Take care of nature - what does it mean? (Essay on a free topic). Composition “Why is it necessary to protect nature? Protect nature from whom for whom examples

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Take care of nature - essay for grade 6

I really like to relax in nature. Walk in the forest, swim in the river. But in recent times we have polluted the seas and rivers, forests and steppes so much that it becomes scary for future generations. AT given time there is a lot of talk about conservation. The subject of ecology was introduced in schools. In these lessons, they discuss the situation in the world around them, how easy it is to upset the balance in nature, but it is very difficult to restore the broken one. Nature itself is restored, but very slowly, so people must protect and protect the world in which they live.

People in pursuit of prestige and money exterminated numerous kinds animals, some species of which can no longer be restored, or few connoisseurs of nature have left. The predator, chasing the animal, wants one thing - to eat. He won't kill more than he needs to. And there is harmony and balance in this. Man destroys everything he sees, he needs more and more. And as a result, he will destroy all living things.

I believe that if every person keeps cleanliness in his yard, in the forest where he walks, at the enterprise where he works, everything around will change! I hope that people will come to their senses, stop destroying the land they live on and understand that our planet does not exist for a one-time use.

Essay on the importance of protecting nature

I am afraid to imagine that the serene happiness of man's communion with nature is in danger. Even worse is the thought that man himself often becomes a threat to nature. After all, big damage starts small.

Nature is the beauty of our Earth. It gives us food, oxygen, and forests - wood. Nature needs to be protected, but on the contrary, we are destroying it.

First, people cut down more than two million trees a year, and it takes twenty to fifty years for one tree to grow.

Secondly, we often make fires. Because of this, fires often occur. Millions of plants are dying. Thirdly, during a fire, animals have to leave. Then people invest millions of money in funds to protect forests and restore flora and fauna.

Fourth, over the past decades, during the development of oil and gas fields, forests and animals have been irretrievably exterminated.

We are the masters of our nature, and it is the pantry of the sun with all its treasures. And we must preserve it. After all, destroying one link, we destroy the whole chain. So let's not make fires in the forests, let's not kill animals, break tree branches and pollute rivers and lakes!

And another essay

Protect the environment! So often they say these words on class hour. However, what can ordinary schoolchildren do? How can they save nature? Over time, children will grow up, start working in enterprises, founding their own companies that can harm nature. Therefore, even then, in their minds, responsibility for the environment was laid. They will protect nature.

Already with kindergarten Children should be taught to take care of nature and the world around them. Why are there so many environmental problems now? Because many do not have the concept that you need to take care of nature. Earth this is our home, we must not pollute it. Where will we live if we destroy it?

Many people are ready to do anything for their own benefit, they think only about themselves, they are not worried about the idea that their descendants will live on this earth. These people have no sense of responsibility. Therefore, in order to save nature, we need to work hard and work primarily with children, we must teach the future generation to take care of nature.

If it was previously thought that natural resources inexhaustible that you don’t need to think about it, then now everything is different. Some countries are spending huge amounts of money to restore the environment.

Some facts in numbers:

  1. The average family in North America, Europe and Australia annually throws out more than 1 ton of garbage.
  2. About seven billion kilograms of garbage, mostly plastic, is thrown into the world's oceans every year.
  3. Every day, an average of 1,000 children in India die from diarrhea and other diseases that develop from drinking contaminated water.

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From the early childhood you need to learn to live in harmony with nature and the world around you. Close people and teachers suggest how to do it. It is worth listening to such advice in order to live, bringing only benefits to nature and people. Many proverbs and sayings say that you need to appreciate natural gifts. Many don't even know why.

Why you need to take care of nature

The answer to this question is simple. Man is born and lives in natural environment, using all resources, developing physically and spiritually. It is very difficult to imagine a world without rivers, seas and oceans, without plants and animals. All this natural world that surrounds us, with which we coexist. Without water and heat, there would be no life on Earth, a person could not survive in such conditions. Nature provides life for all living things:

  • it gives clean air;
  • gives water and heat necessary for a person;
  • natural materials for home improvement;
  • energy that gives strength every day;
  • beautiful views that inspire new creations.

This is not the whole list of things for which we should be grateful.

Wise words about nature

Protecting nature means protecting people. It really is. How you treat yourself is how you treat the world around you. The destruction of resources leads to the destruction of all life. Other words are also endowed with meaning: life is wasted if you did not plant a tree, did not build a house, did not raise a child. Everyone can leave a good mark on the earth and you need to start with a small tree that will grow and serve as a reminder of a good deed.

