Poet Decembrist Ryleev short biography. The biography of Ryleev Kondraty Fedorovich is a short story about the struggle for freedom. Personal life of Kondraty Ryleev

Kondraty Ryleev was born on September 18 (September 29), 1795 in the village of Batovo (now the territory of the Gatchina district of the Leningrad region) in the family of a small estate nobleman Fyodor Andreevich Ryleev (1746-1814), the manager of Princess Varvara Golitsyna, and Anastasia Matveevna Essen (1758-1824). In 1801-1814 he studied at the St. Petersburg First Cadet Corps. Participated in foreign campaigns of the Russian army in 1813-1814.

There is a description of Ryleev’s appearance during the period of his military service: “He was of medium height, good build, his face was round, clean, his head was proportional, but the upper part of it was somewhat wider; his eyes are brown, somewhat bulging, always moist ... being somewhat short-sighted, he wore glasses (but more while studying at his desk).

In 1818 he retired. In 1820 he married Natalia Mikhailovna Tevyasheva. From 1821 he served as an assessor of the St. Petersburg Criminal Chamber, from 1824 - the head of the office of the Russian-American Company.

In 1820 he wrote the famous satirical ode "To the temporary worker"; On April 25, 1821, he joined the Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature. In 1823-1825, Ryleev, together with Alexander Bestuzhev, published the annual almanac "Polar Star". He was a member of the St. Petersburg Masonic Lodge "To the Flaming Star".

Ryleev's thought "The Death of Yermak" was partially set to music and became a song.

In 1823 he became a member of the Northern Decembrist Society, then heading its most radical wing. At first, he stood on moderate constitutional-monarchist positions, but later became a supporter of the republican system.

On September 10, 1825, he acted as a second in a duel between his friend, cousin, lieutenant K. P. Chernov and a representative of the aristocracy, adjutant wing V. D. Novosiltsev. The cause of the duel was a conflict due to prejudices associated with the social inequality of the duelists (Novosiltsev was engaged to Chernov's sister, Ekaterina, but under the influence of his mother, he decided to refuse to marry). Both participants in the duel were mortally wounded and died a few days later. Chernov's funeral resulted in the first mass demonstration organized by the Northern Society of Decembrists.

Ryleev (according to another version - V.K. Kuchelbeker) is credited with the free-thinking poem "I swear on honor and Chernov."

He was one of the main organizers of the uprising on December 14 (26), 1825. Being in the fortress, he scratched on a tin plate, in the hope that someone would read his last poems.

“Prison is in honor of me, not in reproach,
For a just cause, I'm in it,
And should I be ashamed of these chains,
When I wear them for the Fatherland!

Pushkin's correspondence with Ryleev and Bestuzhev, concerning mainly literary matters, was of a friendly nature. It is unlikely that Ryleev’s communication with Griboedov was also politicized - if both called each other “republicans”, then, rather, because of their belonging to the VOLRS, also known as the “Academic Republic”, than for any other reasons.

In preparing the uprising on December 14, Ryleev played one of the leading roles. While imprisoned, he took all the “blame” upon himself, sought to justify his comrades, placed vain hopes on the mercy of the emperor for them.


Ryleev was executed by hanging on July 13 (25), 1826 in the Peter and Paul Fortress, among the five leaders of the speech, along with P. I. Pestel, S. I. Muravyov-Apostol, M. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, P. G. Kakhovsky. His last words on the scaffold, addressed to priest P. N. Myslovsky, were: "Father, pray for our sinful souls, do not forget my wife and bless my daughter." Ryleev was one of the three unfortunates whose rope broke. He fell into the scaffold and some time later was hanged again. According to some sources, it was Ryleev who said before his re-execution: “An unfortunate country where they don’t even know how to hang you” (sometimes these words are attributed to P. I. Pestel or S. I. Muravyov-Apostol).

The exact burial place of K. F. Ryleev, like other executed Decembrists, is unknown. According to one version, he was buried along with other executed Decembrists on Goloday Island.


