Physical education and sports with myopia. Best eye exercises for nearsightedness (myopia)

Introduction …………………………………………………………………..…….…..2

Contraindicated physical exercise…………………………..…....3

Myopia and sports……………………………………………….....5

A set of exercises…………………………………………................... .......7



Physical activity is one of the necessary conditions of life, which has not only biological, but also social significance. It is considered as a natural biological need of a living organism at all stages of ontogenesis. Physical activity regulated in accordance with medical indications, is the most important factor in the correction of a person's lifestyle.
Therapeutic physical culture (LFK)- a method of treatment that uses the means of physical culture with a therapeutic and prophylactic purpose and for a faster recovery of the health and working capacity of the patient, preventing the consequences of the pathological process. Exercise therapy is not only a therapeutic and prophylactic, but also a therapeutic and educational process. The use of exercise therapy educates the patient in a conscious attitude to the use of physical exercises, instills in him hygienic skills, provides for his participation in the regulation of his general regime and, in particular, the regime of movements, brings up the correct attitude of patients to hardening the body with natural factors of nature.
The object of exercise therapy is a patient with all the features of the reactivity and functional state of his body. This determines the difference in the means used, methods and dosages in the practice of exercise therapy.
Exercise therapy is a method of natural biological content, which is based on the use of the main biological function organism - movement. The function of movement is the main stimulator of the processes of growth, development and formation of the body. The function of movement, stimulating the vigorous activity of all body systems, supports and develops them, contributing to an increase in the overall performance of the patient.

Contraindicated exercise

Table 1. Contraindications for various kinds sports

Kind of sport

Contraindications depending on on the degree of myopia and the condition of the eyes

Tips for Using Optical Correction
Fight with any degree of myopia
Weightlifting Without correction
Cycling on the track with high myopia, as well as with any degree of myopia with complications in the fundus contact correction
Sports gymnastics Without correction
Rhythmic gymnastics Usually without glasses. With a significant decrease in vision - contact correction
Target shooting, bullet shooting, archery with myopia more than - 8 diopters
Modern pentathlon Without correction
Horseback Riding with high myopia, as well as myopia with complications in the fundus
Fencing Spectacle or contact correction
Swimming only with complicated myopia Without correction
Water polo with high myopia, as well as myopia with complications in the fundus No correction or correction with contact lenses
Diving with all types of myopia, except for stationary myopia of a weak degree Without correction
rowing only with complicated myopia Spectacle correction
Sailing only with complicated myopia Without correction
Ski race only with complicated myopia Any correction
Biathlon only with complicated myopia Spectacle or contact correction
Skiing with all types of myopia, except for stationary myopia of a weak degree Without correction
Ski jumping with any degree of myopia
Nordic combined with any degree of myopia
Ice-skating race with high myopia, as well as myopia with complications in the fundus
Figure skating with high myopia, as well as myopia with complications in the fundus No correction or contact correction
Race walking only with complicated myopia Any correction or no
Short distance running with all types of myopia, except for stationary myopia of a weak degree Any correction or no
Running for medium and long distances only with complicated myopia Any correction or no
Throwing No correction or contact correction
jumping with high and complicated myopia
Volleyball basketball with high myopia, as well as myopia with complications in the fundus Contact correction or without it
Football, handball with all types of myopia, except stationary contact correction
Hockey with any degree of myopia
Tennis: big, table, badminton with high myopia, as well as myopia with complications in the fundus contact correction
luge with all types of myopia, except for stationary myopia of a weak degree contact correction
Motorsport with all types of myopia, except for stationary myopia of a weak degree Without correction
Townships with high myopia, as well as myopia with complications in the fundus Any correction

Myopia and sports

An indispensable condition for myopic sports is a clear definition of contraindications, systematic medical monitoring of the state of the organ of vision. Sports activities can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes with myopia and contribute to its stabilization, but they can also have a very adverse effect on the organ of vision and lead to complications. It all depends on the degree of myopia, as well as on the specifics chosen kind sports and dosage of sports loads.

With uncomplicated, stationary (i.e., not progressive) myopia, it is possible and useful to engage in certain sports. If classes are incompatible with wearing glasses and are possible without optical correction, then glasses are allowed to be removed for the duration of classes. In some sports, high visual acuity is required and at the same time glasses cannot be used. In such cases, contact correction is appropriate, i.e. lenses placed directly on the eyeball.

With complicated or progressive myopia, sports associated with great physical stress are contraindicated, for example, wrestling, weight lifting, with a sharp movement of the body and the possibility of shaking it.

According to the current situation, during the initial medical examination, lindens with myopia over 3 diopters are not allowed to play sports. If, in the process of training, myopia progresses and increases to 6 diopters, then the athlete is recommended to stop active activities and significantly reduce the load.

Indications for the use of exercise therapy for myopia

Therapeutic physical culture (exercise therapy) is indicated for all persons with progressive myopia of any degree acquired and not complicated by retinal detachment. Age is not a limiting factor, but exercise therapy is most effective in children. The earlier exercise therapy is prescribed for myopia and the lower the degree of myopia, the higher the effectiveness of the method.

With congenital myopia, the use of exercise therapy is ineffective.

Treatment of exercise therapy is contraindicated with the threat of retinal detachment.

