Hairstyle like Tatiana Denisova. Biography. What is the real hair color of Tatyana Denisova

Tatyana Denisova photography

Her dancing career began with her mother's veil. When Tatyana put it on, she realized that she needed to dance. Since then she has been dancing.

From the age of five to ten, Tatyana Denisova studied rhythmic gymnastics, and from the age of ten - classical ballet.

Tatyana grew up as a rather wayward child. She went to receive her first choreographic education at the age of ten and immediately to St. Petersburg, to the Vaganov Academy of Russian Ballet.

Then it was one of the most prestigious choreographic institutions in the Soviet Union.

“In most cases, I put them (parents - ed.) Before the fact. So it was with admission to the choreographic school. She said that if they don’t take me to the exams, I myself will “go along the sleepers”. I still remember that serious conversation and my obstinacy. The ride was far. Then we lived in Sevastopol, but my mother decided to go anyway, ”recalls Tatyana Denisova.

Mom hoped that Tanya would show her abilities and they would return home. However, the girl entered, despite the competition of thirty people for a place from all over the Soviet Union.

“I was very persistent, purposeful and creative child. Since childhood, she came up with productions, did editing musical compositions on reel-to-reel tape recorders so that the loss sounds as much as is required for the choreographic number. By the way, she also managed a sewing machine perfectly, ”Tatyana Denisova admits.

Best of the day

She created her first team while still a student. This happened already in Kyiv. After the academy, Tatyana Denisova entered the Kyiv National University culture and arts to the specialty director-choreographer.

“It was then that my own team appeared, in which I was both a choreographer and a dancer. And then she began teaching at the Variety and Circus College, where every year final exam impresarios and agents come from all over the world,” recalls Tatyana Denisova.

But one day the moment came when she wanted something more. Just at that time, an interesting proposal was received to leave with his ballet "JB" in Germany. For the last seven years she has been making productions in Europe. Tatiana specializes in disco and broadway styles.

“A certain level was reached in my work in Ukraine, and at some point I wanted something more.

There were always offers to go abroad, and an interesting contract just appeared, I decided to try it and I don’t regret it, ”Tatyana Denisova admitted.

She worked on many productions of the first season of the project "Everybody Dance!". Even at the last gala concert of the first season “Everybody Dance!” for the first time she was given the opportunity not only to stage numbers for the show, but also to evaluate them.

Only guys from Ukraine work in Tatiana Denisova's ballet. Recently, she offered a job to a girl who was in the top 100 of "Everybody Dance!", but did not make it into the top 20.

Tatyana Denisova is very demanding at work, but when she leaves the gym, she becomes a completely different person.

As a dancer, she has not appeared on stage for 2.5 years, and before that she danced in almost all styles except hip-hop.

Tatyana Denisova was married to aerial acrobat Ilya Strakhov, the couple have a son, Lev (at the beginning of 2011 he was 2 years old).

The pregnancy went very smoothly and easily. She continued to work in her usual mode until the very birth, she went to the hospital from a rehearsal. A month later, she began to restore her former shape.

While Tatyana was judging the second season of dancing, the son was with his dad.

In early 2011, it became known that Tatyana Denisova left her husband for the sake of the finalist of the show "X-factor" Alexander Krivoshapko. She is 12 years older than her new chosen one, but this does not prevent them from being together.

“Sasha and I do not hide that now we are together and a couple, but we do not advertise our relationship. However, we are not ready to make public and comment on the details of our life, this is a personal life, ”said Tatyana Denisova.

“We broke up with my husband, because at some point we became more comfortable apart than together. We are both happy and supportive friendly relations", - admitted Tatyana Denisova.

In early 2011, her ex-husband Ilya Strakhov entered the list of the fifty most talented people in the country, taking part in the Ukraine Got Talent!-3 project.

Tatyana Denisova tries not to eat sweets and flour, but does not resort to diets. If she gets tired mentally, they help her a lot. physical exercise. Tatyana loves to run. If he gets tired physically, he relaxes with a beer.

