Biography of the cutter. Stories and facts of the personal life of Ilya Reznik. So, you still did not like a civil marriage

The biography of Irina Reznik, the wife of Ilya Reznik, began to interest fans after the maestro formalized the relationship with his future wife. It is known that in 2012 Ilya Reznik seriously changed his personal life, officially divorced his second wife, despite a marriage that lasted almost 15 years. He performed such an action for the sake of his new chosen one - Irina Romanova. Their age difference surprised fans of the singer's work, as it is almost three decades old, but, apparently, this is not a problem for spouses.

Loud divorce for the sake of a new wife

In 2012, Ilya Reznik filed for divorce for the sake of Irina. With his last wife, Murina, he was married for almost a quarter of a century, but they lived in various placesmost while the spouses were married, Munira lived in the United States of America with her son, and Ilya Reznik lived in Russia. The decision to file a divorce occurred when the singer decided to officially sign with his woman Irina. A woman is 27 years younger than her husband, however, age is not an obstacle to their marriage.

After the second wife of Ilya Reznik found out that her husband began a new relationship, she arrived from America to Russia, and there was a high-profile incident, as Munira called her husband a polygamist. However, after she found out that she was divorced from her husband without the knowledge and warning.

After that, long litigation, the purpose of which was to annul the previous decision of the court. This process did not bring results. One of the episodes of the TV show “Let them talk” was dedicated to this news. The participants of the show were ex-wife Reznik. According to some reports, due to strong excitement after this TV show, the maestro had a stroke.

As a result, all proceedings ended, the personal life of Ilya Reznik ceased to be discussed so violently, he became official husband Irina Romanova, who is not only his wife, but also the director of the theater named after him.

He filed for divorce because he has been living with Irina for several years and loves her. In his opinion, it is indecent to live with a woman who does not have the status of a spouse. The singer was in no hurry to divorce, as he waited for his son to turn 18, after the child became an adult, the divorce was filed. At the same time, he and Munira did not have a common household, they did not communicate for several years even by phone, and the singer sent money to his son.

Argumbayeva's attempts to challenge the court's decision were in vain, she did not appear at the first court session. Subsequently, she hired lawyers, but even with their help, she failed to challenge the decision and get half of the jointly acquired property.

Acquaintance of Ilya Reznik and Irina

In an interview, I. Reznik was asked how he manages to always be cheerful and optimistic. According to media reports, he replied that his main support is his wife Irina, without whom he cannot imagine his condition now, as well as all the difficulties that have been experienced before, allow him to enjoy life and appreciate everything that is in life.

The singer met his wife in the company of friends while celebrating his birthday. According to the maestro, he immediately liked the woman, as she was not only beautiful, but also pleasant to talk to. They exchanged phone numbers, but did not call immediately, but subsequently their relationship developed at lightning speed.

When asked if Ilya Reznik won Irina, he answered the media that there were no bouquets of flowers or cakes, for them the main thing was different. They liked each other at first sight, despite the fact that such cases are extremely rare. The couple have been together for more than 17 years, while they also enjoy being together, as in the first years of the relationship.

Journalists wondered how it happened that Irina had been dating the singer for many years, but they officially signed only recently. The maestro explained this situation. According to him, both spouses were sure that the presence of a stamp in the passport or its absence does not affect the relationship, but is a formality. He decided to marry for the sake of protecting his woman, in order to protect her from insults and the birth of rumors.

He explained that a lot was said about her hurtful words, and they were connected with the fact that she is not the wife of the singer. Despite the fact that the spouses do not care about the opinion of others about their personal lives, it was decided to paint.

Journalists were interested to know what Reznik thinks about the scandal that arose in connection with his divorce from his wife Murina. This news became the reason for discussion in the talk show "Let them talk", as a result of which the maestro had a stroke. Ilya Reznik does not deny this information, calling everything his second wife said a lie.

To restore well-being, he travels to sanatoriums, where he does medical procedures. His wife Irina and comrades, as well as doctors, helped him recover. According to him, it is only thanks to his environment that he believes in people. Reznik's wife is almost 30 years younger than the artist. This couple has no joint children.
Children of Ilya Reznik

It is known that the singer has children from previous marriages, but he does not have them in a joint marriage with Irina. From his first wife, he has a son Maxim and a daughter Alice, as well as a grandson Ilya.

In 1981, according to the media, he had an illegitimate son, Eugene, who lives in Odessa. From his second wife, he has a son, Arthur, from his third marriage, in which the artist is now, there are no children.

Information about Irina Reznik

Irina Romanova is the third wife of Ilya Reznik. She is a master of sports in athletics Soviet Union, holds the post CEO at the Ilya Reznik Musical Theatre. Born in 1965, no children.

