough to cause mortal harm to another animal or person. For example, in some countries, elephants have learned to steal rice-based beer. As a result, drunken animals trample from ten to hundreds of people every year.

Yes, besides aggressiveness, elephants are smart:“Elephants are among the four most intelligent animals, which also includes a monkey, a dog and a dolphin. Elephants have excellent memories. The man who treated him badly, the elephant remembers all his life. At a meeting, he may even try to take revenge. He remembers places where he felt bad, and tries not to appear there again.

a lion

The lion is considered the king of animals, there are legends about his nobility, strength, by the way, but the lion is primarily a predator, and he can easily attack people and even kill them. It is only in zoos that lions and cubs are cute, if they are released, they will kill many people, it is not uncommon for lions to harm or kill zookeepers and trainers.

“A lion can kill a person very easily and very quickly. But, as a rule, lions do not prey on people. However, there are tragic exceptions. So, for example, the famous man-eating lions from Tsavo, who killed more than a hundred people who were building a railway in the depths African continent. And only nine months later these animals were killed.

In Zambia (in 1991) a lion killed nine people. It is known about a whole pride of lions that lived in the area of ​​​​Lake Tanganyika and killed and ate from 1500 to 2000 people in three generations, so lions are considered one of the most dangerous animals in the world.

“A hungry lion is very dangerous. In the wild, lions eat mostly zebras and wildebeest for lunch and dinner. The Majestic King of the Beasts Well, if the hunt was unsuccessful for some time, then the starving animals can attack a person. In one sitting, an adult can eat up to 30 kilograms of meat. The lion kills about 250 people every year.”

Centuries of practice shows: a wounded lion or an old lion almost always becomes a cannibal; he cannot hunt for his usual prey, and the person becomes an easy and almost unprotected bait. Many lions turn to cannibalism (especially females) under the threat of starvation due to a series of unsuccessful hunts. However, some, having tasted human blood, hunt people even with an abundance of large game.

Approximately 1,200 people are killed annually by these huge cats - cannibals. And in total, at least 100,000 maned “kings of animals” live today in various regions of the world.


“Another very dangerous African animal. The problem is the rhino's poor eyesight: it attacks any moving target, without even understanding whether it is dangerous for it. You won't be able to run away from a rhinoceros: it is able to move at a speed of more than 40 km/h.”

“The rhinoceros has a simple tactic: if anything that moves gets in its way, it topples it with the full weight of its two-ton carcass and stomps it into mince with its tumbo-shaped feet. A large animal rhinoceros (for example, African black) ruthlessly rips open with its long and sharp horn.

Rhinoceroses are almost blind - they distinguish only general outlines and movements no further than seven meters from themselves. However, these colossi have a very refined hearing and sense of smell. Individual specimens of white rhinos (also dangerous to humans) weigh three and a half tons and have 4 or even more meters from the tip of the tail to the nostrils!

The rhinoceros kills several dozen people a year.

African bull (African buffalo)

"This is a massive horned creature that lives in African savannas, when attacking, it uses its own horns.

Every year, up to five thousand people die because of the African buffalo. So, it is believed that from these big bulls more hunters died than lions.

It weighs about 700 kg, 3-4 meters long, 1.8 m tall. The attacks of a whole herd are especially dangerous, then the victim has no chance of surviving.


At least 2,000 people die each year from crocodile teeth. These creatures live in Africa and off the coast of Australia. Often lurking in water bodies under the guise of logs, they attack sharply and unexpectedly.

Behemoth, or hippopotamus.

“This massive animal is one of the most dangerous in Africa. The hippopotamus is very aggressive towards people, it often attacks a person, and does it for no apparent reason.

His sluggishness is very deceptive: an angry hippopotamus is very fast and can easily catch up with a person. Especially dangerous is the attack of a hippopotamus in the water: they easily overturn boats and chase people.

“In the zoo, these clumsy and fat animals at first glance seem very funny and funny when they open their mouths in order to

so that the guests of the zoo treated them with all sorts of goodies. However, in nature, these animals are far from harmless, as they can develop tremendous speed (especially in water).

For example, during mating games these fat men turn into real wild beliefs that are able to kill anyone who interferes with them. Features that make the hippopotamus considered a very dangerous animal:

- the fangs of the animal are very dangerous, the length of which can reach half a meter;

- hippos are not afraid to attack small boats passing by, and therefore they can even turn them over;

“A female hippo, while protecting her cub, can reach speeds of up to 35 kilometers per hour.”