Tasks of exercise therapy

1. general strengthening of the body;

2. activation of the function of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;

3. strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus;

4. improvement of blood supply to eye tissues;

5. strengthening the muscles of the eye system.

include breathing exercises, as well as exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck and back in order to improve the functionality of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as strengthening the muscular corset, muscles of the neck and back, weakened by an incorrect posture during visual work (sharply tilted head, stooped back). In the complex of medical and preventive measures posture of a person at work great importance. The position of the body is considered correct when the line of the center of gravity crosses the bench behind the hip joint, the head is slightly tilted forward, the eyes are at a distance of the length of the forearm and hand with outstretched fingers from the book lying on the table, the shoulder girdle remains horizontal, the body is moved away from the edge of the table by 3-5 cm.

A set of exercises

Preventive exercises

The following special physical exercises must be performed in order to prevent the onset and progression of myopia at least 3-4 times a week.


  1. Introduction.
  2. Myopia.
  3. Causes of myopia.
  4. myopia treatment.
  5. Lessons physical culture and sports for myopia.
  6. Restrictions to physical culture classes for schoolchildren due to the state of the organ of vision.
  7. The main contraindications to sports for people with myopia.
  8. Physical culture for schoolchildren with myopia.


Over the past decades, the number of people suffering from myopia has increased significantly. People wearing glasses have become an integral feature of modern life: in total, about 1 billion people wear glasses in the world. Myopia is inherent mainly in young people. Thus, according to various authors, myopia in schoolchildren ranges from 2.3 to 16.2% or more. For university students, this percentage is even higher. And although the hereditary factor is quite important in the development of myopia, it is by no means always the determining factor.

Myopia, myopia (from the Greek "myo" - to squint and "opsis" - look, vision), is one of the shortcomings of the refraction of the eye, as a result of which people suffering from it do not see distant objects well. Myopia most often develops during school years, as well as while studying in secondary and higher education. educational institutions and is associated mainly with long-term visual work at close range (reading, writing, drawing), especially with improper lighting and poor hygienic conditions. With the introduction of computer science in schools and the spread of personal computers, the situation has become even more serious.

If measures are not taken in time, then myopia progresses, which can lead to serious irreversible changes in the eye and significant loss of vision. And as a result - to partial or complete loss of ability to work.

The weakening of the eye muscles also contributes to the development of myopia. This deficiency can be corrected with the help of specially designed sets of physical exercises designed to strengthen muscles. As a result, the progression of myopia often stops or slows down. Limitation physical activity persons suffering from myopia, as recommended until recently, is now recognized as wrong. However, excessive physical activity can have an adverse effect on the health of myopic people.

The first mention of myopia is found in Aristotle (384-322 BC). He noted that with the weakness of the squinting eye, they bring close to it what they want to see. In Aristotle, the word “myops” is also found for the first time, meaning: to close the eyes while blinking, from which the modern term “myopia” originated.


Myopia (nearsightedness) is a strong refraction, therefore, accommodation tension in such eyes cannot improve the images of distant objects, and myopes see poorly at a distance and well at close range.

It is customary to distinguish three degrees of myopia: weak - up to 3.0 diopters, medium - 6.0 diopters, high - over 6.0 diopters.

According to the clinical course, non-progressive and progressive myopia is distinguished.

The progression of myopia can proceed slowly and end with the completion of the growth of the organism. Sometimes myopia progresses continuously. reaches high degrees (up to 30.0-40.0 diopters), is accompanied by a number of complications and a significant decrease in vision. Such myopia is called malignant - myopic disease. Non-progressive myopia is a refractive error. Clinically, it is manifested by a decrease in distance vision, is well corrected and does not require treatment. Favorably proceeds and temporarily progressive myopia. Constantly progressive myopia is always a serious disease, which is the main cause of disability. associated with pathology of the organ of vision.

The clinical picture of myopia is associated with the presence of primary weakness of accommodation, convergence overstrain and stretching of the posterior segment of the eye that occurs after the growth of the eye stops.

The accommodative muscle in myopic eyes is poorly developed, but since accommodation is not required when viewing closely spaced objects, this usually does not manifest itself clinically, however, according to data, it contributes to compensatory stretching of the eyeball and an increase in myopia.

The imbalance of weak accommodation with a significant tension of convergence can lead to spasm of the ciliary muscle, the development of false myopia, which eventually turns into true. With myopia above 6.0 diopters constant pressure convergence, due to the proximity of the further point of clear vision, is a great burden for the internal rectus muscles, resulting in visual fatigue - muscle asthenopia.

Stretching the posterior segment of the eyeball leads to anatomical and physiological changes. Especially sharply, visual function is affected by disturbances in the vascular and retinal membranes. The consequence of these disorders are changes in the fundus typical of myopia.

Causes of myopia

In the development of myopia, the following factors should be considered.

1. Genetic, no doubt of great importance, since nearsighted parents often have nearsighted children. This is especially evident in large population groups. Thus, in Europe the number of myopes among students reaches 15%, and in Japan - 85%.

2. Unfavourable conditions external environment, especially when working at close range for a long time. This is a professional and school myopia, especially easily formed when the development of the organism is not completed.

3. Primary weakness of accommodation, leading to compensatory stretching of the eyeball.

4. Unbalanced tension of accommodation and convergence, causing a spasm of accommodation and the development of false, and then true myopia.

At modern level development of ophthalmology, there is no single, sufficiently substantiated scientific concept of the development of myopia. The participation of the above factors should be considered quite probable, but there is no convincing evidence of the predominant significance of any of them. Apparently different types myopias have a different origin, and their development is due to one of the factors or has a complex genesis.

Myopia treatment

During the period of growth of the body, myopia progresses more often, therefore, its treatment should be carried out especially carefully in childhood and adolescence. Mandatory rational correction, elimination of spasms of the ciliary muscle and the phenomena of asthenopia. Special exercises for training the ciliary muscle are recommended.

