Combat readiness check method. Abstract: Combat readiness of units and units

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There are four levels of combat readiness:

  • constant,
  • elevated,
  • military danger,
  • complete.

Constant combat readiness such a state of units, when they, located in places of deployment, are engaged in daily activities and staffed according to peacetime states. Military equipment, weapons, vehicles are kept in accordance with the norms.

Increased combat readiness units remain at their deployment points, units that are in isolation are withdrawn to the unit. Measures are being taken to ensure that they are brought to full combat readiness more quickly.

Military danger units are withdrawn from military camps to muster areas, activities are carried out according to the combat readiness plan, in order to increase the ability to quickly bring to full combat readiness.

Full combat readiness units are withdrawn from military camps to areas of concentration, understaffed to wartime states, conduct combat coordination and are in full readiness to perform combat missions.

Constant combat readiness of units is achieved by:

  1. Certain staffing personnel, weapons and military equipment;
  2. Availability of necessary stocks of material resources;
  3. Maintenance in good condition and always ready for use of weapons and military equipment;
  4. High combat training of troops, primarily field training of personnel, combat coherence of units;
  5. Necessary training of command personnel and staffs;

Firm discipline and organization of personnel, as well as vigilant combat duty

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There is a different combat readiness. Its degrees differ significantly in the activities that each soldier, piece of equipment, unit, and so on are required to carry out for a specific period. There are certain exceptions (peculiarities of behavior in different situations for some types of troops). Nevertheless, for the most part, readiness concerns the vast majority of employees, significantly affecting their actions, equipment, weapons, and in some cases even their emotional and mental state.

What is combat readiness?

There is a very simple definition of what constitutes combat readiness. Degrees, features, preliminary preparation - this is all very important, but the fact itself is much more significant. So, this concept means the ability of a certain unit, troops to start performing their direct functions. Exist various standards by response time, which directly depends on the specific type of equipment used, the characteristics of the department, and so on. But all of them must be carried out strictly in a timely manner. Any delay will be punished, and there is a difference here too. The higher the combat readiness, the more severe the punishment for misconduct.


There are a number of signs that directly affect the readiness of units, regardless of whether there will be tanks, aircraft or infantry units. So, one of these factors is the availability of reserves. Absolutely all types of property that may be needed for the conduct of hostilities are implied, from and ending with ammunition, fuel, communication systems, and so on. In this case, their actual presence is taken into account.

The second factor is equipment. This includes the number of soldiers in accordance with the staffing table, etc. In simple terms, we can put it this way: will there be enough employees for a helicopter, plane, armored personnel carrier or any other equipment to go / fly and be able to fight?

Next comes the condition factor. It is understood that all property, facilities, equipment, weapons, and so on must be in good condition. This also includes equipment options. That is, are the soldiers armed with modern weapons, or will they be forced to go on a hand-to-hand attack.

The fourth factor is the training of command personnel. Will the employees in charge of the units be able to adequately respond to the situation and fight.

The fifth factor is the moral readiness of the troops to act in battle.

The sixth and last is how the personnel is prepared. That is, do the soldiers know how to shoot at all, can they act as part of a group, and so on.

Maintaining readiness

It is quite natural that separate training is needed in order to increase combat readiness. The degrees here can also be different, but for the most part it simply takes into account whether this or that training is carried out in a timely manner and in full, or not. So, soldiers are taught to walk in formation, hit the target, perform engineering work, respond to them, teach the basics of tactics, develop physically, and so on. This is only a short list of possible types of training designed to maintain the desired level of combat readiness. The same item includes different types exercises, education of soldiers, their psychological preparation for the performance of tasks, and so on.

Not the last role is played by the system of rewards and punishments. She, working correctly and stably, strongly motivates a single employee. Also, one should not forget about the regular maintenance of equipment, reconnaissance work, providing the unit with everything necessary, and the like. It is from such small or large factors that the general combat training of both one specific squad and the entire grouping of troops of the country as a whole is formed.

