Modern types of weapons weapons of mass destruction omp. Weapons of Mass Destruction: Deadly Threat or Deterrent. OV suffocating action

At the last strategic command and staff exercise "Kavkaz-2016", which took place from September 5 to 10 at the training grounds of the Southern Military District, as well as in the waters of the Black and Caspian Seas, a special information confrontation group was created, which during the maneuvers worked out its "profile" questions. General of the Army Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia, told reporters about this, summing up the results of the past maneuvers.

Without revealing the essence of the work done by this group, the general nevertheless emphasized that the tasks that were solved by this structure turned out to be adequate to the issues under the jurisdiction of specialists in planning fire damage, and at some stages even prevailed over them.

It is known that in the course of the current "Caucasus" issues of preparation and use of groupings of troops in the South-Western region were worked out in the context of protecting the territorial integrity of Russia. According to the plan of maneuvers, it was necessary to cover the state border, isolate the areas of operation of illegal armed groups, and also plan the actions of the troops to resolve the internal armed conflict.

Speaking about the actions of the information warfare group, Valery Gerasimov highly appreciated its effectiveness, noting that the structure included specialists from the Main Operational Directorate, information warfare centers of military districts, as well as forces and means of electronic warfare and state secret protection services.

The weapon of the word

Military experts and analysts are unanimous in their opinion: modern warfare will be conducted using the widest possible range of hybrid methods. Fire contact between the belligerents, familiar from films, does not always act as the climax of battles. "Fighting" today is conducted for the minds and hearts, for the mood in society, for the information picture created by means of data transmission and the media.

Back in the middle of the last century, experts formulated information confrontation as a struggle in the information sphere, or rather, as an impact on information, information systems and infrastructure of one side to another while protecting their own resources.

The "information weapon" hits, first of all, the minds of people, shapes their behavior, and ultimately regulates political processes in entire states. The consequences of the “strike” of such weapons are well known: these are the waves of “color revolutions” that swept through the countries of the former USSR, and the wars in the Middle East, and the events in Ukraine, and finally ...

The same Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov, speaking some time ago at one of the general meetings of the Academy of Military Sciences, was frank: “In the 21st century, there is a tendency to blur the differences between the state of war and peace. Wars are no longer declared, and once started, they do not go according to the pattern. A completely prosperous state in a matter of months and even days can turn into an arena of fierce armed struggle, plunge into the abyss of chaos, humanitarian catastrophe and civil war.

The speech of General Gerasimov later became the basis of the article “The value of science is in foresight”, where it was emphasized that “the emphasis of the methods of confrontation used is shifting towards the widespread use of political, economic, informational, humanitarian and other non-military measures implemented using the protest potential of the population. All this is complemented by covert military measures, including the implementation of information confrontation measures and the actions of special operations forces.

War without contact

At one time, a well-known military theorist, academician of the Academy of Military Sciences, Honored Scientist of Russia, Doctor of Military Sciences, professor, Major General Vladimir Slipchenko (now, unfortunately, already deceased) noted that “after the completion of the transition period to contactless wars, information the confrontation will go beyond the limits of the supporting type and become combative.

According to the general, who served for a long time in the General Staff, "superiority over the enemy will be achieved through an advantage in obtaining diverse types of information, mobility, speed of reaction, in precise impact on its objects with minimal risk to one's forces and means." At the same time, as the theorist emphasized, unlike high-precision strike weapons that hit a specific object, "information weapons will be system-destroying, that is, disabling entire combat, economic or social systems."

How does the "information weapon" work? The facts of its "application" are known to all. Thus, calls for riots disseminated on social networks led to protests in Egypt, after which the country plunged into chaos for a long time. In Ukraine, the image of “Russian aggression”, artificially created and inflated by independent ideologists, is still fueling waves of mobilization.

Generally speaking about the current situation, it is impossible not to notice that it is the planned information attacks that lead to numerous accusations against our country. Accusations of actions in which she is not involved. Nevertheless, despite the absurdity of other claims, they often act as a pretext for anti-Russian sanctions and their permanent prolongation. And this is economics...

According to Colonel Konstantin Trotsenko, candidate of military sciences, information and psychological impact (both on the population and on the personnel of the enemy’s armed forces) is one of the two main forms of information confrontation and is in the field of strategy, that is, military and state administration. The toolkit for such an impact is quite wide, and the experience of propaganda leaflets from the Second World War here, one might say, has already gone down in history, giving way to ultra-modern technologies based on electronic systems.

