How to quickly increase muscle at home. What weights can be used. Minimum Inventory and Opportunity Assessment

When we see a well-built person with an athletic figure, we become unbearable, there is a desire to become the same. Dial muscle mass quite possible at home. For this, certain rules must be followed. There is a special program for gaining muscle mass at home.


Building muscle mass always requires a balanced diet. A set of dry muscle mass is available to a person of any build. Proper execution programs for gaining muscle mass allows you to achieve very good results.

Lean muscle mass is gained quickly enough if the course for gaining muscle mass has been correctly designed. You need to eat several times, but at least six times a day. The menu should include vitamins for gaining and growing muscle mass. This group includes:

  • retinol;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • B1, E, C;
  • vitamin C;
  • tocopherol.

Lean muscle mass will begin to increase rapidly if an accurate meal schedule is developed. Only permanent intense training and proper nutrition will give a rapid increase in muscle weight. The most terrible harm to gaining muscle mass for thin people is hunger. It is unacceptable. To gain muscle mass, you must always follow the diet. Any feeling of hunger must be quenched immediately.

How to build muscle mass, what to eat? For muscle growth and enlargement, nutrition must occur strictly according to certain rules:

  • training is prohibited even with the slightest feeling of hunger;
  • after the end of the workout, you must definitely eat;
  • food should be daily and complete.
  • The diet should include proteins and carbohydrates.


How to increase muscle mass of the body? After all, you can take special drugs that accelerate muscle growth. The safest are:

  • gainers;
  • protein complexes;
  • creatine;
  • amino acids - BCAA.

However, in order not to harm your health, it is better to give up synthetic drugs, and start eating food that has a lot of proteins. Beginning athletes do not even think about it. How to build muscle mass without taking drugs? They think it's impossible.

Therefore, their menu includes an insufficient amount of protein and muscle tissue does not increase in size. Achieving positive results remains in question. How to properly gain muscle mass without using drugs, but adhering only to proper nutrition? Here is one of the main questions.

How to quickly build muscle tissue, how to properly compose your menu? This question is often asked by everyone who is starting to build muscle mass. To do this, you need to do a little calculation and determine how much protein you need to take during the day.

Your body weight must be converted to another dimension, pounds, and then the resulting value is multiplied by one gram of protein. (One pound is equal to 454 grams). Protein preparations are sold in large quantities, but you can do without them. How to gain muscle mass without ready funds it becomes clear if you find out how much protein the following products contain:

  • pork
  • chicken;
  • eggs;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • nuts.

For breakfast, you can eat one banana, buckwheat porridge and drink one glass of cocoa. Immediately before starting a workout, you need to drink a glass of kefir, eat two slices of bread.

Lunch should consist of four courses:

  • vegetable salad - 100 g;
  • soup with beef broth - 200 ml;
  • chicken with buckwheat - 150 g;
  • green tea.

After workout:

  • chocolate - 50 g;
  • black tea - 100 ml.

The dinner menu should include:

  • boiled beef - 200 g;
  • mashed potatoes - 100 g;
  • berry juice - 200 ml.

The above menu can be taken as a basis. Any changes should not violate the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates.


Our body cannot feed on proteins alone. He definitely needs to get a certain amount of carbohydrates. They provide energy to help increase muscle mass. Carbohydrates are found in large quantities in cereals, vegetables and cereals. Fat intake improves the growth of anabolic hormones, on which the increase in muscle mass depends.

When the body lacks energy reserves, it begins to break down proteins and fats. If you eat normally, this process does not occur. Fats are essential for the body to function properly.

All the carbohydrates mentioned above are not fast foods. Therefore, they are absorbed by the body very slowly. Cleavage can take several hours. At this time, the body constantly receives additional energy. Due to the very slow breakdown process, it is advisable to eat carbohydrates before two in the afternoon. This will allow the body to completely process them.


The energy supply of the body depends on the use of water. When exercising to gain muscle mass, a person should drink 12 glasses of water per day. AT winter time this number is slightly reduced. With the advent of summer, it needs to be increased. Protein shakes are also great.


If you do a lot of cardiovascular training, you should notice that muscle building has started to slow down a lot. The fact is that cardio exercises only help burn fat. Moreover, this happens after the lesson for 20 minutes. One has only to overdo it, as catabolic hormones appear in the body that destroy muscle tissue.


Great benefits for increasing muscle mass good dream. In a person immersed in deep sleep, the metabolism slows down, the amount of growth hormones increases. Blood begins to flow more actively into the muscle tissue.


When a person is under stress, a catabolic environment is formed in the body. A hormone, cortisol, appears, which blocks the body's use of available energy reserves. Take a close look at people. A calm, relaxed person has a beautiful muscle mass. Schwarzenegger is the perfect example. He is always silent and calm, but he has a beautiful body and muscles.


