Who invented chemical weapons. The first use of chemical weapons in World War I. New war crimes page

In the early April morning of 1915, a light breeze blew from the side of the German positions that opposed the line of defense of the Entente troops twenty kilometers from the city of Ypres (Belgium). Together with him, a dense yellowish-green cloud suddenly appeared in the direction of the Allied trenches. At that moment, few people knew that it was the breath of death, and in the mean language of front-line reports - the first application chemical weapons on the Western front.

Tears before death

To be absolutely precise, the use of chemical weapons began in 1914, and the French came up with this disastrous initiative. But then ethyl bromoacetate, which belongs to the group of chemicals of an irritant effect, and not a lethal one, was put into use. They were filled with 26-mm grenades, which fired at the German trenches. When the supply of this gas came to an end, it was replaced with chloroacetone, similar in effect.

In response to this, the Germans, who also did not consider themselves obliged to comply with the generally accepted legal norms enshrined in the Hague Convention, at the Battle of Neuve Chapelle, held in October of the same year, fired at the British with shells filled with a chemical irritant. However, at that time they failed to reach its dangerous concentration.

Thus, in April 1915, there was not the first case of the use of chemical weapons, but, unlike the previous ones, the lethal chlorine gas was used to destroy the enemy's manpower. The result of the attack was stunning. One hundred and eighty tons of sprayed killed five thousand soldiers of the allied forces and another ten thousand became disabled as a result of the resulting poisoning. By the way, the Germans themselves suffered. The death-bearing cloud touched their position with its edge, the defenders of which were not fully provided with gas masks. In the history of the war, this episode was designated "a black day at Ypres."

Further use of chemical weapons in World War I

Wanting to build on their success, the Germans repeated a chemical attack in the Warsaw region a week later, this time against the Russian army. And here death got a plentiful harvest - more than a thousand two hundred killed and several thousand left crippled. Naturally, the Entente countries tried to protest against such a gross violation of the principles international law, but Berlin cynically stated that the 1896 Hague Convention only referred to poison projectiles, not gases per se. To them, to admit, they did not try to object - the war always crosses out the works of diplomats.

The specifics of that terrible war

As military historians have repeatedly emphasized, in the First world war positional tactics were widely used, in which solid front lines were clearly marked, distinguished by stability, density of troop concentration and high engineering and technical support.

This largely reduced the effectiveness of offensive operations, since both sides met with resistance from the powerful defense of the enemy. The only way out of the impasse could be an unconventional tactical solution, which was the first use of chemical weapons.

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The use of chemical weapons in World War I was a major innovation. The range of its influence on a person was very wide. As can be seen from the episodes of the First World War cited above, it ranged from harmful, which was caused by chloracetone, ethyl bromoacetate and a number of others that had an irritant effect, to deadly - phosgene, chlorine and mustard gas.

Despite the fact that statistics indicate the relative limitation of the lethal potential of the gas (from total number affected - only 5% of deaths), the number of dead and maimed was enormous. This gives the right to assert that the first use of chemical weapons opened a new page of war crimes in the history of mankind.

In the later stages of the war, both sides managed to develop and put into use enough effective means protection against enemy chemical attacks. This made the use of poisonous substances less effective, and gradually led to the abandonment of their use. However, it was the period from 1914 to 1918 that went down in history as the "war of chemists", since the first use of chemical weapons in the world took place on its battlefields.

The tragedy of the defenders of the Osovets fortress

However, let us return to the chronicle of military operations of that period. At the beginning of May 1915, the Germans launched a target against the Russian units defending the Osovets fortress, located fifty kilometers from Bialystok (present-day Poland). According to eyewitnesses, after a long shelling with deadly substances, among which several of their types were used at once, all life was poisoned at a considerable distance.

Not only people and animals that fell into the shelling zone died, but all vegetation was destroyed. The leaves of the trees turned yellow and crumbled before our eyes, and the grass turned black and fell to the ground. The picture was truly apocalyptic and did not fit into the consciousness of a normal person.

But, of course, the defenders of the citadel suffered the most. Even those of them who escaped death, for the most part, received severe chemical burns and were terribly mutilated. It is no coincidence that their appearance terrified the enemy so much that the counterattack of the Russians, who eventually threw the enemy back from the fortress, entered the history of the war under the name “attack of the dead”.

Development and use of phosgene

The first use of chemical weapons revealed a significant number of their technical shortcomings, which were eliminated in 1915 by a group of French chemists led by Victor Grignard. The result of their research was a new generation of deadly gas - phosgene.

Absolutely colorless, in contrast to the greenish-yellow chlorine, it betrayed its presence only with a barely perceptible smell of moldy hay, which made it difficult to detect. Compared to its predecessor, the novelty had greater toxicity, but at the same time had certain disadvantages.

The symptoms of poisoning, and even the death of the victims, did not occur immediately, but a day after the gas entered the Airways. This allowed the poisoned and often doomed soldiers to participate in hostilities for a long time. In addition, phosgene was very heavy, and to increase mobility it had to be mixed with the same chlorine. This infernal mixture was called the "White Star" by the Allies, since it was with this sign that the cylinders containing it were marked.

Devilish novelty

On the night of July 13, 1917, in the area of ​​the Belgian city of Ypres, which had already won notoriety, the Germans made the first use of a chemical weapon of skin-blister action. In the place of its debut, it became known as mustard gas. Its carriers were mines, which sprayed a yellow oily liquid when they exploded.

The use of mustard gas, like the use of chemical weapons in World War I in general, was another diabolical innovation. This "achievement of civilization" was created to damage the skin, as well as the respiratory and digestive organs. Neither soldier's uniforms, nor any types of civilian clothing saved from its impact. It penetrated through any fabric.

In those years, any reliable means of protection against its contact with the body were not yet produced, which made the use of mustard gas quite effective until the end of the war. Already the first use of this substance disabled two and a half thousand enemy soldiers and officers, of whom a significant number died.

Gas that does not creep on the ground

German chemists took up the development of mustard gas not by chance. The first use of chemical weapons on the Western Front showed that the substances used - chlorine and phosgene - had a common and very significant drawback. They were heavier than air, and therefore, in atomized form, they fell down, filling trenches and all kinds of depressions. The people who were in them were poisoned, but those who were on the hills at the time of the attack often remained unharmed.