The second form of confrontation, according to Konstantin Trotsenko, is information-technical in nature and is realized in the form of destruction of information, radio-electronic, computer networks, unauthorized access to the information resources of the enemy, as well as the protection of one's own information environment from him.

Information "ricochet"

Considering the recent events in the world, it becomes obvious that a massive informational impact in a number of situations can cause deep damage to the side against which it is directed. Here it is worth turning again to the events in Ukraine, or rather, to the accusations against Russia of allegedly carried out "aggression" on its part. The information gleaned from social networks about the names and staff structure of formations and military units of the RF Armed Forces (such information, without thinking about the consequences, as a rule, is exchanged by retired soldiers or conscripts still serving) became the basis for the Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate to compile entire reports on the presence of Russian troops in their country.

From the pictures taken during the exercises, in the garrisons and posted on social networks, “photo evidence” of the use of military forces is formed. From the correspondence of the "demobilizations" news is born about the "relocation" of units and subunits. Then such information is skillfully mixed, superimposed on a common skillfully fabricated information background... What can I say, even if the US Ambassador to NATO Douglas Lewitt somehow admitted that the leadership of the alliance draws most of the information on Donbass from social networks!

However, despite the obvious absurdity of the rumors circulating on the Internet, they became the basis not only for anti-Russian rhetoric, but also for the general policy of the West towards our country. So, in addition to sanctions attacks, the formed image of the “aggressor” served as a pretext for the implementation of entire NATO programs to strengthen its presence in Eastern Europe. Large-scale troop movements are being carried out under the guise of fighting the “Russian threat”, forces and means are being deployed, gigantic budgetary funds are being mastered. The inhabitant in the same Poland or the Baltic states believes: all this is for his protection.

And to reinforce the image of the enemy, all sorts of stories are regularly stamped with distorted facts, with dummy "heroes", with false evidence. They do not disdain anything, even outright deception. Our compatriot living in Switzerland recently posted a news report from one of the local television companies online. In the video, a Russian-speaking resident of a residential area in the Donbass destroyed as a result of an artillery raid by the Armed Forces of Ukraine curses Ukrainian soldiers. However, the translation of the woman's speech into German is completely different: it turns out that she blames ... the Russian authorities and President Putin personally for her trouble! Such information fakes, presented as real facts, eventually result in polyphonic accusations against Russia and become a pretext for sanctions actions - a “ricochet” from the strikes of the same “information weapon”.

By the way, such antics are not uncommon for some Western reporters. It is known that in August 2008, the Euronews TV channel broadcast footage of Tskhinvali destroyed by Georgian artillery fire as the city of Gori, allegedly subjected to a Russian air raid. The frankly negative attitude of foreign journalists was personally observed by the author of these lines - while working in state information structures in the North Caucasus during both Chechen campaigns.

Correspondents from Western publications and TV channels who visited the region then sought out, first of all, “dirty” facts, recorded on cameras those who were dissatisfied with the authorities, and cut off any positive information about the restoration of peaceful life. I remember how for one of the groups of foreign reporters the itinerary of the next press tour through the regions of Chechnya was designed in such a way that it excluded the arrival in Grozny. The situation in the city in those days suddenly escalated due to attacks by militants, and the authorities of the region and the military command simply decided not to risk the lives of the guests.

However, the journalists grumbled: it turns out that each film crew was given the task of recording a “stand-up” against the backdrop of the Grozny ruins. As a result, they "blinded" the records - in the neighboring Stavropol Territory, where they specifically found the picturesque ruins of some kind of dairy farm, which is under demolition ...

“Information means of warfare can already be equated with weapons of mass destruction, and information warfare is considered one of the most effective means of interstate confrontation,” says Konstantin Sivkov, First Vice President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Doctor of Military Sciences. “American experts point out that, according to the criterion of effectiveness-cost, information technologies for influencing the enemy are significantly superior to traditional weapons systems.” The expert also notes that the leading countries of the world pay considerable attention to the development of the theory and practice of using information warfare methods. “However, successful confrontation in this area is possible only if the country has a sufficiently effective system, which is controlled from one center,” Konstantin Sivkov believes.

The political scientist, professor at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, doctor of political sciences Igor Panarin insists on the same point of view. In his opinion, the need to adopt the Doctrine of Information Confrontation is long overdue, and the creation of an information containment system should become a priority of Russian policy in this area. “Protection of the national interests of the state involves a comprehensive counteraction to information threats of a regional and local scale,” the expert notes.

It is worth adding that the National Security Strategy of Russia, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2015, also emphasizes the danger of increasing confrontation in the global information space. Such a confrontation, as stated in the Strategy, is due to the desire of some countries "to use information and communication technologies to achieve their geopolitical goals, including by manipulating public consciousness and falsifying history."