Every year, hippos kill 3,000 people every year. This is one of the most dangerous animals, more dangerous than a crocodile.


“For example, in Britain, wolves are the main characters fairy tales. However, they are real and kill people all over the world. Wolves are especially dangerous when young are near them, when they are hunting and when their females are pregnant.

The world population of wolves has at least 100,000 individuals. Every year they kill about 400 people.

In the Indian state of Ita Pradesh in 2002, a pack of 10 wolves killed 42 local residents most of which were women and children. Only when a group of hunters tracked down and killed the leader of the pack, the rest left for another area. If you were attacked by a wolf, try to apply the technique of experienced hunters: stick your hand as deep as possible into the wolf's mouth. Of course, the risk is extremely high, but you can either suffocate the aggressor, or the following will happen: the blood flowing down the arm, falling into the windpipe of the beast, will cause it to choke. In this manner, Zayd managed to escape death.”

White and brown bears

“The wild polar bear is a powerful and voracious predator, reaching a length of 2.5 meters and a weight of 800 kg. Although there are such specimens that reach a length of 3 meters and weigh 1600 kg. It feeds on any kind of animal that inhabits the place where it lives: fish, seals, walruses, the remains of dead whales and seals. It will not cause him any special problems to catch up with a person. And therefore it is better not to catch the eye of this predator, otherwise there will be practically no chance of salvation.

Thanks to developed vision, hearing and smelling, he is able to see or smell a person 100 meters away from him. And since he is always hungry, he will not mind eating fresh meat and will definitely attack. Statistics say that every year in polar countries dies from polar bear about 15-17 people.

The white bear runs fast, and in captivity is not at all cute and plush, it catches up with a person and kills without a chance for life.

The victims of brown bears, including in Russia, are often people who have entered the territory of the beast, behaving incorrectly or aggressively.

Several dozen people become victims of bears every year.

Monkeys (baboons)

There is no exact data on the victims of these rabid monkeys, but it is reliably known that at least one hundred cases of cruel attacks of these animals on humans are recorded annually, several with a fatal outcome.

“Monkeys often attack children and even adults, taking food from them, robbing them, taking things they like. If a lot of them attack at once, then it is difficult for them to somehow resist. They also raid agricultural plots for food and devastate them. Among the monkeys, the most aggressive species are baboons. They are quite large, reaching a weight of 25 kg. Baboons are not afraid of many predators, with the exception of leopards and lions.

However, there are such brave souls who are ready to enter the battle with the leopard and most often win it. Baboons have an insidious, vicious, unbridled and quick-tempered character. Sensing danger, they become enraged and attack the enemy. An enraged baboon can tear a predator or a person apart. Therefore, if you meet a baboon, it is better not to extend your hand to him, counting on a handshake, because it is difficult to understand what will be in his head at that moment and you can count on anything. It's better not to risk it."

Shark and killer whale

Despite the formidable stereotypes about the cruelty of sharks and their aggressiveness towards people, officially no more than 20 people become victims of sharks every year.

The killer whale, although the most ferocious oceanic predator (there are versions that it is the largest and most ferocious in general), usually does not rush at people. Officially, for a couple of decades, only a few cases of killer whale attacks on humans have been recorded.

By the way, from tick bites, only in Russia, it dies 5 times every year. more people.


Scorpio is the most dangerous spider Every year about 5,000 people die from its bites.

“Scorpions of the genus Androctonus are considered very dangerous animals that claim several human lives every year. The name of this scorpion comes from a large tail, on which there is a powerful sting for injecting poison into the victim.

One of the reasons this scorpion is considered dangerous is its proximity to human habitation. Unfortunately, these representatives often hide in the crevices of stone or brick walls. If you are a fan of studying scorpions, then you can find it in many countries in Asia and North Africa, including Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, India, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

poisonous frogs

“These poisonous creatures are mainly found in the South and Central America and also on the island of Madagascar. These deadly animals are distinguished by the fact that they have poisonous glands on their backs that produce deadly toxins.

For example, the poisonous substance of one golden frog, which lives on the island of Madagascar, can kill 10 people. most poison frog the leaf climber is considered terrible. So, just one gram of the poison of this extremely dangerous creature could result in several thousand deaths.”

There is no data on the number of victims.

poisonous jellyfish

“The box jellyfish has won the honorary title of “the most poisonous creature in the ocean.” Not exactly a jellyfish, she possesses a series of long tentacles that can reach up to three meters long, adorned with microscopic stingers that can cause unbearable pain or quick death in an unfortunate victim.

