Andrei Maksimovich Matveev is the son of a boyar. Maxim Matveev. Unfortunate dads, frightened of problems, flee from the ship

On her first creative evening, 26-year-old actress Liza Boyarskaya, who recently became a mother, invited fans not to some pretentious hall, but to the rotunda in Komarovo, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. In an interview, she spoke, among other things, about her charitable activities.

Mikhail Sadchikov,

"Evening Petersburg" (St. Petersburg), No. 118, 07/03/2012

On her first creative evening, the 26-year-old actress, who recently became a mother, invited fans not to some pretentious hall, but to the rotunda in Komarovo, on the coast of the Gulf of Finland

The idea of ​​such a meeting came to Liza's old acquaintance, TV presenter Peter Fadeev, who became the curator of the Art Surf project. A chamber hall for two hundred seats a stone's throw from the bay, the gentle sun, the sound of pine trees and the surf ... Nevertheless, Liza was worried, as at the entrance exam to the Theater Academy, but gradually pulled herself together - she read poems by Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva, Tolstoy's prose and Chekhov, answered notes. Her beloved aunt, theater expert and writer Ekaterina Boyarskaya, came to support her, but famous parents stayed at the dacha with two-month-old Andrei, Lisa's husband, actor Maxim Matveev, who had just returned after a month and a half of filming in Malta, was also there.

I just rushed to the stage!

Lisa, once again on behalf of all the readers of Vecherka, we congratulate you on the birth of your son! Please tell us about Andrei Maksimovich Matveev.

- (Smiles happily.) What to tell ... This one young man still very short biography, in two months he has learned a lot, he is already consciously looking at his parents and our entire family. I can tell he's surrounded incredible love from my side, my husband, two grandmothers, grandfather, uncle and aunt, two sisters, endless nannies in the face of girlfriends, because now we live in the country, and Katya’s girlfriend, my eldest niece, takes turns babysitting him with pleasure. In general, Andrei Maksimovich is growing in a sea of ​​love - this is the most important thing, because this is generally the most important thing for any child.

You surprised many by returning to the stage of the MDT - Theater of Europe literally a month later in the most difficult performance "Life and Fate" ... Was this return easy for you?

To be honest, I was just torn to the stage. Not because I felt bad at home - no, I feel very good at home, and now I am ready to take care of my son 24 hours a day. But it's just that the stage is a drug, a good drug, without which I can't live. When I left the house, got into the car and drove to the theater, it was as if they poured an incredible dose of oxygen into me, I was in a wonderful mood, I felt light, flying. I was very glad that I returned, and quite quickly. I really love the play based on Vasily Grossman's novel "Life and Fate", but in the new capacity everything was a little different. Surprisingly, there is some peace. Not peace, because Lev Abramovich always focuses on these things: "Not peace, but inner peace." I tried to fill the role with some new meaning. It was so great, some new sensations arose, and I hope that I will continue to experience them in other performances. I am looking forward to the September premiere of Lev Abramovich Dodin's play "Intrigue and Love" based on Schiller's play, where I play the role of Louise. But I will act less often, because I don’t want and I can’t leave my son for a long time ...

All summer in Petersburg Memorial Museum the Samoilov family of actors, an exhibition "Acting dynasties. Boyars" was opened. Personal belongings, old photographs, theater posters and costumes, newspaper clippings, letters from the front... Living roses stand by the portrait of Ekaterina Nikolaevna Boyanovskaya-Boyarskaya: an educated St. Silver Age, a big theater-goer, and then the wife of a priest who was repressed in Stalin's times, gave rise to acting dynasty- Boyarsky. After viewing this exposition, one gets the feeling that you, Lisa, are destined to be an actress!

Probably so - since the fate fell out to be born in such a family. My aunt theater critic Ekaterina Boyarskaya wrote the book "The Theater Dynasty of the Boyarskys". From her, from the stories of my father, I learned many facts that struck me.

Of course, I was aware that we have a large family, but I did not assume that the roots were so deep.

