What are the child's hobbies? Children's hobby - what to captivate the baby? How not to turn pleasure into hard labor

Now, more than ever, a huge selection of circles and sections for children is provided. How can parents decide in this diversity? This article discusses the most popular hobbies and hobbies for children of different age categories and characters.

Difficulties of choice

“Drama circle, photo circle, horce circle - I want to sing!” - these lines about the difficulties of choosing a hobby pioneer Lidochka, A. Barto wrote in 1934. Today the situation has become even more complicated, children of the 21st century and we, their parents, are forced to give preference to 1-2 hobbies out of hundreds of possible ones: sports, dance, art, music...

Why go to the "circle"?

The etymology of this old-fashioned word - "circle" - perhaps, is the main meaning of the child's extracurricular hobbies. After all, it is important for each of us to be in a circle of like-minded people who share our interests. Only with them we truly relax and can develop the abilities inherent in us by nature.

How not to turn pleasure into hard labor?

“My child will be a diversified personality,” we say to ourselves and write down the child “in English”, “music”, figure skating, swimming pool ... And as a result we get a frequently ill child (CHID), picking up all the sores and skipping all the additional classes (and school at the same time) due to "poor health"

Lot? Few? Just right!

It is worth starting from one direction. Moreover, from the one that the child himself wishes, and not which is "fashionable this year." If the baby starts dancing every time the music is turned on, then go to the dance club with him. If he turns a fork, a spoon and a TV remote control into a microphone, you have a direct road to a music studio. Be attentive to the child - he will tell you what is interesting to him in life!

Benefit or interest?

All parents want their child to grow up healthy and strong. Therefore, the first wish that we put forward for additional classes is that they be useful in terms of physical development. Here, sports sections, yoga clubs, dance studios come to the rescue.

Figure skating

Children are taken to figure skating from the age of 4-5, because at this age children are easily stretched, and the feeling of fear is not as pronounced as in adults. This makes it possible to learn complex elements. If a child wants to achieve heights in this sport, and not just remain an amateur, you need to tune in to hard work, falls and bruises.

Skiing and snowboarding

Alpine skiing and snowboarding develop dexterity, improve coordination of movements, train the muscles of the back, legs, and abs. Children are taken to professional sections from 4-5 years old. Parents who send their child to this sport need to understand that descending steep mountains is risky and can be traumatic.


Karate develops coordination, flexibility, agility and strength. In addition, with the help of this martial art, children learn to concentrate, manage emotions and direct their energy in the right direction. You can engage in this sport from 5-6 years.


Tennis gives the child a general physical development, develops coordination of movements. If you set yourself the goal of reaching heights in this sport, you need to train from the age of 5, and a lot and hard (at 5 years old - three times a week, at 6 years old - four times, etc.)


A child from the age of 4 can be enrolled in wushu section. This martial art with elements of breathing exercises will strengthen the children's body, develop muscles and strength, and teach them to remain calm in any circumstances.

Swimming pool

This sport, which develops the lungs and muscles, is taken from 2-3 years old, of course, provided that there is a “splash pool” in the pool and an instructor working with the kids. Also, there is a swimming pool at almost every children's clinic, here you can swim with a child from the first months of life.

dance clubs

Classical choreography, folk dance (flamenco, oriental dance, latino, etc.), modern trends (breakdance, hustle, hip-hop) - there are many offers on the dance services market. Take your child to several open lessons, all dance classes without exception are good for health, the main thing is to choose your style!

Healthy fantasy world

Sculpting, drawing, photography, macrame - all these "applied" types of fine arts allow the child to express their emotions, hopes, fears. Therefore, one should not think that by visiting an art studio, a child “loses time” that could be spent on hockey or Chinese classes. If drawing is what helps him express himself, then these activities are good for health: both psychological and physical!

Force or not?

Often you can hear from quite adult people: “It’s in vain that my parents didn’t force me to continue to study the piano (choreography, swimming, etc.), maybe I would have come out well ...” There is no need to force, psychologists say, but here to help overcome the first difficulties, outline prospects, motivate for classes - it is quite parental.