It is believed that the poison of this animal is enough to kill 60 people. And although not many people have been victims of untimely death from box jellyfish tentacles, contact with this poisonous representative can cause death before you even get to shore.

The venom of box jellyfish is considered the most deadly in the world, but, fortunately, a meeting with this human creature is infrequent. About 100 people die from the poison of box jellyfish per year.

The number of jellyfish is constantly increasing, experts attribute this to global warming.

Dangerous fish. piranhas

“From these teeth, sharp as a blade, bloodthirsty fish more than 300 people die every year. Aggressive piranhas attack any living creature that accidentally enters their abode.


“From tick bites, more precisely from infection with various diseases carried by ticks, not a large number of people die. According to statistics (approximate) from CHF, Encephalitis, Q fever, etc. in Russia, about 50-100 people die per year. The data is not mine.


According to official reports - from the bites of the most poisonous snakes (taipans, cruel snake, efas, cobras) per year dies from 50 thousand people.

Mosquitoes, mosquitoes

According to official statistics, every year mosquitoes infect about 700 million people with various ailments, causing 2 to 3 million deaths per year.

From wikipedia: "Different species of mosquitoes are estimated to transmit different types of disease in more than 700 million people a year, in Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico, Russia and most of Asia, with millions deaths“At least two million people die every year from these diseases, and the incidence rate is many times higher than officially registered.”

As the Wikipedia data says, it turns out that even our Russian mosquitoes are not as harmless as we thought. Do you believe it? I have not yet heard of cases of someone contracting, for example, malaria from a Siberian mosquito.

In the wilderness, among the swampy areas, perhaps the existence of huge mosquitoes that can cause some kind of disease is possible. But by and large - the bites of local mosquitoes cause a maximum swelling at the site of the bite, but not dengue fever. However, statistics are stubborn things ...

Important points: the aggression of dangerous animals is often provoked by the person himself, and not only by momentary behavior.

Elephants in search of food, as people cut down forests, go to settlements, go hungry or in the mating season. Forests are cut down because there is not enough space for everyone due to the growth of cities and for the need for wood materials.

Bears go in search of food settlements, since people also massively destroy the flora and territory of bears, which is why they starve and become maladjusted.

Global warming, which occurs mainly due to the destruction of human natural reserves, makes many animals, including dangerous ones, inadequate and they more actively rush at people.

The national geographer's film "The Ruthlessness of the Wild" shows the harsh, cruel laws nature itself: the hungry and the strong eat those who are weaker in this moment. Hippopotamuses, which kill several thousand people a year, are very gentle towards their cubs and often need to defend themselves from cruel predators, and a newly born buffalo (buffaloes kill about 2 thousand people a year), losing balance, hurries after its mother, and rhinos get stuck in a swamp ... And another predator invades this territory - a man. To photograph dying animals, to catch dying species for a trophy, is extremely rare in order to help.

Let's compare the statistics - who is more often killed by animals of people or people of animals. Rhinos for example:“In 2013, more than 1,004 rhinos were killed by hunters, which is more than in 2012, when 668 rhinos were killed. These data were officially published…”, while rhinos kill people a year several tens of times less.

The black rhinoceros is officially declared extinct.

Sharks:“It is estimated that the chance of a person being attacked by a shark (for those who go to the beaches) is 1 in 11.5 million, and the chance of dying from such an attack is 1 in 264.1 million. The average annual number of drownings in the United States is 3306 people, and deaths from sharks - 1. For comparison, people kill 100 million sharks every year.

As a result, everyone is avenged for their larger counterparts by the smallest creatures at first glance - mosquitoes ...

Bottom line: the most dangerous animal is, of course, man.

In one of the New York zoos there is a cage with the inscription "The most dangerous animal in the world." When the visitor timidly looked in there - he found himself, he saw his reflection in back wall cells that were mirrored ...

It turns out that the most dangerous and deadly animal in the world is not a person at all, and not even a shark.

In fact, most deaths from animals most often have little to do with themselves. Rather, with the diseases they carry.

Of course, the quantitative estimates presented below can sometimes differ significantly from the real state of affairs, but the exact statistics of human deaths caused by animals are not yet available to anyone.

Sharks - 6 deaths per year

Attacks on humans are quite rare. In 2014, only three deaths were recorded, and in 2015, six.

