National habits and characteristics of the Spaniards (9 photos). About Spanish seniors - what are they, Spanish women Spanish girls

I talked about Spanish men, so to speak, destroyed the ideas of my compatriots (and not only) about “hot Spanish machos”. And now an article about women. To be honest, I didn’t intend to write about women (that’s why this article didn’t appear immediately after the article about men). I did not intend to, because I did not know what to write about them. Somehow I did not pay attention to women and their features in Spain. Actually, this is normal, I have always been attracted to the opposite sex, and it was for men that I observed and compared them in different countries.

Having lived in the country for a relatively long time, as well as observing women, I gathered material for writing this article. So now I will destroy the idea of ​​​​many men about burning Spanish brunettes. I will talk about Valencian women for the most part.

1. As soon as I moved to Spain, the first thing that caught my eye was that Spanish women are completelynot beauties. I imagined them all like Penelope Cruz - long black hair, big eyes, slim figure. Of course, not everyone is like that, but I thought something similar. Alas and ah, my ideas were a complete fiasco. The women here are not Penelope or even Cruz. They are not tall, with big priests and breasts, which, by the way, they don’t know how to “wear” (meaning, choose the right underwear).

chest and poops, this is not bad at all - many men will tell me. I agree, but there is one “but” - they do not have a waist, i.e. pillar figure. On the face, to put it mildly, not chic-shine. Many have bulging eyes (bulging), large facial features (not feminine at all) and generally large elongated faces. Well, in general, without 100 grams you can’t look. Naturally, not 100% of the population, but on average they are. Here is a very famous Spanish actress Rossi de Palma:

Women in Spain - Rossi de Palma, actress of Spain.

She is in makeup and without makeup:

"The Ugly Beauty" by Rossi de Palma

It is clear that one person is not judged, but, to be honest, it reflects the appearance of many Spaniards very well.

2. The second thing that caught my eye is not the femininity of women. I am used to Russian slender, well-dressed women and girls confidently walking through life. In shoes with heels to work, walking with children, shopping with such ease, as if in our country girls are already born in heels. Always well-groomed, with make-up and everything. And this is not a festive look, but a daily one.

I'll tell you a secret, when my husband came to the Russian Federation, he walked with his mouth open and could not stop admiring the beauty of the girls, their harmony, as well as the ease with which they moved in high heels along the street. He wondered whyto take out the trash and go shopping they look twice as good as they do in Spain for a wedding. I explained to him that every person, in theory, wants to be attractive, that in our country there are very few men and many women, and in order to attract a man, you must always be ready for battle, even taking out the trash.

Of course, I was joking, althoughthere is some truth in this. She explained that life is not so long as to wait for a holiday in order to look good. We must live like the last day. He was delighted when he saw beauties in the usual grocery store. I was only "for" his "bride". Beauty is to be seen and enjoyed. We all love to look at nature, the sea, sunsets and sunrises ... and beautiful people.

So, back to Spain. I didn't see anything like it here. I was struck by how women here are not feminine. Their appearance is basically "terrifying." Heels are out of the question. And it’s not the women of Spain who are to blame, for me Europe generally dresses like potatoes - shapeless sweaters, dresses, pants, which more than one generation has put on, I’m sorry, shoes - which has clearly already “weeded” the potatoes. That is why I try to dress in the Russian Federation or look for shops with non-European fashion here.

An ordinary woman in Valencia is dressed in pants, a jacket, sports shoes or ballet flats. And this is how you will see her at work, in a store, in a bar or in a club (!). No difference. On the head is usually “I fell from the hayloft, braked with my head”, i.e. a tail or braid at best, but always uneven, slid to one side, with poorly tucked strands sticking out, or loose hair, but they definitely haven’t been combed in the morning. This is the picture in my head when talking about Spanish women in Valencia.