Judging by the photo on the Internet with her, she looks great - most likely this is due to the lifestyle that she leads, since she has devoted herself to professional sports.

The singer's fans noted what kind of legs the wife of Ilya Reznik has - they are fit and slender, despite the woman's age. According to the latest news in 2018, the marriage of Irina and Ilya Reznik is successful and still exists.

Did Ilya Reznik have marriages before Irina?

Ilya Reznik is a Soviet and Russian songwriter who was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia in 2003 for his services to world culture, and 10 years later he was also named People's Artist of Ukraine.

Future master Russian stage was born in the spring of 1938 into a Jewish family. He was just a baby when the Great Patriotic War. A little boy survived the Leningrad blockade, and subsequently evacuated to the Urals with his family. During the war, his father was seriously wounded at the front. Leopold Reznik died from his wounds.

Mom pretty soon remarried and left with her husband for Riga. The new spouse set a condition for the woman - either a family with a husband, or an "old" son. She chose the first. Ilya Reznik considered the parent's act a betrayal and forgave his mother only in adulthood. On the maternal side, Ilya has a younger brother and twin sisters.

The boy himself then stayed in Leningrad with his grandmother Riva Girshevna and grandfather Rakhmiel Samuilovich. These people immigrated to the Soviet Union from Denmark back in 1934. Grandfather was an excellent shoemaker, and, according to Reznik, the whole family depended on him. By the way, grandfather and grandmother not only took custody of their grandson, but officially adopted the boy, so Ilya wears the middle name Rakhmielevich, not Leopoldovich.

AT primary school future poet dreamed of long voyages, so he said that he would enter the Nakhimov School and become an admiral. Thoughts about a military career haunted Reznik until the senior classes, however, having become older, he was already thinking about an artillery school.

But closer to the graduation ball, Ilya got excited about the idea of ​​​​becoming an actor, as he was very fond of the theater. After school, the guy applied to the Leningrad state institute theater, music and cinema, but failed in the exams.

The young man got a job as a laboratory assistant at a medical institute, later he served as an electrician and a theater stage worker, and every summer he tried again and again to become a student of a coveted university. But only in 1958, Ilya's perseverance was rewarded. By the way, Ilya wrote the first songs “The Ballad of a French Duel”, “Cockroach” and several others when he was studying at the theater institute.

In 1965, the young actor joined the troupe of the V. F. Komissarzhevskaya Theater, played a lot in various performances, but at the same time continues to improve in poetry. Four years later, he published the first book of children's poems "Tyapa does not want to be a clown." Later, many other collections intended for young readers saw the light. But Reznik's main career in the same 1969 turned towards the stage, as the composition "Cinderella" to the words of the poet in the performance became popular throughout the country.

Poems and music

In 1972, feeling the strength, recognition and relevance in himself, Ilya Reznik left the theater and focused exclusively on song poetry. In the same period, he was accepted as a member of the Leningrad Union of Writers. By the way, the year 1972 is also remarkable in the fate of the poet because Ilya Rakhmielevich first met the then just beginning singer and gave the girl the song “Let's sit and have a look”. With this composition, Pugacheva became one of the laureates of the All-Union Variety Artists Competition and received the right to represent the Soviet Union at the international festival in the Polish city of Sopot.

The song "Apple Trees in Bloom" was a huge success. She sang the composition, as well as the author of the music. His performance won the first prize "Golden Lyra" at the Czechoslovak vocal competition "Bratislava Lyra". Incidentally, this was the first time that a Soviet song was awarded such high award. "Apple Trees in Bloom" also brought recognition to Ilya Reznik on the Russian television show "Song of the Year". Subsequently, Ilya Rakhmielevich will be the winner of the annual competition about three dozen more times.

Over the years of creativity, Reznik collaborated with such great composers as Vladimir Feltsman and others. Songs to the words of the poet were performed by other artists.

However, the main thing was still the tandem of Ilya Reznik and Alla Pugacheva. Alla Borisovna's repertoire included such recognized hits written by the songwriter as "Maestro", "Ballet", "My Years", "Without Me", "Photographer", "Old Clock", "Three happy day" other.

Today the poet does not stop writing songs. Russian music lovers are well aware of the compositions "St. Petersburg" and "Return", "I love this world." Reznik wrote entire albums for, and other contemporary musicians.

In addition to the collections of children's poems mentioned above, Ilya Reznik wrote a number of books. The writer published a biography book "Alla Pugacheva and others", collections of his poems "Layli", "Chatushki", "Favorites", "Two over the city", "Square of quatrains" and others. In addition to poetry, Reznik also has large forms, for example, a folk poem about the police "Egor Panov and Sanya Vanin." The patriotic work for children "Where to Serve" also saw the light of day. A noteworthy edition was printed in 2004: Napkins is a collection of the poet's dedications written on napkins.

