Real amazing stories. Strange stories from real life. Without hands does not mean helpless


Sign: evil always returns to the person who committed it.

In the early dashing 90s, I divorced my husband, tired of his drinking and worthlessness, after which I pulled my four children alone. I have no family. She sewed, knitted for people, shuttled ... And then a young neighbor on the landing, having parted ways with her husband, decided to go to her relatives in Siberia with her two-year-old son. She borrowed a small amount of money from me for the trip and, promising to return it, she mentioned that her missus would not go anywhere: in their family “they know how to do a lot.” After some time, she really returned and got along with her husband.

cruel words

I had every penny on my account with the children, but this woman did not give me back the debt upon arrival. I once told her everything that I think about her. The neighbor promised to get even with me, saying again that she "can do something."
And soon a disaster happened to my first-born Roma. He was eager to join the army, but after serving for three months, he ended up in a military hospital. Three months later, the son was commissioned, advising him to improve his health in a sanatorium. But he considered himself healthy.

After some time, Roma decided to marry a neighbor girl whom he knew from school. But she laughed at him in the presence of another guy. Why, they say, does she need a poor man, and even a sick one? Something broke in my son's heart. From an early age, my children were baptized, and the eldest son knew well that one should not take one's own life in any case. But after the cruel words spoken by the girl, Roma left - forever. He committed suicide on the street. But I didn't know about it right away.

At that time, I had very little to save for my own apartment. And I, once again, decided to go for the goods. Exhausted by trade, I hoped that this trip would be the last. And so it happened.

Howling dog

Getting ready for the road late in the evening, I went to our final bus stop, where a neighbor was already standing. Here, on the outskirts of the city, the forest approaches the bus stop, and after the rains, a huge puddle formed in front of it. It was chilly autumn.

While waiting for the bus, my neighbor and I exchanged meaningless phrases and noticed how a young black kitten came out of the woods opposite us. Somehow terribly, uterine meowing, he slowly, purposefully walked in our direction. There was something strange in his behavior. For some reason, I felt like he was looking straight into my eyes. And when the kitten, not bypassing the dirty cold puddle and still meowing terribly, entered it, my neighbor and I were simply dumbfounded. At that moment, our bus approached, and it seemed to us that the cat had disappeared under the wheels. But sitting in the bus, which turned around, taking us to the city center, we noticed that the animal was already sitting at the bus stop and was looking after us ...

Getting off at the stop I needed, I went along the railway embankment to the station. Still under the impression of what she saw, she was passing by the private sector, when suddenly there was a heartbreaking howl of a dog. It didn't feel right at all. All the way, while I was walking to the station, the dog did not stop. I also thought, according to popular signs, the howl of a dog is a big disaster, someone will probably have something bad happen. It was somehow painful in my soul, but there was no premonition that I was about to lose my son forever. But it happened exactly at the hour when I was walking towards the station.

For some reason, as a child, I knew that when I got married, I would have three children - two sons and a daughter. And remembering this, when I gave birth to my fourth child, I was always worried about him, what if something happens to him and I really stay with three? But I had no idea that I would lose my eldest son.

Uninvited guest

The next day, by evening train, I returned home with the goods. On the platform, my daughter met me, which had never happened before. She stayed at home as a mistress and looked after her younger brother. My daughter did not answer my questions. Getting off the bus and approaching the house, I noticed that the neighbors saw me and began to whisper. It became clear that something happened in our family. And when I entered the apartment and saw the curtained mirrors, I understood everything. It seemed like some kind of terrible, wild dream. Now I wake up from him and everything will be the same! ..
Soon the girl's mother came into the house and rejected Roma. She began to explain to me, they say, all the youth curse her daughter, supposedly it was she who was to blame for the death of my son. I was in prostration and did not quite understand what she was talking about.

It didn’t dawn on me that my long-awaited first-born, in his incomplete 19 years, was gone forever. I have never had the opportunity to accompany someone on their last journey. But I, completely ignorant of the customs, did everything as it should be ...

My girlfriends prepared a funeral dinner in the yard. It was they who drew attention to the black kitten, which got under their feet, rushed into the house, getting everyone with a heart-rending meow. And when he finally got into the room, jumping on my knees, he rushed into the coffin. From surprise, we were all numb. I grabbed the kitten, but he, clutching Roma's funeral suit with his claws, made some eerie sounds, similar to howling. Not without difficulty, we were able to drag him away, someone threw this strange animal into the yard.
Many have watched it. And people still remember this out of the ordinary event. Moreover, this story had a continuation, a truly mystical one.


On the ninth day after the funeral, we gathered with the whole family to go to the cemetery. Already approaching the bus stop, we heard a familiar meow - this is a black kitten rushing towards us. For some reason, I told my youngest son to take him home and close him on the veranda. But, as it turned out, he left the kitten in the yard. Later, when we return from the cemetery, the neighbor will tell us that in front of her eyes this ill-fated animal died under the wheels of a car. Our neighbor, working as a truck driver, drove up to the house for a couple of minutes to pick up documents. Meanwhile, the kitten, having climbed onto the wheel of his car, lay down on it. The driver got into the cab, started the engine and drove off. But for some reason, the animal was not afraid of either the sound of a running engine, or the fact that a neighbor who saw him at the last moment was shouting to jump off the wheel, you fool. And, amazingly, nothing was left of him, not even a blood stain! What was it?

