How to know your iq level. Eysenck test - brief information


If you decide to test your IQ on your own, choose an IQ test consciously. Numerous online resources offer a rich selection various tests IQ, but most of them do not have a reliable methodology and show inflated results in order to attract the target audience to the resource. Choose tests famous authors, whose reliability is statistically proven. Among them are tests for determining the IQ of Eysenck, Wexler, Amthauer, Cattell and Raven's progressive matrices.

IQ tests developed by Hans Eysenck are the most popular among psychodiagnostics. Eysenck created eight variants of IQ tests for different target groups in the age range of 18-50 years. The first five Eysenck tests are called general and allow you to find out general level intellectual development. Eysenck's three specialized IQ tests are aimed at a deeper examination and assessment of mathematical, verbal and visual-spatial abilities.

If you are under the age of 18, you can check your IQ with the WISC - David Wechsler's Age Group Test. Wechsler's tests assess the intelligence quotient on eleven subtests, distributed on two scales - verbal and non-verbal. In the West, the Wexler method has become widespread due to its reliability. Wexler's IQ tests are routinely taken by students of schools and universities. educational institutions, job seekers and children preschool age. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) test for the age group from 16 to 64 years has also been adapted into Russian.

In the personnel departments of large corporations, when assessing personnel, the IST is used - the intelligence structure test. This is a multi-level IQ test developed by the German psychologist Rudolf Amthauer. IST allows you to create a detailed profile of the subject's intelligence according to several complementary criteria. If you are over 18 years old and decide to test your IQ not just out of curiosity, choose IST, it guarantees high validity of the results.

IQ test statistics are based on a normal distribution. 100 is taken as the average value of the coefficient. This indicator is considered the norm, the standard. A preschool child and an academy graduate may have an IQ of 100. This means that their mental age corresponds to the chronological age in a particular age group. IQ values ​​greater than 100 indicate that your cognitive abilities are ahead of the average for your age group. Values ​​above 120 on the Eysenck and Wexler scales are considered an indicator of giftedness, above 140 - genius.

Raven Progressive Matrices - intelligence test. Designed to measure the level of intellectual development, to study the logic of thinking. Figures are presented with figures interconnected by a certain dependence. One figure is missing, and below it is given among 6-8 other figures. Task: establish a pattern that connects the figures in the figure and in the answer field, indicating the desired figure among the proposed options. The test consists of 60 tables (5 series). Each series of tables contains tasks of increasing difficulty.

26.04.2014 172774

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Eysenck IQ test No. 4

Intelligence quotient is a measure of the ability to think and reason. The IQ score is a standardized way of comparing this ability to most people who take the test. The actual IQ score may be in the range of the score. The fact is that it is extremely difficult to get an IQ score with high precision because there are many external factors which can provide Negative influence to your account. For example, you are distracted by something that day. In addition, IQ is not a measure of all human abilities and skills. Try to take the test and type maximum amount points.

So that you do not become like the hero of a joke who ended the test by asking the question: "What is the Eysenck test?", we want to tell the story of its origin. And so, as soon as the world-famous scientist psychologist Stern introduced the concept of the IQ in 1912, the problem of its correct calculation immediately arose. It turned out a curious situation when there is an answer, but no solution has been invented for it. And only in 1916, Mr. Eysenck proposed a convenient option for assessing intelligence by solving the tasks assigned to a person. Naturally, scientists could not come to terms with the world fame that had passed them by and offered their own test options, but it was precisely Eysenck IQ test.

In our version, which is optimal for deriving the coefficient, you will need to take the Eysenck IQ test for free and answer 40 questions, and the online test is calculated for 30 minutes.

Naturally, on our resource you can take the test for free several times, checking the state of your intelligence in certain time days. In this way, you will be able to determine when your brain is most prepared for various tasks. And in the future, based on the data received, you will be able to plan your activities at the peak of performance. After you pass the Eysenck questionnaire test, you can even make a table in which you enter the values ​​obtained. This will allow you to visually assess the changes in the level of intellectual training in a certain time period.


From the table and graph, we see that evening hours can be considered the most productive for you.

What is the Eysenck aikyu test for?

In more rigorous terms, this Eysenck test and the questions in its composition evaluate your ability to complete the integrity of the “picture”. Those. you, based on your own experience and knowledge, form the answer to the question. Thus, the subjects demonstrate their ability to quickly adapt to the proposed conditions, and the correctness of their answer is evaluated in a numerical value.

Very often there is a substitution of the concepts of mind and intellect. And if the intellect is expressed through the ability to know, as well as the correct assessment of the situation, then the mind includes the process of cognition. Therefore, the Eysenck IQ test online for determining the IQ includes questions where a problem should be solved. The test contains questions on solving logical, semantic and figurative tasks and, based on the answers, forms an IQ indicator. The online test (free) Eysenck is the ability to make logical conclusions, practically it is a test for the development of the mind. Therefore, you are not only evaluating your intelligence, but you are evaluating the potential of your mind.