In case of high complicated myopia, in addition, a general sparing regimen is shown: physical stress (lifting weights, jumping, etc.) and visual overload are excluded. Restorative treatment and special therapy are prescribed.

Physical education and sports with myopia

Myopia in children school age often combined with diseases such as rheumatism, rickets, chronic tonsillitis, disorders of the musculoskeletal system and other diseases. When determining the medical group for physical education for children with myopia, visual acuity, refraction and the condition of the fundus are taken into account.

The results of recent studies, especially concerning the mechanisms of the origin of myopia, have made it possible to re-evaluate the possibilities of physical culture in this visual defect.

Restriction of physical activity of persons suffering from myopia, as recommended until recently, is recognized as wrong. The important role of physical culture in the prevention of myopia and in the prevention of its progression is shown, since physical exercises contribute both to the general strengthening of the body and the activation of its functions, as well as to increasing the efficiency of the ciliary muscle and strengthening the sclera of the eye.

Scientists have found that girls 15-17 years old, with moderate myopia, significantly lag behind their peers in terms of physical fitness. They have a significant decrease in blood flow in the vessels of the eye and a weakening of the accommodative ability. Cyclic physical exercises (running, swimming, skiing) of moderate intensity (pulse 100-140 bpm) have a beneficial effect on hemodynamics and accommodative ability of the eye, causing a reactive increase in blood flow in the eye some time after exercise and increase the efficiency of the ciliary muscles. After performing cyclic exercises of considerable intensity (pulse 180 beats / min.), As well as exercises on gymnastic apparatus, jumping rope, acrobatic exercises, pronounced ischemia of the eyes is noted, which persists. long time, and deterioration of the performance of the ciliary muscle. Approbation of the methodology physical education children with moderate myopia, taking into account the above effects of physical exercise, showed that the use of this technique helps prevent the progression of myopia. A year later, in the experimental group, refraction decreased in 37.2% of cases, remained at the same level in 53.5% and increased in 9.3%, while in the control group it was observed in 2.4; 7.4 and 90.2% respectively.

Research scientists have established that a decrease in the overall motor activity of students with increased visual load can contribute to the development of myopia. Physical exercises of a general developmental nature in combination with special exercises for the ciliary muscle have a positive effect on the functions of the myopic eye. Based on the results of the research, a method of physical therapy for students and schoolchildren with myopia was developed and its effectiveness was shown when used in a set of measures to prevent myopia and its progression. Yu.I. Kurpan substantiated the method of physical education of students suffering from myopia.

The peculiarity of physical education of schoolchildren and students, which contributes to the prevention of myopia and its progression, is that, in addition to general developmental exercises, classes also include special exercises that improve blood circulation in the tissues of the eye and the activity of the eye muscles, primarily the ciliary muscle.

Physical education for students with myopia

The leading place in the system of physical education of students of general education schools is occupied by physical education lessons.

Compulsory physical education classes for schoolchildren are carried out in three groups: basic, preparatory and special.

Students with visual acuity without correction below 0.5 in the better seeing eye, with hyperopic or myopic refraction of more than 3 diopters are not allowed into the main group.
AT preparatory group sports training and competition are excluded. Students with hypermetropia and myopia over 6.0 diopters, regardless of visual acuity, are not allowed to attend classes in this group.

Students with hypermetropia and myopia of more than 6.0 diopters, regardless of visual acuity, as well as with chronic and degenerative eye diseases, study in a special group for individual program.

For schoolchildren suffering from myopia and included in a special group, special exercises such as physiotherapy exercises have been developed.

As noted above, a significant proportion of students suffer from myopia. As you move into the senior classes, there is a tendency for its progression. This is caused, obviously, by a large visual load, insufficient physical activity, violation of the hygienic requirements of work and life.

Students with mild myopia are included in the main group and can go in for physical education. Benefits of playing sports. Constant switching of vision when playing volleyball, basketball, tennis from close to far and back helps to increase accommodation and prevent the progression of myopia.

In the presence of moderate myopia, students are included in the preparatory medical group. It is advisable to introduce some restrictions into the program requirements for them: to exclude jumps from a height of more than 1.5 m, exercises that require great and prolonged physical exertion. The degree of neuromuscular tension and the total load during physical education should be somewhat lower than that of students from the main medical group.

For students of the preparatory medical group, along with training sessions, it is also necessary to provide for independent classes, including special exercises for the muscles of the eyes or physiotherapy exercises.

Students with high myopia (6.0 diopters or more) should engage in physical education only in a special medical group. The following forms of physical education are used:

a) compulsory and optional classes;
b) self-study, including morning hygienic exercises and measures to harden the body, exercises to increase the level of general and strength endurance, as well as training the ciliary muscle. In addition, physical therapy classes can be recommended.

Physical exercises and sports are the main means of promoting health and maintaining good performance at any age, however, for people suffering from diseases of the eye organ, special sets of exercises are needed.

The weakening of the eye muscles also contributes to the development of myopia. This deficiency can be corrected with the help of specially designed sets of physical exercises designed to strengthen muscles. As a result, the progression of myopia often stops or slows down. Since children with a high degree myopia, there is a violation of posture, weakness of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus, the habit of excessively tilting the head and torso when reading and writing, it is advisable to use corrective and breathing exercises. Limiting the physical activity of people suffering from myopia, as recommended until recently, is now recognized as wrong. However, excessive physical activity can have an adverse effect on the health of myopic people. AT Appendix 1 special physical exercises are given that must be performed in order to prevent the onset and progression of myopia and strengthen the oculomotor muscles at least 3-4 times a week.

