Pies fried with yeast. How to cook fried pies on yeast dough: recipes with photos

Today I want to bring to your attention my signature recipe for a quick yeast dough for pies. I have been using this recipe for more than 15 years, it has become a favorite with family and friends. I cook from this dough fried pies, but you can also bake in the oven (I don’t bake in the oven because I don’t like oven pies). The filling can be very diverse: potatoes with onions, potatoes with liver, rice with mushrooms, buckwheat with liver, green onion with egg, green onion with egg and rice, braised cabbage, peas, meat, you can’t list all the fillings. It happens that there is no more filling, but the dough is left, then this dough is perfect for baking bread. By the way, there is a special secret in making quick yeast dough, which I will share below. Try it, I think your family will love pies from such a dough!


To prepare a quick yeast dough for fried pies, you will need:
water - 700 ml;
sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
dry yeast - 3 tsp;
salt - 1.5 tsp;
vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
flour - four half-liter jars;

vegetable oil for frying pies (deep frying) - 250-300 ml.

Cooking steps

Pour 200 ml of warm water into a clean 0.5-liter jar, add one tablespoon of sugar and 3 teaspoons of dry yeast, mix the resulting dough. Leave the dough for 5-7 minutes (during this time, a "cap" should appear on the surface of the dough) .

Pour the remaining 500 ml of water into a deep bowl, add another tablespoon of sugar, salt, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil and the yeast dough that came up, mix the resulting mixture.

Sift the flour and add to the yeast mixture, mix.

Knead the dough, at the end of the kneading, add another 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. The consistency of the dough is soft, not clogged, easily lags behind the hands.

In a deep bowl or pan, draw 2-3 liters cold water and put the dough in bags into it. Leave it like this for 7-10 minutes - this is our main secret. The dough in water rises very quickly, filled with air bubbles. After 10 minutes, it is already quite ready for work. In the usual way as we know it will take about 2 hours.

The package clearly shows a lot of bubbles. Take the dough out of the bags.

Put the dough in a deep bowl, cover it with a towel or cling film so that it does not become weathered.

And this is what fast looks like yeast dough for cut pies.

Do not use additional flour to form pies. Lubricate the board and hands vegetable oil. Take a piece of dough left hand, with thumb and forefinger right hand pinch off small balls. Roll out each ball with a rolling pin (usually I do not use a rolling pin, I just press the dough with my palm), put the filling in the center and pinch the dough on top, like a dumpling, put it on the board with the seam down.

Quick yeast dough for fried pies is a real lifesaver for any housewife - everything is simple, fast and the result is always excellent.

Well, if there is not enough filling for pies, but there is still dough, bake bread or bread rolls from it. To do this, form a product from the dough, roll in flour, put in a mold. Let rise for 10-15 minutes and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes (baking time depends on the size of the bread). Cool the finished bread on a wire rack.
Tasty and pleasant moments!

Pies fried in a pan come with various fillings. They are divided into two large groups: sweet and salty. Depending on what you put inside, pies are served either with tea or with broths and soups instead of bread.

You should take into account the calorie content of the dish and do not abuse it daily. In addition, fried yeast dough pies are not recommended for small children; for them, it is better to cook pastries in the oven.

Irresistible fried patty recipes don't require scarce foods. Everything you need for stuffing and kneading dough is sure to be found in the refrigerator and kitchen cabinet.

You can also involve younger family members in the process, children are always willing to help and try to make pies no worse than adults. Serve the result of collective creativity on a beautiful dish, then the meal will turn into a real feast.

By the way, the very name "pies" comes from the word "feast", which is associated with wealth and prosperity. The recipes presented in the article will help you cope with the task and learn the science of making pies.

cabbage pies recipe

For the test it is: 700 g of white flour; 3-4 st. tablespoons of vegetable oil; a teaspoon of granulated sugar and the same amount of salt; 50 g of pressed yeast; half a liter of water. For the filling: a kilogram of cabbage; 30 g cl. oils; two bulbs; 2 eggs; salt and black pepper to taste.

Yeast dough is best kneaded with live yeast, so you can make pies with a delicate structure. The filling can be anything, in this case it is White cabbage, stewed in butter.


