The meaning of the name Yaroslav, the origin, character and fate of the name Yaroslav. Yaroslav in different languages ​​of the world. The influence of the name Yaroslav on fate

The owner of the name Yaroslav is a complex and controversial nature. However, having learned all the secrets of his name, Yaroslav will be able to reveal his merits and use the energy of the name to one hundred percent.

The meaning and origin of the name

The name Yaroslav is Russian, or rather, primordially Slavic in origin. Its roots date back to ancient times, when there was no Christianity on the territory of Russia yet. Later this name was canonized and made Orthodox.

There is a lot of debate among scientists about the true meaning of the name, but there are a couple of the most popular versions: these are the interpretations of “strong” or “bright”. This name is popular even in Eastern Europe. In Poland and the Czech Republic, Yaroslav sounds like Yarosh.

The fate and character of Yaroslav

Yaroslav's character is not easy. This man is incredibly stubborn. He is also quite selfish, as he prefers to be seen as the leader by everyone. He always strives upward and often goes over the heads. Nothing stops him in pursuit of success.

Through life, Yaroslav accompanies amazing ability avoid problems by doing it in some way unknown to others. The secret is that he does not think, but does. At the sight of difficulties, Yaroslav gets into a fighting stance and takes blow after blow, and then strikes back, achieving success. Yaroslav is hardy and very flexible in moral terms - it will not work to offend him with words, because he is above empty talk. You can really hurt him badly only by deceiving his trust. In this case, you automatically become his enemy, because he will never forgive betrayal.

The fate of Yaroslav often develops successfully, because all the qualities described above are perfect for those who want to become a businessman or achieve other heights. Yaroslav is a leader, strong-willed and strong. He can lead people. This is a born boss and a great boss. The owner of this name climbs the career ladder very quickly. It seems that nature puts it in him on purpose to show everyone else how to manage people and show their character.

As for family life, Yaroslav is a wonderful father who will never give his children into trouble. He will raise them, put them on their feet, give them everything that he himself had, and even more. His wife can be proud of her husband, because Yaroslav is not one of those who cheat behind his back. With a higher probability, he will also be the head of such an alliance.

The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a child: we select a name for children

As a child, Yaroslav can be very naughty, which is explained by his excessive energy. A boy with that name very often makes his parents listen to various complaints about his behavior from teachers at school. The fact is that since childhood, Yaroslav has dreamed of being independent, and therefore denies any rules and regulations. This is not a sign of disrespect, but a demonstration of character, so it is important to teach the boy to compromise and prepare to meet them yourself.

Yaroslav already at school loves when everyone looks at him or talks about him. This is the second reason for his bad behavior. One way or another, but such a model of behavior has a positive effect on the ability to present oneself to the team. True, in childhood, Yaroslav is often vindictive, rather harsh or rude. Because of this, friendship may not work out. He is not inclined to forgive insults or put up, so he rarely makes friends, but they remain in his life for a long time.

For parents, the main thing is to understand their child, and not to condemn him. Of course, rudeness and hypocrisy must be stopped, but it is not recommended to deprive Yaroslav of freedom at all. In this case, the boy can turn into a tyrant who will be angry at the whole world, because he often does not understand why he is being punished. Parents with him need to be firm, but understanding.

Characteristics of the name Yaroslav

Name energy: Yaroslav's stable and strong energy aura is his business card. In his presence, some feel discomfort, and some, on the contrary, are attracted to his strength - therefore, if Yaroslav causes sympathy, then it is strong at first sight.

To which patronymic the name Yaroslav fits: Olegovich, Kirillovich, Vladimirovich, Mikhailovich, Igorevich.

Patron Animal: a strong and independent tiger, as well as a charismatic pheasant.

Name element: Yaroslav is the purest and most real fire that does not require replenishment.

Zodiac sign: best Signs- Sagittarius, Leo and Aries. This is Fire Signs, which are approximately equally suitable for Yaroslav, but each of them has its drawbacks. Aries is overly direct, Leo is vain, and Sagittarius is diplomatic.

Charm stone: marble, agate, amber, protecting Yaroslav from making hasty decisions and from choosing the wrong path in life.

Metal: gold.

Colour: white, brown and green. Green helps to find compromises with oneself. Brown gives Yaroslav even more charisma, and white neutralizes anger and impulsiveness.

