Nutrition for strength training - how to eat right when you swing. Can you drink beer after a workout at the gym?

The question of the effect of alcohol on the body has been raised more than once. And many have proven its negative impact on the body, especially with frequent use. But who needs to think more about the effect of alcohol is athletes and those who work in the gym, hoping to acquire the desired muscle relief. In search of an answer to the question: how alcohol affects the muscles, the article covers all the main points related to the effects of alcohol on the body.

Alcoholic drinks affect sleep. The sequence of fast and slow phases is broken. Phase REM sleep becomes shorter, because of this, sleep becomes more sensitive and disturbing, and vitality organisms will not have time to recover. As a result of complete relaxation and rest, the muscles do not receive.

Alcohol can cause insomnia. Even if we take into account the fact that it helps to fall asleep faster, the awakening will subsequently be very fast.

The production of growth hormone, which is formed in the initial phase of sleep, also decreases. Such a violation is fraught with a decrease in the effectiveness of training and inhibition of muscle growth.

Impact on testosterone

The hormone that helps men build muscle faster and give the body more relief begins to decline under the influence of alcohol. This happens as a result of the fact that more testosterone-binding proteins are formed. The process of converting the hormone into estrogen is taking place. Substances that have formed after the breakdown of alcohol can stimulate estrogen receptors.

In beer, for example, there are already estrogen-like substances, so people who abuse this drink may experience female-type obesity.

Alcohol and growth hormone

Due to the toxic effect, the production of growth hormone by the body is inhibited by 70%. This, in turn, affects muscle growth. In this case, the effectiveness of subsequent training drops sharply.


An alcoholic drink provokes an increase in appetite. Because of this, a person begins to eat more food and gain a lot of excess weight.

Alcohol itself is a high-calorie substance. 1 gram contains more than 7 cal. In the Krebs cycle, violations also occur, and he takes on the function of a fat burner. Therefore, all the generated energy, together with alcohol, will be processed into fats.

Alcohol and cardio

Alcoholic drinks have a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels. And during such training, this influence doubles. Therefore, you may feel bad. The pressure may rise, dizziness or even loss of consciousness may begin. It is advisable to refrain from such activities for 48 hours.

Impact on vitamins and minerals

When drinking even small doses of alcohol, important compounds are washed out of the body: vitamins A, C, group B, calcium, zinc, phosphates. Muscles feel an acute shortage of these substances and stop growing. Hormones that depend on these vitamins and minerals also suffer. This is a double whammy for muscle growth.

Effect on proteins

Alcohol stimulates the release of cortisol, a hormone that breaks down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the body. It also inhibits protein synthesis. All this happens in stressful situation when the body lacks energy and then it begins to look for it by breaking down muscles to amino acids and glucose.

But on the other hand, the lack of this hormone also does not bode well. After strength training, the hormone helps muscles relax. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.

We can say that by observing the regimen and not overdoing it, you can keep the hormone under control. The optimal training time for the body is 45-50 minutes. If you continue it, then mechanisms will start to stimulate a greater release of cortisol and the destruction of muscle fibers.

The body spends all its energy on removing toxins, and not on good rest and muscle recovery. This will negatively affect the result in the future.


Water plays an important role in the process of muscle growth. With a lack of fluid, muscle fibers stop their development, even begin to break down with a severe deficiency.

This is due to the fact that alcohol provokes the excretion of water from the body by the kidneys. Even drinks with a low alcohol content lead to dehydration.

Effect on glycogen

Glycogen is the energy reserve of the body, which is formed from carbohydrates. When there is a need for energy, it begins to break down and give the right amount of glucose. This provides greater performance to the muscles.

Alcoholic drinks interfere with the synthesis of this substance. Since the body throws all the forces to eliminate toxins. There will be no results from training after taking such a drink.

The influence of alcohol depending on the degree of intoxication

A light degree of alcohol hopping is equal to skipping one workout. If you allow severe intoxication, then we can assume that about 2 weeks of sports were missed. If you become addicted to the use of alcoholic beverages, you can notice a sharp decrease muscle growth, and training will no longer be effective.

How to reduce the negative effects of alcohol on muscles

If sports do not cover a person's life completely and he is not professionally engaged in bodybuilding, then one hundred percent abstain from alcohol is not necessary. At the same time, the risks of its negative impact on the body can be significantly reduced.

