How many brothers does jamie oliver have. Biography of Jamie Oliver. Jamie Oliver is the brightest star of culinary rock and roll

The chef has gained worldwide popularity thanks to the original approach to cooking. He has written many cookbooks, on television he participated in cooking shows, worked on lunches in schools in the UK. He is the host of the Naked Chef show, which earned him this nickname.

The beginning of the road to success

James Trevor Oliver (pictured) was born on May 27, 1975 in the village of Clavering. At school, little Jamie was a rogue and a prankster, studying poorly, partly due to lack of interest, partly due to dyslexia. It would seem that his childhood biography is not much different from any bully boy, but even in childhood, business acumen can be traced. So, being the son of a bar owner, he could buy sweets at the local cash & carry with a 20% discount. Taking advantage of this, Jamie resold goodies to classmates.

He began his career as a cook in his parents' pub called Cricketers. At the age of 8, he was entrusted with cutting vegetables, a little later he was allowed to work as a waiter. Already at the age of eleven, he actively participated in culinary competitions along with the rest of the pub workers. For this he received a large number of awards. At the age of 16, he began his studies at Westminster Service College, for which he left school. Then he worked in France, having gained experience, he came back to London. As a young man, he worked as a pastry chef in a restaurant, where he learned how to cook Italian cuisine. He then worked at the River Cafe. According to him, there he learned how to cook healthy food. In 1997, a film about this cafe was released, in which you can see Jamie Oliver.

Career heyday

In 1999, his own culinary program, The Naked Chef, was launched. James admits that he was dissatisfied with the name that the producer came up with, but the audience liked this name. The program got its name because of the ease of presentation of recipes. Now the program is shown in 40 countries. Then, in 1999, he was lucky enough to cook food for the prime minister.

In 2002, the restaurant "Fifteen" was opened, where fifteen people worked, who did not know how to cook before. These were difficult teenagers and people with a criminal record. The restaurant was charitable. Jamie believed that people in the UK were bad at cooking because they were accustomed to badly cooked food from childhood, and to solve the problem, he opened his foundation. He began solving the problem with teenagers and children. The opening of the restaurant required a pledge of its property. The idea became quite successful, and so Jamie opened similar establishments in several countries.

In 2003, the chef was awarded a knightly order. Per healthy eating.

In 2005, Jamie created a campaign to get kids in the UK to eat healthy. The campaign promoted organic food, a culinary educational program intended to improve the food of the British. The government supported this idea, and then Jamie took up active promotion of healthy eating. Oliver later launched a campaign to ban junk food school. Jamie also opened his own restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Since 2012 he has been working at the Manchester City club in charge of food preparation.

In addition, Jamie has published a huge number of books on culinary topics. Wikipedia gives the following list of his most popular works:

"Happy Days with the Naked Chef" (2005)

"Jamie's Kitchen" (2007)

"Cooking with Jamie" (2010)

Family happiness

The chef's personal life developed as follows: in 2000, his wedding took place with Juliet Norton, a former model. They met in 1993. On the this moment the family has four children, 3 girls and 1 boy (family in the photo).

Jamie notes that his wife began to cook well, especially after the appearance of children in the family. She often gives some interesting option familiar recipe. He also speaks of her as a very good mother.

Jamie Oliver believes that motivation must be present on the path to success, it was she who helped him climb to the top of his career.

Briton Jamie Oliver, aka Jamie, aka Naked Chef, is a well-known host of cooking shows, author of dozens of books with step by step recipes delicious meals, owner of a chain of Italian restaurants. The culinary genius of the chef is combined with the charm and humor of a talented showman, having won millions of fans around the world.

The acquired influence Oliver uses not only for enrichment. He works with young people, captivating even difficult teenagers with culinary arts. The chef fights childhood obesity, promotes healthy eating and introduces healthy meals on the school canteen menu. He was awarded the Order of the British Empire by the Queen and has since been officially referred to as Sir James Oliver.

Childhood and youth

James Trevor Oliver was born on May 27, 1975 in the village of Clavering, Essex, UK. He grew up in Cambridge, where his parents, Trevor and Sally, own the pub and restaurant The Cricketers ("Cricketers"). The establishment was built in the 16th century and has been owned by the Oliver family since 1976. Eight-year-old Jamie and his sister Anna-Marie helped their parents in the pub.

At the age of 11, the boy could cut vegetables, as well as perform all the duties of the kitchen staff. In addition to cooking, the future TV star had other interests. In 1989, the teenager, along with musician and composer Lee Haggerwood, founded the band Scarlet Division, where he plays the drum kit. In October 2000, their single Sundial reached number 42 on the UK music charts.

At the age of 16, James began training at Westminster College of Catering. He continued his education in France.


Jamie Oliver's professional career began as a pastry chef at the Neal Street Restaurant by renowned chef Antonio Carluccio. There, Jamie fell in love with Italian cuisine and met Gennaro Contaldo, from whom he learned how to cook traditional Italian dishes.

