The folk legends of Denmark are the trolls, the people of the barrows, or the mountain people, the peoples of the elves and the dwarves. Folk legends of Denmark - trolls, people of mounds, or mountain people, peoples of elves and dwarves Troll forest in Denmark

Why is this Danish woodland, located in the northern part of the island of Zialand, called the forest of trolls? Have you ever heard about these mysterious creatures - the heroes of Scandinavian folklore and the characters of fantasy sagas and computer games? They would really like this forest, because the plants here are just as ugly as the trolls themselves in our human understanding.

By the way, not only in Denmark, but also in different countries (including Russia, Kazakhstan, Sweden, Norway, etc.) there are similar forests. And even local names give them very similar. These are places where trees, for some reason, do not want to grow the way they are supposed to - up, towards the sunlight, but grow at random, at an angle, and in general in any way, even curling up in a spiral.

It is difficult to find any scientific explanation for this phenomenon. And the point is not only in bizarre trees, but also in their very surface, where grimaces are clearly visible, vaguely resembling human faces. Perhaps trolls really once existed, lived here, and then their faces were imprinted on the bark of trees? Or did these creatures themselves turn into plants?

Meanwhile, attempts to unravel the mystery of the Troll Forest were made by the first botanists who wandered here. There was a version about the fault of the winds, but it was almost immediately dismissed as untenable. If the wind bent the trunks, then they would simply bend to one side, and not turn into squiggles. Later, when science took a step into bacteriology and virology, tree defects began to be attributed to bacteria and viruses, respectively.

Since the Forest of Trolls is old enough, ”versions about testing nuclear and any other weapons were not even considered. And for some reason they simply forgot about aliens. There were also different versions about why this place looks like a schizophrenic's dream, but they all did not pass. Finally, the local community, led by the administration, calmed down, nevertheless decided to take it as an unprovable given that once this forest was indeed inhabited by mischievous troll babies and began to bring here groups of tourists from those countries where there were no such sights. And is it even worth it to engage in further searches for the truth, if the secret of the forest in itself brings a good income?

Photos of the "Dancing Forest" in the Curonian Spit National Park in the Kaliningrad Region have been covered by many media outlets. The Internet is filled to capacity with them. And they are impressive. They depict a pine forest. Only the pines in it are not straight, but strongly curved. Almost tied in a knot ....

Many of those who have been in a pine forest admired the slender, straight, like spears, age-old pines, reaching tens of meters high. And from a glance at their peaks, the head began to spin. The pine forest in the Curonian Spit is also rich in such trees. But there is one place in it where pines do not amaze with their harmony. On the contrary, they strike with intricately curved and twisted trunks. Some trunks are almost tied into a knot. This site received the romantic name "Dancing Forest".

In ancient Prussia, there were legends that trees twisted into rings were the gates to the world of spirits. It was believed that those who pass through them can get rid of diseases and, sometimes, acquire supernatural powers. The Prussians believed that by making their way through the ring of crooked pine, one could add a year to one's life. They worshiped such trees.

Nowadays, there are usually no reasons for worship. Much more cause for concern. With twisted trunks, the Dancing Forest attracted the attention of scientists. Naturally, those who call themselves psychics also came here. And one of them concluded that the place has a strong energy. That in it the scream can be charged with energy. For the future. However, he himself was afraid to go deep into the "wonderful" forest.

And for many of those who dared to go deep, dark forces begin to seem. They feel unaccountable anxiety, anxiety and fear. Local mushroom pickers try to bypass this area of ​​one square kilometer. Many locals believe that this is a cluster of devils gathered for a Sabbath. And visiting this place will not lead a person to anything good.

Having studied the Dancing Forest, scientists have not come to an unambiguous conclusion about the cause of this phenomenon. Many hypotheses have been put forward: both natural factors, and genetic characteristics, and the impact of viruses and pests on pines. And even the special cosmic energy of this place. At one time, Koenigsberg and its environs were considered the headquarters of the "Ahnenerbe" - "the German society for the study of ancient German history and the heritage of ancestors", which was closely interested in the occult sciences. And this society painfully gravitated towards places with anomalous energy.

By the way, the Dancing Forest is not the only such place in the world. In Denmark there is a "Forest of Trolls", and in Kazakhstan on the shore of Lake Borovoe - a park "Dancing birches". And in these places the trees are also twisted. And there must be a reason for that.

Dancing forest seedlings were planted in the sixties of the last century. And, in my personal opinion, the trunks are really twisted for a reason. It is possible that they are affected by anomalous energy. You can't brush it off. And if this energy affects the pines in such a way, then the impact on a person will also be detrimental. But in our turbulent age, various kinds of mutations most often cause chemicals or an increased background of radiation.

The author of this material happened to be in places contaminated with radionuclides. The lush growth of vegetation there is simply amazing. Chest-deep grass and huge wild berries. Beautiful forest berries that should not be eaten.

Of course, the radioactive background was probably measured in the Dancing Forest. And since there are no reports that it is elevated there, it means that it is normal. But did they take the soil for analysis? After all, twisted trunks are definitely an alarm signal that nature gives us.

The retreating fascists at the end of the Second World War may well have secretly buried containers with chemical reagents, or containers with poisonous substances in this area. Or under the grove there may be an underground German factory, from which a couple of harmful substances began to seep into the ground. After all, there are persistent legends about numerous underground structures near Koenigsberg.

There must definitely be something there. The trees could not “dance” of their own free will, for no reason at all. This is the only reason to look for. Look for, and not admire twisted tree trunks ....

Troll forest - the most unusual and mysterious places on the planet

In the north of the island of Zialand there is an inexplicable phenomenon
nature - Forest of trolls. This place is named after characters
Scandinavian myths and legends for a reason.
The trees here have an unusual shape -
grow not in the direction of the sun, up, but in different directions,
bizarrely curving, spreading branches along the ground, intertwining
between themselves and curling up into intricate shapes and rings.
In addition, depressions are visible on the bark of trees.
and growths that form interesting patterns,
similar to the fuzzy outlines of human faces.