It was necessary to invent a poison gas with a lower specific gravity and capable of hitting its victims at any level. They became mustard gas, which appeared in July 1917. It should be noted that British chemists quickly established its formula, and in 1918 launched a deadly weapon into production, but the truce that followed two months later prevented large-scale use. Europe breathed a sigh of relief - the First World War, which lasted four years, ended. The use of chemical weapons became irrelevant, and their development was temporarily stopped.

The beginning of the use of poisonous substances by the Russian army

The first case of the use of chemical weapons by the Russian army dates back to 1915, when, under the leadership of Lieutenant General V.N. Ipatiev, a program for the production of this type of weapon in Russia was successfully implemented. However, its use was then in the nature of technical tests and did not pursue tactical goals. Only a year later, as a result of work on the introduction into production of developments created in this area, it became possible to use them on the fronts.

The full-scale use of military developments that came out of domestic laboratories began in the summer of 1916 during the famous It is this event that makes it possible to determine the year of the first use of chemical weapons by the Russian army. It is known that during the period of the combat operation, artillery shells were used, filled with asphyxiating gas chloropicrin and poisonous - vensinite and phosgene. According to the report sent to the Chief artillery control, the use of chemical weapons rendered "a great service to the army."

The grim statistics of war

The first use of the chemical was a disastrous precedent. In subsequent years, its use not only expanded, but also underwent qualitative changes. Summing up the sad statistics of the four war years, historians state that during this period the warring parties produced at least 180 thousand tons of chemical weapons, of which at least 125 thousand tons were used. On the battlefields, 40 types of various poisonous substances were tested, which brought death and injury to 1,300,000 military personnel and civilians who found themselves in the zone of their application.

A lesson left unlearned

Did humanity learn a worthy lesson from the events of those years and did the date of the first use of chemical weapons become a black day in its history? Hardly. And today, despite international legal acts prohibiting the use of toxic substances, the arsenals of most states of the world are full of their modern developments, and more and more often there are reports in the press about its use in various parts of the world. Humanity is stubbornly moving along the path of self-destruction, ignoring the bitter experience of previous generations.

On April 24, 1915, on a front line near the city of Ypres, French and British soldiers noticed a strange yellow-green cloud that was rapidly moving in their direction. It seemed that nothing foreshadowed trouble, but when this fog reached the first line of trenches, people in it began to fall, cough, suffocate and die.

This day became the official date of the first massive use of chemical weapons. german army on a front section six kilometers wide, it released 168 tons of chlorine in the direction of enemy trenches. The poison struck 15 thousand people, of which 5 thousand died almost instantly, and the survivors died later in hospitals or remained disabled for life. After the use of gas, the German troops went on the attack and occupied enemy positions without loss, because there was no one to defend them.

The first use of chemical weapons was considered successful, so it soon became a real nightmare for the soldiers of the warring parties. Chemical warfare agents were used by all countries participating in the conflict: chemical weapons became a real " calling card» World War I. By the way, the city of Ypres was “lucky” in this respect: two years later, the Germans in the same area used dichlorodiethyl sulfide against the French, a chemical weapon of blistering action, which was called mustard gas.

This small town, like Hiroshima, has become a symbol of one of the gravest crimes against humanity.

On May 31, 1915, chemical weapons were first used against the Russian army - the Germans used phosgene. The gas cloud was mistaken for camouflage and Front edge sent more soldiers. The consequences of the gas attack were terrible: 9 thousand people died painful death, due to the effects of the poison, even the grass died.

History of chemical weapons

The history of chemical warfare agents (CW) goes back hundreds of years. Various chemical compounds were used to poison enemy soldiers or temporarily disable them. Most often, such methods were used during the siege of fortresses, since it is not very convenient to use poisonous substances during a maneuver war.

For example, in the West (including Russia) artillery "stinking" cannonballs were used, which emitted suffocating and poisonous smoke, and the Persians used an ignited mixture of sulfur and crude oil during the storming of cities.

However, of course, it was not necessary to talk about the mass use of toxic substances in the old days. Chemical weapons began to be considered by the generals as one of the means of warfare only after they began to receive poisonous substances in industrial quantities and learned how to store them safely.

It also required certain changes in the psychology of the military: back in the 19th century, poisoning your opponents like rats was considered an ignoble and unworthy deed. The use of sulfur dioxide as a chemical warfare agent by British Admiral Thomas Gokhran was met with indignation by the British military elite.

Already during the First World War, the first methods of protection against poisonous substances appeared. At first, these were various bandages or capes impregnated with various substances, but they usually did not give the desired effect. Then gas masks were invented, in their own way. appearance reminiscent of modern. However, gas masks at first were far from perfect and did not provide the required level of protection. Special gas masks have been developed for horses and even dogs.

The means of delivery of poisonous substances did not stand still. If at the beginning of the war gas was sprayed from cylinders in the direction of the enemy without any fuss, then artillery shells and mines began to be used to deliver OM. New, more deadly types of chemical weapons have emerged.

After the end of the First World War, work in the field of creating poisonous substances did not stop: the methods of delivering agents and methods of protection against them improved, new types of chemical weapons appeared. Combat gases were regularly tested, special shelters were built for the population, soldiers and civilians were trained to use personal protective equipment.

In 1925, another convention was adopted (the Geneva Pact), which prohibited the use of chemical weapons, but this in no way stopped the generals: they had no doubt that the next big war will be chemical, and intensively prepared for it. In the mid-thirties, nerve gases were developed by German chemists, the effects of which are the most deadly.

Despite the lethality and significant psychological effect, today we can confidently say that chemical weapons are a passed stage for humanity. And the point here is not in conventions that prohibit the persecution of their own kind, and not even in public opinion (although it also played a significant role).