External Features

Everything that was mentioned above applies only to those items that can be performed directly by employees. However, there are other factors that are not directly related to them, but on which both combat training in general and the level of combat readiness in particular depend. It is very important that the country's transport system be as efficient as possible. The state must be able to wage war for a long time. All parts must be re-equipped in a timely manner. The army itself as a structure must look strictly positive in the eyes of the majority of the population. And, of course, a sufficient amount of funds should be allocated for all this. In part, some of the factors can be influenced by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and other equally high-ranking officials who are directly interested in solving problems. However, ordinary soldiers will not be able to do anything here. For example, a unit can provide excellent training in all areas. The employees will be just great. But if they are not given modern weapons, do not allocate funds for development, and so on, then there will not be much sense from such training.

Always ready

As mentioned above, there are different combat readiness. Its degrees differ from each other quite significantly. The simplest, most common and standard is called "constant". It represents the most classic mode of operation of the unit. That is, in this state it is every day. is engaged in preparation, study, conducts scheduled maintenance of equipment and so on. Helicopter, plane and others combat units carry out training missions, and life goes on as usual. Naturally, even in such a state, the unit must be able to protect itself and, in which case, at least somehow start fighting. Among other things, this is the most resource-efficient type that can be combat-ready. A constant, stable and well-thought-out sequence of actions is not disturbed by anything, and everything goes according to plan.


This is the second degree, which already has certain differences from constant readiness. So, the entire composition of the unit is collected, if necessary, it is understaffed to the required level. Also, increased combat readiness implies the need to check all available equipment, weapons and similar equipment. It will be necessary to further focus on combat coordination. A check of combat readiness of this level will also have to reveal that the unit is completely ready to change its current position, all material reserves are in the right amount, and there is enough transport to move the army unit. The transition to this mode of operation automatically leads to much more significant costs, and therefore it is most often resorted to only within the framework of exercises.


Under this concept appears the third degree of readiness. Its name is somewhat different from the others, but the essence remains the same. High alert officially sounds like a "military danger" and it will be more correct name. It begins with the fact that a combat alert is announced. Immediately after this, the unit is obliged to perform the following actions: go to the point of concentration of troops, get food, communications, ammunition, protective equipment there and organize outposts. This applies to any. For example, Russian tanks will have to move to the right area, where they will receive ammunition, refuel, and so on. The same is true for other types of units, whatever they may be. Naturally, all data and information on a specific destination is strictly classified. The cost of funds in such a situation will be even more significant than in the two previous cases.

Full combat readiness

This is the last degree. Most often, this is done by checking a particular district. Nevertheless, the announcement of such readiness throughout the country may be the last step before the direct start of hostilities. All units are required to advance to predetermined positions, receive their own tasks, deploy available fire weapons and proceed to combat protection. This applies to all employees, starting from the very last soldier and ending with such a high post as the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. This is the most costly level of preparedness in terms of funding, and therefore it is used only in exceptional cases. In particular, for the implementation of global checks. Only some units operate in this mode on an ongoing basis, but this is already a mandatory security requirement for any country in the world.

Features of the armed forces

Taking into account the peculiarities of possible hostilities in modern world, when a strike can follow at any moment and simply do not give the opportunity to react in time, some types of troops are in full readiness all the time. They are always as complete as possible, are in the right positions, and so on. Naturally, combat training is also carried out and similar actions characteristic of other, ordinary, units. However, if necessary, such a unit is able to begin to respond immediately. Such categories include radio engineering, border, anti-missile and anti-aircraft forces.

Elite units

Some parts of the army are more privileged. But not in the sense that they live the best, but in the sense that they are asked the most. Such units are also in full combat readiness all the time. In principle, this is not an entirely correct term, since, in fact, they are located in their places of deployment and some elements characteristic of this degree are not inherent in them, but if necessary, they, like anti-missile forces, are capable of instantly launching the battle. These include parts special purpose, protection of heads of state, strategic troops and so on. combat readiness units of this type is so high that it is almost impossible for an ordinary employee to get on the staff of such a detachment. They choose only the best, who have shown themselves perfectly in all respects, who have the right vision of the situation, a stable psyche, and so on. Many military personnel would like to serve in elite units, but not everyone is given this for one reason or another.

