Orthodox name Yakov. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Yaks

According to Mendelev

Brave, bright and strong name, where, in addition to those mentioned, the signs “good”, “simple” and “joyful” are especially noticeable.

Yakov is a fast, decisive, bright and courageous person, he is respected by everyone who knows him. Often achieves high skill in the chosen specialty, Becomes famous and authoritative, so that many turn to him, first of all strangers. Jacob can be, for example, a healer who can create miracles that others cannot, or an indispensable car repairman, or a jeweler whose products are wildly successful. His word is firm, he will never let down the one who trusted him.

The profession does not bring much income to Yakov, but it gives true satisfaction; he does not abandon and does not change it sometimes all his life. In everyday life, he is a very calm, balanced and self-confident person. Does not hunt for wealth, fame and fortune. Jacob is pleased with life and does not shy away from its joys. His wife loves him, and the children do not have a soul in him.

Yasha is almost the same as Yakov, but everything characteristics his names are expressed somewhat less sharply and convexly.

This is a person who lives in complete harmony with himself. He doesn't have to pretend or pretend.

The name is relatively rare these days.

The color of the name is bright scarlet.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Jacob loves everything beautiful, he literally gets sensual pleasure from the sight beautiful woman, spread out somewhere on the shore under the rays of the sun. In the moment intimacy Jacob has a deep feeling of tenderness and gratitude for his partner, he is soft and delicate, capable of strong emotional outbursts. He, like no one else, needs female affection, a light kiss on the cheek at a meeting is perceived by him as the first physical contact. For Jacob, a kiss is already a love game that makes him desire. However, Jacob experiences a strong sexual attraction only to a certain partner, as a rule, to a long-standing and strong attachment, with which he can, having rejected all prohibitions, feel free. He considers sex as a means of his spiritual self-discovery, allowing him to moderate his inner passions, and at the same time an inexhaustible source of joy. Jacob is caring and patient with a woman, he likes to gradually kindle passion in her and then bring her to a frenzy. He will “tame” a woman for a long time, without getting annoyed and not showing his displeasure, if at first she does not accept his frank caresses.

"Winter" Jacob is somewhat rebuked by others. He enjoys when a partner takes the initiative in her own hands, tends to idealize her, and completely follow her.

Prefers highly experienced sexual relationship women. Attaches great importance to sexual harmony marital relations. He should not marry a girl born in winter.

1. Personality: male riders

2. Color: blue

3. Main features: intuition - intelligence - sociability - receptivity.

4 Totem Plant: Nettle

5. Spirit animal: horse

6 Sign: Cancer

7. Type. These are mobile and active people, in other words, male arrows. But they are not always easy to communicate, because their totem plant is nettle.

8. Psyche. Such men feel good when they are actively involved in life; they must interfere in everything, advise everyone, change something, otherwise they feel they are useless and even unhappy. They are obsessed with pride and strive to please everyone, to be recognized by everyone.

9. Will. In order for it to become active, it must be disturbed all the time.

10. Excitability. Easily excitable. Friendship with them, as a rule, does not last long, they do not like to see the same faces in their environment constantly. They are self-centered and it is difficult to be friends with them.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. Fortunately, such people are balanced, which allows them to go around these charming "colts".

12. Field of activity. Their activity depends on the chosen profession. If they don't like the job, they will change it until they find what they need. They can get carried away with music, theater, dancing. Among them there are artists, fashion designers, talented architects. They love to travel.

13. Intuition. Excessive. They are oversensitive, which often alienates boys from their father and brings them closer to their mother.

14. Intelligence. Its level is very high. The ability to analyze is combined with at least developed ability to synthesis.

15. Susceptibility. Too receptive and sensitive. Relatives and friends should ensure that the life of these boys does not depend entirely on feelings.

16. Morality. They are ruled by innate egoism with a certain amount of hedonism, which, as you know, considers pleasure and enjoyment to be the highest good of life.

17. Health. Should be flawless, but still gives them minor annoyances. They get tired very quickly, they are prone to nervous and mental overstrain. Predisposed to fullness. Weakness- eyes. It is recommended to monitor blood pressure.

18. Sexuality. Creates some problems for them. Such boys need to be developed from childhood male traits character - with the help of sports and a rational way of life. Don't let them be selfish.

19. Activity. It bears some signs of exhibitionism: Yakov and others like him behave extravagantly and far from being the most in the best way. They are not always objective and may even be unfair, as they only consider their own point of view.

20. Sociability. They have all the data to be charming people. They like to organize receptions, plentiful and long feasts.

21. Conclusion. You should not pay much attention to what they say and do. It is useful to make such people feel that they should not play clever.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Following on the heels" (biblical)

Energy of the name and character: Most often, Yasha is a big lover of life, a groovy person, but quick-witted. The name does not incline him to the manifestation of firmness, besides, Yakov early begins to understand that much more can be achieved from others with gentleness and good-natured fun. Usually he has great pride, but he easily finds satisfaction in caring for his own well-being. Something, but Yasha will try not to miss his benefits, and it is not for nothing that this name has become one of the most beloved among Russian gypsies.

Most Jacobs are purely earthly people, the energy of the name does not call them to search for some abstract spiritual values, of which they recognize only the freedom of their desires. This allows Yasha to become attached to something a little, for example, losing friends, which, of course, he does not want, he nevertheless easily finds new ones for himself. The same situation can develop in the family, to which the joint economy and convenience bind him much more than anything else. It is possible that Yasha with a light heart will seek additional pleasures on the side, while, most likely, he will very easily find an excuse for himself in the fact that all the men do this, the rest are just worthless men. However, with all his confidence, he will keep these novels secret from his wife just in case.

Of all human feelings, Jacob usually prefers cheerful good nature, he can easily laugh at himself and others, but very rarely uses this quality as a weapon for ridicule. Sometimes he becomes quick-tempered, can even become violent, especially when drunk, however, it is unlikely that it will be difficult for him to be the first to reconcile. All this makes his name extremely convenient for communication and life, but women should hardly rely too much on Yasha's special affection for them. In addition, in the family he is unlikely to tolerate the decisive role of his wife, although for reasons of convenience he is able to play the role of a henpecked. Do not worry, this is just a role, behind which you can easily see a person for whom the highest priorities are the priorities of his desires.

