Macron and his wife's children. The man who knew he would become president: who is Emmanuel Macron and how he conquered France. From recent history: the difference in favor of a strong woman

Macron's wife, Brigitte Macron, is of particular interest to the public not only because of her husband, Emmanuel Macron, who was elected President of France in 2017, but also because of the age difference between the spouses. The thing is that the wife of Emmanuel Macron is 24 years older than him.

In the photo Emmanuel Macron with his wife

Biography of Macron's wife

The full name of Macron's wife is Brigitte Marie-Claude Macron (French Brigitte Macron), by profession a teacher of French and Latin. Bridget's maiden name is Tronier. She was born on April 13, 1953 in the year of Amiens in the north of France, like her husband. The family of the future teacher had her own small business and was engaged in the production of confectionery. Bridget was the youngest child in the family. At 21, Brigitte married the banker Andre Louis Azier. In their official marriage, which lasted until 2006, three children were born. After maternity leave, she worked at a religious school and taught French and Latin. It was in this educational institution that Brigitte met Emmanuel, her future husband. At the time of meeting, he was 15 years old, and the teacher was 39, the age difference is 24 years. Outside of school hours, Macron and his teacher saw each other quite often during school productions, and often spent evenings together. At first, there was no talk of any serious relationship, but young Emmanuel idolized his chosen one and was serious in his intentions. Of course, teenage love is the brightest and remains in the memory for life, but often it is short-lived. However, young Emmanuel was monogamous and promised that as soon as he built his career, he would immediately propose to his teacher.

Bridget Macron (Macron's wife)in young age

In the photo Emmanuel Macron and Bridget Macron in his youth

Bridget's offer came in 2007. At that time, she was already divorced from her first husband. After some thought, the woman agreed. After some time, Bridget, along with her husband and children, moved to Paris. There she got a job as a teacher in a new school, without changing her professional orientation. Emmanuel Macron very quickly found contact with the children of his charming wife and their grandchildren. Unfortunately, the couple does not have their own children, but Emmanuel is an excellent father for Bridget's children from a previous marriage.

Emmanuel Macron, career development

Emmanuel's full name is Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron (fr. Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron), was born on December 21, 1977 in the family of a professor and a doctor. In 1991, Emmanuel was an assistant to a French philosopher. Previously, he served as Minister of Economy and Minister of Industry and Digital Affairs. Elected as the 25th President of France, according to the results of the presidential elections in 2017, becoming the youngest President of France in the history of this post.

The personal and political life of the spouses

Emmanuel Macron and his wife agreed that the wife would not interfere in the political life of her husband. However, she supports him in everything. Therefore, according to Emmanuel, if not for his beloved teacher, he could not achieve such results. The wife also acts as a best friend and muse. What could be even better in family life?

As for feelings, the family does not hide them at all. They always smile and hold each other's hands tightly. The wife of the President of France is pretty and looks very good for her age. Check out the photos in which Macron's Wife comes out in completely different and interesting images.

Gossip and rumors about the Macron family

Every happy couple will have their envious people. So, this trouble did not bypass this family. A young, 29-year-old familiar politician reported that Macron was cheating on his wife. For his part, he denied everything. In order to get the truth and not upset his beloved wife, Emmanuel filed a lawsuit for harassment by that young woman. Also, the 25th President of France was suspected of having an unconventional relationship with a young journalist, Matthew Gale. But the politician was able to respond to this verdict. It turns out that he has a doppelgänger who just meets men, but not Emmanuel Macron himself. In any case, the personal life of the Macrons will remain a secret, but some interesting facts still managed to be told. Apart from the rumors described above, there is a possibility that the Macron marriage is just a front. Since Emmanuel, as was written above, has an unconventional orientation. Such gossip spreads quickly and several more join one version. It is worth saying only one thing that not every woman in 10 years of marriage will be able to support her husband like this and watch his successful career with him.

Image of Macron's wife

Many criticize the age of Bridget Macron, saying that she is too bright and dresses completely inappropriately. In fact, the husband put a lot of effort into the appearance and character of his wife, so this is how she should look. At 60 years old, a woman is successful, beautiful, smart and a figure skater.

Another very interesting fact is that Bridget is very developed in the spiritual sense, loves theaters and exhibitions. Therefore, she taught her husband to go out, and engage not only in political growth, but also cultural.