Mobilization readiness

This concept also applies to the armed forces, but the main role here is played by the state as a whole. This type of readiness means general readiness countries to war, the availability of personnel reserves, funds, weapons, strategic resources, and so on. That is, this is not a direct indicator of how quickly a country can start to fight, it reveals how long it will last. For example, in a country, the entire army is able to instantly start fighting. But here mobilization readiness extremely low. As a result, in the event of a war, the army will be able to immediately open fire, but will not be able to continue to do this for a long time. That is, in such a situation, the emphasis is on lightning-fast capture and achievement of goals. In the opposite case, if the army is not too prepared, but huge mobilization reserves have been accumulated, the country will be able to turn the tide in its favor after a certain time, when the enemy’s resources run out.

Combat duty

This is the most basic type of holding events in the unit at the time of full readiness. So, in a normal situation, it consists of guard and garrison service, as well as the protection of the territory. But in the event of hostilities, it is also supplemented by combat and guard outposts. Sometimes a commandant's office is added. Combat duty performs such functions as constant monitoring of the situation, objects (from external and internal problems) and so on. In addition, all employees are trained on the topic of vigilance and the adequacy of decisions in a variety of situations that theoretically can occur. All this is aimed at hindering the enemy's reconnaissance work with maximum efficiency and in no case preventing his surprise attack.

Different countries

Features of preparation for certain actions can vary quite a lot in different countries. It depends, first of all, on the state itself, and only secondly, on its armed forces. For example, if a country has not waged hostilities for a very long time and, in principle, is not going to do so, then the degree of readiness may be different. That is, the same situation North Korea and Switzerland will lead to completely different reactions. It is believed that the better trained the soldiers, the less time it takes to full training to immediate war. But in fact, given that after the Second World War there were no more such global conflicts, it is absolutely impossible to say for sure now. Most of experts agree that if this happens again, then all countries that have nuclear weapons will simply exchange blows and humanity will cease to exist after that. During the time that this will be happening, not a single standard part will have time to more or less adequately respond to the situation, and even more so will not be able to do anything.


In general, all of the above related to service in the days of the USSR and remains relevant today. Some elements or features may be subject to change. Quite naturally, in order to combat the intelligence of other countries, they are not reported. In general, all sets of measures taken with an increase in combat readiness for each new stage are becoming more stringent and aimed at an immediate reaction of units to an emerging threat. How effective will they be if the need arises? We can only hope that the world never finds out about this.

Against the backdrop of massive calls for peace around the world, almost every state is constantly developing its military-industrial complex. After the Second World War, two superpowers took absolute leadership in the political arena: the USA and the USSR, whose successor was modern Russia. Over the seventy-year period, there was no direct armed conflict between these countries, but relations often entered a rather aggravated phase.

That is why it is advisable to periodically check the military potential of the armed forces. This is achieved by organizing exercises or training combat alerts, but there is also a political connotation here, since any check on the degree of combat readiness of the RF Armed Forces is regarded by a potential adversary as an aggressive step. At the same time, such events are aimed at demonstrating the capabilities of the Armed Forces and their readiness to move on to active actions, which should significantly reduce the ardor of presumptuous "partners".

It is necessary to soberly assess the situation in the world associated with the constant expansion of the NATO military bloc. It is gratifying to understand that the unrest of the United States is not unfounded, because the success of the Russian Aerospace Forces during the execution showed a high degree of preparedness of the military, as well as superiority in many positions domestic technology ahead of Western counterparts.

The concept of combat readiness

Each of us, perhaps, has heard about the degree of combat readiness, but a direct understanding of the main term is sometimes quite far from the truth. Combat readiness is defined as the state of the Armed Forces at the current moment to mobilize and complete the task in the conditions of real battles with the enemy.

AT war time a high degree of combat readiness is important for all units and divisions. At the same time, the tasks must be completed by all possible means, for which the use of equipment, weapons, nuclear weapons or weapons is provided. mass destruction.