As for the algorithm and practical methods of organizing information confrontation in the Armed Forces, it is not difficult to guess that this area will be hidden from the general public for the time being. But taking into account the news announced by the Chief of the General Staff that the group created at the time of the Kavkaz-2016 exercise included specialists from the state secret protection service, it can be assumed that one of the areas of this work will be to prevent leakage of information about various aspects of the life of the army and fleet.

Including - preventing the placement of "closed" information in the same social networks where other young soldiers, flaunting in front of their peers and girlfriends, post pictures from the places of exercises, post photos of new weapons, share other information that is not intended for prying eyes. Everyone who served in the army knows that you won’t spoil with HRT specialists. We are not talking about censorship: simply leveling the threat in the information sphere is sometimes vital in order to prevent defeat in this “war”.

The scientific and technological revolution that began in the middle of the 19th century radically changed the face of human civilization. Scientific achievements and new technologies have touched almost all spheres of human life, significantly improving the quality of life. In a short period of time, man has managed to tame electricity. Physics, chemistry and medicine have reached a completely different, qualitatively new level of applied science, providing humanity with new opportunities to receive civilizational benefits. However, it would be surprising if scientific and technological progress did not touch the military sphere.

In the 20th century, new, more sophisticated types of weapons of mass destruction entered the arena, putting human civilization on the brink of disaster.

Characteristics of weapons of mass destruction

The main criterion for any new type of weapon has always been a greater damaging effect. In modern conditions, it becomes important not only to quickly inflict defeat on the enemy through fire confrontation. The striking factor comes first, the size and scale of which make it possible to disable a large accumulation of manpower of a potential enemy within a short period of time.

Such a result can be achieved only with the use of a completely new weapon, which would differ not only in the method of delivery and use on the battlefield, but would also meet the following characteristics:

  • great striking ability;
  • large affected area;
  • speed of action;
  • the presence of any negative impact on people, animals and the environment;
  • presence of negative consequences.

Each new weapon of mass destruction becomes more powerful and deadly to humans. Along with the increase in the damaging ability of such weapons, the area of ​​​​destruction has significantly increased, and long-term damaging factors have intensified. These factors are the main features of weapons of mass destruction that we deal with today.

The first classical weapon of mass destruction faced by mankind was chemical or biological weapons. Even in ancient times, during the siege of fortresses or in defense against enemy invasion, animal excrement and decomposition products of living organisms were used to worsen the sanitary situation in the enemy camp. Following the use of such means of struggle, a sharp decrease in morale was observed. Often, the combat effectiveness of the troops fell to an extremely low level, making it easier to achieve the military success of the campaign. A heavy stinking smell, sources of drinking water contaminated with decaying flesh became precisely those damaging factors that massively acted on a large crowd of people. The history of wars knows many such examples when, instead of armed struggle, the outcome of battles was decided by the use of other means.

Many years later, already in modern times, science put into the hands of man a more effective method of armed struggle on the battlefield. Thanks to the use of chemically active poisonous substances, the military was able to achieve the desired success on the battlefield.

The starting point was the chemical attack of the German troops in the area of ​​the Ypres River, which took place on April 22, 1915. Chlorine, which the Germans released from cylinders, was used as a poisonous substance. From the suffocating action of the gas, up to 5 thousand soldiers and officers of the French army perished within an hour. Up to 10 thousand people were put out of action, having received poisoning of varying severity. In a short time, the enemy lost an entire division, and a front section of 15 km. was practically broken. From that moment on, all opposing sides began to use chemical weapons, radically changing the tactics of warfare. Instead of chlorine, phosgene and hydrocyanic acid, highly toxic substances that increased the damaging ability of the new weapon, were used. Despite personal protective equipment (PPE), at least one million people died from the use of chemical weapons during the years of World War I. The actions of weapons of mass destruction showed the whole world how close a person has approached the line beyond which the total destruction of their own kind begins.

History of the use of weapons of mass destruction

After chemical weapons were successfully demonstrated on the battlefields, chemical warfare agents entered service with almost all armies, becoming one of the weighty arguments for their combat capability.

The consequences of the use of chemical weapons during military conflicts led to the fact that already in 1925 an attempt was made at the international level to control the use of such dangerous weapons.

During the Second World War, there were isolated cases of the use of poisonous substances, in the Japanese imperial army and in the laboratories of Nazi Germany, work was carried out on the creation of bacteriological weapons and their subsequent use. However, the apogee of the use of chemical weapons was the war in Vietnam, which grew into an environmental war. The United States fought the Vietnamese guerrillas for 3 years, spraying chemical weapons in the form of defoliants over the jungle for 3 years.