You should not expect that, having started playing hockey at the age of 5, your son will definitely become an Olympic champion. And is it necessary? After all, the main task is to allow the child to self-determine what he likes. And if on the way to the main hobby of a lifetime there will be sport fishing, ballroom dancing and a circle of young naturalists - why not? After all, childhood is a great time to find your place in this world!

A child at the age of 3-4 years becomes very active. Many mothers are tormented by the question: “What to do with your child?”. After all, the kid should spend time with benefit. At this age, children need to develop, instill in them communication skills.

Of course, children are all different in character and temperament. Someone aged 3-4 years old can play alone all day, while someone needs variety in activities.

Note! When taking a 3-4 year old child at home with any business, be sure to be there. Babies at this age should not be left unattended. Be nearby, organize your affairs so that there is a small distance between you and the child.

What features of this age group should be taken into account

3-4 years is the period when the baby begins to realize himself. He has a more perfect system of coordination of movements, he begins to move more smoothly.

Children show musical abilities, they like to dance and sing.

Kids can already play in the company, they occupy themselves with games, they show interest in designing, their vocabulary is growing rapidly. The child begins to use the words that he heard from adults, turns of speech become more difficult, he begins to express his opinion.

Children at 3-4 years old already play with their peers

During this period, relationships with peers and adults are formed. He becomes a participant in joint games, begins to perceive the rules of behavior in games.

Children at this age have many questions, they gain life experience. The information that a child can absorb during this period is simply colossal in its volume.

And, of course, the task of parents and teachers is to choose such educational games that would help the formation of the personality and skills of the child, both in a children's institution and at home.

The age of 3-4 years is a great time to develop the creative abilities of children. You can sculpt from plasticine or salt dough. For a child aged 3-4 years, drawing classes are interesting. Young artists with the same pleasure draw with pencils and paint with paints, they like felt-tip pens and colored crayons.

Games for the development of hand motor skills and fantasy

Note! Children themselves cannot draw at this age, but they can paint according to their liking and strength. There are special coloring books on sale, you can print coloring pages from the Internet.

Parents of artists need to be careful, because at the age of 3-4 years, children love to draw not only on paper. They like walls and doors. Drawing boards can be an interesting option. It is convenient to install such a board at home - it takes up little space.

Great idea - mosaic - a game for creativity

At this age, children can be engaged in constructors. For 3-4 years, constructors made of plastic parts are suitable. Children are especially interested in towers and houses, which they build with pleasure. At home, you can allow children to create houses from improvised materials - pillows, chairs, blankets.

In the period when the child reaches 3-4 years old, parents begin to think about additional developmental education.

Moms and dads pick up mugs or sections for their crumbs. Children are taken to swimming, gymnastics. If you start studying a foreign language, the result will be very good.

But you can work with children outside the home. A child of 3-4 years old is useful to stay in the air.

All children love sandbox games.

Outdoor activities are varied. Children of this age are attracted to the sandbox, where they play and build with pleasure. A playground is a place where a child can play and relax in comfort.

Fine motor skills: kids 3-4 years old are happy to lay out mosaic patterns, look at pictures in books. They are interested in moving toys.

What activities can you do at home?

At home, the child can be occupied with the following:

Almost all the proposed options are educational: kids are not only busy with exciting and useful work.

If mom cooks something from dough, then give the child a piece - let him make his contribution.

There is another interesting activity: take large beans, pasta and some peas, shift and instruct the child to sort into three containers. Play as needed help around the house. Be sure to praise.

In general, the kitchen attracts both girls and boys - fantasize, and your little assistant will be happy to complete tasks.

Children in the kitchen will be happy to help

What to do with kids outside the home

Often, being away from home, kids 3-4 years old suffer from the fact that they do not know what to do.

In the summer, children aged 3-4 are attracted to the sandbox. Everything with sand is developing. Building different figures, breaking through the grooves, the baby learns shapes and volumes through the hands. Exposure through the hands has a beneficial effect on speech activity. Playing on the sand is interesting and very convenient:

  • from wet sand, you can “stick” a lot of figures using molds. For example, invite your child to create a sand park or make pies for a puppet dinner;
  • on a flat surface, you can "draw" a picture of the sand.

Arrange plastic pins or bottles in the clearing, let the child learn to “drag” the ball between them.