The forest of trolls makes a strange impression.
On the one hand, you are fascinated by the feeling of presence
something invisible and powerful, capable of creating
similar. On the other hand, you get scared
and you start to feel like a little insect,
powerless before such an onslaught. To all other,
uncertainty does not give confidence, but only gives rise to
there are many versions in your head...

The trees here are really strange.
Other countries also have crooked forests, but they are different
some kind of harmony.
For example, the dancing forest, where all the trees are curved in the same way,
which gives the impression that they are frozen in some
dance moment. And they, obeying the laws of nature, their
peaks stretch upward towards the sun.

Here, all the plants are bent, twisted, intertwined,
curled up in rings and other shapes. Yes, and they have bark
some unusual - all in growths and faults.
A person with imagination can see in these
trees of strange fantastic creatures frozen
in ridiculous poses, whose faces are visible here and there on the bark.
Or maybe these are the fabulous trolls that
an unknown force forced to freeze for centuries and turn into
in these ugly trees?
Or trolls living in secret caves hidden
in the depths of this forest, and twisted the trees like that, and now
look at us and laugh at our confusion?

In ancient times, people believed that the trees were so intertwined
for good reason. And lucky the one who finds the bent ring
tree and climb through it - this will give him health,
long life and magical abilities.

But legends are legends, but what happened to these places
in fact? There are many versions, but none explains
happening. Some of the experts say that
tricks of the hurricane. But he either broke all the plants, or,
blowing for a long time in one direction, bent them equally,
one way. Here the trees are alive, growing to this day,
but twisted in different ways.

Other researchers suggest
that the Forest of Trolls is the work of the people themselves. But why so many centuries
back (and the forest is no longer young) someone had to walk
and turn young trees into different squiggles?
Maybe it's the whim of some lunatic?

There was also a version of what a detrimental effect on the forest is
had some bacteria, but in the course of the
research found nothing.
The impact of modern powerful weapons also disappears,
because the Troll Forest is much older.

This phenomenon of nature has given rise to many amazing
legends among the locals.
It is believed that the mysterious forest is nothing but
immortalized mystical creatures that once
inhabited this place and later turned for some reason
reason in the trees.
There are opinions that these are little trolls.
during their game they created such funny curls,
and also that the trolls in a fit of anger bent the trees,
offended by people.

And you can really believe in these legends, because
scientific explanation of the origin of an unusual forest
still not given.
Botanical scientists have rejected the idea that these trees are
the result of an external influence. The wind would tilt the trunks
in one direction and could not create complex squiggles.

The version that the forest was artificially grown by people
for the manufacture of furniture, also proved to be untenable.
Experts confirmed the unsuitability of the material for such

There are many supporters of the version that the whole thing is anomalous
energy of the forest, which not only affects plants,
but can also affect the health of people roaming these
places. Perhaps inspired by this theory,
but some people say they really start here
feel very strange.
Some experts believe that something that exists is to blame for everything.
in the soil. Who knows, but one thing is clear that you need to look for the cause.

Meanwhile, while scientists around the world are trying to unravel
the mystery of the origin of this kind of natural phenomena,
The troll forest in Denmark has long been a popular destination.
for tourism. Tens of thousands of travelers come
here every year to see it with my own eyes
miracle of nature and take a walk among the outlandish and funny



The people of Jutland have a legend that when our Lord cast the fallen angels from heaven, some of them fell on the hills and mounds and became the people of the mounds - or, as they are sometimes called, the mountain people, the people of the hills. Those who fell on the moorland became the elves of the moorland; then from them came the kind of elves. Some got into residential buildings, and from them came the house spirits of the nissa.

When Eve was bathing her children in a stream, our Lord suddenly appeared before her. She was frightened and hid those children who had not yet been washed. Our Lord asked her if all the children were here. She answered yes, in fear that he would see that not all the children were washed. Then our Lord said that those children whom she hides from him must in the future be hidden from humanity. After these words, all the unwashed children disappeared and were hidden in the mountains. From the descendants of these children, all the underground peoples went.

Rabbinic legend claims that after Adam ate from the tree of knowledge, he was cursed for one hundred and thirty years. During this period, according to Rabbi Jeremiah ben Eliazar, his children were only schedim, i.e., demons and similar beings.


The people of the elves inhabit the heather fields. The men of this tribe look like old men in a wide-brimmed hat on their heads, the female elves look fresh and seductive, but empty from the back, like a shell of a nut. Young people should be on their guard with female elves, because their charms are difficult to resist, in addition, the stringed musical instruments of the elves are able to melt any heart with their sounds. Male elves are often seen on the moorlands - basking in the sun. If someone comes too close to him, the elf folds his lips with a tube and blows, after which the approacher is struck by sores and ailments. Elf women are most often seen by moonlight dancing in the tall grass with such ease and grace that they are rarely refused when they offer their hand to any young man. One should not graze cattle in those places, because if any animal ends up where an elf has spit or done something worse, it will get sick. Moreover, the disease of an animal can be cured only by letting it eat a bunch of St. John's wort, collected at midnight on Midsummer Night. It may also happen that the animals suffer from the cattle of the elves, blue and very tall. Such animals can also be seen on the field licking the dew from the grass, since it is on the dew that they feed. However, the peasant can, however, protect himself from the aforementioned troubles if, before releasing the animals into the wild, he approaches the elf mound and says: “Hey, little troll! Can I get my cattle on your hill?" If there is no answer, then you can do whatever you want. Between Terslose and Sobierg is Sobierg Banke, the richest barrow in all of Zealand. It is almost impossible to name such a jewel that could not be found in it. A troll's wife once dwelt in these hills, for whom a long procession was made from the fields of Steenlille, when the troll from Mount Galtebjerg took her as his wife.