During the life of Kondraty Ryleev, two of his books were published: in 1825 - "Dumas", and a little later in the same year the poem "Voinarovsky" was published.

It is known how Pushkin reacted to Ryleev's "Dums" and - in particular - to "Oleg the Prophet". “They are all weak in invention and presentation. All of them are of the same cut: they are made up of common places (loci topici) ... a description of the scene, the speech of the hero and - moralizing, ”Pushkin wrote to K. F. Ryleev. “There is nothing national, Russian in them, except for names.”

In 1823, Ryleev made his debut as a translator - a free translation from the Polish poem by Y. Nemtsevich "Glinsky: Duma" was published in the printing house of the Imperial Educational House.

After the Decembrist uprising, Ryleev's publications were banned and mostly destroyed. Handwritten lists of Ryleev's poems and poems are known, which were distributed illegally on the territory of the Russian Empire.

The Berlin, Leipzig and London editions of Ryleev, undertaken by the Russian emigration, in particular Ogarev and Herzen in 1860, were also illegally distributed.


  • In St. Petersburg there is Ryleeva street.
  • The city of Tambov also has Ryleeva Street.
  • In Ulyanovsk there is Ryleeva street.
  • In Petrozavodsk there is Ryleeva street and Ryleeva lane.
  • In Tyumen there is Ryleeva street.
  • There is Ryleyeva street in Lviv.
  • In Kaluga there is Ryleeva street.
  • In Makhachkala there is Ryleeva street.
  • In Astrakhan there is Ryleeva street.
  • In Samara - Ryleeva lane (located near Pestel street).
  • In Chelyabinsk there is Ryleeva street.

Addresses in St. Petersburg

Spring 1824 - 12/14/1825 - the house of the Russian-American company - the embankment of the Moika River, 72.


  • “Poems. K. Ryleev” (Berlin, 1857)
  • Ryleev K.F. Dumas. Poems. With a preface by N. Ogaryov / Iskander edition. - London.: Trubner & co, 1860. - 172 p.
  • Ryleev K. F. Poems. With a biography of the author and a story about his treasury / Edition of Wolfgang Gerhard, Leipzig, in the printing house of G. Petz, Naumburg, 1862. - XVIII, 228, IV p.
  • Works and correspondence of Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleev. Edition of his daughter. Ed. P. A. Efremova. - St. Petersburg, 1872.
  • Ryleev K. F. Dumas / The publication was prepared by L. G. Frizman. - M.: science, 1975. - 254 p. Circulation 50,000 copies. (Literary monuments)

Ryleev Kondraty Fedorovich, whose brief biography will be discussed below, left an amazing mark on Russian history and literature. He was closely acquainted with A.S. Pushkin and A.S. Griboyedov, but their relationship was based on common literary interests. Much stronger comradely ties connected Ryleev with the republicans M. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin and others. From the school bench we know that these people are Decembrists, and five of them gave their lives in the fight against the autocracy. But what exactly formed Kondraty Ryleyev as a person, what paths led him to the dungeons of the Peter and Paul Fortress, and then to the scaffold?

Childhood and youth

A brief biography of Ryleev says that he was born in September 1795, and was executed in July 1826. From this we can conclude that he died very young - he was only thirty years old. But in such a short period of time, the writer managed to write a lot, and do even more. Kondraty spent his childhood on the estate of his father - a small landowner - in the village of Batovo near St. Petersburg. He chose a military career for his son, and already six years old the boy was sent to study in the capital, in the First Cadet Corps.

A brief biography of Ryleev will be incomplete without describing the next stage in the life of a revolutionary, since it is very important, although at first glance it does not seem so. In 1814, the newly minted artillery officer leaves for France following the Russian army, which is smashing Napoleon Bonaparte. Life in the "defeated" country made an indelible impression on Ryleev. If he lived in the 21st century, one could say that he became a fan of the idea of ​​"European integration", but since only the 19th century began, Raleev had no choice but to become a republican. At first he took a moderate position and defended, but the Restoration forced him to change his views to more radical ones.