It is important to follow a few rules:

  • When drinking alcohol, you need to try at the same time
  • eat foods rich in proteins. This will reduce the destructive effect of alcohol on muscle fibers.
  • Drinking plenty of water is essential to prevent dehydration. Both during drinking and the day after. This will help the body to better eliminate toxins.
  • To minimize the harm from alcohol, it should be consumed only 2-3 days after training.
  • Drinking alcohol after a workout is also impossible, it can nullify all efforts.
  • The next day, after drinking alcohol, it is important to saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals. To restore those substances that alcohol has washed away. You need to eat foods rich in protein, calcium, iron and phosphorus.
  • After drinking alcohol, the body needs vitamin C, so you can safely eat foods rich in it.
  • Do not drink carbonated drinks.
  • Try not to eat fatty foods.
  • Cysteine ​​helps reduce the toxic effects of alcohol on the body.
  • For suppression oxidative processes in the body, the next day, after drinking alcohol, you can take 500 mg of ascorbic acid and 3 tablets of succinic acid.

The enzyme that processes alcohol in the body is found in the liver. Alcohol dehydrogenase is produced independently of the use of alcoholic beverages, this is the result of evolution. Since in the distant past, man ate fermented fruits. It has nothing to do with the alcohol that is meant now.

There is also a dependence on the content of this enzyme and the nationality of the person. So, the further south, the more this enzyme is in his body, the better it breaks down and the less harmful it is to health.

But the northern peoples are more prone to intoxication, even when drinking small doses of alcohol, and the hangover syndrome is more painful and longer for them.

The same can be said about gender difference. It is known that in the male body alcohol dehydrogenase is produced in large quantities than in women. Therefore, in the latter, intoxication will come faster and will be longer.

Muscle mass is not built in the gym, but in the kitchen and during sleep. Proper nutrition is a guarantee that all your work will bring results in the form of beautiful muscles. Learn how to eat right when you swing!

Beginners want to know how to pump up, but experienced athletes usually dig deeper and are interested in how to eat right when pumping in the gym. Indeed, they are right: in order to build the dream body, for effective work you need to supply your body with quality fuel. Body transformation means giving it your all in every workout. And in order for you to have the strength to give all your best, it is important to eat right. Learn more about useful and essential macro and micronutrients in this article.

Macronutrients are what the diet consists of. These include carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that are essential for health and beauty. Micronutrients are found in everything you eat, and fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are especially rich in them. We will tell you more about the most important elements for an athlete.

Eat carbs when you swing

Despite the fact that in modern society carbohydrates enjoy bad reputation, in fact, this is the most acceptable source of energy. By eating the right carbs, you'll build tons of muscle without excess fat.

Pay more attention to two types of carbohydrates:

  • Complex starchy carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, and whole grain bread
  • Complex fibrous carbohydrates, such as broccoli, spinach, and other vegetables

Fruits are not only tasty, but also healthy. They contain many vitamins and minerals necessary for health. However, they are high in sugar and calories. Given your goal - set muscle mass you should consume them in moderation. Give preference to fresh fruit, not smoothies or canned food.

Protein nutrition will help build muscle

When you swing, proper nutrition requires the mandatory presence of proteins in the diet. They are responsible for the repair and growth of muscle tissue. You should be getting at least 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Chicken, lean turkey, egg whites, whole eggs, soy products, tilapia, and other white-meat fish are excellent sources of quality protein.

As a supplement, you can use protein supplements - protein shakes and bars. They are convenient and you can always have a bite to eat when there is no possibility of a full meal. However, remember that supplements are only an addition to a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods.

Proper and healthy fats for pumping up muscles

Not all fats are the same, and to get a beautiful muscular body, it is important to consume only healthy fats and fatty acid, such as Omega 3, which is found in fish and flax seeds, as well as fats from olive oil and avocado. They play an important role in hormone production, skin color and brain function. Fats keep energy levels constant and provide the body with essential nutrients. The main rule is moderation, since fats are high in calories.

As sources of fat, include natural peanut, olive or almond oil, avocados in your diet. In addition, fats will come from eggs, meat and fish.