It often happens that in clear weather a passer-by sees very beautiful copper utensils and the most exquisite bedding lying on a hill for ventilation. If a passer-by comes closer, he will be able to see a young female elf, who is diligently and quickly collecting them.

In the Illerup field near Kalundborg there is a mountain called Fibierg-Bakke. It is inhabited by a huge number of trolls who store a large number of expensive things and gold here. There is a noticeable hole in the side of the mountain through which they drag down those whom they can capture. In Svyatki it is not difficult to see how they pull out their silver and gold in the sun, and it is dangerous to approach the mountain at this time. But on Midsummer Night, the whole mountain rises on red columns, and fun goes on in it and songs sound. At this time, anyone who comes to the mountain can see the trolls dragging back and forth huge chests full of money.

In Laanehøy on Aerø one could often hear the trolls slamming the lids of their coffins. Once the peasants, who were harvesting, were resting on this mountain; laying their ear to the ground, they heard that inside they were grinding grain.

That the mountain folk lived in Gallehøy on Aero in former times can hardly be doubted, since people not only heard the slamming of coffin lids, but also the blacksmith from Lille Riese, who during the war was on guard here, heard every morning how the clock in the mountain chimed five times.

Near Östrel, between Aalborg and Thisted, there is a mountain in which an elf-smith lived. At night, anyone could clearly hear that blacksmithing was taking place here. On one side of the mountain there was a hole, near which slag and iron particles could be found in the morning.

In the vicinity of Sandy, on the island of Mors, there is a mountain in which an elf troll lived. At night you could hear him working. Opposite this mountain was a sandy hill, where the same blacksmith sometimes worked, because powerful blows of the hammer happened to come from there. At midnight, the blacksmith often flew in the air from one workplace to another - on a headless horse and with a hammer in his hand. He was followed by all his disciples and companions.

Buur parish had three large mountains. In one of them lived a blacksmith troll who kept a forge in the same mountain. At night, fire could often be seen on the top of the mountain. At times, the fire seemed to enter the mountain from one side - it was the elf-blacksmith who kept the iron in a red-hot state, opening the door for a portion of coal. If someone wanted something to be forged from his iron, he put his piece on the mountain, along with a silver shilling, and named the object that he needed to forge. The next morning the shilling was gone, and the required product lay ready and well made.

One day, several residents of Buur decided to get to the bottom of the riches of this troll. For this purpose they assembled one night with shovels and picks. Everyone was warned not to utter a word, even if the temptation was very great. But as soon as they set to work, a wide variety of monsters appeared on the mountain. Nevertheless, people continued to work in complete silence until they reached the spacious stone chambers. Riches lay before them - a large copper cauldron full of gold coins. A huge black dog was sleeping next to him. One of the men took off his jacket, carefully placed the dog on it, and started pulling the jacket aside. At that very moment, a hay wagon rolled up from the outside of the mountain, pulled by two roosters. The van circled the mountain three times. None of the peasants uttered a sound, however, until one of the roosters gave a kick with such force that the thick pole of the wagon broke. Then one of the peasants exclaimed: “What a strength a rooster has!” But as soon as he uttered these words, they were all at a considerable distance from the mountain, and the passage dug in it immediately closed. The peasants later made another attempt - but this time they saw that the whole of Oster Buur was engulfed in fire. Throwing away their shovels, they ran to their houses - but, having reached them, they found that everything was safe and calm.

These magical blacksmiths are easily recognizable as descendants of the dwarfs or gnomes present in Edda mythology.

At Gamtoft, not far from Assens, there is a mountain in the middle of the field; they say that a troll lives in it. This troll is said to be easy to borrow. To do this, you just need to go to the mountain and knock three times from the north side, naming the required thing at the same time - a pot, a frying pan or other household utensils. Anyone can immediately get the right thing, but if he does not return it in time, then he may be found dead.

On the island of Möen there is a mountain called Östed-Høy. When one day Margaret Skaelwigs was passing by on her way to Elmelund Castle, she met an old woman who asked: "Where are you going, my child?" Margaret replied that she was going to Elmelund Castle to borrow a dress from Peter Munch's wife to be married there. Then the old woman said, "If you come here on Saturday, I will lend you a wedding dress." On the following Saturday Margaret obediently came to Östed-Huy, and the old woman gave her a beautiful dress with gold embroidery, but ordered her to return the dress after a week. But if, said the woman, she did not go out to meet Margaret, then she could consider the dress her own. Thus, Margaret Skaelvigz appeared at the wedding in a dress with gold embroidery. At the appointed time, she brought the dress to the mountain, but no one met her, so she got the right to take the dress for herself.

A series of large mountains rises above Tikholm, in which, as they say, the mountain people used to live. One day a peasant was driving past these mountains to the market in Westerwig. Climbing up the mountain, he complained aloud that he had to ride such a horse. On the way back, he saw that exactly in the very place where he complained about his fate, there were four horseshoes. The peasant took horseshoes and shod his horse with them. Since that time, not a single neighbor's horse could compete with his horse in speed.

On another occasion, as a joke, some peasants, passing by a mountain, casually asked the mountain people to give them good beer. Immediately, a low troll came out of the mountain with a large silver jug, which he handed to the peasants. Taking the vessel in his hands, one of the peasants immediately spurred his horse and rushed away. But the little man from the mountain was faster. He caught up with the peasant and took the jug from him.

Over time, this mountain people got tired of living in Tiland, and all the inhabitants of the mountains went to the crossing to be transported to the other side of the fjord. When it was time to pay the ferryman, they threw something into the hat that burned through it and went down. Most likely, it was gold, because there is no other way to explain why the ferryman lived richly in the future.