Much later, the words of a neighbor-debtor, who promised that I would suffer until the end of my days, surfaced in my memory. I believe that it is she who is responsible for my misfortunes.
Everyone has long known that the perfect evil returns like a boomerang and is always punishable. I am not specifically interested in her affairs, but I know that everything in her family is very, very bad. And God is her judge, if everything that happened is her doing. And I always pray for Roma's soul. They say you can't do this, but I know that a mother's prayer is the strongest. And I hope that I prayed for the sin of my son. After all, his psyche was broken, and he was unable to endure the pain that was caused to him.

Tatyana Zakharchenko, Lesozavodsk, Primorsky Krai

Incredible Facts

As you know, the true nature of a person is known only when he is driven into a corner.

There are many people in history whose stories and deeds we admire, and also wonder how they managed to cope with incredibly difficult situations.

In many cases, they were helped by courage and courage, the ability to think soberly and choose the right plan of action.

Some of them were able to survive the ordeal only thanks to willpower and steadfastness.

Real stories of real people

Leonid Rogozov

1. In 1961, Soviet doctor Leonid Rogozov removed his inflamed appendix. He was the only doctor at a remote research station in Antarctica and thanks to the operation he was able to survive.

When 27-year-old doctor Leonid Rogozov was placed in the new Antarctic colony, he came down with severe pain and the classic symptoms of appendicitis. He knew that the only way out for him would be an operation, but since there was no transport due to a snowstorm, and he was the only doctor on the base, he had to operate himself.

Several people assisted him as he calmly and concentratedly performed the operation. Every five Rogozov took a break to recover from weakness and dizziness.

It took him 1 hour and 45 minutes to perform the operation, which he did while looking at his reflection in the mirror. The doctor recovered after a few weeks and went back to work.

Miyamoto Musashi

2. Miyamoto Musashi - Japanese swordsman of the 17th century was twice late for fights and defeated both opponents. For his next duel, he decided not to be late and arrived early, ambushing those who ambushed him.

After the war between the Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans in 1600, a young 20-year-old youth Musashi began a series of duels against the Yoshioka school. He was able to defeat Yoshioka Seijiro, the master of the Yoshioka school, with one blow. Seijiro handed over leadership of the school to his brother Yoshioka Denshichiro, who also challenged Musashi to a duel, but was defeated, leaving 12-year-old Yoshioka Matashichiro as the master.

This angered the Yoshioka family so much that they ambushed him with archers, musketeers, and swordsmen. However, this time Musashi decided to arrive much earlier than the appointed time and hid. He unexpectedly attacked the enemy and killed him, ending the Yoshioka family.

Roy Benavidez

3. Master Sergeant Roy Benavidez fought for 6 hours, receiving 37 stab wounds and a broken jaw, and his eyes were swollen with blood. He was declared dead, but when the doctor tried to seal him in a black bag, the man spat in his face.

In 1965, Benavidez was hit by a mine in southern Vietnam and was evacuated to the United States, where doctors said he would no longer be able to walk. However, after several months of persistent practice, he began to walk again. Despite constant pain, the sergeant returned to Vietnam on May 2, 1968, after hearing a call for help from a captured SWAT team.

Armed with one knife and an orderly's bag, he went by helicopter to rescue people. He repelled attacks and helped save the lives of at least 8 people, but he himself was already considered dead. They put a bag in him, and when the doctor tried to zip it up, Benavidez spat in his face.

Harald III the Severe

4. Harald III the Severe - a Viking who was forced to leave his native Norway and flee to Russia, became an elite guard in the Eastern Roman Empire and fought in Iraq. He then returned to Russia, married a princess, and returned to Norway as king, taking over England with his army.

When Harald was 15 years old, he fought with his brother Olaf in the battle for the Norwegian throne, which he lost to the Danish king Canute the Great. However, they lost the battle and were forced to leave the country after spending 15 years in Kievan Rus and in the Varangian guards in the Byzantine Empire.

In 1042 he returned from Byzantium and began a campaign to regain the Norwegian throne. He became an ally of Sven II, the nephew of the king of Denmark, with whom he became co-ruler of Norway and sole ruler after Sven's death. Harald unsuccessfully claimed the throne of Denmark until 1064 and the throne of England in 1066. His death at the Battle of Stamford Bridge for the throne of England is considered the end of the Viking Age, and he is considered the last great Viking.

Thomas Baker

5. Being wounded, soldier Thomas Baker ordered his detachment to leave himself near the tree with a pistol and 8 rounds of ammunition. Later, when Baker was found in the same place with an empty pistol, 8 dead Japanese soldiers lay around him.

During World War II, between June 19 and July 7, Thomas Baker displayed exceptional courage. He voluntarily ran with a bazooka 90 meters from the enemy, and under gunfire.