The military has practically abandoned poisonous substances, because chemical weapons have more disadvantages than advantages. Let's look at the main ones:

  • Strong dependence on weather conditions. At first, poison gases were released from cylinders downwind in the direction of the enemy. However, the wind is changeable, so during the First World War there were frequent cases of defeat of their own troops. The use of artillery ammunition as a method of delivery solves this problem only partially. Rain and simply high humidity dissolves and decomposes many poisonous substances, and air ascending currents carry them high into the sky. For example, the British built numerous fires in front of their line of defense so that hot air would carry enemy gas upwards.
  • Storage insecurity. conventional ammunition without a fuse, they detonate extremely rarely, which cannot be said about shells or containers with OM. They can lead to mass casualties, even deep in the rear in a warehouse. In addition, the cost of their storage and disposal is extremely high.
  • Protection. The most important reason for the abandonment of chemical weapons. The first gas masks and bandages were not very effective, but soon they provided quite effective protection against RH. In response, chemists came up with blistering gases, after which a special chemical protection suit was invented. Reliable protection against any weapon appeared in armored vehicles mass destruction including chemical. In short, the use of chemical warfare agents against the modern army is not very effective. That is why in the last fifty years, OV has been more often used against civilians or partisan detachments. In this case, the results of its use were truly horrific.
  • Inefficiency. Despite all the horror that war gases caused in soldiers during great war, loss analysis showed that conventional artillery fire was more effective than the firing of munitions with explosive agents. The projectile stuffed with gas was less powerful, therefore it destroyed enemy engineering structures and barriers worse. The surviving fighters quite successfully used them in defense.

Today, the greatest danger is that chemical weapons may fall into the hands of terrorists and be used against civilians. In this case, the victims can be horrifying. A chemical warfare agent is relatively easy to make (unlike a nuclear one), and it is cheap. Therefore, the threats of terrorist groups regarding possible gas attacks should be treated very carefully.

The biggest disadvantage of chemical weapons is their unpredictability: where the wind will blow, whether the humidity of the air will change, in which direction the poison will go along with groundwater. Whose DNA will be embedded with a mutagen from a war gas, and whose child will be born a cripple. And these are not theoretical questions at all. American soldiers crippled after the use of their own Agent Orange gas in Vietnam is clear evidence of the unpredictability that chemical weapons bring.

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Chemical weapons are one of three types of weapons of mass destruction (the other 2 types are bacteriological and nuclear weapons). Kills people with the help of toxins in gas cylinders.

History of chemical weapons

Chemical weapons began to be used by man a very long time ago - long before the Copper Age. Then people used a bow with poisoned arrows. After all, it is much easier to use poison, which will surely slowly kill the beast, than to run after it.

The first toxins were extracted from plants - a person received it from varieties of the acocanthera plant. This poison causes cardiac arrest.

With the advent of civilizations, prohibitions on the use of the first chemical weapons began, but these prohibitions were violated - Alexander the Great used all the chemicals known at that time in the war against India. His soldiers poisoned water wells and food stores. AT ancient greece used the roots of ground earth to poison wells.

In the second half of the Middle Ages, alchemy, the forerunner of chemistry, began to develop rapidly. Acrid smoke began to appear, driving away the enemy.

First use of chemical weapons

The French were the first to use chemical weapons. This happened at the beginning of the First World War. They say safety rules are written in blood. Safety rules for the use of chemical weapons are no exception. At first, there were no rules, there was only one piece of advice - when throwing grenades filled with poisonous gases, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the wind. There were also no specific, tested substances that were 100% killing people. There were gases that did not kill, but simply caused hallucinations or mild suffocation.

On April 22, 1915, the German armed forces used mustard gas. This substance is very toxic: it severely injures the mucous membrane of the eye, respiratory organs. After the use of mustard gas, the French and Germans lost about 100-120 thousand people. And during the entire First World War, 1.5 million people died from chemical weapons.

In the first 50 years of the 20th century, chemical weapons were used everywhere - against uprisings, riots and civilians.

The main poisonous substances

Sarin. Sarin was discovered in 1937. The discovery of sarin happened by accident - German chemist Gerhard Schrader was trying to create a stronger chemical against pests in agriculture. Sarin is a liquid. Acts on the nervous system.

Soman. Soman was discovered by Richard Kunn in 1944. Very similar to sarin, but more poisonous - two and a half times more than sarin.

After the Second World War, the research and production of chemical weapons by the Germans became known. All research classified as "secret" became known to the allies.

VX. In 1955, VX was opened in England. The most poisonous chemical weapon created artificially.

At the first sign of poisoning, you need to act quickly, otherwise death will occur in about a quarter of an hour. Protective equipment is a gas mask, OZK (combined arms protective kit).

VR. Developed in 1964 in the USSR, it is an analogue of the VX.

In addition to highly toxic gases, gases were also produced to disperse crowds of rioters. These are tear and pepper gases.

In the second half of the twentieth century, more precisely from the beginning of 1960 to the end of the 1970s, there was a flourishing of discoveries and developments of chemical weapons. During this period, gases began to be invented that had a short-term effect on the human psyche.

Chemical weapons today

Currently most of chemical weapons is prohibited by the 1993 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction.

The classification of poisons depends on the danger posed by the chemical:

  • The first group includes all the poisons that have ever been in the arsenal of countries. Countries are prohibited from storing any chemicals from this group in excess of 1 ton. If the weight is more than 100g, the control committee must be notified.
  • The second group is substances that can be used both for military purposes and in peaceful production.
  • The third group includes substances that are used in large quantities in industries. If the production produces more than thirty tons per year, it must be registered in the control register.

First aid for poisoning with chemically hazardous substances

Chemical weapon is one of the types. Its damaging effect is based on the use of combat toxic chemical substances, which include toxic substances (OS) and toxins that have a damaging effect on the human body and animals, as well as phytotoxicants used for military purposes to destroy vegetation.

Poisonous substances, their classification

poisonous substances- these are chemical compounds that have certain toxic and physico-chemical properties, which ensure, when they are used in combat, the defeat of manpower (people), as well as the contamination of air, clothing, equipment and terrain.

Poisonous substances form the basis of chemical weapons. They are stuffed with shells, mines, missile warheads, aerial bombs, pouring aircraft devices, smoke bombs, grenades and other chemical munitions and devices. Poisonous substances affect the body, penetrating through the respiratory system, skin and wounds. In addition, lesions can occur as a result of the consumption of contaminated food and water.

Modern toxic substances are classified according to the physiological effect on the body, toxicity (severity of damage), speed and durability.

By physiological action toxic substances on the body are divided into six groups:

  • nerve agents (also called organophosphates): sarin, soman, vegas (VX);
  • blistering action: mustard gas, lewisite;
  • general toxic action: hydrocyanic acid, cyanogen chloride;
  • suffocating action: phosgene, diphosgene;
  • psychochemical action: Bi-zet (BZ), LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide);
  • irritant: si-es (CS), adamsite, chloroacetophenone.

By toxicity(severity of damage) modern toxic substances are divided into lethal and temporarily incapacitating. Lethal toxic substances include all substances of the first four listed groups. Temporarily incapacitating substances include the fifth and sixth groups of physiological classification.