Most likely, a happy personal life is due to one condition that Macron agreed with his wife before the wedding: always go together. This is how many problems are solved and conflicts subside. But still, Bridget's personality is criticized by Internet users. The situation is simply disgusting, the same opinion and the daughter of Bridget from the first barque. In her opinion, this is ordinary envy, because almost every girl would like to be in Bridget's place. But, unfortunately or fortunately, Macron chose his life partner from school age and still does not change his choice.

Their romance haunts millions of people around the world: in search of clues, journalists and detectives collect memories of their acquaintances, invent gossip and write their biographies. All in order to find the answer to just one question: how the teenage passion of the President of France could pass the test of time and grew into true love.

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron on a walk in Le Touque, the place where their love blossomed, April 22, 2017

On a warm May evening in 1993, the assembly hall of the private Jesuit school La Providence was crowded: high school students who attended the theater group of Madame Ozier played Jean Tardieu's Comedy of the Language. As always, the success was resounding: at the end of the performance, the satisfied actors with their favorite teacher rose to the final bow. As soon as the intensity of applause reached its limit, one of the leading actors, the hope of the school and an excellent student Emmanuel Macron could not stand it and clung to Madame Ozier's cheek. She did not push him away: the fun of a 15-year-old student who kissed his 40-year-old teacher in gratitude could then cause nothing but emotion.

And yet Amiens is a small town, and rumors spread quickly here. And now the naive prank of an exemplary student from an intelligent family is already becoming a local scandal, because more and more people begin to notice that Madame Brigitte and her student spend too much time together. Too many unnatural.

24 years after the first meeting, Emmanuel and Brigitte "together" (quote Macron) win the presidential election

Madame Bovary

However, at first too high employment Brigitte Ozier with her students did not arouse any suspicion. A teacher of Latin and French, Madame Ozieres, wife of the respected but not very talkative banker André Louis Ozieres and mother of three children, never sat idle, although, as they say, her husband always wanted to have a housewife by his side. But the freedom-loving and cheerful Brigitte, who tied the knot at just 21 years old, was quite enough for three decrees to understand: a senseless stay within four walls was not for her. It never happened.

Throughout her life, Brigitte grew up in Amiens, a city where several generations of her family owned pastry shops. The girl was the youngest of the six offspring of the Tronier couple, and the only one who was born after the war. Probably, there really was something karmic in her date of birth: unlike her brothers and sisters, Brigitte was the most cheerful and mischievous child. She grew up in the 60s - at that wonderful time when the hardships of the war gradually receded, and the incomes of bourgeois families began to work again for the benefit of French capitalism. Love for life helped her naturally and logically survive the death of her closest relatives (her sister died in a car accident, and her niece died of acute appendicitis) and in general infect everyone around her with a hedonistic thirst to wish, create, fall in love, laugh. “As the youngest daughter in a large family, she had an unlimited amount of freedom,” recalls one of her childhood friends. Brigitte dressed in the best stores in the city, and for good grades at school, her parents could well give her an expensive jewelry set.

The first generation of the Tronier family, who owned a patisserie in the center of Amiens. Brigitte's nephew, Jean-Alexandre, currently owns the establishment.

By the age of 20, she was already one of the most fashionable and famous citizens of Amiens (as they would say today, it-girl) - which, however, was very soon engaged by the local bourgeois prince Andre Louis Ozier. True, he, having arranged for her a magnificent wedding in the city hall, eight years later, almost with an ultimatum, took her with two children and a pregnant third to a suburb of Strasbourg, forcing her to leave her beloved city and no less beloved job as a press officer. Barely recovered from two decrees, Brigitte had a third child in the future and the status of the wife of the director of the Bank for Foreign Trade. The situation may be enviable - but not at all in the spirit of the future first lady.

Having moved east, the young Madame Ozieres would have completely lost her mind with boredom if one day she had not put aside her beloved and well-read novel Madame Bovary, had not remembered her talent for making friends and had not gone into politics - of course, on local level. In 1989, she would even run for local legislature, promising to open skate parks throughout the city and make it easier for young families to rent. But, despite her assertiveness, she would lose the election - and, as her neighbors recall, only because she was a new person in the ossified town of Tryschtersheim.