  1. Start cooking yeast fried pies from the filling. To do this, chop the cabbage, pour boiling water over it and keep it on medium heat for 5 minutes.
  2. Cut the onion into thin half rings and fry in butter until it is browned.
  3. Throw the steamed cabbage in a colander, wait until all the liquid has drained.
  4. Squeeze out additional water with your hands, and send the cabbage to the pan where the fried onions are located.
  5. Stew the stuffing under a closed lid for five minutes, then salt and season with ground pepper.
  6. Remove the skillet from the stove.
  7. Add boiled eggs, chopped into small cubes, to the filling, mix so that all the ingredients are evenly distributed.
  8. Knead yeast dough. In 250 ml of warm water, dilute the yeast, vegetable oil and sugar.
  9. Leave the resulting mixture aside for 5 minutes, and in the meantime, sift the flour and boil 250 ml of water.
  10. Pour half the flour into the yeast, mix the dough thoroughly with a spatula.
  11. Pour hot water into a bowl in a stream, continuing to make circular movements with a spatula.
  12. Add the rest of the flour and knead an elastic dough. If you think that there is not enough flour, add a few more spoons, the dough should not stick to your palms.
  13. Roll the dough into a "sausage" and divide into 24-25 identical parts (see photo).
  14. Form a circle from each and put the cabbage filling in the center.
  15. Shape the pie into an oblong shape, trying to pinch the edges tightly.
  16. fry yeast pies in boiling oil on both sides and serve hot.

You can find cabbage recipes on my website.

Recipe for kefir pies with mashed potatoes, fried in a pan

Fried pies are the perfect snack when it's still a long time before lunch, and breakfast was left behind a few hours ago. The preparation of the filling will not take much time, and you will cope with the dough quickly.

So, in order to knead the dough, you will need:

half a kilogram of fine flour; 2 eggs; 50 ml of vegetable oil; dessert spoon of sugar; a teaspoon of salt; half-liter package of kefir; 1.5 teaspoons of soda.

For the filling, boil the potatoes and mash them into a soft puree. Optionally, you can add fried onions and mushrooms, liver or chopped meat, warm milk.

We begin to cook fried pies from the filling, before spreading it on the dough blanks, it must cool. Boil a few peeled potato tubers in salted boiling water.

Mash them with a potato masher, if necessary, add a little broth or milk. Meat, mushrooms or offal will help to give the filling additional colors. Set aside the filling, and in the meantime, knead the dough:

  1. Sift flour into a deep bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the rest of the ingredients. Enter the soda last, extinguishing it with 15 ml of table vinegar.
  3. First mix the dough with a spatula, and when you see that the mass has become steep, vigorously knead with your hands.
  4. Divide the dough into pieces, stretch each with your hands to make a round cake.
  5. Put the filling, tuck the edges of the cake to the center and close up.
  6. Dust lightly with flour and roll out until flat.
  7. Fry the pies in a pan, first on one side, then on the other, until the surface is browned.

Recipe for quick fried pies from unleavened dough

The dough, from which we will learn how to cook fried pies, is kneaded with kefir. Used as a ripper baking powder, which will make the pies lush and airy.

You can substitute baking powder baking soda, and it is not necessary to extinguish it at all. As you know, there is enough acid in kefir so that the soda does its job and is not felt in the finished baking.

Take: 2 eggs; half a liter of kefir; a teaspoon of salt and sugar; two thirds of a teaspoon of soda; 50 ml vegetable oil; flour - enough to knead an elastic dough.

Prepare the filling from boiled potatoes. Add onions, minced meat or fried mushrooms as desired.


  1. Kefir heat up to 30-35 degrees.
  2. Pour in the soda and stir the mixture well until air bubbles appear.
  3. Separately, grind the eggs with sugar and salt.
  4. Combine the eggs with kefir, add the sifted flour.
  5. Let the dough stand for 15-20 minutes, and then proceed to the formation of baking.
  6. Divide the dough into small pieces, roll them into balls and form round pieces.
  7. Stuff them with mashed potatoes.
  8. Fry the pies in a frying pan in hot vegetable oil.

Recipes for salty pastries with potatoes can be found on other pages of the site.