Great idea for a summer residence - homemade paths

On the playgrounds there is a mini-ring, give the ball and offer to throw it into the basket, moreover, from different distances.

Give your child colored crayons - let him draw on the pavement. Show how to draw cells - the kid will be happy to jump on them.

What to do with a baby in the country

At the dacha in the summer, it’s easy to take a baby:

What to do with kids in the park

In the autumn park, invite your child to collect a collection of autumn leaves. Before the walk, prepare a bag or box where he will put his treasures.

Another option for an outdoor game is to offer the baby jogging, for example, to a green bench, to a large stone, to a mountain ash, etc.

How can you play with your baby in the winter park?

How to captivate a child 3-4 years old on the road

It happens that a family with a child of this age must go on a trip. It is difficult for restless kids to sit still in transport. What can distract him?

  • In the car, you can play like this: who will be the first to see the car, for example, red or blue roof.
  • You can simply ask to name the objects that he sees.
  • Invite your child to observe the clouds - what they look like, how they change.
  • Prepare a box with small toys, let him take them apart and play. Ask to talk about each.
  • Play yes or no. For example, does the kitten bark? The child answers "no".
  • Read poems on the road, remember songs for children.

Travel games can be purchased as a set

You can safely take felt-tip pens and albums on the train - let the child draw what he sees through the window or depict the train. Give your child a wet wipe to wipe the table and doors.

On the plane, you need to let the child look around. It is better to choose places for children near the aisle. So there will be room to stand up if needed. Show him the pillow, the straps, the porthole, the folding table.

You can take the baby with magnetic puzzles - they are designed specifically for trips - they will not crumble. Look in children's stores for games on the road - these are cards and special tasks.

What parents of a 3-4 year old baby should know

  • For a baby at this age, peace is an opportunity to move, to be active.
  • Of course, classes and tasks should be gradually complicated, but nevertheless, we must also return to simple-type exercises. For example, if a child is sick, he feels unwell, then there is no need to come up with difficult tasks for him.
  • Keep in mind that a child in this period of life endows inanimate objects with consciousness.
  • The child develops an understanding of the world, so try to ensure that the fundamental concepts are formed correctly.
  • Do not rush the baby - he will gradually understand and learn everything.

Games with cereals develop fantasy

The child needs love, patience of parents and their attention. Then he will perform any task with pleasure.

Our today's article, dear reader, is devoted to an important topic. Almost everyone loves children. However, not everyone understands them well enough and knows how to organize their leisure time correctly. Today we will answer the question of what is interesting for children.

What are the interests of children of different ages?

The life of a person and the periods of his development determine the main or so-called leading activity of a person, no matter what period he is in. That is why it is advisable to talk about the interests of a person, starting from the moment of life and the age that he is now experiencing. Let's start with the smallest ones. What is interesting for a child in a year?

Interests up to 3 years

  • The period of early childhood lasts from birth to three years. During this period, the most rapid development of a person in his entire life takes place. It is difficult to imagine the amount of information that literally falls on the child in these years. The first three years form the basis of the future personality of the child, so it is necessary to choose the right games that you can play with your baby.
  • For the first year of a baby's life, when he has not yet mastered many skills, everything that can be touched with hands, feet or put in his mouth is interesting. Any item, not even necessarily a toy, will captivate your child for a long time. Thus, the main task of parents is to monitor the safety of the object with which their child plays.
  • At this age, it is necessary to establish good physical contact with the baby. You need to touch him, hug, kiss and interact with his body.
  • Also, talking with the baby is very helpful for his development. In no case do not lose sight of the child's babble, because this is his basis for future speech. The age from one to three years is the crisis age. Any crisis is the destruction of the old and the creation of the new. So it is with man. The child learns more and more new ways of interacting with the outside world. Your task is to actively help the baby.
  • The key to the interests of a child of this age is the variety of those toys and games that he plays. By the age of three, the child's social circle expands. Now he interacts not only with relatives and friends, more and more often he sees strangers, including peers. Parents or educator must create the necessary and correct conditions for the development of social potential.
  • Any fun outdoor games in the company of kids will help them overcome the communication barrier.
  • Educational games: constructors, puzzles, coloring books and much more - that's what is interesting for children of this age.