By speed poisonous substances are divided into fast-acting and slow-acting. Fast-acting agents include sarin, soman, hydrocyanic acid, cyanogen chloride, ci-es, and chloroacetophenone. These substances do not have a period of latent action and in a few minutes lead to death or disability (combat capability). Substances of delayed action include vi-gases, mustard gas, lewisite, phosgene, bi-zet. These substances have a period of latent action and lead to damage after some time.

Depending on the resistance of damaging properties After application, toxic substances are divided into persistent and unstable. Persistent toxic substances retain their damaging effect from several hours to several days from the moment of application: these are vi-gases, soman, mustard gas, bi-zet. Unstable toxic substances retain their damaging effect for several tens of minutes: these are hydrocyanic acid, cyanogen chloride, phosgene.

Toxins as a damaging factor of chemical weapons

toxins- these are chemical substances of protein nature of plant, animal or microbial origin, which are highly toxic. characteristic representatives of this group are butulic toxin - one of the strongest deadly poisons, which is a waste product of bacteria, staphylococcal entsrotoxin, ricin - a toxin of plant origin.

The damaging factor of chemical weapons is the toxic effect on the human and animal body, the quantitative characteristics are the concentration and toxodose.

For defeat various kinds vegetation are toxic chemicals - phytotoxicants. For peaceful purposes, they are used mainly in agriculture to control weeds, remove leaves of vegetation in order to accelerate the ripening of fruits and facilitate harvesting (for example, cotton). Depending on the nature of the impact on plants and the intended purpose, phytotoxicants are divided into herbicides, arboricides, alicides, defoliants and desiccants. Herbicides are intended for the destruction of herbaceous vegetation, arboricides - tree and shrub vegetation, algicides - aquatic vegetation. Defoliants are used to remove leaves from vegetation, while desiccants attack vegetation by drying it out.

When chemical weapons are used, just as in an accident with the release of OH B, zones of chemical contamination and foci of chemical damage will be formed (Fig. 1). The zone of chemical contamination of agents includes the area of ​​application of agents and the territory over which a cloud of contaminated air with damaging concentrations has spread. The focus of chemical destruction is the territory within which, as a result of the use of chemical weapons, mass destruction of people, farm animals and plants occurred.

The characteristics of infection zones and foci of damage depend on the type of poisonous substance, means and methods of application, and meteorological conditions. The main features of the focus of chemical damage include:

  • defeat of people and animals without destruction and damage to buildings, structures, equipment, etc.;
  • contamination of economic facilities and residential areas for a long time with persistent agents;
  • the defeat of people over large areas for a long time after the use of agents;
  • the defeat of not only people in open areas, but also those in leaky shelters and shelters;
  • strong moral impact.

Rice. 1. Zone of chemical contamination and foci of chemical damage during the use of chemical weapons: Av - means of use (aviation); VX is the type of substance (vi-gas); 1-3 - lesions

As a rule, the vaporous phase of the OM affects the workers and employees of the facilities who find themselves in industrial buildings and structures at the time of a chemical attack. Therefore, all work should be carried out in gas masks, and when using agents of nerve paralytic or blistering action - in skin protection.

After World War I, despite large stocks chemical weapons, they were not widely used either for military purposes, let alone against the civilian population. During the Vietnam War, the Americans widely used phytotoxicants (to fight the guerrillas) of three main formulations: "orange", "white" and "blue". In South Vietnam, about 43% of the total area and 44% of the forest area were affected. At the same time, all phytotoxicants turned out to be toxic for both humans and warm-blooded animals. Thus, it was caused - caused enormous damage to the environment.


No weapon has been as widely condemned as this type of weapon. From time immemorial, the poisoning of wells has been regarded as a crime inconsistent with the rules of war. “War is waged with weapons, not with poison,” said Roman jurists. As the destructive power of weapons grew over time, and with it the potential for widespread use of chemicals, steps were taken to prohibit the use of chemical weapons through international agreements and legal means. The Brussels Declaration of 1874 and the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 banned the use of poisons and poisoned bullets, while a separate declaration of the Hague Convention of 1899 condemned "the use of projectiles the sole purpose of which is to spread asphyxiating or other poisonous gases".

Today, despite the convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons, the danger of their use still remains.

In addition, there are many possible sources of chemical hazards. It can be a terrorist act, an accident at a chemical plant, aggression by a state uncontrolled by the world community, and much more.

The aim of the work is the analysis of chemical weapons.

Work tasks:

1. Give the concept of chemical weapons;

2. Describe the history of the use of chemical weapons;

3. Consider the classification of chemical weapons;

4. Consider Protective Measures against Chemical Weapons.

Chemical weapon. Concept and history of use

The concept of chemical weapons

Chemical weapons are ammunition (warhead of a missile, projectile, mine, aerial bomb and others), equipped with a chemical warfare agent (CW), with the help of which these substances are delivered to the target and sprayed in the atmosphere and on the ground and designed to destroy manpower, infect the area, equipment, weapons. In accordance with international law (Paris Convention, 1993), chemical weapons also mean each of its components (munitions and explosive agents) separately. The so-called binary chemical weapon is a munition completed with two or more containers containing non-toxic components. During the delivery of ammunition to the target, the containers are opened, their contents are mixed and, as a result, chemical reaction OM is formed between the components. Poisonous substances and various pesticides can cause massive damage to people and animals, infect the area, water sources, food and fodder, and cause the death of vegetation.

Chemical weapons are one of the types of weapons of mass destruction, the use of which leads to injuries of varying severity (from incapacitation for several minutes to lethal outcome) only manpower and does not affect equipment, weapons, property. The action of chemical weapons is based on the delivery of chemical agents to the target; transfer of OV into a combat state (steam, aerosol of various degrees of dispersion) by explosion, spray, pyrotechnic sublimation; distribution of the formed cloud and the effect of OM on manpower.

Chemical weapons are intended for use in the tactical and operational-tactical combat zone; able to effectively solve a number of tasks in strategic depth.

The effectiveness of chemical weapons depends on the physical, chemical and toxicological properties of the agents, design features means of use, the provision of manpower with means of protection, the timeliness of transfer to a combat state (the degree of achievement of tactical surprise in the use of chemical weapons), weather conditions (the degree of vertical stability of the atmosphere, wind speed). The effectiveness of chemical weapons under favorable conditions is significantly higher than the effectiveness of conventional weapons, especially when exposed to manpower located in open engineering structures (trenches, trenches), unsealed objects, equipment, buildings and structures. Infection of equipment, weapons, terrain leads to secondary damage to the manpower located in the infected areas, fettering its actions and exhaustion due to the need to stay in protective equipment for a long time.

