Congratulations in prose on the day of agriculture (in prose). Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers - in prose

Today, agriculture is becoming a profitable industry. The number of unprofitable farms has significantly decreased. We have already forgotten that once the entire urban population went to the countryside for seasonal work. Worker's Day Agriculture and processing industry is celebrated in Russia annually on the second Sunday of October. It is not a national holiday. In 2018, it falls on October 14 October. It is far from a secret for every person that a daily edge of bread and a glass of milk are available to us thanks to the tireless work of agricultural workers. We will congratulate these workers who do not know tired and weekends on professional holiday. We have selected the best congratulations on the day of the agricultural worker.

To you agricultural workers,
We give words of recognition on this day.
You are the basis of any state,
Your work, believe me, is very necessary for everyone.
We wish you health and success,
Prosperity, prosperity in business.
And on a holiday - congratulations, jokes, laughter,
Bouquets of roses in hard-working hands!

Agricultural workers,
For your noble, difficult work
Great human happiness
We wish you a holiday with warmth!
Skill in business, vivacity and strength,
Brilliant production victories,
Work to bring joy
For rising, a little light!
Your holy work is the basis of prosperity,
Greatness, wealth of the whole country,
For a kind heart, care and efforts,
Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart!
Let fate give happiness for merit,
The generous land will reward a hundredfold,
After all, for her there is no more devoted friend
A villager, since ancient times a laborer!

To you, who connected life with the village,
Without changing your plans
I wish money full house
And relax in overseas countries!
Bounty from mother earth
Stepping towards the dream is easy and bold,
To warm the nightingale's heart
And on the shoulder of any business!
Reliable friends - a strong rear,
Health, vigor and strength,
So that you are always happy
And the years brought joy!

Nothing is better than October
Everyone knows this:
blessed land,
With a noble harvest!
bountiful fields,
Give a hundredfold,
To whom the generous land
Like a sister!
you cherish her
store carefully
And with your calling
Holy treasure!
Strength to you, joy, friends,
Happiness and wealth
It flourished so that always

Farmers, farmers,
I'll tell you without a hitch:
You are the most important in the world,
All the more important and necessary!

You grow bread for us,
congratulations now,
And we wish not to get sick,
Don't lose weight, get healthy!

Let nothing disturb you
May God help you in everything
There will be a glorious harvest
And a fragrant loaf!

Fruits, bread and butter on the table
Melon and watermelon in sultry July -
This is the work of all those who are on earth
Work hard and with dignity.
It is their hands and mind that rye is grown,
Oats, wheat, millet and buckwheat, rice and flax.
It is to them that we must bow.
And the herds? And wool, resin and honey -
Who thinks about it the most?
Who gives us the gift of his labors, like they,
The same generous burden?
We wouldn't be able to live without them
As a fish cannot live without water.
Dear guardians of the earth,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

On this holiday with special excitement
We wish you happiness,
Inspiration and daring
On a peasant difficult path.
May health stay with you
So as not to occupy the doctors,
And nature with its fruits
It will decorate the life path!
Workers of the farm and fields!
May troubles and precipitation pass you by!
Be healthier every year
And live in happiness and prosperity!

Growing, multiplying countlessly, cities,
But do not live without rural labor
Not a day for factory workers or miners,
Neither deputies, nor big actors.
All people on Earth need food.
Where to get it without rural labor?
And the people work in the villages, villages
In the vast fields.
And for the diligent approach to yourself
The earth gratefully gives them
Everything is better harvest from year to year -
And all the people will be full, satisfied.
All workers of villages and villages
Congratulations on a special day,
When their honorable work is celebrated,
Proud, their success glorify
And they say kind words,
Remembering that bread is the head of everything.
And it would be good to always remember
Whose labor brought food to our table.

Agronomists and milkmaids,
Birders and cattlemen,
Grain growers, fur farmers,
To all agricultural workers.

Our loud "thank you"
And our bow to the ground,
So not everyone can plow,
Well, you could for us.

We wish you health
And more good things
Have fun, farm worker,
Success awaits you in business.

We wish you happiness, milkmaids,
In your hard work,
For the sun to shine bright
And the house was a full bowl!
Happy Agriculture Day to you
Congratulations today
We wish you joy, love,
And we wish you happiness!

Sunrise is beautiful and very bright,
So beautiful there are no words!
We congratulate all milkmaids,
They go to milk the cows
Sometimes you don't see the sunrise
Let not sleep, but they go!
They understand very well
Without milk, everything will be lost!

agricultural worker,
You are called to be a breadwinner.
For great work, soul wealth, -
Accept a grateful bow!
As soon as the morning turns red
You are all in worries, all in labors,
And everything grows, blooms and ripens,
In your weary hands!
And this is the essence of great happiness -
Wish all people well,
For them, tirelessly, try,
So that the table was rich - plow!
Let the heart of bitterness not know
Forward lead your ardor, passion,
The economy is growing, flourishing,
Peace and harmony reign in the family!
May all your dreams and plans
Will fulfill, with joy, fate,
And all the worries and flaws
They will be gone forever!
Great weather for work -
You for many glorious years
And carry love through the years
To native land that is better not!

Animal breeders, farmers!
Today is your holiday, friends.
You love the earth with all your heart
And on this day I wish:
Health, happiness to you for years,
Let smiles always bloom
And let the weather forecast be
Favorable for work.

Happy Agriculture Day, dear agronomist,
I congratulate you on this autumn day!
You've done a great job and it's time to rest.
Believe that tomorrow will be better than yesterday.

What to wish you? .. Rain in the spring,
So that a lot of snow falls in winter,
Plow your fields in time
The harvest is good in the bins to clean.

You connected fate with agriculture,
Doing things diligently
I want to see you carefree
Rich, fun, successful!
Let gardens bloom for you
The fields are full of wheat,
Fate fulfills hopes, dreams,
And life gives joy and happiness!

Rural work is hard, ungrateful,
In order for bread to become a loaf,
How much effort do you need to put into it?
Is it possible to live without bread?

You received few thanks
Never been bored without work
We will honor you today
For your hard work, your noble.

Rural fields have already worked hard,
And they shared their harvest.
The time for winter is approaching
Autumn plays in the fields with colors.
Rural knights celebrate the holiday,
The whole country congratulates them on their work.
This work is not easy from morning to sunset,
Like a real world soldier.
From early spring to autumn,
A terrible time in the fields of Russia.
The heroes fought the fight with nature,
Each of them is like a ruler.
With honor they defended their vestments,
And the harvest was transferred to the bins.
It's time to take a break from worries
The holiday sums up the work.
Many summers for the hard workers of the fields,
And the fulfillment of their hopes now.

Funny congratulations on the day of the agricultural worker

May happiness be a cash cow
Give you a lot of luck
And instead of herbal cakes
"Prints" wealth in the house!
Let the spikelets ripen in the field,
And the harvest grows faster
And on the holiday of agriculture
Allow me a drop of mischief!