My great-grandfather was Alexander Ivanovich - father Alexander, father, professor of theology, metropolitan of Ivanovo and Kineshminsky, archbishop ... His fate is tragic: after the revolution, persecution of clergy began, and from the beginning of the 20s, great-grandfather was arrested many times, then released, but the Bolsheviks they took him away in 1936, and the whole family was scattered around the country. And from 1936 to 1956, for twenty long years, my great-grandmother Ekaterina Nikolaevna, not wanting to consider herself a widow, was waiting for her husband. She prayed, hoped that a miracle would happen and he would return ... They gave birth to four sons with Ekaterina Nikolaevna, four heroes! It is also surprising that in some unknown way in the family of a clergyman, his sons, an irresistible craving for the theater arose! My grandfathers Boyarsky became wonderful theater actors, and only then transferred their art to my father. It takes your breath away to realize how many stormy, dramatic, incredible events happened in the family where you were born ... After all, at first I wanted to go to the University, to the PR department, and the decision to go to the Theater Academy came at the last moment and, no matter how strange, largely spontaneous. Something pushed me ... And I decided that at the academy I should not just study, but how to think of "rock" for myself. And this "rock" was the idea of ​​​​continuing the Boyarsky dynasty ...

If Andrei, when he grows up, decides to become an actor, Maxim and I, of course, will be in favor, although only he himself will make the choice.

Unfortunate dads, frightened of problems, flee from the ship

Family, theater, filming... But, despite your busyness, you continue to actively participate in charitable projects of the St. Petersburg fund "Solntse", to help children... What kind of need is this - to do good deeds?

I try not only to charitable projects from the "everything in a row" series, and focus on one problem - the fate of children born ahead of schedule. In our state there is a rehabilitation program for such children. It lasts for a month or two, after which the child and mother return home and face a bunch of problems, especially if they are single mothers (and this is not uncommon, because unfortunate fathers, frightened of problems, run away from the ship!). Many mothers, completely bewildered, send their babies to orphanages, abandon them, and then regret it bitterly ... Together with the Sun Foundation, we decided to help mothers who were left alone after rehabilitation: to find doctors, medicines, complete nutrition. The structure for subsequent rehabilitation does not yet exist. Last year at a meeting of representatives charitable funds with Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev in St. Petersburg, I raised this issue and received support, but things are still there. But we do not give up, we have developed a whole program of assistance, we find money. If we help ten or twenty mothers, then it’s already a lot.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev

31-year-old and 35-year-old Maxim Matveev is one of those stars who prefer to keep their personal lives private and do not report to fans about their every step. First of all, this concerns the actors, 5-year-old Andrey, whom they do not show to the public: no photos in in social networks, no going out - parents protect the baby from excessive media attention.

It is not surprising that almost the first appearance of the boy at a public event caused a great stir. Yesterday, September 2, little Andrey Matveev became a guest of the film festival for children and family cinema "Sunny Island" in Evpatoria. On the red carpet, he appeared not with his parents, but with his grandparents - Larisa Luppian and Mikhail Boyarsky. Dressed in a formal suit, Andrei looked around with curiosity, examining the participants in the costumed procession, and held his grandfather's hand. It can be seen that the boy has grown noticeably, but it is still difficult to say who he looks like more, mom or dad.

In April of this year, Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maskim Matveev celebrated their son on a grand scale. On their pages on social networks, the couple shared vivid photographs from the celebration, but there was no hero of the occasion in the pictures. However, if the stars are not ready to show their son, then they love about him: according to the confessions of the family, Andrei grows up as an extremely smart boy and pleases his loved ones.

The star of "Hipster", "Anna Karenina", "MosGaz" and "Demons", an indispensable member of the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, actor Maxim Matveev has come a long way before he was called the "star of the young generation" by both faithful viewers and demanding critics.

Childhood and family of Maxim Matveev

Maxim Aleksandrovich Matveev was born on July 28, 1982 in the city of Svetly Kaliningrad region. His relatives, simple Soviet workers, were far from the world of art.

Mom Lyudmila Vladimirovna is a philologist, worked as a librarian. native father the boy did not know. The upbringing of the boy was mainly carried out by his grandfather, who, according to the memoirs of the actor, had golden hands. “He asked me to draw what I want. I drew, and three hours later my grandfather made a toy according to my sketch, ”said Maxim.