Wolves - 10 deaths per year

Wolf attacks on humans are quite rare in the parts of the world where they live. Ongoing studies have shown that over the past 50 years there have been only a few deaths in Europe and North America. However, in some regions of India, wolves have killed up to 10 people a year on average.

Lions - 22 deaths or more per year

This indicator changes from year to year. A 2005 study found that 563 people have been killed by lions in Tanzania since 1990, with an average of 22 deaths per year. Of course, the death of people from attacks of lions occurs outside of Tanzania, but this number is not exactly known.

Elephants - 500 deaths per year

Elephants are also responsible for the annual loss of life – a 2005 National Geographic article states that elephant attacks kill 500 people a year. At the same time, many more elephants were killed by people.

Hippos - 500 deaths per year

For a long time, hippos were considered the most deadly animals in Africa. They are known for their aggressiveness towards humans and constantly capsize boats.

Tapeworms, or tapeworms, - 700 deaths per year

Crocodiles - 1000 deaths per year

Crocodiles are currently believed to be the large animal that, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, is responsible for the highest number of human deaths in Africa, although exact numbers are not known.

Ascaris - 4500 deaths per year

According to a 2013 study, roundworms cause a disease called ascoriasis that kills an estimated 4,500 people every year. WHO notes that infection occurs in small intestine people and this disease affects children more than adults.

Tsetse flies - 10 thousand deaths per year

Predators - 12 thousand deaths

Predators, also called "kissing bugs", are carriers of Chagas disease, which kills about 12,000 people a year on average. The causative agent enters the skin wound through the excrement of an insect.

Freshwater snails - 20 thousand deaths per year

Dogs - 35 thousand deaths per year

Dogs infected with the rabies virus are one of the deadliest animals in the world, although the virus can be prevented with vaccines. Approximately 35,000 deaths per year can be attributed to rabies and 99% of these deaths, according to the WHO, are dogs.

Snakes - 100 thousand deaths per year

As of 2015, more than 100,000 people die from snake bites. Moreover, there is a shortage of antidote in the world.

People - 437 thousand deaths per year

According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, in 2012 there were about 437,000 homicides worldwide, making humans the second deadliest animal for humans. We are not yet our own worst enemy, but we are very close to it.

Mosquitoes - 750 thousand deaths per year

On the conscience of annoying and annoying insects that drink our blood and thereby transmit viruses from person to person, the largest number deaths associated with animals. Malaria alone kills 350,000 people, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa, although the disease is on the decline. Dengue fever, another mosquito-borne disease, has become a major cause of hospitalization and death for many children in parts of Asia and Latin America.

The animal world is rich and diverse, and each of the species strives to survive in it. Not many animals pose a great danger to humans, and most of these species live far from people. However, there are animals that are not so scary at first glance, but in fact are fraught with mortal danger. This rating of the most dangerous animals on the planet includes both rather small poisonous and large and strong animals.


The list opens with an animal that lives almost as close to humans as cats, but is less friendly and more dangerous. The rat is a member of the rodent family of mice. About 70 species are distinguished in the genus. Two synanthropic species are widespread - gray and black rats. The length of the body of rats is from 8 to 30 centimeters, the length of the tail is equal to the length of the body or even more, the weight is from 37 to 420. Dark gray or gray-brown tones predominate in the color of the body, but there are yellow, red and orange shades. The toes on the paws are mobile - this compensates for the insufficient development of calluses necessary for climbing.

Rats are a natural reservoir of many zoonotic and anthropozoonotic infections. They carry pathogens of plague, tularemia, rabies, typhus, toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis, rickettsiosis, sodoku and other diseases. In the US, rats bite at least 14,000 people every year. According to the City Disinfection Center, in Moscow in 2008, 506 people were bitten by rats, so these babies are quite dangerous animals for humans. Rats also cause great economic damage by eating and spoiling food and non-food items, and sometimes damaging electrical networks, which can lead to fires. Also, some species of rats cause damage to agriculture by eating crops.


The Komodo monitor lizard is a species of lizard from the monitor lizard family, the largest representative of lizards. Komodo monitor lizards live on several islands of Indonesia, located in the Lesser Sunda Islands group. wild adults komodo dragons weigh about 70 kilograms, but in captivity reach and large sizes. The tail length is about half of the total body length. The color of adult monitor lizards is dark brown, usually with small yellowish spots and speckles, on their back they have reddish-orange and yellowish eye spots in rows, merging into stripes on the neck and tail. The teeth of the Komodo dragon are compressed laterally and have serrated cutting edges. Such teeth are well suited for tearing into pieces of meat of large prey.