Bringing to combat readiness

The process of bringing the armed forces to a state of combat readiness is proceeding according to plan. Regulatory document for personnel and commanders, as well as for officials, there is a manual on combat training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which includes the corresponding order of the Ministry of Defense, a collection of standards, which deals with combat training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, standards for physical training. This should also include a drill charter, a manual on methods and means of camouflage, rules for the use of PPE, behavior when using MP weapons, and, finally, textbooks for officials.

The management of bringing to combat readiness is assigned to the unit commander. The plan spelled out methods of alerting personnel, signals and locations, determined the action of the daily squad and all those on duty, and appointed the leadership of the commandant's service.

The signal for bringing to combat readiness is received by the duty HF. The command is then communicated to the unit commander or, alternatively, to the units on duty, using the available alert systems. Be sure to carry out the procedure for clarifying the command.

The rise of the company on alarm is appointed by the unit commander and announced by the unit on duty. All soldiers are informed about the beginning of a certain operation and announced general fee. If a citizen does not live on the territory of a military unit, then he will receive a command to collect from the messenger. Drivers military equipment are obliged to arrive at the park, where they will have to prepare the cars before the appointed time.

Often stay at the place of deployment is associated with the transportation of certain property. These works are assigned to the personnel, where the chief is appointed from the seniors in rank. After successful preparatory measures, it is necessary to wait for the officers. Military personnel not included in the combat crew must independently arrive at the collection point.

Constant alert

The level of readiness depends on external factors. First of all, this is the level of threat of violating the borders of the state. It should be noted that for each degree of readiness, a set of measures is clearly prescribed, which covers the entire chain of command in the army. This is the only way to achieve high efficiency to reduce the response time to a threat.

Statistics show that the quality of bringing to combat readiness depends on the readiness of military personnel, their field training. The professionalism of the officers also has a direct influence. Here, the mention of the fulfillment of all points of the combined arms charter comes in handy. Not in last place is the logistics of the unit. When fully equipped, the unit can easily be brought to any degree of readiness.

One of the approved levels of readiness of the Armed Forces, in which a unit can stay in peacetime, is constant combat readiness. All divisions are geographically located in a stationary point, general activity carried out in regular mode. There is no need to talk about maintaining proper discipline, since it must be present in any military unit. Weapons and ammunition are stored in specially equipped warehouses, and equipment may be under scheduled maintenance. But do not forget about the possibility of transferring a unit to a state with more a high degree readiness.


The state of the unit, in which it conducts planned activities, but at any time can perform a real combat mission, is called high readiness. There are some standard activities for this degree. They are appointed by the command of the unit, based on external conditions and internal structure.

  • Vacations and dismissals, as well as layoffs, are not temporarily assigned.
  • The daily outfit is reinforced by personnel.
  • Installed round the clock duty roster.
  • Regular checks are made of the availability of weapons and equipment.
  • Officers are issued weapons and ammunition.
  • All servicemen, without exception, are transferred to the barracks.

In a state of heightened combat readiness, the unit must respond not only to the expected actions of the enemy, but also be ready for a sudden change in his plans. But in fairness, it should be noted that a part can remain in such a status only during exercises. In reality, there is either a complication of the foreign policy situation, or everything returns to a peaceful course. A long stay in a state of high alert is fraught with significant monetary costs.

Military threat and complete BG

The military danger arises in the case of the maximum permissible conflict without the conduct of active hostilities. At the same time, the armed forces are redeployed in such a way that the equipment is withdrawn to alternative areas, but on the whole, the unit performs its main function. Military units are raised on an alarm signal and can be sent to carry out strategic objectives. The third degree of readiness is characterized by standard activities.

  1. Military personnel who have completed their service on time are not subject to dismissal.
  2. Young recruits on conscription are not involved in the service.

Speaking about financing, it should be noted that in this case the volume Money for the maintenance of the army is even greater than in the previous case considered. Alternative areas are being developed no further than 30 km from the place of the former deployment. One of them must remain secret, and therefore may not be equipped with communications. The equipment is subject to refueling, and the personnel is understaffed with ammunition.

