How to care for affection at home. Graceful pet weasel: a pet or a fierce enemy? Weasel and man

Weasel belongs to the weasel family. It lives in Europe, including the Scandinavian Peninsula, in Siberia, Mongolia, northeastern regions of China, on Far East, in Japan, North America up to Alaska. The animal lives in both mountainous and lowland areas, is found in forests and fields. It can settle in hollows of trees, under stones, in burrows, in outbuildings of people. This type considered the smallest predator in the carnivore order.

The body of the animal is thin, elongated and extremely flexible. The eyes are large and protruding. The limbs are short. The tail in length reaches 30% of the body length. At its base there are glands that secrete a sharp and bad smell. Paws from below are covered with hair and have dark sharp claws. The fur is thick, dense and short. In animals living in the northern regions, it is soft and silky. But their southern counterparts are rougher.

Fur color in summer period varies from dark chocolate to sandy. Throat, chest and belly white color. The paws on the inside have the same color. AT winter period fur color changes to white. In rare cases, it is slightly diluted with dark hairs. The size of the animals varies depending on the regions of habitat. Males are noticeably larger than females. The length of males is 13-26 cm. Females reach a length of 11-20 cm. The weight of males reaches a maximum of 250 grams, in females it does not exceed 120 grams.

Reproduction and lifespan

Pregnancy lasts 35-37 days. Cubs are born in April-July. There are an average of 6 newborns in a litter. They are naked, blind and deaf. Already on the 4th day they are overgrown with fluffy white wool. The lactation period lasts 3 weeks. Only the female takes care of the offspring. At the 3rd month, babies become independent. Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 4 months. But males begin to mate only in the 2nd year of life. AT wild nature weasel lives no more than 9 years. There is an opinion that the maximum life expectancy is 30 years.

Behavior and nutrition

These animals are territorial. The territory of the male is adjacent to several territories of the females. Representatives of the species do not dig their holes. They usually nest in mole burrows. They make chambers for rest, the birth of offspring and the storage of food supplies. The animal is agile, fast and courageous. He is a great tree climber, swims and runs well. Moves on the ground by jumping. The length of the jump reaches 35 cm.

For small rodents, weasels pose a serious threat. These are moles, mice, rabbits, hamsters. Representatives of the species attack birds, frogs, snakes, and lizards. The diet also includes insects. Hunting is carried out both during the day and at night. Medium daily rate food is 35 grams. Exterminating rodents, the animal brings undoubted benefits to people. At the same time, he likes to visit chicken coops, which the owners do not like. But, in any case, the benefits of this type are greater than the harm.

Domain: Eukaryotes

Kingdom: Animals

Type of: Chordates

Class: Mammals

Detachment: Predatory

Family: Kuni

Genus: Weasels and ferrets

View: Weasel


The animal lives in Europe, North America, Mongolia, Egypt, Australia, Japan. That is, the animal can be found almost all over the globe.

The animal is able to live in various natural areas except deserts and snowy mountainous areas.

Weasels feel great in:

  • tundra;
  • on the banks of rivers and lakes;
  • in the steppe regions;
  • in forest areas.

Sometimes she settles near the dwellings of people.

The weasel animal is in no hurry to build its own house, it is easier for her to win back someone's hole. Weasel also creates a dwelling in various natural gorges, under rocky layers or in the human economy. Inside her house is covered with dry plants.

Description of weasel

The common weasel (Mustela nivalis) is a genus of weasels and ferrets, part of the mustelid family, and is the smallest terrestrial carnivore. Males grow up to 16–26 cm with a weight of 50–250 g, females weigh from 30 to 110 g with a height of 11.5–21 cm.

Most of all, weasel resembles ermine and solongoy, but differs from them in smallness and specific details. Naturalists note its serpentine appearance, which is created thanks to a thin elongated body on short legs and reptile movements (when weasels climb among stones or deadwood). The resemblance to a snake is also emphasized by a long, powerful neck (slightly thinner than the body), crowned with a narrow head with a small muzzle and round, wide-set ears, barely protruding upwards.

The weasel has dark, shining eyes (as if slightly protruding) and a blunt, barely forked nose. The tail is short (within 1.2–8.7 cm), coinciding in color scheme with a back color (unlike the ermine, which has a black tip). Under the tail hides a secret chemical weapon weasels are glands that generate a liquid with an irritating odor.

