Why Oksana Yarmolnik is considered loose. Leonid Yarmolnik and Oksana Afanasyeva: a boring marriage that turned a womanizer into an exemplary family man. Marriages civil and fictitious

She is now known as the wife of a completely different person, and official biographers hushed up her place in his life. But…

In the film "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive ”there is a character named Tatyana Ivleva. In fact, a girl with that name did not exist. But in the huge eyes of the actress Oksana Akinshina, in her thin figure, in all her manners and impulsive movements, one can guess the 19-year-old Muscovite Oksana Afanasyeva - the one whom Vysotsky called his last love.

They met when he was over 40, and she was barely 19. Young, thin as a poplar, she was unusually good. And he ... He was pretty beaten up by life, plowed up with mistrust, crushed by everyday life. But he was a genius, and he was a living person.

Having met back in 1978, they did not yet know that they had only been given two years to love. Later, when he is gone, and she comes out as a worthy wife of another respected person, this matured girl will say with quiet sadness: “Now it seems that the first 20 years of my life were much more saturated with dramatic events than the next 20.”


The daughter of the famous writer Afanasyev-Sevastyanov, who wrote a lot for the stage, native Muscovite Oksana Afanasyev was left without a mother early. She instantly matured, made friends much older and made all the decisions herself. There was no person in the world who could forbid something or threaten her with a finger.

A creative audience often gathered in the house: Leonid Yengibarov, Lev Prygunov, others famous people. The father and second cousins ​​with whom they lived in the same apartment belonged to a respectable drinking bohemian - such people in Soviet times called comrades with "normal alcohol addiction": they say, these are not drunks who think for three, but a decent creative intelligentsia.

Returning from a French special school, Oksana often found her tipsy father at home. He was extremely aggressive, and at first my daughter was afraid of his debauchery, and then she began to quietly hate.

Maybe her universal tolerance for Vysotsky's drinking bouts - she comes from there, from childhood: without a mother, with a tipsy, angry father. And Volodya was not at all like that when he drinks. He was always rushing somewhere, he needed to do something, he was restless, but angry ... No, he was never angry.

She broke hidden bottles of vodka, put him on herself and dragged him home. She felt extremely sorry for him. And very scary. But in moments of despair, she always quietly whispered to herself: “Better one day with such a person than a lifetime ...”


A student of the textile institute, the bride of a nice respectable groom, an avid theatergoer and simply beautiful Oksana Afanasyeva came to the performance at the Taganka Theater, looking into the administrator's room during the intermission.

You can call? - Oksana asked the stern-looking administrator Yakov Mikhailovich Bezrodny. Vysotsky stood with his back to her, talking on the phone. Turning sharply, he suddenly stopped in mid-sentence and slowly hung up the receiver - for some reason past the phone. There was a pause - a long, theatrical one.

Ksyusha, this is Volodya Vysotsky. Volodya, this is Ksyusha, - Yakov Mikhailovich broke the silence.

Where are you after the performance? Vysotsky asked without preamble.

Home, she said simply.

Don't leave me, I'll give you a ride, - he threw at her, already flying out of the room.

The performance is over. Oksana and her friend left the theater and, trying not to show that she was looking for someone, looked around the street.

Ksyusha, let's hurry, - suddenly there was a cry, - I'm waiting for you! - it was the actor Veniamin Smekhov. Throwing open the door of the green Zhiguli, he waved his hand affably. Oksana looked around in confusion and suddenly, noticing someone at a distance, smiled happily:

No, they're already picking us up. - Who? - Smekhov was amazed. Following Oksana's gaze, he immediately understood everything. - Well, of course, where are my "Lada" against his "Mercedes"?!

In fact, neither his silver 280th Mercedes, nor his national fame, nor dense family status mattered to her: she was in love.

Vladimir Semenovich drove the girls home, not claiming anything else, asked Oksana for a parting phone and invited her on a date. She delicately thanked, gave the phone, but said nothing about the meeting. Oksana seemed to freeze on the eve of a big jump, held her breath to make a desperate leap.

“What are you,” the girlfriend was indignant and, dreamily rolling her eyes, added: “Yes, all the women Soviet Union just dreaming of being in your place!”

And it turned out the purest water true. “Vladimir Semenovich was absolutely, absolutely, absolutely a man of genius. Since then, I have not met more gifted people, Oksana will write later. - He had tremendous energy.

Wherever he appeared: in the company of friends or in a huge hall where he gave a concert, he easily subdued five people and ten thousand to his charm.

The young maximalist Oksana Afanasyeva broke up with her sweet respectable fiance the very next day, completely ignoring the indignant exclamations of her aunts who adored her.


Their first date was traditional: he invited her home, gently courted, treated her to fine wine and overseas delicacies from Beryozka, he himself fried the liver, which simply melted in his mouth. “Don’t call me Vladimir Semenovich,” looking affectionately into her eyes; he asked in parting with his velvety enveloping voice.

“He is wildly charismatic. Probably, there was not a single woman who could resist him, Oksana said years later. - He did not set up networks - it just lived in him. We did not have a casual relationship: we slept together, ran away - but a real romance in its classical form. I decided for myself: let it be three days, a week, but I will be with this person, because he is not like everyone else. What happens next is all the same. I fell in love. But I realized that I could not demand anything. My life is my life, my love is my problem."