One plucked flower is worth ten. One more wise words that are worth listening to. Even the most little creature in nature has the right to life. Destruction of at least one will lead to large losses.

These are, of course, only words, but they are not meaningless. Many more proverbs can be found about the protection of nature. The fact is that everyone must independently realize what he is doing wrong. Good should only be answered in the same way. In the surrounding world, everything is harmonious and harmonious, you should not break it.

1. Man is part of nature, he depends on it. In particular, the duration and quality of life depends directly on the environment. Consequently. if we save nature, we take care of our own future.

2. A person who left nothing behind lived in vain. You can devote yourself to work, but it will not take care of you in old age. No one will remember a person who worked well, but the family will remember. The tree and the house will stand for a long time and remind of a person. who had a hand in them.

3. When picking a flower, we do not think that it could give seeds and more flowers would grow. For us, it's just a beautiful flower. which will wither tomorrow.

Today human society so arranged that chasing modern developments, new technologies that make life easier and more comfortable. Many people surround themselves with a hundred unnecessary things that are not so harmless to environment. Environmental degradation affects not only the quality of life, but the health and life expectancy of people.

State of the environment

At the moment, the state of the environment is in serious condition:

  • water pollution;
  • depletion of natural resources;
  • the destruction of many species and;
  • violation of the regime of water bodies;
  • education ;
  • melting glaciers;

All this leads to the fact that ecosystems change and are destroyed, territories become unsuitable for human and animal life. We breathe dirty air, we drink dirty water, suffering from intense ultraviolet radiation. Now the number of cardiovascular, oncological, neurological ailments is increasing, allergies and asthma are spreading, diabetes, obesity, infertility, AIDS. Healthy parents give birth to sick children with chronic diseases, pathologies and mutations often occur.

Consequences of the depletion of nature

Many people, having a consumerist attitude towards nature, do not even think about what global ones can lead to. The air, among other gases, contains oxygen, which is necessary for every cell of the body of people and animals. If the atmosphere is polluted, then people will literally miss clean air which will lead to numerous diseases, rapid aging and premature death.

Lack of water leads to desertification of territories, destruction of flora and fauna, changes in nature and climate change. Not only animals, but also people die from lack pure water from exhaustion and dehydration. If water bodies continue to be polluted, all reserves on the planet will soon be exhausted drinking water. Polluted air, water and land cause products to Agriculture more and more contain harmful substances, so many people cannot even eat healthy food.

And what awaits us tomorrow? Over time, environmental problems can reach such proportions that one of the disaster movie scenarios may well come true. This will lead to the death of millions of people, violation of habitual life on earth and endanger the existence of all life on the planet.

We hear about the need to protect nature from early childhood. Most of the time we just hear. Adults (not counting school teachers) rarely explain to kids why this should be done. Moreover, the behavior of adults most often demonstrates reverse examples.

Remember how many times you kindled fires outside the city? How many branches were broken? How many flowers were plucked while relaxing in the forest?

We say to the baby: “Take care of nature!”, but we throw garbage into the rivers, litter the atmosphere, poison the soil with an excess amount of fertilizers. And at the same time we hope that we are not

Ecological cataclysms will be comprehended.

Have you ever wondered why you need to protect nature? A common answer like: “To save the environment!”, although absolutely accurate, but sounds unconscious (most often). Let's try to dream up and remember the real facts.

Imagine that you are the owner of a site and at the same time a small workshop for the production of chemicals. To increase your profits, you dump chemical waste on your site. You also send scraps and sewage here. What do you think will happen to your land in a year? And ten years later? What plants will survive on it? Will

Are they edible?

But with our planet, we do just that. We forget that it is necessary to protect nature not periodically, during actions, but every day, every second.

The example is still not forgotten when a few decades ago all sparrows were destroyed in China: they ate rice crops. But instead of increasing the harvest, they first received a huge number of pests, then - the drying up of forests and, as a result, the shallowing of rivers. There are many such examples in the history of Russia and planet Earth.

Remember sad fate Aral, incessant Forest fires. Think how many people have been poisoned by vegetables with an excess of chemicals, how many people are suffocating in an atmosphere of industrial waste?

Why is it necessary to protect nature? The short answer is to live. To have healthy children, raise healthy grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

From early childhood, you need to teach kids to take care of all living things: do not pick wild flowers, do not break branches, do not throw garbage on the asphalt, do not burn bonfires anywhere. Help the child imagine what will happen to the planet if each of its inhabitants breaks one tree? There will be seven billion fewer trees in the world. We'll just suffocate.

