Presentation of the animal and plant world of the continents. Presentation on the topic "Animals of different continents. What kind of animal is that




  • Tasks:
  • Educational.
  • Educational.
  • Developing.

Materials and equipment: globe, computer.

GCD progress

Educator. Children look at our planet from space. How do we see the earth? (blue, spherical). Sometimes, in order to study an object, scientists make its reduced or enlarged image - a model. The globe is a model of the earth.
What colors are on the surface of the globe? (Blue, green and brown.)
What color is the most on the globe? These are oceans and seas. - In total, there are 5 oceans on earth: the Arctic, Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, South. There are many more seas.

Look at a map of the Earth. Large areas of land that are surrounded on all sides by water are called continents. There are 6 of them: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica.

Find the continents on the globe. What are their names? Which continent is the largest? (Eurasia) And what is the smallest? (Australia) What continent do we live on?

Physical education "Six continents" (song)

Dear children, dear friends!

We live on a planet called Earth.

Where there are six continents, six continents,

I'm ready to talk about all of them:

Africa, Australia, Eurasia,

Snow-covered - Antarctica.

Europe and Asia is Eurasia - the largest continent,

Australia is the smallest.

Antarctica is a huge glacier.

Two more Americas - North, South,

And there is hot Africa.

Let's look at a map, or a globe,

"How many continents?" - Six.

North America, South America,

Africa, Australia, Eurasia,

And the coldest, iciest, uninhabited,

Snow-covered - Antarctica.
Educator. Solve riddles.

Two continents - one continent.
He is the biggest!
He is very big! (Eurasia)

Where vines hang from trees
Different monkeys live in the jungle:
Chimpanzees, baboons climb there,
There are also gorillas orangutans. (Africa)

We will find on the globe
Two different poles!

And at the South we will find
Continent covered with ice! (Antarctica)

Educator. The game "Find the mainland" Names the mainland and the child must find it on a map or globe.

Educator. Reads a poem by E. Shklovskaya.

I look at the globe - the globe of the earth.
And suddenly he sighed, as if alive.
And the continents whisper to me: “You take care of us, take care of us.”
In the anxiety of the grove and the forest, the dew on the grasses is like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask: “Be a Human, human.
We believe in you, don't lie, take care of us, take care of us."
The deep river is sad, losing its banks.
And I hear the voice of the river: "You take care of us, take care."

I look at the globe, the globe of the earth, so beautiful and dear.
And lips whisper: "I won't lie, I'll save you, save you."

Educator. What is this poem about? How can we save our planet?

A circle. The game "Ears - on top". Children need to clap their hands when he hears the name of any continent.

Moscow, Russia, Australia, Spain, Rostov, Norway, Asia, Great Britain, Antarctica, North Pole, North America, Sweden, Germany, Chelyabinsk, Kyiv, Moldova, Canada, Africa, Southern Cross, Slovenia, Jurmala, South America, Eurasia. ..

Note to the teacher. Geography is the science of the earth. Interestingly, "geo" is an abbreviation for "Gaia" - that was the name of the goddess of the earth.
The first globe appeared more than 500 years ago, in Germany, and was created by the German geographer Martin Beheim. He called his model "earth apple". Until now, the first globe is kept in one of the museums in Germany.

Topic: Antarctica.Nature.

Purpose: To acquaint children with the peculiarities of the nature of the mainland, to acquaint them with the nature of Antarctica;

  • Tasks:
  • Educational.
  • develop speech activity.
  • Educational.
  • cultivate curiosity, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, his comrades ..
  • Developing.
  • formation of ecological culture and respect for nature.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations of the nature of Antarctica Presentation "Antarctica", computer.

GCD progress

Finger game: song "Continents".

  1. Presentation "Antarctica".

This is the coldest continent, covered with a powerful cap of eternal ice. Antarctica is the only uninhabited continent. There are only scientific stations where scientists work. Arctic tern, albatross, seal, elephant seal live here. The most numerous inhabitants are penguins. These non-flying birds are excellent swimmers and divers. Often flapping their wings, penguins literally fly underwater. Very small feathers, lubricated with fat, densely cover the bird's body, making it invulnerable to icy water and air. On land, penguins are very clumsy. They can develop great speed only when they move down on their belly from the icy slopes.

  1. We discuss the features of the nature of Antarctica, its fauna.

Free work with material.

Subject: Antarctica. Animal world.

Purpose: To acquaint children with the peculiarities of the lifestyle of the penguins of Antarctica;

  • Tasks:
  • Educational.
  • develop speech activity.
  • Educational.
  • cultivate curiosity, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, his comrades ..
  • Developing.
  • formation of ecological culture and respect for nature.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations of the nature of Antarctica DVD "Emperor Penguin Peter", computer.

GCD progress

Watching the DVD of the film - "Penguin Peter."

We discuss the features of the lifestyle of penguins in Antarctica.

Free work with material.

A circle. The game "Magic bag" Children draw letters and name the inhabitants of Antarctica ..

Theme: "Africa's wildlife"

Purpose: To acquaint children with the features of the animal world of the mainland - Africa.

  • Educational.
  • develop speech activity.
  • Educational.
  • cultivate curiosity, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, his comrades ..
  • Developing.
  • formation of ecological culture and respect for nature.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations of the nature of Africa Presentation "Animal world of Africa", computer.

GCD progress

Finger game - song "Continents".

Viewing the presentation "Africa's Wildlife"

Theme: "Nature of Africa"


To acquaint children with the peculiarities of the nature of the mainland - Africa.

  • Educational.
  • develop speech activity.
  • Educational.
  • cultivate curiosity, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, his comrades ..
  • Developing.
  • formation of ecological culture and respect for nature.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations of the nature of Africa Presentation "Africa", computer.

GCD progress

Finger game - song "Continents".

Educator. Today we are going on a journey to a very hot mainland to Africa.

Somewhere on the south side

And giraffes and elephants

Where in the silver river

Hippos sleep sweetly

painted birds

They fly with the color of the rainbow."


Raise your legs up -

We walk on thick grass.

We will bend our backs -

Let's crawl under the bushes.

There is a snake in front

She is sleeping, no noise!

We'll walk on toes

Let's go over the snake.

A stream gurgles ahead

So we went out into the field."

View presentation "Africa"

Discussing with children the nature of Africa, its features, the population of Africa.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "Cockerel, walked, walked and found a figure" (with a geometric chest of drawers)

Topic: “The fauna of Africa. Lions"

  • Educational.
  • develop speech activity.
  • Educational.
  • cultivate curiosity, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, his comrades ..
  • Developing.
  • formation of ecological culture and respect for nature.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations of African animals. DVD "Leo the Lion", computer.

GCD progress

Finger game - song "Continents".

Educator. Today we are going on a journey to a very hot mainland to Africa.

Let's meet one animal?

This beast is beautiful

The mane is magnificent on him,

Runs faster than the wind.

For your prey.

It will take him, believe me

After all, he is the main king of animals!

Watching the DVD "Leo the Lion"

Discussion with the children of the animal world of Africa.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "Cockerel, walked, walked and found a figure" (with a geometric chest of drawers)

mainland to Africa.

Discussion with the children of the animal world of Africa.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "Cockerel, walked, walked and found a figure" (with a geometric chest of drawers)

Theme: "Animal world of Africa."

Purpose: To introduce children to the peculiarities of the lifestyle of lions

  • Educational.
  • develop speech activity.
  • Educational.
  • cultivate curiosity, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, his comrades ..
  • Developing.
  • formation of ecological culture and respect for nature.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations of African animals. a computer.

GCD progress

Finger game - song "Continents".

Educator. Today we are going on a trip to Africa.

This is the hottest continent. It is washed by two oceans - Indian and Atlantic. The nature of Africa is very diverse. To the north is the largest desert in the world, the Sahara. Snakes, jerboas, foxes, camels live here.

Camels, champions of desert survival, carry a supply of water and food in the form of fat in their humps, allowing them to go without food or drink for long periods of time. Their stomach is adapted to digest rough food: thorns and hard-leaved plants. A camel can drink about 10 buckets of water at once. Thick wool protects the camel from heat and cold, and the nostrils close during sandstorms.

Desert foxes have disproportionately large ears that increase heat dissipation and keep their owners cool in the heat.

The largest river in the world, the Nile, flows through the desert, in which crocodiles live. The Dragon Mountains are located in southern Africa. To the east of the mainland is the island of Madagascar, where unique lemurs live.