That morning after the first night she remembered for the rest of her life. Coming out of the bathroom and zealously rubbing his neck with a towel, he suddenly stood rooted to the spot on the threshold, shocked to the core by what he saw: “You are the first woman who made the bed behind you,” he said, looking in confusion at the neatly made ottoman.

From the first minute of the conversation, there was an acute feeling of kinship of souls. It turned out that they have a lot in common in tastes, habits, characters. It seemed that they had known each other before, then parted for a while and then met again. Every time he was sincerely amazed at how easily she made a simple drawing on paper, flying out from under a pencil in five minutes, how deftly she hemmed jeans he had brought from abroad.

And jeans, and imported jumpers, and even money, Vysotsky often handed out to friends, calling such times "the days of distributing banknotes to the population." He liked people to dress well, and he himself liked to dress expensively. But he never spared things, and this rule, as usual, had its exception.

Vladimir Semenovich was kind to everything that was done with his own hands, and even more so with the hands of Ksyusha. Perhaps that is why he did not give a single pair of jeans, hemmed by hand, to anyone.


From their first days living together Unbelievable rumors spread around Moscow, the most plausible of which, of course, concerned the housing problem, which pretty much spoiled the hospitable character of Muscovites. Suspicious persons in the theater lobby began to whisper that Vysotsky had bought an apartment with his new passion. But there was nothing like it!

In fact, the house in which Oksana lived with her father, brothers and aunts who adored her was resettled, and as a result of a simple operation of dividing the living space, Oksana got a one-room apartment on Yablochkova Street. So Vladimir Semenovich had nothing to do with the acquisition of housing by a student of a textile institute. And this turned out to be another exception to their short life together. In all other respects, he tried his best to help Oksana.

When Vysotsky appeared in her life, she no longer needed anything. “You should take a taxi so as not to waste time. I don’t want to be pushed and squeezed in the subway,” he said, looking lovingly at the girl.

Although they were separated by 22 years, she almost did not feel the difference in age. Firstly, she always liked men much older, she preferred not to have affairs with her peers. Secondly, before my eyes was the example of a father who was much older than her mother (after the death of his first wife, all his subsequent spouses were also very young). But the most important thing still was not in her past, but in his present. “Volodya was a boy for me - humor, hooliganism, energy, but at the same time everything was meaningful, incredibly interesting,” Oksana recalls. - On Nikolina Gora, he taught me how to drive a car. And then he wanted to buy me a small red sports BMW - so that everyone could see how I cut through Moscow. Volodya still loved show-offs in small things, although he was absolutely bespontovy. So he said: "Everything should be the best for me - both cars and women."

But Vladimir Semyonovich considered his special success a French bag made of straw, brought from a business trip abroad. Only women who have taken a sip of the ubiquitous Soviet deficit in their lifetime can appreciate such an act: they know the true price of a simple French straw bag somewhere in the late 70s!


An amazing thing, but she, a young girl, was never bored with this wise man. Oksana, who accompanied Vysotsky at almost all of his concerts, recalled a very funny incident that happened to them on the Minsk-Moscow train: “The conductor looked intently at Volodya:“ Your face is familiar to me. Are you not an actor of the Moscow City Council Theater?

"No," I replied, "he's a dental technician." We exchanged winks and went to our compartment. Half an hour later, the conductor comes to us. “How nice,” she says, “that I met you. I have something gum under the crown hurts. Won't you look?" Volodya, like a real dentist, looked at something in her mouth for a long time and then so seriously advised to change the bridge. Well, how can you get bored with such a man?

Yes, and he worked just as easily, impudently, under inspiration. To be more precise in expressions, it would even be better to say: did not work, but created. Because he seemed to take poetry and music out of himself when the time came for him to be born into the world. Sometimes he could not fall asleep, lay, smoked, pensively looking at the ceiling. Then he jumped up abruptly, just as impetuously pulled up a chair, took a pen and wrote, wrote, wrote. He did not sit out the lines, did not rule, but just like that, right away - once, and on paper. Then he woke up Oksana and said: “Listen, you just listen!” He sang, immediately choosing a melody.

She already knew for sure: if Volodya watches TV with glassy eyes, ashtray full of cigarette butts - so it works. She was heartily amused when he was childishly surprised at the new rhyme: “Where does this come from? Here is a gamayun bird, I didn’t even know that there was one. I only found out later when I wrote it. For some reason, he sharply reminded Pushkin, who, in moments of inspiration, liked to say: "Ah yes Pushkin, ah yes son of a bitch."

She admired him, admired his genius, and he gratefully responded to any of her wishes. Somehow, in the midst of spring, she accidentally dropped that she loves lilies of the valley. He didn't even raise an eyebrow. And the next morning, Oksana woke up because she clicked Entrance door- Vysotsky ran away somewhere. He returned - of course, with lilies of the valley. But how many were there?

The whole room was covered with lilies of the valley. He probably traveled all over Moscow and bought flowers in bulk. “In general, such a fabulous life, where everything was mixed up: both his breakdowns and his tenderness,” Oksana sighs. His declaration of love was for her the strongest shock, a moment of absolute happiness. - It was some kind of implausible love. Especially the first year turned out to be serene. Later, a premonition of trouble appeared ... Now they only write about this: they drank, injected, an alcoholic, a drug addict. So you imagine such a goner with shaking hands. This is absolute nonsense! His binges were interspersed with hard work, racing against the disease.