The wealth of the people
Our Russian agro-industry.
He is at any time of the year
We are supplied with milk.
Meat, vegetables and fruits
Brings us to the table
Well, and other products:
Bread, sour cream and cereals.
On your holiday, we wish you happiness,
Abundance in everything!
Let bad weather bypass you
The joy of life is in full swing!

Happy Workers Day
With joy and pleasure
We wish you a lot
Various wealth:
Tractors, combines, money
And a big KAMAZ.
And we also wish you
To be healthy
Be happy and cheerful
And live with love.

Our breadwinners and drinkers!
Why do you need all these verses?
Who, besides you, plows in the state?
Who is real - from the plow?
They do not tolerate the hands of slovenliness,
Minds do not know idleness ...
Happy Agriculture Day to all of you
We hasten to congratulate today!

Our agriculture
Without you, it's like without water.
We are at work without you
Neither here nor there.

You fly like Batman
Through fields and meadows,
And everywhere you have time
You solve all problems

You complete all tasks
You fix all the mistakes
You're breaking the rules!
You don't rest at all

You work like a bee.
All work and work
Sweat is rolling down from my forehead!
Rest this day

Get out of work
And with colleagues
You take a little!

To all farmers of the country
We must give a medal,
Only your strength, labor
We are not allowed to starve!
Golden in autumn
I would like to wish you
Harvest such a
To fatten up the winter!

To the best people from the people
Unfamiliar word "lazy":
After all, the peasants produce
What you need every day!
Difficult but noble
Life in labor and without sin...
Congratulations to them today
Happy Agricultural Workers Day!

Hard work in the countryside!
You are in the field all day, until sunset!
Well, in the evening, tipsy,
Celebrate this day guys!
This holiday is rightfully yours!
You are an agricultural worker!
Let your homeland be proud of you!
Let the bosses congratulate you with the award!

No peasant farm
We ordinary citizens
Treat at a feast
All had to heavenly manna.
For that, a deep bow to you
And of course we want
Meet exactly on time
Happy harvesting to you!

Milk, sour cream, cottage cheese…
Any Russian
Endlessly in the heart of the roads
Their taste is familiar from childhood!
May it be fruitful
Your hard rural work,
And the cows are perfect for you
Give a product every day!

Let's catch up with a cow from Iowa
- Nikita Khrushchev gave the people an order.
And we catch up with that year again.
But this cow spat on us.

This cow has cheaper sour cream,
And the cow gives more milk
And Masha will never reach the plan
And everything is catching up with Iowa so far!

Grows without care and Mashkin's change,
She is often hungry.
But, even when she lacks hay,
In the eyes of a cow, love for us is visible

And pushing, puffing Masha dear -
She is a Russian woman, after all!
Although the life of a cow is not very simple,
But still, it's not tobacco at all!

So let's drink to the oil in the village
Filled with the smell of Russian fields,
To make products tastier and cheaper,
So that the life of our Masha was more fun!

Residents of the Bulgarian village of Gabrovo long years working on a major problem. They crossed a cow with a giraffe to get a new animal that would give milk and feed ... in the neighboring area! Their colleagues from Russia crossed a cow with a bear in order to breed a cow that could only be fed in summer, and in winter she ... sucked her paw! I propose to drink to the agricultural workers who have to deal with such challenging tasks!

Congratulations on the day of the agricultural worker to colleagues in verse

Let's celebrate workers' day
Agriculture we
In our friendly team
Only the best minds.
May our business prosper
Raising our income
We will continue to apply
Just an innovative approach.
I wish you colleagues
Be patient everyone
For good health
We need to wash the holiday
I propose a toast to the hands,
That everyone is doing the farming
After all, without them it would come quickly
Our plans are all kaput.

Happy worker's day, friends,
Pull back as far as you can
but without sloppiness.

Let everythnig will be alright
in your bright home:
cows have milk
and wheat in the field.

So that everything grows, turns green,
so as not to know the drought.
So that everything is in time,
and everything is profitable to sell.

Happy Agricultural Workers Day,
Congratulations dear colleagues.
And I will tell you without flattery and arrogance:
Your hands and souls are golden.
I wish you many years
Strength, health, prosperity and happiness.
Let all adversity bypass
And bypass the side of bad weather!

Congratulations on the day of agricultural workers to colleagues in prose

Dear colleagues!
Today, everyone understands that no matter how scientific and technological progress strides the planet, a person cannot live without agricultural workers. And it's nice to realize that you and I are contributing our part to this noble work.
Happy holiday, friends! Good health, success, new achievements and simple human happiness!

Dear colleagues!
Congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of the Worker of Agriculture and Processing Industry!
On this day, we glorify everyone who works on the earth, contributes to the development of a strategically important industry, who, with great work and inexhaustible energy, creates the basis for our full life. We wish you professional success, good health and family well-being.

Dear colleagues!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on the Day of the Worker of Agriculture and Processing Industry!
Your hard work and sincere love for your work, innovative projects and scientific developments contribute to the dynamic development of the industry and allow you to achieve record harvests - all this, of course, deserves the deepest respect and recognition. It is in our power to bring the agro-industrial complex to modern level production of competitive products, make it attractive to investors, make a worthy contribution to the development of the country's socio-economic potential.
With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, success in all your endeavors!

Dear colleagues!

Please accept our warmest congratulations on the occasion of your professional holiday - the Day of the Agricultural and Processing Industry Worker!
We sincerely wish you, your family and friends good health, personal happiness, well-being and further labor success.

Dear colleagues!
We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Worker of Agriculture and Processing Industry!
We sincerely wish you good health, good plentiful harvests, so that weather always contributed to it. Let agriculture develop rapidly, and your field of activity bring you pleasure and well-being.

Dear colleagues!
I congratulate you on the Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry!
This wonderful holiday is inextricably linked with the history of Russia. Our country has always been famous for skilled and conscientious workers, outstanding scientists and innovators in the field of agricultural production. The productive work of domestic researchers today makes a significant contribution to the rich scientific heritage, acts as a powerful driving force for the dynamic development of the agro-industrial sector.
I wish you good health, prosperity, inexhaustible energy and professional success for the benefit and prosperity of Russia!