Maxim's grandmother worked as a usher at a local cinema and, of course, let her grandson through all the screenings for free. There the boy got acquainted with many masterpieces of the Hollywood film industry, but the strongest impression on him was made by “ star Wars". For a long time in his fantasies, he imagined himself a Jedi with laser sword at the ready.

When Maxim was 10 years old, his mother found new love, and the young man had a stepfather, a sailor by profession. In 1992, the family moved to Saratov, to the homeland of her husband, where Maxim had a half-brother Volodya.

Maxim Matveev. white studio

Maxim studied well at school, graduated with a silver medal. He was a rather withdrawn child: he almost did not communicate with anyone, at breaks he preferred not to play with peers, but to cook homework. But by the senior classes, a rebellious spirit woke up in him: he grew long hair and started listening to heavy metal.

As a child, Maxim Matveev wanted to become a surgeon, then he got the idea to become a swordsman. However, creativity has always been an important part of his life. In his youth, he attended art school, later to the lessons visual arts added extracurricular activities acting skills. Despite this, after graduating from school, Maxim did not think about the profession of an actor. He couldn't decide what he wanted to do. adult life, and his parents simply put him before the fact: "You are acting as a lawyer." But then the course of his fate was changed by Mr. Chance.

Carier start

In the senior class, Matveev decided to take part in a couples competition at the theater department of the Saratov Conservatory. It was there that the theater teacher Vladimir Smirnov drew attention to him, suggesting that the guy try his hand at acting. Heeding the advice, he submitted documents and immediately became a second-year student at the theater department of the Saratov Conservatory. Thanks to the efforts of his teacher Valentina Ermakova, Maxim quickly improved his skills, rejecting numerous offers to star in commercials, photo shoots, or even an adult film (they offered him that too!). As a result, for his graduation performances "God's Clown" and "Don Juan" Maxim received the highest marks from the members of the commission.

Having received a diploma from the Saratov Conservatory, Maxim tried his luck at the Moscow Art Theater School. He, a modest boy from Saratov, went to the capital without much preparation, in his own words, the listening material was one-sided. When the examiners asked if he had prepared anything else, Maxim replied: “No, but soon!”. The next morning after sleepless night he came fully armed, and he was asked to dance. He was sure that he had failed, but the talented young man found a place on the course of Igor Zolotovitsky and Sergey Zemtsov.

In parallel with his studies, Maxim Matveev began to perform frequently on stage. So, he played the role of the knight Zhorfey in the famous play "The Piedmontese Beast", and then also appeared in the production of "The Last Victim". Although the actor recalled his first appearance on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater with shame: “I played in the same performance with Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina. And I was not heard. At all. After the performance, Oleg Pavlovich told me: “Well, old man, you have to work and work.”

As a result, having successfully graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, in 2006 Maxim Matveev got a job at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. In subsequent years, the actor played a huge number of wonderful roles on the local stage. Among his best works are the performances "The Cabal of the Holy", "King Lear", "The Artist". According to famous theater critics, best job young actor is the role of Goring in the production of " Ideal husband by Oscar Wilde.

Maxim Matveev in the cinema

Even during his studies, Matveev was offered a role in the series " Poor Nastya with Elena Korikova. The character was important for the plot, and the fee for shooting would be enough for a four-room apartment in Moscow. But Maxim heeded the words of Zolotovitsky, who convinced his ward not to rush, but to study diligently. The actor himself understood this, for whom a place in the Moscow Art Theater already meant more than the fleeting glory of a serial handsome man.

Maxim's first film role was Valery Todorovsky's tape "Vice", and a year later, the audience saw him in "Stilyagi", a motley musical by the same director with Anton Shagin and Oksana Akinshina.

"Dandies": Maxim Matveev - "My little baby"

This was followed by roles in the films New Year's Tariff, I Won't Tell, On the Hook, Exchange Wedding. All these films were commercially successful, so the name of Maxim Matveev did not disappear from the radars of directors and producers

Maxim Matveev was also loved by ordinary viewers. His performances were always sold out. And during various film festivals, the queue to him for autographs has always been especially impressive.