Once an elf girl came to a certain man who lived on the island of Aeror, with a grip, the handle of which had fallen off, and asked to attach it. However, he refused to help her. The case was taken over by a guy who happened to be next to them. At lunch he received a reward for his help - a piece of delicious bread and butter. The man, who knew well who this gift came from, advised the guy not to eat bread, saying that you could die like that. But the guy fearlessly ate the gift and woke up the next morning healthy and cheerful, and the one who advised him was dead as a stone.

In the vicinity of Linge, near Soro, there is a mountain called Bodedis. Not far from her lived an old peasant who had a single son. The son often went on long trips. One day after his departure, his father did not receive any news about him for a long time and, deciding that his son was dead, began to mourn his death. One evening, when he was driving past Bodedis with a full load, the mountain opened up, and a troll came out, asking the peasant to follow him up the mountain. The peasant was embarrassed, but realizing that the refusal could end badly for him, he turned his horses and rode up the mountain. There, the troll began to bargain, offering a very generous price for goods. When the peasant unloaded everything from his cart and was about to leave, the troll said: “If you manage to keep quiet about what happened between us, you will see a lot of good from me, and if you come to me tomorrow, you will see your son here.” At first, the peasant did not know what to answer, but, deciding that the troll would keep his promise, he was overjoyed. At the appointed time, he returned to the mountain and sat down on the ground. He had to wait a long time, and he suddenly fell asleep. When the peasant woke up, his son was next to him. He said that he was in prison, where he experienced great suffering. But one night he had a dream in which a man came up to him and said, "Do you still want to go back to your father?" - and when he answered "Yes", all the chains fell off him, and the walls disappeared. While talking, the son accidentally raised his hand to his neck and found that the iron hoop around his throat was still around his neck. Both of them froze in amazement. And then they went to Ling, where they hung a hoop with a piece of chain on the church wall, where it hangs to this day in memory of the amazing event.

Not far from Sorø is the village of Pedersborg. Next to it is a very small village, which is called Linge. Between the two villages is Mount Brondhoi, which is said to have been inhabited by the mountain people. In the mountain there lived an old envious troll, whom the rest called Knurremurre, because because of him there were often strife and quarrels on the mountain. One day, Knurremurre found out that his young wife was too familiar with a young troll. The old troll became so angry that it became simply dangerous for the young one to remain on the mountain. Therefore, the young troll became invisible, fled from the mountain and, turning into a yellow cat, went to the village of Linge. Under the guise of a cat, he nailed himself to the house of the poor peasant Platt. There he lived for a long time, receiving milk and oatmeal from the peasant every day, and in the daytime he lay on a light chair near the stove. One evening, Platt came home just as his cat was eating oatmeal and drinking milk. “Well, mother,” said the peasant, “I will now tell you what happened to me on the way here. As I passed Brondhoya, a troll came out of it, came up to me and said: “Hi, Platt! Tell your cat that Knurremurre is dead!!" After these words, the cat got up on its hind legs, rolled the pot on the floor and, heading for the door, said: “What? Knurremurre dead? Then I must hurry home.”


Once upon a time there lived King Klint, who ruled over the cliffs of the islands of Möen, Stevn and Rügen. He had an amazing cart pulled by four black horses. On this wagon, the king rode from one rock to another - even over the sea, which at the same time began to worry.

Near the Queen's Chair, on one of the rocks of the island of Møen, several caves can be seen high above the ground. In former times, Yode of Uppsala lived there. It is said that one day a reckless man decided to visit him in his dwelling. With great difficulty, he descended from the cliff to the cave on a rope - and no one else saw him.

Sometimes the mentioned Yode of Uppsala was seen at sea - driving four horses. In the last war that Sweden waged, he swept along with his green hounds over the rocks, in order to protect his country, as he once promised. They say that he has now moved into the rock on Stevne.

Not far from the Queen's Chair there is a waterfall called Garden. Yoda had a beautiful garden here. To this Yoda - or giant - of Uppsala, the peasants of Möen brought the last sheaf to help grow the new crop.

It is said that there are two caves on the Möhen rock, in one of which "Jon Opsal" himself lives, and in the other - his dog and white horse.

Yode has already twice traveled to the "royal race", saving the country from the threat. Soon he will do it for the third time. Then he will turn all the stones on the beach into riders, and with them he will overcome the enemies of the country. Sometimes he gallops to Steven rock and visits the king who lives there.

Not so long ago, he was galloping through the Busserup and stopped in front of the house of an old woman, from whom he asked for water for himself and his horse. But the old woman did not have a bucket, and only a sieve was found. “It doesn’t matter,” he said, “pour water into it.” And the sieve retained the water, so that both the rider and the horse were able to drink.


In the moorlands of Bornholm, especially in foggy weather, you can sometimes see underground inhabitants practicing martial arts. They have a commander named Ellestinger. Just like the other leaders of his army, he rides a three-legged horse. The soldiers, as far as they can be seen, are dressed in light blue or steel gray uniforms. They have red hats on their heads; sometimes these hats are triangular. Their drums can often be heard, and at times small round stones are found that are believed to be used as bullets. When Bornholm is threatened by an enemy, these underground inhabitants always appear on the surface, ready to defend the country. Seeing such an impressive sight, the enemy often runs as fast as he can.

This is exactly what happened on February 6, 1645, when two Swedish warships appeared off the coast of the Hammer, intending to proceed with the landing. They saw that the whole mountain was covered with troops arriving from all sides. And although there were actually only two units on the island, the enemy decided that this place was heavily defended, so that an attempt to land would be futile. After that, the Swedes thought it best to get out.

