Parents of Ekaterina Safronova. "God took me away from him." Ekaterina Safronova said she was not surprised by Kerzhakov's divorce: she knew about the problems in the football player's family. Divorce from Safronov and a new marriage

Photos of Milana Kerzhakova, her husband Alexander (Sasha, as she affectionately calls him), the first and second wives of this man, as well as photos of his children, I collected a week ago. I read and watched all kinds of interviews with them, scrolled through their instagrams and made my own conclusions, which may be biased and incorrect, the situation that has arisen in this family is too complicated and confusing. World big money, sports, career, drugs, secular parties are extremely far from the world common man. Everything is different there ... But nevertheless, what do we have? On the one hand, Milan with the tender flower surname Tyulpanova as a girl, a vulnerable, spoiled, depressed girl-princess, on the other hand, a former athlete, ladies' man, conqueror of women's hearts, a handsome, sultry man, father of many children alone - Alexander Kerzhakova.

Did Alexander and Milana have love, and if so, where did it disappear to?

Although I have been studying the biographies of these two for a week now, I have not received a clear answer as to who is white and fluffy. New facts and details are constantly emerging. The result so far is this - there are no pussies there.

If you look at Milana Kerzhakova's Instagram, you may get the wrong impression that she is a cheering girl with languid eyes in a wet place, she loved, and he used and offended her, you might think. This is how it seemed to me yesterday. Today I watched another interview with Milana, it would have been filmed even before the grandiose mess with the kidnapping of the baby began. So, Milana said that she feels more masculine character traits than women's. In this interview, she gesticulates a lot with thin hands with crooked fingers, brightly made up and talks about why wives depend on their husbands. In this video, a group of cool people gathered like her, someone has achieved everything himself, someone has rich parents or husbands. Milana Kerzhakova was not the sweetest and most gentle there, a typical big girl, confident in herself and her abilities, a difficult girl. She also told that she did not receive enough love from her father, he after long separations only shook her hand, and she so wanted hugs and kind words. Therefore, having matured, she began to reach out to such guys who can wrap her emotionally in a cloud of love. Such instances seem to her superhuman, she falls for them immediately. So Alexander Kerzhakov looked after her beautifully and skillfully poured into her ears. What else did Milana Kerzhakova tell in this video? Divorce! He threatened her with divorce many times. For her, this word is taboo! Mother and father were married for more than thirty years, no one in the family got divorced. On the part of Alexander Kerzhakov, this was the purest blackmail, which his wife led every time. Alexander Kerzhakov supported his wife in all endeavors, she could take up the embodiment of any of her ideas, even if they were the most ridiculous. But he did not allow her to communicate with certain people. It was a strict ban, you had to obey. But she renamed contacts, Kerzhakov fired her, she renamed again. That is, she went against the wishes of her husband. Alexander Kerzhakov is a powerful man, his heart was not so overwhelmed with love for Princess Milan to forgive her her jambs forever. The wife fell into a terrible depression after the death of her father, Kerzhakov could endure this for only a few months. Milana drank antidepressants and alcohol, then switched to cocaine, sniffed it for about two months (her words, I'm not slandering).

Further. I read a 40-page forum where the relationship between Milana and Alexander Kerzhakov was discussed, some members of the forum knew one or the other personally. What are their impressions of these media people? We draw portraits. As you know Kerzhakov founder charitable foundation"Stars for children", Milana works for him as something like a manager to extort money from sponsors, for sure this position has more beautiful name but let's call a spade a spade. So, forum users write that Milana is not always friendly, she is domineering, arrogant with employees, and Sasha, on the contrary, is affectionate and responsive, but pays too much attention opposite sex He loves women, and they love him. Milana is having a hard time with her husband’s betrayals, but she forgives them, I don’t know what nerves it costs her, but the fact remains: football players are like that, they are extremely rarely faithful to their wives! In many comments they write that, they say, Milan does not work, she sits on her husband’s neck, and is toiling around with nonsense at home. But this is not so, she graduated from the institute and, moreover, she has a master's degree twice, she loves to work, she is very active, even being on last month pregnancy, she was traveling on business trips.