Animals of this species reach puberty approximately at the tenth year of life, to which only a small part of the born monitor lizards survive. Monitor lizards feed on a wide variety of animals - both vertebrates and invertebrates. Cannibalism is also common among them, especially in famine years. Proved that komodo dragons possess venomous bite, they have two poison glands in the lower jaw. The functions of the venom include inhibition of blood clotting, lowering blood pressure, muscle paralysis, and the development of hypothermia leading to shock and unconsciousness in the bitten victim.

Komodo dragons are one of the animals on the planet potentially dangerous to humans, although they do not pose a direct danger to adults. After a bite, you should immediately consult a doctor. The number of deaths due to untimely provision of medical care reaches 99%. Children are especially vulnerable. Monitor lizards may well kill a child under 10 years old or cause severe injury. Cases of monitor lizards digging up human corpses from shallow graves are well known. Monitor lizards they can locate the source of the smell of blood at a distance of up to 5 km. Monitor lizards are endangered and it is illegal to kill them.


Dart frogs are frogs from the family of tailless amphibians that secrete the strongest poison. This family unites about 130 species of frogs of four genera living in South and Central America. These frogs do not have teeth, and there are no swimming membranes on the limbs. The terminal phalanges of the fingers are expanded into suction discs. These discs allow poison dart frogs to move easily through branches and leaves. The sizes of poison dart frogs are from 18 millimeters to 4 centimeters, only some species reach 7 centimeters. The coloration of poison dart frogs is very bright and contrasting, the most diverse in color among amphibians. Dart frogs are painted in red, blue, yellow, green, orange colors; a pattern of various stripes and spots can pass along the general tone. This type of frog may be an unexpected answer to the question - what animals are dangerous to humans.

The poison of poison dart frogs has a cardiotoxic effect and causes cardiac arrest. The poison is contained in the skin secretions of poison dart frogs, thus protecting them from predators. Many native tribes South America used this poison to lubricate hunting arrows. Most members of this family are arboreal, but there are also terrestrial species living mainly along the banks of water bodies. The poison dart frogs feed on small ones. All poison dart frogs are diurnal and therefore convenient for observation.


The wolf is a predatory mammal of the canine family, which is the direct ancestor of the domestic dog. The wolf is the largest and most dangerous animal in its family: the length of its body (without a tail) can reach 160 centimeters, tail up to 52 centimeters, height at the withers up to 90 centimeters; body weight up to 86 kilograms. In total, approximately 32 subspecies of the wolf are distinguished, differing in size and shades of fur. Previously, the wolf had a much greater distribution in Eurasia and North America. Nowadays total strength animals have decreased markedly, mainly due to urbanization and mass extermination.

Ungulates form the basis of the diet of wolves, and the behavior of these wild animals has not changed for hundreds of years. Wolves also attack domestic animals, ground squirrels, foxes, mouse-like rodents, do not miss the opportunity to eat eggs, or chicks. Active mainly at night. Of the external senses, the wolf has the best developed hearing, a little worse - the sense of smell; vision is much weaker. well developed nervous activity combined in wolves with strength, agility, speed and other physical data. If necessary, the wolf develops a speed of up to 60 km / h and is able to make transitions up to 80 kilometers per night.

When attacking a herd, wolves often slaughter several animals, tearing their throats or tearing open their belly. Wolves leave uneaten meat in reserve. There have been cases of wolf attacks on humans. Mentally, the wolf is highly developed. This is expressed in the ability to navigate the situation and escape from danger, as well as in the methods of hunting. There are cases when a pack of wolves was divided, and one part remained in ambush, while the other caught up with prey. In a pack chasing an elk or a deer, often some wolves run on the heels of the victim, while others run across or run slowly and, having rested, change the front lines until they exhaust the victim.


A hippopotamus or hippopotamus is a mammal from the order of artiodactyls, the suborder of pigs, the hippopotamus family. One of the largest modern land animals, sometimes weighing more than 4 tons. Currently, the hippopotamus lives only in Africa - about 140 thousand individuals. Previously, pigs were considered the closest relatives of hippos, but now scientists consider whales to be them. characteristic feature hippo is his semi-aquatic image life - most of the time he spends in the water, leaving the land only at night for a few hours for feeding.

