The resignation of the Governor of the Altai Territory Alexander Karlin. “The Altai Territory will say goodbye to Karlin without regret. Carlin ruined the edge

Nina Alexandrovna, today one of the authoritative publications, citing a source in the Presidential Administration, reported that documents on the resignation of the Governor of the Altai Territory Alexander Karlin will be prepared one of these days. Please tell me, are you surprised?

No, despite the fact that you told me about it first, I'm not at all surprised. I expected that this event should come right after the elections, because, indeed, the voting results told a lot. The fact that United Russia received less in the Altai Territory than in all other subjects of the Russian Federation is the result of the fact that the governor is not coping with the situation in the region.

On the other hand, the elections served only as an excuse, but in fact the reasons are more serious and deep. Altai has lost prospects for economic development today. The region has always been personified as the largest agro-industrial region, I emphasize, not only agrarian, but also industrial. Today only agriculture remains. And then, it seems to me that the governor, with his rash actions, greatly dropped him. Do you remember the big loans that were invented for the "Emerald Country"? 26 billion was lost, farmers did not receive money, and many heads of farms were even under arrest. In fact, they were framed by the governor. Maybe because of his unprofessionalism. I don't see any malicious intent in this. But under his leadership, Altai ceased to be an industrial region.

Just look at the city of Rubtsovsk. To the Altai Transport Plant, which was known not only in Siberia, but also far beyond the borders of Russia, in all the union republics. And we are talking not only about the plant, but also about the city itself, which has become not just a depressive city, but a ghost town, I call it that. What is happening now with teachers, despite the bravura reports that so many schools have been repaired and built there, makes an extremely depressing impression. I would like to ask, who gave you the right to close rural schools before this?

Or take health care, the city of Biysk, the local city hospital. The closure of medical institutions, the lack of maternity hospitals, tell me how to evaluate the work of the governor here? It is wrong to make an assessment only by the percentage of votes collected for United Russia. After all, much earlier, signals came from Altai teachers, from residents of the Altai Territory who cannot receive treatment in the territory where they live, from farmers, from machine builders ...

To say that Altai is only a tourist zone is a delusion. One Belokurikha will not pull out the economy, it can only be a link in the chain. Without its own industry, without its own food base, it is impossible to say that Altai will become the largest tourist area.

So the event is natural, the governor approached it together with that unprofessional team. A team that, in fact, plundered the Altai forests. And this, I think, is also known in the Presidential Administration - about what is happening today in our barbaric felling of tape pine forests. Drive into the territory of the same Yegoryevsky district, Zalesovsky district, and if there are still trees along the road, about ten meters from it, then when you fly by plane, you see deep, deep forest bald spots. And all this was taken over by the team of the deputy governor, who was in charge of the industry, which, I think, has been well enriched over the years. Therefore, I repeat, the result is natural. I think the Altai Territory will say goodbye to Governor Karlin without regret.

I really want a new team to come, which understands today what's what, which will make a correct diagnosis of the economic situation in the region. So that this team is trusted by the people themselves, and not only by those who appoint it from the Kremlin. It seems to me that this will serve as a great impetus for the region to regain its former glory again, as was said in the program of our party when we were holding elections to the legislative assembly of the Altai Territory.

The economic component is named as one of the main reasons for the resignation ...

Karlin lost confidence a long time ago, people will not follow him, no matter what program he announces. He will not be able to lead the region today out of the economic impasse in which it has found itself. Therefore, it is good that they dared to voice precisely this, the main reason.

In your opinion, will the governor be formally transferred to another high post first, or simply dismissed?

Well, what do you mean, this nurse from the Biysk hospital can be fired nowhere. And Governor Karlin will most likely be offered a horizontal position, or he will be transferred to Moscow somewhere - on an honorary resignation ...

Alexander Karlin resigned: reasons for leaving the post of head of the Altai Territory, who had led the region for 12 years. What does the resignation of Governor Karlin mean - the fight against corruption and poverty in Altai or another political maneuver?

In 2012, Putin limited the term of gubernatorial powers, banning them from ruling the region more than twice in a row within 10 years. But in Russia, as you know, laws can only act in the interests of the authorities, so in 2014, when the governor of Altai was coming to the end of his second term, he “resigned” ... and was re-elected for the third time.