Over the course of two years, Oksana saw the doses increase. At first it seemed that it helped to restore his strength: after the play "Hamlet" he could not sleep for a long time, he was so ill that he screamed like a wounded animal. And he did the injection. “And what are you injecting yourself with?” Oksana asked in surprise. “These are vitamins,” he answered hiding his eyes.

This went on until she fished out another ampoule from the garbage - it was Promedol. Oksana realized that he was sick, and he was getting worse. She would have given anything in the world to heal him. Marina Vlady, who permanently lived in France, twice arranged him in clinics during this time: remission came, but not for long.

He was rushing somewhere, he wanted to do everything: he starred in the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed”, in “Little Tragedies”, raced on the radio, and halyard in the theater, traveled around the country with performances; as a director, he prepared the film "Green Van" for the launch. He was responsible for everyone: he helped his mother, father, two sons, numerous friends. He married someone abroad, married someone, knocked someone out for a passport at the OVIR.

And Oksana ... It was quite enough for her that they were just together. Life was filled only with him. But Vysotsky was deeply worried about the disorder of her fate. According to some reports, he even asked for a divorce from Marina Vladi. However, such a gap threatened him with a categorical ban on business trips abroad, he would instantly become, as they used to say, travel restrictions.

Oksana did not insist on his divorce: Marina was far away and was perceived by her more as a relative than as lawful spouse. In fairness, it should be said that neither in those distant times, nor later did Oksana allow Vladi to speak badly in her presence. “People who loved Volodya are not exactly holy for me, but beyond criticism,” she admitted.

Once Marina arrived from Paris, and during her visit, Oksana moved to her place on Yablochkova. For a whole week she did not see Vysotsky, and at the weekend she went with her friend to see Hamlet: she missed her, even though she wanted to look at Volodya from the auditorium. The girls were seated in the center of the hall on side chairs. Holding their breath, they looked at the stage. As soon as the scene without Vysotsky began, Oksana relaxed.

And suddenly someone pulled her by the hem of her skirt: one, two, three. Completely insolent, thought Oksana - they are already pestering in the theater. The neighbors began to look around in amazement: it turns out that it was Vysotsky in velvet jeans, boots, on half-bent ones quietly crept up behind: “Let's go, let's go out” - and apologized to the audience with signs. Witnesses of that case say that they were simply stunned - there are no other words in Russian!


The second year of their life together began to turn more and more black and red. Everything bad started with the New Year, 1980: he had an accident, then they cut down his picture, he practically left the theater, the physical state began to deteriorate, the number of drugs to increase. She was pitied by everyone who knew what was happening. And she tried to help him, to be there all the time. “Because no one needed him at that time. A person is needed when he is healthy, cheerful, rich. And this "drunk" headache no one needs. I didn't sacrifice myself. It just couldn’t be any other way,” Oksana sighs.

Clinical death, which is described in a recent film premiere, was indeed recorded by doctors. And Oksana actually carried medicines across the country.

The administrator, Valery Yanklovich, called her and said that if she did not bring promelol, Vysotsky would simply die. If they had said that they would cut off her hand, but he would be healthy, she would have answered: “Chop!” What was against this her determination to illegally rush to his aid with a box of some illegal drugs? Publicist Valery Perevozchikov in the book “The Truth of the Hour of Death” cites the following words of Afanasyeva: “There was a real clinical death in Bukhara. I breathed to him, and Tolya Fedotov did a heart massage. When Volodya woke up, he said: “I saw you and felt you. But like in the movies. You breathe, Tolya massages. And half an hour later, Goldman and Seva came up to Volodya as if nothing had happened and said: “Probably, you, Volodya, will not work out all three concerts. One will have to be cancelled. Here are the bastards! Then I made a scandal: “You are crazy! He was dying! No concerts! And Volodya something like this: "Yes, probably, it is necessary." I felt he was on my side, but I could not refuse them. It seemed to everyone that this was nonsense, that he was eternal and would outlive everyone. But…


Real death came a year after clinical death. On July 21, 1980, he spent the whole day at home. In the evening he went to the theater, where he was supposed to play in Crime and Punishment, but did not go on stage. They say that on that day he only kept repeating that he would die soon. He wanted to repay the debts of those from whom he took something. From the theater I stopped by Ivan Bortnik. “Volodya came in in a chic velvet suit with the keys to the Mercedes,” the actor later recalled. - I saw a bottle of vodka "St. John's wort" and immediately: "Let's go to my place to continue!" We went to his girlfriend Oksana on Gruzinskaya. They talked late.”

Oksana quietly listened to the conversations of her friends, and a feeling of hopelessness did not leave her. She is not a coward, but she became truly, to the point of convulsions, scared. In the morning, having discovered two hidden bottles of vodka, she arranged loud scandal and broke one in the kitchen sink. “It was terrible,” Oksana sighs. - I said: “Everything! I'm leaving". "If you leave, I'll throw myself off the balcony!" - looking into her eyes, answered Vysotsky. She dressed, ran out into the street, looked up - he was hanging on his hands, holding on to the bars of the bars. She no longer remembers how she flew up to the eighth floor, how she dragged Volodya back ...