In Ulvsborg parish there is a high mountain where a troll lived. He was seen by many residents pulling out his shiny brass household items at night by the light of the moon. This troll once approached a woman and asked her to lend him a loaf of bread. The troll then said: “You don’t have to give me anything for free, everything will be fine with you from this day on. And your family will enjoy benefits until the fourth generation. And so it turned out.


At Holmby near Aarhuus, when a woman was standing near her door, a small troll with a sharp hump came to her. The troll said: “Today, Store-Byerg must marry Lille-Byerg. If you, mother, kindly lend us a keg of beer for a few days, we will return you beer that is just as strong and good. After that, the woman led the troll to the brewery and offered him a keg to choose from. But since all the barrels had a cross on them, the troll could not take any. He only pointed to one barrel and said: “Take off the cross from it!” The woman realized that she must first remove the cross. As she did so, the little troll lifted the largest keg on its back and sauntered away with it. On the third day he returned, bringing with him a cask of beer as good as the one he had borrowed. From that time on, she had prosperity in her house.


In the mansion of Lille-Rize, on the island of Aeryo, mountain people lived under a stone. Once a little elf girl came to the mistress of the house asking to borrow scissors to cut her wedding dress with them. When the woman heard that there was a wedding coming up, she wanted to attend and promised to borrow her scissors on the condition that she could see what would happen during the wedding. The girl showed the woman how to squeeze through the crack in the hearth, but warned her not to laugh during the wedding - because if she laughed, the spectacle would disappear.

When the evening of the wedding came, the woman squeezed through the gap and saw the whole holiday. All the people of the elves sat at the table in their best clothes, drinking beer and helping themselves. Suddenly, a quarrel broke out between the two guests, which grew to the point that two trolls jumped onto the table, grabbed each other's hair and finally fell into the tureen, from which they got out in a rather deplorable state. All those present began to laugh at the two "heroes" from the tureen, and the woman could not restrain herself. At that moment, all the people present disappeared.

The same folk of elves were once so greatly offended by two girls who were servants in the house that they dragged them out of their beds and carried them to a remote corner. They were found only after a long search, deep asleep, although it was noon.


On the island of Mors in Jutland there is a mansion called Overgaard, in which there once lived a lady named Fru Mette. Once a troll came to this lady and said: “Fru Mette from Overgaard! Will you lend your silk skirt to Fru Mette of Undergaard for her wedding?” The woman borrowed a skirt. Since nothing was returned to her for a long time, she went to the mountain and shouted: "Give me back my skirt." The troll came out and gave her a skirt, dripping with wax, and said: “Since you demand a skirt, take it. But if you had waited a few more days, every drop of wax would have been replaced by a diamond.”


One Christmas Eve, a woman was cooking meat for her family. An elf came to her and began to beg her to go with him, because his wife began labor pains. When the woman agreed to help him, he took her on his back and lowered her into the bowels of the earth through a spring. Here the woman learned that the wife of an elf could not give birth without the help of some Christian woman. She herself was a Christian before, but how she was carried away by an elf.

When the child was safely born, the elf took him in his arms and ran out with him. The woman explained that he was going to find a newly married couple, and if they did not have time to say the prayer “Our Father” in bed, put a child between them, because in this case all the luck that was intended for the new family would pass to him. After that, the woman told her assistant what she should do when the elf returned. “Firstly,” she said, “you must not eat anything if he asks you, because I ate and after that I could not return. Secondly, if he gives you a gift and tells you to choose between what looks like silver and what looks like shards, choose the latter. And when he carries you back, grab a gooseberry bush and say: “Now, in the name of God, I am on my own!”

An hour later the elf returned, with a child, very unhappy that he had not found what he was looking for. After that, he offered the guest some treats, and when she refused it, he said: “You yourself wanted it that way.” After that, he offered various gifts, but the woman chose only a few black potsherds. When she was back on her own land, she did as she was taught. With shards in her apron, she went to her dwelling, and as soon as she entered, she threw the shards into the ashes. She did not tell her husband about where she had been. But then a maid entered the room and said that something glittered like silver in the hole for the ashes. Seeing pure silver, the woman told her husband where she had been. After this Christmas, they had good reason not to complain about their fate.

One evening a troll came to a midwife from Bingsburg and asked her to go with him to help his wife. The woman followed him into the hole in the ground without incident. But as soon as she told about what she saw there, she lost her sight.

A certain elf's wife, sensing the approach of childbirth, sent a message to one midwife asking for help. When the child was born, the elves gave her oil to rub the baby's eyes. While rubbing her eyes, the woman accidentally touched her own eyes with oily fingers. Returning home, she realized that something had happened to her eyes, because, passing through a field of rye, she noticed that it was literally teeming with little elves who cut the ears. "What are you doing here?" - the woman shouted, seeing that the elves were stealing the harvest. They answered her: "Since you see us, you must go blind." The elves attacked the woman and gouged out her eyes.


Uglerup was once home to a wealthy man named Niels Hansen. It was rumored that he got his wealth from trolls. One day, when his wife was raking hay into a pile in the field, a large fat toad got stuck between the teeth of her rake. The woman carefully released the toad, exclaiming: “Poor creature! I see that you need help: I ​​will help you.” After some time at night, a troll came to her, wanting her to go with him to the mountain where he lived. Following the troll's wish, she entered the mountain, where she found the troll's wife lying in bed. Above the very head of that one, a terrible snake hung from the ceiling. The troll's wife said to the woman: “Just as you were afraid of the snake that hangs over your head, I was so afraid when I got stuck in your rake. But since you've been kind to me, I'll give you some good advice. When you leave this place, my husband will offer you a lot of gold - but if you do not throw this knife behind your back when you leave here, then when you get home, the gold will turn into coal. And if he forces you to mount a horse and ride with him, slip unnoticed down the road when you cross the swamp - otherwise you will never see your house again.