The color of the coat in winter and summer varies. By cold weather, the weasel turns completely white in the north and partially in the south. Fur is equally dense in winter and summer, but winter hair is longer and thicker than summer.

In summer, the animal shows a bicolor coloration with a white bottom ( inner sides limbs and partly feet) and dark top (with variations brown shades, depending on the area). The color transition from the top to the bottom is sharp.

The habits of the beast

Weasel swims well, climbs, it is a very agile and agile animal. But what distinguishes her habits is her courage, bloodthirstiness and rudeness in attacks, because she can be found near human habitation, into which she seeps through very narrow holes, cracks. It goes hunting at dusk or at night, although it is active at any time of the day.

Weasel moves by jumping, leads a terrestrial lifestyle. Prefers to stick to artificial or natural covers and bushes. Avoids an unprotected place. Covers two kilometers in a day. In winter, it moves in snow voids. Due to their own small stature, weasels often die, crushed by large animals, but often they manage to gnaw through the larynx of their own opponent. Males at the time of skirmishes emit a sonorous squeal.

Weasels live territorially and lead a rather secluded lifestyle. The size of their zones is very small and extends within 10 hectares, it depends on the richness of food and weather conditions. Usually, the boundaries of the zone are marked by odor traces. From time to time, the areas of females overlap those of males.

This is a rather dangerous animal, but, despite the size of its own body, there are no obstacles for it, because it climbs trees, jumps and swims perfectly. And along with that, it benefits a person, because it exterminates voles and mice.

This animal can be found on all continents of the planet. Weasel does not make holes, masters what is, equips his lair under stones in the middle of voids, in tree roots, in the middle of deadwood, in rock crevices, in wood masonry, in low-lying hollows, in mouse holes, in barns. The nest is lined with any dry vegetation, mosses, chestnut or fern leaves.

If her nest is disturbed or found by outsiders, the weasel leaves the nest here, and transfers her own cubs to another place. In case of an unexpected threat, the weasel will defend and defend its lair to the end, sacrificing itself. On the site can equip several permanent dwellings.

What does weasel eat

The habitat of the weasel depends on the number of rodents needed for food. The diet includes small animals, such as mice, moles, bears. In spring it eats eggs and chicks. Since this animal swims well, it can catch a fish or a frog. It can also feed on lizards, snails, snakes, and insects. In general, the weasel is a very bloodthirsty animal and kills everyone it manages to catch. Due to its small size, it can overtake rodents in their own holes.

By exterminating mice, the animal brings great benefits, which far outweigh the harm it causes to chicken coops. Sometimes weasel can fight off even a kite.


The process of reproduction of offspring directly depends on the number of mice-voles in the territory of residence. If there is enough food, then the female can bring children 3 times a year, sometimes 4. Moreover, the more satisfying life, the more children in the brood, sometimes their number reaches 10. If there is a “hungry” year, then everything changes with accuracy on the contrary, the number of offspring is reduced, as is the number of pregnancies. Male weasel animals do not take any part in the upbringing of the younger generation. After mating with one female, the male goes further in search of new girlfriend. Before giving birth, the female drives out a medium-sized animal from her mink, since she does not know how to dig herself, and equips the nest. Pregnancy lasts no more than 35 days. The weight of babies does not exceed 1.5 grams, they are born blind. After 3 or 4 months, the children become completely independent and leave their mother.

Enemies and meaning

The predator is not large in size, therefore it sometimes becomes the prey of other animals: foxes, sable, ermine, ferret and large birds of prey.

Competitors of affection include all animals that feed on small rodents. Its value is great, feeding mainly on mouse-like rodents, destroying them simply in huge quantities. Some sources provide data that one animal can destroy from 2 to 3 thousand per year. mice and voles.

Until the middle of the last century, weasel was obtained during the hunting of fur-bearing animals, mostly by chance in traps placed on small mustelids and moles.

What is the danger of affection

In order to find the answer to the question of how to neutralize a weasel or marten, for example, it is necessary to understand the degree of threat they pose. This animal, like the ferret, belongs to the category of cruel and ferocious predators who love to eat domestic animals. Why waste time and energy looking for food in the forest when you can sneak around and treat yourself to plenty of “free” food.