On the day of his death, he calmly said, "Today I will die." Before that, he screamed in pain like a wounded animal. But suddenly there was a strange silence. exhausted sleepless nights she fell asleep. Woke up three hours later - he was already dead. A few days after his death, a huge bruise did not leave her palm - Volodya squeezed her hand so tightly. When he was alive ... Nobody knows how she said goodbye to him. Nobody saw her, she didn't tell anyone. It is only known that, having said goodbye, she quietly got up and left. One. Without things. Without documents. What was. She never returned to that apartment again.

Strong love leaves irreparable wounds in the heart. You cannot live without it, but once you feel all its power on yourself, you will never be able to live as before.

“Volodya, it’s impossible, it’s a shame,” his father once said, nodding accusingly in the direction of Oksana. She remembered it tightly. After Volodya's death, his father said: "I think you should not come to the funeral." And she took it as an order, tried to be invisible. The only thing she asked was to bring her two wedding rings that lay in a glass on the nightstand in the bedroom. Once Volodya bought them in the hope of getting married. But the rings are gone...

Thus ended one of the most mysterious and most beautiful stories love in the dramatic life of the great Soviet state. This love is very special: the greatness of the genius of Vladimir Vysotsky. And this love is completely ordinary: due to the greatness of the sacrificial and all-conquering love of a woman for a man. Someday other Man and Woman will meet in the same way, just as quiet before the jerk - and then dive into love with her lilies of the valley and threads of the eighth size, with Mercedes and green Zhiguli, with a French straw bag and a frantic feverish whisper on nights... End of this great history each writes himself. Or together. Who gets it…

R. S. The year after the death of Vysotsky turned out to be the most terrible in the life of Oksana Afanasyeva. She left the institute, took the “academic”, was going to emigrate. She was summoned to the KGB, they tried to recruit her. She refused. Vysotsky introduced her to her future husband - when he was alive. “God, what an amazing actor,” Oksana Vysotsky said at the premiere of the film “The Same Munchausen”. - Any Balts? - “Why the Balts? This is our Yermolai." There was something mystical in that memorable conversation...

A few years after the death of Vysotsky, Oksana married actor Leonid Yarmolnik. The couple had a daughter, Alexandra. Their family experience is 30 years. Oksana Yarmolnik became a famous theater artist. Judging by the fact that she still makes dolls, in her heart she remained a child.

Vysotsky's last love

19-year-old Oksana Afanasyeva became close to the bard two years before his death. Actress Alisa Yufa, who was in love with the poet, tried to prevent their romance. Vysotsky brought suitcases of outfits to Oksana from abroad. For your last New Year presented a TV, a refrigerator and a luxurious lilac suit. Two years after the death of Vladimir Afanasyev, she married Leonid Yarmolnik and bore him a daughter, Sasha. Despite the fact that the filmmakers claim that the image played by Akinshina is a collective one, the events in Bukhara, which are mentioned in the movie, were experienced by a specific girl next to Vysotsky - his last love, student Oksana Afanasyeva.

Vysotsky himself called her his last love. And it's worth it. Oksana Afanasyeva (now Yarmolnik) was silent about her relationship with Vladimir Semenovich for a very long time, and only about five years ago some media managed to get her revelations.
When they met, she was 18, he was 40. He saw her near the administrator's room of the Taganka Theater. A beautiful and, as they would say now, an unusually stylish girl in a miniskirt. He asked for a phone, invited me on a date. And she ... pondered whether to go or not, until her friend shamed her: "What are you talking about?! All the women of the Soviet Union simply dream of being in your place!" This convinced her. They met, and the next day Oksana broke up with her fiancé, deciding that one day with a man like Vysotsky was better than a lifetime of gray mediocrity. Instead of one day, fate gave them almost two years.
She still bows before him, considering "absolutely, completely, one hundred percent a man of genius." It was Oksana who openly stood up to protect the memory of the singer from sweeping accusations of alcoholism and drug addiction, so popular in recent times: "They only write about this: he drank, injected, an alcoholic, a drug addict ... So you imagine a kind of goner with shaking hands, in front of whom there are cocaine grooves and a pair of syringes. This is absolute nonsense. For the last two years that we have known each other, Volodya starred in the films "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed" and "Little Tragedies". He had records on the radio, roles in the theater, he traveled around the country with performances. At the Odessa Studio, he was preparing to launch the film "Green Van" as a director. True, he they didn’t give it. At the same time, yes, I drank, I sat on the needle. But it was mixed with work for wear and tear, racing with the disease. "

Vladimir Semenovich was very worried because of the disorder of her fate, because he could not, being married to Marina Vladi, marry Oksana. He even decided to ask Marina for a divorce. At the end of December 1979, Marina Vladimirovna flew to Moscow, where she wanted to celebrate the New Year and have a serious talk with Vysotsky. By the way, this visit is not mentioned at all in her book.
Here is what the administrator of the Taganka Theater Valery Yanklovich, who was a member of the last years Vysotsky’s life in the circle of his close friends: “... Marina is already at the dacha. And Volodya goes to get a TV for one girl, takes him to her home. (Here I must say that in recent years Volodya took this girl very seriously. Although she annoyed me a little then ... But I saw Volodino's attitude: he took part in her life, delved into student problems ... Of course, she played a certain role in Vysotsky's life) ".
From the first minute of their acquaintance, Vladimir Semenovich and Ksyusha had a feeling of communicating with a loved one. She went everywhere with him to concerts. When Vysotsky came to his senses after the first clinical death, it was to her that he said: "I love you!"
If he went abroad, he always asked what to bring her. For two days spent in Germany, he managed to buy her two suitcases of clothes. Everything is handpicked with extraordinary taste. "I like it," he said, "when you wear something new every day." Or: "But this is my special luck." Lucky was a French straw bag or some other thing that, in his opinion, suited her especially.
Dresses from Dior and Chanel in scarce Moscow created a certain fame for Oksana, introducing her to someone, her friends said: "Meet Oksana - she has 18 pairs of shoes." But when Vysotsky died, she left his apartment light - she didn’t take anything ... She needed Volodya, but he was no more ...
Vysotsky wanted to marry Oksana. They even found a priest, bought rings, but did not have time ..