There are also general developmental exercises that can be combined with eye movements:

When performing these exercises, do not turn your head, perform eye movements slowly.

  1. I. p. - lying on your back, arms to the sides, in your right hand a tennis ball. Connect hands in front (in relation to the body), pass the ball to left hand. Return to i. n. look at the ball. Repeat 10-12 times.
  2. I. p. - lying on your back, arms lowered along the body, in the right hand the ball. Raise the hand with the ball up (behind the head) and, lowering it, pass the ball to the other hand. The same with the other hand. Look at the ball. Repeat 5-6 times with each hand. When raising the arm, inhale; when lowering, exhale.
    For men, these two exercises can be performed with a dumbbell weighing 1-3 kg.
  3. I. p. - lying on your back, arms to the sides. Perform cross movements with straight arms. Follow the movement of the brush of one, then the other hand. Run 15-20 sec. Breathing is arbitrary.
  4. I. p. - sitting on the floor, emphasis with hands behind, straight legs slightly raised. Perform cross movements with them for 15-20 seconds. Look at the toe of one foot. Don't turn your head. Don't hold your breath.
  5. I. p. - the same. One leg rises a little, the other falls, then vice versa. Look at the toe of one foot. Run 15-20 sec.
  6. I. p. - sitting on the floor, emphasis with hands behind. Swing the right foot up - to the left. The same with the left foot up - to the right. Look at the sock. Repeat 6-8 times with each leg.
  7. I. p. - the same, the straight leg is slightly raised. Perform circular movements with it in one direction and the other. Look at the sock. The same with the other leg. Within 10-15 sec. every foot.
  8. I. p. - standing, hold the gymnastic stick up, bend over - inhale, lower the stick - exhale. Look at the stick. Repeat 6-8 times.
  9. I. p. - standing, keep the dumbbells in front. Circular movements of the hands in one and the other direction for 15-20 seconds. Look at one or the other dumbbell. Perform circular movements for 5 seconds. in one direction, then in the opposite direction.

Physical education with a mild degree of myopia

As already noted, people with mild myopia can use a variety of means of physical education and sports. The only exceptions are those in which blows to the head, sharp concussions of the whole body, and a general great and prolonged stress of those involved are possible. These include boxing, wrestling, long jump, high jump, diving and ski jumping, as well as hockey and rugby.

Individuals with mild myopia need to perform daily special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles that improve vision. All complexes should include exercises “mark on the glass” to train the ciliary muscle. Recommended set of daily exercises:

  1. I. p. - standing, hands on the back of the head. 1-2 - raise your hands up, bend over, 3-4 - return to and. n. Repeat 3-4 times.
  2. I. p. - standing or sitting. Slow circular movements of the head 8 times in each direction.
  3. Self-massage of the occiput and muscles of the back of the neck for 1 min.
  4. Circular movements of the eyeballs. Perform slowly in different directions for 40-45 seconds.
  5. Close eyes. Perform gentle pressure with your fingers on the eyeballs for 25-30 seconds.
  6. Exercise "mark on the glass." Perform for 1-2 minutes, training the muscles of each eye separately and both eyes together.
  7. Close your eyes and stroke the eyelids from the nose to the outer corners of the eyes and back for 30-35 seconds.
  8. Perform rapid blinking for 15-20 seconds.
  9. Sit with your eyes closed for 1 minute, perform abdominal breathing.

Physical education with an average degree of myopia (from 3 to 6 diopters)

The range of physical culture and sports that can be recommended for people with moderate myopia is narrowed compared to those with mild myopia. They can engage in some sports only with non-progressive myopia - running for medium and long distances, walking, swimming, sailing, rhythmic gymnastics, gymnastics according to the program of III - II sports categories, cross-country skiing. The conclusion about the possibility of practicing even these sports should be made by an ophthalmologist.

It is important to remember that exercises with sudden movements of the head should be avoided. Therefore, forward bending of the torso is best performed in a sitting position on the floor. Complexes of exercises for persons with mild myopia can be fully used by those who have moderate myopia. However, everyone must regulate the total load himself, changing the starting positions, facilitating or complicating the exercises, reducing or increasing the range of motion, depending on how you feel.

There are restrictions on physical culture classes for schoolchildren due to the state of the organ of vision.

Physical education with a high degree of myopia (over 6 diopters)

People with a high degree of myopia are not recommended to play sports, but it is advisable to perform daily morning hygienic exercises lasting 8-10 minutes. with the inclusion in the complex of special exercises for training the external and internal muscles of the eyes. People with a high degree of myopia are undesirable exercises such as jumps and dismounts, support jumps over shells, somersaults and a headstand, exercises on the upper rails of the gymnastic wall, jumping from a flybridge, as well as exercises that require prolonged eye strain (continuous shooting).

Classes of therapeutic gymnastics lasting up to 10 minutes. and a physical culture break must be performed daily with an average load.

Persons with myopia over 8 diopters with vision correction and without pathological changes in the eye are shown only physiotherapy exercises, which are desirable to be carried out daily. The complex of therapeutic exercises should contain 10-12 general developmental, breathing and corrective exercises performed at a slow pace without sudden movements of the body and with a small load. Walking at an average pace is also recommended.

Myopia appears and progresses most often in cases where children and adults disrupt the normal mode of visual work, read for many hours, especially when lying down, in poor lighting or in moving vehicles, and also do not perform recommended eye exercises or engage in contraindicated activities. sports, exceeding the permissible level of physical activity. (See table of contraindications - Annex 3 )

As an addition to the topic, Annex 4 a memo is offered for primary school students for the prevention of visual fatigue and myopia ( the author of the method E.S. Avetisov).