It is impossible to catch these cunning thieves on your own, without the use of improvised means. They are too fast, agile and agile. Do not be deceived by their cute triangular faces: in a fit of hunger, they are able to tear their prey into small pieces. What kind of caress can be dangerous: in order to satisfy its need for food, it is not limited to one bird. Her appetite is so great that after she finishes her meal, up to several dozen headless birds can remain in the house. However, she does not often commit such carnage, preferring to make do with mice and rats, which are much easier to get. He decides on such dubious actions only if there is no more suitable food in the area.

If the animal is completely distraught from lack of food, it may even enter the house and attack a small cat or dog. Weasel teeth are very sharp, which allows her to easily kill individuals larger than herself.

Animal at home

Since ancient times, weasel animals have been kept at home. The tradition appeared in ancient Rome, then the animal was tamed to catch mice. But after some time, rats appeared in the houses, with which the weasel could not cope, and cats took its place. AT modern world there are people who prefer exotic animals instead of traditional cats and dogs.

Weasel also fell into the category of such. But the animal can become domestic only under one condition - if it is raised from infancy. Such an animal quickly becomes attached to its owner, sleeps with him in the same bed and long separation even bored. Raising an adult animal is almost impossible. The nature of the animal is aggressive, it bites often and strongly, it will constantly make attempts to escape.

It is impossible to treat an animal affection like a cat, the animal requires a special attitude towards itself. The baby needs to be cherished and loved. The animal needs a house, but it is impossible to restrict freedom, it must be allowed to move freely around the apartment or house.

In his house there should be snags and all kinds of hills, shelves so that the animal can climb. It is recommended that the bottom of the cage or other housing device be covered with straw. With high-quality education, the animal will go to the toilet in a special tray. The animal must always have pure water. With a diet it will be more difficult, it should be as close to natural as possible.

It should be meat and fish, other seafood is allowed. Eggs are definitely on the menu. But the animal eats very little, about 30-40 grams per day. Weasel is quite independent in the process of caring for herself. With a varied menu, the owner does not have to take care of the animal's coat, but regular visits to the veterinarian are still recommended. An animal weasel can bathe on its own, it is only necessary to create suitable conditions for it. Even a bath with water is suitable for this. In the process of molting, the creature should not be combed out. Remove excess hair with wet hands. Taking caress home, one should never forget that this is a predator, capricious and aggressive, albeit quite small in size.

How to catch affection?

It is advisable to immediately arrive in time for affection, otherwise the predator can get out of such a trap. You can try to catch a predator using a dog net. But in this case, it is necessary to have not only patience, but also dexterity. Before you start this animal at home, you must remember that this predator has a cute appearance, but his character is bold and nervous.

Folk beliefs about animals

AT folk beliefs the relationship of affection with reptiles is revealed - snakes, worms, frogs, moles and mice. Like a snake, weasels were considered poisonous. AT different options epics in the same role are weasel, lizard, snakes: they poison the drink of people who carried away their cubs. Even the breath of affection is poisonous: if it dies on cattle, it will stop eating, and if on a person, then he will have swelling. Like a frog and a witch, a weasel is able to take milk from cows, and running under a cow spoils it, which causes blood to appear in the milk.

Among the southern Slavs, it was believed that the killing of a weasel inevitably entails the death of one of the domestic or livestock. According to legend, it was believed that the soul of the hostess was embodied in caress. The idea of ​​weasel as the guardian of the house and livestock spread. In some places it is called domovik, that she lives in every house, in the ground under the house, in the underground, under the threshold of the stable, in the barn - in the habitats of house spirits. Like the brownie, the weasel can be seen by going to the barn with a lit candle in Clean Thursday in a barn, and by its color to determine what suit the cattle should be kept. The presence of a weasel in the barn promotes the reproduction of livestock, and the same color as the weasel. Each cow had its own weasel - the patroness of the same suit. It was believed that after the killed weasel, a cow of the same color would die, so it was forbidden to cause any harm to the weasel, and even more so to kill her.

AT folk legends they say that the bride was turned into affection, cursed by her mother-in-law for being too lazy to spin yarn. For a talisman against affection, a spinning wheel with a spindle is taken out into the yard and placed near the hole.