One spring, she confessed to him that she loved lilies of the valley very much. And when she woke up, she saw that her whole room was lined with lilies of the valley ... Probably, he really had a very special gift - he knew how to turn life into a holiday.
He wanted to marry her: they naively believed that in a state where the church is separated from the state, they would be married without a stamp in their passport. But it turned out that it is not so simple. After a long search, Vysotsky nevertheless found a priest who agreed to such, in general, an illegal act. Vladimir Semenovich bought rings, but they did not have time to get married. And after the death of Vysotsky, the rings disappeared from his apartment - they lay in the bedroom - on the bedside table, in a glass ...
The year of his death was the most terrible in the life of Oksana Afanasyeva: she went on academic leave, wanted to leave the country, the KGB even tried to recruit her - and when it didn’t work out, they were simply expelled from the institute.
Today Oksana is a theater artist. Two years after Vysotsky's death, she met Leonid Yarmolnik and married him some time later. But Oksana still remembers Vysotsky with love and tenderness, believing that he, like a kind angel, largely determined her future life.

Vysotsky now is like a minefield. All and sundry write memoirs about him, and then other lazy people refute these memoirs. And it is not clear what is more around the name of Vysotsky: adoration or completely unworthy fuss. So is it necessary to increase this fuss?

Is it possible to come up with something new about the romance of a 19-year-old girl with a 40-year-old famous artist? Too unequal weight categories: one has too much experience, the other is all overflowing with pink snot. At best, he plowed it, at worst, he moved.

But it turned out that Oksana Yarmolnik was not at all easy to move. And, probably, it was never possible, even at her nineteen years.

I grew up very early - maybe because my mother died early. All my friends were older than me. Now it seems to me that the first twenty years of my life were much more intense different kind dramatic events than the next twenty.

From the age of eighteen I lived alone - I exchanged my parent's apartment and in this way provided myself with living space. Entered the textile institute. She earned money by sewing her friends.

I always decided everything myself: where to study, with whom to be friends, whom to love. In the most difficult moments, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I didn’t have a person who would advise something, wag a finger, forbid ...

And then you met Vysotsky. He must have been your idol...

You know, I never had idols. Met and met. He first drew attention to me. I was an avid theater goer. We ran into Volodya at the administrator of the Taganka Theatre.

Not me - he, as they say, was stunned. Picked up the phone and asked for a date. Just before the date, my friend and I went to the Moscow City Council Theatre. I don't even remember what we are watched - all I was contemplating whether I should go or not. And now I crumple the program in my hands, I turn it ... "Listen," I say to my friend, "something I don't want to meet with him." And she: "What are you?! Yes, all the women of the Soviet Union just dream of being in your place!" I mentally imagined countless of these women - and went.

So we met. I didn’t have idols, but I had youthful maximalism, and in addition to it - a ready-made groom, such a sweet boy. So, in obedience to youthful maximalism, I parted with my fiancé the next day. I decided that one day with a person like Volodya is better than a whole life with that friend of mine.

Vladimir Semenovich was absolutely, completely, one hundred percent a man of genius. I have never met more gifted people. He had tremendous energy. Wherever he appeared: in the company of friends or in a huge hall where he gave a concert, he easily subordinated to his charm both five people and ten thousand. Even the party officials who put a spoke in his wheels were actually looking for acquaintances with him and asked for a ticket to the theater.

But they say he drank.

They write only about this: he drank, injected, an alcoholic, a drug addict. So you imagine a kind of goner with shaking hands, in front of which there are cocaine grooves and a pair of syringes. This is absolute nonsense. During the last two years that we knew each other, Volodya starred in the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed" and in "Little Tragedies". He had records on the radio, roles in the theater, he traveled around the country with performances. At the Odessa studio, he was preparing to launch the film "Green Van" as a director. True, they did not give him.

At the same time - yes, he drank, sat on a needle. But this was interspersed with wear and tear, racing against the disease.

Didn't you have a sobering feeling when you found out about all his vices?

I was madly in love. And then, what vices are we talking about - drunkenness? Then absolutely everyone drank, and creative people and even more so. Another thing, no one imagined that Volodya had so little left. You know, I can hardly remember those years now - after all, I still did something, studied. And it feels like life was filled only with him.

I would give anything in the world to heal him. But imagine Moscow at the end of the 70s: where to get treatment, from whom, how to do it anonymously? We were all afraid that they would find out about it: it was easier to go to jail for drugs than to the hospital.

Although now you think: what nonsense! Well, you would know - so what? I had to go abroad, go to the clinic. Marina twice arranged him in hospitals. There was a remission, but not for long.