Children after 3 years

  • After overcoming the crisis, the child enters the stage of childhood, which takes a period of 3 to 11 years. These eight long years are the most important life stage for a child.
  • At the age of 3 to 5 years, the child actively shows his interest in the cognitive sphere. It is this age that is great for the formation of the first knowledge about science, for reading and arithmetic, which should be presented to the child in the form of a game.
  • Throughout childhood, the child begins to play games that determine his role-playing interests. For boys, these are firefighters, astronauts, pilots, and so on, and for girls, these are mothers, wives, doctors. It is in these games that the future personality is formed, the success of which directly depends on the quality of the organization of the game.

At the age of three, the child overcomes a kind of psychological barrier: he leaves the toddler age and becomes a preschooler. He gains self-confidence and his strengths, manifests perseverance, ingenuity, stubbornness. He knows a lot: he knows several small rhymes, retells simple tales, speaks both simple and complex sentences, knows his first and last name, home address, sequentially names parts of the day and seasons, distinguishes between left and right hand. Uses pronouns and prepositions correctly in speech.

He quickly collects simple pictures, a pyramid. Knows 5-6 colors, the main parts of the body, distinguishes 2-3 flowers, trees, generalizes groups of objects - dishes, furniture, clothes. Finds both similar and different items.

Child care at 3 years old

The kid actively moves throughout the apartment, playing, spends a lot of time on the floor. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out daily wet cleaning and thoroughly ventilate the room. The child consolidates both previously acquired hygiene skills - washing hands, combing hair, and new ones are instilled. In the pocket of the baby, there must be a handkerchief so that, if necessary, he can use it.

His clothes must be clean and ironed. If the child is dirty, it must be changed immediately. He should know not to walk around in soiled clothes, so he will get used to being neat. For children, it is advisable to purchase clothes only from natural fabrics. Especially, which is in contact with the body, so that it does not cause chafing and irritation. At home, the baby should be dressed in soft, comfortable flannel or knitwear.

At three years old, you can show your baby how to use a toothbrush, in which direction to drive it over the teeth. It is not necessary to apply paste to the brush, because. not all children have learned how to rinse their mouths properly. It is enough that the child simply understands that the teeth require cleaning in the morning and in the evening. Have him develop a daily ritual.

Nutrition for a 3 year old

From the age of three, a baby can eat almost all foods, with the exception of very fatty and spicy foods. From this time on, the child gradually moves to the common table; food is less and less prepared for him separately. To diversify the menu, you can give him meat, vegetable, canned fish, smoked meats, pickles, nuts and seeds in small quantities.

Viscous and liquid cereals are replaced by drier and more crumbly ones. Why put one part of cereal into two parts of water. To make the porridge especially tasty, it must be flavored with a piece of butter. The child must necessarily receive the required amount of not only carbohydrates, proteins and fats, but also vitamins. In the summer, he needs to make salads from raw vegetables daily - carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes. Salads are seasoned with sour cream or butter and sprinkled with parsley, celery, dill, green onions.

In hot weather, hot meat first courses should be alternated with cold vegetarian ones - okroshka, beetroot. Which are seasoned with bread kvass, kefir, whey. For snacks, instead of cookies and sweets, you can make healthy sandwiches: grease a slice of black bread with vegetable oil, add a little salt and sprinkle with finely chopped green or onion. Or smear a piece of black bread with a sweet cheese mass or a thick layer of ordinary cottage cheese sprinkled with sugar.

From hot drinks, you can offer your baby black or green tea. It is still too early to introduce natural coffee, it is replaced with a coffee drink brewed with milk. No more than twice a week, the baby is given cocoa with milk.

The daily routine of a child at 3 years old

The daily routine of a child is a schedule of actions - feeding, playing, walking, sleeping, which alternate in a certain order and after a certain period of time. The established routine helps the baby feel comfortable throughout the day. His body, tuned to a harmonious rhythm, will itself require food or rest at the same time. The child will not need to be put to bed for a long time or forced to eat. Well-rested and well-fed, the baby will always be in a good mood. Will be active, inquisitive, energetic. In order not to bring down the rhythm, deviations from the time set in the daily routine should not exceed 30 minutes.