“In order for us to find a clearing, we all need to go through the jungle.

Raise your legs up -

We walk on thick grass.

We will bend our backs -

Let's crawl under the bushes.

There is a snake in front

She is sleeping, no noise!

We'll walk on toes

Let's go over the snake.

A stream gurgles ahead

Let's jump over the rocks.

So we went out into the field."

Discussion with the children of the animal world of Africa.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "Cockerel, walked, walked and found a figure" (with a geometric chest of drawers)

Topic: “The fauna of Africa. Crocodiles»

Purpose: To introduce children to the lifestyle of African crocodiles

  • Educational.
  • develop speech activity.
  • Educational.
  • cultivate curiosity, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, his comrades ..
  • Developing.
  • formation of ecological culture and respect for nature.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations of African animals. DVD "Crocodile Carl", computer.

GCD progress

Finger game - song "Continents".

Educator. Today we are going on a journey to a very hot mainland to Africa.

Today we will meet one animal?

It's been in the water for a long time.

All green log

Love the African Nile

Our toothy ... (crocodile).

Watching the DVD "Crocodile Carl"

Discussion with the children of the animal world of Africa.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "Cockerel, walked, walked and found a figure" (with a geometric chest of drawers)

Theme: "Nature Australia"


GCD progress

Finger game - song "Continents".

Educator. Today we are going on a journey to the most extraordinary mainland of Australia.

In the spring, a sea of ​​callas blooms everywhere, just like our mother and stepmother, and multi-colored geraniums bloom luxuriantly along the coast.

Here are the extraordinary Blue Mountains. These mountains are named blue because under the direct rays of the sun, essential oil begins to evaporate from the leaves of millions of eucalyptus trees, creating a blue glow effect. In Australia, eucalyptus trees are also called the “pump tree”, as they “pump out” a lot of water from the ground. And, of course, the beautiful city of Sydney, which is lined up along the bay with a line of colorful skyscrapers. The most famous building in Sydney is the Opera House. It resembles stretched sails frozen in stone. The bridge across the bay and the original Opera House are considered the same symbols of Australia as the kangaroo and koala.

Educator. Reading the poem "Australia"

She is below us.
They obviously walk upside down
There's an inside-out year,
There the gardens bloom in October,
There in October, not in July, summer,
There are rivers flowing without water.
(They disappear somewhere in the desert)
There are traces of wingless birds in the thickets.
Animals are born from eggs
Educator. People from all over the world live in Australia, peoples of different nationalities live in peace and harmony.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "Name the words on" A "."

Topic: “Australian wildlife. Kangaroo".

Purpose: to introduce children to the peculiarities of the kangaroo lifestyle.

  • Tasks:
  • Educational.
  • develop speech activity.
  • Educational.
  • Developing.
  • formation of ecological culture and respect for nature.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations of Australian animals. DVD "Red Kangaroo Rogan", computer.

GCD progress

Finger game - song "Continents".

How much can I do:
Run, jump all faster!
I hurt the enemy with my feet,
And caring like a mother.
Reddish with a gray nose
The eyes are slightly slanted.
"Jumper" I'm called in the world,
Well, who am I? - (Kangaroo).

Watching DVD "Kanguryonok"

Discuss with the children the lifestyle habits of kangaroos.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "Name the words on" K "".(Kangaroo gifts for Birthday).

  • Tasks:
  • Educational.
  • develop speech activity.
  • Educational.
  • educate curiosity, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, his comrades ..
  • Developing.
  • formation of ecological culture and respect for nature.

GCD progress

Finger game - song "Continents".

Educator. Today we are going on a journey to the most extraordinary mainland of Australia. Do you remember what animals live in Australia? (children's answers)

Educator. Today I want to tell you about one animal. Guess who?


No, I'm not a wolf or a fox.

You come to us in the woods,

And there you will see a dog -

Warrior Dingo.

Like the Australian heat

Chased his sister through the woods

Lean, skinny dingo.

She is in the bushes - and I follow her,

She is in the stream - and I am in the stream,

She's faster - and I'm faster

Relentless dingo.

She is cunning, and I am not simple.

In the morning we ran to the stars,

But he caught her by the tail

Relentless dingo.

Now I'm in front of everyone

In the zoological garden

Spinning around like a top and waiting for meat

Restless dingo.

Free work of children with the material.

Note to the teacher.

Australia (from Latin translated “southern”)

1. Australia is the smallest continent on Earth.

2. The mainland is located entirely in the southern hemisphere.

3. There are no active volcanoes here.

4. Australia is the driest continent. It receives 5 times less rainfall than Africa and 8 times less than South America.

5. About half of its area is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts.

6. The entire mainland is occupied by one state.

7. Australia later than others was settled and mastered by Europeans.

9. Australia is a continent of relics - animals and plants preserved from past geological eras.

Theme: "Australian wildlife".

Purpose: to introduce children to the features of the animal world of Australia.

  • Tasks:
  • Educational.
  • develop speech activity.
  • Educational.
  • educate curiosity, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, his comrades ..
  • Developing.
  • formation of ecological culture and respect for nature.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations of the nature of Australia. Presentation "Animals Australia", computer.

GCD progress

Educator. Children, do you remember that Australia is in many ways the most, most ........... mainland!

The most, what?

First, Australia is the smallest continent

Australia is the only country in the world that occupies an entire continent.

Secondly, the driest continent, because most of its territory is occupied by deserts, precipitation is 5 times less than Africa.

Thirdly, the most remote mainland, which is why Australia was discovered later than all other continents.

Fourth; a sparsely populated mainland, the population of the mainland is comparable to the number of the largest cities in the world: 17 million people live in Australia, 12 million in New York, and 8 million in Moscow.

Australia is the most amazing continent because many species of animals and plants live there, which you will not find anywhere else on the globe.

Educator. Shows a presentation.

Marsupials: kangaroo, koala, anteater, opossum, badger.

Oviparous animals.

Echidna, platypus.

Dingo dog


monitor lizard, moloch, frilled lizard.

Crocodile, termite mounds in the savannah.

Educator. Did you guys enjoy our trip? What did you like? (children's answers)

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. Game "Name the animals of Australia".

Topic: "Nature of South America"

Goals: formation of ideas about the climate and nature of South America



Materials and equipment:physical map of South America, Presentation: "South America", computer.

GCD progress.

Educator. Children today we are sailing to South America.

We will swim through different straits,
The mainland will slowly go around,
We will conquer the Andes without further ado,
See chains of islands
And the contrast of nature is palpable,
If we really want to.

Educator: In outline, South America looks like a huge mainland, tapering to the south. (North is warmer than south). In terms of size, it ranks fourth among all the continents of the Earth. South America is located at a considerable distance from other continents, except for North America and Antarctica ......

South America surprises with its climate:

- it is called the "wettest" mainland;

- here the south is colder than the north;

- on the coast of the ocean there is the driest place on Earth - the Atacama Desert (precipitation per year - 0.8 mm).

The pampas are a plain where grass and shrubs grow.

The Amazon River flows.

Angel - the highest waterfall (979m)

South America is washed by two oceans - the Atlantic and the Pacific. Birds also live here - smaller than butterflies, and butterflies - with the span of birds. The second largest river in the world, the Amazon, flows through the territory, where predators such as crocodiles and piranha fish live.

One day the leader of the Indian tribe gathered all the young men and said:

“Go and reach the top of the mountains while you have the strength. Whoever gets tired can return home, but let everyone bring me a branch from the place where he turned off the road, ”the leader said. Soon the first one returned and held out a cactus leaf. The chief chuckled, “You didn’t cross the desert. You weren't even at the foot of the mountain." The leader said to the second, who brought a silvery branch of wormwood: "You were at the foot, but you did not even try to start the ascent." The third, with a poplar branch, even deserved praise: "You made it to the spring." A similar encouragement is given to the fourth, with a branch of buckthorn. To the fifth, who brought a branch of cedar, the old man nodded approvingly: "You were halfway to the top." The last young man came empty-handed, but his face shone with joy. He explained that he had been where no trees grew, but he had seen the sparkling sea. The leader not only believed him, but also paid the greatest tribute of recognition: “You don’t need a branch symbol. Victory shines in your eyes, sounds in your voice. This is one of the pinnacles of your life. You have seen the mountain in all its glory."

Educator. Children, our journey is over. Did you like it? What do you remember?