  1. Avetisov E.S. Return of sight. M., 1980.
  2. Avetisov E.S., Livado E.I., Kurpan Yu.I.. Physical education for myopia. - M., 1983
  3. "Eye diseases": Textbook. Ed. T.I. Eroshevsky, A.A. Bochkareva. - M.: Medicine 1983.
  4. Avetisov E.S.“Myopia” - M .: Medicine, 1986.
  5. Steve Shenk man "Is it possible to live without glasses?", M: 1992
  6. Jerry Friedman"Free your eyes", M: 1997
  7. Saykina E.G., Firileva Zh.E. Physical education - hello to minutes and pauses! Collection of physical exercises for preschoolers: Educational and methodological manual for teachers of school and preschool institutions. - St. Petersburg, 2004.
  8. Bakhrakh, I.I."Physical education of school-age children with health problems", M.: 2006

Are myopia and sports compatible? Previously, there was only one answer to this question - of course not. However, with a competent approach to this problem, certain physical exercises are not only not prohibited, but even indicated, since they will help strengthen the vessels of the eye and stabilize the condition. With a complete rejection of any physical activity, muscle relaxation occurs, a decrease in tone throughout the human body.

Health groups for myopia

The first restrictions on physical activity are imposed at school during physical education classes. The health group is determined depending on the presence of degenerative changes in the fundus. There are 3 health groups for physical education, which provide for the restriction of physical activity and exemption from them:

  1. The first group of health, the main. Includes children with normal vision and less than 0.5 deterioration in acuity if uncorrected. Children with established hypermetropia and myopia over 3 diopters are not allowed in the group.
  2. The second group of health, preparatory. It includes children with vision below 0.5 diopters, subject to correction. It is forbidden to visit the second health group for children who have myopia and hypermetropia over 6 diopters. Neither the first nor the second health group can include children with inflammatory and degenerative eye diseases.
  3. The third group of health, specialized. Provides for exemption from physical education and conducting classes according to an individual program. A visit to this health group is recommended for children with myopia and hypermetropia over 6 diopters, degenerative changes in the fundus and chronic inflammatory processes.

What exercises are helpful?

Depending on the degree of progression of the disease, in each specific case you can pick up special exercises with which you can strengthen the eye muscles and normalize the circulation of intraocular fluid.

Indeed, in the absence of physical exertion, including on the muscles of the eyes, their weakening and even atrophy occur. With the loads that the eyes are exposed to during the educational process, myopia can increase significantly. Very often this happens in higher education institutions, where there is a very rich curriculum.

Myopia is not a diagnosis in which you cannot move. Cyclic exercises are very useful for blood circulation and muscle strengthening. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended intensity and duration. In this case, the main indicator is the pulse rate.

With a weak and it is necessary to give preference to exercises, during which the pulse does not exceed 100-140 beats per minute. This can include jogging and moderate-intensity swimming.

Some good results sport games— pioneer ball, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, etc. In this case, a person must carefully monitor the ball, which is either close or far, and switch vision. This contributes to increased accommodation and is a successful prevention of further progression of the disease.

What sports can not be played with myopia?

While studying at school, children often attend a variety of circles and sport sections. The diagnosis of myopia should not become an obstacle in the way of the child to be on a par with peers. However, before finally deciding on the choice of a particular sport, one should take into account the intensity of the load and the existing contraindications.

When choosing a sport, it is necessary to take into account the degree of myopia and the presence of changes in the fundus. The most important is the 2nd factor, since it indicates the progression of the disease and the appearance of degenerative-dystrophic changes.

  • boxing;
  • fight;
  • tennis;
  • sports and rhythmic gymnastics;
  • Ski jumping;
  • ski biathlon.

With an average degree of myopia, contraindications are not so extended, especially in the absence of any changes in the fundus. However, it is still not recommended to engage in sports that require large and long physical exercise. In addition, it is necessary to exclude exercises in which you need to jump from a height of more than 1.5 m.

Mild myopia does not imply any special restrictions, except for those that are imposed with any degree of the disease. It is recommended to choose cyclic sports without large and prolonged loads. It is not allowed to increase the heart rate by more than 180 beats per minute during exercise. Therefore, it is better to give preference to calmer sports:

  • running;
  • race walking;
  • swimming;
  • rowing;
  • fencing;
  • shooting, etc.

However, even though cyclic sports are useful for strengthening the muscles of the eye, one must be careful. Acrobatics, gymnastic exercises on apparatuses, jumping to any height should be avoided, as this can lead to the development of ischemia.

If a person wears lenses, this is not a contraindication to sports. While doing some sports, you can not even take them off.

How to prevent the progression of myopia?

It is possible to stabilize myopia, prevent its further progression and deterioration of vision with the help of regular exercises. The main rule for success is morning exercises should be carried out regularly, be sure to include a set of exercises to strengthen the ciliary muscle of the eye.

Hardening plays an important role in achieving stable remission. It can be used to strengthen the immune system, increase resistance to viral and bacterial diseases.

A specialist - a sports medicine doctor or an ophthalmologist - will help develop a set of exercises and determine the necessary load. Sports will not only strengthen the body, but will bring a lot of pleasure.

In addition, you should regularly undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist and, if necessary, undergo preventive treatment. If vision deteriorates, one cannot ignore the fact of the progression of the disease or self-medicate, one should immediately seek the advice of a specialist.

This will make it possible to prevent further development of the disease, deterioration of vision and the development of irreversible processes in the fundus.