Despite the wide popularity of the hippopotamus, in many respects this animal is not well understood. This applies to a number of features of his lifestyle and behavior, as well as genetic relationships with other animals, physiology, and much more. The behavior of these wild animals is marked by pronounced aggressiveness. Male hippo fights often result in the death of one of the participants. Cases of a hippopotamus attacking a person are also very frequent. The hippopotamus, according to a number of data, is the most dangerous animal in Africa - much more people die from its attacks than from the attacks of lions, buffaloes or leopards.


Rhinos are a family of odd-toed mammals containing five species distributed in Africa and Asia. chief hallmark rhinos are horns on the nose, the largest of which had a length of 158 centimeters. Rhinos have a massive body and short, thick limbs. Each of them has three fingers, ending in wide hooves. Rhinos have poor eyesight, but this deficiency is compensated by a refined sense of smell and excellent hearing. Rhinoceroses live alone, but in the savannas they can also unite in small groups.

During the day, rhinoceroses sleep, and they can be found active at dusk and at night. These are very timid and cautious animals, avoiding proximity to humans. However, if they feel threatened, they attack. And although these attacks are poorly targeted due to poor eyesight, they can lead to severe injuries due to their enormous strength and sharp horn. Having accelerated, the rhinoceros can reach a speed of 45 km / h. Adult rhinos have no enemies other than humans.


The African elephant is the largest land animal on the planet, a genus of African proboscis mammals. Includes two modern look: bush elephant and forest elephant. Recent studies suggest that these two species formed 1.9 and 7.1 million years ago. The average weight of males is 5 tons, females - 2.5-3 tons, but among them there are also real giants up to 4 meters high and weighing 12 tons. The thickness of their skin reaches 2-4 cm. According to the latest estimates, about 500-600 thousand are left in the wild. African elephants. All species of the genus are listed in the Red Book. Of the predators, only humans hunt adult elephants, mainly because of the tusks. Of the sense organs in an elephant, the sense of smell and hearing are most developed.

In addition to humans, the elephant has practically no enemies. At the moment of danger, the elephant represents a very formidable force. Attacking, he presses his ears to his neck, hides his trunk behind the tusks, which he brings forward with a sharp movement. At the same time, he makes a piercing, screeching sound, reminiscent of a hoarse bugle. At African elephant both males and females are armed with tusks. But females have small tusks. But the tusks of old males sometimes reached a length of 3-3.5 meters with a mass of about 100 kg each. Sexual maturity occurs in an elephant by 12-20 years, and old age and death by 60-70 years. Also in these animals excellent memory. They perfectly remember all members of their family, offenders and those who do good for them. They can take revenge on the offender after many years, if they meet again, of course.


The polar bear is the largest land mammal of the carnivore order, close relative brown bear. It lives in the subpolar regions in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. Its length reaches 3 meters, weight up to 1 ton. Usually males weigh 400-450 kilograms, body length 200-250 centimeters, height at the withers up to 150 cm. Females are noticeably smaller - 200-300 kilograms. The polar bear is different from other bears Long neck and flat head. His skin is black. The soles of the feet are lined with wool so as not to slip on the ice and not to freeze. Between the fingers there is a swimming membrane, and the front of the paws is trimmed with stiff bristles. Large claws can hold even strong prey.

These are very dangerous wild animals, as the beast runs very fast, and one blow of a powerful paw can kill anyone. It is absolutely impossible to even leave with your back turned when meeting a polar bear. AT critical situation experienced people always go towards the beast, showing with all their appearance that they are not afraid of it. At the same time, they make loud pinching sounds, which in bearish language means a threat. Man, by virtue of his structure, is of no interest to a powerful predator. Therefore, the bear never hunts bipeds, but prefers to leave if it sees them in dangerous proximity. Cases of polar bear attacks on humans are the exception rather than the rule.


The African buffalo is a species of bull that is widespread in Africa. This is the largest of the bulls. The weight of adult males sometimes exceeds 1000 kilograms, and specimens weighing 900 kg are not uncommon. The height at the withers in adult males is up to 1.8 meters with a body length of about 3 meters. The buffalo population in Africa has survived, in comparison with the population of other large animals of the continent, quite well, although it is under strong pressure from humans. The African buffalo is a herd animal. Usually there are groups of 20-30 animals that gather in herds during the dry period, but then herds can number many hundreds of animals.

Buffaloes have few enemies in nature, because due to their large size and enormous strength, an adult buffalo is an unbearable prey for most predators. Cows and calves, however, are often the prey of lions, who do significant damage to buffalo herds by attacking in droves. When protecting themselves from enemies, these wild animals of Africa usually show mutual assistance and act in friendly groups. Many cases are described when buffaloes not only drove lions away from the herd, but even killed them. It is curious that buffaloes have a sense of mutual assistance, which is clearly visible when enemies attack.