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "Magic Bag"

Note to the teacher.

Why is there a strip of desert along the Pacific coast?

(As the cold current passes)

The fact is that in this area the winds blowing from the Pacific Ocean do not bring precipitation. And suddenly, in late 1924 - early 1925, warm and humid winds began to blow into this desert region from the ocean. The sky was covered with clouds, and real tropical rains poured down. Many roads and railway tracks were washed out, bridges were demolished. The water level in some rivers has risen by almost 6 meters in just one night. The stunted desert vegetation began to be replaced by tropical vegetation. Mosquitoes and mosquitoes appeared in the country, tropical birds arrived. The desert has become unrecognizable.

As it later turned out, all this happened because in December 1924 the warm Del Niño current penetrated here from the equator. It pushed the cold Peruvian current deep into the Pacific Ocean and brought a lot of warm water. In the desert, abundant rainfall, unprecedented in these places, fell.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "What has changed" (with puzzle continents)

Topic: "The fauna of South America"

Target: formation of ideas about the animal world of South America.


Educational:formation of scientific outlook.

Educational: development of personal qualities of pupils: the ability to listen to the interlocutor, respect the opinions of others and express their own.

Developing: development: memory, attention, logical thinking.

Materials and equipment:physical map of South America, Presentation: "Animals of South America", computer.

GCD progress.

Educator: We walk, we walk, we raise our legs higher.

We'll walk a little more

Let's do geography.

Globe game. Children are looking for land, water, continents on the globe.

We twist, we twist the globe.

We twist, we twist blue.

We will visit South America today,
The wilds of the Amazon, of course, we will visit,
We will swim through different straits,
The mainland will slowly go around,
We will conquer the Andes without further ado,
See chains of islands
And the contrast of nature is palpable,
If we really want to.

Educator. Do you know who lives in South America? Presentation demonstration.

Agoutis are rodents about the size of a hare (they are also called humpback hares). The hind legs are longer than the front, they can swim.

Nandu is a bird that cannot fly and runs fast. The body is covered with feathers, the head and legs are bare. They incubate eggs and raise the cubs of papa Nandu.

Giant anteater: body up to 1m, tail -1m .. With strong front paws, he hits the termite mound, destroys the wall with his claws, then sticks his tongue (0.5 m) and pulls back with adhering termites Gives birth to only 1 cub mom wears it on back.

Guinea pigs eat plants.

The armadillo-body is covered with bone PLATES.


Ara parrot.

Condor is the largest bird of prey in the world.

Educator. Here flows the most full-flowing river of the Amazon.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. Game "Find the Animal" (according to the book)

Theme: South America.

1. Organizational moment.

We walk, we walk, we raise our legs higher.

One-two, one-two, turn around, kids.

We'll walk a little more

Let's do geography.

2. Game with a globe. Children are looking for land, water, continents on the globe.

We twist, we twist the globe.

We twist, we twist blue.

One, two, three - show the land.

The teacher shows South America on the globe.

3. The game "Captains". To the music, children run around the chairs - “sail on a ship” along the contour of the mainland, laid out of ropes, stopped

music - sit on the chairs, "sailed to South America."

4. Children with a teacher consider South America on a map. Discuss the "color" of the continent, relief, contour. They send a traveler there (game - Velcro "Magic Geography").

5. Acquaintance with the animal world (consideration of the atlas of animals, illustrations, cards).

6. Outdoor game "Piranhas". Children alternately depict Indians, animals; at the signal "Piranha!" - some children run away, and some catch up with them.

Indians lived in South America

And many different animals.

But everyone ran away when they heard:

“Piranhas! Save yourself quickly!”

7. Games with the card "Magic geography". The guys need to choose from a number of animals only those who live in South America and stick them on the continent.

8. At the table, children draw a map of South America. Then they either place them at the exhibition of achievements or take them for themselves.

9. Conversation about the native inhabitants of South America - the Indians. Children look at illustrations in books, ask questions to the teacher. At the tables - applied activity - the manufacture of Indian headdresses.

10. Who has already completed his headdress, puts it on and, if desired, goes to the rug to fold a map of South America from cubes.

11. Children share their impressions and choose the continent they are interested in exploring next.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "Magic bag". (Children draw out a letter and name the animal of South America on it.)

Topic: "Nature of North America"

Goals: formation of ideas about the climate and nature of North America


Educational: Educational:formation of scientific outlook.

Educational: development of personal qualities of pupils: the ability to listen to the interlocutor, respect the opinions of others and express their own.

Developing: development: memory, attention, logical thinking.

Materials and equipment:physical map of North America, Presentation: "North America", computer.

GCD progress.

Educator. Children today we are sailing to North America.

North America is washed by three oceans: the Atlantic, the Arctic and the Pacific (shown on a map). The nature of this continent is beautiful and diverse. Here is the largest island in the world - Greenland. Only in North America you can see such animals as bison, musk ox and skunk.

View presentation "Nature of North America".

Discuss with children the nature of North America.

Theme: "Animal world. Wild dog Dingo".

Purpose: to acquaint children with the lifestyle features of the Wild Dog Dingo.

  • Tasks:
  • Educational.
  • develop speech activity.
  • Educational.
  • educate curiosity, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, his comrades ..
  • Developing.
  • formation of ecological culture and respect for nature.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations of Australian animals. Dingo Dean DVD, computer.

GCD progress

Finger game - song "Continents".

Educator. Today we are going on a journey to the most extraordinary mainland of Australia. Do you remember what animals live in Australia? (children's answers)

Educator. Today I want to tell you about one animal. Guess who?


No, I'm not a wolf or a fox.

You come to us in the woods,

And there you will see a dog -

Warrior Dingo.

Let the kangaroo tell you

Like the Australian heat

Chased his sister through the woods

Lean, skinny dingo.

She is in the bushes - and I follow her,

She is in the stream - and I am in the stream,

She's faster - and I'm faster

Relentless dingo.

She is cunning, and I am not simple.

In the morning we ran to the stars,

But he caught her by the tail

Relentless dingo.

Now I'm in front of everyone

In the zoological garden

Spinning around like a top and waiting for meat

Restless dingo.

Watching the DVD "Wild Dog Dingo"

Discussing with the children the habits of the Dingo Dog.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "Name the words on" D "".(Dingo Dog's birthday gifts).

Topic: “Animal world. Otter Oscar. South America.".

Purpose: to acquaint children with the peculiarities of the lifestyle of otters.

  • Tasks:
  • Educational.
  • develop speech activity.
  • Educational.
  • educate curiosity, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, his comrades ..
  • Developing.
  • formation of ecological culture and respect for nature.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations of South American animals. Otter Oscar DVD, computer.

GCD progress

Finger game - song "Continents".

Educator. Today we set off on a journey to the wettest mainland in South America. Do you remember what animals live in South America? (children's answers)

Educator. Today I want to tell you about one animal. Guess who?

Well, this agile beast
Catches fish without nets
Spoils beavers' dams
And rolls off the cliff.


Watching the DVD Otter Oscar

Discussing with the children the habits of the Dingo Dog.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "Name the words on" D "".(Dingo Dog's birthday gifts).

Topic: “Animal world. Beaver Bert. North America".

  • Tasks:
  • Educational.
  • develop speech activity.
  • Educational.
  • educate curiosity, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, his comrades ..
  • Developing.
  • formation of ecological culture and respect for nature.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations of North American animals. Bert the Beaver DVD, computer.

GCD progress

Finger game - song "Continents".

Educator. Today I want to tell you about one animal. Guess who?

In an instant I will cut down aspen with teeth, as with a saw,
After all, I have to finish the platinum by the evening.
I build a hut from trees,
Don't rush everything, in order.
Part in the water, part above the water,
I build perfectly without nails.
And I'm smart and cunning
After all, that's why I -BEAVER.

Watching DVD "Beaver Bert"

Discuss with the children the lifestyle habits of beavers.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "Secrets" (children pull out books with numbers and collect items according to the indicated number in the book).

Topic: “Animal world. Lemur. Madagascar.Africa.

Purpose: to acquaint children with the features of the lifestyle of beavers.

  • Tasks:
  • Educational.
  • develop speech activity.
  • Educational.
  • educate curiosity, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, his comrades ..
  • Developing.
  • formation of ecological culture and respect for nature.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations of African animals. The Ring-tailed Lemur Laura DVD, computer.

GCD progress

Finger game - song "Continents".