The need for outdoor exposure is approximately 4 hours. This time is divided into two or three walks. Don't miss out on fresh air if it's raining outside. It is enough to put on rubber boots, a raincoat and take an umbrella.

Games and entertainment at the age of three no longer necessarily take place under the guidance of an adult. The child can occupy himself by assembling a constructor, a mosaic, drawing, or playing. So the baby shows independence, and the mother has a little more free time. Of course, it is necessary to control the child, periodically entering the room and checking what he is doing.

Meals should always take place at the same time, the interval between which is about four hours. At the age of three, the child already knows that it is necessary to wash the hands before eating. You can bring him to help to set the table. Let him lay out spoons, forks, bread, napkins.

Classes with a child at 3 years old (how to develop)

In order for a child to develop diversely, adult help is needed. Therefore, if the baby does not attend kindergarten, you need to study with him at home. First of all, you need to pay attention to the development of speech. While walking, show and say the names of the species of different trees, pay attention to what shape their leaves are, what the parts of the tree are called. Boys can be shown and called the brand and color of passing cars. Tell what parts they are. Ask your child questions, encourage communication, come up with rhymes for words together.

It is important to develop gross and fine motor skills. For large motor skills, games with skittles or a ball are useful - tossing it, throwing it, throwing it at a target. For the development of fine motor skills, you need to sculpt from soft plasticine, salt dough, sort out cereals, beans, sort buttons or beads by color and shape, draw straight lines, rounds, ovals. Finger games are very useful when an adult reads poetry (for example, "We're going to visit", "Pies", "Vegetables"), and the kids knock on the table with their fists, clap their hands, stretch out their hands, play with their fingers.

You can introduce your child to counting, subtraction and addition. First, they start with a simple one: they explain what the concept of “one” means, what is “many” or “little”. They tell what shape objects are - round, square, rectangular. They show examples from life - the wheel is round, the stool is square, etc. Soon the child himself will find objects of the desired shape.

Games and toys for children at 3 years old

Children of all ages love ball games. In the arsenal, it is better to have several balls of different diameters. You can play with your child, alternately kicking the ball with your foot or throwing it from hand to hand. To train coordination of movement, start with the largest ball, gradually moving to small balls. The child will be interested if other children from the yard join the game. Together they will be able to play not only ball, but also hide and seek or catch up.

Modern cartoons on TV or DVD, this is certainly good. But it will be even better if you have old filmstrips and a projector. Children are very fond of watching such homemade cartoons on the wall or on a white sheet. There is a certain amount of mystery and mystery in this process. Moreover, the old Soviet cartoons are interesting and very kind. It is important for a child that mom or dad are nearby, who at this moment look like good wizards.

At three years old, children have quite a lot of toys. These are dolls and cars and a set of "hospital" or a young hairdresser. You can tell them how to distribute roles in the game. For example, a doctor-patient, a hairdresser-client, a taxi driver-passenger. The child will be able to try himself in different professions, acquire various skills in these games.

A three-year-old child must have puzzles and other educational toys - designers, kaleidoscopes, mosaics, cubes. With their help, logic, fantasy, spatial and creative thinking develop easily and naturally.

Medical supervision at 3 years

If the child has no health problems, then his visits to doctors are limited to preventive examinations before vaccinations. If the baby is preparing to enter kindergarten, he will need to undergo an in-depth medical examination. He is examined by an otolaryngologist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, an orthopedic surgeon, a dermatologist and a dentist. According to indications, a cardiologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, phthisiatrician and other specialists are added. In kindergarten, a psychologist or teacher will additionally communicate with the child. At the age of three, the child must be shown to a speech therapist. If the baby has problems with speech, clarity of pronunciation, or he does not speak, the doctor will prescribe individual lessons for him. Do not ignore them, literally in two or three months you will notice significant changes. Perhaps your child will be advised to attend a special kindergarten with a speech therapy bias, where children are dealt with in more depth. This is not a sentence, there is no need to be ashamed or afraid of it. The sooner they begin to engage with the child, the more significant and faster results can be achieved. Correcting speech defects at 3 years old is much easier than at 7, when he goes to school.