Niels Hansen's wife went to the kitchen and saw her maid and servant there, standing and grinding malt. They did not recognize the hostess, and she approached them and imperceptibly cut off a piece of fabric from everyone's clothes. After some time, the troll gave her a lot of gold, but the woman did exactly as the troll's wife advised her. And when he took her home, she slid off the horse according to the advice she had received. It was not yet morning when she reached home with all her treasures.

The next day, when a servant and a maid appeared before her, they both complained of pain in their hands, as if from hard work. Then the woman told them that they should repeat the prayers and be baptized before going to bed. She also told that they were, unaware of this, in grief at the troll, where they ground malt for him. Hearing this, the servants began to laugh, thinking that she was joking. But when she showed them the pieces of cloth, they believed, seeing that the pieces matched exactly the holes in their clothes. After that, the woman told what happened to her at night.


Many years ago on Fuur Island there lived a midwife who was awakened one night by a loud knock on her door. Opening the door, she saw a small creature that begged her to come with him to help a certain elf. The woman yielded to his pleas, and after that she was not seen among people for a long time. After some time, the husband happened to pass by the mountain of elves at night. He saw that the mountain was brightly lit, that a great feast was taking place in it and fun reigned. Looking more closely, he noticed among the most cheerful revelers his own wife. He walked towards her and they talked. Then, despite the warning, he called his wife by name, and she had to follow him. But from that time on, her husband no longer saw anything good from her: she constantly sat at the table in the kitchen and became completely dumb.


In Gudmandstrup there is a mountain called Hyulehøy. In the villages located in the neighborhood of this mountain, they are well aware that trolls live in it. If any peasant forgets to cross his mug of beer, the trolls immediately crawling out of Hiulehöy will steal his beer. Once, late in the evening, a peasant passing by the mountain saw that the mountain had risen and stood on red columns, and music was playing under it, dancing and celebrating. For some time he stood looking at the merry performance, but suddenly the music and dancing stopped, lamentations began, and some troll exclaimed: “Scotte fell into the fire! Go and help him!" After that, the mountain descended, and all the fun came to an end.

The peasant's wife was at that time alone in the house, weaving flax and did not notice that some troll crept into the house through the window of the next room, stood by the keg and began to pour beer into a copper kettle. At that moment, a peasant entered the house, quite surprised by what he saw and heard. “Listen, mother,” he said. “I will tell you what happened to me.” The troll immediately turned into a rumor. “When I passed by Hiulehöy, there was a big celebration going on. But when the fun was completely cleared up, a cry was heard in grief that Scotte had fallen into the fire. Hearing this, the troll standing by the beer keg was literally dumbfounded, the beer spilled on the floor, the kettle fell out of his hands, and the troll himself quickly, as best he could, jumped out of the house through the window. Because of this noise, the owner of the house quickly discovered what had happened to the keg of beer. The found copper teapot was left as payment for spilled beer.


Between Nordborg and Sonderborg, on the island of Als, there is a mountain called Stakkelhöy, which in former times was inhabited by many underground inhabitants, especially known for frequent raids on the cellars of peasants. One day, when a peasant was crossing the Stakkelhöi on his way to Hagenberg late in the evening, he heard someone exclaim in grief: “King Pippe is dead!” These words remained in his memory. At the same time, a troll from Stakkelhöy paid a visit to the house of another peasant in Hagenberg to pour beer into a silver mug he had brought with him. The troll was just sitting with his cheek against the barrel when the first peasant entered the house and told his owner that, passing through Stakkelhöy, he heard a voice exclaim in grief: “King Pippe is dead!” Then the troll exclaimed in fear: “Is King Pippe dead?” and rushed out of the house with such haste that he forgot his silver mug.


In Maehred near Praestö, a local blacksmith once worked in a forge. Suddenly, he heard loud groans and strong sobs behind the wall. Looking out the door, he saw a troll chasing a pregnant woman in front of him and shouting non-stop: “Just a little more! Some more!" Seeing this, the blacksmith stepped forward, not letting go of the red-hot iron, and blocked the way of the troll, so that he had to leave his victim and flee. The blacksmith took the woman under his protection, and she soon gave birth to two sons. After that, he went to her husband, thinking that he was mourning her disappearance. But when he entered his house, he saw a woman in bed, exactly like a woman in labor. The blacksmith immediately understood how things were going, grabbed an ax and hacked the witch to death, preventing her from getting up. While the husband was mourning his imaginary loss, the blacksmith brought his real wife to him along with two newly born children.


In Rolfstede there is a mountain called Joksnebierg, past which a river flows. Between the mountain and the river you can see a path trodden among the ears. According to the testimonies of three peasants who happened to spend the night on the mountain, this path was laid by a "man from Jöksnebierg", who rides out every night on a spotted gray horse to bathe it in the river.

From the mountain, the path goes to the well, which is located in the garden in Baekstrup. The path passes through a broken fence. This hedge, no matter how much it is patched up, always turns out to be broken again the next day. The mistress of the house that stood by the well was constantly ill. Then, following the advice, the owner of the house filled the well with earth and dug a new one in another place. From that time on, the hostess regained her health, and no one else made a hole in the fence.