Recipe for original meat pies

Hearty double filling will make fried pies your favorite dish. When serving them to your guests, do not forget to serve a cup of hot tea.

Ingredients for the dough: 0.6 kg of flour; 250 ml of boiling water and the same amount of cold water; one teaspoon of salt and granulated sugar; 3 art. tablespoons of vegetable oil; 50 g of pressed yeast (you can take 1 pack of dry ones).
The filling consists of: 100 g of Dutch cheese; 100 g of cheese; 2 tbsp. spoons of low-fat sour cream; 250 g minced meat; 4 champignons; salt, spices, dried garlic to taste.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Wash the mushrooms and pat dry with a paper towel.
  2. Cut into small cubes and send to a dry frying pan.
  3. When excess moisture evaporates, add vegetable oil and fry the mushrooms together with chopped onion until golden brown.
  4. Add minced meat prepared from several types of meat. Keep on fire until cooked, then salt and season with seasonings.
  5. Remove the filling pan from the heat and set aside.
  6. Grate the Dutch cheese and crumble the cheese with a fork. Mix the ingredients together and with sour cream. If necessary, the filling should be salted, but first taste it.
  7. Let the stuffing brew and soak, and in the meantime knead the dough. Dissolve yeast in warm water, add sugar and vegetable oil.
  8. Sift flour, mix with salt.
  9. After 5 minutes, add yeast and stir.
  10. Boil water and add to the dough in a thin stream.
  11. Knead an elastic dough that does not stick to your hands and divide it in half.
  12. Roll out one piece on a work surface.
  13. Put the minced meat in portions, and add the cheese mass on top.
  14. Roll out the second half of the dough in water, cover the filling with a layer, press lightly to release air.
  15. Using a glass, cut out the blanks, trying to ensure that the filling is in the center.
  16. Blind the pies around the edges and fry them in a pan until golden brown (as in the photo).

So that the pies fried in a pan are not greasy, put them on a napkin after frying. You can give them a delicate structure with one in a simple way: While hot, put the pies in a large saucepan and cover with a lid.

Leave the pastries for 20 minutes in such an impromptu container, and then serve. You can easily find baking recipes with various types of cheese on the pages of my site.

Recipe for potato pies fried in a pan, from custard dough

To knead yeast choux pastry, you need to follow the technology, which I described in detail below. In the meantime, check out the list of products:

4 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil; 600 g flour; 20 g of granulated sugar; a teaspoon of salt; 11 gram package of dry yeast; 460 ml of water.

For stuffing, use mashed potatoes with onion fry, or any other product that you like best.


  1. Pour the water in half into two containers.
  2. Heat one part to a temperature of 30 degrees and dilute the yeast with sugar there.
  3. Boil the second.
  4. Sift flour, mix with salt and yeast dissolved in water.
  5. Add vegetable oil, then pour in boiling water.
  6. Knead the dough. If the dough is sticky, add more flour.
  7. Let the mass stand on the table for 10-15 minutes to make it more elastic and supple, and then form fried pies with filling.

You need to fry the pies in hot vegetable oil. When they are browned, remove from the pan with a spatula and spread on a paper towel. Thus, you can get rid of excess fat and make the dish less caloric.

Look for recipes for baking in a pan with other fillings on my website.

Easy liver pie recipe

The liver, lungs and heart are foods that require a special approach. If you follow the instructions, you will be able to make excellent fried pies.

Take: one and a half kilograms of offal; a package of yeast dough weighing one kilogram; half a glass of rice; bulb; salt, spices to taste.

Recipe for delicious fried pies, cooking:

  1. Boil offal until tender in salted water.
  2. Keep an eye on the process, as it will take less time to boil the liver than to boil the heart and lungs.
  3. When the ingredients for the filling have cooled, grind them in a meat grinder.
  4. Onion, cut into small cubes, fry until golden brown and mix with offal. Leave the mixture in the pan, add boiled rice.
  5. Keep the filling on the fire for another three minutes, then salt to taste and season with spices and herbs.
  6. Roll out the finished yeast dough with a rolling pin, cut out round blanks and make fried pies. To prevent the dough from sticking to the work surface, dust it with flour.
  7. Fry them in a frying pan with hot oil and pile them up on a platter.