AT recent times dietary supplements containing omega-3 essential fatty acids are gaining popularity, namely fish fat and linseed oil capsules. They help maintain healthy levels of essential fatty acids in the body. If you like foods like fish, seeds, nuts, and avocados, you won't be short of healthy fats derived from whole foods. Supplements containing EFAs and Omega-3s will make a great addition to your diet, though.

And a few words about “bad” fats. If there are good fats, what are the "bad" ones? Eating large amounts of these fats can cause health problems. Avoid products with high content saturated fats found in animal products and some vegetable oils(coconut and palm). Choose low-fat or low-fat dairy products, and trim excess visible fat from meats. Chemically derived trans fats and hydrogenated oils are used to extend the shelf life of processed foods such as candy, margarine, packaged foods, and fast food. Such foods are not at all consistent with proper training nutrition, so try to completely eliminate trans fats from your diet.

How to eat for vegetarians when pumping up muscles

Many do not know how to eat properly when you swing, and this dilemma is especially true for vegetarians. Even if you don't eat meat or animal products, you can still change your body and build muscle. Turn on your imagination, as every meal should provide the body with high-quality proteins. If you consume dairy products, then increase the amount of protein in the diet due to low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt.

In addition, soy products are suitable for vegetarians. They are an excellent source of protein and are available in almost every supermarket. You can also try meat substitutes that are made from vegetable proteins such as soy, mushrooms, etc. These products look and smell like real meat. It comes in the form chicken cutlets, hamburgers and even taco meatballs. These substitutes will make meals tasty and varied, but always read the labels: the list of ingredients should not include sodium, corn syrup, or saturated fats and hydrogenated oils.

Many vegetarian and vegan diets include nutritional combinations such as beans and brown rice, natural nut butters and bread. The main thing is to follow the basic principles proper nutrition for pumping muscle mass: eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, choose whole foods and create a small surplus of calories for mass gain.

How much to drink when you swing

What should you drink while on a diet? Water, lots of water. Without adequate hydration, muscle growth stops and health and performance can suffer. It is ideal to drink 4 liters of water a day. If you are on a high-calorie diet, this does not mean that you can drink milkshakes, sugary juices and whole chocolate milk in any quantities. The key factor here is moderation. Read food labels and try to stay within your daily calorie allowance.

What portions should you eat to build muscle?

Portion size goes hand in hand with calories. Do not think that measuring portions is difficult. There is a little trick that makes life easier for many bodybuilders. Each meal should include:

Add some healthy fats 2-3 times a day. This can be 1 teaspoon of flaxseed or olive oil per dish, or as a snack, spread natural peanut or almond butter on a slice of bread. Eat 1-2 servings of fruit per day, and don't forget that vegetables can be consumed in large quantities. They don't provide great influence on a diet, but are a source of vital vitamins, minerals and fiber!

What Foods to Avoid When Building Muscles

When you swing, you should eat in a special way. Avoid refined, "white" carbohydrates such as White bread, white rice, cakes, cookies and candies. They have too many calories and almost no nutrients. Stay away from packaged and processed foods from fast food or prepared meals, they are loaded with preservatives and bad fats that will ruin your fitness goals. Try not to drink carbonated sweet water and fruit juices containing sugar!

Alcohol is allowed only in small doses, but it is better to refuse it altogether. Alcoholic drinks contain empty calories, usually from sugars. But not all types of alcohol contain the same amount of calories and sugar. For example, if you're looking to gain muscle mass, mixed drinks with added sugary juices or creams aren't for you. Opt for red wine or cocktails with soda and lime. Several drinks of alcohol special occasion quite acceptable, but try to alternate them with plain water.

Eating in restaurants and pumping up muscles

It's hard to stick to the rules when you're meeting friends at a restaurant or forgetting food at home. You understand that it's time to eat, and there are no healthy products nearby.

If you find yourself without food and decide to eat at a restaurant, just choose the right dishes. Order a grilled chicken sandwich without mayonnaise, grilled chicken breasts, steamed vegetables or baked potatoes. Avoid fried foods, processed or "white" carbohydrates, and cream or cheese sauces. Order salad dressing separately. Instead of soda, give preference to plain water, and a slice of lemon will give it a pleasant aroma and taste.