The cause of acquired myopia - weakening of the accommodative apparatus of the eyes - occurs by different reasons. Among them are not only long-term work at close range and constant tension of the eye muscles, but also long-term stay in closed spaces, poor blood supply to the eyes, chronic tonsillitis, rheumatism and other factors. Eliminating these causes is the prevention of myopia.

The most effective means of treatment and prevention are special exercises. They are aimed at strengthening and relaxing the eye muscles in combination with general strengthening physical education and in a healthy way life. This is where special physiotherapy exercises (LFK) will come to the rescue. Of the numerous eye pathologies, exercise therapy in Russia is currently used only for myopia and glaucoma. However, in glaucoma, massage is more often used, and physical exercises are carried out according to the same methodology as in hypertension. A little more widespread is exercise therapy for the prevention and direct treatment of myopia. It has been scientifically proven to be highly effective.

Features of the use of exercise therapy for myopia

Exercise therapy is recommended for all individuals who have progressive acquired and not complicated by retinal detachment myopia in any degree. The most effective exercise therapy for children. For myopic children suffering simultaneously from various disorders of the musculoskeletal system (flat feet, scoliosis, etc.), the use of exercise therapy is absolutely necessary. With congenital myopia, exercise therapy is ineffective. Exercise therapy is contraindicated with the threat of detachment or extreme degree of retinal dystrophy.

The methodology of classes is determined by the tasks of exercise therapy:

  • strengthening the body as a whole;
  • activation of the main functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • strengthening muscles and ligaments;
  • improvement of blood supply to the eye tissues;
  • strengthening the muscles of the eye, especially the ciliary muscle;
  • additional strengthening of the sclera.

Usually, attention is paid to corrective and general strengthening exercises (calm walking, arm movements, breathing exercises, for the shoulder girdle, for the muscles of the foot and trunk), as well as exercises to strengthen the back muscles, weakened by improper sitting during visual work (lowly inclined head, hunched back ). The position of the body is only considered correct when the axis of the center of gravity crosses the seat behind the hip joint, the tilt of the head is not strong, the eyes are at arm's length with outstretched fingers from the table, the shoulder girdle keeps a horizontal position, and the body itself is moved away from the edge of the table by 3-5 cm .

AT physiotherapy exercises special exercises for vision correction can be conditionally divided into several groups.

  1. Exercises for the external muscles of the eye:
  • straight,
  • straight and oblique.
  1. Exercises for the internal (ciliary) muscle. They consist in the movement of the eyeball in all possible directions and in the translation of the gaze from the near object of clear vision to the far one and vice versa.
  2. Self-massage of the eyes.

Special exercises for the eyes

  1. Look up, then look down (repeat 6-8 times).
  2. Look up - to the left, then diagonally down - to the right (repeat 6-8 times).
  3. Look up - to the right, diagonally down - to the left (repeat 6-8 times).
  4. Move your gaze as far as possible to the left corner of the eye, then horizontally to the right (repeat 6-8 times).
  5. Extend your arm forward along the midline of your face. Look at the tip of your finger and gradually bring it closer. Do not take your eyes off until the tip of the finger begins to "double" (repeat 6-8 times).
  6. Touch the bridge of your nose with your finger. Move the gaze of two eyes at once to the bridge of the nose and back (repeat 10-11 times).
  7. Make circular movements with your eyes, first clockwise, then back. In this case, the starting position is in a sitting position.
  8. Blink quickly for 15 seconds (repeat 3-4 times).
  9. Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, then open them for 3-5 seconds (repeat 8-10 times).
  10. Close your eyes tightly and massage your eyelids with circular movements of your finger for a minute. In this case, the starting position is standing.
  11. Move your gaze from the nearest object to the farthest and vice versa.

During the exercises, the range of motion of the eyeball should be maximum, but without pain. It is better to combine these exercises for the eyes with breathing exercises, but strictly dose the exercises for the eyes. The course of exercise therapy for myopia is at least three months. It is divided into two periods - preparatory (10-15 days) and main (about 3 months).

Myopia or nearsightedness is the most common defect in the world caused by refractive error on the retina. One of the most common causes of this phenomenon is considered to be an enlarged eyeball, due to which the image entering the eye is formed in front of the retina, as a result of which distant objects have a blurry and fuzzy appearance.

Basic moments

Contribute to the development of myopia genetic diseases, weakening of the muscles of the eyes and other factors, including sclerosis of the lens in the elderly, its displacement during trauma, karatoconus and accommodative spasm.

Ophthalmologists distinguish three degrees of myopia - from weak within three diopters, to high at 6, 15 and even 30 diopters. Quite often, the problem begins to progress and in this case, surgical intervention is recommended.

The solution to the problem of myopia lies in several, formally independent planes at once - this is the wearing of contact lenses or glasses, refractive surgery, and exercise special complexes exercises for the eyes, normalizing in the medium term certain parameters of vision.

Basic eye exercises

There are a lot of methods for alternative non-surgical improvement of the state of vision in myopia, but they are far from always effective, since they significantly depend on the condition of the patient himself, the individual susceptibility of the visual muscles to certain actions.

Classic accommodation training

This system of exercises is usually recommended by ophthalmologists as a simple, functional and safe therapy for vision problems. Its main directions are the relaxation of the lens girdle, the buildup of accommodation reserves and the ciliary muscle, as well as the maintenance of an optimal visual regime throughout the day.