Often in epics, some animals have female symbols (weasel, marten, otter, squirrel, wolverine), while others have male symbols (ermine, beavers, sables). This can be traced in song folklore, primarily in wedding folklore. The bride and groom are depicted as sable and marten, less often beaver and otter, beaver and fox. In the song texts, there is a motif of hunting for a marten or squirrel, personifying the bride. In wedding sentences, the groom's friends call themselves hunters of martens, foxes, they say that they came to the bride's house following the marten's trail. In the old days, among the southern Slavs, caress is often mentioned in love magic: so that the husband loves his wife more, she cuts the weasel she has caught in half and tries to make the husband pass between these halves.

  • The favorite food of the weasel is mice and voles, thanks to which, by hunting these pests, weasel brings tremendous benefits to humans.
  • A weasel hole can be found on all sorts of pieces of prey scattered near the entrance. Of course, first of all, these are the paws and tails of the animals she ate.
  • In summer, the back of the weasel is light brown, the belly is white. In winter in the north, the animal changes its fur coat to snow-white.
  • From the odorous glands of the weasel, located under the tail, a secret is secreted that smells the same as the secret secreted by the ferret.
  • Female weasels are so tiny that in the past they were even considered a separate species.


Ordinary weasel or just weasel (lat. Mustela nivalis) is a small predator from the weasel family, which is found in Europe, northern Asia and North America. This fluffy animal lives on the outskirts of fields, in forests, in swamps, along the banks of reservoirs, in steppes and deserts. Sometimes it settles near human habitation, but considers the polar desert and the snowy belt of mountains unsuitable for habitation.

The weasel has an elongated body, from 11.5 to 21.5 cm long. It weighs no more than 100 grams, but this did not prevent it from earning the fame of one of the most bloodthirsty animals. The weasel has many enemies: wolves, foxes, badgers, raccoon dogs, hawks, golden eagles, owls and eagle owls - they all dream of eating a nimble animal. However, the agile and toothy beauty does not give up without a fight: she is able to gnaw through the throat of the offender, deftly twisting out of his paws at the last second.

By the color of the fur, the weasel resembles, only the tip of her tail is not black. Summer top part the body of the animal is brownish-brown, there are dark spots near the corners of the mouth. The belly, throat, belly, inner surface of the paws and chest of the weasel are snow-white. In winter, the whole body becomes white. Only in the southern regions, where there is very little snow, the animal does not change its coat color.

Weasel swims very well, runs fast and climbs trees superbly. She needs all these skills to catch her favorite prey: mice, shrews, moles, young rabbits, lizards, snakes, small fish, crayfish and insects. Sometimes she destroys bird nests and robs chicken coops. It hunts at night, moving quickly in the dark with large leaps.

It is curious that if she settles next to a person, she never harms her immediate "owner". But all the neighbors in the district suffer from her daring tricks. However, if the poultry houses are sufficiently well protected (they do not have slots, manholes or windows), then the weasel switches to house mice and rats, which helps the locals a lot.

In ancient Rome, weasels were even kept as pets to protect people from pesky rodents. But still it's not quite a good idea- at the base of the tail of the animal there are special musk glands that emit a very unpleasant odor. Maybe that's why over time they were replaced by cats.

In the wild, weasels live in the burrows of the rodents they kill. They don’t dig their own, and why, if you can use ready-made ones? The bottom of the shelter is covered with dry grass, moss and leaves. There are usually several such “apartments” on one site.

In the driest, most spacious and cleanest hole, the female gives birth to 4 to 8 cubs. She cares deeply for them and fiercely defends them in case of danger. If for some reason the chosen shelter ceases to seem reliable to her, she carries the puppies to a new hole, holding them in her teeth. At the age of four months, babies become independent, and their mother can start a new mating. Thus, in good years a female weasel can have 2-3 broods. Males are polygamous: during the season they mate with many partners.

To date, affectionate relationships with people are quite complicated. On the one hand, she is disliked for her tendency to brazen robberies and robberies, on the other hand, she is respected for her ability to quickly exterminate rodents. It is no longer hunted, although before weasel was considered a valuable fur-bearing animal.


Weasel is the smallest member of the carnivore order. The structure of a long, flexible body and the color of the fur are very similar to ermine, but it differs in small sizes and a shorter, and most importantly, one-color tail; She does not have a black tuft on her tail. The body of the weasel, like that of the ermine, is thin and long, with short legs armed with very sharp claws, an elongated head, small rounded ears, the nose is blunt and slightly forked at the end. At the base of the tail there are glands that secrete a liquid with an unpleasant odor.

By appearance males differ from females only comparatively large sizes body. The length of the animal varies, depending on belonging to a particular subspecies, from 11.4 to 21.6 cm. Weight - from 40 to 100 g.