Try another trick: share the meal with friends, or have half packed to go. Thanks to these simple rules of nutrition, you will enjoy eating and not destroy everything that you have worked so hard to build muscles in the gym.

In the section on the question Is it possible to drink alcohol and swing?! given by the author Sleepy the best answer is It seems to me that alcohol and training in the gym are absolutely opposite things that are not compatible with each other. It can be compared. how to wash and then dry off with a dirty towel. If a person likes to drink, then let him drink and not look towards the hall, and if he decides to practice, then let him forget that alcohol exists for him. I myself can allow myself to drink 100-150 grams of wine on a holiday, but nothing stronger.
are you from prAtein?

Answer from European[guru]
possible but not necessary

Answer from Oksana Aleksandrova[guru]
A glass of wine won't hurt, but you shouldn't "drink"

Answer from Yopportivno-Neforskoy dude[guru]
Oh yes, these drunks don’t care about this article at all normal people they already know that alcohol abuse and playing sports are not compatible things, and some boobies are not, but even if they read this article, they will continue to plump while sitting on a bench and gain weight as much as 3 kg in six months. They will also continue to thump and talk about those people who came to the hall later than them and are smaller in size and who at the same time achieved more results in 3 months than they did in 8, if not more, saying that they used chemistry, although they even used their own resources if you let them practice. What will they say about people of athletic build and who have been doing it for more than one year, I won’t even argue better.

Answer from get bored[guru]
If you are pursuing the goal of building a strong and healthy body, then there is no .... you will not achieve results with alcohol .. Plus a load on the heart. The blood is already chasing, and then there is alcohol in it .... IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. ALCOHOL AND SPORT ------- ARE NOT COMPATIBLE.

Answer from Kirill Sergeev[guru]
You can, but you don’t need to, because there is little sense.

Answer from Vadim[guru]
Xs, as soon as I started to swing, I stopped drinking at all (even Bermix doesn’t work ...) stupidly starts to turn out 🙁

Answer from Nikolai Orlov[newbie]
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Forums and chats are full of statements that beer and sports are quite compatible concepts. As an argument, the fact of an incredible set of muscle mass by athletes who drank beer before, during and after training is given. The “true” evidence is supplemented by research and experiments conducted in various sports and sports magazines. However, the assurances are fundamentally wrong and the question of drinking alcohol after training should be analyzed in detail.

Beer after a workout: is it possible or not?

The use of alcoholic beverages reduces the performance of strength training by about 10-15%, drinking beer before a workout blocks the ability of the muscle to work to its fullest, the systematic use of beer leads to a regression of performance. This happens because the growth of muscle tissue occurs only in the process of resting the body, and alcohol stops the synthesis of muscle fibers, which excludes any progress.

Of course, beer after a workout relaxes and allows you to experience a feeling of relaxation, but the effect of power loads will be minimized, so think for yourself whether to drink beer after the gym or just water. Another argument against is an increased metabolism after exercise. After an hour of training, over the next 2-3 hours, the body's ability to absorb nutrients from the blood increases, which means that alcohol will instantly disperse through all muscle fibers - the rapid absorption of alcohol will slow down the recovery and growth of muscle tissue.

Fact! Even a day after exercising, a bottle of beer reduces progress by 12-15%.

In addition, the foamy drink removes from the body the fluid required for normal recovery and rest. Dehydration plus withdrawal useful substances, vitamins, increased load and blocking the synthesis of testosterone - an athlete exercising in a rocking chair will receive a complete “package” of negativity from just half a liter of foam drunk a day after a workout.

Drinking a drink on the day of training increases the load on the heart and can cause serious pathologies. The arguments given “for” are based on the stimulating effect of intoxicating drink on the body, but the validity of the statement is doubtful: a small consumption within 100 ml can drown out fatigue and increase the effectiveness of gym classes, a large dose will reduce muscle activity and lead to fatigue, relaxation.