The top three most dangerous animals in the world opens combed crocodile- a reptile of the family of real crocodiles. This is the most large view widespread among crocodiles. Most often it is found on the coast of northern Australia on the islands papua new guinea and Indonesia. Although crocodiles spend most of their time in the water, we have added them to the list of land animals, not to the list. The ability to make long voyages on the high seas explains the wide distribution of this species. Males can reach a length of 7 meters, and females 3 meters. Adult males weigh up to 1000 kilograms. This crocodile received the name "combed" for a pair of powerful crests extending from the eyes almost to the front third of the muzzle.

Salted crocodile is an active predator. The main food of crocodiles is insects, amphibians, fish, birds. Adult individuals attack large animals: turtles, monkeys, wild boars, deer, etc. Meeting with other wild animals often occurs at a watering place, where the crocodile is looking for a victim. When hunting, the crocodile behaves quite cunningly. At first, he tracks down his prey while completely in the water. Only the nostrils, eyes and part of the back are visible on the surface. When the victim is nearby, the crocodile rushes sharply, grabs it and drags it to the bottom. Crocodiles are also cannibals, but rarely attack on land. Only when the person himself loses vigilance. If a crocodile attacked a person, then the rest can only watch how the predator drags its prey to the bottom. Nothing can be done in this situation.


Taipan is a genus of highly venomous snakes of the asp family. Large Australian snakes, whose bite is considered the most dangerous among modern snakes of the wild animal world - before the development of an antidote for it, more than 90% of cases died from a taipan bite. According to various estimates, it ranks third in terms of toxicity in the world and the largest poisonous snake in Australia up to 3.3 meters long. Because of the aggressive nature large sizes and speed, the taipan is considered the most dangerous of all poisonous snakes on the planet. It lives on the coast of Northern and Northeastern Australia and in the southeast of New Guinea. Leads a predominantly daytime lifestyle. Feeds on frogs and small mammals including mice and rats.

Poisonous teeth up to 13 mm in length. The poison glands of the taipan contain up to 400 milligrams of venom, which it injects through its 12 mm teeth. Taipan poison predominantly blocks muscle contractions, which causes paralysis of the respiratory muscles and disrupts blood clotting. Taipan is very aggressive and fast: at the sight of danger, he raises his head, shaking it, then hits the enemy with lightning speed several times in a row. Taipan bite can lead to death in 4-12 hours, while those bitten by other most poisonous snakes a person lives for about a day. In the state of Queensland, where taipans are most common, every second bitten person dies.


So we come to the first place in our ranking of the most dangerous animals in the world, on which the king of beasts sits - African lion. This animal is a representative of a species of predatory mammals, one of the four representatives of the panther genus, belonging to the subfamily of big cats in the feline family. It is the second largest living cat after the tiger. It used to live throughout Africa, now only south of the Sahara and a small population in the Indian state of Gujarat. Who would have thought that the most terrible and dangerous animals in the world are big cats.

The appearance of a lion is very characteristic. This is one of the few predators with pronounced sexual dimorphism. Males are not only much larger than females, but they have a mane, which in some subspecies reaches a large development and covers the shoulders, part of the back and chest. The lion is the heaviest after the tiger, the mass of adult lions can reach 250 kilograms in males and 182 in females. Lions have powerful legs strong jaws, and fangs are 8 cm long, so these predators are able to kill fairly large animals. The body length of a lion reaches 250 centimeters in males and 175 in females. Height at the shoulders is about 123 centimeters in males and 107 in females.

Unlike other cats, they do not live alone, but in special family groups - prides. Lions hunt in coordinated groups and pursue their chosen prey. However, they are less hardy than, for example, hyenas, which means that lions can only run fast for short distances and must be close to their prey during the attack. Lions sneak up on a herd of ungulates until the distance decreases to 30 meters or less.

In most cases, several lionesses surround him from different sides. As soon as the herd is surrounded, they pounce on the nearest animal. Then comes a fast and powerful attack. Predators try to catch their prey with a quick jump. Meeting with such wild animals usually ends in death. The animal pursued by lions, as a rule, dies from strangulation or suffocation. Small animals can be killed by paw strikes. The females do most of the hunting. Males usually do not participate in it, except when the victim is a large animal, such as a giraffe or a buffalo. In nature, lions live from ten to fourteen years, in captivity they can live longer than twenty years.