Naturally, one should not take the test results as something beyond doubt. Perhaps the result of low scores was your absent-mindedness or stressful condition. The Eysenck intelligence test does not take into account psychology, so make an adjustment “for the wind”, calm down and thoughtfully pass the test - the Eysenck questionnaire again. According to proponents of the test, its result will only make sense if it is taken multiple times. So it is possible to determine the maximum possible level of intelligence for an individual, as well as to exclude the influence of extraneous factors.

Hans Eysenck test - test yourself in a few minutes.

And so, only thirty minutes, and you will receive an assessment of the level of your intelligence according to the version proposed by our resource. The G. Eysenck test is a chance to learn more about your intellect and an opportunity to understand in which direction you should direct your activities. Take the IQ test online for free, Eysenck created it just for you, preparing the most tricky backfill questions. It is possible that the test result will be a complete surprise for you, and this is a powerful incentive for further development your personality.

It is customary to call the intellect the mental capabilities of a person, the level of his mental development, which subsequently determines the activity, the ability to perceive new knowledge and the ability to apply them in practice and in Everyday life. IQ is the very coefficient that gives an assessment of the level of mental abilities.

As a rule, an IQ test is any test that evaluates the completeness of mental development. Tasks in such tests are distributed according to the level of complexity, and each is standardized.

It is believed that the mental abilities of each person are very actively developing until the age of 13. Then, over time, development gradually slows down. That is why studies show that adults average level IQ - in 100 points.

Eysenck test

The Eisenk IQ test is considered one of the best in determining the level of mental development. There are 40 questions in it, and many of them are visual: you need to choose one of several pictures that would complement the rows. There are no questions with a catch, each has its own pattern. Usually, after passing the test, a picture of the distribution of the population by the coefficient is offered, that is, the candidate can see for himself how many people scored as many points as he does. In general, the ideal option is how to find out your IQ.

child's IQ

The maximum load on the intellect occurs in the first years of a child's life. Therefore, no matter how powerful genes in the field of mental development parents have, the baby’s intelligence will not reach the proper level if the brain is not “trained” from childhood.

It should be noted that the method of determining the IQ in children is somewhat different from that of an adult. For example, it is not enough for a child to pass an IQ text. His intelligence level is calculated according to the average score formula: mental age is divided by physical age, and the resulting value is multiplied by 100. That is, if a teenager is 10 years old, and the IQ test he passed showed the results of a 12-year-old, then the average score will be calculated as follows: 12 / 10 * 100 \u003d 120. Accordingly, the IQ will be equal to 120. Knowing this formula, as well as the results of their own test, each child will be able to figure out how to check his iq.

Intelligence Development

For the successful development of brain activity, you need to train your brain as often as possible. Such a “simulator” can be the regular performance of various IQ tests. different types. Experts assure that the level of intelligence after that rises by several positions at once. This can be especially useful if you need to as soon as possible increase the coefficient, for example, for employment. After all, some companies even at the interview with the help of tests check the IQ of future candidates for the position.

We offer several online resources that provide an opportunity to test your intelligence.

  • Here you can pass three test options at once: ligth test for 40 questions; hard test with 80 questions and mega test with 200 questions.

The level of intelligence is a delicate parameter. People tend to consider themselves smarter than others, and yet you want to check your level of intelligence to make sure and be rightfully proud. On the other hand, there is always a risk that the IQ test will not show a very pleasant result. How to be? How to check your aikyu without harming self-esteem? Try to do this anonymously so that you don't have to share your IQ test result with anyone. The Internet allows you to check your iq online without registration. But be careful not to agree to pay for verification: look for free tests on aikyu, which is also enough.

Modern technologies have significantly facilitated the work of psychologists, teachers, personnel officers who use tests for the level of intelligence in their professional activity. Specialists use methods that allow checking the aikyu of children and adults, taking into account the level of education and other social features. To an ordinary person it is not necessary to go into such details. Popular intelligence tests allow you to both check your aikyu and compare it with average values ​​and indicators of other people in order to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits level of intelligence.