Educator. Today we are going on a trip to North America. Do you remember what animals live in North America? (children's answers)

Educator. Today I want to tell you about one animal. Guess who?

Watching the DVD "Cat Lemur Laura"

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "Come up with words on" L "(the lemur has a birthday"

Topic: “Animal world. North Pole. White bears".

Purpose: to introduce children to the lifestyle of polar bears.

  • Tasks:
  • Educational.
  • develop speech activity.
  • Educational.
  • educate curiosity, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, his comrades ..
  • Developing.
  • formation of ecological culture and respect for nature.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations of animals of the North Pole. Percy the Polar Bear DVD, computer.

GCD progress

Finger game - song "Continents".

Educator. Today we are going on a trip to the North Pole. Do you remember what animals live at the North Pole? (children's answers)

Educator. Today I want to tell you about one animal. Guess who?

Maybe someone will not believe:
These animals love the cold.
White coats are not removed,
They sleep, eat, play in fur coats,
They even catch fish in fur coats.
Where did you see this?
If you know, then answer:
This is northernbear.

Watching the DVD "Percy the Polar Bear"

Discuss with children the lifestyle and habits of lemurs.

Free work of children with the material.

Theme: "Eurasia"



- reinforce knowledge



GCD progress

This is the largest continent on Earth. It is washed by all 4 oceans. The Ural Mountains divide the continent into two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. Due to its great length from north to south, the nature of the mainland is very diverse. In the north, polar bears, deer, arctic foxes, polar owls and others live. It is important for them to solve two problems: how to adapt to the conditions of their habitat and how to get food. The polar inhabitants do not freeze - they have warm thick fur or dense feathers, and a thick layer of fat.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. Game "Come up with words on" P "(Percy's Birthday"

Theme: "Eurasia"

Purpose: to continue to develop geographical thinking.



- reinforce knowledgechildren about the globe as a model of the Earth;

- to continue the formation of the ability to find the necessary geographical objects on the globe and map (oceans and continents);

- teach children how to write stories according to the schemeabout the continents, develop communication skills;

- to consolidate ideas about the place of residence of the child as a citizen of the country.


- to promote the formation of confidence in children in their mental and intellectual abilities and capabilities;

- develop monologue speech based on subject-schematic models (collage);

- to broaden one's horizons by familiarizing oneself with the accumulated experience of the knowledge of the world.


- to cultivate curiosity, the desire to learn about the world around us; to form communicative relationships between children;

- to form patriotic feelings.

GCD progress

This is the largest continent on Earth. It is washed by all 4 oceans. The Ural Mountains divide the continent into two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. Due to its great length from north to south, the nature of the mainland is very diverse.

In Eurasia, there are the highest mountains with the peak of Chomolungma, and the deepest lake Baikal. There are many rivers, seas and lakes on this continent.

Our country - Russia is also located on this continent.

View presentation "Eurasia"

Discussion with children about the features of the nature of Eurasia.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "The Fourth Extra"

Topic: "Animal World of Eurasia"

Purpose: to continue to develop geographical thinking.



- reinforce knowledgechildren about the globe as a model of the Earth;

- to continue the formation of the ability to find the necessary geographical objects on the globe and map (oceans and continents);

- teach children how to write stories according to the schemeabout the continents, develop communication skills;

- to consolidate ideas about the place of residence of the child as a citizen of the country.


- to promote the formation of confidence in children in their mental and intellectual abilities and capabilities;

- develop monologue speech based on subject-schematic models (collage);

- to broaden one's horizons by familiarizing oneself with the accumulated experience of the knowledge of the world.


- to cultivate curiosity, the desire to learn about the world around us; to form communicative relationships between children;

- to form patriotic feelings.

GCD progress

This is the largest continent on Earth. Due to its great length from north to south, the nature of the mainland is very diverse. In the north, polar bears, deer, arctic foxes, polar owls and others live. It is important for them to solve two problems: how to adapt to the conditions of their habitat and how to get food. The polar inhabitants do not freeze - they have warm thick fur or dense feathers, and a thick layer of fat.

To the south live wolves, foxes, wild boars, squirrels, deer, bears.

The brown bear accumulates fat all summer and autumn for hibernation. It feeds on nuts, berries, bird eggs and small living creatures. In summer, when there is a lot of plant food around, the bear does not attack large game. BUT if the clubfoot hasn’t put on enough fat, he won’t be able to sleep and will wander through the snowy forest in search of food. Any prey is suitable for a hungry beast. Such a bear is called a rod, and meeting with him is especially dangerous.

Viewing the presentation "Animal world of Eurasia"

Discussion with children about the features of the fauna of Eurasia.

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "The Fourth Extra" (which animal does not live in Eurasia).

Synopsis of GCD.

Theme: "Journey around the world"

(senior group)

Purpose: to continue to develop geographical thinking.



- reinforce knowledgechildren about the globe as a model of the Earth;

- to continue the formation of the ability to find the necessary geographical objects on the globe and map (oceans and continents);

- teach children how to write stories according to the schemeabout the continents, develop communication skills;

- to enrich children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the ocean;

- to consolidate ideas about the place of residence of the child as a citizen of the country.


- to promote the formation of confidence in children in their mental and intellectual abilities and capabilities;

- develop monologue speech based on subject-schematic models (collage);

- to broaden one's horizons by familiarizing oneself with the accumulated experience of the knowledge of the world.


- to cultivate curiosity, desire to know the world around, respect and interest in other peoples of the world;

- to form communicative relations between children;

- to form patriotic feelings.

Methods and techniques: surveys, visualization (looking at collage diagrams), verbal(conversation, instructions, explanations, artistic word),practical(independent performance of experimental activities by children),heuristic (development of resourcefulness and activity),motivational (stimulation of children's activity by including a problem situation); research: experiments, problem questions, observations.

Development environment:backpack, globe, map, apple, model diagrams for compiling a story about the continents, laptop, slides of ocean inhabitants: starfish, jellyfish; mnemonic table of a poem about mother;

for each child:contour map, felt-tip pens, symbol marks, small globe, number eight (candle), didactic game "Geographic nesting doll", postcard with a poem about mother, pillows;

for experience:2 plastic glasses, plastic spoons, coasters, quail eggs, fresh and salt water, napkins, a chart card for fixing the experience.

Preliminary work:

A cycle of cognitive classes to get acquainted with the continents and oceans, animals and plants; compiling descriptive stories according to model schemes, reading fiction and popular science children's literature, observing natural phenomena.


- Guys, look what I have in my hands?

- Want to see what's in it?(there is a small globe...)What's this?

- Guys, what is a globe?(The globe is a model of our earth)

- What is a map?(This is the same globe, only expanded)

- What is shown on the globe and map?

How many continents are on the planet earth? And how many oceans?

- What oceans do you know?

- Look at your little globe and think about why the Earth is called the “blue planet”?

- I have an apple in my hands. Imagine that this is our planet(cut the apple into quarters)The fourth part of it is land, but this is most of the water.

- So much or little water on Earth?(a lot of)

Together with the children we conclude: “Most of the planet is occupied by oceans and seas.

- Guys, do you want to go on a trip around the world?

- Let's go to the tables. Put the globes on the table. The cards are in front of you. Let's map out our itinerary.

- Now our route is ready and you can go on a round-the-world trip across the seas and oceans.

- Guys, what is the water in the sea?(Cold, clear, salty)

- How to determine where is sea water, and where is simple from a tap?(Try!)

- What if you don't try? Experience will help us to solve this problem.

Here are two containers: in one ordinary water, and in the other - sea, salty. But where, what I do not know. I know that in salt water the egg will float, and in fresh water it will sink to the bottom. Let's check.

With a spoon, lower the egg into the container, only carefully, the shell of a raw egg is very fragile.

What happened to the egg?(It sank to the bottom. So the water is fresh.)

Now let's drop another egg into another container. What happened to the egg?(It floats. So the water is salty.)

- Now you can tell where the water is salty and where is fresh. Let's put the results of our experience in the table.

Relaxation "Sound of the Sea"

Target: removal of emotional stress, development of auditory and sensory perception, relaxation of breathing.

- Let's sit in a circle, close our eyes and imagine an amazing image of the sea.

The wave swept ashore, and with a quiet rustle slowly went back today, it will tell us a lot of interesting things. Let's take a deep breath and exhale.

- Let's open our eyes and see what kind of continent is in front of us?