Only in 1993, under the auspices of the UN, the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was signed, to which 65 states have acceded to date.

Following chemical weapons, which many in the world have tried to ban and outlaw, the arsenal of weapons of mass destruction has been replenished with other, more powerful and dangerous types of weapons. For the military, the destruction of the enemy's manpower, damage to the civilian population was not the main criterion. The question was raised about the possibility of quickly, with one blow, causing irreparable damage to the industrial potential and civilian infrastructure of the enemy. This opportunity was provided by nuclear weapons, which have become one of the most powerful types of weapons to date. However, at the same time, today many states own other types of weapons of mass destruction, which are cheaper in terms of manufacture and methods of use.

The main types of weapons of mass destruction

Today, the arsenal of weapons of mass destruction is represented by three main types:

  • chemical weapon;
  • bacteriological weapons of mass destruction.

In addition to them, other, specific weapons have appeared that have a number of other damaging factors. In accordance with the variety of damaging factors, the classification of WMD was also manifested, which determines the level of protection against weapons of mass destruction, methods and effectiveness of defense and personal protective equipment.

The types of weapons of mass destruction are classified according to the following principle:

  • technological availability of manufacturing;
  • cheap and affordable way of delivery, application;
  • selective action, both in time and in kind and type of goal;
  • the presence of aggravating consequences of the use of WMD for the enemy, including a high psychological and moral effect;
  • localization of the use of weapons of mass destruction depending on time, place and circumstance.

In this aspect, nuclear weapons no longer look like the dominant type of weapons, despite their colossal power. Today, a great damaging effect is achieved not only by large-scale physical destruction of objects and the destruction of manpower. An important aspect of the effectiveness of new weapons of mass use is the incapacitation of a certain group of people in a certain territory, causing significant damage to the environment. In addition, it is important to achieve complete or temporary failure of industrial, financial and social infrastructure, on which any economy is based today.

Of the known three main types of WMD, only the first - nuclear weapons - is the most powerful and destructive. The damage from the use of such weapons is colossal, both in terms of the physical destruction of the enemy's military force, and in terms of the destruction of civilian and military facilities. The other two - chemical and bacteriological weapons - are silent killers, destroying mainly all life.

Today, completely new means of mass influence on the enemy have been added to the three well-known types of WMD, among which geophysical and tectonic, climatic and environmental weapons stand out. Hypothetically, infrasonic guns and sources of radiological radiation can be attributed to weapons of mass destruction.

Here we are already talking about the selectivity of the action of WMD. In this case, the multifactorial damaging effect is triggered. The main factors of modern types of weapons for mass impact are the period of action, the speed of the spread of negative consequences and a large psychological effect. In addition to everything, the multifactorial destructive ability of modern types of weapons of mass destruction has complicated the search for means to effectively protect troops, the population, and infrastructure from the use of weapons of mass destruction. The possibilities for the speedy elimination of the consequences resulting from the use of weapons of mass destruction have become more complicated.

The Importance of Defenses Against Weapons of Mass Destruction

With the development of means and methods of mass destruction of manpower and equipment, protection against weapons of mass destruction was improved. The military quickly managed to adapt to the situation. In the presence of appropriate shelters and protective technical means, it was possible to significantly reduce the scale of damage and neutralize the damaging factors of weapons of mass destruction. In the presence of dangers, threats of the use of WMD by the enemy, the system of protection against weapons of mass destruction (WMD) began to be improved, which is an integral attribute of any civil society in modern conditions.

Each of the types of weapons always entails the appearance of adequate means of protection. The appearance on the battlefield of toxic substances in the First World War led to the improvement of the gas mask, which became an obligatory part of military equipment for many years. Following the technical means of protection, sanitary and medical security measures appeared, which significantly reduced the impact of negative consequences on the human body.

The atomic bombing in August 1945 of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki not only showed the enormous power of the atomic bomb, but also demonstrated to all mankind a number of new damaging factors. With a shock wave of enormous force, penetrating radiation and strong radioactive contamination of a vast territory, a person encountered for the first time. I had to urgently look for new, effective means of protection against weapons of mass destruction.

With the beginning of the military-political confrontation between East and West, in parallel with the improvement and increase in the nuclear potential of the leading states, work was actively carried out to create qualitatively new means and methods of protection. On both sides of the Atlantic, in the USA, in Europe and in the countries of the socialist camp, intensive construction of bomb shelters was carried out. In places of deployment of army units, protective structures for military equipment were built, the personnel were to be equipped with new personal protective equipment, new models of military equipment capable of reducing the damaging effect of the use of weapons of mass destruction. Protection against weapons of mass destruction has become an important component of the life of civil society, both overseas and in the USSR.

