Preliminary forecast for March. Folk signs of March about the weather

Despite the fact that I was completely confident in the excellent state of my own health, I became scared. And here Natasha came to the rescue. At the stall with the inscription Best Food. A couple of meters away from us, two thin-necked sergeants were indeed peacefully eating cakes with meat. I started the engine and rushed to the address indicated by Kiryushka. My heart was restless. I turned my head and saw two policemen. Standing a bit away from. Who Alice was remained a mystery, but I was not going to solve it.

We saw a ladder made of steel bars. Without thinking twice, I climbed up, deciding that the panel opens in the same way as the one through which we got into the tunnel. She rested her hands against the wall, pushed it away, climbed out into which one. That little room and said Vanya. There was a sniffling, and later Ivan's voice sounded in complete darkness. I was confused, but optimistically answered. At that very moment, the closet lit up with light, I closed my eyes. I was standing in the toilet. Two toilet bowls without toilet seats and drain tanks amused the ear. Peacefully murmuring water. There was a strong smell of bleach, the doorway was closed with a net, and beyond. Squirrel, Misha and two gloomy men with machine guns were standing. I glared at the guys with the guns and blurted out.

I stretched again. It was behind a mirror, but here a passerby pointed his finger in the direction of my typewriter and continued. I surveyed the offended Zhiguli, picked up the sneakers that fell out of the box and grunted. The man pouted, puffed for a couple of minutes and declared. Here I am slapping into the store, holding in my fist the pennies given out by Raisa for a bottle of beer. Zhigulevsky in those years in Moscow was. To get it, as soon as the lighted boxes arrived in the shops, a horde of peasants stormed the counters, shouting. Sobbing, I laid out the essence of the matter to her, told her about Raisa, beer, coins, the sewerage network ... The woman shoved the banknote into my fist by force. The door to Zalygina's apartment was open and propped up with a stool, and on the stairs, on the windowsill, sat a woman in shorts and a T-shirt smeared with paint. The girl jumped off the windowsill, put her hands on her hips and barked. I noticed that her voice had changed and repeated it. Nika bit her lower lip, then decisively shook her hair and again rushed into battle. I quietly listened to the already well-known story about cheating with things. I nodded. I know this place.

I had to obey. Almira lived in a brand new house, in a multi-room apartment filled with expensive furniture. I opened. There was a mouth, but here the sharp ringing of the phone made me flinch. Almira grabbed the phone. Then she looked at. Suddenly I was offended. But Almira is an extremely nasty person. I silently walked to the door. I quickly ran to the door. And before that Almira managed to get up from the sofa, pulled the handle, jumped into the elevator and after a few minutes was in the six.

My phone rang in my pocket, I hurriedly left Krestov to deal with the numb Zhanna. She looked at the screen of the tube and said quickly. A male voice came from the cell phone. Tenacity hired by Max. The actor admired. Another would have long realized that he played his role poorly, he was seen through. It's time to stop fiddling. But no, the fool keeps talking about the chest and the chicken. Well, at the moment he will get it from me ... Silence hung in the receiver. A lady's voice cut through, chattering in English. I turned around, saw an attractive lady in a blue dress and asked. For a few moments the woman chattered at machine-gun speed, then fell silent, paused and looked at.

Spring and in particular March 2017 will begin with a pleasant feeling of approaching heat and sun. It will seem to all residents of the central region of Russia that here they are - warmth and grace - have returned to our snowy lands, and now the real spring time will finally come. But do not rush: the first spring month - March 2017 is distinguished by a cocky and unstable character and weather. He is still young and inclined to play pranks, sometimes not kindly.

What will the weather be like in March 2017 in Russia

It should be noted that this month, weather will be very changeable, because a bright day can be followed by frosty weather and a blizzard night, discarding all the attempts of spring, to make its way a few steps forward.

Weather from 1 to 15 March 2017

The month of March begins with cold winter weather. It will seem as if spring has not checked the calendar at all this year, which is why it is so late. The central regions will feel the real February cold, while the northern parts of Russia will still be shrouded in frosts down to -20-22.