Of course, if a person is purposeful and strives to achieve the desired result, he will definitely achieve his goal. A set of muscle mass can be carried out in the gym, or you can do it without leaving your home. But you have to forget about all bad habits. The main enemy of such training is alcohol and smoking. They harm the body and prevent the increase in muscle mass. The body should always be well rested. It is desirable that stressful situations never arise. Good deep sleep contributes to the accumulation of strength and intense training.


Of course, training at home is difficult to compare with classes held in a special gym. The right equipment is always at hand. But if you follow specific rules, you can train at home to achieve the planned result.

Athletic exercises should be done with a partner. If something happens, he will definitely insure you. Exercises should be performed until the moment when the muscles stop obeying you. Thus, it will be possible to bring into action all the muscle tissues.

During the training, no external stimuli should distract from the exercise. Turn off the TV, put away the computer. Put on your headphones, put on soothing music, and start exercising. Try to focus on your actions.


To develop the shoulder girdle and increase the shoulder muscles, try the military bench press. To increase the chest muscles, a bench press is done in a supine position. To perform such an exercise, in addition to the barbell, prepare a special bench. In addition to increasing the deltoid muscles, the barbell also helps to gain mass in the trapezius muscles.

To do this, use scars or tie additional traction to the belt.

Each workout must be done with dumbbells. The exercise can be performed standing or lying down. Hands with dumbbells are bred to the sides. So that the joints do not experience a lot of stress, the arms should be slightly bent. The exercise continues until a strong tension begins to be felt in the muscles. To increase the back muscles, you can use additional weights, the weight of which can reach 40 kilograms.


Classes at home should be constant and performed every day. Only such actions can give the positive result you are striving for. The effectiveness of training in your own home will be no worse than in the gym, if you follow all the rules and conduct high-quality training.


So that nothing distracts from training, it is necessary to allocate one large room in your own house in which to install everything necessary equipment. A professional barbell, various simulators and devices will help you train and achieve maximum effect and at home.

You can build muscle mass in any conditions. The most important thing is the desire and fulfillment of all the rules. The result will always be positive.

Some are measured by the steepness of smartphones, others by the speed of Internet traffic, and for some, the amount of muscle mass is important. If you classify yourself in the latter group, then you will definitely be interested in ten ways to painlessly increase the desired kilos in the shortest possible time.

Since the body quickly gets used to the loads, they must be periodically strengthened. Weight training is the best for this. It should be remembered that the load must be increased slightly. Either do more and more repetitions each time, or gradually increase the weight. You can’t do without the second: for those who want to acquire impressive biceps, an increase in working weight with each workout is a must.

8-12 reps

To build muscle, you need to repeat the exercises eight to twelve times. If you do only 3-6 repetitions, only muscle strength will increase, but the volume will remain in place. But if you repeat 15-20 times, of course there will be sense, because in this way you activate muscle work. But at the same time, overvoltage can seriously harm you. Therefore, we advise you to initially determine for yourself the average weight, which you can regularly do from 8 to 12 times.

To one muscle group - 7-9 approaches

So that hormones do not begin to be released, but at the same time, muscle mass grows, exercises should be done for about 45 minutes. This time is enough to complete 7-9 approaches to one of muscle groups and to listen to the album "Flowers" by the inimitable The Rolling Stones against the backdrop of training.

You need to eat a lot to build muscle

While you are training, muscle fibers are being destroyed, followed by their replacement and new growth. And the fool understands that building muscle contributes to a plentiful balanced diet. At the same time, it is desirable to eat also with pleasure!

Proteins, proteins and more proteins

If you want to build muscle mass, memorize one simple equation: "Muscles = proteins." Many beginners, unaware of the existence of this formula, consume too little of such a precious trace element for muscle tissue, while complaining about the lack of any results.

To determine how much protein your emaciated muscles need, you need to convert your weight into pounds and multiply the resulting number by 1 gram of protein (454 grams in one pound). This way you will know your daily protein requirement.

If you have not been able to find or purchase a pure protein powder, do not hang your nose. In fact, there are many natural products with high content protein. Here are the most basic ones:

Chicken meat

All cheeses without exception

Seafood and fish (salmon, tuna, shrimp)

Don't Forget Fats

After the consumption of fats in the body, the number of anabolic hormones that contribute to the development and growth of muscle mass begins to increase. These include insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), testosterone, and growth hormone (growth hormone). Some bodybuilders use anabolic steroids to increase muscle growth. In fact, this is not a very good solution.

Drink plenty of water

The level of our strength and energy reserve in the body depends on how much water we consume. You should definitely drink at least 12 full glasses of liquid per day. In winter, the amount of water decreases slightly, but in summer it should be increased even more. Also lean on protein shakes.

Minimize your cardio!