At the same time, Brigitte plunges headlong into her other passion - teaching, to which, due to her early marriage, she could not devote a single minute of her time, although she studied literature at the university. But fortunately, she still had a diploma and the necessary certificate, and with them the right to teach languages ​​and literature (though only to schoolchildren). Since then, she has given lessons everywhere: in Truschtersheim, in the center of Strasbourg and even in Paris. But in 1991, her family was irresistibly drawn back home - to her native Amiens, where Andre Louis continued to deal with finances, and Brigitte got a job as a teacher and teacher of the drama circle at the Jesuit College La Providence. Here, for two years now, the local child prodigy, Emmanuel Macron, has been studying, in the same class with whom the eldest daughter Brigitte Laurence entered.

Brigitte Macron - teacher at La Providence, early 1990s

Literature lessons

Emmanuel quickly became friends with Laurence - but without romance. Moderately sociable and friendly, the boy, however, was not at all interested in girls of his age, devoting himself to school, lessons at the local conservatory and his main passion - literature. Brigitte's colleagues recall that she never taught him literature, and yet, once enrolling in her theater class, Emmanuel preferred to hone his literary skills only with her. The teacher herself was thrilled by the talent of the student (however, like the entire teaching staff): sometimes it seemed to her that she was dealing with a modern Mozart.

“Without a doubt, he was not like everyone else. He has always been drawn to adults. He just wasn’t a teenager – that’s all,” Brigitte said many years later.

Brigitte Ozier, 1990s

Emmanuel Macron, school photo

The bliss of an unfulfilled feeling made the student, who was barely fifteen, look for meetings with Brigitte more and more often. They often remained alone - and although no one will ever know if there was something more between them than a rehearsal of plays, one thing is certain: the relationship with Brigitte inspired the enchanted Emmanuel to the most daring literary exercises. One of them was an erotic novel in which a young man in love prudently changed the names and gave it to his neighbor for printing. She - also quite prudently - did not save the manuscript, but nevertheless was not afraid to admit many years later that the essay was "daring and rather frank."

Meanwhile, Brigitte, increasingly remembering her former beloved heroine Madame Bovary and her disastrous passion for the student Leon, tried to understand her role in this novel. It is quite obvious that in her wife there was not even a hundredth of the romantic potential that this enthusiastic and talented young man concealed in himself, who seemed more serious than all the bankers in the world. “Writing was only a pretext,” Brigitte’s friends recall her words, “in fact, I felt that we always knew each other.” Formally, Brigitte did not even break the law - the age of consent in France is already at 15. And yet her reputation would have come to an end.

Brigitte Ozier during a play, 1990s

And he came. A year later, from a family friend, Emmanuel's parents found out about the scandalous affair, who all this time were completely sure that their son was dating Brigitte Laurence's daughter. The young man's father, Jean-Michel, nearly fell off his chair when he heard the news. Mother was much more restrained - and yet also adamant. “Don't you see? You already had your own life, did he? You won't even be able to bear him children."

Burning with shame, discouraged parents demanded that the lovers at least wait until Emmanuel's 18th birthday. “I can’t promise you anything,” Brigitte honestly admitted. It's funny that his beloved grandmother Manette, who also once taught in high school, unexpectedly took the side of the couple. But her condescension was not enough. Emmanuel's parents firmly decided to send their son in love away from Amiens and the unlucky teacher. Where? Yes, even to the same Paris - to the prestigious Lyceum of Henry IV: anyway, Emmanuel will go to university next year. Jean-Michel and Françoise themselves never admitted that they sent Emmanuel to Paris because of his love, claiming that they thought only about his education. And yet the young man and his beloved could no longer get rid of this thought.

Before leaving, he told her: “You can’t get rid of me. Whatever you do, I will marry you."

Love in exchange for reputation

Emmanuel Macron in high school

A year later, she began to regularly visit him in Paris - under a variety of pretexts. Emmanuel graduated from high school with honors and enrolled in a one-year university preparation course. Then he turned 18: an affair with Brigitte ceased to be a ban for him. In the capital, no one was a decree for them - study gradually gave way to love (probably that is why Emmanuel constantly failed the entrance to the institute for the next two years), but the young man was truly happy.

