Sudden wedding of Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin. Revenge wedding: why Justin Bieber thinks about Selena Gomez and marries Hailey Baldwin Justin Bieber got married

Throughout June, netizens watched 24-year-old Justin Bieber torment his ex-girlfriend, 25-year-old Selena Gomez, with jealousy. However, insiders assured in a voice that the singer had no serious intentions towards 21-year-old Hailey Baldwin, who was in love with him to the point of madness. And on July 8, it became known that Justin decided to marry Hailey. What is this - the revenge of a broken heart? Trying to forget a painful relationship? Or maybe it's still love?

This spring, Selena Gomez once again dumped Justin Bieber: the last chapter of their relationship lasted several months. The singer did not seem to be particularly worried: she focused on herself and started looking for a new victim who would help her stay on the wave of popularity.

The artist also did not show that he was hurt and offended. Bieber immediately began an affair with model Baskin Champion. However, insiders claimed that it was not so easy for Justin, and, perhaps, they were right - as a result, the artist met with a fragile blonde of nothing. And in June, Bieber unexpectedly resumed a relationship with Hailey Baldwin, who yearned for him for many years.

Netizens were sure that Justin was just taking revenge on Selena, realizing that it would be unpleasant for her to see him happy, and even next to his former passion. On July 8, Western media suddenly reported that Bieber proposed to Baldwin. Did Justin decide to marry out of desperation in order to morally crush Selena, who caused him a lot of suffering?
It is possible, because the whole of June, Gomez watched the romance of Bieber and Baldwin, as if specially put on public display, and did not react in any way. But what about poor Hailey, you ask. Is Justin so sick of Selena that he does not spare the feelings of the now bride? To understand this difficult situation, we suggest remembering how this love triangle was formed.


In 2009, the managers of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez decided to stir up public interest in their wards with the help of a PR romance. For Justin, whose hits then thundered all over the world, this was another reason to appear in the media, but these “relationships” turned out to be even more profitable for Selena, who was just starting her career as a singer. The trick worked perfectly: the paparazzi tirelessly followed the newly minted couple.

However, it is impossible to deny that real feelings eventually arose between the artists. Another question is how strong the love was on each side.

For two years, fans melted with tenderness, looking at Selena and Justin: photos of the couple embracing on the red carpet and kissing at various events, matches, walks appeared in the media every now and then. There were even rumors on the web that they were engaged. However, in 2012, Gomez left Bieber. For the first time.

After the breakup, Selena did not hesitate to say unpleasant things about Justin in interviews that she gave left and right, and accused him of regularly offending her, hinting at betrayal. The singer used the name of the ex-boyfriend for a long time to stir up interest in herself and her work. And still in love, Bieber did not hide the fact that he misses Gomez.

In early 2013, Selena and Justin got together. The fans were sure that the young people had solved all their problems and now they would have everything like in a fairy tale. This was until the fall of 2014, when Bieber, without saying a word to Gomez, went to lunch with longtime girlfriend Kendall Jenner (with whom he was immediately credited with an affair). Selena could not stand Justin's antics and left him again. For the next three years, the former lovers regularly made it clear in interviews that they were still suffering, and dedicated heartbreaking songs to each other.

Friendship on the edge

In the same 2014, Justin began posting photos with Hailey Baldwin on Instagram, but claimed that there was no romantic relationship between them. The singer and model really were friends for some time: they met back in 2009 thanks to the girl's father Stephen Baldwin and have not stopped communicating since then. After breaking up with Gomez, eyewitnesses continually noticed Bieber in the company of Baldwin, but fans did not find evidence that there was a real romance between them. And at the same time, the media attributed Justin an affair with one star, then with another.

On the morning of January 1, 2015, Bieber and Baldwin met in a common company, but for the next 12 months they kept the public guessing whether they were dating or not.

In the same year, Selena again remembered the relationship with Justin in an interview. Elle magazine, noting that because of him she abandoned work for a while. And in November, Bieber released the album Purpose, in which as many as three songs were dedicated to his drama with Gomez.