In the second half of the 2000s, Maxim Matveev began to appear frequently not only on large screens, but also on television. He again stepped into the world of Russian TV series very confidently, playing a major role in the Tula Tokarev TV project. After that, there were shootings in the series "Yalta-45", "Diamond Hunters", "Military Hospital", as well as roles in the television tapes "Captains", "Santa Claus always rings three times" and many others.

In 2012, the filmography of Maxim Matveev was replenished with several successful projects at once: the MosGaz series with Andrei Smolyakov (operetta artist Vlad Vikhrov), and the military drama August. Eighth "(commander of the peacekeepers Alexei).

In 2013, the popularity of the actor was reinforced by his participation in the detective Stanislav Govorukhin "Weekend", the romantic comedy with Svetlana Khodchenkova and Lyubov Aksenova "Loves Doesn't Love" and the adventure "Fort Ross", where Anna Starshenbaum became Maxim's partner.

And after 2014, Maxim Matveev began to be recognized on the street as Nikolai Stavrogin from the mini-series of Vladimir Khotinenko "Demons", a film adaptation work of the same name Dostoevsky, on which the actor worked together with the already well-known Anton Shagin, Sergei Makovetsky and Maria Lugovoi.

In the same year, he played a major role in the film adaptation of Sergei Minaev's novel The Heifers, and also appeared in the sports drama They Played for the Motherland.

At the beginning of 2017, viewers could enjoy the performance of Maxim Matveev in two major projects at once. The first is a multi-part film adaptation of the biography of the spy dancer Mata Hari, played by the Frenchwoman Vaina Giocante. Maxim Matveev himself appeared in the image of Captain Vladimir Maslov, in love with a beautiful girl.

A month after the premiere of the series "Mata Hari", the public was presented with Karen Shakhnazarov's series "Anna Karenina" (although its shooting ended earlier). Maxim Matveev played Alexei Vronsky, but the role of his beloved, Anna Karenina, was played by Elizaveta Boyarskaya.

The main competitor of the actor was Konstantin Kryukov, but since Lisa was approved for the role of Anna before casting for the role of Vronsky, Maxim had an advantage - he and his wife did not have to “play out” and play passion. “Playing love with a wife is much easier than with any other actress,” Maxim shared in an interview.

Children: Andrey Maksimovich Matveev


A resounding success came to Elizaveta Boyarskaya after the release of the film "Admiral", in which she got the main female role. The actress in this role was adequately appreciated not only by the audience, but also by critics, honoring her with the award for best actress. Although, in order not to prevaricate, it can and should be noted that even before this role, the young star had already shone in several sensational films, as well as in clips for the songs of Valery Meladze. Despite the big names of their parents, their own biography Lisa Boyarskaya nevertheless managed to prove to everyone around that she herself could achieve her goals. This statement applies to both work and personal relationships of the actress. Naturally now personal life of Elizabeth Boyarskaya revolves around her husband Maxim Matveev and little son Andrey.

Actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya photo

What is the height and weight of actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya?
Weight: 52 kg. Height: 170 cm


With her future husband, the actress was brought together by her favorite profession. Both young and talented actors met on the set of the film "I won't tell". Maxim Matveev at that time was married to a colleague Yana Sextus, but could not resist the charm of Elizaveta Boyarskaya. At first, young people tried to hide their feelings from everyone, but they soon realized that it was useless. The novel developed quite rapidly. Despite the fact that the acquaintance took place in 2009, and the wedding - in 2010, the events in the biography of the actress unfolded really quickly. During this time, Maxim Matveev and Elizaveta Boyarskaya not only managed to strengthen their relationship, but also solved the problem with the divorce process of her husband. They, as it turned out, in addition to love for the profession, have a lot more common features. One of them is the desire to lead always and everywhere healthy lifestyle life. Apparently, this explains the fact that they are recognized as the most recognized beautiful couple domestic cinema. Of course, they are beautiful and individually, together they just shine.