In our time, people understand much better what radiation is, and what consequences can be if a nuclear conflict occurs on earth. Not everyone knows what electromagnetic radiation is or what the use of tectonic and climatic weapons can turn out to be for a person. Although the consequences in this case can be much more serious. The damaging factor from the use of tectonic or climatic weapons in its scale far exceeds the capabilities of nuclear weapons. Hurricanes alone annually cause economic damage to states, estimated by experts at hundreds of billions of dollars. The psychological effect of an artificially created drought or flood is no less than the threat of using nuclear weapons.

Today, despite the reduced international tension in relations between the leading world powers, the creation of effective means of protection against the consequences of the use of weapons of mass destruction has not been removed from the agenda. Due to the introduction of serious control over the proliferation of nuclear weapons, control over the use of other types of weapons of mass destruction remains a weak point. Some states are trying to use chemical weapons as an instrument of international blackmail. The indulgence of certain political regimes to radical groups of various kinds only increases the threat of the use of poisonous substances as a terrorist attack. The danger of using certain types of bacteriological weapons is also not excluded from the accounts. In both cases, the consequences of such an attack can be fatal for a huge mass of people. Moreover, the main threat in this case hangs over civilian objects and the civilian population.

The Nuclear Club and the Current Situation

Weapons of mass destruction, with their appearance, made significant changes and adjustments to modern military doctrine. Despite significant restrictions on the spread of weapons of mass destruction, today many states are striving to acquire such weapons. The number of countries participating in the nuclear club has grown from five to nine members over the past twenty years. Today, along with the US, Russia, China, France, and the UK, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea possess nuclear weapons.

It is rather difficult to keep count of the countries of the third world armies, which are armed with chemical and bacteriological weapons. Today, together with the United States, Russia, China, France and the United Kingdom, a number of states in the Asia-Pacific region, Asia, Africa and Latin America have such weapons or technological capabilities for the production of WMD.

Biological (bacteriological) weapons - these are pathogenic microorganisms or their spores, viruses, bacterial toxins, infected people and animals, as well as their means of delivery (missiles, guided missiles, automatic balloons, aviation), intended for mass destruction of enemy manpower, farm animals, agricultural crops, and damage to some types of military materials and equipment. It is a weapon of mass destruction and banned under the 1925 Geneva Protocol.

The damaging effect of biological weapons is based primarily on the use of the pathogenic properties of pathogenic microorganisms and toxic products of their vital activity.

Biological weapons are used in the form of various munitions; certain types of bacteria are used to equip them, causing infectious diseases that take the form of epidemics. It is intended to infect people, agricultural plants and animals, as well as to contaminate food and water sources.

Chemical weapon - weapons of mass destruction, the effect of which is based on the toxic properties of poisonous substances (OS), and means of their use: artillery shells, rockets, mines, aerial bombs, gas cannons, balloon gas launch systems, VAPs (pouring aviation devices), grenades, checkers. Along with nuclear and biological (bacteriological) weapons, it refers to weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

The use of chemical weapons has been banned several times by various international agreements:

the Hague Convention of 1899, article 23 of which prohibits the use of ammunition whose sole purpose is to poison enemy personnel;
the Geneva Protocol of 1925;
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction of 1993
Chemical weapons are classified according to the following characteristics:

The nature of the physiological effects of OM on the human body;
tactical purpose;
the speed of the coming impact;
the resistance of the applied agent;
means and methods of application.

According to the nature of the physiological effects on the human body, six main types of toxic substances are distinguished:

Nerve agents that affect the central nervous system. The purpose of using a nerve agent is to quickly and massively incapacitate personnel with the greatest possible number of deaths. The toxic substances of this group include sarin, soman, tabun and V-gases.
Agents of blistering action, causing damage mainly through the skin, and when applied in the form of aerosols and vapors, also through the respiratory organs. The main toxic substances are mustard gas, lewisite.
General toxic agents that, when entering the body, disrupt the transfer of oxygen from the blood to the tissues. This is one of the fastest operating systems. These include hydrocyanic acid and cyanogen chloride.
Asphyxiant agents affecting mainly the lungs. The main OMs are phosgene and diphosgene.
OV of psychochemical action, capable of incapacitating the enemy's manpower for some time. These toxic substances, acting on the central nervous system, disrupt the normal mental activity of a person or cause such disorders as temporary blindness, deafness, a sense of fear, and limitation of motor functions. Poisoning with these substances in doses that cause mental disorders does not lead to death. OBs from this group are quinuclidyl-3-benzilate (BZ) and lysergic acid diethylamide.
OV irritating action, or irritants (from the English irritant - an irritating substance). Irritants are fast-acting. At the same time, their effect, as a rule, is short-lived, since after leaving the infected zone, the signs of poisoning disappear after 1-10 minutes. A lethal effect for irritants is possible only when doses that are tens to hundreds of times higher than the minimum and optimally acting doses enter the body. Irritant agents include lachrymal substances, which cause profuse lacrimation, and sneezing, which irritate the respiratory tract (may also affect the nervous system and cause skin lesions). Tear agents (lachrymators) - CS, CN (chloroacetophenone) and PS (chloropicrin). The sneezers (sternites) are DM (adamsite), DA (diphenylchlorarsine) and DC (diphenylcyanarsine). There are agents that combine tear and sneezing actions. Irritating agents are in service with the police in many countries and therefore are classified as police or special non-lethal means (special means).

However, non-lethal substances can also cause death. In particular, during the Vietnam War, the US Army used the following types of gases:

CS - orthochlorobenzylidene malononitrile and its formulations;
CN - chloroacetophenone;
DM - adamsite or chlordihydrophenarsazine;
CNS - prescription form of chloropicrin;
BA (BAE) - bromoacetone;
BZ - quinuclidyl-3-benzylate.

Nuclear weapon - a set of nuclear weapons, means of their delivery to the target and controls; refers to weapons of mass destruction along with biological and chemical weapons. Nuclear ammunition is an explosive weapon based on the use of nuclear energy released during a chain nuclear fission reaction of heavy nuclei and / or a thermonuclear fusion reaction of light nuclei.

When a nuclear weapon is detonated, a nuclear explosion occurs, the damaging factors of which are:

shock wave
light emission
penetrating radiation
radioactive contamination
electromagnetic pulse (EMP)

"Atomic" - single-phase or single-stage explosive devices in which the main energy output comes from the nuclear fission reaction of heavy nuclei (uranium-235 or plutonium) with the formation of lighter elements.

Thermonuclear weapons (also "hydrogen") are two-phase or two-stage explosive devices in which two physical processes are sequentially developed, localized in different areas of space: in the first stage, the main source of energy is the fission reaction of heavy nuclei, and in the second, fission and thermonuclear fusion reactions are used in various proportions, depending on the type and setting of the ammunition.

It is customary to divide nuclear weapons by power into five groups:

Ultra-small (less than 1 kt);
small (1 - 10 ct);
medium (10 - 100 kt);
large (high power) (100 kt - 1 Mt);
super-large (extra-high power) (over 1 Mt).

Thank you all for your attention
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Weapons of mass destruction

Nuclear explosion

Weapons of mass destruction (weapons of mass destruction) - a weapon of great lethality, designed to cause massive losses or destruction. .

Such capabilities have, and, therefore, can be considered weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in particular the following types of weapons:

Many types of WMD have environmentally damaging side effects. (For example, radioactive contamination of the area by products of a nuclear explosion.)

Consequences comparable to the consequences of the use of environmentally hazardous types of WMD can also occur in the case of the use of conventional weapons or the commission of terrorist acts at environmentally hazardous facilities (for example: nuclear power plants or chemical plants, dams and hydroelectric facilities, etc.).

Also, the impact of WMD demoralizes both the troops and the civilian population.

The following types of weapons of mass destruction are in service with modern states:


They are characterized by high destructive power and a large area of ​​action. The objects of influence can be both the people themselves, structures, and the natural habitat: fertile soils, terrain (in order to fetter the enemy), plants, animals.

The damaging factors of WMD always have both an instantaneous effect and a more or less extended one in time. Typical examples of damaging factors of instant action:

  • shockwave,
  • strong light flash (strong light emission),
  • streams of high-energy particles,
  • electromagnetic pulse,
  • artificial tsunami,
  • artificial earth tremors.

Typical examples of long-term damaging factors:

  • contamination of the area with products of a nuclear explosion and the resulting sharp increase in the local radiation background,
  • chemical pollution.

For example, the damaging factors of the following types of WMD are known.

  • The damaging factors of a nuclear explosion:
    • air shock wave,
    • light radiation of a nuclear explosion,
    • intense flow of high-energy particles, X-ray and -radiation - penetrating radiation,
    • electromagnetic pulse,
    • contamination with nuclear products.
  • The damaging factors of chemical weapons are:
    • actually, a toxic substance in various forms (gaseous, aerosol, on the surface of objects),
    • chemical pollution of air, water, soil;

The duration of action varies depending on the type of poisonous substance and meteorological conditions.