What other facts did you manage to unearth? Milana Kerzhakova, according to her friends, has already been treated for depression and hard drinking. She was emotionally unstable, so she could not devote enough time to her child. Then she went to the clinic for 4 months, all this time the child was with her mother, and only then little Artemy was taken to his father. Milana's mother also suffered the death of the head of the family very hard, she became addicted to alcohol, she could not pay enough attention to her daughter. I don’t even really want to understand the cutting of money. But if in general, then Alexander Kerzhakov insists that Milan return part of his earnings to him, we are talking about several million.

Milana Kerzhakova is pretty, but she is not happy with her appearance, so she did all kinds of plastic surgery In particular, she enlarged her breasts. Of all the colors in clothes, he prefers black.

On August 28, 2014, Milana Tyulpanova and Alexander Kerzhakov met. A couple of years before that, he saw her on an airplane, and then, when in a relationship with civil wife Ekaterina Safronova fell into discord, he began to look for contacts of Milana Tyulpanova through acquaintances. At first they met as friends, she was 20 years old, and he was 32. He calmly but confidently launched his long fishing rod into her shallow pond.

He severely merged his former wife, declaring to the whole world a drug addict. But Ekaterina Safronova had a stigma in the cannon, she really said in one of her interviews, they say, who didn’t get into drugs in her youth? In addition, she herself said that her acquaintances dabble in drugs, but Alexander Kerzhakov insisted that she not come into contact with them.

The very story of the acquaintance of Alexander and Ekaterina Safronova is very revealing, he was married, she was married, but they met in a nightclub. Kerzhakov says that he was in the process of a divorce, but Katya does not hide that things were not bad with her husband, he just worked under a contract in another city, a Decembrist hockey player, for whom his wife did not go into exile. Well, Katya didn’t like to sit at home alone - her husband was at the training camp, she had a party, she fused the child from her first marriage to her grandmother. Ekaterina Safronova said in her interviews, they say, yes, I'm not a noble girl, Kerzhakov knew who he had his eye on, but he was fine with it long time, and then you see it became disgusting to him.

Another pebble in Catherine's garden, when her baby, born from Kerzhakov, was very small - she went to the clinic to change her breast implants, you see, the sissy ached, her husband tore her pectoral muscle during a showdown. Well what can I say? The priorities of this lady are clear. Parties, spree, hookah and something stronger than beer. But still, it is wrong not to allow a mother to see her child. AT last time she hugged him when he was one year old! At the time of this writing, Igor turned 5 years old! During this time, Catherine managed to give birth to herself another child from another man, with whom she seems to have also parted at this moment. A muddy woman, but not finished, just a broken woman, a former athlete, with adolescence lived alone, here is the result. Okay ... I'm tired of this story, I barely squeezed it out of myself. It was interesting to read about all this on the Internet, I wanted to understand whether Alexander Kerzhakov is really such a monster who takes children away from their mothers? Blue Beard? It seems to me that he is not an easy guy, but since Yana Rudkovskaya fought for her children, and the wife of Alexei Panin, no one fought. I don’t want to say that Ekaterina Safronova is not trying to return her son, she is trying, but perhaps she could not bring all this to such an absurd situation. How? If she had remained faithful to her first husband, everything would have been fine with her.

Well, the photos themselves, there are a lot of them!

In this photo, the wedding of grandparents Milana Kerzhakova. Grandma claims that grandpa looked like Kerzhakov in his youth!

In the photo of Milan Kerzhakov with Igor, the son of Katya Safronova.

Milana with her brother.

Words about his wife Milan in Kerzhakov's book!

In this photo, the parents of Milana Kerzhakova.

Vadim Albertovich Tyulpanov loved his wife Natalya very much! Shortly before his death, he rattled her a carpet from some eastern country, but the wife was extremely unhappy with his choice. There was a scandal, Natasha slammed the door and did not want to communicate with her husband anymore. Albertovich sincerely experienced this situation.

In the photo, Alexander Kerzhakov holds his son, born Milana, in his arms.

Childhood photo of Alexander Kerzhakov.

Son of Milan and Alexander Kerzhakov.

Milana with her brother Vladik.

In the photo, Ekaterina Safronova and her daughter.

Childhood photo of Milana with her parents.

Katya Safronova blooms brightly and smells delicious!

In the photo Artemy Alexandrovich Kerzhakov.