3. Spanish can't walk in heels. Actually, they don’t wear them, just like most of Europe. Sad, of course, but alas. Spaniards are not tall and a heel would not hurt them. As I wrote in one of the articles, it is basically impossible to buy normal shoes with heels in Valencia. There are a lot of shoes, but you can’t buy them. She is so uncomfortable that you feel like a Chinese woman who was shoved into a special. laces are three sizes smaller (as it used to be fashionable - the smaller the girl's foot, the better). The shoe last is so uncomfortable that even I, with years of experience wearing heels, was not able to walk in Spanish shoes.

Perhaps this influenced the fact that Spaniards do not wear such shoes. The maximum that Spanish women wear on holidays is 3-4 cm, which is not a heel (in my understanding). A heel of 10-15 cm was not seen here, and if they were seen, it was like a strange exhibit not intended to be worn. But it is not important. Something else is important. Yes, the Spaniard can be seen in heels - at a party, in a nightclub, but it's better not to see. A cow on ice is a real professional compared to a Spanish woman in heels. This is a very pitiful sight. Well, how can you not be able to walk on a 3 cm heel ?!

It's very simple, let me tell you. For some reason, they buy shoes 1-2 sizes larger. And it's not a joke. It can be seen from the fact that they are not comfortable, they buy shoes with heels larger size to alleviate their plight, so to speak. At the same time, they do not understand that they are only making it worse. I think that all of us - women and men - at least once in our lives measured and tried to walk in shoes that were not our size, but, let's say, larger. Shoes fall off! So the Spaniards manage to walk in this. And the main thing is visible! It can be seen that 2 fingers will fit between the shoe and the heel! And the poor woman drags these shoes behind her, because you can’t walk beautifully in this, and when you don’t know how, it turns into a “circus big top” show.

4. As for the style of clothing, then, as I said, Europe with its hoodies, hiding a slender body and increasing a woman by three sizes, is killing me. Spanish clothing style can be defined as bad taste. Of course, this is my opinion and hundreds of people will disagree. I write as I see it. For me, the way Spanish women dress has no logic. I don’t understand how you can wear shorts, a T-shirt and autumn boots made of thick leather in 30-35 ° heat! Or how you can wear a fur coat (or a warm jacket), a hat and flip flops in winter! Very extreme persons (mostly elderly) go to 20-25 ° in a fur coat. Really in a thick fur coat! I understand that there is wind (20° in Valencia is not 20° in Russia, it is cool), but there is also a lot of sun - not a fur coat! Even the photo took such “frames”, but here such photos are somehow inconvenient to post - nevertheless private life person. So the style here is very bad.

The situations I described to you are, of course, out of the ordinary, but they exist! In general, clothes that are not suitable in terms of fabric, style, style, size and figure - the fatter the lady, the tighter the clothes fit her; the slimmer, the wider the potato bag on it. Basically, I don't understand people.

By the way, this also applies to men. It seems that it’s easy for men to get dressed - jeans, a shirt, whatever else. Oh no! They manage to match the style of their ladies. Slip-on socks, that's understandable. It's not just in Spain. Something else hurts me more: when they wear a long-sleeved T-shirt under a short-sleeved shirt. It looks so bad, there are no words. And when there are problems with the color, it's just terrible.For example, a thick black long-sleeved T-shirt and a summer thin blue sleeveless shirt on top. I fought with my husband for a very long time about this, explained, asked, shouted: “I won’t go out with you in this form to disgrace myself on the street.” And he told me - “Before whom to disgrace? Everyone walks like that on the street!” Really! Although, it should be recognized that here a few men walk in cheap tracksuits. There are a lot of such “stylish” people in Russia. It was, at least.

As for the overall color of the clothes. This, as I wrote somewhere, is a feature of the country. Favorite colors - black, brown - all shades, gray - from dark to light, the color of a child's surprise with its shades, beige, white. In general, colors that have never been in my wardrobe and I can not stand them (except black and white, of course). There is only "dullness" in the stores.

Continued in the next one.