Train often cardiovascular system? Then do not be surprised that muscle mass began to grow more slowly. Only those who want to burn fat can perform cardio exercises, and then only after the main classes and for a maximum of 20 minutes. If you overdo it, catabolic hormones will begin to be produced, provoking the destruction of muscle tissue.

Organize a good sleep

In order for muscle mass to recover and grow, it is very important not only to rest, but also to get enough sleep. And that's why:

Only in deep sleep does the maximum release of growth hormones occur.

Metabolism slows down, due to which muscle tissue grows more actively.

The blood flow to the muscles becomes stronger.

Relax more often

During stress, a catabolic environment is created in the body. In parallel, the hormone cortisol is produced, which does not allow the body to waste energy reserves. Take a closer look at people: relaxed quiet people boast more impressive muscle mass than talkative and nimble people. A great example is Schwarzenegger. Calm, silent, and what muscles he has!

Hello my dear readers. Many people want to become the owner of a beautiful body with developed muscles, but not everyone has the opportunity and time to visit the gym. I will tell you how to gain muscle mass at home without resorting to the help of trainers and without buying expensive sports equipment.

The process of gaining muscle mass can be divided into two main components - and. Dieting alone will not be enough to increase mass. However, without proper diet nutrition, strength exercises will not be particularly effective and will not give the expected result.

This means that you need not only a training plan, but also a well-designed diet. The process of weight gain can be carried out both independently and under the supervision of an instructor who, if necessary, makes adjustments to the training regimen and advises which products and in what proportions should be included in the menu. You can do without consulting a specialist, because there is nothing super complicated in the selection of suitable exercises and products. If you do not have the opportunity to ask for help from an instructor, you can write to me. I'll help point you in the right direction.

Proper nutrition

A balanced diet will help the body cope with fatigue, provide it with a complex of necessary substances and elements, and, no less important, create the prerequisites for speed dial masses.

Protein is essential for gaining mass, and carbohydrates are essential for a successful workout. But fats need to be fought, because in this case there is little benefit from them. An increase in muscle mass does not mean at all that a person should become fat, so foods with a significant content of fat will have to be abandoned.

By the way, you will have to eat according to the schedule at least 4 times a day.

Removing bad habits

sports, even if we are talking o uncomplicated, incompatible with bad habits. In our case, we are talking about quite serious physical exertion. Forget about cigarettes and alcohol. The body will have a hard time anyway, if you additionally test it with cigarettes and alcoholic drinks, the result will have to be achieved much longer and with great effort. Yes, and health addictions are clearly not beneficial.

I note that alcohol will disrupt or even destroy the entire diet, and can also Negative influence for sleep. The rest period is very important, since it is at this time that the body recovers.

Arranging home workouts

To build muscle mass, it is absolutely not necessary to go to the gym. Training can be easily organized at home, but you will need a set of equipment (barbell, dumbbells, bench). However, the most important thing in home workouts is not finding and buying equipment, but commitment to classes.

Assessment of individual capabilities

It will be easier for beginners to evaluate their own individual capabilities with the help of a coach. It usually comes down to doing a few simple exercises, . Trained people tend to correctly evaluate own forces and can predict what weights they can work with in order to build mass.

You can evaluate the possibilities yourself. It is enough to complete three exercises:

  • Squat (15-18 times).
  • Push-ups (12-15 times).
  • Pull-ups (8-9 times).

If the number of repetitions is less than indicated, this indicates that the current physical training does not allow you to start an intensive training schedule. You will first have to tighten up the general physical form, and only then start working on increasing muscle mass.


It is unlikely that you will be able to increase muscle mass very quickly. This process is quite lengthy and takes more than one week. The difficulty lies not in the fact that you have to work with weights or adhere to proper nutrition, but in not interrupting the whole process. A person must have a strong motivation, and only in this case he will succeed.

However, the desire to get beautiful body and developed muscles for many is more than sufficient motivation. The result will really be noticeable and, in addition, you will accustom yourself to a balanced diet and get rid of bad habits(if they are).

Sample menu for muscle gain by day

In order to ensure muscle growth, it is necessary to get more calories from food than the body normally needs. There are numerous online calculators calories, with which you can quickly calculate the daily rate.

I will only note that the calorie rate increases by approximately 1.5-2 times from the usual, when it comes to strength training aimed at increasing muscle mass. That is, if you used to have enough 1700 Kcal, now you have to gain about 2500 Kcal per day. At the same time, the increase in calorie content should occur gradually, without sudden jumps.

Calculation of the required number of calories using the Harris-Benedict formula:

  1. Metabolic rate calculation: 66 + (13.7xWeight) + (5xHeight) - (6.8xAmount full years). We take weight in kilograms, height - in centimeters.
  2. The resulting value is multiplied by the coefficient. activity.