History of the use of chemical weapons

In the texts of the IV century BC. e. an example is given of the use of poisonous gases to combat enemy digging under the walls of a fortress. The defenders pushed into underground passages with the help of furs and terracotta pipes, smoke from burning mustard and wormwood seeds. Toxic gases caused suffocation and even death.

In ancient times, attempts were also made to use OM in the course of hostilities. Toxic fumes were used during the Peloponnesian War of 431-404 BC. e. The Spartans placed pitch and sulfur in logs, which were then placed under the city walls and set on fire.

Later, with the advent of gunpowder, they tried to use bombs filled with a mixture of poisons, gunpowder and resin on the battlefield. Released from catapults, they exploded from a burning fuse (the prototype of modern remote fuse). Exploding bombs emitted clouds of poisonous smoke over enemy troops - poisonous gases caused bleeding from the nasopharynx when using arsenic, skin irritation, blisters.

In medieval China, a cardboard bomb stuffed with sulfur and lime was created. During naval battle in 1161, these bombs, falling into the water, exploded with a deafening roar, spreading poisonous smoke in the air. The smoke formed from the contact of water with lime and sulfur caused the same effects as modern tear gas.

As components in the creation of mixtures for equipping bombs, the following were used: hooked mountaineer, croton oil, soap tree pods (to generate smoke), arsenic sulfide and oxide, aconite, tung oil, spanish flies.

At the beginning of the 16th century, the inhabitants of Brazil tried to fight the conquistadors by using poisonous smoke obtained from the burning of red pepper against them. This method was later repeatedly used during uprisings in Latin America.

In the Middle Ages and later, chemical agents continued to attract attention for solving military problems. So, in 1456, the city of Belgrade was protected from the Turks by influencing the attackers with a poisonous cloud. This cloud arose from the combustion of a toxic powder with which the inhabitants of the city sprinkled rats, set them on fire and released them towards the besiegers.

A range of preparations, including compounds containing arsenic and the saliva of rabid dogs, were described by Leonardo da Vinci.

The first tests of chemical weapons in Russia were carried out in the late 50s of the 19th century on the Volkovo field. Shells filled with cyanide cacodyl were blown up in open log cabins where there were 12 cats. All cats survived. The report of Adjutant General Barantsev, in which incorrect conclusions were drawn about the low effectiveness of poisonous substances, led to a disastrous result. Work on testing shells filled with explosive agents was stopped and resumed only in 1915.

During the First World War, chemicals were used in huge quantities - about 400 thousand people were affected by 12 thousand tons of mustard gas. In total, during the years of the First World War, 180 thousand tons of ammunition were produced various types filled with poisonous substances, of which 125 thousand tons were used on the battlefield. Combat check passed more than 40 types of OV. The total losses from chemical weapons are estimated at 1.3 million people.

The use of poisonous substances during the First World War are the first recorded violations of the Hague Declarations of 1899 and 1907 (the United States refused to support the Hague Conference of 1899.).

In 1907 Great Britain acceded to the declaration and accepted its obligations. France agreed to the 1899 Hague Declaration, as did Germany, Italy, Russia and Japan. The parties agreed on the non-use of asphyxiating and poisonous gases for military purposes.

Citing the exact wording of the declaration, Germany and France used non-lethal tear gases in 1914.

The initiative in the use of combat weapons on a large scale belongs to Germany. Already in the September battles of 1914 on the Marne and on the Ain, both belligerents felt great difficulties in supplying their armies with shells. With the transition in October-November to positional warfare, there was no hope left, especially for Germany, of overpowering the enemy covered by powerful trenches with the help of ordinary artillery shells. OVs, on the other hand, have a powerful property of hitting a living enemy in places that are not accessible to the action of the most powerful projectiles. And Germany was the first to embark on the path of widespread use of combat agents, having the most developed chemical industry.

Immediately after the declaration of war, Germany began to experiment (at the Institute of Physics and Chemistry and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute) with cacodyl oxide and phosgene in order to be able to use them militarily.

In Berlin, the Military Gas School was opened, in which numerous depots of materials were concentrated. A special inspection was also located there. In addition, a special chemical inspection A-10 was formed under the Ministry of War, specifically dealing with issues of chemical warfare.

The end of 1914 marked the beginning of research activities in Germany to find combat agents, mainly artillery ammunition. These were the first attempts to equip shells of combat OV.

The first experiments on the use of combat agents in the form of the so-called "N2 projectile" (10.5-cm shrapnel with the replacement of bullet equipment in it with dianiside sulfate) were made by the Germans in October 1914.

On October 27, 3,000 of these shells were used on the Western Front in an attack on Neuve Chapelle. Although the irritating effect of the shells turned out to be small, but, according to German data, their use facilitated the capture of Neuve Chapelle.

German propaganda stated that such projectiles were no more dangerous than picric acid explosives. Picric acid, another name for melinitis, was not a poisonous substance. It was an explosive substance, during the explosion of which asphyxiating gases were released. There were cases when soldiers who were in shelters died of suffocation after the explosion of a shell filled with melinite.

But at that time there was a crisis in the production of shells (they were withdrawn from service), and besides, the high command doubted the possibility of obtaining a mass effect in the manufacture of gas shells.

Then Dr. Gaber suggested using gas in the form of a gas cloud. The first attempts to use combat agents were carried out on such an insignificant scale and with such an insignificant effect that no measures were taken by the allies in the line of anti-chemical defense.

Leverkusen became the center for the production of combat agents, where a large number of materials were produced, and where the Military Chemical School was transferred from Berlin in 1915 - it had 1,500 technical and command personnel and, especially, several thousand workers in production. 300 chemists worked non-stop in her laboratory in Gust. Orders for poisonous substances were distributed among various factories.

On April 22, 1915, Germany carried out a massive chlorine attack, chlorine was released from 5730 cylinders. Within 5-8 minutes, 168-180 tons of chlorine were fired at the front of 6 km - 15 thousand soldiers were defeated, of which 5 thousand died.

This gas attack was a complete surprise for the Allied troops, but already on September 25, 1915, the British troops carried out their test chlorine attack.