Planet: Pluto, aloof and stubborn.

Auspicious day of the week: Sunday.

Plant: strong and courageous oak.

Lucky number: 4.

Notable Representatives: Yaroslav Smelyakov ( Soviet poet), Yaroslav Korolev (basketball player), Yaroslav Boyko (actor).

Yaroslavs do not strive for fame and honor, although they cannot refuse them. This is very strong people who will stop at nothing on their way to their own happiness. We wish you good luck, and also that your name brings you only success.

Numerology of the male name Yaroslav

This is a person who strives for harmony with his inner world and with others, which is facilitated by the number of the name four. Impressionability and emotionality distinguish him from the rest, giving a certain detachment, dreaminess, but at the same time, Yaroslav remains an excellent conversationalist. He has something to talk about, he has his own point of view on any question ... More details numerological analysis name is possible.

All names in alphabetical order:

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The name has been an integral part of any person since childhood, so it is very important to know what it means. The history of the origin of the name can play an important role in the life of a child. In this article we will talk about what the name Yaroslav means.


Exclusively princes were called so in Kievan Rus. The meaning of the name Yaroslav is connected precisely with this. Between the 11th and 13th centuries, in many Slavic lands had rulers with that name. For example, the Prince of Novgorod, and later the Grand Duke Yaroslav II (Theodore) Vsevolodovich (1190-1246), about whom the annals say that he laid down his soul for the Russian land. In handwritten calendars, this person is numbered among the saints. In addition, he is the father of Saint Alexander Nevsky.

Also known is the Chernigov prince Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich, who died in 1129. By their deeds, other well-known rulers with that name also won good fame among the people. After the baptism of Russia and until the second half of the 18th century, princely names were used extremely rarely for everyday use. Only during the so-called Russian Renaissance, our compatriots began to turn to their history and remembered the name Yaroslav. Despite the fact that it has been baptismal since ancient times, until 1917 they were named children mainly in the south-west of Russia, as well as among the Western Slavs: Slovaks, Czechs, Poles. Today princely ancient name regained its former popularity.

Yaroslav the Wise

However, the most famous owner of this name in Russia was Yaroslav the First Vladimirovich, nicknamed the Wise by the people. His parents were representatives of the most distinguished families of Europe: the Holy Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (the Baptist) and Princess Rogneda of Polotsk. Chronicles testify that Yaroslav the Wise limped in one leg, but was distinguished by a brilliant mind and exceptional courage on the battlefield. He contributed in every possible way to the spread of Christianity in his native country, the development of education and the training of Russian priests. The meaning of the name Yaroslav absorbed the good glory of this prince. He did not spare money for church splendor. This great person He gave all his strength to raise the culture of his country to a new qualitative level.

name day

Initially, the name Yaroslav got into the Orthodox calendar thanks to Prince Konstantin (Yaroslav) Svyatoslavovich of Murom. He was canonized as a great miracle worker. His memory is honored on June 3 (May 21).

Commemoration Day of Yaroslav the Wise - March 5. He was canonized in 2005 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy reveals its owner as a difficult, stubborn and energetic person. Since childhood, he has been distinguished among his peers by a mobile and independent disposition. AT school years Yarik will resent the teachers with his behavior. Parents will have to explain that the boy is by nature very independent and does not like to listen to other people's opinions. The meaning of the name Yaroslav gives its bearer a sociable and courageous character. A boy can quickly become his own in any company. He is able to lead and lead the team, loves compliments and is incredibly conceited. Parents should make sure that the strength and energy of their son fall into a peaceful channel.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy makes his bearer an excellent leader. However, the selfishness and self-confidence of this person can irritate his subordinates. Yaroslav is able to get out of any situation, he knows how to quickly respond to circumstances and act quite tough. Entrepreneurial activity will become a native element for the owner of this name. Yarik will make every possible effort to make his life successful and comfortable. Everything will definitely work out for him, because he is steadily moving towards the goal, while deciding very challenging tasks. The meaning of the name Yaroslav all the time pushes his bearer to new achievements, which creates him a high-profile reputation.

Personal relationships

AT family relationships a man named Yaroslav shows honesty. His children and wife always come first. At the same time, a man marries only when he is absolutely sure of the choice of his companion. This should be an outstanding woman who will always support in difficult moment. Yaroslav is a wonderful husband, and his family is strong and happy.