Without delaying the replenishment of the family for a long time, Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev became parents in the summer of 2012 little son Andryusha. Not like many other star mothers in this, the actress took all the care of her son upon herself, without shifting them onto the shoulders of nannies and grandmothers (although, by the way, they didn’t mind at all). Not imagining her life without her son, Elizaveta Boyarskaya rightly believes that a child is better off where his parents are. Therefore, in his young age the boy is already accustomed to constant moving from Moscow to St. Petersburg and back, as well as to foreign voyages with mom and dad. All your own free time Lisa now devotes to her son, neglecting fitness classes and visits to beauty salons. However, such a rhythm of life not only does not frighten Elizaveta Boyarskaya, but on the contrary, she admits that she wants to become a mother at least twice more.


Interesting Facts biographies of Liza Boyarskaya - Wikipedia
The ILWT group has a song dedicated to Elizaveta Boyarskaya called "Liza".

Music videos
She starred in the videos of Valery Meladze for the songs "Heaven", "Light of the setting sun" and "My brother" .

Art films with the participation of actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya (List) watch - Wikipedia
Filmography - film roles
2001 Agent national security 3 girl at the bar
2001 Keys to Death Alice
2001 Cobra. Antiterror Nastya
2003 Demon half a day Lena Gladysheva
2004 Bunker / Erna's Der Untergang
2005 Spare Instinct Lera
2005 Francoise's own alien life
2005 First after god Tanya
2005 Lethal force-6 Lisa
2005 Touched by Nastya
2006 You won't leave me Vera Evgenievna Nikiforova-Zaritskaya (Verochka), actress
2006 Storm Gate Alexander
2006 Park of the Soviet period Alena Ivanovna Volkova
2006 Juncker Verochka
2007 Irony of Fate. Continued Nadya, daughter of Nadezhda and Ippolit
2008 Admiral Anna Timiryova
2009 I'll be back Musya Rostopchina
2009 Luna-Moon Zinaida
2009 Little Tragedies Laura
2010 I won't tell Anna
2010 Man from Kapuchinok Boulevard Katya, daughter of Garik
2011 Peter the Great. Testament of Maria Cantemir
2011 Five brides Zoya
2011 Fairy tale. There is Dasha's mother
2011 MUR Inna Muravyova
2012 Match Anna Shevtsova
2012 Three heroes on the distant shores of Baba Yaga
2012 Cinderella Polina
2012 Klushi Nastya
2012 Lieutenant Romashov Verochka
2012 Happy New Year Moms! Kseniya
2013 Courier from "Paradise" Veronica
2013 The habit of breaking up Eva's friend
2013 Completeness complex stranger
2013 Sherlock Holmes Louise Bernat
2014 Fugitives of Ustya
2014 Long haul home Lyalya
2014 Kuprin Zenida
2014 Headhunters Rita Orlova
2015 Contribution Character name not specified
2015 Status: Single Afina Gordeeva
2016 Anna Karenina Anna Karenina
2016 Wolves and Sheep: Bianca's Mad Transformation
Elizaveta Boyarskaya from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By the age of 34, Maxim Matveev managed to play a bunch of memorable roles: Fred in Stilyagi, Nikolai Stavrogin in Possessed, the maniac Mosgaz in the series of the same name, Alexei Vronsky in Anna Karenina and others. On the eve of the premiere of the film "Anna Karenina. The Story of Vronsky (produced by Central Partnership with the support of the Russia 1 channel), which you probably watched in April, the actor explained that he forgot in California, remembered how he opened wine with his teeth and what brought Lisa Boyarskaya closer to his first wife Yana Sexte.

"Anna Karenina" was rehearsed in the kitchen"

- After the release of the Anna Karenina series, the audience was divided into two camps: one, the other and the project, and the actors - in particular, your wife Lisa Boyarskaya. Have you followed the responses?

“That's not really my job. I read and saw the ones posted on my Instagram. Basically these were positive reviews and I thanked for that. Criticism is absolutely normal, every project has both fans and those who deny it.