I must say that acting education for Ilya Reznik was not superfluous. He played a lot on the theater stage, including in the author's performances, and acted in films. The first film in which Ilya appeared as an actor was the famous comedy The Adventures of Prince Florizel, where Reznik portrayed a criminal in wheelchair. Later, he starred in the musical "I Came and I Say", the script for which he wrote himself, in the melodrama "Moscow Beauties", the New Year's film "Only Once..." and the comedy "Diamonds for Juliet". Last appearance Ilya Rakhmielevich in feature films had a remake of Carnival Night-2, or 50 years later.

From 2006 to 2009, the poet was a member of the jury of the Two Stars project.

Personal life

From a young age, the poet Ilya Reznik enjoyed success with women, but long time remained a bachelor. For the first time, a man married at the age of 30. He met his first wife Regina on tour. The girl was more than 10 years younger, but this did not prevent the newlyweds from creating a good family.

After the wedding, Regina worked as deputy director of the Leningrad Variety Theater, and later played on the theater stage. In this marriage, Reznik had two children: son Maxim and daughter Alice, who is seven years younger than her brother. It is noteworthy that after the divorce, the son stayed with his father. The boy learned to be a journalist and collaborated with the fairly well-known program Shark Feather.

The second official marriage of the master of the Russian stage concluded in 1985. The poet's chosen one was the Uzbek dancer and choreographer Munira Argumbayeva. Four years after the wedding, the couple had a son, Arthur. In the early 90s, the family moved to live in the United States, but in 1992 Reznik returned to his homeland, and Argumbaeva and her child remained in America. Officially, Ilya and Munira divorced only 20 years later, although they no longer lived together.

By the way, Reznik's second divorce was widely covered in the press. The fact is that the ex-wife said that Ilya Rakhmielevich left the woman without a livelihood. In addition, she said that she had learned about the divorce from her husband from newspaper headlines, although she did not even suspect a break with the poet. So new marriage the writer was considered fictitious and for the first time they refused to divorce.

When Ilya Reznik found out that he was still married to ex-wife, he filed a new divorce suit. Munira again opposed this and filed a complaint. But this time the court satisfied the desire of Ilya Rakhmielevich and divorced the spouses forever.

Almost immediately, having received the documents, the poet marries again. The current wife of the author is a former athlete, master of sports in athletics, and today the director of the Ilya Reznik Theater Irina Romanova. She is 27 years younger than her husband, but this does not interfere with family happiness. The couple have known each other for a long time and for many years were in an actual marriage even before the wedding.

The wedding celebration took place in a narrow circle. The groom's witness was a lawyer who was just involved in the poet's divorce proceedings.

For the last 20 years, the poet has lived in a rented house in the suburbs. Few people know that he somehow made ends meet.

The point is that in Soviet years Ilya Reznik received good royalties, and the money went to the passbook. The songwriter saved up savings and thought that he would live comfortably in retirement. But the 1998 default wiped out savings.

Then the health of Ilya Rakhmielevich was greatly crippled. But he met Irina, and the woman put the writer on his feet. With new sweetheart time for the poet turned back.

In 1996, there was a grand quarrel between two friends - Ilya Reznik and Alla Pugacheva. Later, the man admitted that they quarreled over money. The proceeds from sales of the latest collection of hits on the poet's poems amounted to $ 6 million. The man believed that the prima donna should deduct some of the money to him, but the singer refused. Then Reznik filed a lawsuit against Alla Borisovna, which ordered the performer to pay $ 100 thousand to Ilya Rakhmielevich. Pugacheva fulfilled the condition, but harbored a grudge against her friend.

Alla and Ilya reconciled only in 2016 at the evening. As a sign of reconciliation, the Primadonna performed at Reznik's evening in the Kremlin. They began to call. Alla Borisovna also helped an old friend with money. He went with his wife to Dubai and to a sanatorium.

Despite the problems that plagued the family, Ilya Rakhmielevich and Irina keep three dogs and five cats at home. They are very fond of animals.

In addition, the master of the Russian stage has developed an official website. Fans of the poet's work can find on the web resource latest news about the writer, see photos and videos.

In April 2018, in an interview, Ilya Reznik admitted that he and his wife were planning to get married in Lower Oreanda. And in August 2017, the songwriter was baptized in Orthodox Church.

Ilya Reznik now

On April 4, 2018, Ilya Rakhmielevich Reznik celebrated his 80th birthday. Shortly before significant event, March 20, 2018, a creative concert of the poet "Anniversary Vernissage" was held. On the gala evening, Alla Pugacheva, Laima Vaikule, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, the Ilya Reznik Children's Musical Theater and other artists and musical groups appeared on the stage of the Kremlin Palace.