In summer fur, the top of the head, back, sides, tail and outer sides of the paws are brownish brown in color. Throat, edge upper lip, chest, belly and inner surface of the legs - pure white. Behind the corners of the mouth - along a brown spot. The density of the fur is the same in summer and winter, but summer hair is shorter and thinner than winter. In autumn, the weasel, with the exception of some southern habitats, changes its summer brown outfit for pure white winter fur. Found in Europe, North Asia and North America.

Lives in fields and forests, in mountainous and low-lying areas, not avoiding populated areas. It settles under stones, in hollows, in ruins, in burrows, barns, etc. The nest is lined with dry grass, moss, chestnut and fern leaves.


In places where it is not pursued, the weasel hunts day and night. By exterminating mice, it brings great benefits, which, in any case, outweigh the harm it sometimes brings to chicken coops. Weasel sometimes successfully fights off even relatively large birds of prey (for example, kites).

Weasel lives on different sources, 17, 20, 30 years; robust males sometimes live up to 60 years (as a rule, animals as large as weasels live no more than 8 years).


Mating takes place in March. After a five-week pregnancy, the female gives birth to 5 to 7, less often 3 and 8 cubs, which she carefully guards and protects, transferring them to another place in case of danger in her teeth.


Weasels in culture

  • Kama-itachi is a yōkai demon in Japanese folklore.
  • In the cartoon "Ice Age 3. Age of Dinosaurs" there is a weasel Buck.
  • In The Wind in the Willows, there are also weasels who play the role of negative characters.
  • In Jack London's story "White Fang", a weasel attacked the main character - a wolf cub
  • The Fantastic Mr. Fox cartoon features a weasel character who works as a real estate agent.
  • In the Spanish animated series The Ugly Duckling, two weasels are presented as negative characters.
  • Weasel is also mentioned in J. Durrell's book "Garden of the Gods"
  • The Redwall series of books by Brian Jakes uses weasels as villains.
  • In the anime Hiroshi Shibashi "Grandson of Nurarihen" in the second season, there is a positive yokai character who turns into a weasel during the day, named Ithaku.
  • In the cartoon "The Snow Queen" white weasel nicknamed Luta is a friend of Gerda, with whom she goes to the castle of the Snow Queen.


In Sergei Antonov's novel "In the Interests of the Revolution" from the "Metro Universe 2033" series, weasel plays one of the key roles in the denouement of the plot.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.


  • Siberian Zoological Museum
  • "Notes of a hunter of Eastern Siberia". Weasel. Author Alexander Alexandrovich Cherkasov

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .



See what "Weasel" is in other dictionaries:

    1. WEASCE, and; pl. genus. caress, dat. scam; and. 1. A manifestation of love, tenderness (expressed by kisses, touches of hands, etc.). Maternal l. Spread affection. 2. Friendly, friendly attitude, treatment. Greet with kindness. Receive a visit… encyclopedic Dictionary

    Mercy, bliss, tenderness, affection, love, sweetness, goodness, friendliness, warmth, veal tenderness, softness, kindness Dictionary of Russian synonyms. weasel 1. see affection. 2. see... Synonym dictionary

    WEASCE, caress, etc. see Lasa. | At blacksmiths, weasel, a piece of iron drawn with a hammer for welding. Withdraw affection. Dictionary Dahl. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (Lasca, 1503 1580) the pseudonym of Antonio Francesco Grazzini, an Italian short story writer of the 16th century, who vividly and colorfully reflected the life and moods of Italian life and moods in his short stories, ch. arr. Florentine bourgeoisie. A pharmacist by profession, L. was the founder ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    weasel- Mustela nivalis see also 3.4.3. Genus Ferrets Mustela Weasel Mustela nivalis (body length 11 26 cm, tail 2 8 cm. The coloration in summer is sharply two-tone: the top and legs are brownish brown, the bottom is white. In winter, the entire animal is snow-white in color. Steppe and ... ... Animals of Russia. Directory

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    1. LASKA1, caresses, kind. pl. caress, female 1. A manifestation of tenderness, love. Warm the soul with kindness. Maternal affection. Spread affection. 2. only units Kind, friendly attitude, treatment (colloquial). Thanks for your kindness. You can get affection from him ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Weasel, or common weasel (Mustela nivalis) is a representative of the Weasel family (Mustelidae), the genus Ferrets and weasels (Mustela). She is the smallest of all predators: the length of the male is 13-26 centimeters, and its weight is 40-250 grams.