On September 29, 2017, Alexander Karlin resigned again of his own free will. But what prevented him this time seriously puzzled the inhabitants of the region. After all, he could still easily govern for two years.

So, according to rumors, the main reason for Karlin's resignation is the lowest figure in the regions during the 2016 State Duma elections. "United Russia" in Altai barely scored 35%, which, of course, did not suit Vova. Moreover, it is difficult to imagine what the mood of the people in the Altai Territory really is, given how United Russia governors use administrative resources during elections. State employees are no longer simply told to vote for EdRo, but are openly blackmailed at meetings. It is no coincidence that after such phenomenal results, Krasin fired 11 officials at once.

A lot of media, bloggers and deputies declare that the residents of Altai do not trust Karlin. Registration with the governor in Moscow, the spouse is in third place in terms of wealth among the governor's wives of Russia, her income according to the declaration is as much as 20 million rubles a year. The family owns apartments, land, an elite house, and at this time the Altaians vegetate on a miserable salary, which averages 20,486 rubles.

During meetings with the inhabitants of Altai, Karlin diligently avoided unpleasant questions. Until the inhabitants of the ghost town of Rubtsovsk during the flood did not block the road along which the governor's motorcade passed, he did not deign to talk to them. When people tried to save the local thermal power plant, Karlin flatly refused to even discuss this issue, and, of course, the facility was decommissioned. Karlin arrives in the city - he goes not to solve problems, but to a plot in the forest. By the way, there will soon be no forest left in Altai if it continues to be cut down like this. But the region was once an industrial center ...

Altai under Karlin is mired in corruption. Karlin's closest associate, whom he set as an example to everyone, Deputy Governor Yuri Denisov, was imprisoned for 10 years for taking a bribe. In the same period, the deputy head of the Krasnoshchekovsky district, the head of the territorial department for supervision, the head of the regional administration and many other officials fell under investigation ... Despite the measures, Alexander Karlin's reputation continued to fall.

Where will Alexander Karlin work after his resignation? It is possible that he will remain in a leadership position, or even once again go to participate in the elections.

The reality is that United Russia will not leave Altai. But whether Putin will leave Karlin to continue to rule the region, time will tell.

Just yesterday, Alexander Karlin announced that he would work all summer without a vacation, since there were too many things to do. And now he has the opportunity to have a good rest - someone else will work instead of him, whom the president will appoint to fulfill his duties.

Carlin's resignation was perhaps the most anticipated of all that has happened in recent times. And therefore, everyone was somehow surprised at his intention to skip the summer vacation, but at the same time they did not take it seriously. You never know what an official says there, whose chatter outside the region has long been taken seriously by no one.

This is understandable: the Altai Territory consistently occupies the lowest lines among the regions in almost all possible indicators. It seems that the Kremlin left this character in the governor's chair for dessert.

Among the reasons for the resignation of Karlin are the lowest - after Yakutia - the indicators of those who voted for Vladimir Putin (64.66%). That is, the population thus reported to the supreme authority that they were dissatisfied with the situation in the region.

Karlin headed the region in 2005 after the tragic death of Mikhail Evdokimov. At first, this appointment was perceived quite positively, but it quickly became clear that the new head was trying to subdue almost all areas of activity, and above all business. In a short time, his people were assigned to all leading areas, regardless of whether this institution was public or private.

press service of the Government of the Altai Territory

Governor of the Altai Territory Alexander Karlin and Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko (from left to right)

The closest people were the former director of the brewery Sergei Loktev, who took the post of first deputy governor, and State Duma deputy Nikolai Ryzhak, the owner of the Altaykrovlya enterprise. Loktev's name in a short time became a household name in the region: his impudence was not limited by anything and, naturally, was transferred to Karlin himself - he would hardly have acted like that without the support of the governor.

After doing away with local business, Carlin and his team switched to farmland. Already in 2006, there was a redistribution of all agricultural land in favor of the governor's people. They also got all the bio-resources of the region, although the same "Altaikrovlya" was never engaged in the extraction of bio-resources.