It can hardly be expected that Jacob is capable of captivating ambitious dreams of a career - ambition usually has nothing to do with it and it will easily give way to concerns about well-being. Thus, there is very little chance that he will be attracted to the roles of public leaders or heights of creativity, but he can successfully realize himself in business and in well-paid leadership jobs.

Secrets of communication: In the event of any conflicts with Jacob, you should probably not be too offended by his ardor, in the very near future there will most likely be no trace of her. Moreover, it is often very convenient for Yasha to be involved in resolving other people's conflicts in the role of an arbitrator, believe me, he is well suited for the role of a peacemaker. But if you are going to bargain with him or, God forbid, resolve financial disputes, then here you should pay less attention to his good nature. Most often, he simply writes off his perseverance on the firmness of his partners or even on his wife, while continuing to stick to his line.

The trace of a name in history:

Yakov Kulnev

It must be said that, as a rule, the good nature inherent in the Jacobs does not leave room for anguish in their souls; and even unpleasant situation, hurting pride, they are able to perceive easily and with a joke. In this regard, a real historical anecdote that happened to Major General Yakov Kulnev (1763-1812) is noteworthy - a fearless and courageous man of action, who went down in history during the war of 1812 as a gallant commander of a cavalry detachment and distinguished himself in the victory over the French corps of Marshal Oudinot.

At a time when Kulnev was still a major, Emperor Paul, wanting to accustom his subjects to moderation, set the number of meals by class, and for employees - by rank. The majors were determined to have three dishes at the table, no more and no less. Kulnev was very poor at that time and could not afford such an unheard-of luxury. One day Paul asked him:

- Mr. Major, how many dishes do you serve at dinners?

“Three, Your Imperial Majesty.

"May I ask which ones?"

“The chicken is flat, the chicken is on the ribs, and the chicken is on the side,” Kulnev answered cheerfully.

By Higiru

Russian form from Jacob (ancient Jewish origin Literally: heel. In a figurative sense: second-born, appeared "on the heels").

Yasha is one of the practical, prudent children. He is a little slow-witted, has to get used to the new situation and new people. Always prefers old, trusted friends.

He easily develops respiratory problems. Likes adventure novels. He treats his father with special respect and, growing up, does not lose spiritual connection with him.

Jacob is hardworking, he strives to complete any business. Has good commercial skills due to the ability to get along with people, resolve and mitigate interpersonal conflicts.

He chooses a business-like, smart, but at the same time "home" woman as his wife. A homebody and his wife would like to see the same. An imperious woman will turn Jacob away, since he himself is delicate, gentle in relations with women, he will never offend them. AT important matters he will insist on his own, because of the little things he will not spoil the nerves either for himself or his wife.

Keeps in touch with friends, always ready to help them. Friends like to visit Yashin's house: he drinks in moderation, strong drinks prefers fine wines.

He devotes a lot of time to communicating with children, goes on vacation with his family.

It is difficult for Jacob to refuse people something. The wife needs to be on her guard: a determined woman, knowing this, will be able to play on Jacob's "pity" and "take him away".

It is best for him to marry the one whose name is Alina, Berta, Galina, Inna, Claudia, Lilia. Marriage with Dina, Ekaterina, Lyudmila, Martha or Raisa may not work out.

The name of a person is given to him at birth and accompanies him throughout his life, reflecting his personality and even forming an idea about him.

Basically, most names have full form and abbreviated. As a rule, an abbreviated, diminutive form is used in an informal setting, in Everyday life and life.

Not official names occurred as follows: earlier, at baptism, the name of the child was recorded in the church book in the form of a full name, but when the parents were issued a birth certificate or in the metric, they already indicated the derivative name that the parents themselves wanted to indicate.

The use of diminutive names is quite reasonable, because sometimes official names are long and difficult to pronounce. If we are faced with rarely used names, we often wonder what full name. Yasha, for example, in the official version sounds like Yakov. Here we will consider the meaning of this name and its characteristics.

Name Yasha: full name and meaning

Just the name Yasha is an abbreviated form of the name: in full it sounds like Yakov. At present, the name Yasha is quite rare.

Full name Jacob Jewish roots and comes from the popular name of this people, Jacob. Biblical meaning of this word is defined as "follower" or "following on the heels." The name was common in the 19th century, as well as in the first half of the last century. Of all the male names, Jacob has the most ancient origin, often this name is mentioned in the Bible.

Derivatives from the name Jacob

So, we found out that Yakov is the full name, Yasha is the male name reduced from him. Along with Yasha, derivative names are such diminutives as Yanya, Yakovka, Yashunya, Yasya, Yanik. The following varieties are available for different languages name Yasha: the full name of the Arabs is Yakub, the French - Jacques, the British - Jacob, the Italians - Giacomo.


The ancient Jews revered precisely the first-born - there was a special cult of those who were born first. Based on the biblical legend, Jacob at the time of his birth grabbed his twin brother, who was born before him, by the heel. He did this because he was afraid to fall behind Esau - his brother, who nevertheless became the firstborn.

Later, when the brothers grew up, a situation happened to them. Once Esau returned from hunting and asked Jacob to give him food, for he was very hungry, but the brother put forward a certain demand. It consisted of Esau giving up his firstborn status in exchange for food, to which he agreed.

Symbols and character of the name Yasha (full name Yakov)

The name is associated with a male rider. Brave, strong and strong-willed person.

Color - red. The patron planet is the Moon. Amulet - red jasper. Plants - nettle and chestnut.

In relations with people, first of all, he manifests himself as a pragmatist. Deprived of romanticism and manifestations of sentimentality. The main character traits are prudence and pragmatism.

Once in a new situation, as well as in the circle of new people, he does not immediately adapt to the changed environment. From positive traits in it you can note the mind and diligence. If he gets down to business, he tries to bring it to the end and not quit halfway. He can defend his opinion, but at the same time he does not like to bring things to serious conflicts.

In relationships with women, he shows respect. Soft and delicate, trying not to offend. He loves children, and he will take a smart and business woman that can create comfort at home. It will be difficult for him to get along with an imperious woman, since he himself prefers to show gentleness and be on an equal footing in relationships. It is difficult for him to refuse people their requests.

He loves traveling and being on the move all the time. He is looking for profitable acquaintances, but if he understands that he will not receive any benefit in the process of communication, then it is better to stop it.