Activity coefficients:

  • 1.2 - inactive lifestyle.
  • 1.375 - regular light exercise 2-3 times a week.
  • 1.55 - moderate activity, sports 3-5 times a week.
  • 1.725 – high level activity, heavy exercise up to 7 times a week.
  • 1.9 - physical work, professional sports.

BJU proportions:

  • The daily norm of proteins is 1.5-2.5 per kg of weight.
  • The daily norm of fats is 1-2 g per kg of weight.
  • The daily norm of carbohydrates is 4-6 g.

I have already said that the usual three meals a day will have to be abandoned. Meals should be at least 4 (preferably 5-6). Food is divided in approximately equal portions between all meals, that is, it cannot be said that more is eaten in the morning than in the evening.

An approximate menu based on the fact that an athlete should receive 2500 Kcal may look like this:

The first day

  • Breakfast - Millet porridge with pumpkin, nuts, honey and cottage cheese-strawberry mousse, 420 g, 534 kcal (B-28g., F-12g, U-77g).
  • Second breakfast — Casserole with raisins, walnuts, vanilla sauce and Korean Carrot Salad with Chuka 150/20/150 578 kcal (B-16.3g., F-35.2g, U-49.1g).
  • Lunch – Bolognese Pasta and Korean Carrot Salad with Chuka 100/150/150 400g (634 kcal
  • B-20.7g., Zh-32g, U-65.8g).
  • Snack - Cheesecakes with cherries, yogurt, creamy cherry sauce, 190g., 465 kcal (B-12.7g., F-18.3g, U-64.2g).
  • Dinner - Steam chicken cutlets with buckwheat, broccoli and yogurt, 270g., 367 kcal (367 kcal B-31.8g., F-11.4g, U-34.2g).

Total: Kcal 2578 Proteins 109.5 Fats 108.9 Carbohydrates 290.3

Second day

  • Breakfast — Pumpkin pancakes with apple sauce and cranberry cream sauce 240g., 500 kcal (B-7.4g., F-22.4g, U-67.4g).
  • Second breakfast - Chocolate muffins with peanut butter and creamy cherry sauce 220g., 501 kcal (B-26.7g., F-17g, U-59.5g).
  • Lunch - Baked minced turkey with sun-dried tomatoes with jasmine rice and pesto sauce 270g., 502 kcal B-20.3g., F-18.4g., U-63.7g.).
  • Snack - Chicken breast salad, salad mix, creamy mushroom sauce and cottage cheese-strawberry mousse 320g., 438 kcal (B-33.9g., F-22.8g, U-21.6g.).
  • Dinner - Vitamin salad with pumpkin seeds and Green sauce 170g., 354 kcal (B-2.6g., F-32.7g, U-12g).

Total: Calories 2295 Proteins 90.9 Fats 113.3 Carbohydrates 224.2

Day three

  • Breakfast — Protein omelet Fitness beans, tomatoes Rice pudding with almonds and vanilla sauce 270g., 562 kcal (B-35.5g., F-29.4g, U-38.9g).
  • Second breakfast - Sandwich with chicken breast, baked peppers and Korean-style Carrots with fuju 320g., 605 kcal (B-36.4g., F-31.1g, U-44.5g).
  • Lunch - Venison kebab with baked potatoes, lingonberry and pesto sauces 290g., 574 kcal (B-31.8g., F-28.7g, U-45.4g).
  • Snack - Salad with seafood, creamy mustard sauce and protein omelette with herbs 320g., 478 kcal (B-24.4g., F-32.4g, U-19.1g).
  • Dinner - Chicken breast grilled with broccoli and yoghurt with herbs and creamy mustard sauce 310g., 327 kcal (B-31.9g., F-17.1g, U-12.7g).

Total: Calories 2546 Proteins 160 Fats 138.7 Carbohydrates 160.6

Day four

  • Breakfast - Pancakes with minced chicken and creamy mushroom sauce 190g, 452 kcal (B-27.8g, F-25.6g, U-58.6g).
  • Second breakfast - Cheesecakes with cherries, Omelet with chicken breast and creamy mustard sauce 360g., 553 kcal (B-53.3g., F-29.8g, U-16.8g).
  • Lunch - Beef hedgehog with pasta with barbecue sauce 270g., 548 kcal (B-29.2g., F-14.8g, U-74.3g).
  • Snack - Vegetable salad with turkey in sesame and Protein omelette with broccoli and Pesto sauce 340g., 498 kcal (B-30.9g., F-32.8g, U-21.5g).
  • Dinner - Grilled quinoa chicken breast, green beans and pesto sauce with arugula 270g., 396 kcal (B-34.1g., F-17.8g, U-24.9g).