With stepson Igor.

In this photo, Alexander Kerzhakov with Milan, eldest daughter Daria and son Igor.

In this photo, Alexander Kerzhakov with his children and wife Milana.

Ekaterina Safronova with her eldest daughter, to whom Kerzhakov, by the way, was more than indifferent.

Six months ago, Ekaterina Safronova became a mother for the third time. A joyful event happened in the life of the former common-law wife of Alexander Kerzhakov on March 24, in the midst of her struggle with a football player for the right to educate them little son Igor. The newborn was born in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg, but Safronov does not want to advertise the name of the baby's father to this day.

Life still managed to find out with whom the 29-year-old Safronova had a relationship immediately after a loud breakup with the Russian scorer. Little Stefania calls the law enforcement officer of the city of St. Petersburg Alexander Semelyuk dad. By the way, from the football player Kerzhakov and her first husband, the hockey player Safronov, a man is distinguished not only by his occupation, but also by his relationship with a mother of many children. According to inner circle Catherine, Alexander is the only one with whom of the three fathers of her children she managed to maintain a warm relationship after parting.

Apart from own father there is another man in the life of six-month-old Stesha. The other day Safronov and her youngest daughter. Judging by the social networks of the girl, the young man does not skimp on expensive gifts spending a lot of money on his beloved. A man working in the auto business literally showers his beloved with chic bouquets of flowers and branded bags. In her microblog, Safronova also boasted more than once about trips to the sea and a brand new snow-white Mercedes.

It is worth noting that with the advent of a new boyfriend, Safronova's name began to appear less in the scandalous chronicle, and the struggle for a three-year-old son seems to have completely disappeared. Recall that for several years Catherine tried to win back little Igor from Kerzhakov, who brings him up with his new wife Milana, the daughter of a St. Petersburg senator. The athlete assured that Safronova was not able to answer for the boy because of her addiction to drugs. This was precisely the reason that the footballer, through the court, limited the former common-law wife to parental rights.

Little Igor, however, does not notice the absence of his own mother. Everything free time the wife of the pope - Milana - spends with the child. While the baby's father is training at the training camp, Igor is resting with the family of the 22-year-old daughter of the St. Petersburg politician, Vadim Tyulpanov.

Eldest daughter Ekaterina, nine-year-old Sonya, lives with her father, hockey player Kirill Safronov and his wife Anastasia. The girl, however, sometimes stays in the country house of her mother's new lover, where not so long ago Safronova moved things from a modest five-story building.

Colleagues and friends of the forward of the Russian national team keep deathly silence.

Ekaterina's friends are also silent. And those rare revelations that lawyers and acquaintances of the once loving couple go to raise doubts. Painfully, the bright love story of Kerzhakov and Safronova does not fit with the events that are unfolding now.

On the page of Ekaterina Safronova and Alexander Kerzhakov there are dozens of joint photos. On the cards - happy, beautiful, carefree young people. At a party, at a picnic, at home.

May 21, 2013 Kerzhakov left a note under the photo of Catherine: “I am very happy next to her. Love her". Friends commented: "Take care of each other."

On January 22 of this year, a photo of Ekaterina with a newborn child was posted on the footballer's page. Under it is the signature: "My favorite."

And again the comments: “Sanya, you a beautiful couple! Finally, the child was shown. "Future Footballer"

On the same day, Catherine posted a photo of a ring studded with diamonds: “Hurrah! Sasha proposed to me."

Someone below wrote:


“Yes, we have a son,” Kerzhakov replied.

"Congratulations". “Looking at you with Katya, the soul rejoices. So everything will go uphill.” "Take care of each other. I hope this year will bring you only good news and desired events.”

“I really hope so,” the player thanked everyone.

A little later, Alexander posted a card of his son. And the entry: “My beloved son. Now we will live together.”

On August 1, 2014, a photograph of a luxurious girl appeared on Kerzhakov's page. Under it is the inscription: "My beloved girl."

The answer was not long in coming: “Sasha, I love you very much. You are my life, my love, my air that I breathe.

Ekaterina at the same time had only one entry: “I will definitely be fine. The world is not without good people. Thanks to everyone who is with me."