And on the birthday of the hero of the day, the President congratulated Russian Federation.

Released the same month documentary about the poet "Which year I wander the earth ...".

On April 14, the show “Tonight” dedicated to Ilya Reznik went on the air. Relatives, friends of Ilya and the birthday man himself came to visit. They remembered interesting stories from the life of Reznik, how popular hits were created and much more.


  • 1982 - "Two over the city"
  • 1994 - "Alla Pugacheva and others"
  • 1997 - "Yo - mine"
  • 2000 - "My life is a carnival"
  • 2001 - "Why?"
  • 2005 - "Nostalgia for Russia"
  • 2006 - "Maestro"
  • 2006 - "Square of quatrains"
  • 2006 - "Wanderer"
  • 2006 - "Poems"
  • 2007 - "The Adventures of Boba the Greek"
  • 2011 - "Two stars and other constellations"
  • 2011 - "Lukomorye, or Little stories about a boy named Luka"


  • 1972 - "Let's Talk"
  • 1975 - "Apple trees in bloom"
  • 1978 - "Rise Above the Bustle"
  • 1978 - "You take me with you"
  • 1981 - "Old Clock"
  • 1985 - "Ballet"
  • 1986 - "Two"
  • 1986 - "It's not evening yet"
  • 1988 - "In my city"
  • 1989 - "Three happy days"
  • 1990 - "I'm praying for you"
  • 1992 - "Convertible"
  • 1996 - “I will part the clouds with my hands”

Over the years of his career, Ilya Reznik wrote more than two thousand songs, thanks to which many star performers appeared on the national stage. His lyrical heartfelt hits are still remembered and listened to by many music lovers who admire the talent of a songwriter. With age, Ilya Rakhmielevich did not lose interest in his favorite business, and now in his creative biography there are new compositions that attract the attention of his fans. He still feels an unprecedented surge of strength, which allows him to easily spend his concert evening for four hours. Reznik manages not only to write poetry and songs, but also conducts master classes where he teaches the younger generation the basics of acting and writing.

He draws strength and inspiration from communication with family and friends, experiencing happiness and joy from every day he lives. For several years in the personal life of the People's Artist there have been strong family relationships. He is connected with his wife not only general work and hobbies, but also bright love.


The future songwriter was born in 1938 in Leningrad. His early childhood years fell on the harsh front-line battles. The boy's father went to fight the Germans and never returned home, dying in 1944. Little Ilya survived the deadly blockade, and then was evacuated to the Urals. After the end of the war, his mother remarried, and then gave birth to three children: his younger sisters Vera, Marina and brother Vladimir. His stepfather did not want to see someone else's child in his family, so the future poet was raised by his paternal grandparents, who then adopted him. Soon his mother and her family left for Riga, so their communication ended for long years. But over time, Reznik forgave his parent and being famous person Communicated with his family and helped as much as possible.

AT school years the boy did not even dream of a creative path, but dreamed of the seas and long voyages. He intended to enter the Nakhimov School, and then study military career. However, already in high school, Ilya became interested in acting, thanks to which, after graduating from school, he came to the Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema.

young years...

He did not manage then to become a student of the chosen university, but in order not to waste time, he worked for some time as a laboratory assistant, and then got a job in the theater, where he performed various duties. Young Reznik did not forget his dream, but only at the age of 20 he managed to enter the acting department.

Songwriting and acting work

After graduation, the actor played on the stage of the V. F. Komissarzhevskaya Theater and at the same time was engaged in composing poems, which he became interested in back in student years. At first, Ilya Rakhmielevich wrote poems for children, thanks to which the song "Cinderella" was born, performed by Lyudmila Senchina. Realizing his destiny, the young poet left the theater and took up song poetry. In 1972, he met Alla Pugacheva, which became fateful for both. Having performed the poet's song "Let's sit and have a look", the singer became the laureate of the All-Union Song Contest, and then her career went uphill. His composition “Apple Trees in Bloom”, which was sung by Sofia Rotaru, also became successful.

Reznik always wrote poetry in different genres, finding demand for his patriotic, military and lyrical compositions. His songs brought many victories to both the poet himself and his performers, among whom are such stage stars as Edita Piekha, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Laima Vaikule, Irina Ponarovskaya, Irina Allegrova and many others.

Great recognition and love of the audience received such compositions of the poet as:

  • "Not yet evening";
  • "Little country";
  • "Three happy days";
  • "You take me with you";
  • "Edith Piaf" and many others.

His beautiful poems always found their composer, with whom he collaborated over many years of creativity: Raymond Pauls, Maxim Dunaevsky, Evgeny Martynov, Vladimir Feltsman, Igor Nikolaev and others. Ilya Rakhmielevich always expanded his creative interests, managing to take part in the TV show "Two Stars", as well as acting in films.