Return to Russia

Returning to his homeland, Ryleev served in the army for a short time. He retired in 1818, and two years later he married, out of ardent and passionate love, the daughter of the Voronezh landowner Tevyashev, Natalya Mikhailovna. A brief biography of Ryleev says that the couple had two children: a son who died in infancy and a daughter. To feed his family, Kondraty Fedorovich gets a job as an assessor of the St. Petersburg Criminal Chamber. In 1820, the first work of Ryleev the writer was also published - the satirical ode "To the temporary worker", where the author attacked the mores of the "Arakcheevshchina".

Literary and social activities

In 1823, Ryleev joined the "Northern Society", and also, together with Bestuzhev, began to publish the almanac "Polar Star". Together with Griboyedov, he was a member of a literary circle with a free-thinking bias, called the "Scientific Republic". He also tried himself as a translator from Polish, thanks to which Glinsky's "Dumas" were published in Russia. A brief biography of Ryleev lists among the main works of the writer, such as "Ivan Susanin", "The Death of Yermak", as well as the poems "Nalivaiko" and "Voinarovsky". But most of all he was glorified by social activities. The brain and engine of the Northern Society of the Decembrists was precisely K.F. Ryleev. A brief biography indicates that since he was a civilian, he did not stand in a revolutionary square on Sennaya Square. Ryleev had just arrived there, but this fact alone was enough to merit a death sentence. He was one of those three hanged men under whom the rope broke, but contrary to custom, the sentence was nevertheless carried out.

Ryleev Kondraty Fedorovich

18(29).9.1795, p. Batovo, now the Gatchinsky district of the Leningrad region, - 13 (25) 7.1826, St. Petersburg

Russian Decembrist poet.

Born on September 18 (29 n.s.) in the village of Batovo, St. Petersburg province, in the family of an army officer, a poor landowner. He was educated in the cadet corps (1801 - 14) in St. Petersburg, released as an ensign in the artillery and sent to the army, which was on a foreign campaign. Staying in Germany, Switzerland and especially in France did not pass without a trace for the young officer.

Member of foreign campaigns of the Russian army (1814, 1815).

The victory over Napoleon prompts him to take up the pen, odes appear: "Love for the Fatherland" (1813), "Prince of Smolensky" (1814).

Since 1817, transferred to Russia, Ryleev served in the Voronezh province. Like other advanced officers, he was burdened by the Arakcheev order in the army, so in 1818 he resigned and moved to St. Petersburg (1820).

He served as an assessor of the St. Petersburg Criminal Chamber (from 1821), the head of the office of the Russian-American Company (from 1824). In 1823 he became a member of the Northern Society of the Decembrists, then leading the most radical and democratic part of it. In his political views, Ryleev evolved from moderate constitutional-monarchical to republican.

In St. Petersburg, he becomes close to the capital's writers, becomes a member of the "Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature". A special place in the poet's work is occupied by the poetic cycle "Duma" (1821 - 23), the purpose of which was "to remind the youth of the exploits of their ancestors, to acquaint them with the brightest epochs of folk history ...".

He played a leading role in organizing the uprising on December 14, 1825. He was executed in the Peter and Paul Fortress among the five leaders of the uprising.

Literary fame was brought to Ryleev by the satire "To a temporary worker" (1820) - an angry denunciation of the Arakcheev order. The further formation of Ryleev's creative principles is connected with the Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, of which he became a member in 1821. In 1823-25, Ryleev, together with A. A. Bestuzhev, published the annual almanac "Polar Star". In 1821-23 Ryleev created a cycle of historical songs "Duma" (separate edition of 1825): "Oleg the Prophetic", "Mstislav the Udaly", "Death of Yermak", "Ivan Susanin", "Peter the Great in Ostrogozhsk", "Derzhavin" and etc. Turning to the heroic past of Russia, the poet rethinks it in the spirit of his own civil ideals.