  • The damaging factors of biological weapons are the following pathogen (aerosol, on the surface of objects).

(The duration may vary depending on the pathogen and external conditions from several hours or days to tens of years (natural anthrax foci exist for at least decades)).

Hypothetical and promising types of weapons of mass destruction

Possible promising types of WMD:

  • Geophysical weapons
  • Annihilation weapon (Antimatter bomb, relativistic electron accelerator, gamma laser)
  • Orbital cannon

Not a single adopted sample of such a weapon is known.

Hypothetical types of WMD:

  • Microwave weapons

The danger of war

The development of research in the development of weapons of mass destruction has led to a significant increase in the danger of war both for the participating countries and for the whole world. In some cases, WMD, on the contrary, acts as a guarantor of peace. For example, a country with a small military potential is able to deter a stronger country from aggression by the threat of inflicting unacceptable damage in the event of the use of WMD. During the Cold War, peace between NATO and the WTO was maintained by the threat of mutually assured destruction.

see also



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See what "Weapon of Mass Destruction" is in other dictionaries:

    - (WMD), means of armed struggle with a huge lethality and low selectivity of action, designed to inflict massive losses and destruction in a short time on large territories and in all areas of struggle. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    A weapon of great lethality, designed to inflict massive casualties or destruction. The damaging factors of weapons of mass destruction can, as a rule, cause damage to the enemy for a certain time after its use and ... Marine Dictionary

    Weapons of mass destruction- nuclear, chemical, bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons;... Source: Federal Law of 18.07.1999 N 183 FZ (as amended of 06.12.2011) On export control ... weapons of mass destruction nuclear, chemical, biological or … … Official terminology

    WMD are types of weapons that, with limited involvement of forces and means, can cause massive losses and destruction up to irreversible changes in the properties of the environment. The main distinguishing features of WMD: multifactorial damaging effect; ... ... Emergencies Dictionary

    Weapons of mass destruction- (English mass affection/damage weapons) according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on export control of nuclear, chemical, bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons (Article 1 of the Federal Law "On Export Control" **). See also Chemical weapons… Encyclopedia of Law

    weapons of mass destruction- masinio naikinimo ginklai statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Ypač didelę naikinamąją galią turintys ginklai; jų naudojimas daro masinių nuostolių ir griovimų. Masinio naikinimo ginklai pasižymi naikinamųjų veiksnių gausa ir ilga jų trukme – tai… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas

    weapons of mass destruction- masinio naikinimo ginklas statusas T sritis apsauga nuo naikinimo priemonių apibrėžtis Ypač didelę naikinamąją galią turintis ginklas; jo naudojimas daro masinių nuostolių ir griovimų. Masinis naikinimo ginklas pasižymi didele naikinamųjų… … Apsaugos nuo naikinimo priemonių enciklopedinis žodynas

    weapons of mass destruction- masinio naikinimo ginklas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Ypač didelę naikinamąją galią turintis ginklas, kurio naudojimas daro masinių nuostolių ir griovimų. Pasižymi didele naikinamųjų veiksnių gausa ir ilga jų trukme –… … Ekologijos terminų aiskinamasis žodynas

    A weapon designed to inflict mass casualties. O. m. p. include Nuclear weapons, Chemical weapons and Bacteriological weapons ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Weapons of mass destruction- weapons of great destructive and striking power, which include atomic and hydrogen bombs, as well as bacteriological and chemical agents ... Brief dictionary of operational-tactical and general military terms

Information weapons, like information warfare, have undergone changes as society and information technologies have developed. The scope of information weapons is so wide that they alone can win and lose wars. The information space has actually become a theater of war, where each opposing side seeks to gain an advantage.

Information weapon (hereinafter referred to as IO) are means of destroying, distorting or stealing information arrays, extracting the necessary information from them after overcoming protection systems, restricting or prohibiting access to them by legitimate users, disorganizing the operation of technical means, disabling telecommunications networks, computer systems, all means of high-tech support for the life of society and the functioning of the state.

Information weapons combine a low level of costs and high efficiency of use. It does not destroy the enemy, it does not require the creation of complex structures, and there is no need to cross borders.

Information weapons are inherently two-faced; electronic and human aspects are clearly traced in it. On the one hand, society is becoming increasingly dependent on information technology, so the normal operation of many computers and computer networks, without exaggeration, is vital. On the other hand, people remain the main, strategic target of information weapons.