The story of children about the continent of Africa.(Africa, the hottest continent. There are many deserts there. The largest desert is the Sahara. She is called the "Queen of the Desert". And camels are the "ships of the desert." There are also oases in the desert. There are jungles on the African continent. Monkeys live there. Hippos, rhinos, crocodiles, elephants and the tallest animal, the giraffe, also live on the African mainland.)

- And now we see another continent in front of us.

The story of children about the mainland of North America. (North America, the most contrasting mainland. There are a lot of skyscrapers on the mainland of North America. There are also tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons. There are canyons. Armadillos, a tarantula spider and poisonous frogs live in North America. There is also a waterfall that changes its direction (The grizzly bear, sloths and porcupine also live there.)

- Here is another mainland.

The story of children about the mainland South America. (South America is the rainiest continent. Funny people live there who spend a lot of carnivals. They wear sombrero hats, play maracas. In South America there is the smallest hummingbird bird that can fly tail first. There are piranha fish in the rivers, toothy and dangerous (South America gave the world chocolate, corn and hot peppers.)

- Let's look into the depths of the sea and watch the sea inhabitants together. Oh who is it?(slide show)

Teacher's story:

One of the most beautiful animals not found on land is the starfish. Why do you think she is called a star? How is it different from a star in the sky?

Sea stars come in a variety of colors and sizes.

Sea stars are exclusively marine animals, they are not found in fresh water.

All starfish live only on the bottom, crawling along the bottom surface or burrowing into the ground.

A starfish is an animal without a head. She moves on her rays suckers. Ordinary stars have 5 rays, and some rare ones have 40!

The mouth of a starfish is located in the center of the body on the underside. Many of the starfish are active predators, eating various molluscs and crustaceans.

The eyes are at the tips of the rays and are protected by a ring of needles.

The starfish is one of the most curious sea creatures.

She is also capable of restoring broken beams.

The most interesting thing is that starfish do not know how to swim at all, they run on their legs-beams along the bottom.

An umbrella floats on the waves. If you meet - do not touch!

What a miracle, what a miracle! The umbrella burns like a nettle.

They seem fantastic! As if from another world. Their smooth and measured movement is mesmerizing. Many of them want to touch, touch.

But jellyfish are armed. Under the umbrella they have stinging cells. Take a look at the photo. Here they are, like tentacles. If an enemy approaches a jellyfish, it can burn it with its stinging cells.

So when you meet a large jellyfish, look at it, admire it, but do not approach or touch it.

The color of jellyfish is white, pink, yellow, orange, red, blue, green and multicolor.

Medusa breathes with the whole body.

In the gelatinous body of the jellyfish, there are as many as 24 eyes on the tentacles.


It was in March, we sailed on a ship,

We swam in the ocean, discovered a lot of new things,

In the ocean - the wind, they were not afraid, they held on to their little fingers!

There are waves in the ocean, we were not afraid, we held on to our shoulders!

There is a storm in the ocean, we were not afraid, we all held on to our backs!

There is a storm in the ocean, they were not afraid, they held on to their knees!

In the ocean - friendship, they were not afraid, we all held hands, never parted!

- Something cold blew? You and I ended up on another continent.

The story of children about the mainland Antarctica. (Antarctica, the coldest continent. There are no indigenous people in Antarctica. Scientists who conduct experiments live there. Penguins live in Antarctica. There are emperor penguins who spend a lot of time in the water. They even hatch their chicks on an ice floe. Penguin wings are covered with scales.)

What is this mainland?

Children's story about mainland Australia (Australia, the smallest mainland. Eucalyptus trees grow in Australia. Marsupials such as koala, kangaroo, marsupial wolf, marsupial anteater live there. There are a lot of rabbits in Australia, a platypus and a Dingo dog.)

- And we have another continent on the horizon.

The story of children about the continent of Eurasia. (Mainland Eurasia, the largest continent. It is washed by four oceans. On the mainland Eurasia there are four colored seas - black, white, yellow, red. There are many forests. There is a deciduous forest, a mixed forest. clean lake Baikal.The polar bear, the brown bear and the Himalayan bear live, and also the capercaillie bird.On the mainland of Eurasia is our country Russia.The symbol of Russia is the birch.)

- Guys, look under the pillow, what is there?

- Let's fold the geographical matryoshka.(Didactic game "Geographic matryoshka")

- Well done! And we're in for another surprise. Let's go to the tables, take the globes and see what's inside.

- What's there?(Number eight)

Why do you think she is here all of a sudden?(Because Mother's Day is coming soon).

Let's learn this poem for our mothers.

- Want to?(learning a poem according to the scheme)

I plucked a blue flower in the field,

I will give it to my mother dear.

I'll pin it on my mother's dress,

I love my mother very much.

- I pasted the same scheme into your postcards, so that it would be easier for you to tell it to your mother.(Children are given cards)

- Guys, did you like our round-the-world trip?

- What did you like the most?

What other trip would you like to go on?

Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "The fourth extra" (with the continents).

Theme: "Our Wonderful Planet"






GCD progress

Educator: Guys, do you like to watch TV shows?

Children: Yes, we love.

Q: What are your favorite shows?

D: "Good night, kids", "Sesame Street", "Yeralash", "King of the Hill", "Children's Page", "Why" and others.

Q: And I really like to watch the program "Around the World". It's so interesting to travel to different countries! Learn new things about animals, plants, population, its traditions. Let's create our own program "Around the World" and go on a trip to the continents. Want to?

Children: Yes.

"There are many islands in the world,

So many that you can't count...

But the big continents

We count six:

Africa, America,

(North and South)

Australia, Eurasia,

Antarctica (blizzard)".

B: Guys, each group will represent their mainland. Now I will distribute the puzzles and, having collected them, we will see which continent you will tell the audience about.

(Each group of children collects their own "mainland").

Q: Now let each group choose a symbol for their continent.

(children choose symbols: Eurasia - bear; Africa - camel; North America - Bison; South America - anteater; Australia - kangaroo; Antarctica - penguin).

Q: We start our program "Around the World" and go to North America.

1 group of children represents their mainland:

“North America is washed by three oceans: the Atlantic, the Arctic and the Pacific (shown on a geographical map). The nature of this continent is beautiful and diverse. Here is the largest island in the world - Greenland. Only in North America you can see such animals as bison, musk ox and skunk.

Skunks - representatives of the mustelid family - have found a great way to protect themselves from enemies. In case of danger, these animals turn their backs to the offender and, raising their tail, release a jet of disgusting-smelling liquid, hitting the eyes, can temporarily blind the enemy, forever weaning an inexperienced predator to deal with a skunk.

Musk ox are permanent inhabitants of the tundra, not leaving it even in harsh winter. A low body with short and thick legs contributes to the preservation of heat. A thick layer of fat and long, up to 90 cm, wool with a thick undercoat also reliably protect the musk ox from the cold. The horns are used for defense against predators.

The largest waterfall in North America is the Niagara Falls. In the west are the mountains _ Cordillera, where there are active volcanoes. There are many lakes on the continent, which is why North America is called the Land of Lakes.

Q: Thanks guys. We continue the transfer and invite the next guides.

(the next group represents mainland South America).

D: South America is washed by two oceans - the Atlantic and the Pacific. Birds also live here - smaller than butterflies, and butterflies - with the span of birds. The second largest river in the world, the Amazon, flows through the territory, where predators such as crocodiles and piranha fish live.

Piranhas are one of the most famous fish. These very bloodthirsty predators have sharp teeth and strong jaws that can tear apart prey of any size. Piranhas gather in flocks and attack the animal, dealing with it with lightning speed.

Unusual animals that inhabit this continent are anteaters, armadillos, sloths.

Anteaters are large animals that feed on insects. Their favorite delicacy is termites. To feast on the inhabitants of the termite mound, the anteater needs powerful long and sharp claws on the front paws that can destroy the strong walls of the termite mound. The narrow muzzle and sticky long tongue help the anteater to fish out termites from their shelters. The anteater's food is so small that it doesn't need to be chewed, so it has no teeth.

Frilled armadillo. His "armor" covers only his back, like a cloak. "Armor" consists of movable shields that allow the armadillo to curl up into a ball in case of danger. The lower part of the body is covered with a delicate gray-white fur. Frilled bears dig holes with the help of strong paws with powerful claws.