In Barnaul and other cities, huge and most expensive plots of land were transferred to companies close to the governor. The redistribution took place in the hotel, sanatorium and tourism business. Entrepreneurs rallied, went out with pickets and even went hungry. Uselessly. The Altai Territory turned into a huge business structure under the control of Karlin, where there was no place for a stranger.

It is curious that Karlin for a long time refused to join United Russia - he did this only in 2007. And he immediately made a coup in the local party organization, putting his man, Nikolai Gerasimenko, at the head of it.

It is not surprising that already in 2008, after Dmitry Medvedev was elected president, everyone was waiting for Karlin's resignation. Did not happen. By the way, Medvedev then also won a record low number of votes in the region, but this did not become a reason to remove the governor ...

The next ten years of Karlin's management became a real disaster for Altai. Residents assess the current situation in the region as "decline" and "crisis". 66% could not remember at least something good from the activities of the governor. And this is against the backdrop of a colossal PR, which replaced all the real work. Thus, in 2016, more than 200 million rubles were allocated to support the "image of the governor". Even now, after the announcement of his resignation, all local media do not dare to say at least something about Karlin and publish exclusively loyal materials.

Karlin, although a native of the Altai Territory, worked for a long time in Moscow, in the presidential apparatus - he is considered a skilled apparatchik and intriguer. It is with this that the fact that he managed to stay in the governor's chair for so long and "rub glasses" on the top leadership of the country is associated. So far, the security forces have not become interested in the results of the activities of his entourage. In autumn, the scandal with the purchase of three Mercedes-Benz cars by the manager Alexander Beloborodov sounded loudly throughout the country.

There were other high-profile stories. For example, in the region, a poaching safari on the “Red Book” animals was staged on a grand scale, which was arranged for big guests from Moscow. During one of these funs, when argali were hunted from a helicopter, Alexander Kosopkin, the presidential representative in the State Duma, died. It happened on the territory of the neighboring Republic of Altai, but Anatoly Bannykh, a man close to Karlin, was called the organizer of the hunt. Later, it was in Barnaul, in the Public Chamber, that he admits that he organized that hunt, after which he will leave all available posts.

The fact that Carlin will leave has been talked about for a long time. In anticipation of this event, in May, local branches of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party even tried to stage a coup in their factions in the Legislative Assembly and remove the leaders who supported Karlin. The rebellion was quickly suppressed.

Karlin himself seemed to be getting ready as well. In any case, they say that he sent Mikhail Shchetinin to the Federation Council, who at any moment can give him this chair. His possible successors are also named - Daniil Bessarabov, a representative of the family of the governor's friends, a local deputy and businessman Alexander Prokopyev, and Sergey Loktev, who has already become odious.

However, the last word is still with the president. And this time, he may not be impressed by the hardware tricks of the former governor.

The fifth governor of the Altai Territory in the post-Soviet history of the region, Alexander Karlin, on Wednesday, May 30, left the chair that he had held for more than 13 years. The announcement of this officially appeared just a few minutes ago. He led the region for two terms as a presidential appointee and a third term as the winner of popular elections. Let's quickly recall who Alexander Karlin is.

Who is Alexander Karlin?

At the time of his resignation, Alexander Karlin is 66 full years old. He will be 67 at the end of October. He was born in the Altai village of Medvedka in 1951. There he studied at school. He received his higher education at the Sverdlovsk Law Institute. After graduation and almost until his appointment as governor, he worked in the justice department. For 32 years, he went from an investigator of the Biysk prosecutor's office to the secretary of state - the first deputy minister of justice of the Russian Federation. In 2004, he headed a new division of the Presidential Administration of Russia - the Department for Civil Service.

If you want to know more, read IA "Amitel".

How and when did he become governor?

In 2004, the election of the governor of the Altai Territory (then this post was called the head of the administration) was won by artist Mikhail Evdokimov. In August 2005, he tragically died in a car accident. After that, by decision of the President, Alexander Karlin was appointed to this post.

In 2009, again by the decision of the president (gubernatorial elections were canceled at that time), Carlin was reappointed to this post.