Favorite books - "The Brothers Karamazov" by Dostoevsky, " Quiet Don Sholokhov, Tolstoy's Anna Karenina and many others.

Dancers whom she considers masters of their craft: Cyd Charisse, Frad Astaire, Sylvie Guillem, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Rudolf Nureyev, Karina Smirnoff, Slavik Kryklyy.

Tatyana loves to listen to Queen, Elton John, Bon Jovi, Nickelback, Guns "n" Roses.

Vkontakte has 3 pages with her name. One of them is hers, but Tatyana does not have enough time to communicate, so she is going to delete her.

life credo A: Always rely on yourself.

The most famous choreographer in Ukraine and abroad, Tatyana Denisova, can often be found on the pages of magazines, newspapers and on our TV screens. And even though many viewers do not consider her ideal female beauty, but most of the ardent fans of this purposeful and attractive dancer consider her appearance to be natural. It is naturalness that attracts celebrities. Nevertheless, recent rumors that, a little shook the confidence of fans in the 100% natural appearance of their favorite.

The photo that sparked rumors about the "new" nose

As often happens, the television celebrity herself gave grounds for rumors, posting on Instagram in late spring another photo. Although Tatyana Denisova did not make any comments under it, many subscribers immediately began to compete in attentiveness, noticing the slightest nuances in the appearance of the choreographer. We will also consider this image here, but we will not limit ourselves to this, but compare it with earlier images by Tatyana Denisova. So, at the top - a photo that caused such a stir on the topic of plastics, and below - earlier pictures. I would like to note that the nose of Tatyana Denisova in these pictures is really a little different. In the first photo, it looks a little thinner than in the earlier ones. Nevertheless, it is not a secret for anyone that such an effect can be achieved not only due to plastic surgery, but also due to the competent use of concealers and correctors for the face. Again, in the pictures where Tatyana Denisova smiles broadly, and her nose seems wider, and in the controversial photo her face is serious.

More early photos Tatyana Denisova

That is why it is very hard to believe that Tatyana Denisova did a nose job in reality. And is it worth it to radically change your appearance when you already enjoy the love of a millionth army of fans, and the raisins inherent only in your face just make it more recognizable? That is why in the heated verbal battles of the subscribers of the page in social network celebrities want to support those who do not believe the rumors about plastic surgery. By the way, as around each famous person, there is enough gossip and gossip around Tatyana Denisova. And, of course, on the topic of appearance and plasticity, they also spoke out more than once. So, in addition to the nose, new lips were also attributed to the beloved Ukrainian dancer and choreographer, while repeatedly adding that another plastic surgery dealt a blow to the beauty of Tatyana Denisova, bestowed by nature itself. And only the most devoted and persistent fans continue to let all such nonsense pass by.

It is hard to believe that in some countries a woman is not entitled to her dream. Men are used to dictating their own rules of the game, which the fairer sex will have to play. It is very good that most countries do not support this initiative, and people can observe how a woman develops and what success she achieves as she climbs the career ladder.

One of these women is a famous dancer. Tatyana Denisova.

Biography of Tatyana Denisova

February 11, 1981 in Kaliningrad region was born beautiful girl, which parents named Tatyana. The baby was born in the family of a kindergarten teacher and a sailor. When Tatyana was two years old, her family moved to Sevastopol. This city has become a landmark for the beautiful Tanyusha. It is here that she will get acquainted with the dances, which in the future will occupy most of her life.

Tatyana Denisova:choreographer

It just so happened that the girl had to receive higher education in Kyiv. It is in this wonderful city that Tatyana will gather her own, in which she will not only dance, but also act as a choreographer. The girl was so talented that the age of 21 was not an obstacle to putting on dance numbers herself. Soon she will be noticed by the organizers abroad and will be offered a job.

Tatyana had to think about it, but, in the end, she made decisions in favor of Germany, where she was offered to create a whole dance theater. She became the founder and leader of the JB ballet project.