In further gas balloon attacks, both chlorine and mixtures of chlorine with phosgene were used. For the first time, a mixture of phosgene and chlorine was first used as an agent by Germany on May 31, 1915, against Russian troops. At the front of 12 km - near Bolimov (Poland), 264 tons of this mixture were produced from 12 thousand cylinders. In 2 Russian divisions, almost 9 thousand people were put out of action - 1200 died.

Since 1917, the warring countries began to use gas launchers (a prototype of mortars). They were first used by the British. Mines (see the first picture) contained from 9 to 28 kg of a poisonous substance, firing from gas cannons was carried out mainly with phosgene, liquid diphosgene and chloropicrin.

German gas guns were the cause of the "miracle at Caporetto", when, after shelling from 912 gas guns with mines with phosgene of the Italian battalion, all life was destroyed in the Isonzo river valley.

The combination of gas cannons with artillery fire increased the effectiveness of gas attacks. So on June 22, 1916, for 7 hours of continuous shelling German artillery fired 125 thousand shells with 100 thousand l. suffocating agents. The mass of poisonous substances in cylinders was 50%, in shells only 10%.

On May 15, 1916, during artillery shelling, the French used a mixture of phosgene with tin tetrachloride and arsenic trichloride, and on July 1, a mixture of hydrocyanic acid with arsenic trichloride.

On July 10, 1917, diphenylchlorarsine was first used by the Germans on the Western Front, causing a severe cough even through a gas mask, which in those years had a poor smoke filter. Therefore, in the future, diphenylchlorarsine was used together with phosgene or diphosgene to defeat enemy manpower.

New stage use of chemical weapons began with the use of a persistent blister agent (B,B-dichlorodiethyl sulfide), used for the first time German troops near the Belgian city of Ypres. On July 12, 1917, within 4 hours, 50 thousand shells containing tons of B, B-dichlorodiethyl sulfide were fired at the Allied positions. 2,490 people received injuries of varying degrees.

The French called the new agent "mustard gas", after the place of first use, and the British called it "mustard gas" because of the strong specific smell. British scientists quickly deciphered its formula, but it was only in 1918 that it was possible to establish the production of a new OM, which is why it was possible to use mustard gas for military purposes only in September 1918 (2 months before the armistice).

In total, over the period from April 1915 to November 1918, more than 50 gas balloon attacks were carried out by German troops, by the British 150, by the French 20.

In the Russian army, the high command has a negative attitude towards the use of shells with OM. Impressed by the gas attack carried out by the Germans on April 22, 1915, on the French front in the Ypres region, as well as in May on the eastern front, it was forced to change its views.

On August 3 of the same 1915, an order appeared on the formation of a special commission under the State Agrarian University for the preparation of asphyxiants. As a result of the work of the GAU commission for the preparation of suffocating agents, in Russia, first of all, the production of liquid chlorine was established, which was brought from abroad before the war.

In August 1915, chlorine was produced for the first time. In October of the same year, phosgene production began. Since October 1915, special chemical teams began to form in Russia to carry out gas balloon attacks.

In April 1916, the Chemical Committee was formed at the GAU, which also included a commission for the preparation of suffocating agents. Thanks to the energetic actions of the Chemical Committee, an extensive network of chemical plants (about 200) was created in Russia. Including a number of plants for the manufacture of poisonous substances.

New plants for poisonous substances were put into operation in the spring of 1916. By November, the number of manufactured agents reached 3,180 tons (about 345 tons were produced in October), and the 1917 program planned to increase the monthly output to 600 tons in January and to 1,300 tons. t in May.

The first gas balloon attack by Russian troops was carried out on September 5-6, 1916 in the Smorgon region. By the end of 1916, a tendency emerged to shift the center of gravity of chemical warfare from gas-balloon attacks to artillery firing with chemical projectiles.

Russia has taken the path of using chemical shells in artillery since 1916, manufacturing 76-mm chemical grenades of two types: asphyxiating (chloropicrin with sulfuryl chloride) and poisonous (phosgene with stannous chloride, or vensinite, consisting of hydrocyanic acid, chloroform, chlorine arsenic and tin), the action of which caused damage to the body and, in severe cases, death.

By the autumn of 1916, the army's requirements for 76-mm chemical shells were fully satisfied: the army received 15,000 shells every month (the ratio of poisonous and asphyxiating shells was 1 to 4). The supply of the Russian army with large-caliber chemical projectiles was hampered by the lack of shell cases, which were fully intended for equipping with explosives. Russian artillery began to receive chemical mines for mortars in the spring of 1917.

As for gas cannons, which were successfully used as a new means of chemical attack on the French and Italian fronts from the beginning of 1917, Russia, which withdrew from the war in the same year, did not have gas cannons.

In the mortar artillery school, formed in September 1917, it was only supposed to begin experiments on the use of gas throwers. Russian artillery was not rich enough in chemical shells to use mass shooting, as was the case with Russia's allies and opponents. She used 76 mm chemical grenades almost exclusively in trench warfare, as aid along with firing conventional projectiles. In addition to shelling enemy trenches immediately before an attack by enemy troops, firing chemical projectiles was used with particular success to temporarily cease fire on enemy batteries, trench guns and machine guns, to assist their gas attack - by shelling those targets that were not captured by a gas wave. Shells filled with OM were used against enemy troops accumulated in a forest or in another sheltered place, his observation and command posts, sheltered communications.

At the end of 1916, the GAU sent 9,500 glass hand grenades with asphyxiant liquids to the active army to combat test, and in the spring of 1917 - 100,000 hand-held chemical grenades. Those and others hand grenades rushed to 20 - 30 m and were useful in defense and especially during retreat, in order to prevent the pursuit of the enemy. During the Brusilov breakthrough in May-June 1916, the Russian army got some front-line stocks of German OM as trophies - shells and containers with mustard gas and phosgene. Although the Russian troops were subjected to German gas attacks several times, these weapons themselves were rarely used - either due to the fact that chemical munitions from the allies arrived too late, or due to the lack of specialists. And at that time, the Russian military did not have any concept of using OV. All the chemical arsenals of the old Russian army at the beginning of 1918 were in the hands of the new government. In the years civil war chemical weapons were used on a small scale by the White Army and the British occupation forces in 1919.

The Red Army used poisonous substances in the suppression of peasant uprisings. According to unverified information, for the first time new government tried to use OV in the suppression of the uprising in Yaroslavl in 1918.