Total: Calories 2447 Proteins 175.3 Fats 120.8 Carbohydrates 196.1

Day five

  • Breakfast - Omelet with vegetables, creamy mushroom sauce and cottage cheese-strawberry pudding 340g., 565 kcal (B-50.8g., F-29.3g, U-19.4g).
  • The second is breakfast Salad with squid. vegetables. dressing Balsamic and cottage cheese casserole with coconut milk 300g., 520 kcal (B-43g., Zh-24g, U-28g).
  • Lunch - Grilled chicken breast with buckwheat, green beans and Green sauce 290g., 539 kcal (B-30.4g., F-28g, U-41.4g).
  • Snack - Broccoli salad with vegetables and Cottage cheese casserole with hazelnuts 320g., 507 kcal (B-26.4g., F-32.1g, U-32.4g).
  • Dinner - vegetable stir fry with grilled squid 300g, 229 kcal (B-21.9g, F-7.4g, U-18.4g).

Total: Kcal 2360 Proteins 172.5 Fats 120.8 Carbohydrates 139.6

Day six

  • Breakfast - Omelette with chicken and tomato with creamy tomato sauce and cottage cheese-strawberry mousse 340g., 514 kcal (B-38.4g., F-30.6g, U-18.7g).
  • The second - breakfast Vegetable salad with turkey, creamy mustard sauce and cottage cheese-strawberry mousse 320g., 550 kcal (B-36.6g., F-31.5g, U-28.3g).
  • Lunch - Lasagna bolognese 260g., 541 kcal (B-23.3g., F-32.4g, U-32.7g).
  • Snack - Vitamin Salad with pumpkin seeds and banana-oat muffins with strawberry jam 370g., 496 kcal (B-6.5g., F-24.7g, U-61.8g).
  • Dinner - Quesadilla with chicken, vegetables and barbecue sauce 220g., 372 kcal (B-22.8g., F-13.8g, U-39g).

Total: Calories 2473 Proteins 127.6 Fats 133 Carbohydrates 180.5

Day seven

  • Breakfast - Oatmeal porridge with dried fruits and Dried apricots, prunes, almonds, Walnut 330g, 544 kcal (B-13.5g, F-26.4g, U-77.7g).
  • Second breakfast - Greek salad with Feta cheese and Cottage cheese casserole with raisins, walnuts 300g., 572 kcal (B-24g., Zh-36g, U-38g).
  • Lunch — Steam beef cutlets with baked potatoes and creamy mushroom sauce 290g., 556 kcal (B-45.9g., F-21.8g, U-43.7g).
  • Snack - Pumpkin pancakes with apple sauce and creamy lingonberry sauce 240g., 500 kcal (B-7.4g., F-22.4g, U-67.4g).
  • Dinner - Chicken zrazy with mozzarella, buckwheat and broccoli 250g., 363 kcal (B-34.3g., F-10.6g, U-32.6g).

Total: Kcal 2535 Proteins 125.1 Fats 117.2 Carbohydrates 259.4

What to eat before and after training

There is no consensus on whether to eat right before a workout. On the one hand, by eating protein-rich foods, you will create an additional load on the body. In addition to the fact that he will have to work under an increased load, part of the energy will be spent on digesting food.

However, do not forget that immediately after eating, the level of insulin in the blood increases, which in turn stimulates blood flow, which also nourishes the muscles. And this means that the muscles receive more oxygen, more useful elements and nutrients. As a result, protein synthesis in muscle mass is accelerated, and this is exactly what we need. Synthesis is enhanced even more noticeably if you consume drinks and liquid foods before training.

As for nutrition after training, it is definitely necessary, because it is during rest and recovery that muscle mass is gained. Just in case, let me remind you that directly during training, muscle fibers are destroyed, and they need to be restored.

In order to develop muscles, you need not only physical exercise, but also protein, carbohydrates and some fat, as well as various macronutrients that act as catalysts for the growth process.

The first half hour after the end of a workout is called the carbohydrate window (or protein window). During this short period, the body experiences an acute deficiency in nutrients. Some experts recommend taking protein foods, while the other half advise feeding the body with carbohydrates.

Sports nutrition and supplements

Modern pharmacology has come a long way. On sale you can find a huge amount of sports nutrition and various supplements that stimulate the process of increasing muscle mass. Of particular interest is protein, as well as vitamins, which help the exhausted body to receive important substances and elements.


75-80% of muscle tissue is water, and another 20% is protein. It is protein that is the main material on the basis of which muscles are formed. In order for muscle mass to begin to actively increase, protein intake should be at least 2 g per 1 kg of weight.

Protein can be obtained from various animal products (primarily from eggs), but the easiest way to get it is from protein - a sports supplement containing protein mixtures. You can quickly increase muscle mass with whey protein.

Casein protein, on the other hand, is characterized by a slow release of protein. It is recommended to use it before bed.

The most versatile is considered a complex protein. It not only helps the body successfully cope with stress, but also allows you to recover faster.