Decembrist love of freedom and a foretaste of the future fate of this movement are imbued with the central work of Ryleev - the poem "Voynarovsky" (separate edition of 1825). Ryleev puts thoughts about high civil service to the homeland into the confession of the protagonist of the poem, exiled to Siberia for participating in the rebellion against Peter I, raised by Mazepa. The inconsistency of Ryleev's historicism was reflected in the romantic idealization of Mazepa and Voinarovsky, in the retreat from historical truth in the name of propaganda of the Decembrist ideas.

Although A. S. Pushkin valued Ryleyev's poem above his "Dum", in "Poltava" he argues with the concept of history expressed in "Voinarovsky". In the unfinished poem "Nalivaiko" (excerpts published in 1825), Ryleyev addresses the theme of the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian Cossacks in the 16th century. against the nobility. The most complete expression of civic pathos in Ryleev's lyrics was the poem "Will I be in a fateful time ..." ("Citizen"). In propaganda and satirical songs ("Oh, where are those islands ...", "Our Tsar, a Russian German ...", "How the blacksmith was walking ...", "Ah, I feel sick even in my native land ... "etc.), written jointly with A. A. Bestuzhev, sounded hatred for the autocratic serf system and direct calls for its overthrow.

Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleev - poet, Decembrist. He was born on September 18, 1795, in a place called Batovo. He grew up in a poor noble family. After completing his studies in the Cadet Corps, he went on foreign campaigns as part of the Russian army. In 1818, he decides to leave military service, and goes to work in the criminal judicial chamber. He was characterized by a craving for justice and fair resolution of litigation in favor of disadvantaged people.

He was a member of various literary circles. But the most significant for the future fate of the poet was his membership in the Northern Society of the Decembrists. Ryleev was against the shedding of blood of the royal family during the uprising. He adhered to a constitutional monarchy, but over time, he nevertheless changed his views to the republican ones.

In organizing the Decembrist uprising. Ryleyev was one of the most active participants in the events on Senate Square. For which he was captured and sentenced to death. In the summer of 1826, Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleev was hanged.


The poet Kondraty Ryleev was born in 1795 in the autumn of September 18 in the St. Petersburg province in the village of Batovo. His father was a very stern man and loved to gamble, and lost everything overnight. Little Kondraty was very afraid of his father, as he constantly beat his mother. Distant relatives of the mother, in order to save the boy from household rubbish, sent him to the city of Petersburg. There he entered the military school, where he studied for 13 years (since 1801). During his studies, he had a huge number of comrades who respected him for his honesty and the correct position in relation to people. Even in his youth, the poet began to write poems.

From childhood, Kondraty Fedorovich had to endure many difficult events, which hardened the character of the future public figure and revolutionary. After graduating from a cadet educational institution, he enters the military service and participates in a large number of military campaigns abroad. Later in 1818 he decides to retire and devotes himself entirely to creative activity. In 1820, he marries, and in the same year he writes his world-famous ode called "To a temporary worker."

In 1821 he became an employee in the state criminal chamber of the city of St. Petersburg, and four years later he was transferred to work in the American - Russian company. In 1823, Kondraty Ryleev became a member of the Free Society of Russian Literature. From the middle of 1823, the poet Kondraty Fedorovich published (for two years) the journal Polar Star. Literary evenings were often held in the house of the poet and revolutionary Ryleev. At the same time, at the end of 1823, two works were published: a whole volume of historical songs "Duma" and the poem "Voinarovsky". In the same year he became a member of the revolutionary Northern Society. The "Thoughts" included such works as "Oleg the Prophet", "Ivan Susanin". Kondraty Fedorovich often said to himself: “I am not a writer, I am an ordinary citizen, like everyone else.”

In 1824, the poet is already at the head of a secret revolutionary society. In October of the same year, he was wounded in a duel while defending his sister's honor. And at the beginning of 1825 he will participate in another duel, but only as a second. On December 14, 1825, before the start of the uprising, the house of the revolutionary K.F. Ryleev became the headquarters. During this period of time, the poet himself is very sick, but this does not stop him and he goes to Senate Square on the day of the uprising along with the rebels. On the same night, the great Russian poet is arrested, but he does not lose heart and continues to engage in creativity, even while under arrest. Poke out letters with a needle on the leaves. He is equated with the five most malicious conspirators and sentenced to death. In 1826, in the city of St. Petersburg, the poet and revolutionary Ryleev was hanged. No one still knows where the great Russian poet and other hanged Decembrists are buried. At that time, rumors circulated in St. Petersburg that the executed revolutionaries were buried on the island of Hunger.