To the west are the Andes mountains. The smallest bird in South America is the hummingbird. Meet the size of a bumblebee. They feed on the nectar of flowers. They, like bees, hover over a flower, flapping their wings with extraordinary speed. Despite their tiny size, these birds are very pugnacious. They attack large birds and often drive them out of their territory.

Q: Thank you. Where are we going next? The next group of guides will tell us.

"Somewhere in the jungle, on the vines,

Somewhere on the south side

And giraffes and elephants

Where in the silver river

Hippos sleep sweetly

painted birds

They fly with the color of the rainbow."

D: We propose to take a trip to Africa. This is the hottest continent. It is washed by two oceans - Indian and Atlantic. The nature of Africa is very diverse. To the north is the largest desert in the world, the Sahara. Snakes, jerboas, foxes, camels live here.

Camels, champions of desert survival, carry a supply of water and food in the form of fat in their humps, allowing them to go without food or drink for long periods of time. Their stomach is adapted to digest rough food: thorns and hard-leaved plants. A camel can drink about 10 buckets of water at once. Thick wool protects the camel from heat and cold, and the nostrils close during sandstorms.

Desert foxes have disproportionately large ears that increase heat dissipation and keep their owners cool in the heat.

The largest river in the world, the Nile, flows through the desert, in which crocodiles live. The Dragon Mountains are located in southern Africa. To the east of the mainland is the island of Madagascar, where unique lemurs live.


“In order for us to find a clearing, we all need to go through the jungle

Raise your legs up -

We walk on thick grass.

We will bend our backs -

Let's crawl under the bushes.

There is a snake in front

She is sleeping, no noise!

We'll walk on toes

Let's go over the snake.

A stream gurgles ahead

Let's jump over the rocks.

So we went out into the field."

Q: Thank you. Now we are heading to the next continent.

(Group 4 leaves).

D: We invite you on a journey through Eurasia. This is the largest continent on Earth. It is washed by all 4 oceans. The Ural Mountains divide the continent into two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. Due to its great length from north to south, the nature of the mainland is very diverse. In the north, polar bears, deer, arctic foxes, polar owls and others live. It is important for them to solve two problems: how to adapt to the conditions of their habitat and how to get food. The polar inhabitants do not freeze - they have warm thick fur or dense feathers, and a thick layer of fat.

To the south live wolves, foxes, wild boars, squirrels, deer, bears.

The brown bear accumulates fat all summer and autumn for hibernation. It feeds on nuts, berries, bird eggs and small living creatures. In summer, when there is a lot of plant food around, the bear does not attack large game. BUT if the clubfoot hasn’t put on enough fat, he won’t be able to sleep and will wander through the snowy forest in search of food. Any prey is suitable for a hungry beast. Such a bear is called a rod, and meeting with him is especially dangerous.

In Eurasia, there are the highest mountains with the peak of Chomolungma, and the deepest lake Baikal. There are many rivers, seas and lakes on this continent.

Our country - Russia is also located on this continent.

B: Well done guys. A very interesting journey! Where are we going now?

(Group 5 leaves).

D: We're going to Antarctica. This is the coldest continent, covered with a powerful cap of eternal ice. Antarctica is the only uninhabited continent. There are only scientific stations where scientists work. Arctic tern, albatross, seal, elephant seal live here. The most numerous inhabitants are penguins. These non-flying birds are excellent swimmers and divers. Often flapping their wings, penguins literally fly underwater. Very small feathers, lubricated with fat, densely cover the bird's body, making it invulnerable to icy water and air. On land, penguins are very clumsy. They can develop great speed only when they move down on their belly from the icy slopes.

This is a magical, unknown land of ice. The only continent where nature is not disturbed by man. It is called the "refrigerator of the earth."

Q: We have to visit the last mainland. I invite the following guides.

"She lies beneath us,

They obviously walk upside down

There's an inside-out year,

There the gardens bloom in October,

There is summer in January, not July,

There are rivers flowing without water...

They disappear in the desert somewhere.”

D: We're going to Australia. This is the smallest continent. It is washed by two oceans: Pacific and Indian. The fauna of Australia is distinguished by the distribution of marsupials, which include: the marsupial koala bear, marsupial squirrels, rats and, of course, kangaroos. Echidna and platypus are found only in Australia.

Platypuses - they are excellent swimmers and catch small crustaceans and shrimps with their beak. This is a poisonous animal. On their hind legs, they have a bone spur, through which a poisonous liquid flows. An injection with a poisonous spur causes a quick death in most animals.

Kangaroos are large marsupials. They move in big leaps. A strong and long tail serves as a balancer. During rest, kangaroos sit on their hind legs, leaning on their tail. At birth, a blind and naked cub immediately moves into the bag, where it sticks to the mother's nipple and continues its development there.

Evergreen trees, bottle tree, eucalyptus, palm trees grow in tropical forests. The world of birds is rich, the largest bird is the emu.

Q: Thank you. Well done!

Our program “Around the World” has come to an end. You are all wonderful tour guides. What a lot of interesting things we learned! Did you enjoy the trip? Tell us what you remember during your trip?

(Children share their impressions). I hope that now you will watch the program "Around the World" with interest.


Free work of children with the material.

A circle. The game "Magic bag" (children draw a letter and name an animal and the mainland on which it lives on it).


  1. "Peace and Man". Geographic atlas;
  2. Atlas of animals;
  3. "Hello world." A.A. Vakhrushev;
  4. Big encyclopedia for preschoolers;
  5. An entertaining manual on geography for preschoolers; I.V. Starzhinskaya;
  6. Encyclopedia "Living World";
  7. Atlas for preschoolers; I.V. Pavlova;
  8. The world around "Our planet is the Earth."


"There are many islands in the world,

So many that you can't count...

But the big continents

We count six:

Africa, America,

(North and South)

Australia, Eurasia,

Antarctica (blizzard)".

"There are many islands in the world,

So many that you can't count...

But the big continents

We count six:

Africa, America,

(North and South)

Australia, Eurasia,

Antarctica (blizzard)".

"There are many islands in the world,

So many that you can't count...

But the big continents

We count six:

Africa, America,

(North and South)

Australia, Eurasia,

Antarctica (blizzard)".


To arouse in children an interest in the world around them, to formgeographical representations, ecological consciousness.



To consolidate children's knowledge about the continents: their name, location on the map.

Expand your understanding of warm climates.

To consolidate knowledge about animals living in warm climatic zones.

To form ideas about the relationship of plants and animals, about their food dependence on each other.


To develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between animate and inanimate nature.

Develop the ability to draw elementary conclusions, coherently express your thoughts.

Develop thinking and creative imagination in the process of experimental activities of children.


To cultivate communication skills, to form the skill of self-control.

Project on the theme "Continents"


To arouse in children an interest in the world around them, to form geographical representations, ecological consciousness.



To consolidate children's knowledge about the continents: their name, location on the map.

Expand your understanding of warm climates.

To consolidate knowledge about animals living in warm climatic zones.

To form ideas about the relationship of plants and animals, about their food dependence on each other.


To develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between animate and inanimate nature.

Develop the ability to draw elementary conclusions, coherently express your thoughts.

Develop thinking and creative imagination in the process of experimental activities of children.


To cultivate communication skills, to form the skill of self-control.

Cognitive development Composing stories with illustrations, drawings and collages Inventing and guessing riddles about animals Conversations with discussion: “Animals in the forest”, “Animals of hot countries: Africa, Australia, South America”, “Animals of Asia”, “Animals of the polar regions of the Earth : Arctic, Antarctic" Examining and studying encyclopedias, drafting questions Showing children videos and presentations about animals from different habitats: "Animals of different habitats"

Plot - role-playing games: "Travellers", "At the zoo", "Lion family", "Around the world trip" ... Didactic games: "The earth and its inhabitants", "The fourth extra", "Who hid where", "Who moves how" , “Horns, hooves, teeth”, “What was wrong with the artist”

Speech development “How the elephant saved the owner from the tiger” B.S. Zhitkov “What happened to the crocodile” M. Moskvin “The hare and the hedgehog” The Brothers Grimm “How I was a monkey” J. Segel S. Marshak: “Zoo. Elephant. Zebras. Swan. Giraffe. Camel. Penguin. White bears. Owlets. Tiger cub. Ostrich. Eskimo dog. A monkey. Where did the sparrow dine? (from the cycle “Children in a Cage”), “How a Zebra Lost its Stripes” Memorizing poems: “Wild Animals”, “Camel Thorns”, “Animals” Reading and memorizing sayings, proverbs about animals Listening to an audio recording of Mowgli by Kipling

Artistic and aesthetic development Exhibition of works made of plasticine: "Penguins", "Animals of our forests", "Turtles". Making mock-ups "Zoo", "Tundra", "Zoological Museum" Collective work "Winter hut for animals", "Water World". Origami and handicraft: "Muzzle of a kitten from cotton wool", "Bunny" (from stripes), "It's always summer here", "Giraffes", "Kangaroo"

In this lesson, you will study the topic "Plants and animals of different continents." You will get acquainted with the most prominent representatives of the flora and fauna, which are located on different continents of our planet, their way of life, their behavior.