In childhood, he is distinguished by great mobility and difficult character. He grasps well new information and has a lively mind. He does not accept advice, relying only on himself. It is not very easy for him to make new friends; he prioritizes old, time-tested friends on whom he can rely.

He keeps his word, you can trust him in this. Simple and easy to communicate. Jacob loves to please people. He has developed intuition, and he can predict future events. Is different good health. In the chosen profession, he often reaches heights, becomes an authoritative and famous figure.

In relations with his parents, first of all, he has a closer connection with his father - he treats him with respect and reverence.

Of the celebrities who bore this name, it can be noted statesman Soviet-era Sverdlov, conductor and Soviet scientist Perelman, poet Polonsky and a major industrialist Sannikov.

Professions in which he can potentially achieve success

Journalist, writer, hairdresser, jeweler, tailor, comedian, business, director, inventor - the best choice professions for Jacob.

Thanks to good commercial skills, a pragmatic mindset and the ability to smooth out conflicts, he could become a good businessman.

Compatibility with female names

He feels comfortable in dealing with Alla, Galina, Alice, Vera, Inna. happy union can develop with Lyudmila, Inna, Galina, Claudia, Tamara and Polina. An alliance with Catherine, Raisa and Dina is considered unfavorable for him.

Origin: The name Yakov (old Jacob), the Russian form of the name Jacob of Hebrew origin, literally meaning - the heel. And in a figurative sense - the second born of two twins, who appeared "on the heels" of the first; he follows someone; next, hitter.

Meaning: A brave, bright and strong name, where the signs are also especially noticeable - good, simple and joyful. The name is rare these days.

Name day: January 17, January 26, February 11, March 12, March 17, April 3, April 6, April 13, April 17, April 21, April 23, April 24, April 28, May 4, May 13, May 18, May 27 , June 4, June 5, June 12, June 26, July 7, July 13, August 22, September 12, October 15, October 22, October 23, November 3, November 5, November 14, December 9, December 10

Name zodiac: Taurus.

Planet: Moon.

name color: Red, bright scarlet and blue.

Talisman stone: Red jasper.

Plant: Chestnut, purslane and nettle.

Animal: Yak and horse.

Main features: Practicality, prudence, diligence. Any undertaking strives to bring to the end.

Type of: Kind, reliable, friendly person. These are male riders, male arrows. They are always easy to communicate with.

Name and character: His word is firm, he will never let down the one who trusts him. However, rungs fall out of his social ladder every now and then. Sometimes Jacob is filled with hidden envy for more successful people all his life. And such feelings uncontrollably erupt in hops. Then Jacob is unbearable. He considers sex as a means of his spiritual self-discovery, allowing him to moderate his inner passions, and as an inexhaustible source of joy.

Fate: Yasha is a little slow-witted. He must get used to the new situation and new people. Always prefers old, trusted friends. Fate strives to give him a surprise, often not the best. However, this is a person who lives in complete harmony with himself.

Mind: Jacob in communication is delicate, soft. Trying not to inflict an accidental offense. He doesn't have to pretend or pretend. However, he is obsessed with pride and seeks to please everyone.

Intuition: Excessive. Jacob is hypersensitive, far-sighted, anticipates events.

Intelligence: High, synthetic mindset. Jacob is smart, with a cunning.

Moral: He treats his father with special respect, considers him a role model. The highest blessings of life for him are pleasures and pleasures. An extreme situation can change his character in the opposite direction.

Health: Flawless. However, Jacob quickly gets tired, prone to mental overstrain. He easily develops respiratory problems. Predisposed to fullness. Weak organs - eyes, high blood pressure may disturb.

Sexuality: He is allegedly indifferent to the female sex ... However, Yakov, like no one else, needs female affection. A light kiss on the cheek at a meeting is perceived by him as the first physical contact. This is already a love game that makes him desire. But Jacob has a strong sexual attraction only to a certain partner, as a rule, to a long and strong attachment with which he can feel free. He likes to kindle passion in a woman and bring his partner to a frenzy. Jacob can happily communicate with Vera, Alice, Marina, Zoya, Alla, Galina, Claudia, Inna and Berta. Yakov Vladimirovich and Yakov Ivanovich are distinguished by increased sexuality.

Marriage: In marriage, this is a very calm, balanced and self-confident person. Does not hunt for wealth, fame and fortune. Satisfied with life and does not shy away from its joys. His wife loves him, and the children do not have a soul in him. As his wife, he chooses a smart and businesslike woman who can create home comfort and warm family relationships. It can be difficult to refuse people their requests.

Favorable alliances: with Galina, Inna, Claudia, Lyudmila, Polina, Tamara.

Unfavorable alliances: with Dina, Ekaterina and Raisa.

Hobbies: Jacob loves everything beautiful. He gets literally sensual pleasure from the sight of a beautiful woman, spread out on a sunny beach. Jacob loves his home, loves to host friends in it. He devotes a lot of time to children. Prefers light wines, drinks in moderation.

Field of work: Jacob chooses a profession associated with calm and thorough work. Likes to travel. May be fond of music, theater, dancing. Can be a writer, a tailor, an artist, a talented architect. Often reaches high skill in the chosen specialty, becomes famous and authoritative. Many people turn to him, even complete strangers. Becoming a healer can work a miracle. His jewelry gizmos can be a wild success.

Business: Yakov is a fast, decisive, bright and courageous person, he is respected by everyone who knows him. However, he slowly adapts to changing circumstances. He is hardworking and brings any business to its logical conclusion. In important matters, he insists on his own, but does not bring the situation to serious conflicts. The profession does not bring much income to Yakov, but it gives true satisfaction. He does not abandon and does not change it sometimes all his life. Successful businessmen can be Yakov Grigorievich and Yakov Evseevich.

Celebrities: Vladimirov, Gotovats, Ladies, Kulnev, Pate, Rezinovsky, Sannikov, Sverdlov, Stalin, Slashchev, Sukhanov, Tervey, Scottish (Jacob I, Jacob VI - English kings from the Stuart dynasty), Shustov.

The name is an integral part of the personality of each person. That is why it is so important to know its origin. The meaning of the name Jacob goes back to the Hebrew language. An ancient bible story. What this name promises to its owner will be discussed in this article.