Dear colleagues!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on our professional holiday - the Day of the Agricultural and Processing Industry Worker.
The development of the country, its food security, and improving the quality of life of people largely depend on the stable, well-coordinated work of the domestic agro-industrial complex. In recent years, the domestic agro-industrial complex has achieved significant results - the production of the main types of agricultural products is growing, large investment projects are being implemented. Today it is necessary to consolidate these positive trends, to direct efforts towards the transformation of the agro-industrial complex into a high-tech, competitive sector of the national economy.
I express confidence that agricultural universities will continue their successful activities for the benefit of the Motherland, for the development of its potential.
On this festive day, dear colleagues, accept the words of deep gratitude and appreciation for your work, skill and dedication to your chosen cause. Good health, prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Official congratulations on the day of the agricultural worker

Dear veterans and workers of agriculture and processing industry! Congratulations on your professional holiday.
Your hard selfless work undoubtedly requires special dedication, responsibility and deserves the deepest respect. In Russia, they always knew the price of bread, knew how and loved to work on the land, and therefore the work of agricultural workers was a priority, honorable, respected.
Agriculture is the most vulnerable sector of the economy, as it largely depends on climatic conditions. But in spite of everything, you are worthy and professionally conduct your business. This is a holiday not only for those who work professionally in the field of agriculture, but also for just rural workers who have lived all their lives “on the ground”. This is a holiday of private households that are engaged in breeding and raising livestock, crops, crop production, providing themselves and others with fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, dairy and meat products.
Our common task is not only to achieve good results, but also to do everything possible for the social and material well-being of those who, in difficult conditions, from dawn to dusk, work in the fields and on farms, who with deserved pride consider themselves to be workers of the agro-industrial complex.
We sincerely wish you high performance in your work, fulfillment of your plans, confidence in tomorrow, as well as health, happiness and well-being to you and your loved ones.

Dear workers of the agro-industrial complex! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the Day of the Worker of Agriculture and Processing Industry!

In these autumn days we traditionally honor people who have chosen for themselves the difficult fate of agrarians. Behind the hot harvesting campaign, the results are summed up next year and you, dear workers of fields and farms, accept well-deserved congratulations and words of gratitude. Rural work is honorable, but also incommensurably difficult. And not everyone is on the shoulder. With your shock, sometimes heroic work, despite the adverse weather conditions, you are doing everything possible to fulfill the great mission entrusted to you as the breadwinner of our region. Peasant labor requires from a person full dedication, perseverance, and the ability to work for the future. No matter what technological progress is striding around the planet, without agriculture, even modern man, do not live. Thank you for the noble, difficult, but very necessary work for everyone, for your professionalism, dedication, devotion to the chosen cause. I wish everyone who works on the land high yields, trouble-free machinery and favorable weather, good health.

Every year in Russia on October 14, the Day of the Agricultural Worker (Worker) is celebrated, for this holiday I have collected the newest, most beautiful, funny and official congratulations on the Day of Agriculture and Processing Industry in prose.

In 2018, the Day of Agricultural Workers is celebrated by settlements, as usual, on the approved day. Working fields, teams, farms accept congratulations from the head, director, colleagues, relatives and friends.

Agricultural Worker's Day - congratulations in prose

I decided to help with the choice of wishes, prepared congratulations on the Day of the agricultural worker in prose for colleagues at work, for a woman leader, for a boss, short for SMS and cool for a friend.

I cordially congratulate you on the Day of the Worker of Agriculture and Processing Industry. I wish you resounding success and remarkable achievements in your work, prosperous and hard work, high prosperity and amazing opportunities, good health and confident strength, respect and true luck, bright happiness and kindness.

I congratulate you on the Day of the agricultural worker. I wish you great happiness for your broad soul, great success for your broad ideas, great achievements in the wide expanses of your activity. I also wish you health and vigor, inspiration and strength!

Agriculture is the foundation. In fact, it is the basis of all life. Without it, there would be no normal existence, not only in the rural environment, but also in the urban one. An agricultural worker is the king and god of the entire food base of the country! I wish you excellent health, high performance, material well-being. May everything that you grow in the fields bring joy to people and give them food. Happiness to you, prosperity, easy life! Happy Agriculture Day!

On the Day of Agricultural Workers, let the air be filled with joy from the desired benefits and toasts made in honor of the heroes of the occasion! May work always be generously rewarded, work will only please, and relatives and friends will always give their support and care!

On Agriculture Day, I want to congratulate you and wish you success in your business. Mankind cannot live without agriculture - you feed us, heal and clothe us. Thank you for this and low bow to the earth! I wish you happiness, may work always bring joy. Health, harmony in the family and enough money to be enough for everything you want!

In cheerful tractor drivers, combiners, drivers of irrigation and sowing equipment and everyone who drives agricultural machines, we wish endurance on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers, Have a good mood, prosperity, peace in the house and understanding in the family!

Official congratulations on the Day of Agriculture in prose

Congratulations on the Day of the processing industry and the rural worker, workers first of all accept from the boss, director and foreman. Today I have prepared beautiful, formal wishes in prose from the head of a woman and a man for my subordinates.

Dear workers of the agricultural industry, accept gratitude on your holiday for those high-quality products of the meat and dairy industry and agriculture that you make us happy with all year round! We wish you health for many years, happiness and peace in your soul, joy and prosperity! Happy Agricultural Workers Day!

Dear agricultural workers! I would like to sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday and thank you very much for your conscientious work! Let these words sound loudly, but the health and prosperity of our country largely depend on you! Your work is a necessary mechanism in the full functioning of production. We wish you to overcome all obstacles on your life path, clearly go to the goals! May cherished dreams come true, and may fate please with unexpected pleasant gifts! Family well-being and financial well-being!

On Agriculture Day, I congratulate you, a diligent and hardworking person who gives us healthy food! Your work is incredibly hard, but you chose this path, giving people a wonderful life filled with a variety of different products. I want to wish you prosperity, good health and good luck! Let the work bring you only joy and tripling of strength!

Happy professional holiday to all those involved in Russian agriculture. The wealth of our country is in oil and gas, in grain, milk and meat. You are the creators of wealth, may luck smile at you always and in everything, and may the weather and nature help in your work.

Official congratulations on the Day of Agriculture from the head of the district (governor)

Dear workers and veterans of (name of farm or district)!

On behalf of the administration of the _________ district, the Department of Agriculture and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of Agriculture and Processing Industry.

At all times, people working on the land enjoyed universal respect. The results of your work are always in sight. You put all your strength and soul into it. And the residents of the region appreciate your efforts, always giving preference to local products.

It is especially pleasant to note that (your farm, our district) is in good standing among the agricultural enterprises of the region. Every year you invariably improve the quality of products and increase production volumes. This became possible thanks to painstaking work on the modernization of complexes, the introduction of new technologies, and competent management. And most importantly, thanks to the highest degree responsible attitude to the work of each employee of the industry.

Always a good harvest and excellent milk yield.

Happiness, health and prosperity to you and your loved ones. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on the Day of Agriculture to colleagues in prose

Yes, that's right, do not forget to congratulate your partner, the worker who works with you, does the same work as you. These wishes in prose for your colleagues, absolutely everything can be downloaded for free to your phone.

My dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Day of the Agricultural and Processing Industry Worker. I wish that we all remain professionals in our field, always work for glory and have time to relax. Good health to all, lucky life and spiritual warmth.

My dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Day of the Agricultural and Processing Industry Worker. I wish you bright sun rays and generous rains for good harvests both in the fields and in the open spaces of the soul. I wish you all happiness without borders, excellent health, well-being, good luck and fun work.

Dear colleagues of agriculture! I would like to sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday and say many thanks for your conscientious work! Let these words sound loudly, but the health and prosperity of our country largely depends on us! Our work is a necessary mechanism in the full functioning of production. Happy holiday.