In the modern geological era, there are 6 continents: Eurasia, North America, South America, Africa, Australia and Antarctica. (Fig. 1).

Let's get acquainted with some plants and animals of each of the continents.

Plants and animals of Eurasia.

This is the largest continent on earth. Russia is on it. But today we will get acquainted with prominent representatives of other countries, for example, China.

A cultural plant known throughout the world is grown here, the name of which in translation means: "the basis of human nutrition." This is rice. (Fig. 2). Now this culture has learned to cultivate in many countries of the world. The peoples of Asia deify this plant, calling it a symbol of the sun and the food of the gods. Fields with this plant look rather unusual (Fig. 3). They are completely filled with water.

Rice. 2. rice plant

Rice. 3. Rice field

Rice is not a plant that lives naturally in water. Asians have discovered that rice grown in a field flooded with water yields 20 times more than in a dry field. Evidence found during archaeological excavations in China shows that rice has been grown there for 8,000 years. In a flooded field, the water insulates the rice sprouts from heat and cold. Water in a flooded field apparently destroys all weeds. A flooded rice field does not need artificial fertilizers. It can maintain the level of natural fertilizers for a long time if it is helped a little, for example, by burning the remains of sprouts in a dry field and mixing them with the ground, scattering animal excrement or food remains. Breeding fish or ducks in a flooded field also fertilizes the soil.

Field processing. The peasant harnesses the bulls to the plow and plows the land. The process of flooding the field involves mixing the earth with water and turning it into a homogeneous mud. When mixing the earth, rice grains are planted in special greenhouses. This is done in order to highlight strong shoots and improve conditions for initial growth. Direct planting in the field does not give good results, since the seeds germinate with difficulty in a flooded field. Soft seedlings are harvested when they reach a height of about 10 cm. They make bunches of rice stalks and take them out into a flooded field for planting. They do not need to be planted in the ground, they are simply thrown into the water and they take root themselves. Every kilo of rice we buy is watered with an average of 4,000 liters of water. The Chinese have learned the great art of regulating the flow of rivers in order to water their rice fields. The water in the channels is in constant motion and does not stagnate. Rice can be grown year after year in the same field without interruption even for 2 thousand years in a row, which is not typical for other crops.

Animals of China.

One of the animals of China is the giant panda. Lives only here. It is one of the rare little-studied animals. (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Giant panda

The giant panda was discovered in 1869, and was caught only 68 years later. At one time, she was even considered extinct. Only in 1937 was the first big panda caught - a young female, who was named Sulin. But she did not live long in captivity and died a year later. Panda hunters now had more experience. And soon they caught another female, named Mei-Mei.

The word "panda" itself comes from the local name of this beast, which means "eater of bamboo." This animal feeds only on thin bamboo sprouts. The giant panda, or bamboo bear, is a mammal of the bear family with a peculiar black and white coat color, which has some signs of raccoons. The body length of the giant panda is about 1.5 meters. The fur is thick and very beautifully colored.

Animals of Africa.

The tallest animal in the world lives in Africa - the giraffe. Thanks to an incredibly long neck, its height reaches 6 meters. (Fig. 5). Such growth and very sharp vision allows him to notice moving objects at a distance of about 1 km. It is no coincidence that the giraffe turns out to be a watchman for animals living in the neighborhood: an antelope, a zebra, an ostrich. The giraffe feeds on tree leaves.

Rice. 5. Giraffe

Africa is the hottest continent on our planet. One of the most famous plants of this continent is the baobab. In a trunk up to 10 m thick, the baobab stores water. Its soft wood, like a sponge, can store up to 120 tons of water. In dry years, the tree loses some weight, and after the rains it becomes fat again. (Fig. 6). Each baobab flower lives only one night and withers at dawn. Feasting on the pollen and nectar of flowers, bats and lemurs pollinate them. At night, these animals mysteriously rustle the foliage on the tree. No wonder the Africans believed that a spirit lives in every flower of the baobab.

Rice. 6. Baobab

Among the plants of this continent, growing coniferous trees - sequoias are especially interesting. These are giant trees: more than 100 m in height and up to 10 meters in diameter. (Fig. 7). They live for several thousand years. A sequoia cone is the size of a large melon.

Rice. 7. Sequoia

Animals of North America.

Of the animals of North America, we will name a small animal, which absolutely everyone knows here. He is not hiding from anyone. It's a skunk. (Fig. 8). Wide white stripes on an almost black body attracts attention from afar. Few dare to approach him. In danger, he emits such a disgusting smell that neither animals nor people can stand it, but rather run away as soon as possible.

Rice. 8 Striped Skunk

Sequoia has excellent wood, which is highly valued in carpentry. It is almost unaffected by fire. The sequoia is not only adapted to survive wildfires, but it also needs them. Without them, sequoias would not have survived to our time. Sequoia loves the sun. Its young trees cannot survive in dense spruce growth at the foot of mature trees. Its seeds are difficult to germinate through a layer of fallen leaves and needles. The fire, without causing much harm to the forest giants, burns out the undergrowth and needles lying on the ground.

The tallest tree in the world is the Hyperion sequoia at 115.61 m.

Nature endowed these animals with an unusual, but very effective weapon: turning around "rear", they splash with a yellow oily liquid. A dense jet flies 4-5 meters! The main substance in the "chemical weapon" of the skunk is ethyl mercaptan. A person smells it, even if he inhales only 0.000000000002 g of it!

Here on the Amazon River is found the most amazing plant in the world: the water lily Victoria regia. The leaves of this water lily are up to 2 m in diameter. A child can sit on such a sheet. (Fig. 9). The sheet does not sink even after a 9 kg board is placed on it, on which a woman weighing 63 kg stands. It is easy to calculate that the sheet withstood a load of 72 kg.

Rice. 9. Water lily Victoria regia

The largest butterfly in the world lives in South America - gray agrippa (Fig. 10).

Its wingspan is almost 30 cm. The largest beetle in the world lives here: the lumberjack is a titan. Its length is 18 cm.

Rice. 10. Gray agrippa

Australia is the smallest and driest continent. The most famous plants of this continent are eucalyptus. (Fig. 11). There are also small shrubs.

Rice. 11. Eucalyptus

Rice. 12. Kangaroo

Marsupials are an ancient group of mammals that appeared on Earth more than 60 million years ago. There are about 250 species of them, of which 180 species live in Australia and its neighboring islands. About 50 species of modern and extinct kangaroos alone are known. (Fig. 12). Australia is the kingdom of marsupials. There are a marsupial wolf, a marsupial mole, a marsupial mouse, a marsupial bear. Of course, the marsupial wolf is in no way related to the wolf living in our area. All marsupials give birth to very weak and underdeveloped cubs, which are more like embryos than young animals. The largest living marsupial is the gray kangaroo. Its length is 3 meters, and its weight is 80 kg. He gives birth to a tiny cub, whose length is 3 cm and weight is only 2 g. However, this helpless creature is able to crawl along the mother's stomach to the opening of the bag, find the nipple and attach to it. The kangaroo is weak and cannot suckle by itself. Milk is injected to him by his mother with the help of contraction of a special muscle - the constrictor of the mammary gland. A kangaroo cub, sensing danger, jumps into its mother's pouch. He does this even as he grows up and becomes an adult. This is a funny sight.

There are different types of kangaroos in Australia. From dwarf, the size of a hare, to giant, three meters tall. These animals carry their young in a pouch on their stomach.

Rice. 13. Lichen

Rice. 14. Penguin

Few living creatures have adapted to the harsh conditions of this continent. Mosses and lichens are found in coastal areas. (Fig. 13). The most famous animal in Antarctica is the penguin. (Fig. 14). These birds cannot fly, but they swim and dive very well. They get their food from the sea. Mainly fish.