Happiness and idyll in the third marriage

The poet, who has excellent external data (height - 187 cm; weight - about 80 kg), has always been successful with women, but despite this, he was in no hurry to start a family and for a long time had the status of a bachelor. Only at the age of 30 did he meet his future wife Regina, who was more than ten years younger than him. At that time, the spouses were connected by a common work, and soon children appeared in their family: son Maxim was born in 1968, daughter Alice - in 1976. A few years later, this union broke up, and after the separation of the parents, the son stayed with the star father.

Ilya Reznik with his second wife Munira Argumbaeva and son Artur

A few years later, Reznik decided to re-establish his personal life, and his new chosen one was the dancer and choreographer Munira Argumbaeva from Uzbekistan. After the birth of his son Arthur (1989), the whole family moved to America, but life in a foreign land did not attract the poet at all, and in 1992 he returned to his homeland. The wife did not want to leave the United States and stayed there to live with her son. Despite the fact that the couple had not even seen each other for many years, their official divorce took place only in 2012.

In the dashing 90s, all the poet's savings disappeared, and he had to start everything from scratch. In addition, Ilya Rakhmielevich had big problems with health: his blood pressure jumped and arthritis progressed. It was at this difficult time that fate brought him to his future wife, athlete Irina Romanova. Their acquaintance took place visiting mutual friends. Despite the age difference of more than 20 years, the future lovers immediately liked each other. The athlete struck the poet with her beauty, erudition, and also her ability to behave in society. They exchanged phone numbers, but their first meeting did not happen immediately. But then events developed rapidly, and soon the couple began to live as one family.

Ilya Reznik with his wife Irina Romanova. Photo

According to Reznik himself, his wife became his guardian angel, sent to him by God for all the many years of suffering. It was with her that he found the long-awaited happiness and did not lose interest in life. Irina took care of his health and taught him a healthy lifestyle. Now the 80-year-old poet can quite boast of his excellent shape, which he acquired thanks to good genetics, as well as maintaining healthy lifestyle life. Spouses have breakfast with cereals, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke. In addition, they swim in the outdoor pool every day. Irina is now the director of the musical theater of her star husband. But they not only cooperate together, but also have a rest, leaving every year on the Crimean coast.

Reznik does not have his own housing, so the couple lives in a rented house, owned by his longtime admirer. Together with them live three dogs and five cats, which compassionate owners picked up and sheltered at home. In 2018, the couple got married, holding this sacrament in the Yalta church.

Ilya Rakhmielevich is father of many children, since in addition to children from his first and second marriages, he has two illegitimate children: son Eugene and daughter Elena. Of all his offspring, the poet raised only his eldest son, who stayed with him after his divorce from his first wife. Like the star father, Maxim chose creative way, becoming a journalist and playwright. He writes not only poetry, but also theatrical plays, which have already attracted the attention of many actors and directors. Son Evgeny took up legal activities, and daughter Alice turned out to be an excellent photographer, whose work has already won many international competitions. The poet also has grandchildren, but he rarely communicates with them. In addition, they have no interest in music and poetry. All these years, Reznik did not forget about his son Arthur, who lives with his second wife in America. He still cares junior heir sending him good money.

Latest events

Despite his advanced age, the artist is constantly working, finding time both for poetry and for the children's group "Little Country". His wards practice six times a week, learning vocals, hip-hop and choreography. Not so long ago, Ilya Rakhmielevich, in close collaboration with Eduard Khank, wrote the anthem of the National Guard, in addition, he continues to publish poetry and prose, among which is the autobiographical book “My Leningrad Childhood”. great place his work is devoted to works for children: fables, fairy tales and poems.

Now the poet is writing prayers for the Russian Orthodox Church. This was prompted by the fact that it is difficult for modern youth to understand the Church Slavonic language. For this important work Reznik was blessed by the Patriarch himself, thanks to which he has already published a book, which includes about a hundred prayers and psalms.