Biography by dates and interesting facts. The most important thing.

Other biographies:

  • Vasiliev Boris Lvovich

    Boris Lvovich Vasiliev became a writer when he was already over 30 years old. But this is already a completely spiritually accomplished person who has gone through the hell of war. At the front he was shell-shocked. He left the army in 1954, wishing to develop in the writing field.

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Ryleev Kondraty Fedorovich (1795-1826), Decembrist, poet

Father - Fedor Andreevich Ryleev.

Mother - Anastasia Matveevna, nee Essen.

The life of the family was not easy, because. Fedor Andreevich liked to live "in a big way" and squandered two estates. If Batovo had not been ceded to Anastasia Matveevna at a low price by relatives, things could have reached complete poverty.

Before Kondraty, four children had died in the family, and in order to save their son in poor health, on the advice of the priest, they named him after the first person they met on the day they went to baptize the boy. It turned out to be a poor retired soldier Kondraty, whom his parents took with them to church as a godfather.

The father was a very stern man both in relation to the serfs and in relation to his wife. The boy was afraid of his father and often cried.

In order to save Kondrash from domestic scenes, Anastasia Matveevna's relatives helped to arrange him in the cadet corps in St. Petersburg.

In the cadet corps

When the boy was not even six years old, he was brought to St. Petersburg. In January 1801, he was enrolled in the "preparatory class" of the 1st Cadet Corps.

Life in an educational institution was very difficult. The older pupils often offended the younger ones, and in the evenings Kondraty often cried, burying his head in the pillow. In addition, it was always cold in large, poorly heated bedrooms, and students slept under thin blankets, and in winter even the smallest ones were dressed in thin overcoats. The boy missed home, his mother, but he held on.

Years passed, and Ryleev gradually got used to military life and drill. He did not study brilliantly, but he tried to study all the subjects important for the future officer thoroughly. And of course he had no equal in literature. Ryleev "overgrown" with many friends who respected him for his exceptional honesty and justice. He stoically endured all punishments and never cried under the rods. Sometimes he took on the guilt of others.

During his studies, Kondraty became addicted to reading. He read everything that could be obtained from the library or from friends, more than once he asked for money for books from his father. But he considered this stupidity and very rarely and hostilely answered his son's letters.

The war of 1812 raised a storm of patriotism in the corps. The younger students were very jealous of the graduates who went to the front. They, too, rushed to defend the fatherland, followed all the news from the active army, heatedly discussed the defeats and victories of the Russian army, and were afraid that they would not have time to join the ranks of those who defend Russia with their breasts.

In 1813, the commander-in-chief Kutuzov died, who was able to deploy Napoleon's "invincible" army away from Russia. Ryleev, like all cadets, was struck by the death of the great military leader and wrote his ode “Love for the Fatherland” on this occasion. By this time, several works about the war were already stored in his “literary notebook”.

In February 1814, Ryleev also waited for his release. He was assigned to the 1st Cavalry Company of the 1st Reserve Artillery Brigade.

The young ensign-poet entered into life with a dream of becoming a faithful citizen of his homeland and, if necessary, without hesitation to give his life for her!

Overseas trips

Since the spring of 1814, Ryleev participated in the foreign campaigns of the Russian army. He visited Poland, Saxony, Bavaria, France and other countries, met many new people, saw a different life and other customs. Knowing ordinary people only from stories and books, Ryleev first saw ordinary soldiers next to him. He knew that these were great heroes who drove the enemy out of their native land. Now the poet saw how hard these heroes live. Ryleev was horrified by the 25-year service life of ordinary soldiers, the ruthless attitude of many officers towards them. An acute feeling of pity for ordinary people arose in his soul, a desire to help. Ryleev began to dream of a case that he could organize to protect ordinary people. But he hasn't yet figured out how to do it.