The singer also celebrated the New Year 2016 with the model. Soon Bieber confessed his feelings for Baldwin in an interview with the American magazine GQ. However, Justin was in no hurry to take the relationship to a new level. Speaking with a journalist, the artist noted that he was afraid to hurt his girlfriend.

“What if Hailey ends up being the girl I marry? If I rush and offend her, then this trauma will remain with her forever. It is very difficult to heal such wounds, ”said the artist.

True, by August of the same year, the couple broke up and did not communicate until the end of 2017. What exactly caused the breakup is still unknown. Justin quickly started an affair with Sofia Richie, but he still could not forget about Selena.

Attempt number five

In the fall of 2017, Selena Gomez left her boyfriend Abel Tesfaye (better known as The Weeknd) and returned to Justin Bieber again. According to insiders, the artist gave up under pressure former lover, who persuaded her to try to start everything from scratch. Selena and Justin enjoyed each other's company and did not hesitate to show their feelings to the public.

They said that Gomez and Bieber want to be together so much that they even went to a family psychologist to solve all their problems once and for all.

However, closer to the spring of 2018, Selena and Justin began to swear again. In addition, relatives pressured Gomez, confident that relations with Bieber would not lead to anything good. At the same time, the girl was allegedly tired of being under the guns of cameras. On March 1, the artist celebrated his birthday with friends, and his girlfriend limited herself to dry congratulations on Instagram. At the end of the month, the singer finally decided that they were still different people and she will be calmer without a boyfriend ... The artist was again crushed. Bieber tried to plunge headlong into work so as not to think about Gomez, who immediately began flirting with Justin Theroux.


In early May, Haley suddenly announced that she had reconciled with Justin and they were friends again. At the end of that month, Justin attended a church conference in Los Angeles with Hailey. It is noteworthy that a few days earlier, the model denied rumors that appeared at the end of 2017 that she was dating Shawn Mendes. But it seemed strange to some network users that later all the girls disappeared from Instagram joint photos with Sean.

In June, paparazzi photographed Baldwin gently drying Bieber with a towel at a villa in Miami. Fans did not need other confirmation that celebrities were dating. Attentive fans noticed that the model began to wear a ring on the same finger. According to rumors, Hayley was worried that her relationship with Justin did not work out in 2016 due to the fact that he could not get Selena out of his head. Therefore, Baldwin decided to annoy Gomez, as if inadvertently showing off her engagement ring. Bieber, who had previously tried to put his relationship with other girls on public display in order to annoy Gomez, was only happy about this and was in no hurry to comment on the rumors that he had made a marriage proposal to his beloved.

Western tabloids at the same time claimed that Gomez was unhappy that Bieber had suddenly found peace of mind and wanted to destroy his relationship with Baldwin. Allegedly, the singer sent SMS to the ex-boyfriend so that the model would think that their story was not over yet.

Perhaps Baldwin's desire to show Gomez his superiority over her gave Bieber the idea to just and forever take revenge on his ex-girlfriend for all those years of suffering. This is supported by the fact that the artist took the model to the Bahamas, where on July 8, in a romantic setting, he knelt before her. Justin's parents and Hayley's father have already published eloquent posts about love on social networks, leaving no doubt to fans that show business will soon have another high-profile wedding.

A few hours later, Selena's assistant Teresa Mingus posted a photo of her boss showing her tongue on Instagram. Was Gomez trying to demonstrate that she was indifferent to Bieber's personal life, or was the singer thus making it clear that the last word will follow, time will tell.

As Bieber publicly prepares for the big celebration he's hosted for his fiancée, fans suspect that Hayley is no longer a fiancée. The other day a girl was seen with wedding ring on the ring finger.

Alec Baldwin's niece and Justin are rumored to have secretly married in a church. The ceremony was attended only by the bride and groom.