Baking recipes from various kinds test you can find on my site, only on other pages. I advise you to cook pies in a good mood, the end result largely depends on this.

My video recipe

Everyone loves fried pies - they are easy to prepare. There are many dough recipes suitable for fried pies. It can be yeast, with kefir, sour cream and just with water. Toppings can be very diverse: familiar to everyone and exotic for real gourmets.

Usually the dough of pies is prepared in a similar way, using the same ingredients. The only difference is their quantity and mixing options. To make the dough for fried pies like fluff, you need to know the secrets of making dough with yeast.

Tips for making yeast dough:

  1. Do not overheat the dairy ingredients for the dough.
  2. Use good quality flour. Flour should be sifted.
  3. Butter should not be added hot, it should be at room temperature.
  4. Yeast must be fresh.
  5. If the dough does not fit, you need to bring the yeast into action. To do this, put them for a while in the cold, and then in warm place.
  6. When kneading, lightly grease your hands with sunflower oil, it will give the dough softness and splendor.

By following these simple instructions, you can be sure of preparing high-quality dough for frying pies.


In order for the pies to be lush and tasty, the dough for the pies should be airy, snow-white, with a bubble structure.


  1. Water (boiled) - 1.5 tbsp.;
  2. Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  3. Salt (rock) - 1/3 tsp;
  4. Oil (sunflower) - 3 tbsp. l.;
  5. Flour (wheat) - 600 gr.;
  6. Yeast - 1 tsp

In order not to violate the structure of the dough, when preparing the dough, you must strictly follow the step-by-step instructions.

Fried egg pie recipe

Fried pies are prepared with a wide variety of fillings. Pies with eggs and onions are very tasty and unusual. Their fresh and delicate taste gives a spring mood.

How to cook pies step by step:

  1. Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water. Pour 5 tbsp into the water. l. sifted wheat flour, beat until bubbles appear.
  2. Cover the mixture, leave warm for 20 minutes. A fluffy foam should appear on the mixture.
  3. Add salt and remaining flour. Prepare the dough, add vegetable oil to it.
  4. Leave the dough warm for 2 hours. The dough should rise 2-3 times.

The dough will turn out airy and will be in harmony with the egg and onion filling. The premise is very simple. You should boil the eggs, cut them into cubes, add green onions. The pie will melt in your mouth.

The easiest dough for fried pies on the water

Boiled water dough is an economical and quick option. If there was no kefir or sour cream at hand, and you really want pies, the option on the water will be just as good. This dough will be soft and fluffy.

Half liter boiled water warm up to room temperature. Pour dry yeast, sugar, salt to your taste. Mix everything well, add oil and 5 tbsp. sifted flour.

It is important to knead the dough not to a steep state. In this recipe, it should remain sticky.

Ready dough leave covered with a towel, let it stand for 40 minutes. When the dough is suitable, you can fashion pies, adding a pre-prepared filling, fry them in sunflower oil.

Delicious and snow-white dough for pies can be made effortlessly with your own hands or using pie equipment. Their cost is small, and they can feed the whole family. The dough can be prepared on the basis of yeast, kefir, milk and even water. Knowing the secrets of cooking, the dough can be made lush, airy and very tasty.

Fried pies step by step with a photo

11-14 pieces

35 minutes

180 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Recipe for dough for fried pies without yeast

Time for preparing: 20-35 minutes.
Calorie content (per 100 g): 178-180 kcal.
Number of items: from 11 to 14 pieces.
Kitchenware: a measuring bowl and kitchen scales, containers of various depths and sizes, a large diameter frying pan, preferably with a ceramic coating, a wooden spatula with a thin edge, a rolling pin, paper towels.


Step by step cooking

Let's prepare the dough

We form pies

We fry pies

Video recipe for quick yeast-free dough for fried pies

Check out this video and you will see how to knead quickly and correctly pie dough for fried pies, so that the delicacy impresses even the most fastidious family members with its delicious taste and stunningly appetizing appearance.