The weather in the last few days of the first third of March 2017 is expected to be warm and sunny. The sky will be cleared of heavy clouds, the temperature will jump to zero, everything will begin to melt. But this will not last long, so do not rush to hide warm things - it will win back its rights for some more time.

Weather from 16 to 31 March 2017

The middle of the month will bring warming to all regions of Russia: in the center not lower than -7-10 degrees, in the north up to -15, and in the south of the country a stable 0. In the last days of March 2017, the southern regions of the Russian Federation will feel real heat up to +10. The north will freeze for some time: from 7 to 4 degrees of frost, depending on the distance from the center. But March will end in spring, loudly and sunnyly.

Weather forecast for Moscow and the Moscow region for March 2017

It should be noted that residents of the Moscow region and Moscow, starting from the second half of March, will climb to get their rubber boots, because the melting snow will force everyone to change their shoes. See below what the weather will be like in Moscow, in particular, what will be air temperature throughout the month in the capital of Russia (this forecast is based on long-term averages over the past 8 years).

Folk signs of March about the weather

People associated with March the onset of a new cycle in nature - spring-summer, at this time it is customary to sum up the results of the past winter months. Now we are not as dependent on the land as our ancestors, but many are already thinking about what this year will be like: fruitful or not (see, by months).

You can judge what awaits us in 2017 already now, in March. The drier the weather this month, the more abundant your harvest will be. Pay attention to which side of the anthills the snow begins to melt: if from the north, then this is good, because the long summer heat will help your crop to ripen and grow stronger. But on the south side, it means that the rainy and cold summer months can ruin all plans for the future.

It is impossible to predict what will weather in Moscow and the region in March 2017. Even weather forecasters, using powerful modern equipment, often make mistakes and make incorrect forecasts.

The climate in our time has become unnecessarily changeable and unpredictable: in winter it can pour torrential rain, and at the end of spring snowballs fly by.

In an ideal world, any of us would like to know what weather conditions to expect in the future, because in spring it beckons to nature, to the river or to the country. students are looking forward to it. But all plans can be disrupted by a sudden snowfall or a sharp drop in temperature.

Even taking into account all the capriciousness of our weather, people do not stop believing the data of the Hydrometeorological Center, because you always want to hope for the best.

In March, fine warm weather is especially appreciated, because during this period, gardeners and gardeners actively begin to prepare for crops. What will the weather be like in the first month of spring: will it please us or, conversely, upset us?

Capricious March

Many of us know that warm days in March should not be trusted. Despite the warming rays of the sun, a piercing, cold wind blows this month. Grandmothers have long said that it is undesirable to take off your hat and jacket in March, because it is easy to catch a cold.

Enhances the capriciousness of the first spring month and solar activity. Valery Nekrasov has been compiling long-term weather forecasts for many years, I am sure that this is the main reason why natural anomalies and disasters occur.

In addition to the sun, the climate in our regions is also affected by a shift in - the forecaster is sure. Currently, there is a shift of 13 days in the Gregorian calendar, thereby shifting the natural timing of the change of seasons.

Now in our area warm winters with rains and warm autumn prevail. If we talk about spring, then it is usually cold, with rain and snow.

Weather in March in 2017

Residents of the capital and visiting guests already in March hope to experience all the delights of spring. But their plans are often not justified. Weather forecasters assure that in 2017 the first month of spring will bring down all its severity on Muscovites - the air will be dry, cold with constant winds.

It is unlikely that such weather sets up for a fun spring break, which begins with schoolchildren. Although a person adapts quickly to any conditions, and even in gray, dank everyday life, you can find something bright and pleasant.

In early March, sub-zero temperatures will still prevail in Moscow and the region, especially at night. On some days, the thermometer can drop to -8°C, and during the day it does not rise above +5°C.