What is an intelligence quotient? How is intelligence measured?
To assess the level of intelligence, it is customary to use the so-called intelligence coefficient. IQ, or, in Russian transcription, aikyu, is its abbreviation, introduced into use for convenience. The popularization of the concept of aikyu has reached the point where many people misunderstand this characteristic and believe that you can simply check your aikyu once and for all. In fact, intelligence tests are arranged differently. For their use and interpretation of the results, certain features must be taken into account:

  • Initially, the IQ test was developed for medical purposes. With its help, the aikyu of children was tested to determine mental retardation. Today, more than a century later, a low level of intelligence is considered to be below 70 points.
  • An IQ below 70 is considered an indicator of mental retardation, but test results cannot be taken as the final assessment of intellectual abilities. IQ test results are affected by fatigue, health status, and other temporary factors.
  • Objectively, the level of intelligence is affected by the state of health, heredity, the environment (the political situation in the country, the standard of living, etc.), as well as the presence of some specific genes, race and even gender.
Aikyu is relative, not absolute. It is necessary to perceive the level of intelligence in conjunction with the age of the test person, otherwise the results will be inadequate. For example, checking the aikyu of a child and an adult can result in the same number of points. This does not mean that a 5-year-old and a 25-year-old person are at the same level of development and / or have the same knowledge. IQ does not show erudition, but intellectual potential and compliance normal level development in their age group. So, to check your aikyu and the aikyu of a child, you will have to go through different tests.

tall and low level intellect. Types of IQ tests
There is no single universal iq test. But there are several test options that allow you to test your aikyu. They contain quite standard tasks for testing the level of intelligence. Tests are aimed at logical thinking and contain simple questions from different areas of knowledge: arithmetic examples alternate with letter puzzles and combinations of geometric shapes. To date, there are various tests for testing intelligence in the public domain:

  • Eysenck tests are the most popular. They include 8 verification options at once. All 8 Eysenck tests are designed for adults (18-50 years old) who have received at least a secondary education. Eysenck tests can be considered universal because they create equal conditions for people with a mathematical and humanitarian mindset. Despite the fact that Eysenck's intelligence tests are often criticized for their simplicity and bias, these tests are usually meant by the IQ test.
  • Intelligence tests developed by D. Wexler, J. Raven, R. Amthauer are newer, more accurate and more complex. For example, the Wechsler test contains 11 specialized subsections. They explore the general stock of knowledge, the ability for analytical thinking, concentration and abstraction, memorization, synthesis and other characteristics of mental activity. The Wechsler test is known worldwide under the acronyms WAIS and WISC.
  • Tests for the child's intelligence are built in the form of exciting puzzles and bright pictures. Child psychologists use them as a professional tool, but every parent can find baby test on aikyu online or in the media to entertain the baby. Do not take seriously the test of the child's intelligence at home. Just let your child enjoy solving riddles and encourage his interest in such mind simulators.
It doesn't matter what grade in mathematics or grammar was on your school report card. Each test is planned in such a way that all skills are balanced. But for greater objectivity, it is advisable to pass not one, but several tests for aikyu. Then their average result can be considered more or less reliable.

How to check the level of intelligence? How to pass the IQ test?
It is better to check your aikyu alone, in a calm environment and in a good mood. You don’t need to specially prepare for checking the level of intelligence, on the contrary, try to relax and not give too much attention to what is happening. of great importance. Select free time, when no one distracts you, sit comfortably at the computer and start checking. Using the Eysenck test as an example, we will show you how to effectively pass the IQ test:

  1. Start your iq test rested and healthy. At the end of the day, after hard work or early in the morning, waking up, the test results will be lower than the actual ones.
  2. The Eysenck test consists of 40 questions, the difficulty of which gradually increases. You can't skip questions, you have to answer each one. If you are not sure about the correct answer, choose the most likely option, in your opinion.
  3. Exactly half an hour is allotted to pass the Eysenck test. You have the right to complete the test faster, but you cannot spend more than 30 minutes on an intelligence test using the Eysenck method.
Despite the apparent simplicity, some questions can cause difficulties. If you are taking the test online, then the temptation to find ready-made answers to the aikyu test will be very great. Of course, no one will catch your hand and will not prevent you from using hints. But in this case, the results of the test will show only your level of cunning, but not intelligence.

How to find out your level of intelligence on the test? IQ test results
The results of the intelligence test will be shown as a two or three digit number. Most likely, an explanatory comment will appear next to them. And if not - focus on this interpretation:

  • The normal value of aikyu is about 100 points. On average, test scores for most people (which is about half of all test takers) fall in the 90 to 110 range.
  • An IQ score of less than 90 points is found in approximately 25% of test subjects. If we consider the sample as representative, then we can say that a quarter of people have a level of intelligence below average. However, do not forget about the possible errors and interference that distort the results of iq tests.
  • High level of intelligence - iq110 and above. Few could boast of such a result. prominent figures. In particular, Stephen Hawking's iq 160, Einstein's iq 175, Garry Kasparov's iq 180. Try it, what if you can surpass their results?
Be aware that many of the available online intelligence tests inflate the results slightly to flatter users. In addition, Eysenck tests and similar questionnaires for self-checking aikyu are often criticized by scientists: they say that not all questions are formulated correctly, and some tasks do not have the right answer at all. Well, maybe that's the point of checking. Passing the test, you find yourself in non-standard conditions, where you have to use intuition, ingenuity and the deductive method, which is the best way to characterize not erudition, but just logical thinking. Good luck, extraordinary decisions and high test results!
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