  1. His grandparents, who raised him in childhood, were not his blood relatives. As young adults, they adopted his father.
  2. Having received an acting education, the future poet served in the theater, but he himself did not consider himself a talented artist then. Once, in the play "Bolsheviks" he had to portray the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. He so entered the image of a writer that even then he noted to himself that he wanted to write poetry. After this incident, Ilya, without hesitation, left the theater and did what he loved.
  3. In the 90s, the poet organized his own theater, in which not only actors, but also famous gymnasts worked. Having created a production called "Nostalgia for Russia", he, along with the team, went on a long tour of the United States. Soon the producer left them, taking all the money of the troupe, after which many of the participants in the performance and the choreographer decided to stay to work in Las Vegas. Reznik himself also lived there for some time, during which time he wrote several songs for Lyubov Uspenskaya and Mikhail Shufutinsky.
  4. In the Soviet years, the poet received about 10 thousand rubles a month, which allowed him to save a large sum to the passbook. Then he dreamed of a comfortable old age, however, the 98th year crossed out all his plans, leaving the poor and without a penny of money.
  5. For a long time, Ilya Rakhmielevich was a colleague and friend of Alla Pugacheva. But soon a conflict occurred between them, which separated them for seven years. According to the poet himself, the money issue became the reason for such relations. For a long time he could not come to terms with the fact that he had almost nothing for his songs, and the artists earned decent money. When the poet fell seriously ill, Pugacheva not only showed attention to him, but also made a good gift. Since then, colleagues have always been in touch.
  6. The most beloved and strongest song for Reznik was the composition "Spant on Love", which he wrote in tandem with Primadona. But he does not remember unsuccessful songs. Many of his compositions never reached the audience, as they were commissioned by little-known performers.
  7. Often the poet gave his creations or wrote for free for many artists, the list of which includes Edita Piekha, Iosif Kobzon, Aziza, Soso Pavliashvili. And even for many of his hits he was given small amounts. So, for the "Cabriolet", written for Lyubov Uspenskaya, the artist received only 11 thousand rubles for the year.

The biography of Ilya Reznik is well known to all fans of modern Russian music. This is National artist Russia, famous songwriter, famous actor cinema and screenwriter. In this article we will talk about the features of his life and fate.


Let's start considering the biography of Ilya Reznik from the time when the hero of the article was born in Leningrad (1938). He was born into a Jewish family. In the biography of Ilya Reznik, nationality played a certain role, since it was more difficult for him to break through to the top than for many others.

When the Great Patriotic War began, Ilya was still a very young child. He endured the blockade of Leningrad, and after the liberation of the city from the Nazi invaders, he went with his family to evacuate to the Urals. During the war, Ilya lost his father, he was seriously wounded, from which he died in the hospital.

Raising by grandparents

In the biography of Ilya Reznik, it was a difficult time. His mother soon after the death of her husband remarried, going with her new husband to Riga. And her new husband did not want to accept Ilya into the family, even put an ultimatum to his mother: either he or his son. The woman refused the boy. For Reznik, this was a serious blow, he considered it a betrayal, for a long time he could not forgive his mother, reconciling with her only in adulthood.

As a result, a key role in the biography of Ilya Reznik, his upbringing was played by his grandparents, with whom he stayed in Leningrad. They were emigrants from Denmark who came to the Soviet Union only in 1934. Grandfather was a shoemaker, provided for the whole family. Rakhmiel Samuilovich and Riva Girshevna officially adopted the boy, and not just took custody of him.


When Ilya was in elementary school, he dreamed of becoming a long-distance sailor, he was going to enter the Nakhimov School. In high school, he began to think about an artillery school. But before graduation, he wanted to become an actor.

After school, he immediately applied to the Institute of Music, Theater and Cinema, but failed in the entrance exams. Getting ready to enter next year, he worked as a laboratory assistant at a medical institute, worked as an electrician, every summer he tried to pass the exams again. Luck turned to face him in 1958.

After graduating from high school, he was accepted into the troupe of the Komissarzhevskaya Theater. He participated in performances, simultaneously honing his poetic skills. By the way, he wrote his first songs ("Cockroach" and "Ballad of a French duel") when he studied at a theater university.

Four years later, his first book of poems comes out, all of them are addressed to children. The publication is called "Tyapa does not want to be a clown." A few more works for young readers follow. An important event for him takes place in 1969, when he decides to devote himself to the stage. This happens after the song "Cinderella" performed by Lyudmila Senchina gains all-Union popularity.

Popular songs

In 1972, Reznik finally left the theater to focus on writing lyrics for songs. The same period includes his entry into the Union of Writers of Leningrad.

This year is generally significant for Reznik. It was then that he met Alla Pugacheva, writing for her the song "Let's sit and have a look." With this composition, the future prima donna domestic stage wins the All-Union competition, gaining the right to represent the USSR at the international festival in Sopot.

At that time, Reznik writes several more lyrics that make him fashionable and famous author. For example, the song "Apple trees in bloom" performed by Sofia Rotaru becomes a hit. She wins the vocal competition in Czechoslovakia "Bratislava Lira". Moreover, this victory is the first for the Soviet Union at the prestigious international competition. Rotaru also performs "Apple Trees in Bloom" at the "Song of the Year" festival, in the future Reznik becomes the winner of this competition about 30 more times.