Later, the young chef moved to London's The River Cafe, where he took the place of the sous-chef and worked for three and a half years. Here he learned how to masterfully cook tuna and joined the healthy diet. After in 1997 Oliver starred in documentary channel BBC "Christmas at the River Cafe" (Christmas at the River Cafe), the biography of the cook became the biography of the TV star.

In 1999, the culinary show The Naked Chef was released, which glorified Jamie and brought him a BAFTA Award. The intriguing title of the show has nothing to do with erotica. Director Patricia Llewelyn, who gave the project the name The Naked Chef, meant that the chef was completely frank with the audience, hiding nothing. By the way, later the producers offered Jamie to pose naked, but he invariably refused.

Millions of fans responded to the "Cooking with Jamie Oliver" call: from housewives and teenagers to the Duchess of Cornwall. At a mock cooking showdown in London with Duchess Camilla, Sir James cooked dough, decorated cupcakes and raised money for charity picnics.

Jamie has been involved in charity work since 2002, when he opened the Fifteen restaurant, where he hired fifteen young people with no culinary experience, but with a criminal past. This idea was successful and led to the creation of the Fifteen network in England and Australia.

In 2005, he launched the Feed Me Better campaign to educate British schoolchildren about healthy eating. With government support, Oliver changed school breakfast standards and promoted a tax on sugary drinks.

At celebrity chef there is an official website, including in Russian. They present the chef's new books, projects with his participation, add links to videos from his Youtube channel. Jamie's Cooking Channel's short videos are cycled by main food or dish type.

On the Jamie Oliver"s Food Tube contains cycles of video recipes dedicated to cooking chicken or shrimp different ways. Thanks to the original sauces borrowed by the author of the recipes in national cuisines peoples of the world, an ordinary piece of beef or fish acquires a new taste, becoming the basis of a family lunch or a gala dinner.

Fun and pleasure Oliver teaches amateurs tasty food manufacturing quick stuffing for pizza or pies from what's left in the fridge from last night's dinner. The traditional English pudding was also invented by economical housewives and brought to perfection by the hands of a professional.

Personal life

The chef is married to the charming model Juliet Norton, better known as Jules. The future spouses met back in 1993, when Jamie was not yet famous. The young people got married in 2000, when he was able to adequately provide for his family. The couple bought a house and settled in Oliver's native village. March 18, 2002 was born in the family eldest daughter Poppy Honey Rosie, and April 10, 2003 - the second, Daisy Boo Pamela.

Six years later, on April 3, 2009, Jules gave birth youngest daughter Petal Blossom Rainbow. After the birth of a son on September 15, 2010, who was named Buddy Beer Maurice, the happy father declared that he was completely happy and ready to have a vasectomy. But on August 8, 2016, Jamie became the father of another boy named River Rocket.

To meet his wife and newborn son from the Portland Clinic, Oliver arrived with all the older children. The photo of the family touched fans of Sir James. Juliet tastes her husband's new dishes and tests his recipes. In one of the books, the cook wrote:

“Jules' voice helps to simplify recipes so that they are accessible to every fan. If she can handle them, then so can you.”

Jamie Oliver now

Oliver's book Five Ingredients: Quick and easy food, published in a good translation, was a New Year's gift to Russian fans. Each of the hundreds of dishes consists of only five components, which are quickly and easily combined, giving a delicious result. These are not balanced meals, but salads, pasta and rice with vegetables and herbs, hearty meat dishes. A separate chapter is devoted to desserts: there are no complicated cakes here, but there are recipes delicious cookies.

Sir James Oliver does not leave the fight for the health of schoolchildren. In January 2018, he called on the United Kingdom government to ban the sale of energy drinks to children. Jamie believes that caffeinated drinks turn children into drug addicts, making it difficult for them to focus on their studies and learn at school.

An ordinary jar of energy drinks contains a dose of caffeine one and a half, or even two times more than the allowable daily allowance for primary school children. Despite the fact that jars of energy drinks are labeled as products not intended for children, bright packaging and a range of flavors lead to the fact that a quarter of consumers are children. Waitrose and NASUWT supported Jamie's initiative.

The famous culinary specialist manages fifty Jamie's Italian Italian restaurants, two of which operate in Russia. They are located in St. Petersburg and Moscow. It is not easy to manage such an extensive network of establishments. In 2018, Jamie plans to close 12 out of 35 restaurants due to losses In 2017, he had to close a branch in Istanbul and six locations in his home country.

The fate of the remaining restaurants has not yet been decided. If landlords agree to lower rents, and managers improve customer service, then perhaps the business will stay afloat. Now Jamie owes seventy million pounds to suppliers and employees, and losses for last year amounted to thirteen million pounds.