  1. From a sitting position, do as quickly as possible, active blinking actions for several minutes.
  2. Stand up, spread your eyes, directing it to "infinity". Raise your hand with your middle finger extended and place it in front of your nose. Shift your gaze and focus on the end of your finger (for five seconds), then lower your hand and look again. Do fifteen such cycles during one approach without interruption.
  3. From a standing pose, raise your hand to your eyes and bring your finger close to your nose. Focus on the end for five seconds and begin to bring it closer to the nose until the image splits in two. You need to repeat the exercise ten times, without stopping for a break.
  4. Sit on a chair, close your eyes tightly and keep your eyelids tightly closed for five seconds, then open your eyes, sit in a relaxed state for a few seconds and repeat the exercise. The number of approaches is from eight to ten.
  5. Stand up, raise your left hand to your face, bending in elbow joint. Point your index finger to the ceiling and place it against your nose at a distance of two centimeters. Cover the right eye with the palm of your hand, and monitor the tip of your finger with your eye, concentrating on it for five seconds, then lower your left hand and raise your right hand, performing mirror actions for the right eye. The third stage is the concentration on the finger of any hand with two open eyes. The entire described technique must be repeated 10-12 times in one approach.
  6. In a sitting position, close your eyes and press on the eyelids with two fingers, massaging the eye area for about twenty seconds.
  7. Raise while standing right hand to the face, place the index finger in front of the nose and slowly lower it down to the belt, all the time, concentrating on the end, and then just as slowly raise the finger, without losing concentration. There are six approaches in total.
  8. Stand up, direct your gaze in front of you and from this position, without turning your eyes / head, look as deeply as possible to the left, right, up and down. You need to repeat the procedure ten times in one go.

Bates, Zhdanov system

The above system is intended for corrective complex therapy in the treatment of hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism.

  1. Look at the letters in the table or book from the distance that is most convenient for you. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine the same object in the same place. Open your eyes after a minute. Repeat the event ten times. The optimal "virtual" template would be an image installation dark color, in maximum contrast. The blacker it is, the easier it is to remember the object.
  2. Visualize for yourself the widest possible palette of colors with the brightest intensity possible. Virtually visualize each of the colors of the rainbow for a couple of seconds, abruptly switching to a new color and so on until the end of the spectrum. After the end of the spectrum, repeat the exercise again. It must be done for ten minutes, while slowly counting to one hundred to yourself. This complex is called palming, and it is optimal to carry it out in free time, before going to bed or in the process of relieving fatigue or mental stress. According to Bates, exercise improves eyesight and relaxes the psyche.
  3. Try to mentally imagine the most beautiful flower as a single concept. The second stage is detailing. Gradually expand your own ideas about a virtual flower with various details: stems, leaves, petals. The third stage is the space surrounding the flower in the form of earth, small grass, crawling insects. All the elements you represent with objects should be virtually very clear and "created" without tension. Combine this exercise with the palming described above.
  4. Take the classic Sivtsev table (standard eye test) and place it at a distance of five meters from you. The placement area should be well lit. Now carefully read those lines that you can make out without effort and squinting. Remember the letter itself, which is small in size, and in parallel with the palming described above, imagine it in your imagination, making the written as dark as possible. After the procedure, open your eyes and look at the same letter in the table - if you did the palming efficiently and did everything right, it will become clearer in reality. This exercise is worth doing several times, each time "processing" the smallest letters that you can see without effort.
  5. One of Bates' variational exercises is considered to be the recollection of small numbers and letters. Its essence is as follows: first, you consider the Sivtsev table with the largest letters, remember them and try to present what is inscribed in small sizes in the darkest possible color. The whole procedure must be carried out with your eyes closed, a few minutes.

M. D. Corbett has created her own training complex for maximum effective fight with myopia. In her exercises, we will also need to use the Sivtsev checklist, and the essence is the memorization and recognition of letters, as a result of which the stress when considering them in the future is significantly reduced.

The first point is the right moral attitude. Don't take the table you have as a test template for vision, use it only as a mechanism to get a result. If you cannot find Sivtsov's table or you are uncomfortable using it, then you can make such a tool yourself: for this you will need a standard A3 sheet, several old magazines or newspapers, and patience. At the top of your homemade table, glue a word with letters five centimeters high, then step back 2 centimeters lower and glue a sentence with smaller letters and there to the lowest order, where the height of each letter will be no more than one centimeter.

Next, you will need two versions of the test tables - the classic large one, which we place two meters away from us under a source of good bright light, as well as a manual version, brought directly to the eyes.

Bring the mini-table closer to the distance until you can easily read all the letters. Read the first line and move what is written away from you, reading from the maximum distance of an outstretched hand. Repeat the procedure several times, then take a quick look at the same line in the large table. Stop, close your eyes, make a couple of head turns in different directions and calm your breathing as much as possible. Start all the above procedures again, but with the second line. It is optimal to reach the last line, but do not overstrain your eyes: if you feel discomfort, then you need to stop the lesson.

After several days of cycles, you will be able to clearly see the entire big table, therefore, it is now necessary to move it further away from you by 0.5–1 meter and then carry out the above measures. In the event that the visual acuity of the left and right eyes differs significantly, then it is better to conduct classes with each eye separately, tying a temporarily unused dense light-transmitting bandage and setting a large test table further or closer, depending on the strength of the individual pupil.

Additional set of exercises according to Corbett

The main essence of the additional complex is not so much in improving vision as in its centering. For the right mood and visualization, mark a catchy phrase on the table.

The table itself should, as before, be hung a few meters away from you in a well-lit area, read from close range the above phrase, memorize it, and then perform solarization with palming.