The history of the name Jacob is rich and interesting. It came to us from the Hebrew language and in literal translation is interpreted as "treading on the heels." The fact is that this name owes its birth to its first owner - the biblical patriarch, who, according to legend, came out of his mother's womb, clutching the heel of his older brother - Esau. Since it gained great popularity in both the Orthodox and Catholic traditions, and was also used by Jews and Muslims, it has a lot of "national" forms. In England, the names James and Jacob took root, in Germany - Jacobus and Jacob, in France - Jacques, in Poland - Jacob, in Spain - Jaime and Jacobo, in Italy - Jacobbe and Giacomo. AT Orthodox calendars this name entered as Jacob, then turning in everyday life into the form Jacob is familiar to us.


In the old days, it was believed that the meaning of the name Jacob promises its owner happy fate and high purpose. They were named long-awaited heirs, in whom they saw not only worthy successors of the family, but also successors of long-standing family traditions. It was assumed that they would continue the work of their parents, patronize their brothers and sisters, and become a stronghold of family well-being.

heavenly patron

The name Jacob can become a real talisman for its owner, because he has many heavenly patrons. AT Orthodox tradition his well-being is protected:

  • fasting Jacob of Carmel;
  • hermit Jacob;
  • the Old Testament patriarch Jacob, son of Isaac;
  • apostle from 70 James;
  • martyr Jacob of Kazan and some others.

Other prominent followers of the Christian faith are mentioned in Catholic calendars:

  • James the Persian;
  • Jacob de Voragine;
  • James, martyr of Numidia;
  • Jacob of March.

It should be remembered that. according to church principles, the intercessor of a person is precisely the saint whose memory Christians honor on the birthday of the owner of the name or the day after this event. It is this day in Russia that is usually called name day.

Name characteristic

The meaning of the name Jacob gives its bearer different character traits. There are both positive and negative ones among them. On the one hand, Jacob is a kind, open and sympathetic person, easy to communicate with, calm, balanced, self-confident. He is sociable, easily converges with people around him, in conflicts he often plays the role of a peacemaker.

On the other hand, the owner of the name Yakov slowly adapts to new circumstances, is prone to idealism and great importance imparts a relentless pursuit of excellence. In this regard, he is too demanding of others, harsh and impolite with them. Maximalism can greatly complicate his life.


The character of the name Jacob is clearly manifested in early age. Its owner has many friends since childhood, he is distinguished by friendliness and ease. The boy values ​​​​the opinion of his father very much, spends a lot of time with him. Even as an adult, he never loses contact with his parents. Despite the sociability and good disposition, the child is hard to tolerate any changes in habitual life. Relocation to another city or transfer to new school could be a real tragedy for him.

Yasha is not very successful at school. However, he is actively involved in public life class and attend sport sections. He also loves to read books about exciting adventures and secretly dreams of traveling around the world. Earth. A vivid imagination allows him to compose own stories. He gladly shares his literary experiences with his loved ones.

The meaning of the name Jacob characterizes its bearer as a very purposeful person. He is stubborn in achieving his plans and will not allow anyone to lead him astray. In addition, since childhood, the boy has a certain trick that allows him to find benefits in everything. He seeks to please everyone, is endowed with pride, attaches great importance to his own state of mind.


The name for the boy Jacob can be very successful. Having matured, he will reach the heights of skill in any business. For example, he will become a skilled jeweler, a qualified doctor, or an excellent athlete. Being a perfectionist, he strives to get the maximum satisfaction from the work done. It is very important for him to have a sought-after profession. great success Jacob can achieve in business. In any case, he will be respected among colleagues.


The meaning of the name Jacob reveals its owner as a sensual and loving man. He is a real connoisseur female beauty can get great pleasure just by watching an attractive girl. AT intimate relationships Jacob is very sensitive and emotional. A fleeting kiss, the first touch for him is incredibly sexy. With a partner, he is patient, caring and gentle. He likes to gradually kindle passion and bring his beloved to bliss. Sex for Yakov is not just a psychological relaxation, but also a way to know oneself.

A family

The nature of the name Jacob suggests that its owner marries an economic and domestic girl. Until the end of his days, he will be indifferent to the beauty of women, but he will not change his chosen one. Jacob loves home comfort, after work he hurries home, where he will meet his caring and loving wife.

The man also prefers to relax with his family. He attaches great importance outdoor activities, so you can provide your loved ones with an unforgettable vacation on a mountain slope or fun trip on bicycles. Yakov spends a lot of time with the children, helping them get used to the world around them and doing their homework.


In his youth, the name Jacob forces his owner to start numerous novels. However, with age, he becomes a hospitable and hospitable host, adoring his wife and children. With the bearers of what names does he have a chance to create strong family? The maximum strength of feelings will overtake him with Galina, Dina, Iya, Clara, Larisa, Lyudmila, Renata, Tomila. Jacob will have a strong marriage with Tatyana, Sarah, Polina, Praskovya, Galina, Wanda, Diana, Dina, Zoya, Zinaida, Isabella, Clara, Lada, Lydia, Lyudmila, Nina, Irma. Unstable relationships may arise with Antonina, Anfisa, Victoria, Ekaterina, Elena, Irina, Kira, Claudia, Lina, Louise, Ninel, Nora, Stephanie, Taisia, Flora, Eleanor, Elsa, Yana.

Name horoscope

  • Zodiac sign - Taurus.
  • The planet is Mercury.
  • Name days - James - the brother of the Lord (November 5), James Zebedee (May 13), James the Zealot (November 14), Jacob Alfeev (October 22).
  • Colors - brown, crimson, steel.
  • Talisman stone - jasper.


Now you know what the name Jacob means. The origin, history of this name is no longer a secret for you either. When thinking about what to name your boy, think about what fate awaits him. The name can affect his life in the most unexpected way. Jacob is doomed to success in his profession, family well-being, material wealth. Remembering the meaning of his name, he will follow success on his heels until he overtakes it.

Yasha (full name Jacob): meaning

The name of a person is given to him at birth and accompanies him throughout his life, reflecting his personality and even forming an idea about him.

Basically, most names have a full form and an abbreviated one. As a rule, an abbreviated, diminutive form is used in an informal setting, in everyday life and everyday life.