When fully prepared, the state is on the verge of hostilities. At the same time, various options for introducing martial law are envisaged. All officers are subject to general mobilization. A round-the-clock watch is organized. Established units, reduced in peacetime, are again staffed. Communication between officers is subject to encryption. Oral reports are necessarily duplicated documented. The transfer of a unit to full readiness can be made from any of the listed states.

The essence of combat readiness of subunits lies in their combat capability, which is determined by the totality of combat capabilities to perform tasks in accordance with their intended purpose. Combat efficiency depends on the combat skills of the units, the state of combat readiness of weapons and equipment, and the availability of materiel.

Combat training is understood as a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities of personnel, their moral, psychological and physical condition, training and coordination of units to perform tasks in accordance with their intended purpose. Combat proficiency is achieved by the entire system of combat training. Its most important component is the field training of servicemen and subunits, which is determined by their ability to act in concert using all modern means fight against a strong opponent and make the most of the possibilities of weapons and equipment. The field training of officers also includes the ability to short time organize the fighting and firmly manage the units during the battle.

The combat readiness of military equipment is determined by the degree of its preparedness for use in combat missions. The main indicators of the combat readiness of military equipment are its technical condition, reliability and the value of the technical resource, the availability of a trained crew (crew), combat kit, means of transportation and support, staffing with spare parts and operational documentation, the time to prepare for combat use in any situation. AT modern conditions Reducing the time it takes to put military equipment on full combat readiness is of particular importance.

The daily state of subunits and units should make it possible to bring them into readiness to perform a combat mission on time. To this end, they are equipped with personnel, weapons, military equipment according to peacetime states and are provided with all types of military reserves.

The ability of each subunit, regardless of composition and position, to bring itself into full readiness to perform combat missions, occupies the most important place in the combat readiness system. This ability is ensured by careful development of the combat calculation of the actions of the subunit personnel, constant clarification of the time, place and volume of measures taken in order to take into account all changes in combat strength and staffing of units with personnel and military equipment, determining the procedure for each serviceman of the unit with the announcement of various degrees of combat readiness. The time required for the implementation of measures and the amount of work carried out during the introduction of various degrees of combat readiness is determined by the orders of the commanders of the military districts.

There are two ways to bring units into combat readiness: raising on combat alert and raising on alert. drill alert.

Raising on combat alert is carried out in cases of a threat of an enemy attack in order to bring the subunits to full combat readiness for the immediate performance of a combat mission.

Alert training is carried out in order to prepare units for actions on combat alert, when units go to exercises, to eliminate the consequences natural Disasters, for extinguishing fires and solving other problems. At the same time, the units act as if on alert, but with established restrictions.

Alert training is carried out by those commanders (chiefs) who have been granted this right by the Minister of Defense Russian Federation.

Signal transmission is organized by a warning system. To notify units at the location of the unit, daily squad and guard, a system of selector and electro-sound alarms is created, and to notify and collect military personnel serving under the contract, in addition to telephone communications and messengers, an audible alarm can be created. Notification of subunits that are outside the location of the unit is provided by technical means communications and mobile devices. To notify military personnel on vacation and business trips, appropriate documents must be prepared at the headquarters of the unit. The commanders of units and subunits bear full responsibility for organizing the warning. They must organize the selection and practical training of persons responsible for transmitting signals to subunits and alerting personnel.

After receiving a signal to rise on a combat alert, the unit on duty personally and through his assistant notifies the units and reports to the commander and chief of staff. At the same time, measures are being taken to notify military personnel serving under the contract. After making sure that the signal was received by all units, the duty officer monitors the ongoing activities and, in the prescribed manner, reports on the progress of raising the unit on combat alert. At the same time, special attention is paid to the timeliness of the departure of personnel to the park to remove equipment from storage and loading teams to warehouses, the exit of signal units to deploy a communication center at control points in the area of ​​concentration, and commandant service units to serve on the routes of advance. In addition, the duty officer is obliged to give instructions on the admission of personnel to protected objects, strengthen the security of the headquarters, the park and ensure the timely changing of the guards.