In a house in the neighborhood of Östrel, which is between Aalborg and Thisted, the owners of the house noticed that the meat cooked for dinner always disappears surprisingly quickly, no matter how much it is cooked. They consulted with their servant - who was a knowledgeable fellow - about what to do. The guy knew that the neighboring mountain was inhabited by many small trolls, and decided that perhaps they had something to do with it. The servant decided to test his guess. The next day, when dinner was almost ready, he went to the mountain and, putting his ear to it, he heard a great turmoil in the depths. Finally, he heard one troll say to another: "Give me my hat, dinner is ready." Hearing this, the servant also shouted: “Give me my hat,” to which he received the answer: “There are no hats here, except for my father’s old one.” “She will do,” said the servant, and a hat immediately flew out of the mountain. Putting it on his head, the servant noticed how the trolls came out of the mountain in a large crowd and ran to his master's house. He hurried after them and, when he entered the house, he saw that the trolls were seated at the table and began to treat themselves to pancakes, which the hostess had put on the table. The owner of the house also sat at the table and ate pancakes; however, they disappeared in just a few seconds. Displeased that there was nothing left, one of the little trolls climbed onto the table and pointed at the empty dish. Seeing this, the servant grabbed a knife and stabbed the shameless little creature with a knife, which made him scream loudly, and all the trolls fled. After this, the servant took off his hat, called his mistress and all the servants in the house, and asked them if they had seen anyone. They replied that they had heard the door slam, and also a scream, but they had not seen anything.

In the evening, when the servant went to bed, he heard the bucket in the well sink and then rise. After that, he put on his hat, went into the yard and saw the trolls watering their little horses. He asked them if they wanted a repeat of what they got for lunch? The trolls began to beg him to let them water their horses from the well, as there was no water on the mountain. The servant allowed them to do so, on the condition that they never steal food again.

The next morning, the servant found two bars of gold at the well. And from that day on, the hostess was no longer afraid that uninvited guests would eat her dinner.


Not far from Ebeltoft, while a young shepherd was tending his cattle, a beautiful maiden approached him and asked him if he would like to eat or drink. However, he noticed that the maiden was trying not to turn her back on him, and decided that she was an elf, because the elves behind were empty. And so he did not talk to her and tried to get rid of her. When she noticed this, she opened her breasts in front of him to suck on it. The shepherd did not have the strength to refuse such an offer. After that, he lost control of himself and allowed her to persuade him. The guy was gone for three days. The parents had already begun to mourn their loss, as they were sure that someone had lured him. But on the fourth day, the father saw his son walking in the distance, and ordered his wife to put the frying pan on the fire as quickly as possible. Shortly thereafter, the son entered the house and sat down on a bench without uttering a sound. The old man did not say anything either, pretending that nothing had happened. After that, the mother put the meat in front of the son, and the father offered the son to eat. But he did not even touch the food, saying that he knew where he could find a tastier treat. The owner of the house got angry, took a heavy stick and again ordered him to eat meat. After that, the guy began to eat meat - and as soon as he tasted it, he immediately began to eat it greedily, after which he fell into a deep sleep. He slept for as many days as the sorcery lasted, and when he woke up, he did not remember what had happened to him.


Near Borbjerg, in the diocese of Ribe, there was a mountain called Brudehøy, or Bride's Mountain. It is claimed that the mountain received this name after the following event.

When King Knut the Great was building a church at Borbierg, a malicious troll lived in the aforementioned mountain, who every night demolished what was built during the day, so that the work could not be completed. In this regard, the king made an agreement with the troll, promising him the first girl who comes to the church as a bride. After that, the construction went quickly and was soon completed. At the first opportunity, the troll grabbed the bride and dragged her up the mountain. From that time on, everyone was so afraid of this place that all the wedding couples on the way to the Borbierg church went around the mountain for a mile.

In Reiersen's description of St. Bent's Church in Ringsted, the following is said about this structure: “There are two entrances to the church: a large gate in the north chapel, through which people usually enter the church, - and small ones, on the same side, by the congsch, of buildings through which the dead and newly baptized children are carried. All couples married in the church pass there. They never go out through the big gates, for a reason that is never mentioned." In Scandia there is also the Bride's Mountain, into which a bride was once dragged by a troll named Hillebert; therefore, no bride passes by this mountain.


There were three hills in the field near Bubbelgaard in Fiena, which were given the name "Dandzehøje" because of the following event. In Bubbelgaard there lived a young servant named Hans, who was passing through the said field one evening. Suddenly he saw that one of the hills had risen on red columns and that under it they were dancing and singing. Struck by the beauty of the performance, he began to come closer and closer, and finally, the most beautiful of the girls stood next to him and kissed him. From that moment on, Hans lost control of himself and became so insane that he tore his clothes to shreds. Subsequently, he was sewn clothes from only leather (puntlaeder) which he was unable to break. For this reason, thereafter he was called Hans Puntlader.


Once, during a wedding in Norre Broby, near Odense, the bride left the house during the dance and, not remembering herself, went to a hill in a neighboring field, where at that time the elves were dancing and singing. When she reached the hill, she saw that he had risen and was standing on red columns. At the same moment, an elf came out of the hill and handed her a cup of wine. She took the cup and emptied it, after which she felt like dancing. When the dance ended, she remembered her young husband and hurried home. When she got there, she found that everything around had changed. When she entered the village, she did not recognize either her house or her household. There was no sign of a noisy wedding either. She finally stopped in front of her husband's house, but when she entered the house she didn't recognize anyone - and nobody recognized her. Only one elderly woman, hearing the lamentations of the bride, exclaimed: “So it was you who disappeared from the wedding of my grandfather’s brother a hundred years ago?” After these words, the bride, who was late to return, fell and died immediately.


Bornholm was once inhabited by a peasant named Bondevette, who is said to have been the son of a mermaid. It was said that his father once met a mermaid on the seashore and slept with her. When parting, she told him: "In a year you must return, and then you will find your son here, who will drive out the trolls and mountain spirits." Everything turned out exactly as she said, and when this man returned to the shore a year later, he saw a child there. His father took him with him, raised him and named him Bondevette, since his father was a bonde and his mother a vette. When the child grew up, he became big and strong, moreover, he became synsk, that is, to see the invisible to others. When the peasant died, Bondevette inherited his farm and got married.