Unofficial names happened as follows: earlier, at baptism, the name of the child was recorded in the church book in the form of a full name, but when a birth certificate was issued to parents or in a metric, they already indicated the derivative name that the parents themselves wanted to indicate.

The use of diminutive names is quite reasonable, because sometimes official names are long and difficult to pronounce. If we are faced with rarely used names, we often wonder what the full name is. Yasha, for example, in the official version sounds like Yakov. Here we will consider the meaning of this name and its characteristics.

Name Yasha: full name and meaning

Just the name Yasha is an abbreviated form of the name: in full it sounds like Yakov. At present, the name Yasha is quite rare.

The full name Jacob has Jewish roots and comes from the popular name Jacob among this people. The biblical meaning of this word is defined as "follower" or "following on the heels." The name was common in the 19th century, as well as in the first half of the last century. Of all the male names, Jacob has the most ancient origin, often this name is mentioned in the Bible.

Derivatives from the name Jacob

So, we found out that Yakov is the full name, Yasha is the male name reduced from him. Along with Yasha, derivative names are such diminutives as Yanya, Yakovka, Yashunya, Yasya, Yanik. There are the following varieties in different languages ​​​​of the name Yasha: the full name of the Arabs is Yakub, the French have Jacques, the British have Jacob, the Italians have Giacomo.


The ancient Jews revered the firstborn - there was a special cult of those who were born first. Based on the biblical legend, Jacob at the time of his birth grabbed his twin brother, who was born before him, by the heel. He did this because he was afraid to fall behind Esau - his brother, who nevertheless became the firstborn.

Later, when the brothers grew up, a situation happened to them. Once Esau returned from hunting and asked Jacob to give him food, for he was very hungry, but the brother put forward a certain demand. It consisted of Esau giving up his firstborn status in exchange for food, to which he agreed.

Symbols and character of the name Yasha (full name Yakov)

The name is associated with a male rider. Brave, strong and strong-willed person.

Color - red. The ruling planet is the Moon. Amulet - red jasper. Plants - nettle and chestnut.

In relations with people, first of all, he manifests himself as a pragmatist. Deprived of romanticism and manifestations of sentimentality. The main character traits are prudence and pragmatism.

Once in a new situation, as well as in the circle of new people, he does not immediately adapt to the changed environment. Of the positive features in him, one can note the mind and diligence. If he gets down to business, he tries to bring it to the end and not quit halfway. He can defend his opinion, but at the same time he does not like to bring matters to serious conflicts.

In relationships with women, he shows respect. Soft and delicate, trying not to offend. He loves children, and he will marry a smart and businesslike woman who can create comfort at home. It will be difficult for him to get along with an imperious woman, since he himself prefers to show gentleness and be on an equal footing in relationships. It is difficult for him to refuse people their requests.

He loves traveling and being on the move all the time. He is looking for profitable acquaintances, but if he understands that he will not receive any benefit in the process of communication, then it is better to stop it.

In childhood, he is distinguished by great mobility and difficult character. He grasps new information well and has a lively mind. He does not accept advice, relying only on himself. It is not very easy for him to make new friends; he prioritizes old, time-tested friends on whom he can rely.

He keeps his word, you can trust him in this. Simple and easy to communicate. Jacob loves to please people. He has developed intuition, and he can predict future events. Has good health. In the chosen profession, he often reaches heights, becomes an authoritative and famous figure.

In relations with his parents, first of all, he has a closer connection with his father - he treats him with respect and reverence.

Of the celebrities who bore this name, we can note the statesman of the Soviet era Sverdlov, the conductor and composer Handel, the Soviet scientist Perelman, the poet Polonsky and the major industrialist Sannikov.

Professions in which he can potentially achieve success

Journalist, writer, hairdresser, jeweler, tailor, comedian, business, director, inventor - the best choice of profession for Jacob.

Thanks to good commercial skills, a pragmatic mindset and the ability to smooth out conflicts, he could become a good businessman.

Compatibility with female names

He feels comfortable in dealing with Alla, Galina, Alice, Vera, Inna. A happy union can develop with Lyudmila, Inna, Galina, Claudia, Tamara and Polina. An alliance with Catherine, Raisa and Dina is considered unfavorable for him.

Jacob (Jacob) name meaning, character and destiny | What does the name Jacob (Jacob) mean?

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Jacob, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Zodiac Jacob - Taurus
  • Planet - Moon
  • The color of the name Jacob is red.
  • Auspicious tree - chestnut
  • Treasured plant of Jacob - purslane
  • The patron saint named Yakov - yak
  • Jacob's Talisman Stone - Red Jasper

What does the name Jacob mean?"heel, following on the heels" (the name Yakov of Jewish origin). According to biblical legend, Jacob at the time of birth grabbed his first brother by the heel in order to keep up.

angel jacob day: The name Jacob celebrates name days several times a year:

  • January 8, 13, 17, 26
  • February 10, 11
  • March 17
  • April 3, 6, 23, 24
  • May 13, 18
  • June 7, 13
  • August 22
  • 12-th of September
  • 22 of October
  • November 3, 5, 14
  • December 8.9

Positive traits of the name Jacob: Optimism, good nature, cheerful disposition, sociability, quick-wittedness, peacefulness. Despite the fact that Jacob is distinguished by energy and explosive temperament, he does not tolerate conflict situations, tension in communication. A man named Jacob is ready to sacrifice his interests and even pride for the sake of establishing mutual understanding, peace and harmony. Yakov is the soul of a boyish company, he started games and organized events. More than anything else, Jacob values ​​freedom and independence. The meaning of the name loves to travel. He gets bored of a measured and monotonous life. He knows how to courageously endure the blows of fate, the intrigues of secret enemies, slander, denunciations, different kind litigation.

Negative traits of the name Jacob: Unscrupulousness, recklessness, restlessness, unreliability. It is boring for Jacob to even take care of his own well-being, but he will not miss the most valuable thing for himself, he may even covet someone else's. A man with the name Jacob does not tolerate control, is able to commit reckless acts, trying to free himself from a heavy addiction for him. However, if he feels guilty, he will immediately repent of this and is ready to make amends in any way and even laugh at himself.