Brigitte also swallowed a new feeling: in her native Amiens, every second already knew about her novel, and, as the locals said, during this period, many old friends turned their backs on Madame Ozier, considering her a molester of an innocent boy. It was not easier for Emmanuel's parents: respected doctors, at one point they became a laughingstock, who from now on were treated as if they were infected with the plague. In Amiens, the beloved of the future president will constantly feel like an outcast. This time was given to her very hard - but there was nowhere to retreat.

Finally, the last person to know about Brigitte's infidelities will be her husband Andre Louis, for whom this news will be a real blow. “Having learned the truth, her husband will fall into a rage. - writes Mael Brun, author of the latest biography of Brigitte Macron, - To be forced out by his daughter's classmate, an ordinary teenager whom he personally hosted in his house? It's a wound that's not easy to heal." Andre Louis will not forgive betrayal: he will immediately leave home, leaving Brigitte alone to explain everything to her children. She will receive a divorce only in 2006.

For ten years, Brigitte and Emmanuel loved each other in spite of the whole world. The young man was able to enter the prestigious Sciences Po in 1998, then continued his education at the University of Paris X - Nanterre, and in the 2000s moved to Strasbourg to get a degree in business administration. From now on, Brigitte was always with him: unlike Andre Louis, she was only a joy to indulge Emmanuel's ambitions, because he was in love with her like a boy, and a year later, and after five years. And ten years later, when 29-year-old Emmanuel finally decided to propose to his former teacher. Brigitte at that time was 54 years old. Her children also grew up and set off on an independent voyage, eventually forgiving their mother for her happiness.

They got married in the city hall - in the same place where, back in 1974, Brigitte got married for the first time. Emmanuel then publicly thanked everyone for being able to accept "not quite a normal couple." The newly-minted Macron couple settled in Brigitte's family villa in Le Touque, which today periodically opens to tourists.

Brigitte Macron on the porch of her family villa in Le Touque, summer 2017

The Macron couple at the Bastille Day parade, July 14, 2017

The material was written using the data described in the biographies Brigitte Macron: L "Affranchie" (author - Mael Brun), "Les Macrons" (authors - Caroline Derrier and Candice Nedelek), as well as on the basis of statements by Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron in the press.

Photo: Getty Images, archive,

Macron's wife, Brigitte Macron, is of particular interest to the public not only because of her husband, Emmanuel Macron, who was elected President of France in 2017, but also because of the age difference between the spouses. The thing is that the wife of Emmanuel Macron is 24 years older than him.

In the photo Emmanuel Macron with his wife

Biography of Macron's wife

The full name of Macron's wife is Brigitte Marie-Claude Macron (French Brigitte Macron), by profession a teacher of French and Latin. Bridget's maiden name is Tronier. She was born on April 13, 1953 in the year of Amiens in the north of France, like her husband. The family of the future teacher had her own small business and was engaged in the production of confectionery. Bridget was the youngest child in the family. At 21, Brigitte married the banker Andre Louis Azier. In their official marriage, which lasted until 2006, three children were born. After maternity leave, she worked at a religious school and taught French and Latin. It was in this educational institution that Brigitte met Emmanuel, her future husband. At the time of meeting, he was 15 years old, and the teacher was 39, the age difference is 24 years. Outside of school hours, Macron and his teacher saw each other quite often during school productions, and often spent evenings together. At first, there was no talk of any serious relationship, but young Emmanuel idolized his chosen one and was serious in his intentions. Of course, teenage love is the brightest and remains in the memory for life, but often it is short-lived. However, young Emmanuel was monogamous and promised that as soon as he built his career, he would immediately propose to his teacher.

Bridget Macron (Macron's wife)in young age

In the photo Emmanuel Macron and Bridget Macron in his youth

Bridget's offer came in 2007. At that time, she was already divorced from her first husband. After some thought, the woman agreed. After some time, Bridget, along with her husband and children, moved to Paris. There she got a job as a teacher in a new school, without changing her professional orientation. Emmanuel Macron very quickly found contact with the children of his charming wife and their grandchildren. Unfortunately, the couple does not have their own children, but Emmanuel is an excellent father for Bridget's children from a previous marriage.