  • Since yeast is not included in the recipe, I advise you to definitely pass the flour through a sieve if you want to get lush products.
  • If you use a sweet filling, add when kneading the dough more sugar than indicated in the recipe.
  • There is no need to let the kneaded dough rest. However, after the formation of the pie, I recommend giving it the opportunity to brew for 8-10 minutes, so during frying the products will acquire incredible splendor and will not sink after moving to the dish.
  • Put products exclusively on a hot pan, so they will cook faster and become more airy.
  • Cold pies can be reheated in the microwave or put in a hot oven for a couple of minutes.

Recipe for fried yeast pies

Time for preparing: 2:00-2:30.
Calorie content (per 100 g): 179-182 kcal.
Number of items: from 13 to 15 pieces.
Kitchenware: measuring cup and other accessories, deep bowl, whisk, cling film or plastic bag, long wooden spoon, cling film or plastic bag.


Step by step cooking

Let's prepare the sourdough

Let's prepare the dough

Video recipe for delicious yeast dough for fried pies

How to cook delicious dough on yeast for fried pies, the video below will tell.

  • In order for the dough to stick less to your hands, and the kneading process to be done efficiently, from time to time lubricate your hands with a small amount of vegetable oil.
  • Do not put in the dough large quantity flour than indicated in the recipe, otherwise the products will turn out dry and quickly stale. It is better to add 10-20 ml of refined vegetable oil - its presence will facilitate the kneading process and give the pies airiness and softness.

Choux pastry recipe for fried pies

Time for preparing: 1:40-1:50.
Calorie content (per 100 g): 162-166 kcal.
Number of items: from 10 to 14 pieces.
Kitchenware: measuring utensils, a large deep container, several small bowls, a whisk, a kitchen towel, a warm towel, a sharp knife.


Step by step cooking

  1. Pour 60 g of previously sifted flour into a large deep bowl.

  2. On top of the flour, add 15-20 g of sugar, 6-8 g of salt and 45-50 ml of vegetable oil.

  3. Pour 200-220 ml of boiling water into the resulting mixture.

  4. After that, stir the mass very intensively until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

  5. Pour 200-220 ml of warm water into a bowl with sourdough and mix the resulting liquid thoroughly.

  6. Pour 18 g of dry yeast there and stir the mixture a little.

  7. In a separate bowl, we separate the whites from the yolks of three eggs, put the bowl of whites to the side, we will no longer need them.

  8. We send the yolks to a bowl with sourdough and carefully mix them into it.

  9. In small portions, pour 600 g of previously sifted flour into the liquid mixture and knead the dough exclusively with your hands.

  10. Sprinkle the bottom of the bowl with plenty of flour, put on it elastic and soft dough, lightly sprinkle its surface with flour.

  11. We cover the dough with a thin kitchen towel and send it to the warmest and most windproof place. From above we wrap the dough with another, warmer towel.

  12. Let the dough rest and rise properly for an hour.

  13. After the specified time, open the dough and spread it on a flat surface, greased with 20-30 ml of vegetable oil.

  14. Without kneading the dough, carefully cut off equal pieces from it with a knife, which we spread on a greased surface.

  15. Then we form a ball from each piece of dough, while not squeezing it too much.

  16. We let the balls brew for about ten minutes so that they increase slightly in size, after which we proceed to sculpting the products.

Video recipe for choux pastry for fried pies

Watch the video below and learn how to make fluffy choux pastry for fried pies.

Patties with potatoes in a pan

Yeast pies with potatoes.

We fry pies in a pan.

My pie dough recipe.

How to make pies.

Fried pies are a relatively inexpensive and very satisfying dish. You don't have to worry about someone leaving hungry.

If you prepare the dough and filling in advance, after half an hour you can please your guests with hot pies.

Fried pies are the simplest yeast dough dish.

By the way, in the old Russian culinary book “Exemplary Kitchen”, published in 1898, it is written that pies in a pan or deep-fried are always tastier than baked in the oven. Of course, it's a matter of taste, but that's how it is written.

In my parental home baking was every weekend. Most often pies in a frying pan. That's why I bake them quite often. Probably already baked a car in my whole life.

For my picky taste, sometimes they turned out better, sometimes worse. But I never heard any remarks, they disappeared quickly.