With the arrival of the unit commander or chief of staff (if the combat alarm signal was received in their absence), the duty officer reports on the progress in the implementation of the measures provided for by the plan, and subsequently acts on their instructions.

Upon arrival, officers of the unit's management on alert receive personal weapons and ammunition from the unit's duty officer, and topographic maps in the secret part of the headquarters; unit officers receive personal weapons and ammunition from the duty officer of the unit where they are stored. Topographic maps unit officers receive at a place set by the unit commander.

The exit of the unit to the area of ​​concentration (if necessary) is carried out according to the established signal and, depending on the availability of routes, can be carried out by battalion or company columns, with the allocation of direct protection from them. The columns pass the starting point (line) at the time precisely set by the unit commander.

For an organized exit of units to the area of ​​concentration on the territory of military camps, near parks and warehouses, collection points are appointed. At these points, the personnel of the subunits are assembled, their equipment is completed and boarding is carried out on military equipment (vehicles) for advancement to the concentration area. Cars loaded with materiel in warehouses follow their own units to the collection points of their units. Collection points should be known to all soldiers, sergeants and officers.

Upon completion of the exit of personnel to the points of collection, the commanders of battalions (divisions) and individual companies(batteries) clarify (set) the task of subordinate units for further actions. At the point of permanent deployment, only the personnel allocated for the protection and delivery of barracks and property not taken on a campaign temporarily remain.

When entering the area of ​​concentration, the units of the unit are controlled from command post short signals and through the posts of the commandant's service, and in the area of ​​​​concentration - mainly through personal communication or using only wired and mobile communications.

Upon arrival in the area of ​​concentration, the layouts of the units are specified and they are understaffed to wartime states.

Subunits in the concentration area are deployed dispersed, covertly and taking into account the provision of a quick and organized exit of columns from this area with the receipt of a combat mission or when moving to a new area.

The size of the area for the location of the battalion on the spot is about 10 square kilometers. The companies in these areas are located along the advance route, using the protective and camouflaging properties of the terrain. The distance in open areas between combat vehicles should be 100 m, and between platoons - 300 m.

Battalions can set up guard detachments or outposts to protect the area of ​​concentration in threatened directions, and guard posts and patrols can be organized to ensure direct protection from subunits.

At the same time, air defense is being organized and shelters for personnel and equipment are being equipped, as well as camouflage measures are being taken.

The engineering equipment of the area begins immediately with its occupation. First of all, open and closed slots, trenches, trenches, communication passages, dugouts and shelters for personnel, trenches and shelters for weapons and equipment are being equipped, structures for command and medical posts are being erected, barriers are being erected in dangerous areas, advance routes are being prepared, and water points.

Subsequently, command and medical posts are being equipped, communication routes are being improved, shelters are being arranged for each unit, basic and false objects are being equipped, barriers are being additionally arranged, ways of exit and maneuver from the concentration area are being prepared.

In parallel with the production of fortification work, the preparation of units for the performance of a combat mission is also being completed: ammunition and additional means of protection and medical care, preparation of weapons and ammunition for combat use, as well as equipment with cartridges of tapes and magazines, inspection and technical maintenance of military and other equipment are carried out.

Additional preparation of vehicles for combat use is carried out by the crews with the involvement of the department Maintenance. The main content of work on preparing weapons for combat use includes:reactivation of weapons and checking the operation of recoil devices of tank guns of combat vehicles (guns-launchers of infantry fighting vehicles);verification of the functioning of the weapon systems of combat vehicles in automatic firing mode;checking the alignment of the zero aiming lines on the control and alignment target (remote point);bringing the shots to their final equipped form, equipping the machine-gun belts and laying the ammunition load in the vehicles (if the vehicles were kept in storage without ammunition);checking the ESD system, the condition of the OPVT parts, the serviceability of the bilge pump, filling the PPO cylinders;checking for leaks from the fuel supply and lubrication systems and refueling the machine with fuel, oil and coolant;re-equipment of the machine with the required property and elimination of detected malfunctions;

In parallel with the preparation of weapons for combat vehicles, personnel carry out readiness checks small arms to shooting. At the same time, the optical sights of small arms and grenade launchers, as a rule, are aligned on control and alignment targets or on a remote point.