Emmanuel Macron, career development

Emmanuel's full name is Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron (fr. Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron), was born on December 21, 1977 in the family of a professor and a doctor. In 1991, Emmanuel was an assistant to a French philosopher. Previously, he served as Minister of Economy and Minister of Industry and Digital Affairs. Elected as the 25th President of France, according to the results of the presidential elections in 2017, becoming the youngest President of France in the history of this post.

The personal and political life of the spouses

Emmanuel Macron and his wife agreed that the wife would not interfere in the political life of her husband. However, she supports him in everything. Therefore, according to Emmanuel, if not for his beloved teacher, he could not achieve such results. The wife also acts as a best friend and muse. What could be even better in family life?

As for feelings, the family does not hide them at all. They always smile and hold each other's hands tightly. The wife of the President of France is pretty and looks very good for her age. Check out the photos in which Macron's Wife comes out in completely different and interesting images.

Gossip and rumors about the Macron family

Every happy couple will have their envious people. So, this trouble did not bypass this family. A young, 29-year-old familiar politician reported that Macron was cheating on his wife. For his part, he denied everything. In order to get the truth and not upset his beloved wife, Emmanuel filed a lawsuit for harassment by that young woman. Also, the 25th President of France was suspected of having an unconventional relationship with a young journalist, Matthew Gale. But the politician was able to respond to this verdict. It turns out that he has a doppelgänger who just meets men, but not Emmanuel Macron himself. In any case, the personal life of the Macrons will remain a secret, but some interesting facts still managed to be told. Apart from the rumors described above, there is a possibility that the Macron marriage is just a front. Since Emmanuel, as was written above, has an unconventional orientation. Such gossip spreads quickly and several more join one version. It is worth saying only one thing that not every woman in 10 years of marriage will be able to support her husband like this and watch his successful career with him.

Image of Macron's wife

Many criticize the age of Bridget Macron, saying that she is too bright and dresses completely inappropriately. In fact, the husband put a lot of effort into the appearance and character of his wife, so this is how she should look. At 60 years old, a woman is successful, beautiful, smart and a figure skater.

Another very interesting fact is that Bridget is very developed in the spiritual sense, loves theaters and exhibitions. Therefore, she taught her husband to go out, and engage not only in political growth, but also cultural.

Most likely, a happy personal life is due to one condition that Macron agreed with his wife before the wedding: always go together. This is how many problems are solved and conflicts subside. But still, Bridget's personality is criticized by Internet users. The situation is simply disgusting, the same opinion and the daughter of Bridget from the first barque. In her opinion, this is ordinary envy, because almost every girl would like to be in Bridget's place. But, unfortunately or fortunately, Macron chose his life partner from school age and still does not change his choice.

The wife of French President Macron, as can be seen from the photo of a happy couple, is the very case when the age of love is not a hindrance. The love story of Brigitte and Emmanuel is so unusual and beautiful that it can serve as a scenario for a romantic movie.

According to many, it was the charismatic wife who helped Macron win the presidential election. About the biography of the First Lady, as well as how old she is when they met - in our article.

Brigitte Tronier

Since the French presidential elections took place, Madame and Monsieur Macron have been the most talked about French couple. And because the new president is very young for such a position (he won the election at the age of 39), and because he is a very interesting and bright woman. But the main thing that interested the public was how old the president's wife is.

Many were embarrassed by the significant age difference: Brigitte is 24 years older than her husband. And despite this, they demonstrate a very happy and harmonious relationship.

The wife of French President Macron in the photo is a happy woman who destroys all stereotypes and proves that the age difference cannot be for love. And that this is just prejudice.

The future wife of the president was born in 1953 in the north of France in the family of Jean Tronier, a confectioner and successful owner of a confectionery factory. She had a big one - there were six children in the family. The family was wealthy, since the factory - an old family business - brought them a significant income.

Brigitte at 21. The photo in her youth shows that she was a very interesting and attractive young woman. Married to banker Andre Louis Ozier, she had two daughters and a son. After the decree, the young woman began working as a teacher at a religious school, where she met Emmanuel.

    Do you like this couple?

Meeting with the future President of France

They met when the young man was only 15 years old. In the photo in her youth, Brigitte looks like a very bright young woman, so it is not surprising that sympathy arose from the young man. However, their relationship did not go beyond "teacher - student."

She taught him literature, he was fond of poetry, so it was interesting for them to communicate on literary topics.