Funny congratulations on Agriculture Day in prose

I don’t know about you, but I love funny wishes, jokes and jokes on a holiday. I propose to choose funny congratulations on the Day of Agriculture, send them to your colleagues and friends.

For the workers of farms and fields of their blessings, nature, do not take pity! We wish the owners of the fields, the rulers of animals, a clear sun, timely rain, safe pests, and rich and beautiful harvests! Let the work be easy, like a holiday! Happy Agriculture Day!

Pahari, combine operators, minders,

Milkmaids, cooks and tractor drivers,

Agronomists and beekeepers,

Veterinarians and breeders!

All who work since dawn

As well as the workers of the village council!

Congratulations on your holiday!

And with all our hearts we wish:

To make rye-wheat ear,

For the pig to farrow

To keep the cattle healthy

Neither the goat nor the cow failed.

To have the strength to wake up early,

Happiness to you in all pockets!

Wheat cannot be grown on concrete, with lamp post apples cannot be harvested... No matter how scientific and technological progress is striding across the planet, even the most modern person cannot live without agriculture. Thank you, workers of the earth, for your noble hard work! We wish you bright prospects, high yields and every success! Be healthy, happy and loved! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on the Day of Agriculture in prose to the boss

Today I would like to congratulate you on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you stability, success, prosperity and well-being in your activities. Let work bring pleasure. May life please you with happiness every day, may there be loved ones and faithful friendly support nearby.

Dear workers of agriculture and processing industry, these congratulations in prose are for you. Thank you for your work, patience and help, let your work bring pleasure, and the reserves of our Motherland are replenished thanks to you. Happy holiday.

Here is a collection of congratulations on the Day of Agricultural (and Processing Industry) Workers from officials (head of administration, district, city district, chairman of the village council, deputies, etc.).

All names and surnames, denominations settlements and organizations, statistical data was used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the current ones.

If a long solemn speech is not included in your plans, use it.

Option number 1

Dear colleagues, dear rural workers, processing industry workers, dear veterans of agricultural labor!

On behalf of the staff of the Ministry of Agro-Industrial Complex and Trade of the Arkhangelsk Region, on behalf of the Minister Petr Petrovich Petrov and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on today's holiday!

Today is the time to take stock... You have already listened to the report on the results achieved over the past 9 months, the numbers are impressive to anyone who sees them. The results of the outgoing year inspire serious optimism and pride for your successes and for your difficult, hard work. Please accept our sincere thanks for your hard work!

I would like to wish you that the next agricultural season will be no less successful, that the plans that you will build for yourself and the planned achievements will be much easier for you than all the previous ones. Because it is work in the countryside that is practically a feat ...

These may be big words, but in fact, the words that you often hear now and which fully reflect what you accomplish every year - "Battle for the Harvest" ... it's true. Therefore, I sincerely wish you easy victories, warmth and love in families, a peaceful sky over your head and health!

Option number 2

Good afternoon, dear colleagues and guests! I welcome you to our meeting dedicated to the professional holiday of all workers of the agro-industrial complex - the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers!

Autumn for us is the crowning achievement of agricultural work and the best time to sum up the hard but honorable work! Everyone present is well aware that there is no easy bread, each harvesting season is difficult in its own way... So the current field season turned out to be difficult. The weather again made adjustments to the production plans. The lack of heat in the first half of the summer slowed down the development of crops, and heavy rainfall during July significantly complicated the procurement work for the livestock industry.

Nevertheless, despite the vagaries of the Ural weather, our farms have received decent production results. According to the results of the past 9 months, for all categories of farms in the Chebarkulsky district (Chelyabinsk region), almost 8 billion rubles worth of products were produced, which is 5% more than last year.

As of October 5, our livestock breeders produced more than 75 thousand tons of milk, which is 48% more than last year. The annual increase in milk production became possible due to the introduction of advanced technologies in terms of feeding and keeping animals, as well as systematic work on the construction and modernization of livestock facilities.

And this year, after reconstruction, we are putting into operation 5 cowsheds for 1120 places for livestock and 3 cold calves for 450 heads. The expected productivity of the dairy herd, on average in the region, will reach a new milestone and will be more than 6.5 thousand liters per cow (forage). Last year, we met with you on the same day and, if you remember, discussed the level of 5.5 thousand liters per cow… The productivity dynamics pleases. Therefore, our task is to maintain this pace and continue growth next year.

In solving the problems of developing dairy farming, great importance is attached to selection and breeding work. The results of breeding farms show that it is possible to successfully realize the genetic potential of our dairy herd, receiving up to 10 thousand liters of milk from each dairy cow per year.

In mid-October, another enterprise "UralZhivotnovod" received the status of a breeding reproducer. Now in our district there are already 6 breeding farms and they contain 70% of the cows from the total dairy herd.

Another important industry is crop production. This year, spring sowing was carried out on an area of ​​38,000 hectares. Including, 30 thousand hectares were occupied with grain crops. Potatoes and vegetables were planted on an area of ​​3.5 thousand hectares. Due to the late maturation of crops, harvesting began 2 weeks later and took place in difficult weather conditions.

Our farms completed the harvesting campaign with honor and harvested without losses. The gross grain harvest amounted to more than 90 thousand tons in granary weight with an average yield of 24.5 centners per hectare. This is a good figure, we have not received such a harvest for more than nine years, and this is 32% more than last year. Applause to the agricultural workers, they deserve it!

In terms of grain yield, our district confidently took 2nd place in the Chelyabinsk region. The potato harvest amounted to about 30% of the total yield of the region. The number is significant too...

All the successes and failures in the crop industry directly affect the state of affairs in animal husbandry. To increase the harvesting of fodder with a high bioenergy value, the farms continue to increase the area under fodder crops - corn and rapeseed. In the difficult conditions of a rainy summer, we managed to overfulfill the forage plan. 34 centners of fodder units were procured for one conditional head of livestock. This means that the wintering of livestock will be prosperous and there is every reason to expect an increase in the dynamics of the development of the livestock industry in the future.

Dear meeting participants! good results managed to achieve, including thanks to the current long-term state program for the development of agriculture, which provides for systematic and targeted support for farmers. 195 million rubles have been allocated from the regional and federal budgets for the development and modernization of production this year. The funds are directed to the renewal of the agricultural machinery fleet, the technological modernization of the livestock industry, the purchase of fertilizers and seeds. In total, 83 units of machinery were purchased, including 15 tractors and 5 combines.

On our territory there is a whole range of processing industries, whose workers also celebrate the holiday today! Thanks to such a number of processing enterprises, our agricultural enterprises have no problems with the marketing of products. Over the past years, the processing industry of our region has also been developing dynamically and producing competitive products.