- But the novel "Anna Karenina" is perhaps a landmark for every Russian person. Completely impassable. How difficult was the image of Vronsky for you?

- Everyone considers this novel a little “their own”. Hence the attitude as a shrine. You can’t touch it, and if you do touch it, then do it in a way that is considered acceptable to the viewer. A huge amount of prejudices and stereotypes hovers around Anna Karenina, which we were interested in destroying. But to do this is not provocative, but to find features in Vronsky that no one had caught before.

- Like this? How is the Sherlock series?

- In each acting work, it seems to me, we should try to find analogies with today's time, characters and life. It doesn't matter what kind of costumes and scenery we are in. The viewer must guess either himself, or those around him, or the situations that he might encounter. It was on these rails that we tried to put Anna Karenina.

In the series and the film, Lisa and Maxim played love on camera. Scenes and images were discussed even at home in the kitchen. Photo: Channel "Russia"

- In The Devil's Advocate, Al Pacino's character, Satan in the flesh, utters the sacramental phrase: "Vanity is my favorite of sins." How exposed are you to it?

- Everyone is subjected to it. And you, and I, and the women sitting behind us. Both surgeons and couriers - everyone wants a better life. This is vanity. If a person does what he loves, he turns off the thirst for desires, he gets pleasure. But still there are goals and objectives to which a person aspires. This applies to any person, the hero of Al Pacino was not talking about artists - about everyone.

- Visually, you give the impression of an extremely balanced person.

- Yes? Unexpectedly (laughs).

- So it seemed to me. How true is this? Or demons can be successfully hidden?

- I normal person, and inside me is full of experiences and reflections - about myself, the people around me and events. I'm just convinced that any conflict can be resolved peacefully. Communication. Not getting into squabbles. In fact, I am an impulsive and quick-tempered person. But I'm working on it, trying to stay away from open expression of emotions. I try to transfer my experiences into my work – it is necessary there.

And at the premiere of the series, the couple appeared in no less stylish outfits than Karenina and Vronsky. Photo:

- In the play "An Ideal Husband" you once had to uncork a bottle with your teeth, because there was no corkscrew. Often there is a cheerful force majeure on stage?

- It happened. On "Tartuffe" in the scene with the late Marina Golub. Daria Moroz and I played a loving but arguing couple Valery and Mariana, on the line “Are my virtues not so great?” my pants fell off. It felt like it should be. The pants were so tight that it was impossible to put them back on. I had to wiggle like that. The whole scene, while the heroine of Marina Golub tried to reconcile us, she tried to put them on me (shows). She couldn't do it. It also happened: one of the partners forgot to leave. There is my remark - I look in the direction of my partner, but there is no one there. And the spectator sits at such a distance as you. What to do? Fill in! I love stuff like this.

"I fought the scared boy inside of me"

Lisa works in another theater and often in another city. To what extent do you and her match in temperament? She looks like a perpetual motion machine that needs change, drive and new challenges. Whereas you look like a vessel that retains its shape under any conditions.

- Then it turns out that she is the engine, and I am an amoeba? This is not true. I can't say that we are black and white. Sometimes I put out flashes of her energy, sometimes she is mine. Interchange.

- You said that before working in the profession you were closed and uncommunicative. Why?

— (Pause.) I think it was due to the fact that until a certain point in my life there was no father. My grandfather replaced him. But the child still needs presence strong man beside. Father. Any child who feels useless closes. In addition, in our family there was not a single artist - a brave, liberated person. Therefore, I was constantly in a state of cocoon. All steps and desires passed through an internal filter: possible or impossible, how it will look from the outside, how I will appear. And this is for any person is contraindicated. One must live by giving in to the impulses of desires and dreams. But tough internal self-control did not allow me to do this. Yes, and now sometimes it turns on. I continue to work on this.

Son Andrey grows up in a theatrical environment: together with his mother, grandfather Mikhail Boyarsky and family friends - Veniamin Smekhov and Ksenia Rappoport. photo:

There were no artists in your family. But now your family is the Boyarsky dynasty, artists in several generations. Remember the moment you met Lisa's parents? You come to the house of Soviet cinema legends. D'Artagnan meets you. What are these sensations?