Beer after fitness

Can you drink beer after a non-strength workout? In the end, fitness is not pulling a piece of iron, but just gaining harmony, flexibility, and what happens if you drink a glass of foam to relax? Nothing will happen, that is, at all: the effectiveness of classes will be reduced to “zero”:

  1. Beer is high-calorie, but calories are empty, the body uses muscles as energy for processing ethyl, and beer calories are stored in fats;
  2. Alcohol starts the process of blocking the breakdown of fat mass, that is, a lady who drinks foam after fitness will get fat, not lose weight;
  3. Beer is a drink that causes thirst and at the same time removes water from the body, which negatively affects the water-salt balance;
  4. After intensive classes metabolism increases in the hall, so drinking something alcohol obviously overloads the body: alcohol is quickly absorbed and the body, instead of normal rest, is forced to process ethyl and quickly remove toxins from the body.

The bottom line is this: went in for fitness, forget about alcohol. Let the one who does not need a beautiful figure and good appearance drink, besides gym and alcohol are concepts that are not very compatible.

Nonalcoholic beer

Given that exercise and alcoholic drinks- this is bad, because protein synthesis is reduced, muscle growth is disturbed, hormonal balance is disturbed, you should think about foam without alcohol. And here the good news awaits all athletes - non-alcoholic beer does not harm if you go in for sports. The benefit from it is small, the drink also reduces testosterone levels and removes fluid, but at least it does not contain alcohol.

Fact! There is proven evidence of an experiment in which athletes drank 0.5 liters of wheat lager per day before starting training. The content of polyphenols helps to avoid inflammatory processes, so those who drank beer experienced less pain after serious exertion. But still there is one problem: “zero”, just like a regular foamy drink, brings the body into a state of relaxation, so those who drink beer cannot force the muscles to work at full strength.

Engage or drink beer, decide for yourself, the mechanism of the effect of alcohol on the body and the growth of muscle mass is clear. And if someone says: “I drink beer and work out in a rocking chair”, pay attention to the statute of limitations for training and the relief of muscles, most likely the muscle mass will not be as large as the unfortunate athlete would like.

By pumping muscles, you can increase their tone, increase strength indicators, but the external effect will be minimal with improper nutrition. It should also be borne in mind that there are completely different diets for men and women, not similar friend on a friend. There are general recommendations that are suitable for both sexes, but you should still follow an individual diet.

Diet for men

The main thing in nutrition is maintaining a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. male body adapted to build muscle mass without much effort. This is facilitated by the male sex hormone testosterone, which in women is produced in much smaller quantities, which is why the beautiful half of humanity loses weight worse, her muscles are less pronounced, girls are shorter and more inclined to be overweight.

In order for muscles to begin to grow, it is necessary to eat food at the rate of 2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. It would seem that everything is very simple: eat protein, swing and gain muscle mass. But there is also such an indicator as body mass index. It refers to the ratio of fat, muscle mass, water and internal fat. The most simple formula BMI calculation: weight/height in meters². A score below 16 indicates underweight, while a score above 25 indicates overweight.

Muscles are made up of protein. In order for them to increase in volume, you need to increase blood flow to muscle fibers with the help of exercise, to arrange multiple micro-tears in the muscles, so that in the process of restoring the structure of the fiber, the muscle grows in volume, and also to promote growth with the help of protein nutrition. Athletes use special preparations to gain muscle mass. These are protein shakes, energy drinks, tablets with L-carnitine. Mere mortals should exclude from their diet carbohydrate-containing and fatty foods. These include:

  • pastries and bakery products
  • candy, chocolate
  • sugar
  • dried fruits
  • jams, jams, creams
  • sweet fruits and dried fruits
  • sausages and sausages
  • smoked products

Vegetarians will find it difficult to choose a diet because plant foods are very low in protein. An exception may be tofu curd made from soy milk, legumes, nuts (but they are fatty), mushrooms. If you have enough willpower to sit on these products, then please, but the efficiency from them is much inferior to animal protein.

An overweight man whose waist exceeds 100 cm, even gaining muscle mass, will not be able to boast beautiful body. To do this, it is necessary first of all to deal with "drying", i.e. shed subcutaneous fat. For a man, the task is complicated by the fact that he needs to maintain muscle mass. This means that the diet should be built in such a way that the body receives everything it needs for muscles and receives less "fuel" for body fat. In this case, energy will be taken from subcutaneous fat reserves. 80% of a man's diet should consist of protein foods. It includes the following products:

  • egg whites
  • fish (pollock, hake, cod)
  • dairy and dairy products low fat or low fat
  • seafood (shrimp, squid, octopus, mussels)
  • turkey meat
  • beef or chicken liver
  • chicken breasts
  • vegetable salads with fat-free sour cream (in small quantities)
  • green tea
  • mineral and drinking water without gas

The peculiarity of drying in men is such that you should eat every 2-3 hours and be sure not to refuse breakfast. The last point is important because breakfast starts the metabolic process. The last meal should be a maximum of 2 hours before bedtime.