Many people hung on it, and he never forgot about his responsibility. He helped his mother, father, two sons, not to mention numerous friends. Someone gave out abroad in marriage or married. Another called from OVIR: "They don't give me a passport!" - and Volodya went to help out.

Did he feel responsible for you?

I think I felt more responsible for our relationship. And it was enough for me that we were together. And although, of course, there were feelings, and intensity, and passion, that he loves me, he told me only a year later. And for me it was the strongest shock, a moment of absolute happiness.

Volodya was worried about my unsettled fate, because he could not give me more. He even asked Marina Vladi for a divorce. And what would he achieve with a divorce? He would become restricted to travel abroad, and that's all. And for him, traveling abroad was like a breath of fresh air. He had hundreds of friends in America, France, Germany. If he had divorced, he would have been rotten in the Union or simply thrown out of the country, like Galich, Aleshkovsky, Brodsky.

Marina was far away, I perceived her as Volodya's relative, her existence had no effect on our relationship. I don't like it when people talk badly about her in my presence. The people who loved Volodya were close to him, for me not exactly holy, but beyond criticism.

When Volodya died, the circumstances were such that almost immediately after the funeral I left his apartment. Not that some personal things - I didn’t even take the documents. I called David Borovsky, our mutual friend, the artist of the Taganka Theater, and asked them to bring me documents and two wedding rings, which were in a glass - on the bedside table, in the bedroom. But they have disappeared.

And Volodya bought the rings to marry me. We were naive and believed that since the church was separated from the Soviet state, we could easily get married without stamps in the passport. It turned out that registration of the registry office is necessary. We traveled to half of the Moscow churches - to no avail. Nevertheless, Volodya found one priest who fell under his charm and agreed to marry us. But it didn't work out.

Did you somehow get used to each other, rubbed sharp corners?

From the first minute of the conversation, each of us had the feeling that we had met native person. We had a lot in common in tastes, habits, characters. Sometimes it seemed that we had known each other before, then parted for a while and then met again. Volodya even remembered that he visited my parents at home and knew my mother. True, whether he saw me as a child remained unclear.

Have you vacationed together?

I went with him to concerts in Tbilisi, in Central Asia, to Minsk, to St. Petersburg by car.

On the way to St. Petersburg - and Volodya just brought a Mercedes from Germany - we picked up a family voting on the side of the road: a man, a woman and a child. It just became a pity, it seems, was bad weather, it was raining.

And so they got into the Mercedes, after a couple of minutes they realized that, in fact, they were being driven by Vysotsky. And they froze like sculptures of Egyptian pharaohs. So, silently, with stony faces, they sat all the way.

Was Vysotsky burdened by national fame?

It was a well-deserved glory, because no one was specially engaged in its promotion, as they do now. In addition, many simply did not know him by sight, although everyone listened to Vysotsky's songs and knew everything. And he treated people not as an annoying crowd, but precisely as people.

We were driving to Minsk, the conductor on the train looked at Volodya intently: "I somehow know your face. Are you not an actor of the Mossovet Theater?" "No," I replied, "he's a dental technician." We exchanged winks and went to our compartment. Half an hour later, the conductor comes to us. “It’s good,” she says, “that I met you. My gum hurts under the crown. Wouldn’t you look?”

And Volodya, like a real dentist, looked at something in her mouth for a long time and then seriously advised me to change the bridge. In general, it was not boring with him.

Did he delve into your problems, into your studies?

He was amazed that I could take a pencil and draw something on paper in five minutes. In general, he admired people who could draw, terribly envied them, the same Mikhail Shemyakin.

Of course, he delved into everything. He went abroad, asked: "What do you want to bring?" And I sewed. "Bring," I say, "carrot-colored silk thread number eight and a thimble."

It's actually not easy, I know from experience. There are two specialized fabric stores in the whole of Paris.

Volodya answered in the same spirit: it is easier, they say, to get a live crocodile. As a result, he brought a box - a set for needlework, with scissors, thread-needles, thimbles and other gizmos. With all this I went to the institute, to a lesson called "embodiment in the material." And my friends were jealous of me.

In two days in Germany, he managed to buy me two suitcases of clothes. All handpicked with extraordinary taste. "I like it," he said, "when you wear something new every day." Or: "But this is my special luck." Luck was a French straw bag or some other thing that, in his opinion, suited me especially.

And now imagine me in all these Diors and Yves Saint Laurents in a time of terrible scarcity, when a pair of decent shoes was a problem. I had eighteen pairs of boots, my girlfriends introduced me like this: "Meet Oksana, she has eighteen pairs of boots."

After boots, asking about flowers seems to be indecent ...

One spring, I said that I love lilies of the valley. In the morning I woke up from the fact that the front door clicked - Volodya ran away somewhere. Naturally, he brought lilies of the valley. But how much? The whole room was lined with lilies of the valley. He probably traveled around Moscow and bought flowers in bulk.

In general, such a fabulous life, where everything was mixed up: both his breakdowns and his tenderness. It really was some kind of implausible love. Especially the first year turned out to be serene. Later there was some foreboding of trouble.

But why such a terrible ending? Maybe the Soviet government is to blame?

The Soviet government, of course, interfered, but at the same time helped. She brought such intrigue to life, such conflict. There was a struggle, sharp dramaturgy. It's like a theatrical play: the more serious the conflict, the more interesting it is to watch. Now there is no Soviet power - and art is insipid, primitive, banal. Freedom must be used, but we still do not know how.