In my opinion, everyone likes pies also because they are usually served at the beginning of the feast, when hungry guests begin to eat. And it tastes better on an empty stomach.

At the request of my friends, who are not the first time unsuccessfully looking for a recipe for my pies on our website, I have prepared this publication. Recently baked pies, weighed all the ingredients. Now I can lay it out in numbers.

In fact, I have been kneading the dough by eye for a long time. The recipe is really simple. The main thing is the right consistency of the dough, which I, like many others, feel with my hands.

The amount of liquid may be more or less. And this is natural, because the flour is different in terms of moisture in different time of the year. And at different manufacturers it also differs in its ability to glue the dough.

That is why in old recipes there is often "flour - how much dough will take." For those new to the kitchen, this is a mystery. They do not know the desired density of the test.

And it once puzzled me, I didn’t like such recipes. I did not know then that even where the exact amount of products is indicated, the recipe may need to be adjusted. She baked, and then was offended that the recipe was bad.

By the way, it is easier with dumplings, there is a well-known standard for it. dumpling dough to the touch should be such as an earlobe.

Unfortunately, there is no such guideline for yeast dough. And if there is no person nearby who will help, show and let you touch the dough, you will have to seek the truth empirically.

A common mistake is too tight dough. From it, pies will still turn out, but they will not be tender enough. But they are easy to mold.

If the dough turns out to be more liquid, more sticky than necessary, it will be difficult to cut. But it's real. Will have to add more flour to the table. And everything will work out.

To avoid this, we must remember that the dough after rising becomes softer, more liquid.

At first, it is useful to write down the amount of liquid and the result in order to change something next time. This way you can develop the optimal recipe for a particular flour.

It is not necessary for the first experience to choose wet fillings. The sweetest thing is potatoes with fried onions. Quick, easy and always delicious.

Other simple toppings are stewed cabbage and eggs with green onions.

Be sure to squeeze out the stewed cabbage. And for the stuffing boiled eggs with green onions, be sure to add a little vegetable oil or sour cream to connect, otherwise it crumbles when you lay it out on the dough.

By the way, fried pies are a great addition to any feast. If you're chronically worried that your guests won't have enough to eat, bake pies and serve them with cold appetizers. Much less food will be eaten. It's economical and saves you a lot of hassle.

From my experience. For many years I baked pies for a friend on her birthday. Once she decided not to burden me and got stressed when she saw how quickly the table was emptied.

To win over guests, pies must be fresh. It is better when they are hot, but the preparations that have cooled down on the day do not leave anyone indifferent.

To serve fresh pies to the table, you need to put the dough in the morning. You can cook the dough and fillings in the evening and store them in the fridge, but you must bake on the day of the feast. The dough and toppings will need to be taken out of the refrigerator at least half an hour before cutting so that they warm up.

And now about the recipe itself. Once it was like this: 3 cups of flour, 10 grams of pressed yeast, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, about 250 ml of milk.

I have been baking with dry yeast Saf-Moment or Saf-Levure for a long time.

They differ in that "Saf-Moment" is mixed with flour, and "Saf-Levure" must first be activated in water. The result is the same.

Definitely very accurate. Excess yeast spoils everything with its aftertaste.

I used to bake more often on a mixture of milk or kefir with water, I liked it more. I have been using only water for a long time. But I add sour cream to the dough. Everything is justified - instead of milk, you can dissolve a couple of teaspoons of sour cream in a glass of water. It turns out even better than milk. The dough is the same white, but more tender and richer in taste.

Eggs I use an egg and one yolk. I like it so. in another dish. If using only one egg, increase the amount of water by a tablespoon.

When cooking a large number dough, for example, for 1-2 kilograms of flour, I knead it in portions of 500 grams of flour. It's easier physically, and the dough is better.

Yeast pies with potatoes


For test:

  1. Flour - 500 g
  2. Dry yeast "Saf-Moment" - 8 ml *
  3. Egg - 1 pc. + 1 yolk**
  4. Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons, 25 g
  5. Sour cream - 25 g, 1 heaping tablespoon
  6. Warm water - 210 ml
  7. Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  8. Salt - 1 teaspoon

*You can use two teaspoons without a hill of dry yeast, the dough will rise faster.