Friendships develop in a man less harmoniously. Not everyone can find common interests with Yaroslav. He is arrogant and proud and does not hide it. Communication with such a person should not be imposed. It is also not worth quarreling with the owner of this name, because he can become very vindictive and vengeful. However, in general, Yaroslav is honest and knows how to make right and fair decisions. In dealing with him, you should not painfully react to his ironic statements. In fact, he is much more benevolent than he wants to seem.


Yaroslav is a keen sportsman. He can prove himself well in martial arts. Thanks to his ability to concentrate and make lightning-fast decisions, he will win more than one glorious victory. Yaroslav's health is strong. Since childhood, he is very hardy and loves physical labor. However, over time, a man may develop problems with cardiovascular and digestive systems. In general, Yaroslav has good prospects: he will live for many years, while maintaining cheerfulness and a positive attitude.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav suggests that its owner will have a strong alliance with Galina, Iya, Dina, Larisa, Clara, Renata, Tomila.

Yarik will have a less harmonious relationship with Agnes, Alevtina, Alla, Albina, Antonina, Vasilisa, Daria, Eva, Evgenia, Elena, Elizabeth, Inna, Zhanna, Lina, Louise, Margarita, Marina, Natalya, Rimma, Julia, Elvira.

Yaroslav is a name for a boy who is able to loudly declare himself. Having matured, he will be able to find application for his tough character and leadership qualities. Among the Yaroslavs there are many commanders, leaders and famous public figures. By naming your child like that, you will doom him to universal recognition and unconditional success.

Name - Yaroslava, Slavic origin- "bright glory". As a child, Yaroslava grows up to be an extremely active, inquisitive and sociable girl who can sometimes cry alone, but will sleep peacefully in a room full of guests, as Yaroslava always feels better in company. Growing up, she tries to help at home with the housework, cook and clean the apartment. The character of Yaroslava does not change with age and she remains independent.

Yaroslava loves animals and enjoys watching cartoons. She studies well and always helps her friends if they turn to her for help. Doesn't tolerate injustice. Yaroslava is hardworking, diligent, ambitious and obligatory. After school, he must go to higher educational institution. As an adult, Yaroslava becomes a smart and insightful girl who sometimes likes to talk a lot and has a sense of humor. Also, the bearer of this name has inexhaustible optimism and friendliness. She actively seeks and selects friends, and if for some reason she fails, she will make more and more attempts. Although she is stubborn, she is nevertheless able to admit her mistakes.

Yaroslav loves to study

Yaroslava is talented, everything goes well with her. Often likes to draw attention to himself - catchy clothes, or laid-back behavior. She is self-confident and always knows her worth. It should be noted that Yaroslav is inherent innate - honesty and truthfulness. She often likes to give gifts for her birthday, or just because. And yet, he loves entertainment and all kinds of meetings, loves to be in the center of events. Also, the owner of this name very rarely listens to the advice of friends and relatives and often acts - at her own discretion. Yaroslava can work as a programmer, engineer, accountant, teacher, translator, hairdresser, dressmaker, pediatrician, salesperson, bank teller.

Often, Yaroslava always dreams of creating a family that will give her a sense of stability and confidence in life. Therefore, he is always looking for not only a mature, but also an understanding partner who can sacrifice a lot for the sake of family well-being. In marriage, a woman with this name always becomes a good housewife and a very devoted wife. She always dresses with taste herself and her husband with a child, also dresses with taste. It should be noted that Yaroslav is very jealous and in the company is always next to her husband. He always gets along with his mother-in-law, and in the family, he is always the leader.

Name day of Yaroslav

  • Yaroslav's name according to the zodiac sign: suitable for Leo.
  • Yaroslav's Talisman: amber.
  • Yaroslava name compatibility: favorable relations with the names: Vsevolod, Gordey, Ipolit, Stanislav, Yaroslav.

/ Yaroslava

This name is derived from ancient Slavic words"yarilo, ardent" and "praise, glorious." The meaning of the name is “Glorifying God Yarila”, “Very glorious (fiercely glorious)”. There is also an opinion that the name Yaroslav is derived from male name Yaroslav, the meaning is the same.