However, Emmanuel's too close communication with the teacher could not go unnoticed, especially since the young man could not hide his feelings. But Brigitte was still a married woman and the mother of three children. A conservative town in the north of France could not perceive such relations positively. To avoid scandal, Emmanuel's parents decided to send him to Paris.

However, the young man proved that even the distance of love is not a hindrance. He promised Brigitte before leaving that he would return and marry her.

As it turned out, on his part, this was not just a fleeting youthful passion, but really a real feeling. He returned to his hometown in 2006 and reminded her of his promise.

The woman thought for a while, but in the same year she decided to divorce her husband. Already in 2007, Emmanuel fulfilled his dream and married Brigitte.

Now she is the well-known wife of French President Macron, and in the photo she is a happy, loving and beloved wife. It is noteworthy that, in order to prove the seriousness of his intentions, Macron not only married his beloved woman, but also officially adopted her children.

happy family life

Macron himself claims in every interview that everything he has achieved in life is the merit of his beloved wife. The President of France very often appears in public with his wife. Her children and grandchildren also live nearby in Paris.

You can often observe a family idyll when the presidential couple with Brigitte's children and grandchildren get out into nature, where Emmanuel is happy to nurse his wife's grandchildren.

The presidential couple does not hide their feelings, proving that all the arguments about the age difference are just prejudices that mean nothing when it comes to true love. They appear together in public, hold hands, look sincerely happy in spite of all the envious and spiteful critics.

Opponents of the president spread rumors that he had an unconventional reputation and that marriage was just a front. Macron always answered this that his wife is the main and dearly beloved woman in his life, and he simply does not pay attention to gossip.

The main thing is that the presidential couple looks happy, and no difference in age matters to them. Macron admitted in one of his interviews that he is not even saddened at all by the fact that he does not have biological children, since he is truly happy with the family that he has. And in this, in his opinion, the main merit is Brigitte.

Brigitte is a style icon

The wife of French President Macron, as seen in the photo, always dresses with great taste and knows how to emphasize her attractiveness with the right clothes. Thanks to her vigor, brightness, expressive style, she looks very youthful.

Thanks to her slender Brigitte, she can wear tight outfits that perfectly emphasize her youthfulness. She prefers laconic trousers, elegant dresses, classic suits and fashionable outfits, such as tight ones. The first lady dresses very stylishly, for her the main thing is comfort and elegance. And the most important addition to her image is the sparkle radiated by her eyes, and always a bright smile.

Moreover, fashion magazines called the wife of the President of France an icon of style, and the famous Karl Lagerfeld said that she has a very bright and wonderful woman, and that she has a beautiful figure, which she favorably demonstrates with the right choice of clothes.

Madame Macron continues her teaching activities, combining it with the official duties of the First Lady. She spends a lot of time with her children and grandchildren and is very happy with what she has. According to her, she does not plan to become a politician, but will continue to support the president as his loving wife.

Since May 14, 2017, the current president of the French Republic has been Emmanuel Macron, who succeeded his predecessor Francois Hollande. The biography of Emmanuel Macron is quite rich in events. Before becoming head of state and founder of the Forward! Party, he went a long way as a politician: starting as a financial inspector, Macron became the minister of economy and moved on.

Childhood and youth

Emmanuel Macron was born on December 21, 1977 in Amiens. Father, Jean-Michel Macron, devoted his life to science and worked as a professor of neurology at the University of Picardy. Mother, Françoise Macron-Noghes, also connected her life with medicine: she worked as a social welfare doctor. Both parents were extremely busy people and devoted a lot of time to their careers. Therefore, the upbringing of their son was mainly carried out by their grandmother, Mannet. Her beliefs, principles and outlook on life greatly influenced the formation of the personality and building the biography of French President Emmanuel Macron.

Emmanuel's first educational institution was La Providence College, located in Amiens. Already at school, he favorably differed from his peers: he strove for knowledge and loved to study, therefore he was the best student in the class. During his school years, Emmanuel wrote for a theater group poems and plays, which were highly appreciated by the teaching staff. He created not under compulsion and not at the request of the educational program, but because he wanted it himself.