Not far from his house was a mountain called Korshoi. When he passed by her one day, he heard the trolls in the mountain, doing woodcarving, say: “Carve it, Snef! It already looks like Bondevette's wife." His wife was in the house at the time. And the trolls wanted to put a wooden figure in her place, and steal it herself. And so they did: when she was lying in bed and women were sitting around her, the trolls brought their wooden figure into the room, took the woman out of the bed and put a piece of wood in her place. After that, they had to pass it through the window to other trolls who were standing outside. However, Bondevette, who knew how to see the invisible, climbed onto the window, took his wife and hid her in the house, remaining unnoticed by other women. After that, he lit the stove harder, took a wooden figure from the bed and put it into the stove, where it immediately flared up and quickly burned out. The women who remained in the house, who were sitting in the house, screamed in fear, believing that Bondevette had burned his own wife. But he immediately reassured them by showing them where she was.

Another time, when he was passing by Korshey, he heard the trolls in the hill saying: "Tomorrow Bondevette's wife is brewing beer, let's go out and steal it." Returning home, Bondevette ordered the beer cauldron to be filled with water and heated to a boil. After that, he said to his people: "Where I will pour water, beat with clubs there." When the trolls came with a pail suspended from an iron rod to take beer, Bondevette poured boiling water on them and scalded them; at the same time, his people began to beat the trolls with their clubs, although they did not see where they were beating. From such treatment, the trolls scattered, and at the same time threw a bucket and an iron rod. Bondevette gave this rod to the church; the church door hangs on it.

One day, passing by the same hill at night, he saw trolls dancing around the hill. Seeing Bondevette, they poured him a cup and offered him a drink. However, Bondevette splashed the contents over his shoulder, and some of the liquid fell on the horse, singeing its hide. Bondevette hurried away with the cup, which he then handed over to the church. Subsequently, a chalice and diskos were made from this bowl. It is said that he continued to annoy the trolls until eventually they got tired of it and left Korshoi.


In Troestrup Mark there is a mound in which a giant is buried. It is said of this giant that he had a daughter of gigantic stature and great strength. Walking through the field one day, she saw a man who was plowing the ground. Deciding that she had come across a funny toy, she took a plowman with horses and a plow and put it in her apron. She brought it to her father and said, "Look what I found in the field when I leveled the ground." But her father replied, “Let them go; in time they will drive us away.”


Svend Faelling was a brave fighter. He was born in Faelling, in Jutland. For a long time he worked at the Aakiaer farm near Aarhuus. At that time, the roads were not safe because of the trolls and other underground creatures who were hostile to all Christians. Svend took over the job of delivering the letters. As he was walking along the road one day, a troll from Yelskhöy approached him and asked for help in fighting a troll from Borum-Öshöy. Svend Faelling expressed his consent, thinking that he was brave and strong enough for this. To test his strength, the troll handed him a thick iron rod. But no matter how strong Svend was, he was unable to lift it. Then the troll gave him a horn, offering to drink from it. After drinking a little, Svend was able to lift the rod. When he drank again, the rod was even lighter - and when he had drunk the whole horn, he was able to bend the rod. The troll told him that he now had the strength of twelve men. After that, Svend was ready to march against the troll from Borum-Eshöy. The troll said that on the way he would meet a black and a red bull, and that he should attack the black and pull him with all his might from the red. This Svend did, and later learned that the black bull was the troll from Borum Eskhøy, and the red bull was the troll from Ielshöy, from whom, as a reward, Svend forever received the strength of twelve people - on the condition that he never tells how gained such power. But if Svend nevertheless let it slip, the troll warned, then he would be punished - he would eat for twelve people.

Soon the fame of the strength of Svend Faelling spread throughout the country, especially since he constantly demonstrated this strength. It was said about him that, having quarreled with a milkmaid, he threw her on the ridge of the roof of the house. When his exploits were reported to the owner of Aakiaer, he ordered Svend Faelling to be brought to him and demanded that he tell about TOxM, how he managed to acquire such great power. But Sven remembered the troll's warning well and at first refused - however, he agreed when he was promised that he would eat and drink as much as he wanted. From that day on, he ate and drank as much as twelve people eat. In Aakiaer they still show the pot for boiling meat, which he emptied daily. This pot is called Svend Faelling's meat pot. In the same place, they say, there is a large two-handed sword, three and a half meters long, which once belonged to him. There is also an ancient beech with a large ring, to which he often tied his horse.

According to other testimonies, Svend Faelling served as a boy in the peasant yard of the Sielevsks. Once he was taking a letter to Ristrup and drove up to the house in the evening. Once near Mount Borum-Eskhui, he saw elf girls who began to dance around his horse incessantly. One of the girls approached him, gave him a precious drinking horn and offered him a drink. Svend took the horn, but since he had doubts about the contents, he threw it behind his back. A few drops fell on the horse's back, and burn spots appeared on it. After that, Svend hurriedly hid the horn in his bosom, hit the horse in the flanks and galloped away with all possible speed. The girls ran after him. Having galloped to Trigebrand's mill, Svend crossed a fast stream, which the elves could not do. Then the girls began to beg to give the horn, promising to give in return for this the strength of twelve people. Believing them, Svend returned the horn and got what he was promised. But soon he discovered a big nuisance - he opened the appetite of twelve people. When he returned home that evening, people had just started drinking Christmas beer. Deciding to treat themselves at his expense, they sent Svend to bring beer, saying: “Svend! Won't you go and get us a beer? Then we can stop drinking this Christmas." Svend said nothing and went for a beer, but came back with a keg in each hand and a keg under his arm.

Near the village of Steenstrup there was a mountain called Havbierg, on which the valiant Svend Faelling wanted to sit down to wash his hands and feet in the river Sonderstrand, about an eighth of a mile away. In Holmstrup, the peasants boiled meat for him, which they brought to him in huge brewing vessels. When he died, he was buried in Dalhöy, between Loms and Holmstrup.

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