During the campaign, Ryleev learned about the death of his father, who in recent years worked as a manager in the rich estate of the Golitsin princes. After the death of Ryleev Sr., they stated that he left them a lot of money and took the case to court. As a result of the court decision, Batovo was arrested, and the mother of Kondraty Fedorovich was left practically without a livelihood until the end of her life.

Ryleev felt sorry for his mother, and no matter how hard it was, he never asked her for money.

in the Voronezh province

After returning to Russia (in 1815), the company in which Ryleev served was sent to the Ostrogozhsky district of the Voronezh province. Here the poet remained for several years. In Ostrogozhsk, he met many famous families of the county. Some of them were originally from Ukraine and, surrounded by the Russian people, preserved their original customs and habits.

In Ostrogozhsk, the poet read and thought a lot, often saw the negative aspects of the life of ordinary people. It was here that he fully formed his views and aspirations, developed the best aspects of his poetic talent.

During his visits to Podgornoye, Ryleev met the family of the local landowner M.A. Tevyashov. Soon he began to teach his daughters the Russian language, and the eldest of them, Natasha, really liked the poet. At this time, he writes numerous madrigals and dedications in her honor: "Natasha, Cupid and I", "Dream" and others.

After 2 years, he asks his mother's blessing for marriage. Anastasia Matveevna agrees, but on the condition that the son honestly tells the bride's parents about his poverty. The Tevyashovs are not afraid of the groom's poverty, they give their consent. In 1818 Ryleev retired, and in 1820 Kondraty and Natalya got married.

After the wedding, relatives and friends persuaded the poet to stay with his family in Ukraine and live happily and calmly. But he did not want to "kill" the young years mediocre. His soul was torn to the capital.

Moving to Petersburg. Service in court

In the second half of 1820, Ryleev moved to St. Petersburg. It turns out to be very difficult to settle from scratch, but gradually the Ryleevs get used to a new life.

In October of the same year, the uprising of the Semyonovsky regiment took place, when the desperate soldiers openly opposed the bullying of the new commander. As a result, the entire regiment was imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress, then ordinary soldiers were sent to hard labor or to Siberian garrisons, and officers to the active army with a ban on retiring or receiving any kind of awards.

Ryleev was struck by the brutality of the suppression of the uprising and openly opposed the all-powerful Arakcheev - his ode "To the temporary worker" was published in the Nevsky Spectator magazine. This was the first work of the poet, under which he put his full name. Petersburg was numb, struck by the insane courage of this “baby”, who stood up against the all-powerful “giant”. Thanks to the ambitiousness of Arakcheev, who did not want to openly recognize himself as a tyrant, Ryleev remained at large. But the magazine was closed and the all-powerful nobleman harbored a grudge. The success of the ode made Ryleev take a more serious look at his work and its ultimate goals. For the first time, the poet understands that with his works he can also fight against autocracy.

From January 1821, Ryleev was offered a position as an assessor in the St. Petersburg Chamber of the Criminal Court. He does not refuse, because understands that this work will help him protect ordinary people. During his service, Ryleev creates a well-deserved reputation for being an honest and incorruptible judge.

In April of the same year, Kondraty Fedorovich joined the Free Society of Russian Literature Lovers. It was chaired by the hero of the war of 1812, Fyodor Nikolaevich Glinka, who openly advocated the equal rights of all people. Accordingly, Ryleev found in him a complete like-minded person. The future Decembrist A. Odoevsky, Pushkin's friends V. Kuchelbeker and A. Delvig, the writer A. Griboedov and other prominent personalities of that time were also members of the society. Ryleev developed excellent friendly relations with everyone who was part of the society.

More and more, the poet thinks about how to raise and inspire young people to fight against the autocracy? And it seems to him best to remind him of the heroic deeds of the heroes of past centuries. This is how the idea of ​​Ryley's "Dooms" was born - poetic stories from Russian history, focused on modernity.