By 2014, popular elections had already returned to Russian politics, and Karlin was re-elected for a third term. He won by a wide margin, however, he had no serious competitors.

The next gubernatorial election was scheduled to take place in September 2019.

Why did Alexander Karlin hold two posts at once?

Alexander Karlin at the time of his resignation held two high posts: governor and prime minister.

We talked about the governorship above. The post of Prime Minister appeared on January 1, 2017. It was Karlin who introduced it. And it was he who decided that these two posts would be occupied by one person, although the law provided for the possibility of separation of powers.

What is known about the personal life of the former governor?

Yes, almost nothing. He is married and has two sons and a grandson. His wife is Galina Karlina, a Moscow notary. Alexander Bogdanovich never talks about his family in public.

But we know that he is a very well-read, erudite person, knows how to joke sharply, loves the Altai nature, the work of Altai writers. In work and with subordinates he is very firm, he always asks a lot and strictly. Carlin has an excellent memory and never forgets other people's misdeeds.

How much did he earn in his post?

In 2017, he declared an income of 6.9 million rubles. This is almost 3 million rubles more than a year earlier. It is known that the head of the region received the bulk of his income from his main place of work and from pension accruals. In 2015, his income amounted to 5 million rubles, in 2014 - 5.74 million rubles, in 2013 - 3.257 million rubles.

He has no cars, houses and apartments. The property has only two garage boxes. But in use there was an apartment (157.6 sq. m) and a hotel room (196.3 sq. m).

The governor's wife, Galina Karlina, a Moscow notary in the recent past, declared an income of 203,000 rubles. A year earlier, she reported an income of 4 million 271 thousand rubles. In 2015, her income amounted to 19.7 million rubles. She has two large apartments, two land plots, a residential building and two parking spaces.

Why did Carlin resign?

In general, he has always had fairly even public relations with the federal government. The Altai Territory is not a donor region, on the contrary, there are no inter-ethnic and inter-confessional conflicts and the background to them, there is no strong non-systemic opposition - nothing strategically important for the Kremlin.

He was and is a member of various federal and Siberian councils and commissions.

During the years of governorship, Karlin did not receive public censure from the federal authorities, he did not have conflicts with the embassy or other governors. Although the region traditionally occupies the lowest positions in the rankings of socio-economic development.

However, rumors of his resignation in the last couple of years have appeared frequently. It was often said that they did not remove him, because they still had not picked up a replacement.

In the fall of 2017, there was a mass resignation of governors. Posts left 11 chapters. Then "Kommersant" published a list of governors - contenders for an early resignation. The Altai governor was on this list. The press service of the government then stated that all this was just another rumor. And so it turned out.

But the wave of resignations continued. After the inauguration of the president in May 2018, the governor of the Magadan region Vladimir Pecheny, the head of Yakutia Yegor Borisov left their posts. And now one of the last long-lived governors, Alexander Karlin.

What do you remember about Alexander Karlin?

The head of the region worked mainly in three areas: the development of agriculture, tourism and a cluster approach in the social sphere (medicine, education, tourism, biopharmaceutics). He actively promoted these topics and took credit for the successes in these areas.

Indeed, in recent years, the region, despite the weather, has collected a record harvest. In tourism, too, there are successes, although not so large-scale.

Many evaluate his work positively: the region had almost no debts, although it continues to receive a significant amount of subsidies from Moscow as a subsidized region. The region remains one of the poorest, but at the same time, Altai has achieved many successes and breakthroughs in these recent years.

United Russia received the lowest result in the elections in the Altai Territory. Experts believe that this is primarily due to the authority of Governor Alexander Karlin. The economy of the region is in the most deplorable state, the life of the population is steadily deteriorating. Before the elections, the federal center was obviously not interested in changing its leader. Now Alexander Karlin is the number one candidate for retirement.

Inevitable Punishment

In Altai Krai, United Russia's election results were the lowest in the country, at 35 percent. The regional authorities, of course, tried to influence the situation, but the fact that events would unfold in this way was clear even earlier. Even before the elections, the Central Election Commission included the Altai Territory in the black list of regions where numerous violations are highly likely.