Copyright to the article belongs to the head of the company SPAIN INVEST and the author of the text - Anna Lepshina. Copying the article to other sites without the consent of the author is strictly prohibited

Spain- one of the largest European countries, which is proudly located, or rather, almost completely occupies the Iberian Peninsula and is officially called the Kingdom of Spain. A sovereign state with a long history, its own traditions and a unique and interesting culture.

Everyone associates Spaniards with bullfighting, conquistadors and the football team. All of these are aspects related in one way or another to struggle, spirituality, and an ardent temperament. We have the right to project all this on beautiful Spanish women who are as passionate, passionate and emotional as a bullfight.

Attempts to achieve spanish girl akin aggressive campaigns conquistadors. And their intriguing nature is on a par with the intrigue in a beautiful and tense football match. Well, perhaps, imagining the Spanish beauty, we see the image of an imposing and at the same time playful lady with a golden tan, because Spain is a sunny country, also famous for its many magnificent beaches.

If you have already outlined, it will be interesting for you to read this article before starting the design.

Appearance, character, temperament

If we talk about the European representatives of the fair sex, then it is hardly possible to put the Spanish beauties on a par with them, they stand out sharply and qualitatively against their background. European ladies are usually modest, sophisticated, elegant and pure love emanates from them.

In Spain, the country of bull races, the ladies have pressure, and if you describe them in one word, choosing from “Love” and “Passion”, then definitely “Passion”, without any doubt. Spaniards have a firm, resolute character, speaking of them, the thought of their impregnability and the desire for independence often comes to mind.

In Spain, rarely anyone strives to build serious relationship in early age, youth is enjoyed rather dissolutely, in good sense this word. Here, in a relationship, girls value the ability to have a good time more than to care. Gifts, flowers, a romantic dinner - all this will not make such an impression as, for example, incendiary pair dances until the morning in a club.

The appearance of the Spanish seductress fascinates at first sight, they seem impregnable, which in itself attracts, but at the same time, there is some licentiousness and a desire to make new acquaintances.

In no case do not ask Spaniards a question about their age, they are extremely proud and prone to touchiness.

They like to chat, and quite loudly, as if they don’t know anything about some kind of constraint, they can easily arrange a noisy debriefing scene for you in a crowded place, not paying attention to what is happening around. On the one hand, their appearance is not outstanding, but on the other hand, there is something bewitching in them, as if their character is part of their alluring appearance.

How do Spaniards dress?

Clothing on Spanish girls can be very different, it depends more on age than anything else. From graceful puffy outfits that you might remember from famous movie"Zorro".

Wonderful floor-length black dresses trimmed with red embroidery - business card Spaniards. Recent times, If speak about casual clothes shorts are in fashion. They may be very different, but they all flaunt the beautiful legs of Spanish women.

By the way, shorts are not shy to wear in a variety of places, from the office to the beach. But all these simple little things are the lot of young people, while mature women prefer elegant outfits, sophisticated, emphasizing all the undeniable advantages of their figure.

A separate topic for conversation - Spanish hairstyles, these are painstakingly created works of art, giving a special charm, setting the right tone in their appearance. Hair is most often long and lush. Blondes are much rarer than the black hair that dominates the Iberian Peninsula.

If you think that in Spain you can find your love and live with her together until old age, but no ... for sure, you are sure of this - then be sure to read the article with a guide to immigration to Spain:. And luck will accompany you!

Love and passion

As we said above, an all-consuming passion is what distinguishes Spanish women from other European beauties.

The ardor and sensuality of a Spanish girl will make your holiday romance an unforgettable adventure in the sunny expanses of this country.

If you are looking for a country where you could have an unusually passionate romance with a local woman, then hurry to the Spanish Visa Application Center. This will be your ticket to a paradise filled with beautiful women who truly appreciate wild sexual relationships.

The most beautiful Spanish girls

Let's make a list of the most attractive Spanish women, after reading which, you can have an idea of ​​the beauty of Spanish girls.

Nereya Ars, a fashion model who takes part in the largest fashion shows around the world. She was born on March 10, 1988 in Barakaldo.