Being in nature, it is impossible not to meet its inhabitants on your way - animals and birds, or at least traces of their recent stay here. Learning to distinguish the traces of various animals is necessary not only for the hunter, but also for any tourist and traveler. This skill can save your life twice. In the first case - if, due to a lack of provisions, you have to hunt. In the second, the ability to recognize traces and knowledge of the habits of animals can warn against meeting them. The owners of the forest - wild animals may not be happy at all uninvited guests. But not all animals are harmless ...

Wild animals: who is better not to meet

It should be noted that not all animals can be hunted if you do not have at least some firearms. Such large animals and predators like wolf , bear , elk , wolverine , boar are out of your reach without weapons. Well, unless you come across an old and sick animal, and you finish it off with a knife.

To avoid such an unpleasant meeting with strong and healthy representatives of the fauna, you should know a few things about their habits and the tracks left by certain wild animals.

First of all, you should pay attention to the so-called paths - the trajectory of the constant movement of animals. This is due to the fact that, in part, each individual, pack or herd lives in a certain territory, carefully guards it and moves along a known route for hunting. Therefore, you should stay away from these paths.


The interval of movement for each animal is individual. Wolves, for example, are very mobile and run along their path quite often. More active at night. During the warm period sedentary life in a den, roam in winter. The lair is arranged in cozy dry places in ditches, under the roots of trees, less often in burrows. The tracks of a wolf resemble the tracks of dogs, but differ in shape - they are longer, narrower, and also larger in size; The traces of the front legs are larger than the hind ones. When trotting, they often step "trail to trail", that is, the trail of the hind left paw steps exactly into the trail of the right front. Because of this, the tracks seem to be located on the same line. By the way, foxes do the same, only their footprints are slightly smaller.


Wild boars move along the trails mainly at night. You can recognize their presence by the characteristic notches from fangs on tree trunks, by long and stiff wool stuck in the bark, and by “plowed” soil, especially near puddles and reservoirs. The tracks of a wild boar are very similar to those of an ordinary pig - slightly oblong, oval hooves, blunted in front. The size of the hoof depends on the size of the animal. These animals are very fast, cunning and ferocious - both males and females. If the boar kills its prey powerful fangs, then females can simply knock down a person, bite and trample him to death. Also an incredibly ferocious wounded boar. Even wolves and bears do not dare to attack these animals. Plus, boars can swim. So if you still couldn’t avoid meeting them, it’s better to immediately climb a tree, because they also run quite fast (up to 50 km / h).


Moose trails can be seen mainly near water bodies. These animals sleep little, for several hours - early in the morning and in the afternoon. And although they are quite peaceful and clumsy, you should stay away from them in October-November, when the mating season begins. Traces of stay - serifs from teeth on the bark in the form of oblong stripes. The hoofprints are quite large - they are unlikely to be confused with other forest ungulates. They are narrow, pointed, but at the same time quite wide. At the back there are often processes that leave prints a couple of centimeters behind the hoof mark.


And if you can escape from the animals listed above by climbing a tree, then this will not work with a bear and a wolverine. threatens with great danger, especially if at the moment the spring period and the beast is hungry. These animals are very cunning and agile, active regardless of the time of day, but if the bear is well fed, it is good-natured enough and may not pay any attention to you. Otherwise, it is unlikely that you will be able to hide ... Bear footprints in winter resemble the footprints of a man in felt boots. In the front part, traces of 5 claws are visible, and the setting of the paw - with toes inward - immediately betrays the owner of the traces. In summer, on soft ground, traces of 5 fingers clearly appear. In general, the width of the paw is about 20 centimeters (slightly narrower in females) and resembles the footprint of a flat-footed person.


Wolverine is a fairly small animal that sleeps during daylight hours. However, do not underestimate this predator. Despite its small size, the wolverine is very cunning and strong, just like the bear, it can climb trees. There are cases when a wolverine attacked people by jumping from a tree. Oddly enough, wolverine tracks are similar to those of a bear in size and shape, although these animals have different weight categories. Also, after the stay of the bear and the wolverine, there are long claw marks on tree trunks.

The dwellings of the bear and the wolverine are dens under the roots of trees or in ravines, the “roof” of which is insulated with branches, moss and grass. Wolverines can for a long time do without a home and sleep in the snow, or lay down in the grass.

We will talk about how to recognize traces of small animals and hunt them in.

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