Homemade Protein Shake Recipes

Muscle fibers damaged during training must be restored, and it is in the process of recovery that they increase and grow, and protein plays the most active role in this. I’ve already talked about getting protein from supplements, but if you don’t feel like spending money on sports nutrition or it is not possible to order it, you can get by with protein shakes. You can cook them at home, and only a blender is needed from the necessary kitchen appliances.

First recipe

We will need:

  • Sour cream (120 g).
  • Orange juice (100 g).
  • Lemon juice (half a lemon is enough).
  • 2 tbsp olive oil.
  • Fruit confiture (30 g).
  • Egg yolk (1 pc).

We mix the ingredients (except for confiture and lemon juice) in a bowl and grind with a blender until smooth. Then add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Second recipe

We will need:

  • Milk (400 ml).
  • Cottage cheese (150 g).
  • Bananas (200 g).
  • Nuts (50 g).
  • Honey 2-3 tbsp.

Mix the ingredients in a bowl and grind with a blender. The cocktail should be divided into three meals and consumed throughout the day.

Third recipe

We will need:

  • 250 ml of kefir or milk.
  • Half banana.
  • 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • A pinch of cinnamon.
  • Yogurt or ice cream (optional)

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and grind with a blender.

In fact, there are many recipes for homemade cocktails, and you can easily come up with your own recipe.

Features of home workouts

I will not dissemble - training in the gym, and even under the supervision of an experienced trainer, in most cases will be more effective than home training. On the other hand, if there is no opportunity to visit the gym, but you want to gain muscle mass, there are no obstacles to exercising at home.

It is better to choose such a set of exercises when, in one workout, the load will come to all muscles and major muscle groups. The body perceives serious physical activity as stressful situation, there is an active production of anabolic hormones, and it is they that have positive influence for growth.

What weights can be used

It is advisable to have a pair of stacked dumbbells and a barbell at home, but you can make weights yourself. Water bottles, bottles or sandbags are a reliable alternative. It may not be so convenient to deal with them, but expenses are minimized.

Sports equipment to help

Of the additional equipment, a bench and racks for working with a barbell are very useful. However, you can always build an alternative from several stools placed in a row. It is desirable that there are bars and a horizontal bar in the yard. Chairs can act as a kind of replacement for the bars. As for the horizontal bar, you can install it in almost any doorway.

What exercises can you do at home

You can do the following exercises at home:

  • Pushups.
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars (as an alternative, you can use chairs).
  • Bench press.
  • Standing barbell or dumbbell press.
  • Incline dumbbell row.
  • Incline arm extensions.
  • Twisting.
  • Standing arm curls.

Execution technique

The number of approaches and repetitions is selected based on individual characteristics. Usually the number of repetitions does not exceed 8-10 (for legs up to 20), since if you repeat the exercise large quantity time, endurance starts to train, which is not our goal. It is important for us to give a high load on the muscles in order to provoke their growth. Two or three approaches are enough.

Since work can go with weights, it is very important to follow the technique of performing exercises, otherwise there is a risk of injury. If you are not sure that you understand how to perform the exercise correctly, watch the instructional videos.

If possible, train with a partner. He will be able to insure when performing some exercises.

Workout Example

The training program I propose will be of interest to beginners, because it almost does not involve the use of weights. The fact is that for beginners, the weight of their own body is enough, because this is almost the maximum load that they can handle. Accordingly, the exercises will immediately be perceived by the body as heavy, and the recovery mechanism will be launched.

The program is not the most strenuous, but it should be followed if you want to achieve results. One day of training alternates with two days of rest (1 day of training + 2 days of rest + 1 day of training). Then everything repeats. On the first day, the muscles of the upper body are worked out, after two days of rest, we work on the legs. The number of approaches on the first day is 2-3, on the second - 3. The number of repetitions on the first day is 8-10, on the second - 10-20.

The first day

  • Pushups.
  • Vertical push-ups.
  • Push-ups between supports.
  • Pull-ups on the crossbar with a wide grip to the chest.
  • Back push-ups.
  • Reverse pull-ups.
  • Bench press.
  • Alternate lifting of dumbbells for biceps.
  • Exercise for the back (pulling up on the horizontal bar and pulling up with a reverse grip).

Second day

  • Sprint 3 times for 15 seconds at maximum speed.
  • Squats.
  • Lunges.
  • Rise on socks.
  • Lunges with dumbbells.


Following a diet and doing exercises to gain muscle mass requires a lot of effort, including strong-willed. The reward for hard work will be fast growth muscles, improvement of the relief of the body, moral satisfaction. Vitamins and proper nutrition will support the body.

That's all for now. In my new articles, I will definitely share my knowledge about training, correct mode nutrition, exercise and other aspects healthy lifestyle life.

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As experience shows, it is not always important where to train - in a sophisticated gym or at home, in a modest odnushka. Much more important is how to train, since building biceps & Co, like any other process, requires serious, and even better, scientific approach, careful design, thoughtful system. Our portal will talk about the research of scientists in this area and tell you how to achieve muscle growth at home as efficiently, quickly and without harm to health. Read the material also about the opinion of scientists about muscle growth.