The nature of the name Jacob: Jacob is his mother's favorite. Perhaps only to her he has a truly deep feeling. He has many friends and few real friends. He likes to change his surroundings, while getting new experiences. The name Yakov easily relates to people, tries not to bind anyone to himself, and he himself does not become attached to anyone, does not have common property with anyone. It is very difficult to argue with him. To keep Jacob with you, you need to give him complete freedom and love him wholeheartedly. In this case, Jacob will always return to you, wherever he is.

Choosing a profession by name: Jacob has the opportunity to become an original artist, director, writer, inventor, traveler. He is the “original” in any activity, he is inclined to rush from one activity to another, to take on the implementation of ideas without carefully thinking them through. Therefore, the name Yakov has frequent ups and downs, and he takes responsibility for the failure of the entire team. Jacob will strive for material independence and wealth, and for this he will boldly take risks.

Jacob's business and career: It may seem that the name Jacob is indifferent to money. Yes, he does not like financial calculations, trading, but his budget does not suffer because of this. He intuitively feels the profit and often wins. Jacob earns money in unusual ways. He is lucky in gambling, lotteries, draws. Feature Jacob - he does not like to remain indebted to someone.

Love and marriage of Jacob: The name Jacob is interesting in communication, it is fun, easy and pleasant with him, but it is very difficult to count on marriage. He binds himself with the bonds of Hymen with great reluctance. He is unfaithful in marriage, but his heart is attached to the house. Jacob does not tolerate power over himself, but at the same time he leaves his wife to solve all domestic problems. The union of the name with Agatha, Vera, Lyubomila, Clara, Nadezhda is favorable. A difficult name relationship can develop with Angela, Wanda, Dina, Zhanna, Carolina, Ulyana.

Health and talents named after Jacob: Sometimes the name Jacob has an insurmountable desire to resort to alcohol or drugs, and his health depends only on his sanity, willpower. If Jacob resists temptations, he will live happily ever after.

Jacob is a mobile, careless child, he always walks with bruises, broken knees, bumps on his head. It is not worth punishing him, it hurts him so much, he himself does not understand how he gets into such situations. The boy Jacob has a difficult character, he is not easy to convince, he hates advice and is convinced that in life he will be able to do it himself. Jacob easily grasps information, notices everything for everyone. He studies averagely at school, his knowledge is superficial, and his friends are not very educated.

An adult man named Jacob is mobile, active, with a trick. He has a synthetic mindset that allows him to perceive events as they are, to find the right decision. He is hardworking, stubborn, will do everything necessary to achieve the goal. Often the name Yakov achieves high skill in his chosen profession, becomes famous and authoritative. A career as a journalist would be very suitable for him, since his ability to be a witness to any kind of events is simply phenomenal. Jacob can be a writer, humorist, tailor, hairdresser, jeweler, watchmaker. He is a fashion master, many people turn to him, even strangers - Yasha never refuses. Jacob can do business - he is a practical, prudent, decisive person, but slowly adapts to changing circumstances.

Yakov loves to travel very much and not necessarily with comfort, in his youth he is an avid tourist, he understands what a friendly shoulder means, he is able to help a friend, but on condition that others do the same.

Jacob considers pleasure and enjoyment to be the highest good of life. He gets sensual pleasure even at the sight of beautiful woman on the beach, a light kiss on the cheek - for him already a love game that causes desire. But Jacob's true attraction is to a certain woman, a long-standing attachment with whom he can feel free.

In relations with women, Jacob is delicate, gentle, and will never offend. He chooses a businesslike, smart, "home" woman as his wife. The wife completely runs the house, Jacob intervenes only in the most important matters. He loves children, they also do not have a soul in him.

The fate of the name Jacob in history:

  1. Jacob - biblical forefather, father of 12 sons, ancestors of 12 Israelite tribes;
  2. James - brother of the Lord in the flesh, apostle from the 70, 1st Bishop of Jerusalem, Hieromartyr;
  3. Jacob Alfeev - apostle of the 12, brother of the Evangelist Matthew;
  4. James Zebedee, Apostle of the 12, brother of the Apostle John the Theologian, Hieromartyr;
  5. James the Zealot - Persian presbyter, holy martyr;
  6. James I, James II - English kings;
  7. Jacob Handel - composer;
  8. Yakov Cherkassky - prince, boyar, governor;
  9. Yakov Bulgakov - a diplomat of the Catherine era;
  10. Yakov Kulnev - lieutenant general, hero Patriotic War 1812;
  11. Yakov Sannikov - Russian industrialist, explorer of the New Siberian Islands;
  12. Yakov Slashchev - lieutenant general of the Denikin and Wrangel armies;
  13. Yakov Sverdlov - Soviet state and party leader;
  14. Yakov Shuisky - actor;
  15. Yakov Protazanov - one of the first Russian film directors.


This term has other meanings, see Jacob (meanings). This term has other meanings, see Jacob (meanings).

Jacob, Jacob(Hebrew יעקב‏‎ (biblical pronunciation - /jaʕăˈqoːv/, modern - /jaʔəˈkɔv/)), Jacob- letters. "followed" from Heb. עקב‏‎, “heel”) is a biblical Hebrew name. Jacob, according to the Bible, was the twin of Esau and was born holding on to the heel of his elder brother.

A diminutive version - Yasha, Yashka, Yashechka, Yashunya, Yakushka.

Options James, Giacomo and Jaime formed from Late Lat. Iacomus is a dialect variant of the name Iacobus.

Foreign language analogues

  • Azeri Yaqub - Yaqub
  • English Jacob, James, Jim- Jacob, James, Jim
  • Arab. يعقوب‎ - Yaqub
  • arm. Հակոբ - Hakob/Hakop
  • Belarusian Yakaў, Yakub
  • Bulgarian Jacob
  • hung. Jakab, Jacob
  • Greek Ιάκωβος, Ιακώβ, Γιάγκος
  • dates Jeppe
  • Hebrew יַעֲקֹב‏‎ - Jacob
  • Yiddish ‏יעקבֿ‏‎ - Yankev, diminutive of Yiddish ‏יאַנקל‏‎ - Yankl.
  • Persian. Yaghub
  • irl. Seamas, Seamus - Seamus
  • Spanish Santiago, Yago, Jaime, Diego, Jacobo- Santiago, Iago, Jaime, Diego, Jacobo (the latter - among Jews or naturalized non-Spanish)
  • ital. Giacomo, Jacopo - Giacomo, Jacopo
  • kaz. Zhakyp
  • cat. Jaume - Jaume, Jaume
  • Kirg. Zhakyp
  • Latvian. Jackabs
  • lit. Jokubas
  • German Jacob, Jacob
  • netherl. Jaak, Jacob, Jacob, Jacobus, Sjaak
  • Polish Jakub
  • port. Jaco, Jacob, Jaime, Diogo, Iago, Tiago
  • fr. Jacob, Jacques- Jacob, Jacques
  • fin. Jaakob, Jaakoppi, Jaakko
  • Ukrainian Yakiv
  • Czech Jakub, Cuba
  • est. Jaak, Jaagup, Jacob
  • Chamor. Yocky, Yoggy

Surnames formed from the given name

On behalf of Jacob one of the most common Russian surnames was formed Yakovlev .