  • 1999-2001 - "The Naked Chef"
  • 2002 - "Jamie's Kitchen"
  • 2002-2004 - "Live deliciously with Jamie Oliver"
  • 2005 - "Jamie's School Lunches"
  • 2005 - "Italian Vacation with Jamie Oliver"
  • 2006 - "Jamie's Kitchen. Australia"
  • 2009 - Traveling America with Jamie Oliver
  • 2010 - Jamie Oliver's Culinary Journeys
  • 2011 - "UK Jamie"
  • 2012 - "Cooking duel with Jamie Oliver"
  • 2013 - "Cooking tasty and inexpensive"
  • 2013-2016 - "Jamie Oliver. Culinary Channel»
  • 2014-2015 - Cooking duel with Jamie Oliver. Season 2"
  • 2014 - "Homemade with Jamie Oliver"
  • 2015 - "Sugar Rush"

Jamie Oliver Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth400 million Euro
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Yearly SalaryN/A
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Product EndorsementsSainsbury's & Sobey's
ColleaguesGordon Ramsay, Nigella Lawson & Gennaro Contaldo



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Jamie Oliver: Wife, Dating, Family & Friends

Jamie Oliver with beautiful, cute, gracious, Wife Juliette Norton
Who is Jamie Oliver dating in 2019?
relationship statusMarried (Since 2000)
Current Wife of Jamie OliverJuliette Norton
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wives
Has any kids?Yes, father of: Poppy Honey Rosie Olive (12), Daisy Boo Pamela Oliver (11), Petal Blossom Rainbow Oliver (5), Buddy Bear Oliver (4)
Will the marriage of English tv-personality & chef Jamie Oliver and current Wife, Juliette Norton survive 2019?

Names of father, mother, kids, brothers & sisters.

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style

Weight57 poundsclothing styleclassic
Favorite colorsred
Feet size12
Waist size132
Buste size150
Butt size136
Does Jamie Oliver have a tattoo?no

Omg! 50 Celebrity Tattoos Gone Horribly Wrong!

Official websites/fansites:

Does Jamie Oliver have official Social Media profiles?

Thanks to his professionalism and unusual approach to cooking, he has gained a huge number of fans around the world. He has sold millions of cookbooks, opened a restaurant, starred in several television shows and revolutionized school lunches in the UK. His constant use of the word "pukka" (read as "pakka"), which can be translated into Russian as "first-class", has come into the everyday life of many housewives. Through his show of the same name, Jamie earned the nickname "The Naked Chef".


Jamie or James Trevor Oliver was born on May 27, 1975 in the south-east of England in the village of Clavering. He got his first cooking skills in the kitchen of a pub called Cricketers, owned by his parents Trevor and Sally. At the age of 11, Jamie was already not much different in professionalism from other employees of this institution. He began to constantly participate in various culinary duels, for which he received several prizes.

Even in his youth, Jamie got a job in a restaurant as a pastry chef. Here he first got the experience of cooking Italian cuisine. Gennaro Contaldo became his mentor. Oliver then moved to River Cafe as an SU Chef. It was in this place, according to Jamie, that he learned to cook tasty, wholesome and healthy food. Here he was spotted by the BBC in 1997, who made a film about this cafe, after which he appeared in the documentary "Christmas at the River Cafe" (Christmas at the River Cafe).

At the age of 16, he entered Westminster Catering College. Later he worked in France, where he was imbued with the local culture and received good experience. Then James return to London.

"I'm very happy - it's amazing. Does this mean that I will no longer receive parking tickets? No, seriously, I'm very happy"

Jamie Oliver / At the time of the MBE award (Member of the Order of the British Empire)

In 1999 he debuted with his show "The Naked Chef". He later wrote a cookbook that became a bestseller in the UK. That same year, Oliver was invited to cook dinner for then Prime Minister Tony Blair at No. 10 Downing Street!

TV show Jamie Oliver

In 2000, Jamie became the face of the Sainsbury's supermarket chain with a payment of $ 2 million a year. This partnership lasted 11 years. The last television advertisement was shown on Christmas Day 2011.

In 2002, he opened a charity restaurant "Fifteen", which hired fifteen young people with no culinary skills as employees. Among this staff, someone had a criminal record, and someone was just a difficult teenager. This idea received big success and then Jamie decided to open several more such restaurants in other countries of the world.

In 2005, he launched the Feed Me Better campaign to encourage healthy eating in British schoolchildren. As a result, the UK government also got involved in this issue. Then Jamie delved into politics to promote healthy eating to the masses. These actions led to people voting him as "the most inspiring politician 2005," according to the Fourth News Channel.

Oliver then launched an official campaign to ban junk food from British schools. The efforts of the chef led to the fact that there were cardinal changes in the school food system.

Currently, Jamie has signed a contract with the Manchester City club for a period of 5 years.

In Russia, they also have their own restaurants: one in St. Petersburg, the other in Moscow.

Personal life

In July 2000, Oliver married former model Juliet Norton. The couple met in 1993. They now have four children, three of them girls: Poppy Honey Rosie Oliver (born March 18, 2002), Daisy Boo Pamela Oliver (born April 10, 2003), Petal Blossom Rainbow Oliver (born April 3, 2009) and one boy People: Buddy Beer Maurice Oliver (born September 15, 2010)

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