Acquaintance with Brigitte - future wife

French President Emmanuel Macron knew his wife (in the future) at the age of 11. Brigitte Tronier taught two disciplines at the college: literature and French, and was also the head of the theater circle. Being fond of theatrical art and poetry, Emmanuel suggested that the teacher write a play together. Brigitte appreciated the writing talent of her student and assured him that he was created for writing. By that time, the student had fallen in love with his teacher, who was 24 years older than him. At that time, Brigitte was married and raised three children. It is important to note that French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife currently do not have common children.

When Emmanuel was 17, his parents found out about a secret affair that shocked them. They guessed that their son had feelings for one of the members of the theater group and assumed that she was the daughter of Brigitte - Lawrence. Parents did not assume that Emmanuel was in love with the teacher herself. They made a decision: the son should move to Paris and start studying at the Lyceum named after Henry IV. Leaving, the future president promised Brigitte that he would definitely marry her. Naturally, at first she did not believe in the feelings of a young guy, but years of devoted love from a former student forced Brigitte to change her mind over time in the future.

Biography of the wife of French President Macron

Brigitte Macron, the future first lady of France, was born in 1953 in the family of chocolatier Jean Tronier, who settled in Amiens in 1872. The production of chocolate and confectionery has since become a family business. Brigitte is the youngest child in the family. She has 5 siblings and the age difference with her oldest brother is 20 years. Many are interested in photos, biography and personal life of French President Macron and his wife. His future wife, before becoming one, was married for 32 years.

In 1974, Brigitte married Andre Louis Ozier, a future banker, whose last name she bore until 2007. Married to Andre from 1975 to 1984. they had 3 children: Sebastian, Lawrence and Tifan. At this time, Brigitte teaches at various educational institutions in France: in Paris, in Strasbourg at the Protestant school Lucie-Berger.

Only in 1991 did she return to her native Amiens and begin teaching French and Latin at the La Providence Lyceum. In 2006, the couple divorced. The very next year, the biography of French President Macron and his wife is replenished with an important event: Brigitte marries Emmanuel, becoming the first lady of France. For the first time, the general public saw the president's wife in 2015 at a reception with King Philip VI of Spain.

Carier start

After graduating from the University of Nanterre-la-Defense, Macron entered the National School of Administration. In French political society, she received the status of a forge, engaged in forging personnel for the state apparatus. For the biography of French President Macron, an important stage is the period from 1999 to 2001. At this time, Emmanuel in every way assisted the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur.

Studying at the National School of Administration assumes that the graduate will have to work in the public service for 10 years. Therefore, for 4 years, from 2004 to 2008, Macron worked in the field of economy, as a financial inspector. In 2006 he joined the Socialist Party of France. This date can hardly be considered the beginning of his political career. As an inspector, his diligent service, hard work and positive personal qualities were highly appreciated.

Working at Rothschild & CieBanque

After 4 years in office, Macron receives a job offer from the Rothschild bank. He accepted the offer, which required him to pay a tuition fee of 54,000 euros. In a large company Rothschild & Cie Banque, Emmanuel Macron gets the position of investment banker. In this post, he feels at ease, so he quickly achieves success and promotion. Macron worked so efficiently that he even got the nickname of financial Mozart.

The professionalism and abilities of the young banker could not help but notice the authorities. Already in 2012, Macron holds the position of Deputy Secretary General, in which he stayed for two years. Building a career with the Rothschilds in the future will give Macron's political rivals the opportunity to call him "the Rothschild candidate."

Activities under François Hollande

The biography of French President Macron was strongly influenced by François Hollande. He once noticed a promising specialist. Needing talented staff and new faces on the political team, he offered Emmanuel the position of economic adviser and speechwriter, which Macron excelled at. A little later, having proved his competence, he gets a promotion and takes the post of Minister of Economics in the Waltz government. The decision to promote was quite specific, since Macron had not held elected positions until that moment and, in fact, was not even connected with politics - he was only listed in the socialist party from 2006 to 2009, without paying membership dues.

Nevertheless, Emmanuel, in his new post, begins active work aimed at reducing the unemployment rate in the country. One of the most important economic projects adopted during Macron's tenure as economy minister was the one named after him, the Macron Law. Aimed at the liberalization of large sectors of the economy, it meant a reduction in the level of state intervention in it. An important task of the project was to reform the trade and transport system and support small businesses. The adopted law was able to stop the growth of the unemployment rate and, moreover, reduce it by several points.