Lauren Bernal, an actress who starred in TV series and films. Born in 1977 in Argentina, but at an early age she moved with her family to their historical homeland.

Almundena Fernandez, supermodel, was born in 1977 in Benavente.

Paz Vega- Film actress, who gained fame for the film "Spanish English", was born in 1976 in Andalusia.

And, of course, it is impossible not to mention Penelope Cruz. Spanish actress, Oscar winner, was born in Madrid on April 28, 1974.

Many Spanish actresses are not far behind in popularity from their colleagues from the USA, Great Britain, France and other countries of the world. Beautiful women, who were born in the homeland of flamenco and bullfighting, achieve world fame, conquer Hollywood. Fame all over the world managed to win not only the famous Penelope, the muse of Pedro Almodovar and ex-lover Tom Cruise, but also other talented film stars who are her compatriots, whose achievements can be read in this article.

Penelope Cruz - Star #1

The name of this actress will be the first thing that will come to mind for most viewers if you ask them to name the most famous Spaniard in the world of cinema. Penelope Cruz was born in Madrid, a joyful event took place in April 1974. The girl's parents had nothing to do with cinema, her father was engaged in trade, her mother worked as a hairdresser. Penelope has a sister and brother, who also connected their lives with creativity, but have not yet been able to repeat the success of their talented relative.

As a child, Penelope Cruz could not imagine life without dancing, for the sake of training she neglected lessons. However, her dream of becoming a famous dancer disappeared at the age of 13 thanks to the movie "Tie Me Up". leading role in which Antonio Banderas performed. The girl decided that she would achieve fame as an actress and would star in the films of Pedro Almodovar.

Her first film was the drama "Greek Labyrinth", which was released in 1991, in which the young Spaniard played a small role. This was followed by participation in the filming of the films "Trap" and "Love, Sex and Ham", after the release of which local directors drew attention to her. Penelope received her first fans and a "ticket" to Hollywood thanks to the film "Belle Epoque", which collected a huge number of awards. The role in the drama "Living Flesh" helped Cruz consolidate her success, so her dream to star in Almodovar came true. The most famous films with her participation: "Return", "Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona".

Biography of "Queen Chanticleer"

Sara Montiel is an actress from Spain, whose existence the world knew long before the birth of Penelope. The "Queen of Chanticleer" was born in March 1928, a joyful event took place in a small Spanish town with the unpronounceable name of Campo de Criptana. The girl's parents dreamed that she would devote herself to serving God, but at the age of 11 she decided that she would become an actress, having won Grand Prize for participation in the song contest.

For my long life Sarah Montiel has appeared in more than 80 films, preferring musical melodramas in which she could sing. The brightest tapes with the participation of a Spaniard: "Queen of Chanticleer", "Casablanca - a nest of spies." The actress managed to make herself known as a singer, captivating the audience with a special manner of singing and introducing the bolero into everyday life. The number of fans of the film star included such celebrities as Fidel Castro, Ernest Hemingway, she died in 2013, having managed to celebrate her 85th birthday.

History of Clara Lago

Young Spanish actresses who have achieved fame relatively recently also deserve attention. For example, Clara Lago, who got her first role at the age of 8. Such an early interest in the work of a girl who was born in 1990 in Madrid is not surprising. Lago's mother famous writer, father is a successful designer. The first years of Clara's life were surrounded by creative people, many of which were associated with cinema. The role in the series "Partners" eight-year-old Lago got thanks to a friend of his father, who acted as a producer of the show.

The beautiful Spanish actress got her first fans already at the age of 12, fame came to her after the release of the film Carol's Journey, in which she played the main role. The painting “Three meters above the sky” helped to consolidate the success, after the release of which Clara began to be called the Spanish Audrey Tautou. Also, the girl can be seen in such popular films as "End of the World", "Bunker", "Eight Basque Surnames".