What does the name Jacob mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Origin: The name Jacob (old. Jacob), the Russian form of the name Jacob of Hebrew origin, literally meaning - heel. And in a figurative sense - the second born of two twins, who appeared "on the heels" of the first; he follows someone; next, hitter.

Meaning: A brave, bright and strong name, where the signs are also especially noticeable - good, simple and joyful. The name is rare these days.

Name day: January 17, January 26, February 11, March 12, March 17, April 3, April 6, April 13, April 17, April 21, April 23, April 24, April 28, May 4, May 13, May 18, May 27 , June 4, June 5, June 12, June 26, July 7, July 13, August 22, September 12, October 15, October 22, October 23, November 3, November 5, November 14, December 9, December 10

Name zodiac: Taurus.

Planet: Moon.

name color: Red, bright scarlet and blue.

Talisman stone: Red jasper.

Plant: Chestnut, purslane and nettle.

Animal: Yak and horse.

Main features: Practicality, prudence, diligence. Any undertaking strives to bring to the end.

Type of: Kind, reliable, friendly person. These are male riders, male arrows. They are always easy to communicate with.

Name and character: His word is firm, he will never let down the one who trusts him. However, rungs fall out of his social ladder every now and then. Sometimes Jacob is filled with hidden envy for more successful people all his life. And such feelings uncontrollably erupt in hops. Then Jacob is unbearable. He considers sex as a means of his spiritual self-discovery, allowing him to moderate his inner passions, and as an inexhaustible source of joy.

Fate: Yasha is a little slow-witted. He must get used to the new situation and new people. Always prefers old, trusted friends. Fate strives to give him a surprise, often not the best. However, this is a person who lives in complete harmony with himself.

Mind: Jacob in communication is delicate, soft. Trying not to inflict an accidental offense. He doesn't have to pretend or pretend. However, he is obsessed with pride and seeks to please everyone.

Intuition: Excessive. Jacob is hypersensitive, far-sighted, anticipates events.

Intelligence: High, synthetic mindset. Jacob is smart, with a cunning.

Moral: He treats his father with special respect, considers him a role model. The highest blessings of life for him are pleasures and pleasures. An extreme situation can change his character in the opposite direction.

Health: Flawless. However, Jacob quickly gets tired, prone to mental overstrain. He easily develops respiratory problems. Predisposed to fullness. Weak organs - eyes, high blood pressure can disturb.

Sexuality: He is allegedly indifferent to the female sex ... However, Yakov, like no one else, needs female affection. A light kiss on the cheek at a meeting is perceived by him as the first physical contact. This is already a love game that makes him desire. But Jacob has a strong sexual attraction only to a certain partner, as a rule, to a long and strong attachment with which he can feel free. He likes to kindle passion in a woman and bring his partner to a frenzy. Jacob can happily communicate with Vera, Alice, Marina, Zoya, Alla, Galina, Claudia, Inna and Berta. Yakov Vladimirovich and Yakov Ivanovich are distinguished by increased sexuality.

Marriage: In marriage, this is a very calm, balanced and self-confident person. Does not hunt for wealth, fame and fortune. Satisfied with life and does not shy away from its joys. His wife loves him, and the children do not have a soul in him. As a wife, he chooses a smart and businesslike woman who can create home comfort and warm family relationships. It can be difficult to refuse people their requests.

Favorable alliances: with Galina, Inna, Claudia, Lyudmila, Polina, Tamara.

Unfavorable alliances: with Dina, Ekaterina and Raisa.

Hobbies: Jacob loves everything beautiful. He gets literally sensual pleasure from the sight of a beautiful woman, spread out on a sunny beach. Jacob loves his home, loves to host friends in it. He devotes a lot of time to children. Prefers light wines, drinks in moderation.

Field of work: Jacob chooses a profession associated with calm and thorough work. Likes to travel. May be fond of music, theater, dancing. Can be a writer, a tailor, an artist, a talented architect. Often reaches high skill in the chosen specialty, becomes famous and authoritative. Many people turn to him, even complete strangers. Becoming a healer can work a miracle. His jewelry gizmos can be a wild success.

Business: Yakov is a fast, decisive, bright and courageous person, he is respected by everyone who knows him. However, he slowly adapts to changing circumstances. He is hardworking and brings any business to its logical conclusion. In important matters, he insists on his own, but does not bring the situation to serious conflicts. The profession does not bring much income to Yakov, but it gives true satisfaction. He does not abandon and does not change it sometimes all his life. Successful businessmen can be Yakov Grigorievich and Yakov Evseevich.

Celebrities: Vladimirov, Gotovats, Ladies, Kulnev, Pate, Rezinovsky, Sannikov, Sverdlov, Stalin, Slashchev, Sukhanov, Tervey, Scottish (Jakov I, Jacob VI - English kings from the Stuart dynasty), Shustov.

See also the meaning of patronymics: Yakovlevna and Yakovlevich.