From a purely military point of view, information weapons can be divided into offensive and defensive.

Offensive information weapons are one of the most secret areas. Offensive weapons, for example, include the ability to penetrate enemy computer systems. Defensive information weapons are a much more prosaic topic. Defensive weapons must ensure the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information and supporting infrastructure, despite the aggressive actions of the enemy.

Information weapons differ from conventional weapons in the following ways:

Stealth - the ability to achieve a goal without visible preparation and declaration of war;

Scale - the ability to cause irreparable damage, not recognizing national borders and sovereignty, without limiting space in all spheres of human life;

Universality - the possibility of multiple use of both military and civilian structures of the country of attack against military and civilian facilities of the country of defeat.

The scope of IO includes both military and economic, banking, social and other areas of a potential adversary in order to:

Disorganization of the activities of management structures, traffic flows and means of communication;

Blocking the activities of individual enterprises and banks, as well as basic industries by disrupting multi-link technological ties and the system of mutual settlements, through the implementation of currency and financial fraud, etc.;

Initiation of major man-made disasters on the territory of the enemy as a result of a violation of the regular control of technological processes and facilities that deal with large quantities of hazardous substances and high concentrations of energy;

Mass distribution and introduction into the minds of people of certain ideas, habits and behavioral stereotypes;

Causing discontent or panic among the population, as well as provoking destructive actions of various social groups.

At the same time, the following are the main objects of application of IO both in peacetime and in wartime:

Computer and communication systems used by government organizations in the performance of their management functions;

Military information infrastructure, which solves the problems of command and control of troops and combat assets, collection and processing of information in the interests of the armed forces;

Information and management structures of banks, transport and industrial enterprises;

Mass media, primarily electronic (radio, television, etc.).

According to the field of application, information weapons are divided into military and non-military IS.

IE, the use of which is possible in conditions of open warfare (electronic countermeasures), includes means that provide:

Defeat enemy targets with conventional munitions based on target designation of own radio and electronic intelligence equipment and partial homing in the final section of the trajectory;

Defeat with new generation high-precision munitions, intelligent munitions with independent target search and homing to its vulnerable elements;

Radar suppression of communications by masking interference;

Creation of simulating interference that makes it difficult to enter into communication, synchronization in data transmission channels, initiating the functions of questioning and duplicating messages;

Disabling electronic components due to exposure to high levels of electromagnetic or ionizing radiation;

Force impact with a high voltage impulse through the power supply network;

Violation of the properties of the propagation medium of radio waves (for example, disruption of HF radio communications due to modification of the parameters of the ionosphere);

Impact with the help of special methods of communication systems on a computer;

Generation of natural speech of a particular person.

IO poses a particular danger to information computer systems of public authorities, command and control of troops and weapons, finances and banks, the country's economy, as well as to people with information-psychological (psychophysical) impact on them in order to change and control their individual and collective behavior.

Information weapons, the use of which is possible both in wartime and in peacetime, can include the means of destroying information computer systems and the means of defeating people (their psyche).

The peculiarity of the information weapon is that it affects the human brain, destroys the ways and forms of personal identification in relation to fixed communities, transforms the individual's memory matrix, creating a personality with predetermined parameters (type of consciousness, artificial needs, forms of self-determination, etc.) meeting the requirements of the aggressor, disables the control systems of the enemy state and its armed forces.

The organization of protection against such weapons implies the fulfillment of a number of conditions.

First of all, the presence of the developed basic concept of "information weapons", which allows to determine those psycho-physiological and socio-cultural means and mechanisms that are necessary to protect the Russian society, the state and the individual on the basis of "considering society as an organized, autonomous and self-governing system with an inscribed mentality and a set of socio-cultural traditions.

Secondly, the creation of a classification of the main methods and forms of defeat and destruction of the state control bodies and the consciousness of the individual in the information war, taking into account the characteristics of the civilizational and cultural context. This classification will allow, on the basis of the characteristics of Russian civilization, to develop psychological, cultural and conceptual attitudes that form a system of protective filters from the enemy’s disorganization of public and individual consciousness by blurring the “meanings” of Russian culture, substituting meanings in the system of accepted values, erasing the differences between good and evil, truth and error, beautiful and ugly, etc.

Thirdly, determination of the mechanisms of influence of the so-called "program bookmarks" (speech in speech, image in image) using computers and other audiovisual means on the neurophysiological substrate of the human mental world, neurolinguistic programming acting on the left and right hemispheres of the human brain, and the development of measures aimed at to protect the individual from the damaging effects of these "programmed bookmarks" on the memory matrix and the psyche of the individual.

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