- Mikhail Sergeevich and Larisa Reginaldovna are first of all people. Understanding, adequate and open. They are ready to accept any person - with his character, features and vision of the world. I did not experience any difficulties or perebaryvaniya myself. Extra skills in order to please, did not undertake. This is not my lifestyle. I am not a supporter of changing anyone, I met the same thing with them.

- You have an unusual chain around your neck ...

- There is an anchor here (takes it in his hand). This is close to me. The man who became my father appeared in my life when I was ten years old, he is a sailor. I was born in the Kaliningrad region on the Baltic Sea. My mother worked in the personnel department at a fish farm, she collaborated with sailors all her life. The element of waves inspires me a lot. The sea allows you to feel the power of nature and the universe. So this is a tribute to my elements.

- Is it true that you have a cork board hanging at home, like detectives, which helps in their work?

“The work of an actor is visualization. Like the work of a person on himself. We all have desires, dreams and goals. And they need to be visualized. Then sooner or later they will become a reality. It's the same in acting. A new project starts. The board is populated with associations that are related to the role. Quotes, texts or distant analogies. What for? It helps to structure the work. And life in general.

These are the gifts Andrei Maksimovich Matveev prepares for his father. Photo:

The English actor has played women more than once. Can you go for something similar?

- I won’t comment, I’d rather invite everyone to the play “Kinaston” at the Tabakov Theater Studio, which we are now rehearsing. I have there the main role. For now, you can study who it is (the English actor Edward Kynaston in the late 17th and early 18th centuries played female roles due to his feminine and attractive appearance. - Auth.). I think acting has no limits. There are human boundaries. I'm willing to try new things that I didn't know before.

- Yana Sexte, the star of the TV series The Thaw, your first wife, also works with you in the Tabakerka. There are several photos on the web in which. And everyone is happy. How did you manage to keep both distance and a good relationship?

— (Long pause.) It's hard to say. Apparently, this is due to mutual understanding.

- All together you work in charitable foundation"Doctor Clown" Come with colleagues to hospitals and help cheer up and recover the kids. During this work, what especially sunk into your soul?

- The result of the work is the most poignant. When I see that our efforts have concrete consequences. It has nothing to do with satisfying ambition. After all, saving the world is also an ambition. When we see the eyes of the parents... When we know that the child has made an effort that he could not make before, it inspires confidence. And he says that we are not doing it in vain. And this is our direct responsibility.

Are you and Lisa ready to think about adopting a child in the future?

- Quite possible. Recently, I was invited as a speaker to the forum of a volunteer organization working with refuseniks. And I saw parents who take children home, tell how they raise and raise them. It's infectious.

Private bussiness

Maxim Matveev was born on July 28, 1982 in the city of Svetly, Kaliningrad Region. He graduated from the theater department of the Saratov Conservatory and the Moscow Art Theater School. Actor of the Moscow Art Theater named after Chekhov. Since 2010, he has been married to actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya, son Andrey, 5 years old.

Your son Andrei is already five years old. How does he manifest himself?

- Learned the alphabet. He likes to read poems by heart - Brodsky's children's poems, for example. While it forms tastes, interests and preferences, so it's too early to talk about the vector of development. He goes to the garden and sections, but this still does not say anything. As a child, I was also engaged in fencing and went to art school - neither one nor the other in any way determined my fate.

- Then so: what is interesting to him when you are together?

— Toys, war games, movies, constructors. The trampoline is great. There is no specific program. When I'm next to Andrey, I myself turn into a child.

- Does he often see your work with Lisa?

- Not. One day, when he saw my character get stuck in the elevator in the movie Weekend, he got excited. But he quickly accepted it into his coordinate system. He knows that his father and mother can appear on the screen and play something. He understands the structure of the game. As Stanislav Lyubshin told a story: a granddaughter of five years old saw him on TV and asked: “Grandfather, where do you work?” He says, "I'm playing. Here and there…” And the granddaughter replies: “Grandfather, you play all the time. And how do you work? In fact, we have the same situation (smiles).

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