Entering big politics

Francois Hollande, Macron's predecessor, from the first days of his presidential term, was not particularly popular among French society. In 2013, his rating was only 30%, the figure has been maintained for several years. In 2016, Macron decided to distance himself from his mentor and colleague and created his own centrist political party, which he called succinctly - "Forward!".

In 2017, Macron, as a self-nominated candidate from his party, is running for the presidency of France. In the same year, Macron publishes his book-program "Revolution", which for some time became a real bestseller in France. With this pre-election program, he participates in the presidential elections in France in the same year.

Participation in elections

The election program of the future president of France included provisions of both the left and the right. Left-wing innovations include: an increase in investment in agriculture and medicine, an increase in the number of civil service employees (policemen, teachers), an increase in minimum wages. The right-wing ones include the following reforms: the abolition of pension benefits for civil servants, the elimination of more than 100,000 jobs in the public sector. One of the most characteristic moments of the pre-election program was the return of universal military service for young people from 18 to 21 years old for a period of one month.

It was expected that the main competitors in the struggle for the presidency of France would be Marine Le Pen, head of the far-right National Front party, and François Fillon, who adhered to pro-Russian views. However, the data disclosed by WikiLeaks regarding François Fillon's corruption machinations greatly undermined his rating, which forced Fillon to withdraw from the presidential race.

Two main rivals remained in the political arena: Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. The first was supported by such prominent and experienced politicians as Francois Fillon and Benoît Ammon, former President Francois Hollande. In the second round, having received 66% of the votes, Macron wins by a double margin. An important date in the biography of French President Macron was May 14, 2017. Then he officially assumes the office of President of France.

President's views on foreign policy

Even during the election campaign, it became clear that Emmanuel Macron did not adhere to pro-Russian views. Russian state media (Russia Today and Sputnik News) accused the future president of using administrative resources and called him a dependent protege of the world globalist elite, dependent on American capital. Macron's headquarters, in turn, accused the Russian media of spreading false information about the presidential candidate.

Unlike Marine Le Pen, who planned to hold a referendum on leaving the EU as president and start pursuing an independent policy within the framework of a nation state, Emmanuel Macron advocated further European integration and strengthening of the European Union along the France-Germany line. He also advocated an independent foreign policy free from American interference. Macron used similar rhetoric against Russia, simultaneously accusing it of cyberattacks and actions in Syria.

Emmanuel Macron as President

On May 14, 2017, Macron was officially appointed to the presidency of France. In the same month, he holds a series of meetings with the heads of European countries, receives the Russian president at Versailles, and makes telephone calls to foreign colleagues. In 2017, European leaders and the heads of the most influential countries are discussing possible solutions to the North Korean problem, ways to resolve the conflict in Donbass and form a coalition to fight terrorism.

In the biography of French President Macron during the presidential period, negative trends will also be noted. Over time, Macron's rating is falling, the level of his support is gradually decreasing. If at the beginning of his presidency his rating was 66%, then as of September 17, 2018, he fluctuates around the mark of 19%. At the same time, only half of the "nuclear electorate" supports the course of policy pursued by Macron. However, despite the disappointing figures, 67% of French people are still confident that their current president is leading the country towards positive reforms.

General conclusion

On May 14, 2017, Emmanuel Macron became the 25th President of France, replacing his predecessor and colleague François Hollande. The biography and photos of French President Macron are of interest not only to Europeans, but to citizens of other countries. A supporter of European integration and the strengthening of the EU, he pursues an active and sovereign foreign policy, which, however, far from all French people are satisfied with.

Emmanuel, before becoming the youngest president of France, went a long way to become both a person and a skilled worker. After studying at La Providence College, the University of Nanterre-la-Defense and the National School of Administration, Emmanuel began working as a financial inspector. French President Macron and his wife Brigitte married in 2007.

A little later, he became deputy financial secretary at the Rothschild bank, where Francois Hollande noticed him and invited him to the position as his speechwriter. Macron was quickly promoted to become France's economy minister. In 2017, he ran for president and defeated Marine Le Pen by a double margin in the second round. Now Macron is pursuing a balanced foreign and domestic policy aimed at strengthening the European Union and liberalizing the economy within France itself.

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