Now move away from the table to a comfortable distance for the eyes, from which the first top line is visible. Concentrate on the first letter, and then look at the white interspace between the letters, first to the right and then to the left of the one you are looking for, casually glancing over it with your eyes: in this way, you sort of rub yourself into the letter. After a few minutes, do a similar exercise with the following letters.

The last step is to try to consider White background behind the letter. It is necessary to mentally penetrate through the written and consider the primary surface, while the black letter or number will begin to disappear or move sideways - this is the so-called shuttle movement. After the event, close your eyes and mentally repeat the above procedure, relaxing yourself between sets of palming and going from letter to letter, from line to line to the very end. For the entire full cycle, you will need about half an hour, so be sure to plan a free corridor for exercises that improve the functioning of the accommodative muscle and adapt the lens of the eye to active work.

By the way, while palming, try to remember the words you know that begin with the letter with which you this moment exercise. After a few full cycles, the horizontal lines will be clearly visible. As an additional relaxation to the above exercises, immediately after the end of the complex, pick up a small bright rubber ball, and actively play with it for five minutes, throwing it at the ceiling, floor or walls, catching it with both hands along the way and carefully watching the trajectory of movements.

A set of exercises according to R. S. Agarwal

R. S. Agarwal in his method of restoring vision used dozens of classical ancient Indian recipes for eye correction from medical treatises of the sages of this people.

Basic principles

  1. Elimination. Every person with vision problems needs to learn how to decentralize their efforts when looking at any object. In the process of reading, sewing, writing, etc., you do not need to strain your eyesight, it should be passive. Having achieved this, you will significantly reduce the load on the accommodative muscles of the eye and, accordingly, take the first step towards good eyesight.
  2. Stimulation. An important principle, following which, you can improve the sensitivity of the retina, as well as normalize blood circulation in the eye capillaries. Can stimulate the eyes deep breathing, bright sunlight, reading small print in very good light.
  3. Relaxation. Without relaxation, it is impossible to normalize visual acuity. At the same time, a dual meaning is applied to this principle - you need to relax both the eyes themselves and the psyche, using the swinging and moving of the eyeballs, palming, a detached look at nature and clean surfaces with an absent concentration on objects.

The main types of myopia according to Agarwal

  1. Fast-healing. Usually these are small anomalies of refraction of the pupil, spasms of the accommodative muscle, eye strain in combination with a headache. Such states can be very quickly neutralized by classical palming techniques, frequent blinking, and the usual procedures for reading checklists in large and small print.
  2. Intractable. Usually this includes the first stages of glaucoma, moderate or severe refractive errors, early cataracts, and amblyopia. Such myopia can be cured intense training, using the combined methods of Bates, Agarwal and Corbett, devoting a significant part of his free time to them.
  3. Partially incurable. They include late advanced stages of glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, exceptional cases of deep refractive errors, complex myopia with degenerative destruction of the retina and macula. In these cases, the methods described above can be used, if approved, as part of a complex postoperative therapy intended for the qualitative restoration of visual functions after their correction by surgical methods.

Agarwal describes methods of relaxation, palming, moving / swinging, mental induction on small black letters similar to Bates, however, he recommends actively including games using bright balls, speed reading, assembling puzzles, composing puzzles, embroidery, as well as long walks on nature.

With all this, both classical exercises and additional “games” must be organized in such a way that their implementation is not formal and turns into one of the most important stages of life on the way to recovery and clear vision. Diligence, self-control, as well as regular exercises will help to achieve the desired result relatively quickly, even with severe myopia.

A set of exercises for Windolph's eyes

The modern system of the American eye specialist, S. Windolph, is designed to create conditions for the correct focusing of the eyes in the process of examining objects at any distance and correcting the accommodative reactions of the muscles of the organ. Relaxation plays an important role in the adjustment process.

Windolf before starting classes, and not after them, recommends relaxing the muscles of the eyes well. This can be done with a bright object - for example, candy in a colorful wrapper, a ball or a toy in the most contrasting color. The above object must be placed in front of the eyes on an outstretched arm and casually looking at it, blinking often, covering the eyelids and casually fixing the gaze, striving to obtain the clearest possible image.

Next, we perform manipulations with the same object: we mentally reduce its size, without straining and trying, as it were, to “draw in the eyes”, squeezing the muscles of the organ of vision and giving the same mental order to them to pull the eyeballs back, without ceasing to simultaneously fix the gaze on the center of the object and periodically blink actively.

Of course, the very first lesson is unlikely to bring positive results, and the above manipulations will be quite difficult to carry out. However, don't be discouraged! Already in the second cycle, you will learn to feel muscle tension, perhaps not very pleasant sensations will appear in the eye area - you should not be afraid of them, because slight pain and overwork means that the complex is working effectively and the accommodative muscles have begun to interact with the eyes. When carrying out regular daily exercises, for which you need to allocate about half an hour of free time, the discomfort will soon disappear, usually this happens already in the fourth or fifth workout.

Useful video

Zhdanov's exercises for the eyes

Instead of an afterword

If you have the opportunity and free time, combine various methods combat myopia, choose the optimal load and time intervals of classes, select the best ratio of methods and effort expended.

It should be understood that in a neglected form, myopia itself will not disappear: often other measures may be needed, up to surgical intervention, and the above exercises will have to be used as a complex secondary therapy when restoring the quality of vision.

In the absence of contraindications and the consent of the attending ophthalmologist, engage in daily training, and acquired or congenital myopia will gradually disappear. The highest good acute vision, as well as the ability to clearly see any object without glasses, regardless of the distance to it. Take care of your eyes and your own health!

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