Paz Vega - matador's daughter

Many Spanish have mastered English language just for the sake of a career in the "dream world". Among them is Paz Vega - a sultry beauty, whose birthplace is the Spanish Seville. The girl was born in 1976 in the family of a matador. The desire to become an actress came to her in adolescence when she got to the play "The House of Bernard Alba". Parents insisted that their daughter first receive a diploma in journalism, but Vega left her studies after two years.

The very first role made the temperamental Spaniard popular in her country, the TV project "More than friends" with her participation long time enjoyed fame in the homeland of Pas. It is not surprising that the beauty was quickly called to a big movie, which allowed her to declare herself to the world already in 2003, starring in the film "Carmen". Vega got a job in Hollywood with little or no English, but quickly managed to learn the language. Starting with the role of a Spanish housekeeper in the comedy "Spanish English", she began to receive more and more new offers. "10 steps to success", "Avenger", "I'm very excited" - in all these famous films removed Vega.

Paz considers her main achievement to be the role of the opera star she played in Princess of Monaco.

Elena Anaya - girl from the street

What other famous Spanish actresses are there whose names are familiar to the whole world? Among the most bright stars, of course, includes Elena Anaya. The beauty was born in Palencia, it happened in 1975. The first years of Elena's life were not cloudless, her parents had four children, the family constantly experienced financial difficulties. As a teenager, the girl dreamed of a career as an athlete, neglecting lessons for the sake of swimming. However, by her coming of age, she suddenly decided to become an actress.

Elena got into the cinema thanks to director Julio Medem, who offered her a role in his drama Lucia and Sex. At the moment, Anaya is known not only in Spain, she is constantly invited to international projects. Such films with her participation as "The Skin I Live In", "Van Helsing", "Dead Fish" gained the greatest popularity.

Star of "Physics or Chemistry"

The series "Physics or Chemistry" has become a "ticket to life" for many talented young people, including Ursula Corbero. The Spaniard's birthplace is Barcelona, ​​where she was born in August 1989. The first popularity came to the girl thanks to the TV projects "Countdown", "Black Lagoon". However world fame fell upon her after the release of the show "Physics or Chemistry".

Ursula Corbero played a participant in the popular series love triangle, thousands of fans of the show were worried about the fate of her heroine. To their delight, everything ended well. Ursula boasts not only talent and excellent external data, but also excellent taste. Many girls try to copy her special style of dressing. Despite her short height (163 cm), Corbero is in demand and as a model she collaborates with many prestigious brands.

Achievements of Oona Chaplin

Like many other Spanish actresses, Una Chaplin became popular thanks to the series. The name of this bright beauty is known to all fans of the cult television project "Game of Thrones". In this show, she got the difficult role of Talisa, the wife of Robb Stark, for the sake of marrying whom he risked his own kingdom.

Participation in the filming of the series "Game of Thrones" is far from the only achievement of the Spanish star, who was born in 1986 in Madrid. The girl is known to the audience from the films "The Devil's Double" and "The Long Road", she can also be seen in the TV projects "Sherlock", "Date", "Black Mirror", "Hour". Una is the granddaughter of Charlie Chaplin himself, she is a great flamenco dancer and does not like to leave her beloved Madrid for a long time.

Carmen Maura - muse of Pedro Almodovar

Not only Penelope Cruz loves to shoot in his paintings, the famous Spaniard Pedro Almodovar. Among his favorites, for which he always has roles, is and was born in 1945 in a wealthy Madrid family, her parents belonged to a well-known aristocratic dynasty. As a child, she was fond of singing, dreamed of declaring herself as a singer, but fate decreed otherwise.

When an actress is asked to name the film she most enjoyed acting in, she chooses The Return, a film directed by Almodóvar. The most unusual role of Carmen is a transgender man from the drama "The Law of Desire", after the release of which she began to be called a gay icon. Maura is not afraid to shock the public, she is proud of her image strong woman capable of handling any challenge.

The famous "understudy"

Monica Cruz is known to the public primarily as the sister of Penelope, extremely similar to her in appearance. The most famous role of the actress was due to the pregnancy of a famous relative who asked to replace her on the set of the adventure film Pirates of the Caribbean. Of course, the understudy was used only in filming from afar, since she and Penelope are still not twins.