What does the name Yaroslav mean? Mystery of the name

The name was formed during the paganism of the ancient Slavs. Associated with the god Yarila - the god of the sun and fertility, joy and spring. It is endowed with strong and bright energy. For a girl named Yaroslav, the name has a significant impact.

What does Yaroslav sound like? full name): Yasya, Slava, Slavochka, Yara, Yarochka, Yaroslavochka. Exotic abbreviated version: Yasochka, Yarina.

Yaroslav's character. Personality characteristic

Yaroslav's character clearly corresponds to the meaning of the name. The strong, bubbling energy of the name makes Yaroslav positive and optimistic. Since childhood, this girl has been an obedient daughter and absolutely not a problem child: cheerful, calm and independent.

AT adolescence and youth is distinguished by leadership qualities, assertiveness and perseverance. The girl learns easily, while pulling underachieving classmates, classmates.

Yaroslav reacts sharply to criticism: she is not always able to calmly perceive it, she is easily offended. The person who named her negative qualities or shortcomings will not guess about her offense: she rarely shows it. But he will start working hard on himself.

In a relationship, he devotes himself completely to the chosen one, provided that he sincerely loves him. If Glory is controlled by a great and bright feeling, then it becomes good and caring wife, loving and responsive.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav and her cheerfulness have a beneficial effect on her fate. Yara is successful in her career and personal life. She is a wonderful hostess, wife and mother. At the same time, he manages not only to manage family responsibilities, but also to achieve his goals in his career and creativity.

If Yasa is not lucky in love, she does not despair and does not fall into depression. She can cry for several days from resentment. But after that she is ready for a new life and positive events, she always believes in the best.

In her career, Yara is successful due to her perseverance and intelligence. The female team loves her, and her male colleagues adore her.


Yasi has good health and strong immunity. However, with age, she should pay more care and attention to the state of her body. Yaroslava is prone to diseases gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system.


Names with which Yaroslava can have a full and harmonious union: Gleb, Arkady, Edward, Stepan, Valentin.

Difficult relationships can be with men bearing names: Igor, Semyon, Alexei, Denis.

Stones, amulets, colors, signs of the zodiac

  • Stones - azurite, meaning healing, healing of mental and physical wounds. Quartz - carries meaning solar heat, natural energy.
  • Zodiac: the name Yaroslav is ideal for the signs of Taurus, Sagittarius, Aquarius.
  • Colors: scarlet, fiery red.
  • Charm plant: orchid.


Woman's name. Old Slavonic - "ardent glory".

In childhood, she is extremely active, inquisitive and sociable. Possesses inexhaustible optimism and friendliness. Born in December, she may cry alone, but she will sleep peacefully in a room full of guests, since Yaroslava always feels better in company. She is stubborn, but nevertheless able to admit her mistakes. She actively seeks and selects friends for herself, and if for some reason she fails, she will make more and more attempts. She loves to give something to someone on her birthday, and just like that - if someone liked the toy. She is characterized by innate honesty, truthfulness, she retains these qualities, becoming adult girl. As a rule, Yaroslav loves animals, enjoys watching animated films, reading books about them. Yaroslav, born in October, is attracted to sports, as competition and competition are always attractive to her. Yaroslava is hardworking, diligent, ambitious, obligatory. There are no problems with studying, she always helps her friends, if they turn to her for help, she does not tolerate injustice.

Growing up, she tries to help at home with the housework, learns to cook and clean the apartment. Her character does not change with age; she is independent, she studies well at the institute or university.

Yaroslava, born in July, has an extraordinary impressionability, but tries to hide it from others, considering this quality her weakness. She has a developed sense of proportion, she will never wear what does not suit her. She dreams of creating a family that would give her a sense of stability and confidence in her life. To create a family, Yaroslav is looking for a mature and understanding partner and can sacrifice a lot for the sake of his family; she is a good housewife, one might say, a homely, very devoted wife. She is very jealous, so she is always with her husband in the company. She always tries to dress her husband with a child with taste. She can get along with her mother-in-law, helps her in everything. As a rule, she is lucky with her husband, and she is the leader in the family.

Yaroslava is talented, everything goes well with her. She is self-confident, knows her own worth. Draws attention to itself by catchy clothes or laid-back behavior. Rarely listens to advice, is independent, always acts at her own discretion. He loves entertainment and all kinds of meetings, loves to be in the center of events.