The information was voiced by people from a circle close to the stars. This may be true. AT recent times fans note that Justin has become more closed to communication with fans. He also began to hide many facts from his personal life. Subscribers will learn about the main events much later.

FROM recently Justin frequented the church. Many assume that the young artist is simply tired of the world fame that has fallen on him.

No less interest from the singer's fans causes him ex girlfriend Selena Gomez. Justin's relationship with her was also not easy. They violently swore, passionately reconciled, then met, then dispersed. AT last time he broke up with her shortly before resuming relations with Hayley. Immediately after the news of the engagement of Bieber, Selena was noticed in the abuse of alcohol.

Most likely, in this way the girl filmed nervous tension and stress. Such a method for her is fraught with consequences. Selena has already been treated for alcohol addiction, and last year she underwent a kidney transplant.

We got married in a courthouse in New York on Thursday.

A source close to the couple told People that Justin and Hayley made the decision to become husband and wife all of a sudden, and only immediate family and friends knew about it.

The interlocutor of the portal also said that they tried to dissuade young people from hasty actions, but they did not listen to anyone. At the 24 year old young man and there will still be a 21-year-old girl grand ceremony“in the presence of God and all those they love,” as the source put it. However, they decided to keep this day only for themselves.

Earlier this week, TMZ revealed that the wedding would take place in Bieber's hometown of London, Ontario, Canada. next week. But everything turned out differently. The celebration is now expected to take place at the estate Justin bought in Ontario for $5 million.

The house in which the newly-made family will live has four bedrooms, a private park area and a big racing track. TMZ reported that the couple pushed back their wedding date to 2019 in August, but something made them change their mind.

Numerous paparazzi photo, which were made after the engagement of Bieber and Baldwin, more than once showed their fans an unstable emotional condition young man. In the pictures, Hailey comforted Justin and kissed his hands as he cried.

Casual witnesses of the laconic ceremony, in which only the spouses and the judge participated, said that future husband was very emotional and through tears Baldwin whispered: "I can not wait for the moment when I become your husband."

On September 6, 2018, a close friend of the supermodel couple stated on the Tonight Show, "Whatever makes them happy, I'm happy for them. I've been friends with both of them for a long time, so everyone is happy and that makes me happy. There's a lot of love there."

The couple got engaged on July 8 at a resort in the Bahamas. “They say everyone was in the restaurant on site. Everyone was dancing salsa when Justin's security asked everyone to put their phones away because the singer wanted to do something special," wrote TMZ, citing a source close to the couple. According to him, that's when Bieber proposed to Baldwin.

Hailey, I'm in love with everything about you! So I want to spend my whole life continuing to get to know and love you. I promise to lead our family with honor and dignity. My heart is completely yours.

You are the love of my life, Hailey Baldwin, and I don't want to spend it with anyone else. Can't wait for the best time of my life!

It's funny because now everything seems to make sense with you! What pleases me the most is that my younger brother and sister will be watching another healthy stable marriage and want to emulate it, ”Bieber wrote on his Instagram.

After some time, Baldwin herself commented on the engagement. “I don’t know what I did in my life to deserve such happiness. But I am extremely grateful to God for giving me such incredible person. No words can express my gratitude," the model tweeted.

The relationship of young people began in 2015. Since then, they periodically converged and diverged, and in between Justin is supposed to have met with the star of the channel, singer Selena Gomez. The singer's friends said that he was very upset by their breakup, and Selena did not show any signs of emotion.

When Bieber's engagement became known in July, all the world's tabloids were waiting for Gomez's reaction, but she seemed to ignore the news about the personal happiness of her former lover and rested on a yacht in New York.

Now that Hailey Baldwin has officially married Justin Bieber, the happy newlyweds can continue preparing for their dream wedding, the singer's friends have revealed. information portals that he plans to make the Ontario estate his permanent residence.

If all the media followed, then the romance of Justin and Hailey Baldwin proceeded somehow very imperceptibly. Therefore, when in July the singer proposed to his new girl This came as a surprise to everyone.