I would also like to say thanks to all service, service, trading enterprises: AgroInnovation OJSC, ZernoTorg LLC, RosInterKhleb CJSC, Fertilizers LLC, which are reliable partners in the agricultural business, supplying high-quality equipment, fertilizers, seeds and everything for plant protection. Our enterprises successfully cooperate with the banking sector represented by Rosselkhozbank and UralBank. These reputable lending institutions provide significant credit and financial support to agricultural enterprises, allocating the necessary financial resources and finding acceptable solutions, taking into account the specifics of our agricultural business.

Dear workers, the results achieved allow us to look to the future with optimism and plan the implementation of new large-scale tasks. Every day, each of you proves by personal example that professionalism, determination and self-confidence can overcome any barriers and bring the most daring ideas to life. I express my sincere gratitude to you for your selfless and creative work, for your devotion to your native land and your profession. Special words thanks to industry veterans. Those who created the production and processing industries in agriculture. To those who are still in the ranks and pass on valuable experience to young people, the future owners of our land.

Friends! I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and wish you and your loved ones good health, good spirits and body, well-being, love and justification of all your hopes.

Option number 3

Dear workers! Congratulations on one of the kindest and most significant holidays of the calendar - the Day of the Worker of Agriculture and Processing Industry!

For centuries, workers of the agro-industrial complex have been distinguished by love for their work, diligence, perseverance, patience and natural wisdom. They sincerely love their work and always find inspiration in it - grain growers, livestock breeders, vegetable growers, agronomists and technicians, and everyone who is connected with peasant labor.

Agriculture - the only way keep the state in a state of independence from anyone ... If we have nothing to eat, we will depend on others, even if we have plenty of other riches. Trade provides wealth, but agriculture provides freedom.

Over the past few years, agriculture has begun to develop dynamically and is already contributing to the growth of the country's economy, and with the support of the state, it has proved its effectiveness. Today, the agro-industrial complex faces a difficult task - to ensure the sustainable development of rural areas, to modernize priority areas based on the latest achievements of science and technology, to achieve financial stability farms. The enterprises of the agricultural business of the Ivanovo region are successfully coping with this task.

Dairy farming, which is so developed in our region, is the locomotive of agriculture in general, and in the Ivanovo region in particular. Over the past years, the production of milk and other agricultural products at enterprises subordinate to the Department of Agriculture and Food of the Ivanovo Region has been increasing annually by 7-8%.

8 out of 14 enterprises are engaged in livestock breeding, they contain 73% of the dairy herd. Employees of these enterprises adequately represented our region this year at regional and all-Russian competitions in machine milking and not only presented, but also won prizes.

This year, the collective farm "Ivanovsky" became the leader in terms of grain crop yields, 42.5 centners of grain in bunker weight were harvested from each hectare.

In order to exchange the experience of crop growing specialists, the Ivanovo Department of Agriculture and Food annually holds a review competition of agricultural crops. This year, its winners were: 3rd place - the agricultural company "Istoki", 2nd place - the collective farm named after Sidorov, 1st place - LLC "Russian crops".

The above is by no means all the achievements of the workers of our region ... But even this is impressive, and most importantly, we see that agricultural production in the country has lived, lives and will live!

On behalf of the Director of the Department of Agriculture of the Ivanovo Region, please accept sincere congratulations on a successful and fruitful outgoing professional year and the beginning of a new one! With all my heart I congratulate all the workers of the Ivanovo land and wish dynamic development, moving only forward, achieving new records in the chosen field and personal, human happiness!

Option number 4

Dear friends, workers of the agro-industrial complex!

The Day of the Worker of Agriculture and Processing Industry unites all those who live and work on the land, work in animal husbandry and food industry enterprises. I greet all of you, those who proudly bear the high, honorary title of breadwinners of Russia!

Today's holiday is a symbol of our recognition to people who have managed to ennoble the earth, make it fruitful, giving birth and bestowing incalculable wealth! This is a holiday of people whose profession is creation.

With special respect and special pride, I address you, dear workers of the agro-industrial complex! On behalf of the Acting Governor of the Novgorod Region, Ivan Ivanov Ivanovich and on behalf of myself, please accept the most sincere wishes for good health, happiness, prosperity and new victories in your difficult work. May the weather always be kind, and the harvests - rich!

Option number 5

Dear friends, colleagues, workers! I congratulate you on the holiday - the Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry!

I have been working with farmers in our region for 15 years and I want to say that at the beginning of my work, I watched our agricultural workers flounder like a frog in milk ... They tried with all their might to knock sour cream out of milk so that there was support under their feet ... And now I am happy I state that nowadays farmers have finally whipped up their sour cream and now stand firmly on their feet. Now the country supports beginner farmers, young guys who want to give their strength to their native land. It's great that young people today understand that in the countryside one can live well, work productively, be efficient, happy and prosper. And with this achievement, I also congratulate all of us. Still, it is for the young that the future is, and let them love their villages, work for the benefit of their families and their country.

Once again, I congratulate you on the great holiday of the great workers who feed us all. I wish us all: new achievements, great weather, a fruitful new professional year, and, of course, prosperity, prosperity and the return on your work that you expect. Well, there will always be a demand for your work, because people will not stop eating.

Option number 6

Dear friends! On behalf of the Chairman of the Tambov District Council people's deputies I congratulate you on your professional holiday and the day of summing up the results of another professional year!

Despite the bad weather and adversity, you all go out into the fields and do the work, the results of which are needed by absolutely everyone. I do not like big words, but today the food security of the country depends on you. Today you feed not only the region, but also the region, and the whole of Russia.

Any time of the year, be it spring sowing, caring for crops, harvesting fodder, requires the village workers to be fully dedicated and exert their strength... And you can do it. I was interested not only in the official statistics on harvesting, but also personally visited the fields ... I can say with confidence that you are worthy workers of your land, deserving the deepest respect. Please accept my sincere gratitude for your labor prowess, dedication, love for the chosen business.

With all my heart I wish you inexhaustible energy, spiritual comfort, an inexhaustible source good mood, rich harvests, prosperity and well-being.

Option number 7

Dear workers of the agro-industrial complex of the Lebedyansky district! Please accept sincere congratulations on behalf of the Council of Deputies of the Lebedyansky District, the Administration of the District and myself on their professional holiday - the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers!

Despite the difficult conditions that our agro-industrial complex is experiencing, the agricultural workers of our region prove every year with their work and diligence that we have a future and a potential for development.

The main task facing us all is to achieve sustainable growth in yields, to bring agricultural production to a new level in almost all areas. This is certainly not an easy task, it requires human resources, financial investments, including state support. We live in an agricultural region… this year the region has coped with dignity in almost all areas of agricultural activity. And all this is due to the fact that our agricultural producers feel full responsibility for the results of their activities.

Special thanks to the veterans and advanced workers of the production of the Lebedyansky district, who devoted their entire lives to working on their native land.

I wish you indestructible health, personal happiness, prosperity and well-being to you and your families. May your creative activity always bring you a rich harvest, both literally and figuratively. May the good that you sow and carefully grow from year to year always return to you multiply multiplied.