At three years old, children are very inquisitive, they are interested in literally everything. Do not extinguish this spark, be sure to maintain curiosity and direct in the right direction, expand his horizons. Do not dismiss him, talk to him, answer questions, learn new verses, letters, syllables, numbers. Otherwise, his interest will fade, which will then be very difficult to renew. If the child has a desire, you can introduce him to reading or counting skills, try to learn foreign words.

Keep developing your child's language. Chat with him, discuss read books, watched cartoons. Let the kid learn to reason logically. True, it is difficult for some children to do this, because. they have a poor vocabulary. Help him, read books, memorize poems. When communicating with him, do not lisp, but talk like a big one. The child must understand that he is no longer a baby. Explain to him that he is big, and in controversial situations he should not cry or be capricious, but be ready for compromises.

Sometimes children's hobby develops into enthusiasm all life. But it happens that a child still cannot decide: what he would like to do, what he most likes ... In such a situation, wise parents can delicately direct the energy of the baby in the right direction and help him choose a hobby and passion.

How children's hobbies and hobbies are changing

It is very rare that there are children who immediately “found themselves” and determined which hobby or hobby is of the greatest interest to them. And all because the world for a child is full of secrets and mysteries, revealing which is an insanely exciting process. Therefore, children have such a kaleidoscope of interests, they are always in search, hobbies and hobbies of children change dramatically ... Let's say, at first the baby likes to put together puzzles (all evenings are devoted to this peaceful activity), then he is fascinated by drawing and coloring (and now on the first children's "masterpieces" hang on the walls). But parents will be even more surprised when, a little later, the child stuns them with a request to have “some living creature” in the house. And all because the neighbor's peanut with an important and contented look was walking a small puppy ...

Hobbies and hobbies of children can change for various reasons. For example, a shy and melancholic kid who will feel insecure among other guys may not like classes in the sports section. Also, a child's hobbies may change when his expectations are not met.

Hobbies and hobbies of children - tactics of parents

Of course, for adults it is very troublesome when the hobbies and hobbies of children change very often. But on the other hand, to suppress the initiative, to limit the child's desire for everything new and unknown, as you understand, is not very pedagogical. And if you do it, then with great tact and attention to the feelings of the little man. Give the little one the opportunity to try all the hobbies and hobbies (of course, within reason) that he aspires to and that fascinates him. Or, you can interest the child in some activity hitherto unknown to him (drawing, sculpting, assembling models, dancing, singing, music ...). When offering a child to do something, consider his age, wishes and needs. And never force him to do what he doesn't like. The kid will certainly obey you, but will not get any pleasure from such a hobby and hobby.

And when the child has a hobby and passion to his liking, encourage and praise him. It will be just great if you think over and “allocate” a special shelf for the baby, on which all the creations of your child will be displayed.

Hobbies and hobbies of children are only pluses

The fact that you will always know how to captivate your baby when you need a free minute is only one positive thing. As you know, creative activities develop fine motor skills (and hence speech), fantasy, imagination, and memory in a baby.

Also, children's hobbies and hobbies teach them to be responsible, independent, take care of other people's work (how nice it is to admire a craft or a drawing made by one's own hands!).

Hobbies and hobbies of children, taking into account their temperament

The role of parents in choosing hobbies and hobbies for children is very large. By allowing or forbidding something, adults sometimes determine the fate of the child. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake in your decision and desire to direct the baby along the right path, consider the peculiarities of his temperament.

So, choleric people - mobile, energetic children - will be interested in fun games and sports. Hobbies and hobbies need to be selected such that will develop a small personality so that his strength is spent not only on pranks.

Melancholics - impressionable and vulnerable natures - will like creative joint activities with mom or dad (creating applications, modeling).

Little sanguines usually do not play with a new toy for a day, so they are able to try many activities and sections. Encourage their interest, sooner or later the child will make his final choice.

A calm phlegmatic needs to develop curiosity (buy him not just a coloring book, but, for example, a coloring book “The Seven Wonders of the World”).

Be attentive to the child in order to help him fully realize himself at the right time, to reveal all the inclinations that are laid in him by genes and nature itself. Remember, the less frames and prohibitions you put on your baby, the less you give ready-made installations, the more inquisitive, sociable, free in his actions and choices he will grow.

In addition, by helping your child choose hobbies and hobbies, it will be useful to learn more about and about

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