Why and how muscle growth occurs

First you need to clearly define what you want: to increase strength or muscle size? Since these are different goals, the training needed to achieve them is different. So, the popular pumps with weights give the muscles a load, which causes physiological processes that contribute to their increase. Moreover, paradoxical as it sounds, the processes of increase (due to the thickness of muscle fibers and the amount of fluid in muscle cells) are launched during rest from work.

One more nuance is important: even with the same number of training sessions, different people may be observed different height muscle mass. This may depend on the following factors:

  • age;
  • genetic inclinations;
  • sleep (lack of sleep harms everything);
  • food, the amount of clean water consumed;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • stress.

Even if you train with the best instructor on the latest simulators, you will not become a Schwarzenegger if you ignore proper nutrition, healthy sleep.

What scientists say about muscle growth

As a result of the lessons exercise specific stress occurs in the body: mechanical and metabolic. The result of both types of stress is the growth of muscle fibers. But they grow actively only if the body in physical effort has reached the threshold of “I can’t” - in professional vocabulary this is called “muscle failure”. Human body it is arranged very reasonably, therefore it knows how to save and use energy as efficiently as possible. In the case of “iron pulling”, this ability of the body looks like this: if the loads are not increased, keeping them at a constant level, this will result in limiting the magnitude of mechanical and metabolic stresses and the pumping result will be, to put it mildly, far from expected. That is, you will increase muscle strength, but you will not achieve the necessary increase in muscle mass. Hence the conclusion: if you want to have biceps-triceps of impressive volumes, train until, roughly speaking, you fall off your feet.

Scientists were able to prove that it is possible to effectively build muscle mass only by hard training until muscle failure, that is, until a person realizes that he is unable to do more than a single approach.

In the language of scientists, there are 3 types of training (they were announced in 2006 by scientists Kremer and Zatsiorsky):

  • maximum effort method;
  • method of dynamic efforts;
  • method of repeated efforts;

The first method (training with significant weights) is good for developing muscle strength. The second (classes with the fastest possible weight movement) will be appreciated by fans of "high-speed" sports. But the third - the method of repeated efforts - is needed for those who want to achieve maximum muscle growth. pundits in this issue unshakable: if you want to have a relief body, train to muscle failure, because with insufficient load, the conditions necessary for muscle growth will not be created in the body.

Sleep and Recovery Are Essential Conditions for Muscle Growth

As already mentioned, the physiological processes leading to muscle growth occur mainly during rest. Therefore, it is impossible to overestimate the role of sleep in this matter. Those same metabolic and mechanical stresses that give impetus to muscle growth will not be in vain only when the body releases the hormones and substances necessary for the growth of biceps & Co. They are released just during sleep, to be extremely precise - in the phase of REM sleep. Sleep deprivation, sleep adverse conditions training to the point of exhaustion will nullify. Moreover, increased levels of cortisone and adrenaline due to lack of sleep will reduce the body's ability to build muscle mass.

Scientists have calculated that the body needs from 48 to 72 hours to recover, which is necessary for muscle growth. That is how much time should pass between training individual muscle groups.

The recovery period after training is the time when glycogen stores are replenished in the muscles, the processes of reconstruction and the construction of new muscle tissues are activated. Scientists have calculated that the body needs from 48 to 72 hours to recover, which is necessary for muscle growth. That is how much time should pass between training individual muscle groups. Therefore, it is logical to give the main load to each muscle group, for example, once a week.

Science Based Training Program for Effective Muscle Growth

Scientists have calculated everything - from the preparation of beginners to the weight of the "iron" and the rest time that is needed for the maximum effective workouts to build muscle mass at home:

  • preparation: to avoid muscle damage, beginners should start with a dynamic warm-up, loading the core muscles (stabilizer muscles, abs ...);
  • the weight must be selected so that 8-12 repetitions can be done until muscle failure;
  • number of approaches: 3-4;
  • rest between sets: from 30 seconds to 2 minutes;
  • speed of movement: 1-2 seconds - movement (for example, raising the bar), 2-6 seconds - the eccentric phase of the exercise (lowering the bar). Scientists insist on a longer second part of the movement, since it is this that is extremely important for muscle growth;
  • weights: free weights or exercise machines. Free weight training involves a large number of muscles, which contributes to an increase in the density of muscle mass. Trainers give heavy load on individual muscles;
  • order of exercises: beginning - complex movements with free weight (for example, squats with a barbell) to engage different muscle groups. Then - training of individual muscles (for example, on simulators);
  • the final exercise in each workout should be done with reduced weight, but be sure (!!!) until muscle failure;

And one more important nuance: remember about the optimal load on the body. Both underload and overload have a negative effect on muscle growth. Therefore, it is important to choose the golden mean.