Option number 8

Dear teachers and staff of the Altai State agricultural university, residents of Barnaul and all Altai Territory! Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers!

Today is a professional holiday for all field workers, agricultural enterprises and farms, managers and specialists of agricultural holdings, agricultural scientists, workers in the food and processing industry, and everyone involved in food production.

Your work for the country is invaluable. In educational institutions you form the future agrarian elite of the country, grow wheat and other crops necessary for the life of any person in the fields. On farms, you keep an eye on livestock breeding, which provides meat, milk, and other vital products. At enterprises and factories, you process the crop harvested in the fields into a finished product with high content biologically active substances. Every day you do something without which not a single person on earth can live. A deep bow to you for your titanic work aimed at maintaining the normal life of each of us.

I would like to say a special thank you to the management corps, through which competent management in the field of the agro-industrial complex is achieved. I know that you do your work with great love for your native land.

Currently, the agro-industrial complex is undergoing positive changes, becoming more and more innovative: crop areas are expanding, productivity is increasing, progressive technologies are being introduced, and unique enterprises are growing before our eyes. I see how Russian agriculture is gaining significant momentum. And this is your common merit.

With all my heart I wish you to receive satisfaction from your work, respect and honor from others, love and warmth from loved ones, and health and energy with each new beginning of the day. May you always have room to move forward. Let interesting discoveries and only pleasant surprises always await you on your difficult professional path. Happy holiday!

Option number 9

Good afternoon colleagues, friends, like-minded people! On behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Saratov Region, let me sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Agricultural Worker!

First of all, I want to thank all those who work in the countryside, in the fields and on livestock farms, processing enterprises for your hard work. For hard work, but very important and necessary, for your diligence, perseverance and talent. You sincerely love your land and your business, know how to manage with care and diligence, and therefore achieve success.

Today, agriculture and the agro-industrial complex as a whole is one of the most dynamically developing sectors in our economy. This year, we expect a grain harvest that is by no means a record for the last 5 years - about 2.5 million tons of grain, in total for all regions of the Saratov region. In view of the extreme conditions (drought) this year, the goal is not to collect as much as possible, but to save as much as possible, and to provide a reserve for next year.

Despite the adverse weather conditions, Russia, as before, will take the leading position in the world in terms of wheat exports. There are positive dynamics in other areas, such as the production of pork and poultry meat, the collection of sugar beets, fruits and vegetables. Measures aimed at stimulating the industry are beginning to slowly prove their effectiveness. It is gratifying that various forms of agricultural activity are developing in our region: not only large enterprises, but also small farms. This is a good trend and a signal of the revival of primordial Russian traditions.

On our own behalf, we promise that we will definitely continue to support the farming movement in the same way as we support the agricultural industry as a whole in the region. We need to move on, especially since there is room to move.

It is necessary to increase the production of high-quality, environmentally friendly products, develop deep processing, strengthen positions in the domestic and world markets, and competently use the advantages and potential of our agriculture.

Dear friends, once again accept the words of gratitude for your work, you can be proud of your work. I wish you stability and prosperity regardless of weather conditions. May love, prosperity, warmth and peace live on your land and in your families. Happy holiday!

Option number 10

Hello dear friends! Today we celebrate the professional holiday of all farmers - the Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry!

The basis of the life and prosperity of any state, the basis of the prosperity of its citizens has always been its agricultural complex. Agriculture is practically the basis of all life. Without it, there would be no normal existence, not only in the rural environment, but also in the urban one.

We have something to be proud of... Our farmers are doing their job with dignity. Today there is reason to thank each of you for your dedication to hard work. In recent years, despite difficult weather conditions, difficult financial situation, the growth dynamics of the gross harvest of early grain crops - exceeded expectations. In total, about 290,000 tons of grain have been harvested in the region this year, and 156 hectares of winter wheat have already been sown. Also, poultry farming is developing and new program for animal husbandry. Such results for the past year are significant for all residents of our region. On our own behalf, we promise that we will do everything in our power to ensure that the agro-industrial complex of the Sverdlovsk Region experiences positive changes, becomes efficient, that new arable land is cultivated, and farming develops.

Our potential in the agricultural sector has not yet been exhausted. Together, we are now moving towards one goal - to reduce dependence on imports, strengthen our own food security and increase the competitiveness of our agricultural products.

On behalf of the Ministry of Agro-Industrial Policy and Food of the Sverdlovsk Region and on my own behalf, I heartily congratulate everyone who works on our land from dawn to dusk and brings its gifts to people. May droughts and downpours bypass your land, and may your family and loved ones respect and support your most daring ideas. Thank you for your hard, but useful work for all. Happy holiday!

Option number 11

Dear colleagues, friends! Today is a wonderful holiday - the Day of the Agricultural Worker! This holiday unites not only the residents of the Volgodonsk region, but the whole Rostov region, since our district and the region as a whole are 98% agricultural enterprises and farms where almost all areas of agricultural production are represented.

For our part, we want to note that the workers of the Volgodonsk region this year ensured the food security of the inhabitants of the region.

On behalf of the First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Volgodonsk District and all the workers and workers of fields and farms, we congratulate you on this wonderful holiday! From the bottom of our hearts we wish you the best of health, rich harvests every year, personal happiness, optimism and peace in your soul.

Option number 12

Dear colleagues, dear friends! Today is the Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry!

Every year we celebrate this holiday with pleasure, because we are all direct participants in everything production process in the agro-industrial complex. And we are the people who produce agricultural products that will be safe and useful. I hope that this year we have great reasons to rejoice: the successes we have achieved are significant and more pleasing than before, primarily due to the fact that we have created a new territorial administration. In the neighboring area, we now have practically a whole new division. Now we are engaged in the construction and provision of a laboratory base there ... We all had to sacrifice something, somewhere we had to take money for this ... somewhere to donate a certain number of people who were transferred to other jobs ... I hope that next year we will we compensate everything.

What has already been created and will be created in the near future is no longer for a day or a season, but for generations. They will evaluate our efforts, but we ourselves will also have time to rejoice at our successes.

Now we will have more more work, we will be able to produce even more products and hopefully we will do it with the same quality as we have always done.

I congratulate all the workers of our region on this wonderful holiday. I wish you the best health, well-being, great industrial success and personal happiness.

Option number 13

Good afternoon, dear workers and veterans of the agro-industrial complex, dear guests! On behalf of the Head of Administration of the Gvardeisky City District (Kaliningrad Region), I congratulate you on your professional holiday.

You all know that the work of a farmer, a livestock breeder is the most creative and noble. It creates the basis for the food security of the state, forms the quality of life of people.

Rural workers of the Gvardeisky urban district have to solve their problems in the often unpredictable climate of the Kaliningrad region. At the same time, the set goals are achieved through the introduction of new technologies, new equipment, the growth of labor productivity, and most importantly, through the professional skills of people working in the agricultural sector.