In March 1919, another anti-Bolshevik Cossack uprising broke out in the Upper Don. On March 18, the artillery of the Zaamursky regiment fired on the rebels with chemical shells (most likely with phosgene).

The massive use of chemical weapons by the Red Army dates back to 1921. Then, under the command of Tukhachevsky, a large-scale punitive operation was launched in the Tambov province against Antonov's rebel army.

In addition to punitive actions - the execution of hostages, the creation of concentration camps, the burning of entire villages, they used chemical weapons in large quantities (artillery shells and gas cylinders). One can definitely talk about the use of chlorine and phosgene, but perhaps there was also mustard gas.

Since 1922, with the help of the Germans, they have been trying to establish their own production of combat agents in Soviet Russia. Bypassing the Versailles agreements, on May 14, 1923, the Soviet and German sides sign an agreement on the construction of a plant for the production of poisonous substances. Technological assistance in the construction of this plant was provided by the Stolzenberg concern within the framework of a joint joint-stock company"Bersol". They decided to deploy production in Ivashchenkovo ​​(later Chapaevsk). But for three years, nothing really was done - the Germans were clearly not eager to share technology and were playing for time.

On August 30, 1924, the production of its own mustard gas began in Moscow. The first industrial batch of mustard gas - 18 pounds (288 kg) - from August 30 to September 3 was issued by the Aniltrest Moscow Experimental Plant.

And in October of the same year, the first thousand chemical shells were already equipped with domestic mustard gas. industrial production OV (mustard gas) was first established in Moscow at the Aniltrest experimental plant.

Later, on the basis of this production, a research institute for the development of optical agents with a pilot plant was established.

Since the mid-1920s, a chemical plant in the city of Chapaevsk has become one of the main centers for the production of chemical weapons, producing military agents until the start of World War II.

During the 1930s, the production of combat agents and the supply of ammunition with them was deployed in Perm, Berezniki (Perm Region), Bobriky (later Stalinogorsk), Dzerzhinsk, Kineshma, Stalingrad, Kemerovo, Shchelkovo, Voskresensk, Chelyabinsk.

After the First World War and up to the Second World War, public opinion in Europe was opposed to the use of chemical weapons - but among the industrialists of Europe, who ensured the defense of their countries, the opinion prevailed that chemical weapons should be an indispensable attribute of warfare. At the same time, through the efforts of the League of Nations, a number of conferences and rallies were held to promote the prohibition of the use of poisonous substances for military purposes and talk about the consequences of this. International Committee The Red Cross supported conferences denouncing the use of chemical warfare in the 1920s.

In 1921, the Washington Conference on Arms Limitation was convened, chemical weapons were the subject of discussion by a specially created subcommittee, which had information on the use of chemical weapons during the First World War, which intended to propose a ban on the use of chemical weapons, even more than conventional weapons of war.

The subcommittee decided: the use of chemical weapons against the enemy on land and on water cannot be allowed. The opinion of the subcommittee was supported by a poll public opinion in the USA.

The treaty has been ratified by most countries, including the US and the UK. In Geneva, on June 17, 1925, the "Protocol on the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous and Other Similar Gases and Bacteriological Agents" was signed. This document was subsequently ratified by more than 100 states.

However, at the same time, the United States began to expand the Edgewood arsenal.

In Britain, many perceived the possibility of using chemical weapons as a fait accompli, fearing that they would be at a disadvantage, as in 1915.

And as a result, continued further work over chemical weapons, using propaganda for the use of poisonous substances.

Chemical weapons were used in large quantities in "local conflicts" of the 1920s and 1930s: by Spain in Morocco in 1925, by Japanese troops against Chinese troops from 1937 to 1943.

The study of poisonous substances in Japan began, with the help of Germany, in 1923, and by the beginning of the 1930s, the production of the most effective agents in the arsenals of Tadonuimi and Sagani was organized.

Approximately 25% of the artillery kit and 30% aviation munitions the Japanese army were in chemical equipment.

In the Kwantung Army "Manchu Detachment 100" in addition to creating bacteriological weapons carried out work on the research and production of chemical poisonous substances (6th division of the "detachment").

In 1937, on August 12, in the battles for the city of Nankou and on August 22, in the battles for the Beijing-Suyuan railway, the Japanese army used shells filled with OM.

The Japanese continued to widely use poisonous substances in China and Manchuria. The losses of Chinese troops from poisonous substances amounted to 10% of the total.

Italy used chemical weapons in Ethiopia (from October 1935 to April 1936). Mustard gas was used with great efficiency by the Italians, despite the fact that Italy acceded to the Geneva Protocol in 1925. Almost all the fighting of the Italian units was supported by a chemical attack with the help of aircraft and artillery. Aircraft pouring devices were also used, dispersing liquid OM.

415 tons of blister agents and 263 tons of asphyxiants were sent to Ethiopia.

Between December 1935 and April 1936, Italian aircraft carried out 19 large-scale chemical raids on cities and settlements Abyssinia, having spent 15 thousand aviation chemical bombs. Of the total losses of the Abyssinian army of 750 thousand people, about a third were losses from chemical weapons. A large number of civilians also suffered. Specialists of the IG Farbenindustrie concern helped the Italians to establish the production of agents that are so effective in Ethiopia. The IG Farben concern, created for complete dominating in the dyes and organic chemistry markets, united six of the largest chemical companies in Germany.

British and American industrialists saw the concern as an empire similar to the Krupp arms empire, considering it a serious threat and made efforts to dismember it after the Second World War. The superiority of Germany in the production of poisonous substances is an indisputable fact: the well-established production of nerve gases in Germany came as a complete surprise to the Allied forces in 1945.

In Germany, immediately after the Nazis came to power, by order of Hitler, work was resumed in the field of military chemistry. Starting in 1934, in accordance with the plan of the High Command of the Ground Forces, these works acquired a purposeful offensive character, in line with the aggressive policy of the Nazi government.

First of all, at the newly created or modernized enterprises, the production of known agents began, which showed the greatest combat effectiveness during the First World War, based on the creation of their stock for 5 months of chemical warfare.

The high command of the fascist army considered it sufficient to have about 27 thousand tons of poisonous substances such as mustard gas and tactical formulations based on it: phosgene, adamsite, diphenylchlorarsine and chloroacetophenone.