Research-Based Muscle Growth Workout Program at Home

Based on research on the effectiveness of muscle growth, scientists have created a program designed for repeated four-day cycles. It looks like this:

  • 1 day - lower body training (RM - repeated maximum);
  • Day 2 - upper body training, traction;
  • Day 3 - upper body workout, bench presses;
  • Day 4 - rest or calm cardio exercises.

If all exercises are performed correctly, and each movement is carefully, with desired speed, then the effect of home workouts will be no worse, and possibly better, than from working in the gym with a professional instructor.

In order to gain muscle mass and at the same time “not swim” with fat and maintain attractive forms, an integrated approach is important. Hard training will help you gain the missing pounds, but without proper nutrition, it will be more difficult to achieve your goal. You need to know about the properties of products, understand how they affect physical fitness and health. Then the process muscle growth will go much faster.

We offer top 10 products that help increase endurance and increase muscle mass.

Lean beef should be a staple on your table. It contains all the substances that are required for muscle growth. It contains iron, zinc, B vitamins and other useful trace elements.

Beef contains protein High Quality and an amino acid that, when interacting with insulin, stimulates an increase in muscle mass. The advantage of beef is that it contains a lot of protein, but the meat is non-caloric.

Chicken fillet

This product is a source of high quality protein, which is essential for building mass. It increases bone strength and maintains normal weight. Chicken fillet contains many trace elements and practically no fat.

In order not to minimize the benefits of this meat, it is better to stew or bake it, steam it.

This product contains the valuable protein casein. It is complex, digestible for a long time, thanks to which it maintains muscles in good shape. Cottage cheese is especially useful for those people who have to go without a meal for a long time. It contains a lot of vitamin B12, calcium and other trace elements.

To build muscle but not gain overweight, buy fat-free cottage cheese.

Chicken eggs

The yolk contains half of the proteins, fats, vitamins, so separating it from the protein is a gross mistake.

Eggs are a valuable product, but you should not abuse them. It is enough for men to eat up to 6 eggs a day, for women - up to 3.

It is rich in protein and omega-3 acids, there is practically no "harmful" fat in it. This composition helps to build muscle mass, but at the same time helps to maintain a figure and not gain excess weight.

Fish normalizes metabolism, speeds up metabolism and saturates the body with all the necessary elements.

Oat flour

It is an excellent source of carbohydrates, has a low glycemic index and does not require long processing. Oatmeal contains a large amount of coarse fiber, useful substances. It satisfies hunger well and gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Thanks to carbohydrates, the product helps to build muscle mass and saturates the body with energy. Oatmeal is low in calories, so it allows you to get rid of extra pounds. It can be safely used by people who are losing weight.

Whole grains have tremendous nutritional value. It gives energy and a charge of vivacity.

Brown rice is especially beneficial. It promotes accelerated muscle growth due to the fact that it increases the level of hormones. Regular consumption of boiled rice normalizes the digestive tract, helps get rid of body fat and makes the body more resilient.

Sprouted wheat contains a large amount of both proteins and carbohydrates. It is rich in zinc, potassium, vitamin B, iron, amino acids and other useful substances. Wheat energizes, increases endurance, normalizes the central nervous system.


They are considered a source of monounsaturated fats and contribute to the normal functioning of the heart, blood vessels, joints, and ligaments. To accelerate muscle growth, you can eat cashews, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts.

You need to eat about 50 grams of nuts per day. For convenience, you can use electronic scales.

It is a suitable food for people who want to accelerate muscle growth. Milk and kefir saturate the body with protein without overloading it with fat.

Serum is especially useful, it is rich in amino acids. It contains peptides that dilate blood vessels. Due to this, the “delivery” of useful anabolic amino acids to the muscles is normalized. Whey has a complex effect on the muscles, strengthening them.

It is useful to drink whey before training and immediately after it. Then the anabolic effect will be most pronounced.


Buckwheat is a storehouse of carbohydrates and amino acids that help build muscle. It gives a boost of energy and muffles the feeling of hunger for a long time. Buckwheat is rich in high-quality protein, vitamins and microelements, it is quite nutritious.

You can cook buckwheat with whole and split kernels. It goes well with vegetables and meat dishes.

You should not lean heavily on buckwheat - it is enough to eat up to 2 servings per day. Your diet should be complete and balanced. Be sure to eat raw vegetables and fruits, drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Eating should be a few hours before training.

Healthy fats will help you build muscle. They are found in salmon, salmon, leafy vegetables, nuts, avocados.

Eat vegetables and fruits - they are rich in fiber, nutrients.

Replace sugar with honey. Add it to tea, compote and energy drinks.

Make a training plan and strictly follow it - this will help you gain muscle mass faster.

Include in your diet fish fat- It is rich in useful substances and helps to speed up metabolism.

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