1. Melchakov L.F., Skatnik M.N. Natural history: textbook. for 3, 5 cells. avg. school - 8th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 1992. - 240 p.: ill.

2. Bakhchieva O.A., Klyuchnikova N.M., Pyatunina S.K. and others. Natural history 5. - M .: Educational literature.

3. Eskov K.Yu. et al. Natural History 5 / Ed. Vakhrusheva A.A. - M.: Balass.

1. Encyclopedia Around the World ().

2. Geographical directory ().

3. Facts about mainland Australia ().

1. Tell us how animals have adapted to life in Antarctica.

2. What continent is our country on? What interesting plants do you know?

3. What do you know about the skunk? What weapon has nature endowed him with?

4. * Prepare a short report about unusual plants and animals from different continents.

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Presentation on the topic: Animals from different continents

slide number 1

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slide number 4

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Brown bear BROWN BEAR is a predatory mammal of the bear family. Body length 1.7–2.2 meters, weight 100–340 kg. The brown bear inhabits the deciduous and coniferous forests of Eurasia and North America. These are densely built animals, with an elongated facial region, small eyes and ears, a back sloping back and a short tail . The fur is thick, brown, of various shades. The paws are powerful, five-fingered, the claws are strong, strongly curved. The largest brown bears living in the Russian Far East and Alaska can reach 2.5 m in length and weigh up to 750 kg.

slide number 5

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Brown bear Brown bears are active at any time of the day. In winter, they fall into a shallow sleep. They make a lair in pits, caves or thick deadwood. The winter rest of the bear is not hibernation, as it maintains normal body temperature and, in case of danger, can immediately wake up and jump out of the shelter. They swim well, fish on sandbanks. Bears are good at climbing trees, destroying bee nests. They usually lead a solitary life. In addition to berries, roots, honey, insects, vertebrates, they can eat carrion.

slide number 6

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Red fox FOXES Found in Eurasia, North America, Africa, brought to Australia. Foxes have a squat body, a head with an elongated sharp muzzle, large pointed ears, eyes with vertical oval pupils. Body length up to 90 cm, tail up to 60 cm. In most cases, the color of the back is bright red, the belly is white, sometimes black. It lives not only in forests, but also in the tundra, steppes, deserts and mountains. Settles in independently dug or abandoned burrows, sometimes in hollows.

slide number 7

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Red fox The basis of the diet of the fox is rodents, mainly voles, hares, young ungulates, birds, various plants, fish, reptiles, and carrion. During the hunt, it shows very complex forms of behavior (it is no coincidence that in Russian folklore it is a symbol of cunning and intelligence).

slide number 8

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Boar BOAR The wild boar is widespread in North Africa (almost exterminated) and in Eurasia - from Western Europe to the Far East. Acclimatized in a number of American countries. Length 130-175 cm, weight 60-150 kg. The head is large, wedge-shaped extended forward. The ears are long and wide, the eyes are small, the snout is with a snout. The body is covered with elastic bristles, longer and denser in winter. On the back, the bristles form a comb. Coloration from light brown to almost black. Piglets are striped.

slide number 9

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Wild boar The habitats are varied. Leads a herd life. Omnivorous. It feeds on rhizomes, tubers and roots of plants, fruits, nuts, berries, as well as green parts of plants, insects and small animals - mollusks, fish, rodents, insectivores, birds, etc.

slide number 10

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Ussuri tiger Ussuri tiger One of the most ferocious predators of Eurasia. The Ussuri tiger is one of the sights of Primorsky Krai. One of the largest and most beautiful representatives of the cat family can be considered the Amur (Ussuri) tiger. It stands out, first of all, for its large size (body length up to 2.4 m, and tail up to 90 cm), as well as very fluffy, soft and relatively light in color coat. The tiger lives alone and marks the boundaries of its territory and marks on the trees. The tiger warns its rivals with a roar, which is heard within a radius of 3 km.

slide number 11

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Amur tiger Amur tiger Body length 2-3 m, tail - more than 1 m, weight 200-300 kg. It lives in the south of the Russian Far East, in Eastern China and on the Korean Peninsula. The basis of its diet is made up of wild boars and deer, as well as smaller animals. It can roam up to 1,000 km. Currently, the number of Amur tigers living in natural conditions is about 400 individuals, most of which are concentrated in Russia.

slide number 12

slide number 13

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Giraffe GIRAFFE Lives in the savannas of Africa, south of the Sahara. The giraffe is the tallest animal in existence. Body length 3-4 m, height at the withers up to 3.7 m, height 5-6 m, weight 550-750 kg. The giraffe has a relatively small head on a disproportionately long neck, a sloping back, long legs and tongue (up to 40–45 cm). The giraffe has only seven cervical vertebrae, there are small horns (sometimes 2 pairs) covered with black wool. Spotted coloration is highly variable. Able to move at speeds up to 50 km / h, as well as jump over obstacles, swim well. Usually forms small herds (7-12 individuals), rarely up to 50-70.

slide number 14

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Gorillas GORILLAS Gorillas live in western and central Africa. The largest of the great apes. The body length of males reaches 180 cm, body weight is 250 kg or more. The body of gorillas is massive, with a large belly; broad shoulders; the head is large, the eyes are wide apart and deep set; the nose is wide, the nostrils are surrounded by rollers; upper lip, short; the ears are small and pressed to the head; face naked, black. The arms of the gorilla are long, with wide brushes. The brush is used when picking up food. Legs are short. The coat is short, thick, black, in adult males there is a silver stripe on the back, there is a small beard.

slide number 15

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ROCCOON-POLOSKUN Distributed in the forests of Central and North America Animal of medium size (body length up to 60 cm, tail up to 25 cm). The body is stocky, on short legs, with long movable fingers. The head is broad, with a short thin muzzle and large ears. The fur is thick, long, brownish-gray. On the muzzle there is a characteristic black mask with a white trim. There are 5-7 wide black or white rings on the tail. He arranges his dwellings in hollows, crevices of rocks. It feeds on amphibians, crayfish, fish, rodents, as well as berries, fruits, nuts. Before eating prey, it rinses it in water (hence the name).

slide number 16

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Skunk Skunk An amazing animal lives in North America - the skunk. Its jet-black fur is adorned with two broad white stripes running down to its bushy tail. When moving in search of food, the skunk often holds its tail vertically, which is why it is visible from afar. However, predators are in no hurry to attack him. The fact is that in defense, the skunk splashes a sharp-smelling liquid into the offender, which causes an attack of dizziness and nausea.

slide number 17

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Giant anteater In the pampas, bushes and sparse forests of South America, there is an amazing animal - a giant anteater. It is distinguished by a narrow and slender body with an elongated, tubular head. Long claws grow on the second and third fingers of the front paws of the anteater. With their help, he destroys the strong walls of termite mounds or burrows anthills. After that, the anteater squeezes its narrow head into the crack and licks off the insects, using a long tongue covered with sticky saliva.

slide number 18

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Anaconda The largest snake, the anaconda, lives in the tropical forests of South America. Its average length ranges from 5 to 6 meters, although individual specimens can reach 10 and even 11 meters in length. Anaconda inhabits quiet river backwaters and small channels in the Amazon and Orinoco basins. It swims well and can be under water for a long time. Hiding at the bottom, the anaconda hunts from behind the gardens, lying in wait for small ungulates, waterfowl and young caimans. She waits out the dry season, burrowing into the bottom silt and falling into a stupor.

slide number 19

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Koala The koala, or marsupial bear, lives in the equilypt forests of Eastern Australia. Most of the time the koala spends in the crown of trees, eating the leaves of eucalyptus. Other than that, he doesn't eat anything. He descends to the ground only to move from one tree to another. For the first time, Europeans learned about it in 1880, when the London Zoo bought a live animal. Because of the thick and beautiful fur on the koala, an uncontrolled hunt began. As a result, by the beginning of the twentieth century, it was on the verge of extinction. The Australian government has passed a law banning hunting and creating a network of reserves to protect it.

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Emperor penguin The largest penguin found in Antarctica is the emperor penguin. It was discovered by the outstanding Russian navigator Admiral Faraddem Bellingshausen during his trip to Antarctica. Huge colonies of emperor penguins nestle under the protection of cliffs near areas of the open sea. Interestingly, emperor penguins breed their chicks in the midst of the harsh Antarctic winter. In severe frosts, penguins gather in close groups, preventing the chicks and each other from freezing.

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