The hydrometeorological center assures that in March, residents of the capital will see flying snow more than once. Of course, there is no need to wait for big snowfalls, but the earth will still be covered with a snow-white cover, which will melt towards the end of March.

In the second half of this spring month, there will be a slight warming. The formidable wind will change its direction, the snowdrifts will begin to slowly melt, and the air will gradually warm up.

Frosts will not go away completely, at night everything will also be cold (up to -5 degrees Celsius), but during the day the temperature will please Muscovites - from +3 to +7 degrees Celsius. Despite the fact that March 2017 will be cloudy, there are still clear days in it.

Their number will increase towards the end of the month and gloomy weekdays will be replaced by similar bright days. As for the precipitation, it will pester the residents of the capital only in the first half of March, and by the end it will come to naught.

Average weather in March:

  • daytime temperature - 1 ° C below zero;
  • night temperature - 5 ° C below zero;
  • number of clear days - 3;
  • daylight hours - 12 hours;
  • number of days with precipitation - 1;
  • the amount of precipitation is 30 mm.

Air temperature in Moscow and the region

  • March 1: -2°С -8°С
  • March 2: -2°С -8°С
  • March 3: -3°С -9°С
  • March 4: -2°С -6°С
  • March 5: -2°С -6°С
  • March 6: -3°С -8°С
  • March 7: -3°С -9°С
  • March 8: -1°С -6°С
  • March 9: -0°С -6°С
  • March 10: -0°С -5°С
  • March 11: -0°С -6°С
  • March 12: -0°С -7°С
  • March 13: -1°С -6°С
  • March 14: +1°С -5°С
  • March 15: -1°С -6°С
  • March 16: -1°С -5°С
  • March 17: -2°С -7°С
  • March 18: -1°С -7°С
  • March 19: -1°С -7°С
  • March 20: +1°С -5°С
  • March 21: +1°С -4°С
  • March 22: -1°С -6°С
  • March 23: -0°С -6°С
  • March 24: +1°С -6°С
  • March 25: -0°С -6°С
  • March 26: +2°С -5°С
  • March 27: +3°С -4°С
  • March 28: +2°С -6°С
  • March 29: +2°С -4°С
  • March 30: +3°С -4°С
  • March 31: +2°С -3°С

Folk omens in March

As soon as the winter month of February ends and March begins, nature gradually moves away from hibernation, exposing its beauties to the whole world. No wonder our ancestors believed that March is the beginning of the spring-summer cycle. And although this month does not please with warmth, winter is already felt less in it.

Watching the spring changes in nature, people have compiled a number of signs that help to understand what kind of weather surprises to expect in the future. Among the huge amount of such folk wisdom, there are several really truthful signs.

Despite the fact that Moscow is a large metropolis, even in it you can see natural phenomena that will reveal to us the secrets of the near future. For example:

  • Frequent and dense fogs in March portend a rainy cool summer.
  • If the weather was dry throughout March, then the harvest in the gardens is guaranteed.
  • In the middle of the month, warm fine days came - the summer will be moderately warm.
  • In March there is water in the yard, in April the water murmurs, and in May the flowers bloom.
  • If in March there is a high level of groundwater, then in the middle of spring there will be a lot of insects.
  • The first thunder will sound in March - you will receive a bountiful harvest of bread in the fall.
  • Long icicles hanging from the roofs signify that the spring will be long.

It is still too early to judge whether this forecast will come true or life will make its own adjustments. But still, one can hope that nature will be loyal to all Muscovites (and not only), will give a lot of warm days as soon as possible!

Changeable, moderately cold at the beginning of the month and warmer at the end - this is what the weather will be like in Moscow in March 2017. Such promises are given by the forecast from the hydrometeorological center, compiled on the basis of statistical data and long-term observations of the weather situation in the region. Forecasters warn of a large amount of precipitation in the form of sleet at sub-zero temperatures and heavy rain at a stable plus. Cloudiness will become a characteristic feature of March, and only in the very last days, Muscovites and guests of the capital will see a gentle spring sun, timidly peeking out from behind a dense veil of gray clouds. A similar situation will be established in the region, with the only difference that in the southern parts it will become warmer already in the middle of the month, and in the north and north-west it will happen only in the last days of March or even in early April.