"Fabulous Relationship"

Friends of Alexander Kerzhakov seem to have taken water in their mouths. To all our requests for clarification of the current situation, meager answers: "No comment."

There were also a couple of strange messages from Catherine’s friends: “We beg you, don’t write about this ... It’s not so simple there ...”.

Only one friend of Safronova, Elena Loginova, agreed to communicate.

We have been friends with Katya since 2011. From the first second I had an opinion about her, which has not changed to this day. She is a cheerful, positive, incredibly kind and sensitive person. I even want to call her not Katya, but Katenka. This girl has rare combination external beauty and a rich soul. The house was always kept clean and comfortable, you won’t notice a speck of dust or a mote. She was also an excellent mother. For Sonya's daughter from her first marriage, she did everything. Such caring mom I have never seen. It happened, no matter how I call Katya, she was all in business - she constantly cooked something, cleaned the house, took the child to rides, theaters, for walks, to visit, constantly engaged in Sonechka. Yes, and the baby can be seen - the girl is very well-groomed, smart, she adored her mother.

- Do you remember how the relationship between Catherine and Kerzhakov began?

- Now it’s very strange for me to read that Katya is so bad: she took Kerzhakov away from the family, left her husband, put money in a priority. Even before meeting Sasha, Katya was something of herself: she had her own business, she is a former athlete, educated, in any companies she was received with a bang. It was interesting with her, fun, she has a great sense of humor, there was always something to talk about. Many turned to her for help - they never knew a refusal.

- Kerzhakov courted Katya for a long time?

“I thought it was love at first sight. Katya, in turn, always gave him freedom of choice, never put pressure on him. Before this New Year they bought Vacation home in an elite village in the north of St. Petersburg. So Katya herself thought over the design of the house, did repairs on her own, went shopping, chose furniture. She even stopped communicating with her girlfriends, everything was worn around hardware stores.

- That is, six months ago, love reigned?

- What more love! The way Katya treated Sasha, no one ever treated him. It was a fabulous relationship. Katya always waited for him from training, often came to pick him up. I met Sasha at home for lunch and dinner. People who are well acquainted with Kerzhakov noticed dramatic changes in him after he began dating Katya: he began to dress stylishly, was always well-groomed, Katya watched him appearance. I would say she made it. She took great care of him. If he was ill, then Katya always sat nearby, ran for medicines, stood by the stove, and talked with doctors.

- They say that Catherine gave a lot of time to parties?

- That's funny. It was possible to meet her only on those days when Sasha went to the games. She devoted herself entirely to her family.

- How did the ex-husband and Katya break up?

- After her divorce from Cyril, she was able to maintain an excellent relationship with him, and this says a lot.

- Did Catherine's eldest daughter live with her?

Yes, they all lived together. And this is understandable: if a man really loves a woman, then he will love her child in exactly the same way. They spent all weekends and holidays together. I'm sorry that the guys so everything went wrong at one moment.

- Maybe this whole scandal is for PR?

- Now many people say and write that Katya wants popularity, to light up, but this is nonsense! I remember when Katya was pregnant, my photographer friend asked me to talk to Katya in order to shoot her and place her in magazines. I called and voiced this proposal, to which Katya unequivocally answered “no”. For her, this is very personal, and she did not want to flaunt it, make it public and accessible to everyone. family values. Everything that happened came as a complete surprise to me. I still can't believe. Something is not right here ... Maybe at the moment when the relationship went wrong, they deliberately kept silent, did not want to wash dirty linen in public?

And here is what Kerzhakov's acquaintances said, who wished not to give their names in the press.

- Understand, the wives of football players are a certain category of people. These are spoiled ladies who are lucky to come into contact with a star. There are always a lot of girls around the players - most of them know each other. They lead a bohemian lifestyle, where there is often a place for drugs. Katya seemed to be addicted to drugs. Sasha is against such things. He tried to pull her out, she was treated in drug treatment clinic. We can't be 100% sure, but that's exactly what the rumors are circulating in the party. Nobody goes into details. And Kerzhakov himself is moving away from this topic ...

“I don’t need either his alimony or Kerzhakov himself”

This week, Safronova and her lawyers held a press conference in Moscow.

Some moments from that event were described in the press. Something was on the TV news. But a lot has been left behind.