Weasel, or common weasel (Mustela nivalis) is a representative of the Weasel family (Mustelidae), the genus Ferrets and weasels (Mustela). It is the smallest of all predators: the length of the male is 13-26 centimeters, and its weight is 40-250 grams. The female is even less.

From Latin, the name of the animal - nivalis - is translated as "snowy": in winter, the weasel's fur coat turns snow-white.

Weasel in winter color (molting).

Why is weasel called weasel

The bloodthirstiness of this is widely known little predator. Why was he given an inappropriate name?

It turns out that these animals are easily tamed and turn into affectionate and loyal friends. They follow their master like dogs.

Another version of the origin of the name is known. There is an ancient belief that sorceresses often turn into weasels, using female charms to divert attention.

Weasel habitat

Weasel is a common animal that can be found throughout Eurasia (it is not only in Indochina), North Africa(except for the Arctic archipelago and southern deserts) and in northwestern Africa (in the Atlas Mountains). They also brought it to New Zealand.

You can meet affection in almost all landscape areas. The animals inhabit forests and tundra, steppes and forest-steppes, deserts and semi-deserts, shores of reservoirs and the outskirts of fields, in the mountains, the places of distribution reach alpine meadows. She also lives in major cities. It is not only in polar desert and in mountain belts covered with snow.

Common weasel (Mustela nivalis). Author of the photo: Yersinia pestis.

The species is divided into several subspecies, which vary greatly in size. The smallest weasels live in the cold northern regions: in the north of Europe, in Siberia, in the Far East and in North America. In the same area, a weasel competitor lives - an ermine. Therefore, the weasel hunts for the smallest mouse-like rodents and gets them in places inaccessible to the ermine. Larger subspecies inhabit hot arid regions: the Mediterranean, Central and Western Asia. They hunt gerbils, jerboas and small ground squirrels - prey beyond the control of small relatives. When there is a shortage of food, they can catch birds, young rabbits, amphibians, small fish, lizards, small snakes, insects. Often they raid country dwellings of a person and exterminate poultry - chickens, ducks and others. In such places, weasel is not liked and is often hunted for it.

The size of the predator's habitat does not exceed a hectare. These natural lands are enough for weasel to feed, as it is able to penetrate into any mink and get prey from there.

Shelters for the animal are the dwellings of mice and moles, heaps of brushwood and stones, stacks, wood-burning buildings, hollow trees.

Enemies of weasel

Like any animal, the weasel also has enemies, often it becomes the prey of birds of prey (owls and even a large bittern), do not disdain to hunt for it and family brethren - ermines, and also more large predators- arctic foxes, martens, sables, predators of the cat family.

The weasel fell prey to the big bittern (Botaurus stellaris). Photo credit: Fausto Deseri.

Inhabitants ancient rome and early medieval Europe used the weasel as a pet for hunting mice. But when the Old World was inhabited by large gray rats, which are difficult for small animals to cope with, weasels were replaced by ferrets and cats.

Feeding affection with milk from a syringe. Author of the photo: Armando Caldas.

If you still decide to get affection, then note that babies are easier to tame, they will need careful care and will have to tinker with feeding them. Therefore, in practice, adult animals are often caught and gradually tamed. But in the process of taming, your hands will be bitten more than once. If you are willing to spend a lot of time adapting with an animal, then it will become a devoted and reliable friend.

Growing affection at home from the very early age. Author of the photo: Armando Caldas.

You will have to feed the pet with fresh and high-quality meat, eggs. The animal must always have clean water.

The weasel will choose a place to rest for herself. She can take the place of another pet. In addition, she easily takes food from cats and dogs.

Common weasel (Mustela nivalis). Photo credit: Gary Mann.

Your affection can bring a lot of problems if the neighbors live Domestic bird. She will exterminate all these birds, turning your neighbor into a fierce enemy. But if the bird lives with you, caress will not touch it, since it does not hunt where it lives.

Buy weasel

If you still haven’t changed your mind about having affection in your home, then the question will arise before you: “Where can I buy affection?” Unfortunately, weasels are very rare for sale. You will have to catch the animal yourself or find the right person.

Chub Natalia, Kirill Usanov

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