Weather in Moscow for March 2017 from the hydrometeorological center of Russia - forecast for the beginning and end of the month

The Russian hydrometeorological center claims that the weather in Moscow in March 2017 will be typical for this period of time and will not bring any unexpected surprises to guests and residents of the capital. The beginning of the month will traditionally pass under the sign of small sub-zero temperatures, and by the end the weather situation will begin to break down. Warm and cold fronts will fight for their rights for some time, but in the end, spring will defend its position and fill the air with freshness and aromas of the first flowers. The snow will finally leave the roadsides and the city will meet April with friendly, dry and clear days.

Weather in Moscow for March 2017 - the most accurate forecast by day

According to the most accurate preliminary forecast of meteorologists, the weather in Moscow in March 2017 will be moderately cool and very rich in precipitation in the form of rain and sleet. The sun will only occasionally pamper residents and guests of the capital with its appearance, and most of the days will pass under the sign of partly cloudy.

What weather is promised in March 2017 for Moscow - forecast for every day

In the first days of spring, winter will still remind of itself and scare Muscovites with stable sub-zero temperatures. On March 1 and 2, the daily mercury column will not exceed -1°C, and at night the air will cool down to -10…12°C. 3 and 4 will get colder even more and thermometers will fix about -9°C during daylight hours and -14…17°C in the evenings.
From the 5th, it will gradually begin to warm up, and the air temperature will first warm up to -4°C, and in the next two days it will reach -1°C. On March 8 and 9, a stable 0 will be established in the capital, and a full-fledged spring will begin in Moscow on March 10. Until February 14, the weather will demonstrate amazing stability for spring. Average temperatures these days will be 0…+1°C during the day and down to -1°C at night. Precipitation in the form of snow, typical for the first decade of March, will gradually turn into rain and walking the streets without waterproof shoes, an umbrella and a raincoat will become very uncomfortable.

From 15 the Mediterranean cyclone will come to the capital. Temperatures will rise every day and rise from +3°C to +8°C. However, along with active warming, the city will be covered by a series of heavy torrential rains. They will wash away the remnants of snow from the roofs and streets, and nothing else will remind you that quite recently there was a fierce, severe winter in Moscow.

From March 21, a cold atmospheric front will force the temperature to drop from +5°C to 0°C during the day and to -3°C at night. Light white snowflakes fly in the air again and for some time it will seem that February has decided to return to the city again. On March 27, the precipitation will completely stop and the gentle spring sun will finally break through the dense veil of clouds. True, it will not get warmer, and the temperature will continue to fall first to -1°C, and then to -4°C. Positive indicators on the thermometer will be established only on the last day of March, and the capital will meet April with a clear, cloudless sky and the absolute absence of any precipitation.

Weather in the Moscow region in March 2017 - what forecasters promise

According to weather forecasters, the weather in the Moscow region in March 2017 will be largely similar to the weather situation in the capital. However, differences are also planned and will be expressed in regular, heavy snowfalls. Most of all, these natural disasters will be felt by residents of the northern and northwestern parts of the region. It will be quite cold there until the 20th, and the snow cover will linger on the roads and roadsides even longer. Really warm days will come at the very end of March. Already from 25 the mercury column will cross the 0 mark and persistently rush up, hinting that spring is moving into its active phase.

The south and southeast will feel warmer much earlier than other residents of the Moscow region. In Serpukhov, Kashira and other neighboring cities, a stable plus will be seen in the second decade of March, and by the end of the month the average daily temperature will be +6…8°C during the day and at least +2°C at night. Precipitation in the form of sleet and rain will completely stop around the 25th, and the last days of March will be spent by residents of the region in dry, calm and moderately warm weather

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