Oksana Yarmolnik

And I perceive the death of Volodya as fate, a fate from which you cannot run away. Well, if he hadn’t injected, he would have died of a heart attack or got hit by a car. He lived in such a way that otherwise it would not have happened.

What happened to you after he was gone?

Terrible year. I went to the academy, thinking about whether to emigrate. They called me to the KGB, they tried to recruit me. I refused. I was not expelled from the institute, but later they did not let me into Bulgaria.

Friends helped. I was still friends with the Taganka actors. They gave me a job, I studied. Two years have passed, I met Lenya - and a completely different story began. But I still have the feeling that Volodya predetermined a lot in my fate. If not for him, things would have turned out very differently.

Source of information: Lyudmila LUNINA, photo by Alexander STERNIN, Career magazine N7, July 1999.

Natalia 2008-01-25 10:32:04

Thank you Oksana, very touching. What happiness that you touched his soul, that you had the last minutes with him.

Leonid Yarmolnik and Oksana Afanasyeva have been together for 35 years. Two characters, two solid personalities, two leaders did not find each other immediately. The meeting with Oksana turned Leonid from a fickle conqueror of women's hearts into an exemplary family man. She was the last love of the great Vladimir Vysotsky. Yarmolnik became her husband, friend, lover and father of their only daughter.

Oksana Afanasyeva: life before Leonid

She had a difficult childhood, this strong girl. She was only six years old when her mother died. Oksana remembers very well her childhood and the pain of the loss she experienced. The little girl stayed with her father, a fairly popular writer at that time. Companies often gathered in the house, where alcohol flowed like a river. She studied at the most prestigious French school, and at home she saw her father every day drunk, who, in a state of intoxication, was often aggressive. And he was still trying to find the perfect stepmother for his daughter, not realizing that his early grown-up Oksana did not need any replacements for her beloved mother.

After school, the girl entered the textile institute, choosing for herself the profession of a costume designer. At some point, she made a cardinal decision to exchange the apartment she shared with her father and start her independent adult life.

She often visited the theater, trying not to miss the premiere. And one day in the administrator's theater on Taganka, fate brought her together with Vladimir Vysotsky. It is her, Oksana Afanasiev, who will be called the last love of the great bard. For his sake, she will leave her fiancé, and live with Vysotsky for two bright years. the last two years of his life. He loved her, he idolized her and died when she was around. Then she was only 20 years old. And two years after his death, fate gave her a second chance to love and become loved.

Leonid Yarmolnik: life before Oksana

Leonid was born in Primorsky Krai into a military family. He did not show much zeal for studies, but he played the accordion virtuoso, graduated from a music school. In high school, he became interested in literature, and then the theater. After school he entered the Shchukin school.

While working at the Taganka Theater, he began acting in films. It was about the movie that the actor dreamed of. But this world did not accept him immediately. In fact, Yarmolnik's debut took place only in 1974, in the film "Your Rights". He was remembered by the audience in the role of Theophilus in the film "The Same Munchausen", and also on numerous humorous television programs. A little later, he will play a lot of movies bright roles that audiences will love.

In the theater he had great work in a wonderful acting environment. Even during his lifetime, Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky gave him some of his roles.

Young Yarmolnik could rightly be called a womanizer and heartthrob. The first love happened to him at the age of 15, however, the girl was older than him and was very condescending to the feelings of the young admirer. The actor's romance with Zoya Pylnova lasted for seven years. Then there was the first official marriage with Elena Valk. He actually had a lot of women. He seemed to be looking for his soul mate. And he found her in 1982.

Fateful meeting

They met at a party with mutual friends. Oksana was already in the company when Leonid Yarmolnik arrived with Alexander Abdulov. And Leonid almost immediately realized that he was gone. He immediately began to look after a charming girl with a sad look. He joked, he was all courtesy. After the party, he went to see her off. And a day later he lived with Oksana.

Leonid realized that he had finally met his perfect woman. And that he simply has no right to lose her. Many dissuaded him from relations with Oksana. But it was absolutely impossible to convince Yarmolnik. He loved and was loved. He had enough intelligence and tact not to ask Oksana about her past with Vladimir Vysotsky and, moreover, not to be jealous of him. In 1983, Oksana and Leonid had a daughter, Alexander.

Boring marriage

They both don't like to talk about love. They achieved the main thing in their family - harmony. The once loving Yarmolnik became an exemplary family man. He dearly loves his straightforward Ksenia. He always speaks of her with undisguised tenderness and respect. He also became a very caring father and a completely crazy grandfather for his grandson, little Petya.

Oksana herself admits that only such a person as Leonid Yarmolnik could become her husband. They do not make their lives public, preferring to solve all problems within the family. They had a period of a long showdown, when they were on the verge of a divorce. Oksana even wanted to leave. But looking at the situation from the outside, I realized: she has no right to deprive her daughter of such a wonderful father. He has no right to ruin the happiness of his daughter Alexandra, who loves dad immensely. Leonid also decided to moderate his emotionality in order to save his beloved wife and daughter. They had the strength to start life from scratch and never regretted it. Although once Oksana and Leonid nevertheless divorced, but only in order to decide housing problem. But the second marriage in 1998 was then celebrated very widely.