Teach your child not to litter, dump into, or leave on the ground. plastic bags, bottles, other garbage. Remember: it remains in the ground for hundreds of years!

Teach students to love nature. You can just go hiking and enjoy the natural beauty. And you can plant a whole park with your own hands or make a flower garden.

Make the student think about the future. Encourage him to look for alternative fuels, harmless production methods.

Punish business owners who leak industrial waste into rivers or soil. Fight those who pollute the atmosphere. Chase the poachers.

Give up drugs, smoking. Remember: you are also a part of nature that needs to be protected.

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2017 is the year of ecology in Russia. Each school holds events dedicated to environmental issues, because from childhood it is necessary to pay attention to protecting the environment.

Ecological essays are a difficult topic for students in both grades 4 and 6. The student must not only express his attitude to the protection of nature, but also observe spelling when presenting his thoughts. To make it easier for the child to complete this work, we offer you an essay writing plan and samples. environmental essays In Russian.

Composition "Protect nature"

1. The beauty of nature

2. Environmental issues

3. Saving nature

Spring in nature is wonderful. Everything blooms. The sun shines brighter. At heart it becomes fun. Butterflies, bees woke up, the first grass appears. It makes you want to run barefoot on the grass.

But all this beauty has its problems. We do not even think about how we pollute nature. Rivers, lakes, soil are polluted by our garbage, waste. There are more and more cars - unnecessary gases in the air. It would seem that trees can cleanse our planet, but deforestation is another problem of our time.

Nature can be saved. So that trees do not disappear, they need to be planted more, so that animals do not disappear, they must be protected. All businesses need cleaning facilities. Remember, nature is wonderful! Don't destroy it.

The writing "Nature in danger"

How beautiful is our nature! It is pleasant to walk through the forest, breathe in the aroma of flowers and herbs, feel the freshness of the summer breeze, watch the bees drink the nectar of flowers.

It's just a pity that this beauty can disappear for the profit of a handful of people who are engaged in illegal deforestation, poaching, building factories without treatment facilities. These problems must and can be addressed. Each of us can be a member of the forest guard. It is necessary to open the Red Book more often, remember about animals and plants that have already disappeared or are found in nature in small quantities.

Each of us loves to walk on the grass, wash ourselves with dew, watch how insects collect nectar, and in autumn watch the falling colorful leaves. But no one thinks about it. which can harm nature.

Environmental problems surround us everywhere. These are soil pollution, deforestation, air pollution. some of the problems of nature we create ourselves. For example, they saw a beautiful flower, plucked it, admired it and threw it away. We want to fight off mosquitoes - we broke a branch of a young tree.

Think about it, we children can already protect nature. Let's keep her safe. Plant trees. Do not litter in the forest. And then our descendants will be able to admire nature like we do on the green planet Earth.

Ecological essay.

The nature around us is very beautiful. She is beautiful at any time of the year. I especially like it when colorful leaves swirl in autumn: red, yellow, brown. watching this beauty, you should always remember about environmental issues the environment around us. Every year it becomes less and less fewer trees, they are destroyed by fire, illegal logging. But they give us oxygen. man breathes and lives thanks to them. Walking through the forest, look around: there are many beautiful plants around you. many of them are medicinal. Don't tear them unnecessarily. When making long trips into nature, pick up your garbage, and you will see for yourself that nature has become cleaner and even more beautiful.

Nature is very beautiful. How beautiful it is to run barefoot on the grass, to wash in a stream, to admire beautiful flowers, enjoy the summer rain. But nature is in danger!

For a couple of centuries, the environment around us has changed a lot. Air, soil, water became polluted. Another problem is deforestation. Trees are the lungs of our planet. Their disappearance can lead to the death of many species of animals and plants.

The task of all mankind is to save our planet. After all, the Earth is ours common Home. Taking care of the environment is everyone's responsibility.

Nature is in danger

How good it is to go to the forest in the morning, lie down on the grass, breathe fresh air, admire beautiful flowers, swim in clean water.

People, nature is in danger. We cut down trees, pour pesticides into water bodies. leave garbage in the forest, destroy plants. hunting animals. All this leads to the destruction of our environment. If we don't stop, trees stop growing, water disappears, animals disappear, we will simply die. Can you imagine our planet without life?

But everything can be changed. After all, it is not difficult to pick up garbage, it is not difficult to leave flowers and not pick them. It is within our power. I want to say to all people: "Do not pollute nature! We must save it for our descendants."

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