Success after success follows in the creative biography of Ilya Reznik. Composers Raymond Pauls, Maxim Dunayevsky, Vladimir Feltsman consider it prestigious to write music to his texts. The songs of the hero of our article are performed by Irina Ponarovskaya, Mikhail Boyarsky, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., Valery Leontiev, Nikolai Karachentsev, Laima Vaikule, Tamara Gverdtsiteli.

Cooperation with Pugacheva

Still, Reznik's work with Alla Pugacheva turns out to be the most fruitful, longest. Thanks to the hero of our article, the songs "Ballet", "Maestro", "Without Me", "My Years", "Old Clock", "Photographer", "Three Happy Days" appear in her repertoire.

In the mid-90s, this creative union broke up as a result of a major scandal. Pugacheva and Reznik quarreled over money. When the poet found out that the proceeds from the sales of the latest hits of the Primadonna amounted to about six million dollars, he decided that part of the money was due to him. But the singer refused.

Then Reznik went to court. Themis's servants ordered the singer to pay $100,000 to the poet.

reconciled former friends only in 2016. As a sign that all insults are forgotten, Pugacheva even spoke at the creative evening of the hero of our article in the Kremlin. After that, they began to call up regularly, and Pugacheva even voluntarily helped the poet with money, for which he and his wife went on vacation to Dubai.

Biographies and collections of poetry

In addition to lyrics for songs, Reznik has released about ten poetry collections intended for children. He also wrote a biographical study called "Alla Pugacheva and others."

AT different years his collections of poems Chastushki, Leili, Two Above the City, Square of Quatrains were published.

He is also the author of the poem "Egor Panov and Sanya Vanin", dedicated to the work of the police, a patriotic work for children called "Where to Serve". In 2004, an unusual volume of poems called Napkins is a collection of his works written on napkins.


Not everyone knows that Reznik is also known as a film actor. His debut on big screen happened in Yevgeny Tatarsky's 1979 adventure film "The Suicide Club, or the Adventures of a Titled Person". In this film adaptation of Stevenson's stories, he played the role of a criminal in a wheelchair. Together with him on one film set worked Donatas Banionis, Oleg Dal, Igor Dmitriev.

In 1985, he appeared in a cameo role in Naum Ardashnikov's musical film I Came and I Say. Reznik wrote the script for this picture, which tells about one of the stages of the creative biography of Alla Pugacheva.

Then he appeared in small roles in the New Year's film "Only Once ...", the melodrama "Moscow Beauties", the comedy "Diamonds for Juliet". In 2006, he played in the comedy film-concert by Eldar Ryazanov "Carnival Night-2, or 50 years later."

Often, Reznik collaborated with film directors, creating songs that sound in the pictures. For example, compositions based on his poems can be heard in Alla Surikova's comedy "Children of Monday", the melodramatic comedy by Valery Sarkisov and Viktor Merezhko "New Year's Men".


Personal life, wife in the biography of Ilya Reznik played an important role. He enjoyed success with women from a young age, but remained free for a long time, deciding to marry for the first time only at the age of 30. Regina became his chosen one, who at that time worked as the deputy director of the Variety Theater in Leningrad. They met on tour, the girl was more than ten years younger than the hero of our article, but this did not bother them.

Over time, Regina also began to play on stage, not forgetting to equip family life. Ilya Reznik recalls this marriage with warmth. The biography (the wife had a significant influence on her) of the poet was successful, he became the father of two children. Son Maxim became a journalist. He was born in 1969, was one of the participants in the cult musical talk show of the mid-90s "Pen Sharks". In 1976, daughter Alice was born, who became a photographer. Children in the biography of Ilya Reznik occupied an important place, but the alliance with Regina gradually fell apart.

Perhaps the last straw was the birth of the hero of the article illegitimate son Eugene in 1981. Almost nothing is known about him. Now he lives in Odessa. At some point, the wife, children in the biography of Ilya Reznik ceased to play such a significant role as before, the couple divorced. At the same time, Maxim stayed with his father.

Second marriage

The second wife of the composer was the Uzbek choreographer and dancer Munira Argumbaeva. They got married in 1985, and four years later their son Arthur was born. In the biography, personal life of Ilya Reznik, at that time there were big changes, it was also connected with what was happening in Russia.

As a result, the artist and his family left for America in the early 90s. True, he returned to his homeland quite quickly, already in 1992. But Munira and her son chose to stay in the United States. They never lived together again, although they officially divorced only 20 years later.

At the same time, his second divorce was actively covered in the press, since Munira refused to sign Required documents, stating that Reznik leaves her with her son without a livelihood. She also told reporters that she learned about the divorce itself from the newspapers. They could only divorce through the courts.