It seemed to me that a conversation with journalists would dot the "i" in this story. As a result, the situation turned out to be even more terrible.

I did not immediately realize that in front of me was the same Ekaterina Safronova, whom I saw in the photographs on the social network.

A short, thin girl - a complete lack of makeup, in jeans and a vest - did not give the impression of a lady who could break a heart famous football player.

Noticing a crowd of journalists, Catherine shuddered, lowered her head.

She was later asked questions. There were few of them. The audience understood: Katya will not tell much. And without that, a quiet voice constantly trembled ...

“This story is very complex, it has two components,” the lawyer began. - The first is the mother, who was deprived and completely isolated from the child. The second is the big money that exists in business. How these two components are intertwined, I will try to tell.

Here is what the press wrote: “Several years ago, Alexander Kerzhakov signed an agreement with Voronezh businessman Mikhail Surin for 105 million rubles on participation in the construction of an oil refinery in Voronezh region. When the footballer once again checked bank card, found out that the account is empty. A total of 329 million was withdrawn from it. The construction of the plant meanwhile was stopped.

Later, Kerzhakov's lawyer explained the scheme, using which the money was withdrawn from the footballer's accounts. Kerzhakov was a VIP client of one bank. He called the manager on the phone and gave the command to transfer a certain amount. These transactions were never recorded on paper. Bank manager Vladimir Bagaev began to transfer money from St. Petersburg to Voronezh, without informing the football player. Part of the money transfer documents was signed not by Kerzhakov, but by some other person. The lawyer claims that about 70 million rubles were taken away in this way: the fact of the forgery of the signature was established by an expert through an investigation in a criminal case.

However, from the lawyer Ekaterina Safronova, we heard a different version of the above events. In any case, when asked how this story is connected with Catherine, he replied:

“There are rumors that it was designed to steal money from marital property.

Why did Katya come to Moscow? What is she up to?

I don't know Catherine for long. I was amazed when she said that she absolutely did not need anything from Kerzhakov, she did not need his property, nor his debts, nor his alimony, nor his goals, nor himself. She only wants a child.

- But Safronova could count on alimony if the child stayed with her?

- I don’t know what salary Kerzhakov receives, but I think it is many, many millions of dollars. And, of course, I don’t want to pay child support for the unfortunate child from these “many, many”. It’s easier to take your son for yourself, throw him into the nanny and declare your ex crazy and a drug addict.

“Katya ran away from the hospital. She has neither things nor a home.”

A tough question followed from the audience.

- Ekaterina, it is true that in last days, when you were still in St. Petersburg, you were seen at the apartment where the drug den is located. Did you hang out with a friend of yours, a certain Ivanov, who had a heart attack that day from a heroin overdose?

"That's not true," the girl said in a barely audible voice.

There were no further explanations.

- Is it true that you were offered to meet with the child, but you yourself did not want to?

- It is not true…

- Tell us how you ended up in a psychiatric clinic?

- I was told: if I do not pass a certain examination, then I will not see the child. The first time I was admitted to the clinic under the pretext of another asthma treatment. I have been asthmatic since childhood. Then I was transferred from one department to another, where they locked me in a room. 2.5 months I was in complete isolation from outside world. I was given many diagnoses, including schizophrenia.

Have you been diagnosed now?

- I don't know.

- How do you not know?

Catherine shrugged.

A lawyer came to her rescue.

- How can a person who practically escaped from the hospital know about the removal of diagnoses. She has no things here, no home. Now we are sending certain requests to all hospitals in St. Petersburg, where Ekaterina was, we will arrange examinations, perhaps the doctors will be held accountable for the diagnoses they made. We are just starting to unravel this whole situation.

Suddenly, a tall brunette appeared in the center of the hall. She introduced herself as the press secretary of Alexander Kerzhakov, Elena Bolotova.

“I have a court decision of May 26 in my hands that Kerzhakov’s child will live with his father,” Bolotova handed out a photocopy of this document to journalists. - There were no appeals to this decision from Catherine. And there could be no persecution and threats from Kerzhakov. Everything that happens here is a cheap show. Katenka, tell everyone how you were forbidden to see your child? It's not true.

The lady was interrupted by Ekaterina's lawyer, Dobrovinsky.