In order to quickly and efficiently prepare weapons for combat use, it is expedient to provide for a number of organizational and technical measures. The main activities of the preparatory period include such as the development of documents that optimize the performance of work on the preparation of armament units for combat use, and preparation of personnel for their implementation, and in the course of work - quality control of bringing weapons to combat use by officials of the subunit and unit.

Unit commanders report on the implementation of measures on command. The report indicates the staffing of the unit with personnel, the availability of military equipment and its condition, the amount of allocated stocks of military-technical property, the level of morale and psychological state of the personnel.

Subsequently, with the receipt of a signal to bring to combat readiness FULL in the subunits, direct preparation for the performance of combat missions is carried out.

combat readiness armed forces(troops) is a state that determines the degree of readiness of each type of armed forces (troops) to perform the combat missions assigned to it.

The presence of weapons of mass destruction in the armament of the army and the possibility of their sudden and massive use place high demands on the armed forces (troops). The armed forces must be able to start active combat operations on land, at sea and in the air at any time. To this end, in modern armies provision is made for maintaining the troops in constant (everyday) combat readiness.

Permanent combat readiness is ensured by the necessary staffing of troops with personnel, weapons, equipment, stocks of materiel, as well as high training of personnel.

Constant combat readiness is achieved:

Established staffing and security of all types of weapons and military equipment, special equipment and transport;

The security of the troops with all types of stocks of materiel and their maintenance in a qualitative state.

High combat training of troops and coherence of units for operations in difficult conditions modern combat;

High moral and psychological qualities and discipline of personnel;

Well-established alert and management;

The readiness of units and subunits for a quick transition from peaceful to martial law;

Advance and detailed planning of all measures for combat readiness, systematic refinement of plans;

The maintenance in peacetime of regular troops in numbers sufficient to solve strategic tasks in modern conditions is, for economic reasons, unbearable even for the most powerful state. Therefore, the armed forces of most states of the world are currently kept in a strictly limited composition, which ensures at any time the repulse of a surprise attack by the enemy, delivering a powerful blow to the aggressor in order to defeat him.

However, no matter how strong the armed forces are in peacetime, in the event of a threat of war, they are deployed to the full strength set for wartime by the mobilization plan, i.e. they are being transferred from peacetime to wartime.

In terms of composition, depending on the degree of staffing, the Russian armed forces have formations and units of constant readiness, reduced strength, personnel and a base for storing weapons and military equipment (BKhVT).

Units and formations of PERMANENT READINESS include units and formations whose regular strength in peacetime and wartime is the same. These units are ready to perform combat missions in the existing staff strength.

The units and formations of the REDUCED COMPOSITION include units and formations staffed with personnel and equipment in a certain percentage of the wartime states.

The units and formations of the frame and BHVT include units whose percentage of staffing and equipment is lower than in parts of the reduced composition.

Every war is usually preceded by mobilization, i.e. partial or complete transfer of the aircraft from peacetime to wartime. Mobilization has been carried out in all states and at all times. But in this concept different times included different content. Before World War I, mobilization was considered only as the transfer of the army from a peaceful to a military position. This concept was true until the period when wars were fought by relatively few armies and were materially supported by stocks created in peacetime by special factories.

The experience of mobilization in World War I, and especially in World War II, showed that in order to successfully conduct a war, one cannot limit oneself to measures only to mobilize the army and focus on material resources accumulated in peacetime.

modern warfare requires advance and comprehensive training not only of the Armed Forces, but of all sectors National economy to a planned transition to martial law and its transfer to meet the needs of the war. Under these conditions, mobilization from among the military measures to strengthen the army, as it was before World War I, has turned into a very complex phenomenon, covering all aspects of the state's activities.

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