Third wedding

Almost immediately after the second divorce, the hero of the article entered into a new marriage. In the biography of Ilya Reznik, the wife of Irina Romanova today plays a leading role. She is a master of sports in athletics, who currently runs a company called the Ilya Reznik Music Center.

For the sake of his new wife, the composer converted to Orthodoxy. In 2018, they got married. They have no children in marriage. Irina is 27 years younger than her husband, but this does not in the least interfere with their family happiness.

It is known that for the last 20 years Reznik has been living in the suburbs in a rented house. This had to be done, since after 1998 the composer was almost completely ruined, he lost almost all his savings. Then his health deteriorated greatly. Only a meeting with Irina helped him to his feet. Here is everything that is known about the biography, personal life, nationality of Ilya Reznik.

Activities in recent years

In April 2018, Reznik celebrated his 80th birthday. On the eve of this significant event, his creative evening took place on the stage of the Kremlin Palace under the name "Anniversary Vernissage". Most of the famous artists who have ever collaborated with him took part in it. Among them are Alla Pugacheva, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Laima Vaikule, as well as the children's musical theater of Ilya Reznik, many other creative teams and artists.

On the birthday of the hero of our article, President Vladimir Putin congratulated him. In general, at that time, increased attention of the media and the public was riveted to him. A documentary was released on television entitled "Which year I wander the earth ...".

One of the issues of the talk show "Tonight" was entirely dedicated to the poet Ilya Reznik. Reznik's friends, his relatives and the birthday man himself came to visit the presenters Yulia Menshova and Maxim Galkin. They recalled interesting funny stories and cases from his life, the poet himself told how certain hits were created.

Once Alla Pugacheva called me in Los Angeles: “Where have you gone? What are you doing over there?" She, like everyone else, was sure that Reznik and I had divorced a long time ago: “A woman walked next to Ilya, he represented her as his director, and then announced:“ This is my wife. “We are still married! I exclaimed. For some reason I'm being called to court. But where will I go? I don’t even have anywhere to stay in Moscow…” But Alla reassured me: “Don’t worry. Buy a ticket, we'll figure something out ... "When I received a telegram with a mysterious text:" You need to appear in a Moscow court as a defendant, "I immediately called Ilya's son Maxim.

He was not in the know, he promised to find out from his father. Then he calls back: “Dad was very nervous when I asked: should you go to Moscow? He even yelled at me: “How do I know! Maybe it's about retirement. But after a while, Ilya nevertheless plucked up courage and conveyed through his son: “Let Munira sign a letter that she agrees to a divorce, I promise to send her money every month.” How unhuman!

The first to know the whole truth about my current situation was Philip Kirkorov. He came to Los Angeles to shoot the video. In the breaks between filming, I told him my story. About the fact that Ilya took me with my four-year-old son to America and left me alone there, that we did not get divorced and were not going to get divorced, that Ilya was deceiving me all this time ...

Philip was shocked. And when he returned to Moscow, he told Alla everything ...

My plane from Los Angeles lands in Moscow. The director of Alla Pugacheva meets me at the airport. I am very worried: the next day I have an appointment with a lawyer. Suddenly in the evening a call: “Are you standing, Munira? Better sit down. You've been divorced for a long time." While I was making a foreign passport, I was late for the court, and Ilya and I were divorced at his request. Without me…

All this time I lived in America in complete isolation! Often, calling Ilya, she asked about our mutual acquaintances, about Alla and Philip, he answered dryly: “They have their own life, I have my own. I don't talk to them!


And besides, I have no friends, only colleagues at work. Strange... I didn't recognize my Ilyusha. After all, once they were very friends with Pugacheva. Ilya constantly said: "Alla is my younger sister, I am her older brother."

Then it turned out that many acquaintances asked Ilya for my American phone number, and he answered: they say, Munira is not feeling well and it’s better not to disturb her. Apparently, he was afraid that someone would give out a secret: another one had been living in his house for a long time ...

At first, when I returned to Moscow, I lived in a hotel, then Philip invited me to his dacha. His aunt, who has a million worries - a child, a household, a house - surrounded me with warmth and attention. I lived there for two months. Thanks to Alla, I received Russian passport I now have registration and a roof over my head.

What Alla and Philip talked about when discussing my problem remains a secret for me. But soon they handed me the keys to the apartment: "You will live here until you get on your feet." Even if I look through Dahl's entire dictionary, I won't be able to find worthy words thanks to both of them...

And Ilya was offended: they say, Alla specifically called me here. To him, you see, to spite! He even dropped the phrase somewhere: “A real persecution was organized against me.” But Alla only does what my husband, with whom we lived for 25 years, should do ...

It infuriates him that it is Alla who helps me, and he is trying to quarrel us. Recently he said at all: "They were enemies." On what basis could Alla and I be enemies?

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