In the Yarmolnik family driving force and the motor is, of course, Oksana. But she has enough female wisdom to turn everything in such a way that Leonid considers her every idea to be his own. In her own words, the highest female talent is to make a man feel absolutely free.

He met Oksana two years after Vysotsky's death and realized that he would no longer be able to leave.

Comes from Far East, Jewish by origin and Russian by self-awareness - this is how Leonid Yarmolnik says about himself. From the Far Eastern village of Grodekovo, the family moved to Lviv when Lena was only 7 years old, because of the work of her father, the commander of a motorized rifle battalion. In Western Ukraine, the future actor lived until graduation.
He was neither a good boy nor a hooligan: he studied without deuces, swam well and played the accordion, but only seriously became interested in playing on stage. I went to Leningrad, to LGITMiK, but they didn’t see the future actor there. A year later, the selection committee of the Moscow Shchukin School turned out to be more perspicacious. Leonid was enrolled in the first year, settled in a hostel and given a chance that he would not miss - to become a professional actor.

Roles from Vysotsky

In the foyer of the Moscow Drama and Comedy Theater on Taganka, 1962

Studying in "Pike" went on school script: Yarmolnik could skip lectures in the company of his friend Sasha Abdulov, but in general he was considered a promising and talented student. After graduation in 1976, he was admitted to the Taganka Theater, where Vladimir Vysotsky shone in those years.

The start of Yarmolnik in the theater was bright: main director Theater Yuri Lyubimov immediately entrusted him to play in the play "The Master and Margarita", and then Vysotsky himself "shared" with the new roles.
Then the young artist did not yet suspect that this was far from the main gift that he would inherit from the legend. And with rapture he went on stage in the role of Kerensky.
A career in cinematography developed simultaneously with a theatrical one: in 1974, Yarmolnik made his debut in the film “Your Rights?”, And in 1979 he became famous throughout the Union with the humorous miniature “Chicken Tobacco”. The role of Theophilus, the son of Baron Mühhausen in the film "The Same Munchausen" finally secured the status of a popular artist for Leonid Yarmolnik.

Marriages civil and fictitious

At the Taganka Theater, he also met his first actual wife, actress Zoya Pylnova. She was seven years older and also married, but both turned a blind eye to this, enjoying the flash of passion. Zoya's husband, actor Vladimir Ilyin, seems to have faded into the background, although they did not officially file a divorce.
“We had a wonderful and happy life with her in civil marriage seven years, ”Leonid later said about their relationship.
Happiness ended tragically: Zoya was expecting a child from Yarmolnik, but a miscarriage occurred in the seventh month of pregnancy. For the actress, this was a real tragedy, followed by a crisis in the relationship. They failed to cope with him: Pylnova returned to Ilyin, and Yarmolnik again became a free man.

He experienced this very painfully and eventually decided on a rash adventure: he married Elena Koneva, a girl with whom he became friends in a common company.

Some considered this marriage fictitious - Yarmolnik needed a Moscow residence permit. He himself says that by official marriage he wanted to finally put an end to past relationships. None of this, of course, came of it: a month after the wedding, he met a girl whom he truly fell in love with.

Vysotsky's last love

Oksana Afanasyeva was a costume designer, from the age of 18 she tried not to miss a single theatrical premiere - this is how she met Vladimir Vysotsky. It was she who was next to him in the last, most difficult, two years of his life. It is said that he died next to her.

The 20-year-old girl could not recover from this loss for a whole year. A strong character and love for the profession helped. And the meeting with Leonid Yarmolnik finally healed a broken heart.
For the first time he caught a glimpse of her in the foyer of the theater - beautiful girl in a miniskirt stood in line at the cashier. She bought a ticket and left, he ran away to the rehearsal. A few days later I saw the same girl in the company of friends celebrating the May holidays.
“The very next day after that May Day gathering, I moved in with Ksyusha. I had a chic car - a Zhiguli, I brought it home on it and ... I just stayed there, as they say, settled forever, ”Yarmolnik recalled the very beginning of their relationship.
They signed only when Oksana was seven months pregnant. was modest, in the circle of the closest people. The holiday was made up for when daughter Alexandra was already 15 years old: in the early 90s, Leonid and Oksana were forced to “divorce” on paper in order to solve the housing problem with the housing of the actor’s parents.
But the second one went according to all the canons of the holiday: with guests, the bride’s dress, gifts and cries of “bitter”.
Yarmolnik does not like to talk about his love for his wife: he believes that each happy family consists of such "Oksan and Leonid". They have been together for 35 years, confidently cope with everyday crises and do not pay attention to the gossip that arises every now and then.

Leonid and Oksana with their daughter

In early 2014, the media wrote about the novel by Leonid Yarmolnik and the young actress Victoria Romanenko, but the rumors remained rumors that subsided without finding confirmation.
Now Leonid and Oksana - happy grandpa and grandson Peter's grandmother. Yarmolnik does not have a soul in the boy and is very proud that his parents easily trust his grandfather. Daughter Sasha followed in the footsteps of her mother and also became an artist, but she does not create costumes, but unique stained glass windows.

Leonid Yarmolnik is still in demand as an actor and producer. In recent years, she and Oksana have been appreciating each other's company more and more - they prefer to celebrate even once noisy holidays like the New Year together, and not in cheerful companies.

Photo: Persona Stars, Ria Novosti, AnatoLiy Garanin/RIA Novosti, Evgeny Novozhenina/RIA Novosti
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