- Catherine knows something about Kerzhakov that cannot be disclosed. Not yet.

- Ekaterina has a huge correspondence with Mr. Kerzhakov's lawyers on her phone. The girl repeatedly asks to see her son, but she is constantly fed “breakfasts”, moreover, they say, they say, stop contacting Kerzhakov, you make him nervous.

- Why is Katya not supported by Zenit players, their wives, with whom she was friends?

“Intimidated,” Dobrovinsky was not in the least embarrassed.

- That's funny!

It's a matter of money, nothing else.

- Ekaterina, are you registered with a narcologist? - a question from the audience.

- I'm not on any account.

- When did you see your son?

- Three months ago.

- How did you react to the court decision that your son will live with his father?

- Then I did not mean that he would want to deprive me of parental rights ...

And again, Safronova's lawyer took the floor.

- That trial passed when Katya was being held in psychiatric clinics. Her case was handled by a lawyer who convinced her client that it would be better for her to recognize the claim for determining the place of residence of the child with Alexander. And he promised that in two months the decision would be reviewed. She did not sign any refusal of the child ...

"The football player was blinded by love"

The defense side of Alexander Kerzhakov was not surprised by the speech of the lawyer.

On this score, they have their own opinion and version of what is happening.

“Alexander Dobrovinsky is a big inventor,” Igor Reshetnikov, the football player’s lawyer, began the conversation. “But there are a lot of inventors in the Kerzhakov case. The first place is occupied by the Voronezh businessman Mikhail Surin. So, what is happening now is Kerzhakov’s undisguised blackmail: either he somehow agrees with Katya about raising a child in exchange for money, or Katya gives evidence that she was invented and that will hit the investigation of our criminal case. We have assumed before that Ekaterina could be used as a false witness for the defense on the other side. But the fact that Katya could know or hear something about the money invested by Kerzhakov - this information does not correspond to reality.

Now what we feared is happening. Some cunning guys found Ekaterina, took advantage of her not quite adequate condition and convinced her to give certain testimony. Perhaps in return she was promised that by doing so she would be able to further improve her financial situation, since Kerzhakov will not be able to fight her and will agree to the payment of alimony.

Does she need alimony? It seems that Katya said that she, apart from the child, did not need anything else from Kerzhakov?

- It is quite obvious that a child for her is just a guarantee of a prosperous life for the next 17 years.

- And yet Catherine used drugs?

- Kerzhakov's house has a state-of-the-art video surveillance system. Now I asked the experts to get the data from the data storage and make a small storyboard of what happened in the house in the absence of my husband. It seems to me that this will leave no doubt as to whether Katya took drugs or not. Alexander still opposes the publication of these data. Be that as it may, she is the mother of his child. But if it comes to serious proceedings, we will stop at nothing.

- The reason for the separation of Kerzhakov from Safronova - drugs?

- Only drugs. They had strong love. Alexander left his wife, she ran away from her husband, hockey player Kirill Safronov. They broke out strong feelings. At least for Kerzhakov in this regard, I vouch.

- Yes. Frankly speaking, a man in love is stupid and blind. Alexander did not see simple things. He completely ignored past life Catherine, who was quite stormy. There were cases when he returned earlier to the city after the game and found his cohabitant in strange state but did not respond to it. Perhaps he missed the moment. At first, he hid it from everyone. None of us knew about Katya's addictions. Gradually, Sasha began to open up to us, slowly in the form of complaints: they say, what to do with this? And then it became clear that nothing could be done about it. And then he had the idea of ​​parting with Catherine. This thought was given to him extremely hard, because he wanted to cure her of addiction. But the treatment did not bring results. She repeatedly went to clinics, but did not get well, interrupted the course of treatment. She left the hospital in the same condition in which she was taken there. By the time Alexander decided to part with Katya, they already had a child. Kerzhakov made every effort to keep his son to himself. Although these efforts were microscopic - Katya did not mind that the child would stay with Sasha, provided that Kerzhakov would somehow provide for her somewhere later life. And this led to the fact that on her part a frantic search began for opportunities to put pressure on Kerzhakov. For starters, she found a simple lawyer. But when I realized that there would be no sense in him, Dobrovinsky appeared.

- How did he appear?