Monica Cruz was born in March 1977 in Alcobendas. Even in the first years of her life, the girl "fell ill" with ballet, she devoted many years to dancing. She even at one time was a member of the troupe, but for unknown reasons she quit performing. Now Monica is focused on raising her little daughter, her career has temporarily faded into the background.

Blanca Suarez and her accomplishments

Like many young Spanish actresses, Blanca Suarez can still be proud of only one bright role that she played in the drama "The Skin I Live In". In this Almodovar film, she played the role of the daughter of the central character Norma, Antonio Banderas became her on-screen "dad". Blanca owes her popularity to a high-profile romance - for several years she had a romantic relationship with a star from Spain, Mario Casas.

The Spanish character has long been the talk of the town. The brightness, emotionality, passion of Spanish women, combined with a burning appearance, act magically on members of the opposite sex, especially on men of the Nordic type. For them, all of these factors are exotic. Let's figure out what they are - Spaniards.

Let's start with appearance. Of course, not all women resemble Carmen - an example of this are some famous Spaniards who do not differ in their burning appearance at all. However, due to natural liveliness, the fair sex of this nation is incredibly charming. In addition, they know how and love to take care of themselves, which is manifested in the application of spectacular makeup, the ability to create an image, the selection of accessories and clothes. Spaniards will never say that visiting beauty salons is a waste of time. And this approach brings amazing results.

As for the character, then stormy showdowns, heated debates, no less heated reconciliations - this is all true. We can say that such a temperament is genetically inherent in them. It is not easy with such women, but they know how to sink into the soul, inspire - just remember how many images of Spanish women are captured in works of literature, music and fine art!

How are such ladies perceived in society today? Fortunately or not, Spain has been hit hard by the wave of feminism thanks to the influence of European countries and the United States. Women realized that it is vital for them to realize themselves, climb up the career ladder along with the representatives of the stronger sex. And, I must say, such a desire is often rewarded - the Spanish women do not hold perseverance, as well as a strong character. Yes, and many men are interested in such independent women. The state also does not interfere with such trends at all, on the contrary, even the Ministry of Equality has been created, whose activity is to ensure that the rights of both sexes are respected equally.

But, of course, feminism also has the other side of the coin - first of all, the demographic situation suffers, since ladies give the lion's share of their efforts to building a career. And for Spanish women, who have always been considered excellent housewives, this is still a little unusual, and children in Spain are simply adored. However, it is quite common to want to have a child at the age of forty, because average duration life in this country is quite high - about 80-85 years.

However, despite the fashion trends in terms of feminism, Spaniards are able to keep the hearth to this day. From them are obtained caring wives and mothers, moreover - in this country a real cult of children. Children are adored, they are indulged in everything. The Spaniards have rather large families, which consist of representatives of different generations living under the same roof. And women always occupy in them central location. They love to cook. How else, if in Spain there is a real cult tasty food? Spanish housewives are excellent, while they find time to take care of themselves.

So, what can be said about leisure? In between household chores like cooking and gathering children and husband, it is quite possible to drink coffee. At the same time, it is best to meet with friends, chat on different topics in some nice cozy cafe. This way of life has been preserved for years - you can often meet respectable old women who sit in a cafe and chat with friends over a cup of aromatic coffee. However, even as old women, Spanish women continue to carefully monitor their appearance.

Few people in Spain seek to start a family early - girls love dancing until the morning, and entertainment has been in the first place for them for a long time. In addition, far from every man can cope with the recalcitrant character of a Spaniard - they seem to be not against making new acquaintances, but at the same time they keep the brand of impregnability for a long time. Yes, and such women love to flirt, which means that a man will have to feel like a conquistador conquering new lands.

When you see a Spaniard somewhere, you will most likely recognize her right away - a well-groomed bright appearance, a bright temperament create that individuality that you can’t confuse with anything. The charm of a Spanish woman is able to conquer anyone - it just so happened historically.