He has a cheerful character, knows how to handle money, never squanders it left and right. Yaroslava is smart, insightful, sometimes likes to talk a lot, has a sense of humor, but it is risky to criticize her - she may be offended.

Yaroslava can work as a programmer, engineer, dressmaker, pediatrician, salesperson, bank teller, accountant, teacher, translator, hairdresser.

See also the meaning of the names:

We hope that our interpretation of the secret of the female name Yaroslav will help you better understand your character or the character of your friends. Of course, one decoding and analysis of the origin of the name Yaroslav cannot fully characterize the woman or girl to whom it belongs, therefore on our website you will also find various horoscopes, compatibility pages, find out what it means to belong to one or another sign of various calendars. We invite you to dive into the sea secret knowledge and find out what not only the name of Yaroslav means, but also your zodiac sign, an animal according to Eastern Calendar and much more.

AT recent times many parents are looking for their children unusual names. The female name Yaroslav is still very rare. Let's try to figure out what it means and what fate it will give to its owner.

Name history

This is beautiful name came to us from ancient times. Long before the advent of Christianity, the Slavic tribes had a tradition of celebrating the end of winter on the day spring equinox- March 21. Festivities and games were dedicated to one of the most revered pagan gods - Yarila, who symbolized spring, vitality and fertility. It is not without reason that early young crops were always called “spring crops”, and small lambs and calves that first went to the pasture were called “spring crops”.

Therefore, many historians believe that the meaning of the name Yaroslav should be understood as "glorifying Yarila" or "glorious as Yarilo."

After the baptism of Russia, princes and others began to give the name Yaroslav to their daughters. dignitaries. And since the worship of pagan deities was not welcomed, a new interpretation was invented for it, from the roots “bright” and “glory” - “ventilated with bright glory”.

Name day of Yaroslav

AT Orthodox calendar no female name Yaroslav. Therefore, before the rite of baptism, the clergyman will offer the parents to choose any other Christian name.

This may be the name of a saint or great martyr, on the day of veneration of which the girl was born. In this case, she will celebrate the name day or the day of the guardian angel in accordance with the name of her heavenly patroness.

It is also allowed to choose a male patron for the girl, for example, the holy prince Yaroslav the Wise. In this case, the name day will be celebrated on March 5th.

Various forms of the name

If an adult woman is most often called simply Yaroslav, then the name for the girl should be more affectionate - for example, Yaroslavochka, Slavochka, Yarochka, Yarusya, Yarunya or Yarusechka.

The female name Yaroslav is also found in some other countries. About how it will sound different languages can be found from the table.

The name Yaroslav should not be confused with another female name Yaroslavna, which also recently appeared in everyday life. By the way, by its origin, Yaroslavna is not a name, but a patronymic, which came from the same distant antiquity. For example, the Queen of France and the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise were called Anna Yaroslavna, and the wife of Prince Igor, the hero of The Tale of Igor's Campaign, was Efrosinya Yaroslavna.

Famous namesakes

That woman's name Yaroslava is almost exclusive, can be judged by a very short list famous people who wore or are wearing it.

  1. Jaroslava Mozerova (1930-2006) - Czech doctor, artist, writer and politician.
  2. Yaroslava Iosifovna Stetsko (1920-2003) - Ukrainian political and public figure.
  3. Yaroslava Vyacheslavovna Shvedova (born 1987) is a professional tennis player who played for Russia and Kazakhstan.
  4. Yaroslava Aleksandrovna Pulinovich (born 1987) is a Russian playwright.
  5. Yaroslava Lazareva is a Russian writer, author of the popular series about vampires.
  6. Yaroslava Andreevna Nikolaeva (born 1995) - Russian actress cinema.

Let's hope that thanks to the emerging wave of popularity in a few years, new ones will be added to the list. famous women with the beautiful name of Yaroslav.

The character and fate of Yaroslav

Filled with strong energy, the name of Yaroslav makes its owner bright, noticeable and cheerful. A woman subtly feels beauty and is endowed with many talents that help her find her true destiny.


Little Yaroslavka is active and sociable.

She enjoys playing in the company of peers, but also likes to be among adults, especially when they are having "smart" conversations. The girl is very inquisitive and tries to find an explanation for everything, she not only absorbs information, but also tries to analyze it.