- I don’t know, but I don’t exclude that their meeting was not without the participation of our procedural opponents in Voronezh.

- How did Catherine give birth to a child if, according to you, she had been on drugs for a long time?

- If you came to St. Petersburg, visited the maternity hospital on Furshtatskaya and asked the obstetricians who delivered Katya how everything happened, you would be shocked.

- You won't tell?

- I know how and what happened, but I have no documentary evidence of this. Although this is an open secret for everyone. Ask a couple of questions to the doctors - and everything will fall into place.

- Katya has a second child. Who is he with now?

- As far as I understand, her eldest daughter is with someone.

- It's strange, but her friends speak of Katya as an exemplary wife and a good mother?

- Because Kerzhakov never took dirty linen out of public. I experienced all this tragedy in myself. I have been talking with Alexander for a long time and trying to understand why and why he found this Katya for himself. Logically, this is impossible to understand. He was just overwhelmed with emotion. Now that all this has passed, we begin to analyze the situation - and an interesting picture emerges. When Kerzhakov began dating Katya, she sat on his ears, that supposedly her ex-husband, hockey player Konstantin Safronov, with friends will not leave Alexander alone because he took his wife away from him. Accordingly, Alexander began to fear. And at that moment, Voronezh comrades also appeared out of nowhere - the same Surin and company. I cannot say that the story of money is directly related to the appearance of Katya, but there is a certain relationship. Understand, Kerzhakov clever guy I have known him for a long time. And his act, connected with the transfer of money to Voronezh, does not fit into any framework. After all, as usual, he transferred 50 million, 60 million, 50 million again, then 20 million. He was as if under hypnosis. It wasn't him. I think when we figure out whether there is a relationship between the appearance of Katya in the life of a football player and Voronezh entrepreneurs, then everything will fall into place. And it will already separate plot.

“Perhaps Katerina will turn out to be such a femme fatale?

- Exactly. See how skillfully she turned her head first to a hockey player, then to a football player.

Returning to that press conference, we cannot but pay attention to this.

Catherine did not give the impression of a sociable, open, self-sufficient girl, as her friends represented her. She did not answer many questions, cast a glance at an experienced lawyer.

At my request to communicate with Safronova personally, her lawyer replied with a harsh refusal: “You can communicate with me, but not with Katya.”

None of the wives of the players, who had previously been friends with Catherine and Alexander, did not want to talk about this topic.

Perhaps time will put everything in its place. So far, only two people know about what happened. Catherine and Alexander herself.

Both refuse to comment...

Kerzhakov's ex-wife Ekaterina Safronova detained with "white powder", video

In the photo, Ekaterina Safronova some time after the arrest during a conversation with journalists

On New Year's Eve, the former common-law wife of football player Alexander Kerzhakov, Ekaterina Safronova, was detained law enforcement on suspicion of illegal possession of weapons. Three banknotes with “white powder” were found with her, according to the Life portal. According to other sources, she was detained at the time of acquiring the substance, and Ekaterina confirmed that it was a drug for personal use, the video is presented below. To establish the composition of this powder, an appropriate examination will be carried out. Now Ekaterina Safronova denies all the above charges.

Alexander Kerzhakov, previously a Zenit footballer, and Ekaterina Safironova were in a long legal battle for custody of their son Igor. Officially, the marriage of Kerzhakov and Safronova was not registered. As a result, the court limited Safronova in parental rights due to the fact that she suffers drug addiction, which is confirmed by official medical documents. The child lives with Kerzhakov and his wife Milana Tyulpanova (Kerzhakova).

For Alexander Kerzhakov, this news about Ekaterina Safronova did not come as a surprise. The athlete hopes that the public will stop associating his name with his ex-civil wife. Ekaterina practically does not participate in the life of her young son. She has an older daughter, Sonya, from Kirill Safronov, and a younger daughter, Stephanie, who was born after the break with Kerzhakov. Father's personality youngest daughter Ekaterina does not reveal, but the girl bears the name Safronova. The eldest daughter mostly lives with her father.
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Thanks to numerous talk shows on the country's TV channels, viewers know the name of Ekaterina Safronova. Kerzhakov's wife, who has a famous football player common child, was not in a registered marriage with him. After parting, their conflict concerned the place of residence of their son Igor, born in 2013. Despite the participation of influential lawyers Alexander Dobrovinsky and Ekaterina Gordon in the fate of the woman, the woman lost the process and is deprived of the opportunity to see her child. Why did it happen? What is known about the beautiful blonde?