Personal life Tatyana Denisova

There were many different rumors about the girl's personal life. As Tatyana herself admitted, she was married and divorced a huge number of times. In fact, the girl was married twice.

Her first husband was at that time an aerial acrobat. Together they managed to live for several years. The marriage even had a son, Leo. But even this did not save their family. It's just that somehow Tatyana and Ilya realized that it would be better if they lived separately. Yes, it was easier at the time. After divorce former spouses were able to maintain warm friendships.

Concerning the dancer's son, early years he attends various events where his mother dances. The girl says that she is trying to draw Leo into an artistic environment. And the boy himself likes it very much. It is not yet known who the child will become when he grows up, but it can be assumed that creativity will not leave him.

second husband Tatyana Denisova was the singer Alexander Krivoshapko. The young man was younger than his wife by as much as 12 years. Only when it comes to love, who will pay attention to age? After the breakup in 2012, the girl hides her personal life.

Character Tatyana Denisova

Only a strong character helped the girl to succeed. Dancing is a lot of work. Anyone who has never dealt with them will not be able to understand this. Tatyana is one of the few girls who does not justify the name "weaker sex". The life credo of the girl: "You must always rely only on yourself."

Tatyana Denisova and her figure

Many women and girls envy Tatyana's gorgeous figure. As the girl herself says, she does not have a special diet. She just prefers healthier food.

Every day in her diet there are porridge (in the morning), soup (in the afternoon) and salad in the evening. Most of all, the girl likes Russian and Ukrainian cuisine.

Tatyana Denisova and Ukraine

It is impossible not to note the fact that Tatyana is very loved and appreciated in Ukraine. And the girl herself has special feelings for this country. So, for example, in her project called JB ballet, this representative of the fair sex recruited dancers exclusively from Ukraine.

Hobby Tatyana Denisova

In addition to dancing, Tatyana has a variety of hobbies. Not many people know that the girl loves to read very much, and is also well versed in several types of art. Tatyana definitely cannot be called an uneducated and uninteresting girl.

Long awaited dancing on TNT

Tatyana Denisova was invited as a member of the jury for the project. Fans are looking forward to new season. The appearance of Tatyana should be a pleasant surprise for many.

The girl herself is glad to work in Russia, because not only Ukraine is a close country for her.

The show is expected to be really bright.

Tatyana Denisova was born in Kaliningrad on February 11, 1981. Her father was a sailor, her mother worked as a teacher in kindergarten. When Tatyana was 2 years old, her father was transferred to serve in Sevastopol, where she most of childhood future star dancing. At the age of five, Tatyana was sent to rhythmic gymnastics, but at the age of ten, the girl decided that she liked dancing more. That's why milestone in the career of Tatyana, as a future famous choreographer, she entered the Vaganova Leningrad Choreographic School. By the way, almost forty people applied for one place.

AT this moment Tatyana Denisova - choreographer, TV presenter, head of the dance group JB Ballet. She gained fame thanks to major dance projects - the Ukrainian “Everybody Dance!” and the Russian "Dances".

Since the authoritative Wikipedia about Tatyana Denisova does not provide answers to all questions, we have prepared a small dossier. From our material you will find out what are the parameters of the figure, height and everything Tatyana Denisova has, eye color, shoe size and even bust size. The data is given as of 2017 and taken from open sources. If we made an inaccuracy, point out our mistake through the comment form. You do not need to register on the site for this.

What is the real name of Tatyana Denisova

Real name Tatyana Denisova ( full name) - Tatyana Viktorovna Denisova.

When was Tatyana Denisova born?

What is the zodiac sign of Tatyana Denisova?

Tatyana Denisova's zodiac sign is Aquarius. She was born in the year of the Rooster according to the eastern horoscope.

Where was Tatyana Denisova born?

Tatyana Denisova was born in the RSFSR (Russia), the city of Kaliningrad.

How old is Tatyana Denisova?