The agro-industrial complex of our urban district is developing dynamically thanks to investments in the reconstruction of livestock facilities, the construction of storage facilities for vegetable crops, and also thanks to technological modernization. And this is a serious work of our entire city district.

The oldest enterprises of the processing industry of our urban district are being systematically restarted. And all this is taking into account modern requirements for the quality of food products. Our enterprises annually attract about 100 million rubles for these purposes. Most importantly, their effective and rational use from year to year is confirmed by the growth in production of both livestock and crop products.

Agricultural business enterprises are becoming a platform for major regional events, such as: "Field Day", "Regional seminar on agricultural cooperation", as well as the holding of the all-Russian seminar "Potato City".

We will continue to develop and implement modern technologies and ensure highly profitable production, a decent standard of living for the villagers. Frankly speaking, what we plan for ourselves - turns out. I am glad that every year, the standard of living of the villagers is growing exponentially, the quality of the culture of production is growing.

Today we see such indicators of the labor of agricultural workers and enterprises of the agro-industrial complex that we could not even imagine 3-4 years ago. I would like to note here that our enterprises are calmly looking into the future. I was interested in their plans for the future - they are breathtaking! The implementation of these plans will directly affect the standard of living of all residents of the urban district, and this level will be worthy.

Dear workers of agriculture and processing industry behind all the results and achievements I have listed are you, people who have dedicated their lives to hard, daily, painstaking work. Thank you for your dedication, for your labor prowess, for your significant contribution to the development of the economy and ensuring the food security of our urban district, the Kaliningrad region and the whole country as a whole.

I wish you good health, joy from your labors, good weather, high yields and happiness, both personal and professional.

1. When creating your own text solemn speech stick to the following plan:

  • Introduction. In this part, the speaker must introduce himself and/or introduce the persons on whose behalf he will speak. It also mentions the occasion due to which all those present gathered (in this case, the celebration of a professional holiday) and briefly reports (if necessary) what the speech will be devoted to, to whom it is addressed, etc.
  • Main part. In this part, it is necessary to talk about the importance of the profession, its significance for society and the development of the economy of the region (region, city, country, etc.). Here, they usually talk about the successes achieved (production indicators), results, plans for the future, launched and completed projects, etc. Also, news and new information to be communicated to the audience. All this information can be reported in the form of value judgments (for example: “…during this agricultural period you showed brilliant results compared to previous seasons…”), without citing numbers (this is done so as not to go into boring statistics and not overload the audience with a dry formal information), or you can make a mini-report (or a full-length report), telling in specific numbers about what has already been done or will be done in the near future. An example of such a report is in sample No. 2.
  • Conclusion. This part includes words of gratitude, parting words, wishes. Here you can also talk about dreams and / or set guidelines for future agricultural periods or for the development of an industry in the region.

2. If among the above texts you could not find what you need, use (intended for colleagues).

3. If you include a mini-report on the results achieved during the year in the text of the solemn speech, remember: in the above samples, the numbers are conditional and are used only for clarity. Don't forget to change them to the current ones. Moreover, they should be relevant specifically for your region (district, region, territory, village, etc.).

4. If there is no opportunity (time) to create your own text and you decide to use finished sample, choose texts that do not include statistics or description specific features any region. Such texts usually contain universal, general, "streamlined" phrases suitable for any such occasion. Of the samples on the page, such texts include No. 1, No. 7, No. 11, No. 12.

The holiday Day of Agricultural Workers is celebrated in Russia annually on the second Sunday of October. It is far from a secret for every person that a daily edge of bread and a glass of milk are available to us thanks to the tireless work of agricultural workers. We will congratulate these workers, who do not know the weekend, on their professional holiday "Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers" on October 14, 2018.

Russia has always been famous for its agriculture. One hundred years ago, before the revolution of 1917, Russian empire was largely an agricultural state that fed the whole of Europe with bread.

Postcard congratulations on the Day of Agriculture 2017

The experiments of the Bolsheviks with the organization of agriculture led to the fact that in Soviet times Our country has already bought grain abroad. Fortunately, in modern Russia, moving away from Soviet excesses, agriculture began to regain its former positions, and our country, through the efforts of agricultural workers, again became a major exporter of grain, the first in the world in the export of wheat. Grain export replenishes the country's budget by billions of dollars annually.


During the existence of the USSR, there were two holidays for workers in the agricultural and processing industries. With the change in legislation, in order to show how important the activity of agriculture is for each of us, the government of the Russian Federation in 1999 signed a decree on the establishment of a single professional holiday.

The beginning of October was chosen as the day of celebration - the time when all large-scale field work ends and preparations for the winter period begin.

Agriculture has always been a leading component of the economy of most countries. Many progressive states are investing enormous capital in the improvement of their agriculture.

Agricultural Worker's Day

Agro-industry is an incredibly important part of the Russian economy, it accounts for a third of the country's GDP, and about half of the Russian budget is spent on the food basket.

Russian agriculture has gone through a difficult path in its development - these are numerous land reforms, and collectivization, and the New Economic Policy, and the transition to a market economy. Due to the ill-conceived reorganization of agriculture in recent years, its infrastructure has suffered greatly, in most regions the farms have disintegrated, and many fertile lands have been abandoned.

In Russia, the holiday was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 679 of May 31, 1999 “On the Day of the Worker in Agriculture and the Processing Industry” and is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of October.


AT different regions Russian workers in agriculture and processing industry celebrate it in their own way. Spend festive events, on the day of agriculture concert, this is an indispensable event in the scenario of the holiday, many remember their successes and achievements. Conduct trade fairs. Managers prepare congratulations on the day of agriculture to their employees.