The meaning of the name Jacob

Ekaterina, Ludmila, Raisa

Origin of the name Jacob: The name is a Russian form of the Hebrew name Jacob. AT Western Europe: James, Jacob, Jacques, Giacomo, Jaime, Iago, Diego. AT Arab countries- Yakub
Characteristics of the name Yakov: Yasha is one of the practical, prudent children. He is a little slow-witted, has to get used to the new situation and new people. Always prefers old, trusted friends.
He easily develops respiratory problems. Likes adventure novels. He treats his father with special respect and, growing up, does not lose spiritual connection with him.
Jacob is hardworking, he strives to complete any business. Has good commercial skills due to the ability to get along with people, resolve and mitigate interpersonal conflicts.
He chooses a business-like, smart, but at the same time "home" woman as his wife. A homebody and his wife would like to see the same. An imperious woman will turn Jacob away, since he himself is delicate, gentle in relations with women, he will never offend them. In important matters, he will insist on his own, because of the little things he will not spoil the nerves of either himself or his wife.
Keeps in touch with friends, always ready to help them. Friends like to visit Yashin's house: he drinks in moderation, he prefers fine wines to strong drinks.
He devotes a lot of time to communicating with children, goes on vacation with his family.
It is difficult for Jacob to refuse people something. The wife needs to be on her guard: a determined woman, knowing this, will be able to play on Jacob's "pity" and "take him away".
Best suited for marriage
Gloria, Galina, Inessa, Inna, Claudia, Lyudmila, Polina, Tamara Not very suitable for marriage:
Ekaterina, Ludmila, Raisa


In translation, it means second-born. Conscientious, hardworking, everything will be brought to its logical conclusion. The father plays a huge role - he will always take an example from him (this must be taken into account - both in bad and in bad times). good sense) . Can choose a profession associated with manual labor, but may not be devoid of creative inclinations. He will choose a good and calm girl as his wife.

Anastasia Ledneva

Yasha is a mobile, careless child, always walking around with bruises, broken knees, bumps on his head. It is not worth punishing him, it hurts him so much, he himself does not understand how he gets into such situations. A boy with a difficult character, he is not easy to convince, he hates advice and is convinced that in life he will be able to do it himself. Yasha easily grasps information, notices everything for everyone. He studies averagely at school, his knowledge is superficial, and his friends are not very educated.
Adult Jacob is mobile, active, with a cunning. He has a synthetic mindset that allows him to perceive events as they are, to find the right solution. He is hardworking, stubborn, will do everything necessary to achieve the goal. Often he achieves high skill in his chosen profession, becomes famous and authoritative. A career as a journalist would be very suitable for him, since his ability to be a witness to any kind of events is simply phenomenal. Jacob can be a writer, humorist, tailor, hairdresser, jeweler, watchmaker. He is a fashion master, many people turn to him, even strangers - Yasha never refuses. Jacob can do business - he is a practical, prudent, decisive person, but slowly adapts to changing circumstances.
Yakov loves to travel very much and not necessarily with comfort, in his youth he is an avid tourist, he understands what a friendly shoulder means, he is able to help a friend, but on condition that others do the same.
Jacob considers pleasure and enjoyment to be the highest good of life. He gets sensual pleasure even at the sight of a beautiful woman on the beach, a light kiss on the cheek is already a love game for him that causes desire. But Jacob's true attraction is to a certain woman, a long-standing attachment with whom he can feel free.
In relations with women, Jacob is delicate, gentle, and will never offend. He chooses a business-like, smart, "home" woman as his wife. The wife completely runs the house, Jacob intervenes only in the most important matters. He loves children, they also do not have a soul in him. Most happy marriage Jacob can be with Galina, Inna, Claudia, Lyudmila, Polina, Tamara.


Name Jacob (old Jacob), Russian form from the name Jacob of Hebrew origin, literally meaning - heel. And in a figurative sense - the second born of two twins, who appeared "on the heels" of the first; he follows someone; next, initiator. A brave, bright and strong name, where the signs are also especially noticeable - good, simple and joyful. The name is rare these days.
Main features:
Practicality, prudence, diligence. Any undertaking strives to bring to the end.
Name and character:
His word is firm, he will never let down the one who trusts him. However, rungs fall out of his social ladder every now and then. Sometimes Jacob is filled with hidden envy for more successful people all his life. And such feelings uncontrollably erupt in hops. Then Jacob is unbearable. He considers sex as a means of his spiritual self-discovery, allowing him to moderate his inner passions, and as an inexhaustible source of joy.
Yasha is a little slow-witted. He must get used to the new situation and new people. Always prefers old, trusted friends. Fate strives to give him a surprise, often not the best. However, this is a person who lives in complete harmony with himself.
Jacob in communication is delicate, soft. Trying not to inflict an accidental offense. He doesn't have to pretend or pretend. However, he is obsessed with pride and seeks to please everyone.
High, synthetic mindset. Jacob is smart, with a cunning.
He treats his father with special respect, considers him a role model. The highest blessings of life for him are pleasures and pleasures. An extreme situation can change his character in the opposite direction.
Flawless. However, Jacob quickly gets tired, prone to mental overstrain. He easily develops respiratory diseases. Predisposed to corpulence. Weak organs - eyes, high blood pressure can disturb.
It is allegedly indifferent to the female sex ... However, Jacob, like no one else, needs female affection. A light kiss on the cheek at a meeting is perceived by him as the first physical contact. This is already a love game that makes him desire. But Jacob has a strong sexual attraction only to a certain partner, as a rule, to a long and strong attachment with which he can feel free. He likes to kindle passion in a woman and bring his partner to a frenzy. Jacob can happily communicate with Vera, Alice, Marina, Zoya, Alla, Galina, Claudia, Inna and Berta. Yakov Vladimirovich and Yakov Ivanovich are distinguished by increased sexuality.
In marriage, this is a very calm, balanced and self-confident person. Does not hunt for wealth, fame and fortune. Satisfied with life and does not shy away from its joys. His wife loves him, and the children do not have a soul in him. As a wife, he chooses a smart and businesslike woman who can create home comfort and warm family relationships. It can be difficult to refuse people their requests. Marriage is happy with Galina, Inna, Claudia, Lyudmila, Polina, Tamara. It will be difficult with Dina, Ekaterina and Raisa.
Jacob loves everything beautiful. He gets literally sensual pleasure from the sight of a beautiful woman, spread out on a sunny beach. Jacob loves his home, loves to host friends in it. He devotes a lot of time to children. Prefers light wines, drinks in moderation.
Field of work:
Jacob chooses a profession associated with calm and thorough work. Likes to travel. May be fond of music, theater, dancing. Can be a writer, a tailor, an artist, a talented architect. Often reaches high skill in the chosen specialty, becomes famous and authoritative. Many people turn to him, even complete strangers. Becoming a healer can work a miracle. His jewelry gizmos can be a wild success.

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