The girl easily learns school material. She is attentive, diligent and disciplined, so she will never go to class if she does not learn all the lessons by heart. Yarusya is a great tidy woman, there are never any blots in her notebooks, and things in her briefcase lie strictly in their places.

The girl has developed leadership skills, she may be appointed class president or elected to the school board. An important role in this is played by such character traits of Yaroslavka as honesty and justice, she always takes the side of the offended and tries to protect them.

The life of little Yaruni is not limited to home and school. She enjoys attending various circles - dance, art or theater. In addition, the girl likes to play sports, and she will definitely enroll in any section.


Already in high school, the girl is determined with future profession and is preparing hard to enter the university. Yarochka loves animals, so she can become a veterinarian or livestock specialist. The love of mathematics will allow her to choose the work of an auditor or an economist. Success awaits the girl even if she decides to follow the creative “path”, enrolling in the faculty of journalism or the theater institute.

Despite a solid intellectual potential, our heroine can refuse higher education and become a hairdresser, dressmaker or stewardess. In any case, with her diligence, commitment and ability to bring things to the end, she will earn respect and succeed.

Yaroslava's organizational skills will help her start her own business. In addition, our lady is a little tight-fisted in financial matters and never throws money down the drain, preferring to invest in the development of the enterprise. It is not surprising that the Yaruni firm will always prosper, and it is still in quite good shape. young age will be secured.

The owner of the name Yaroslav always has many friends and girlfriends. Thanks to her excellent sense of humor and eloquence, she easily becomes the soul of any company. A woman can not only work, but also tastefully relax. She loves parties, fashion parties, country picnics and always takes an active part in organizing them.

Being the head of the company, Yara arranges corporate parties for her employees, celebrates birthdays with them. She loves to give gifts, which she always chooses carefully. Therefore, all employees are simply delighted with their boss and work with special zeal.

Yaroslava has an excellent aesthetic taste and always looks brand new. She knows how to choose fashionable and beautiful clothes for herself, regularly visits a hairdresser, beautician and massage therapist.

Love and family

Possessing an attractive appearance and a whole “bouquet” of virtues, a woman named Yaroslava attracts men's views. But she is jealous and perceives every next gentleman as her property, trying to control all his steps. Guys don't like it so much love stories Yarochki are always short-lived.

In addition, our heroine feels a little constrained in intimate relationships and does not consider sex the main component of love. Her sensuality can be fully revealed only under the guidance of an experienced and patient man.

Yaroslav gets married quite late. As a spouse, she will choose a man older in age with a strong but complaisant character. In the family, he will play the role of a formal leader, while in fact the reins of government will be concentrated in the hands of our heroine. But she will do this so skillfully that the man will not feel a dirty trick and will be sure that he makes all decisions himself.

The owner of the name Yaroslav is a wonderful hostess and an unsurpassed cook.

Guests are always welcome in her house, and even her mother-in-law is delighted with her friendly and caring daughter-in-law. Yara adores children and becomes not just a mother to them, but a real friend to whom they confide all their secrets and dreams.

Name Compatibility

A woman named Yaroslava approaches any issue responsibly and meticulously. Choosing a spouse is no exception. Before going down the aisle, Yarochka will once again weigh the pros and cons, and also check the names for compatibility.

As a rule, the spouse of Yaroslava feels cozy and comfortable in the family.. The only thing that can annoy him is the jealousy of our heroine. She will control all the movements of her husband and will never let one go to any event or vacation.

Health and hobbies

Yaroslava has a strong and hardy body. Even common childhood illnesses bypass her. This is supported by sports and healthy lifestyle life, to which our heroine will always be true.

Yara prefers leisure and accustoms his household to this: they go hiking, travel in the mountains, swim in rivers or seas. And sometimes they just make family outings outside the city, where they run a lot and play outdoor games.

The main character traits of Yaroslav

With all the positivity of our heroine, she also has negative qualities. She is stubborn and often defends her point of view, realizing its fallacy. In addition, Yaroslav is selfish and tries to subordinate everything to her interests. The rest of the pros and cons are summarized in the table.

Parents who decide to give their daughter beautiful name Yaroslav, in no way will they lose. After all, along with the name they will give her amazing life filled with joy, success and happiness.

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