At the same time, intensive work was carried out to search for new poisonous substances among the most diverse classes of chemical compounds. These works in the field of skin-abscess agents were marked by the receipt in 1935 - 1936. nitrogen mustard (N-lost) and "oxygen mustard" (O-lost).

In the main research laboratory of the concern I.G. The Farben industry in Leverkusen revealed the high toxicity of some fluorine- and phosphorus-containing compounds, a number of which were subsequently adopted by the German army.

In 1936 tabun was synthesized, which began to be produced on an industrial scale from May 1943, in 1939 sarin, more toxic than tabun, was obtained, and at the end of 1944, soman. These substances marked the emergence of a new class of deadly nerve agents in the army of fascist Germany, many times greater in toxicity than the poisonous substances of the First World War.

In 1940, in the city of Oberbayern (Bavaria), a large plant owned by IG Farben was launched for the production of mustard gas and mustard compounds, with a capacity of 40 thousand tons.

In total, in the pre-war and first war years in Germany, about 20 new technological installations for the production of OM were built, the annual capacity of which exceeded 100 thousand tons. They were located in Ludwigshafen, Hüls, Wolfen, Urdingen, Ammendorf, Fadkenhagen, Seelz and other places.

In the city of Dühernfurt, on the Oder (now Silesia, Poland), there was one of the largest production facilities for organic matter. By 1945, Germany had 12 thousand tons of herd in stock, the production of which was nowhere else.

The reasons why Germany did not use chemical weapons during World War II remain unclear to this day. According to one version, Hitler did not give the command to use chemical weapons during the war because he believed that the USSR had a larger number of chemical weapons.

Another reason could be the insufficiently effective effect of OM on enemy soldiers equipped with chemical protection equipment, as well as their dependence on weather conditions.

Individual works to obtain tabun, sarin, soman were carried out in the USA and Great Britain, but a breakthrough in their production could not occur until 1945. During the years of World War II in the United States, 135 thousand tons of toxic substances were produced at 17 installations, half of the total volume was accounted for mustard gas. Mustard gas was equipped with about 5 million shells and 1 million air bombs. Initially, mustard gas was supposed to be used against enemy landings on sea ​​coast. During the period of the emerging turning point in the course of the war in favor of the Allies, serious fears arose that Germany would decide to use chemical weapons. This was the basis for the decision of the American military command to supply mustard gas ammunition to the troops on the European continent. The plan provided for the creation of stocks of chemical weapons for the ground forces for 4 months. military operations and for the Air Force - for 8 months.

Transportation by sea was not without incident. So, on December 2, 1943, German aircraft bombed ships that were in the Italian port of Bari in the Adriatic Sea. Among them was the American transport "John Harvey" with a load of chemical bombs in equipment with mustard gas. After the damage to the transport, part of the OM mixed with the spilled oil, and mustard gas spread over the surface of the harbor.

During the Second World War, extensive military biological research was also carried out in the United States. For these studies was intended open in 1943 in Maryland biological center Camp Detrick (later named Fort Detrick). There, in particular, the study of bacterial toxins, including botulinum toxins, began.

AT recent months During the war in Edgewood and the Fort Rucker Army Aeromedical Laboratory (Alabama), searches and tests of natural and synthetic substances that affect the central nervous system and cause mental or physical disorders in humans in negligible doses began.

In close cooperation with the United States of America, work was carried out in the field of chemical and biological weapons in Great Britain. So, in 1941, at the University of Cambridge, the research group of B. Saunders synthesized a poisonous nerve agent - diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP, PF-3). Soon, a process plant for the production of this chemical agent began to operate at Sutton Oak near Manchester. Main scientific center Great Britain became Porton Down (Salisbury, Wiltshire), founded in 1916 as a military chemical research station. The production of poisonous substances was also carried out at a chemical plant in Nenskyuk (Cornwell).

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), by the end of the war, about 35 thousand tons of poisonous substances were stored in the UK.

After the Second World War, OVs were used in a number of local conflicts. The facts of the use of chemical weapons by the US army against the DPRK (1951-1952) and Vietnam (60s) are known.

From 1945 to 1980, only 2 types of chemical weapons were used in the West: lacrimators (CS: 2-- tear gas) and defoliants - chemicals from the herbicide group.

CS alone, 6,800 tons were used. Defoliants belong to the class of phytotoxicants - chemicals that cause foliage to fall off plants and are used to unmask enemy objects.

In the laboratories of the United States, the purposeful development of means for the destruction of vegetation was started back in the years of the Second World War. The level of development of herbicides reached by the end of the war, according to US experts, could allow their practical application. However, research for military purposes continued, and only in 1961 was a "suitable" test site chosen. The use of chemicals to destroy vegetation in South Vietnam was initiated by the US military in August 1961 with the authorization of President Kennedy.

All areas of South Vietnam were treated with herbicides - from the demilitarized zone to the Mekong Delta, as well as many areas of Laos and Kampuchea - anywhere and everywhere, where, according to the Americans, there could be detachments of the People's Liberation Armed Forces of South Vietnam or lay their communications.

Exposure to herbicides along with woody vegetation fields, orchards and rubber plantations were also exposed. Since 1965, these chemicals have been sprayed over the fields of Laos (especially in its southern and eastern parts), and two years later - already in the northern part of the demilitarized zone, as well as in the areas adjacent to it in the DRV. Forests and fields were cultivated at the request of the commanders of the American units stationed in South Vietnam. The spraying of herbicides was carried out with the help of not only aircraft, but also special ground devices that were available in the American troops and Saigon units. Especially intensive herbicides were used in 1964-1966 to destroy the mangrove forests on the southern coast of South Vietnam and on the banks of the shipping channels leading to Saigon, as well as the forests of the demilitarized zone. Two US Air Force aviation squadrons were fully engaged in operations. The use of chemical anti-vegetative agents reached its maximum size in 1967. Subsequently, the intensity of operations fluctuated depending on the intensity of hostilities.

In South Vietnam, during Operation Ranch Hand, the Americans tested 15 different chemicals and formulations to destroy crops and plantations. cultivated plants and tree and shrub vegetation.

The total amount of chemicals for the destruction of vegetation used by the US armed forces from 1961 to 1971 amounted to 90 thousand tons, or 72.4 million liters. Four herbicidal formulations were predominantly used: purple, orange, white and blue. The formulations found the greatest use in South Vietnam: orange - against forests and blue - against rice and other crops.

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