Men are luckier than women. They can afford carbohydrate foods, otherwise they will not have the strength to do big things. physical activity. Pasta made from premium wheat, whole grain bread, cereal cereals - all this should be present in small quantities in the diet. Otherwise, the lack of carbohydrates can lead to nervous breakdowns and even hungry fainting.

Drying lasts 3-4 weeks depending on the desired results. The result is a beautiful relief body and not a gram of excess fat.

If a woman goes to the gym and wants to achieve a sculpted body, then this task for her, unlike a man, is not very achievable. If the hormone testosterone helps a man pump up voluminous muscles, then the hormone estrogen, which is responsible for the roundness of the female figure and fat deposition in the hips, waist and inner thigh, prevents the woman from doing the same. No matter how much a woman swings, she will never be able to achieve relief without the use of professional weight loss products or fat burners. There are, of course, happy owners of a thin figure who can eat anything and not get fat. But we're talking about ordinary women who tend to be overweight rather than thin.

It is recommended to eat oat bran in the amount of 1-2 teaspoons per day. This product is not "Hercules" from the store and is not oat flakes. This is a kind of scrub for the intestines. Oat bran tends to increase in the stomach by 25 times. They are able to break down fats accumulated on the walls of the intestine. Even without playing sports, with the help of oat bran you can shed a few pounds.

So that the body in the process of losing weight does not catch itself with ketone products (fat decay products), you need to drink plenty of pure non-carbonated water. It is advisable to carry a bottle of 0.25-0.5 liters with you and drink water periodically. Drying eliminates the use of fats, and this negatively affects the condition of the skin and hair. In addition, without fat, the hormonal system will cease to function, because female hormones contain fat in their composition. Complete exclusion fat will lead to menstrual failure and other more deplorable consequences. To prevent this, consume 1-2 teaspoons linseed oil in a day. It will help remove toxins from the body, have a slight laxative effect and fill the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids, without which the heart, hormonal system and carbohydrate metabolism cannot function normally.

Unlike a man, a woman should first lose weight, and then start modeling her figure. We will not talk about the real relief, because for a woman it is dangerous and not necessary. But to have a beautiful toned body is quite possible. The ketone diet, which consists of protein foods, will help you lose weight and remove excess fat. Girls can recommend the following dishes:

  1. Seafood salad (shrimp + squid straws + greens).
  2. Oat bran pizza. For her, bake cakes: mix fat-free cottage cheese with 1.5 teaspoons of oat bran, add 1 egg and bake 2 cakes. Between them, put a few pieces of lightly salted salmon or trout or chicken / turkey fillet.
  3. Beef or chicken liver cooked in a baking bag with dried mushrooms soaked in water.
  4. There is a little-known, but very effective dish for weight loss. Brew black tea without additives, cool and salt. Put defrosted capelin there for 2-3 hours. Then take the fish out and bake it in the sleeve or steam it. The polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in the dish will contribute to the process of losing weight.
  5. Consume 1 teaspoon of cod liver per day. Yes, it is oily, but it acts on the principle of capelin.
  6. Pollack meatballs. Prepare minced pollock fillet. Mix it with 1 teaspoon of oat bran, add 1 egg white. Shape into meatballs and cook in a baking bag.

You should not drastically change your lifestyle for people who have never been involved in sports and fitness before. Do not change your diet if you have health problems. Diseases of the kidneys and heart diabetes, stomach ulcers are an obstacle to the implementation of diets. Before starting the process of gaining muscle mass, consult a doctor (and for a woman, a visit to a gynecologist is a must, diets provoke the growth of fibroids and cysts). The saying “beauty requires sacrifice” does not apply in this case, because you will have to sacrifice your health.

Video: how to eat right for weight gain and fat burning

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