** You can not add the yolk, then increase the water by 1 tablespoon.

For filling:

  1. Potatoes - 600‑700 g
  2. Bulb - 1-2 pcs.
  3. Vegetable oil for frying onions
  4. Butter - 25‑50 g
  5. Ground black pepper to taste


Preparing the stuffing:
  1. Peel the potatoes, boil in salted water, drain the water.

2. While the potatoes are cooking, fry the onions in vegetable oil.

3. Mash hot potatoes, add butter, fried onions along with the fat in which we fry. Spice up. Mix. Check for salt. The filling for pies should be slightly saltier than for mashed potatoes. Mix.

4. Cool the filling.

Preparing the dough:
  1. Measure the flour and yeast, mix the Saf‑Moment yeast into the flour.

2. In a bowl, combine butter, sour cream, sugar, salt, eggs, mix until smooth with a fork or whisk. Add warm water, mix.

3. Pour the liquid mass into a bowl with flour, knead the dough with a fork. It should lag behind the walls of the dishes. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured board, cover with a bowl or plastic wrap, and let rest for 10-15 minutes.

4. Knead the dough on the table with your hands until soft, about 4 minutes. If it sticks, lightly dust your hands with flour or grease with vegetable oil.

Put the dough in a tall dish (I have a 3-liter enamel pan), put in a warm place to rise. The dough rises after 1.5-2 hours.

5. Put the finished dough on a floured table, flatten it a little with your hands, fold it into a rectangle. Cover with cling film or a bowl and let rest 10 minutes.

If you are making pies for the first time, take half the dough. Leave the second in a bowl, but remove from a warm place.

6. For frying in a pan, cutting the dough is the most primitive. There is no need to cut the dough with a saucer at all. This is for baking in the oven.

So, roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a rectangle about 0.5 cm thick. And do it quickly, without thinking about the beauty and smoothness of the surface, do not try to reach these 0.5 cm. A thin rolled pancake immediately begins to get fat. The purpose of rolling is to flatten the dough. By the way, this can be done without a rolling pin, just by clapping your hands on it, especially if you work with half the dough.

7. Cut all the dough with a knife into rectangles. Put a dessert or a tablespoon of the filling on each rectangle. The amount depends on the size of future pies.

8. Form (blind) pies. Place seam side down on a floured board. Cover with a towel to keep dry.

Everything seems to be kindergarten know how to make pies. Indeed, what could be easier. However, to my surprise, everyone I taught to bake pies at first turned out to be long and narrow.

In order for the pie to turn out to be lush, plump, and not a long, narrow boat, the length of the pie should be the short side of the rectangle.

We look at the photo. The sides from which the arrows go towards each other are connected. It turns out, roughly speaking, a pipe. We pinch the ends of the pipe. Between the palms, lightly pat the pie so that the seam is in the middle.

I make small pies. First, I cut the rolled dough into strips about 7 cm wide. Then each strip across into rectangles. Pies on the table under a towel in the process and then in a frying pan greatly increase in size.

9. They stuck pies, during this time the first ones had already separated, swollen. You can bake. Put the pies in the pan tightly (as it turns out) so that they grow up.

If it happens that the pies are stuck to the table, gently pry off, for example, with a table knife or wooden spatula.

10. Bake in a preheated pan with vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides.

To find out that the oil has warmed up, you need to literally throw a pinch of flour into it, the oil should boil.

You can bake pies in any pan, but thick-walled is better. With all due respect to, I think that it is better to bake pies in a cast-iron pan. But I myself got used to baking pies and pancakes on an old Soviet thick-walled aluminum frying pan with a grate called "Charodeyka". By the way, many consider them cast iron because they are heavy.

11. Put the finished pies on plates covered with paper napkins or towels so that they give up some of the fat.

12. Serve hot. Store in a tray or saucepan with a lid. But it’s better not to cook a lot - on the third day, pies, like bread, are no longer that pleasure.

The photo shows a section of yesterday's pie, so the filling is lumpy.

Calculation of the calorie content of a dish

"Yeast Dough for Pies"

In 100 grams of dough: 2140: 843 x 100 = 254 kcal

© Taisiya Fevronina, 2015.

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