Official congratulations to agricultural / household workers in prose

Congratulations on the Day of Agriculture! I sincerely want to wish you good, plentiful harvests, so that the weather conditions always contribute to this! Let agriculture develop at a rapid pace, and your field of activity bring you pleasure and well-being! Good luck, health and success in business!
The second Sunday in October traditionally reminds us of the importance of the profession of an agricultural worker. The real sector of the economy is reaping numerous fruits of your hard work. Understanding how difficult this work is, I would like to wish her a worthy reward and a good rest.
Dear farmers, thank you for your hard work and golden hands, for fresh bread on the shelves, for high-quality dairy and meat products! We wish you high yields, record milk yields, growth of livestock on farms, and in your personal life - harmony, love and prosperity!
On Agriculture Day, I congratulate you, a diligent and hardworking person who gives us wholesome food! Your work is incredibly hard, but you chose this path, giving people a wonderful life filled with a variety of different products. I want to wish you prosperity, good health and good luck! Let the work bring you only joy and tripling of strength!
Work near the earth is the most ancient and natural labor of man. And let them grow big cities, agricultural workers will always be held in high esteem on Earth! Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural Workers! Set new records, increase the wealth of our lands!
On Agriculture Day, I want to congratulate you and wish you success in your business. Mankind cannot live without agriculture - you feed us, heal and clothe us. Thank you for this and low bow to the earth! I wish you happiness, may work always bring joy. Health, harmony in the family and enough money to be enough for everything you want!
Agriculture is the foundation. In fact, it is the basis of all life. Without it, there would be no normal existence, not only in the rural environment, but also in the urban one. An agricultural worker is the king and god of the entire food base of the country! I wish you excellent health, high performance, material well-being. May everything that you grow in the fields bring joy to people and give them food. Happiness to you, prosperity, easy life! Happy Agriculture Day!
Dear agricultural worker, I congratulate you on your professional holiday. Let me thank you for your important work and wish you favorable weather, fertile soil, high yields and decent profits. Let your hands not know fatigue, and your eyes always rejoice at the eared field! Happy Agriculture Day!
No one will argue that we cannot live without agriculture! Bread, milk, meat and other only the most natural and fresh products are given to us by agricultural workers. For this, a low bow to you and the most wonderful wishes on the Day of Agriculture - your professional holiday! Let health not fail, plans come true, and dreams come true! Thanks for your hard work!
Dear farmers! Dear agricultural workers! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your professional holiday! I wish you, who have dedicated your life to your native land, to work just as hard and selflessly, without giving up, and sincerely rejoice in the fruits of your labor, as we rejoice in them. May your efforts always be crowned with impressive results, may droughts and rains bypass your lands, and may the harvest exceed your wildest ideas. Thank you for the hard work we all need! Happy Agriculture Day!

Cool verses-congratulations on the Day of Agriculture 2017

The breadwinners of our vast country,
Thank you for your hard work.
Thank you for the bread, for the butter and porridge,
Let you thunderstorms - troubles will bypass.

May the days and nights be full of happiness
Let love reign in all matters.
Weather and luck in the right norm,
To have everything you need in the bins.
Although bread is the basis for the table,
We need different food.
We thank Pischeviks:
Why don't we just eat!
We congratulate the food workers,
We wish you all good health!”
Invent and create
Feed us even tastier!
I would do such a thing,
Because I'm younger...
You bake bread at night
And buns too!
So that in the morning I and my mother-in-law, son-in-law,
And Mosya, Zina
Could those bread and rolls take
From the shop…
What to wish (after all, money is copper!),
So that life does not go out?
To have a white loaf
Caviar and butter!!!
On the holiday of rural labor
We wish from the bottom of our hearts:
Let cows grow in the barn,
Pigs will be good!

Let them ear on the field:
Rye, wheat and oats,
Let under the weight of products
Wheel axles bend!

Fertile land to you!
Great harvests!
wonderful, good
Large and beautiful!
What to wish those people who
He spends days and nights working in the fields.
It seems to us that there is nothing
And plant, and grow, and surround with care.

On your day, we wish only patience,
Health and more strength.
And so that all your desires
Your angel brought to life.

May everything that happens be good
And the work goes on every day.
Walk into the future with a bold, fast step,
Your work is very important for people!
Today, on this autumn holiday,
We are happy to congratulate those
Who once did not abandon work in the fields,
At a time when everyone has a choice.

Work is hard sometimes, don't argue
And we never tire of thanking you.
We congratulate everyone,
What you are doing is a calling, a life.

Everything you do makes people happy
And no matter who ever said
Whatever your fatigue,
Your work would be appreciated by anyone.
Rural work is hard, ungrateful,
In order for bread to become a loaf,
How much effort do you need to put into it?
Is it possible to live without bread?
You received few thanks
Never been bored without work
We will honor you today
For your hard work, your noble.

SMS congratulations on the Day of the Agricultural Worker in verse

Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural Workers in verse

Today is the holiday of those who plow the land,
And those who feed our great people.
Let life be a happy streak
Everything will be fine year after year.
Let's remember today
Those who connected fate with the village.
We all appreciate your work,
And congratulations on the holiday!
Your work is in demand, hard,
And therefore very priceless.
And on your holiday, when you are in the thick of things,
He is highly valued.
We need you, and work,
To whom they gave themselves
Deserves kind words living here
Say which you would like today.
Earth workers!
you from dawn to dusk
busy with hard work,
Low-income, though.
Just never again
You will not be lured into the cities.
Go to other lands
The earth will not let you go.
Together with the whole country
Low bow to you earthly.
To the best of the people
Unfamiliar word "lazy":
After all, the peasants produce
What you need every day!
Difficult but noble
Life in labor and without sin...
Congratulations to them today
Happy Agricultural Workers Day!

Short congratulations on the Day of Agriculture in verse

Postcard congratulations on the Day of Agriculture

No peasant farm
We ordinary citizens
Treat at a feast
All had to heavenly manna.
For that, a deep bow to you
And of course we want
Meet exactly on time
Happy harvesting to you!
Milk, sour cream, cottage cheese…
Any Russian
Endlessly in the heart of the roads
Their taste is familiar from childhood!
May it be fruitful
Your hard rural work,
And the cows are perfect for you
Give a product every day!
Stretched for miles
Like golden needles
blown by the wind,
Ripe spikelets of wheat.
There will be hot bread on the table,
For its manufacture
A lot of work has been expended.
Accept congratulations!
Fruits, bread and butter on the table
melon and watermelon in sultry July -
this is the work of all those who are on earth
work hard and with dignity.


Do not hide from the world of inner happiness,
From a proud and bright today.
When in all its glory, without a drop of bad weather,
You can congratulate the farmer at the open fire.
May this fire of smiles and fun
Penetrates you to the very depths.
You are the best working generation,
You are the light of the harvest, we are in love with you!
On a beautiful day like this
When others don't understand.
To be a farmer "this is not for you"
Not nonsense, but pride. No less, do not take away!
They are up to the toughest tasks.
Ready to wash all day long.
Thank you for this, congratulations! How else?
Without you, the lilac will not bloom in the soul.
I would like to congratulate today those
Who devotes his day to the field.
Who is not lazy, not looking back at luxury, fur,
He inclines himself to labor and glory.
Being a farmer is not an easy task
Always be on the alert.
Today is your day, happiness to you, and good luck,
Favors, all the more so, each of you!

Congratulations on the day of agriculture 2018


Sunrise is beautiful and very bright,
So beautiful there are no words!
We congratulate all milkmaids,
They go to milk the cows
Sometimes you don't see the sunrise
Let not sleep, but they go!
They understand very well
Without milk, everything will be lost!
Farming Holiday
Celebrating in October!
Congratulations to all milkmaids,
Who woke up at dawn
To milk a cow
Pour milk for all of us!
Thank you dear
Be happy folks!
We wish you happiness, milkmaid,
In your hard work,
For the sun to shine bright
And the house was a full bowl!
Happy Agriculture Day to you
Congratulations today
We wish you joy, love,
And we wish you happiness!
Braid to the waist, smile on the face,
You are a Russian beauty, milkmaid!
You live, of course, not in the palace,
But the sun shines bright for you!
And you are glad to milk from the heart,
You love cows, and they love you, of course.
We wish your days to be good
Today, celebrate your holiday carelessly!

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