Biography pages before meeting with Kerzhakov

A native of St. Petersburg, she was born in 1987, her date of birth is July 20. It is known that she was among the fans of the SKA hockey club and once took part in a beauty contest held by the administration for fans. Maiden name Ekaterina - Lobanov. She was lucky to please a young promising hockey player - Kirill Safronov, who showered her with gifts and other signs of attention. Their meeting took place in 2006, and a year later the couple had a joint daughter named Sonya. After the birth of the child, the lovers registered their relationship. Since then, the girl has been named Safronova. Catherine was a good wife and mother until the career of a star hockey player began to decline.

In 2010, Kirill signed a contract with Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk and left to play in Tatarstan. The wife did not follow her husband, explaining that she needed her mother's help in raising her daughter. There is a version that even before the departure of the hockey player, the woman met Alexander Kerzhakov, who was married at that time to Maria Golova.

Relations with Kerzhakov

none of former spouses For a long time he did not comment on where and when their first meeting took place, because both at that time were not free. Today it is known that this acquaintance was random character and took place in a nightclub. For the first time Kerzhakov and his new passion appeared together in front of the cameras in December 2010, on the day of the Gazpromneft party. Safronova Ekaterina continued to visit her husband in Nizhnekamsk for some time, until the secret became clear. Eyewitnesses claim that in one of the bars of St. Petersburg, a fight even broke out between a hockey player and a football player. Be that as it may, the Safronovs divorced, and Kerzhakov began a long divorce process, as a result of which he had to pay serious compensation.

Until 2012 in social networks Ekaterina did not exhibit joint photos with the legendary Zenit. Apparently, this was due to litigation. But then the public no longer doubted that Safronova and Kerzhakov had an affair. When a young woman gave birth to a son in 2013, no one had even a shadow of doubt about the paternity of the legendary football player. A surprise was the fact that after some time Alexander put his common-law spouse out of a country house, and in May 2014 he filed a lawsuit to limit his mother's parental rights.

Drug problem

The man won the process, and in the fall of 2015, the St. Petersburg Court of the Kalininsky District limited the mother's parental rights. Son Igor was transferred to the upbringing of his father. The photo of Ekaterina Safronova spread all over the media, and she began to appear on the air, talking about the unfortunate fate of her mother, from whom her father took the child, using his influence and money. The famous Zenit member did not publicize the main reason for this decision for a long time, but after the intervention of the media, he was forced to make public the fact that for a number of years the woman was addicted to cocaine. A video appeared on the Internet, where it is obvious to everyone how his wife spent time in the absence of her husband. This fact was confirmed by the nanny of the child. All the measures taken to treat the woman did not give any result, after which the common-law spouse decided to disperse and take responsibility for raising his son.

By decision of the court Safronova, Ekaterina can communicate with the child after passing the test for the absence of drugs in the blood in the presence of persons emotionally significant to the baby. But instead of complying with the decision, she preferred, accompanied by human rights activist Ekaterina Gordon, to run around on TV channels in order to arouse the sympathy of those around her. AT " Live» she was asked to voluntarily take a drug test to confirm her non-use. But the woman refused. In December 2016, with a nine-month-old daughter in her arms, she was detained while buying a dose of cocaine by law enforcement agencies.


In total, the woman has three children. The eldest, Sonya, is brought up by her first husband, Kirill Safronov. He is happily married. His second wife Anastasia already had a daughter named Stefania. For some reason, this is exactly what Ekaterina Safronova called her third child. Photos of her appeared on the Web with a new man, presumably the father of her youngest daughter. She posts touching pictures with the elder Sonya and little Stephanie, but Igor, a joint child with Kerzhakov, has not been seen by her mother for a long time. The departure of the football player to Switzerland and his marriage to Milan Tyulpanova, who devotes herself to raising the baby, made Safronova's participation in the fate of her son very problematic. And the detention with white powder confirms that even the birth of a third child did not force the woman to give up her addiction.

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