As a result, these fears were confirmed. Candidate for the State Duma from the party "Yabloko" Vladimir Ryzhkov appealed to the CEC, the regional election commission and the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Altai Territory with a statement about fraud in the elections. In turn, the chairman of the CEC Ella Pamfilova stated that if information about violations in Altai is confirmed, the results there may be canceled. At a meeting with Vladimir Putin, Ella Panfilova spoke about some of the governors who did not heed the call to make the elections fair. In response, Vladimir Putin announced the punishment that must inevitably follow for such leaders.

Analysts believe that these words directly refer to Alexander Karlin, and therefore draw conclusions - within one or two months, the fate of the head of the governor of the Altai Territory will be finally decided.

Origins of protest

Alexander Karlin has been in charge of the region for more than ten years. And year by year the economic and social situation in Altai becomes more and more difficult.

According to the Russian Ministry of Finance, Altai Krai should receive 16 billion rubles from the federal budget this year, which is almost 10 percent more than was allocated to the region in 2015 (15,554,846 thousand rubles). Thus, the Altai Territory becomes the largest subsidized region of Siberia.

For seven months of this year, the consumer price index amounted to 103.7 percent compared to the same period last year. Prices for manufactured goods increased by 5.8 percent compared to 2015. At the same time, real incomes of the population decreased by 5.5 percent compared to the first half of 2015.

The average nominal accrued wages in the Altai Territory in January - July 2016 amounted to 20,301 rubles, which is the lowest in Siberia.

During the ten years of the governorship of Alexander Karlin, the population of the region decreased by 155 thousand people. This happened due to population migration, aging, as well as suicides and deaths from drunkenness.

At the same time, experts believe that it is necessary to make a lot of efforts to turn the region with such fertile potential into a depressed region. Attempts by management to change the situation to the desired results. According to the deputy of the State Duma Nina Ostanina,

On this topic

for example, instead of supporting small and medium-sized agricultural businesses, a stake was apparently placed on the Emerald Country agricultural holding. About a hundred enterprises were assembled under its roof. The result turned out to be deplorable. The enterprises of the holding went bankrupt, but before that, however, they received 26 billion of non-refundable funds.

Later, the largest pig-breeding holding Altair-agro went bankrupt, the Khimvolokno plant and other enterprises closed.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that rural residents make up a significant part of the population of Altai. In recent years, it is in rural areas that a significant consolidation of hospitals, schools, and other social institutions has been carried out. These reforms irritated them greatly.

According to the head of the regional anti-corruption center "Transparency International - Russia" Stanislav Andreychuk,

The results of the Duma elections showed that protest voting in the regions is directly correlated with the unfavorable socio-economic situation in them.

The governor is blamed for the fact that he does not know how, or simply does not want to conduct dialogues. So, he did not have a constructive conversation with the local elites. Alexander Karlin also did not establish a proper relationship with ordinary residents, and keeps journalists, as they say, "in a black body." Nina Ostanina recalls how the governor came to the city of Rubtsovsk, to the local thermal power plant, which is, to put it mildly, in poor condition. And at the same time, the media were warned not to ask questions about the CHP plant. It turned out that it was impossible to ask anything that worries the inhabitants.

Gloomy prospects

At the same time, it is obvious that the federal center is closely watching the activities of Alexander Karlin. In the fourteenth ranking of the Civil Society Development Fund

Alexander Karlin lost three positions and dropped from 72nd to 75th place.

The governor's popularity is not enhanced by the criminal cases that are currently being investigated in the region. In particular, the arrest last year of the son of the city manager Igor Savintsev may affect the investigation of the case of fraud in the privatization of OAO Management Company Doverie. According to media reports, governor Alexander Karlin may also be involved in the “Savintsev case”.

Taken together, these circumstances do not bode well for the Altai governor in the future.

Plans for Karlin's resignation had already been repeatedly discussed. The question was only whether it would be honorary or not. Before the elections, versions were put forward that Alexander Karlin, in the event of his resignation, could even head the Ministry of Agriculture.

Now the situation has changed. Given the results of the election, it seems very doubtful that anyone will trust Altai Governor Alexander Karlin to conduct preparations for the 2018 presidential election.

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