At the time of this writing (autumn 2017), Tatyana Denisova is 36 years old.

How tall is Tatyana Denisova?

Tatyana Denisova's height is 165 cm. Tatyana Denisova does not consider her height to be low. According to her, it is optimal for your favorite thing - dancing.

What is the weight of Tatyana Denisova?

Tatyana Denisova's weight is 48 kg.

Tatyana Denisova says about her body parameters and weight: “I don’t follow any special diet. But I sincerely believe that food should be simple. Therefore, I prefer Ukrainian and Russian cuisine.” Or: “I almost always have porridge for breakfast, soup for lunch, and salad for dinner. And even when I'm abroad, I try to eat only those foods that I know.

What color are Tatyana Denisova's eyes?

Tatyana Denisova's eye color is grey.

What is the real hair color of Tatyana Denisova?

The real (natural, natural) hair color of Tatyana Denisova is dark blond.

What are the parameters of the figure of Tatyana Denisova?

Tatyana Denisova's figure parameters: 88-60-87 (chest-waist-hips)

What is Tatyana Denisova's foot size?

Tatyana Denisova's foot size is approximately the 38th size. Shoe size by American standards - 7.5.

Tatyana Denisova is a talented dancer and choreographer, founder of the successful JB Ballet creative team, jury member and mentor of the Everyone Dance and Dance on TNT projects.

Childhood and youth

The future dancer was born in an ordinary and very far from creativity family of a sailor and a teacher kindergarten. When Tanya was two years old, her father was transferred to Sevastopol. There, the girl took up rhythmic gymnastics, and at the age of eight she began attending a choreographic studio in ballet class. Soon dancing became the main meaning of her life. Even at home, wearing her mother's veil and turning on her favorite song "Ballet" performed by Alla Pugacheva, she imagined herself dancing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.

Exercises for slender legs from Tatyana Denisova

Therefore, as soon as such an opportunity presented itself, the young ballerina overcame a huge competition and entered the best choreographic school in the country - the Academy named after A.Ya. Vaganova in St. Petersburg. True, Tatiana did not manage to finish it (the family moved to Kyiv), but studying at this prestigious institution gave Denisova a unique base, thanks to which she was able to achieve dizzying success in the future.


In Ukraine, Denisova entered Kyiv Institute culture for the choreographic department. While still a student, the 21-year-old girl organized her first dance group, which soon became known not only in Kyiv, but throughout Ukraine. At the same time, she taught choreography at a circus variety school, where she was noticed by foreign impresarios.

Tatiana received a tempting offer to work with her ballet "JB" in Germany and did not miss this chance. For seven years she created original dance shows and circus numbers in Europe and established herself as a talented choreographer and an outstanding creative person.

In 2009, Tatyana was offered to become a jury member and mentor in the Ukrainian talent show "Everybody Dance" along with Francisco Gomez, Alexei Litvinov and Vladislav Yama. For several seasons, Denisova, in the company of outstanding Ukrainian choreographers, decided the fate of the project participants.

"Everybody is dancing". Choreography by Tatyana Denisova

In 2016, the last, ninth season of the show was shown, after which it was announced that it was closing. In the same year, Tatyana Denisova appeared as a guest choreographer in a similar Russian project "Dancing on TNT".

Personal life of Tatyana Denisova

Denisova's first husband, from whom she gave birth to their first child Leo in 2009, was circus acrobat Ilya Strakhov.

In 2011, Denisova left him for singer Alexander Krivoshapko, whom she met at the finale of the X-factor show. The young artist charmed the windy beauty, and, despite the twelve-year age difference, the lovers soon got married.

Three years of them family relationships they resembled a battlefield - they quarreled and reconciled, poured mud on each other and converged again. In 2013, the couple officially terminated the relationship, and since then Tatyana has been trying to hide her personal life from the general public.

Tatyana Denisova now

In 2017, Tatyana Denisova became a full-fledged mentor and jury member of "Dancing on TNT" instead of the retired
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