Fans felt that Bieber was in a hurry to get married, and did not believe that this marriage would really take place. But two months passed and the singer stunned everyone - he still married a 21-year-old model!

On September 14, young people registered their marriage in a New York court. The insider said that the wedding and the wedding itself will take place a little later and in the circle of loved ones. Whether we will see photos from the celebration is unknown.

Hailey Baldwin is the daughter of actor Stephen Baldwin and the niece of the famous Alec Baldwin. She met Justin Bieber when they were teenagers, but the romance began only in 2016. Then the relationship did not last long, but after a high-profile break with Selena Gomez, Bieber returned to Hailey again.

Their romance developed so quickly that the singer's fans simply did not believe in the sincerity of his feelings. Some believed that this was just a PR move, others that Justin just really wants to take revenge on the former.

The situation was fueled by the fact that in July the paparazzi filmed Bieber wandering the streets of New York with tears in his eyes. This made fans think again that the artist actually regrets that he hastened to propose marriage.

In search of the truth, journalists even turned to psychics. According to the latter, this whole story is Justin's attempt to make Selena suffer. He wants her to understand how bad she is without him.

Now he is enjoying a romantic period with his new lover, but soon an old injury will make itself felt. Selena Gomez has already come to terms with the loss of her former love, and Justin is just ahead. Anguish over this is likely to lead to quarrels with Hailey Baldwin.

As for marriage, psychics are sure that it will not last long. Justin and Selena are closely connected on an energetic level, even being married to other people, they are likely to become lovers. As for Hayley, she is really in love with Bieber, while the singer is just playing love.

Interestingly, both Selena and Haley are bossy girls, but Bieber is fine with that. Despite the similarity of characters, only

Who needs it sometimes.

Let's wait and see, as they say. It is not particularly possible to rely on the opinion of psychics and other experts, since we know very well that they are often mistaken. What do you think about this strange story love?

The wedding ceremony took place in New York: the lovers were seen in the courthouse where marriages are registered.

Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber

As the reporters who ambushed them testified, the couple entered there holding hands, and some time later, Hayley and Justin left the institution. Moreover, the singer was holding a large envelope in his hands. Later, there were witnesses who said that Bieber and Baldwin came to the Office for a marriage license required by American law. At the time of receiving the document, Justin, allegedly, even shed tears of happiness and, turning to Hayley, said: “I can’t wait for the hour when I can call you my wife, my baby!”

However, soon there was new information: another witness stated that, in fact, the lovers already had a license and they came to the office to register their marriage. This version was indirectly confirmed by the fact that Haley visited the aforementioned institution in an elegant white dress with puffy sleeves, which could well be mistaken for a wedding dress.

A source close to the couple said that Justin and Hayley decided to tie the knot all of a sudden, and only immediate family and friends knew about it.

“They didn’t tell anyone, they just went and did it. In the near future they will arrange a wedding ceremony with the closest people. They marry for love and do not want a luxurious ceremony, ”an insider from the couple’s entourage shared.

However, the newlyweds themselves do not confirm this information. Hours after the news of their wedding broke the media, Hailey tweeted:

“I know where the assumptions come from, but I’m not married yet,” said the model.

But the fact that Hayley denied the fact that the marriage had already allegedly taken place does not mean the cancellation of the wedding at all. According to Bieber's friends, they intend to marry before the end of this month. And as a place wedding celebrations Justin chose the one he bought this summer new house in Canada, in the province of Ontario.

It is also known that Justin Bieber, after marrying Hailey Baldwin, applied for US citizenship and plans to have dual citizenship of Canada and the United States of America. Bieber, 24, has been living in the US since he was 13.

This is the first marriage for both spouses. Bieber had a long relationship with singer Selena Gomez. They broke up twice and got back together. And the last reconciliation took place in the spring this year. Therefore, for millions of fans of the singer, the news of his engagement to Hailey Baldwin came as a complete surprise. They did not have time to get used to it, as their idol gave them a new surprise.

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