But somewhat extended. You can check it out there. Here I will lay out the way it was originally written - about beautiful Spanish ladies. There will definitely be a sequel!

What happens when the whole family with two children of two and five years old moves to Spain?

One evening two months ago, my husband slammed his fist on the table and said: “That's it, it's decided, let's go!”, Ending with this phrase the rare debate about the move that we have been having for the past six months. And so we ended up in the small town of Torrevieja in the province of Valencia. It is said to be the sunniest city in Spain, where sunny days is 320 days a year. And what? If you run from the rainy Urals, then immediately into the sun.

Our weekdays so far consist of trips to the beach for a tan, to the store for teapots and pans, and to the market for groceries. But new impressions break into our unpretentious life every day.

After a whole 8 days in Spain, I confess that I have an irrational fear of the Spanish seniors. Although, why irrational? Quite rationally explainable. Judge for yourself.

What are Spanish women like?

My first acquaintance with the Spanish ladies took place exactly 30 seconds after we arrived and entered the apartment for the first time. The bell rang, I opened the door and saw her. Behind the threshold stood a well-groomed, colorful lady of about fifty, plump, with chemicals in her hair and red lipstick on her lips. Seeing me, hung with children and bags, she immediately asked something. Having received from me a bewildered “uh” and the same bewildered smile in response, she, not at all embarrassed, continued to ask something, say something very emotionally and wave her arms. Without waiting for an answer, she said the crown Spanish “Bale” (Vale - good), smiled, waved her hand and retired somewhere down. Later I found out that she was just our downstairs neighbor, but the image of a large, confident, emotional and very loud lady was imprinted in my brain.

About oddities

When I woke up the next day, I saw something white in my window. It swayed, exhaled the aroma of freshness and closed the entire window. It turned out that in front of the bedroom windows there was a sheet from the hanger of a neighbor above us. Did you know that many Spanish houses are built on the principle of a well, when the windows face the courtyard? So, usually with this inside a folding clothes dryer is installed under the windows. And on this dryer, a neighbor attached a sheet with clothespins from above so that it covered the entire window for us. You do not think, I do not feel sorry, just the fact itself is quite curious. Personally, in Russia I try not to disturb the peace of our neighbors. Frankly, I don’t even know all the neighbors on the landing by sight, and I certainly don’t come to meet them 30 seconds after they entered the apartment and I don’t hang sheets on their windows.

And the owner of the apartment across from ours hangs laundry under her bedroom window every morning. I have never caught her doing this yet, but the size of her bathing suit, fluttering in the wind like a sail of a cruising yacht, inspires me respect. I'm already looking forward to our inevitable meeting. Just in case, for the sake of this meeting, I taught the children to say “Buenos dias” (buenos días-good morning), and not a simple “Ola” (Hola! - hello) ..
Speaking in general, the Spanish seniors really speak very loudly. Actually, all Spaniards do not limit themselves in decibels, but Spaniards in particular. They can stand at the door of some cafe and say goodbye for a long and loud time. Gathering in groups of three or more, they can compete with a jet aircraft in terms of noise produced.

Spanish ladies of any age can be of any build, although more often still overweight, but at the same time they are all very well-groomed. I have never seen so many ladies with red lipstick in one street in Russia. Many walk in heels even in the very respectable age. And they are not shy about sunbathing topless. At first I thought that the ladies on the beach sparkling with their charms were foreigners, but no! The most that neither is Spanish.
They are very loving. Ladies with dogs are happy to let their daughters play with their pets of varying degrees of miniature. And Rosalie is the luckiest of all - all the elderly aunts try to talk to her and stroke her head or hand, and she waves back to them gratefully.

It would seem, cute? But there is something in these ladies unusual for us, perhaps their activity and noticeable goodwill. It looks weird to us, doesn't it? But I have hope to love these ladies in time. At least the next door neighbor. It turns out that she sings arias when she hangs laundry on the balcony. He sings pretty well. And you can already love her for that, right?

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