In May 1821, Kondraty Fedorovich traveled for some time to Podgornoye, visited Ostrogozhsk and Voronezh. Here he is visited by creative inspiration, and he writes new original works: "Desert", "On the death of Polina young", "When from the Russian sword", etc. In the same period, he begins the cycle "Dum", for which he takes not only from historical works, but also from local folk art. Through the chanting of the heroic past of his native country, Ryleev hopes to “wake up” the progressive youth in order to raise them to fight for a better future for the common people.

Most of the "Dooms" are known even now, some have practically become folk songs (for example, "Death of Yermak").

Closer to tragedy

In the fall of 1823, Ryleev became a member of the Northern Society (Decembrists). He is happy to give all his strength and talent for the benefit of the cause that is most important to him. Often returning from meetings with Bestuzhev, they think a lot about what else can be done to renew Russia. This is how the idea of ​​publishing the almanac "Polar Star" was born, which would enjoy undoubted success until 1825. A.S. Pushkin, A. Delvig, P. Vyazemsky, V. Zhukovsky and many other outstanding writers and poets of that time will publish their best works here. On the pages of the "Polar Star" will be published the best works of Ryleyev himself - "Duma" and the poem "Voinarovsky".

In the spring of 1824, Ryleev moved to the Russian-American Company as the head of the office and settled in a large apartment on the Moika embankment, where a kind of "headquarters" of the Northern Society was organized. At the end of the year, Kondraty Fedorovich headed the organization. He began to strengthen it with new reliable and useful people, to inspire them with his own example. Now Ryleev no longer talked about the possibilities of a constitutional monarchy, he preached the election of a new form of government by the state - a republican one.

This year was marked for the poet by many difficult events: in February he fought a duel and was slightly wounded, in June his mother died, and in September his son, who had just turned one year old.

fatal uprising

In September 1825, Ryleev participated in another duel, but already as a second. Instead of trying to reconcile the participants, he in every possible way inflated their conflict. Perhaps it was because of this that the duel ended in the death of both participants.

The beginning of December brought an unexpected event for the participants of the Northern Society - Alexander I died. The Decembrists planned to coincide with the time of the death of the tsar, but did not think that this would happen so soon.

Ryleev and the leaders of other Decembrist organizations urgently began to prepare a speech. It was appointed for December 14, 1825. Trubetskoy was elected leader, whom Ryleev fully trusted. And it was Trubetskoy who became the main traitor.

Kondraty Fedorovich himself, as a civilian, could only come to Senate Square and support the rebels. And he was there, and then most of the day he rushed around the city, hoping to find help.

By evening, government troops were drawn to the square, which were four times more than the rebels. Nicholas I gave the order to shoot "at the rebels." The Decembrists fought to the last, not believing in the promised pardon. Around the square there was a huge crowd of people who sympathized with the rebels and at the first call could join their ranks, but the Decembrists did not understand this and died alone. The uprising was put down. Those who survived were arrested and sent to the Peter and Paul Fortress.

On the same night they came for Ryleev. He was interrogated in the palace, then sent to the same place as all the conspirators.

Interrogations went on for several months. Ryleev took upon himself all possible "sins", named only those Decembrists, whose arrest he already knew for sure, tried in every possible way to shield his comrades, spoke of his irreconcilable hatred of the reigning family.

Thanks to such “truthfulness”, Kondraty Fedorovich was among the five main instigators of the uprising, whom it was decided to hang.

The sentence was carried out on July 13 (25), 1826 in the Peter and Paul Fortress. It is assumed that the state-owned Decembrists were buried on Goloday Island, but the exact place of their rest is unknown.

Interesting facts about Ryleev:

When Ryleev was ill as a child, his mother fervently prayed to God for her son's recovery. An angel appeared to her, who said that it would be easier for the boy to die than to receive such a fate. When she did not agree, the angel left Kondraty's life, but showed his mother how her son would end his life.

The poet was among those 3 unfortunates, under which the rope broke during hanging. They fell deep into the gallows, were pulled out and hung a second time.

Today, O. Goloday bears the name "Island of the Decembrists."

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