On July 7, Baker was badly wounded when the perimeter he was within was surrounded by Japanese soldiers.

Refusing to evacuate, he asked his friends to lean him against a tree with a pistol, in the clip of which there were 8 rounds. When he was later found dead, the gun was empty and 8 dead Japanese soldiers lay nearby.

Interesting stories from people's lives

Jesse Arbogast

6. In 2001, 8-year-old Jesse Arbogast was attacked by a 2-meter six-gill shark, which tore off his arm. His uncle, hearing the noise, dragged the shark out of the ocean onto the shore while the shark was still holding the child's severed arm. Luckily, surgeons were later able to reattach the arm.

Jesse Arbogast was on the Pensacola coast in Florida with his uncle Vance Flossenzier when the accident happened.

The first thing his uncle did was pull the shark out of the ocean and return his nephew's hand. Luckily, the surgeons were able to successfully reattach the boy's hand.

Jeanne de Clisson

7. Frenchwoman Jeanne de Clisson became a pirate in the 14th century in retaliation for her husband's beheading. She sold her lands and bought 3 ships, painting them black. She attacked French ships and dealt with sailors, beheading them with her own hand with an ax.

It all started when the French authorities, with whom Cleesoon had once defended Brittany from England, began to doubt his allegiance. He was captured and tried for treason on the orders of King Philip VI. Clisson was beheaded and his head was sent to Nantes for public display.

Enraged by the execution of her husband, Jeanne became a pirate and for 13 years, killed all the French she met on the way, even after the death of King Philip VI. Due to her ruthlessness, she was called the "Breton Lioness".

Later, Jeanne fell in love with an English nobleman, married and began to lead a quiet life.

Peter Freuchen

8. Arctic explorer Peter Freuchen made a chisel out of his own frozen excrement to free himself from an avalanche. In addition, he amputated his frozen fingers with an ax without anesthesia.

Once, having decided to hide from a snowstorm in a snowdrift, Peter Freuchen found himself trapped in a block of snow and ice. For many hours he tried to get out of the snowdrift, digging out the snow with his bare hands and a frozen bearskin. He almost gave up, but then remembered that dog poop can freeze and become hard as stone.

He decided to experiment with his own feces and made a chisel out of them, patiently breaking through a snowdrift. Returning to the camp, he found that his feet were frostbite and gangrene had set in. He amputated his toes with forceps without taking a drop of alcohol to relieve the pain.

The strongest man in history

Charles Rigoulo

9. French weightlifter Charles Rigoulo was imprisoned for hitting a Nazi officer, but he managed to escape from prison by bending the bars.

Charles Rigoulo was a French weightlifter, professional wrestler, racing driver and actor. He won a gold medal in weightlifting during the 1924 Summer Olympics and set 10 world records between 1923 and 1926.

In 1923, he began working as a strongman in the circus, and he was called "the strongest man in the world." During World War II, he was imprisoned for hitting a Nazi officer, but he escaped from prison by bending the bars, allowing himself and other prisoners to escape.

Jesus Garcia

10. In 1907, Mexican railroad conductor Jesús Garcia saved the entire city of Nacosari, Sonora, by sending a burning dynamite train 6 kilometers from the city before it exploded.

Jesus Garcia was a railroad conductor between Nakozari, Sonora, and Douglas in Arizona. On November 7, 1907, sparks from the house chimney began to be attributed to the composition of the train, where there was dynamite.

Garcia made an immediate decision and took the train in the opposite direction 6 km from the city before it exploded. He died in the explosion and the city was named Nacosari de Garcia after him.

Joseph Bolitho Jones

11. A man named Joseph Bolitho Jones, or as he was called Mundine Joe, escaped from an Australian prison so often that the police had to build a special cell for him. However, he also escaped from it.

Joseph Bolitho Jones was arrested several times in the middle of the 19th century. In 1848, he was arrested for stealing 3 loaves of bread, a piece of bacon, several pieces of cheese, and other foodstuffs from the house. By his behavior, he so angered the judge that he sent him to prison for 10 years.

John was imprisoned several more times before he turned 55, but he always managed to escape. Even when he was put in a separate cell, he escaped from it. To this day, every first Sunday in May, the city of Tudyei celebrates the Mundine festival in honor of the fugitive.

Amazing people in history

Barry Marshal

12. Dr. Barry Marshall was convinced that the bacterium H. pylori caused stomach ulcers, but no one believed him. Since it was forbidden by law to test his theory on people, he infected himself with a bacterium, and then cured himself with antibiotics and received the Nobel Prize.

Barry Marshall worked at the Royal Perth Hospital with Robert Warren, who was studying the spiral bacterium and its association with gastritis. They assumed that Helicobacter pylori causes ulcers and stomach cancer. But the theory was not supported by the medical community, as it was believed that the bacterium could not survive in such an acidic environment.

Convinced that he was right, Marshall drank the culture of the bacterium, expecting symptoms to appear within a few years. However, after only three days, he developed nausea and halitosis, and vomiting after 5-8 days. After testing, the marshal began taking antibiotics, which improved his condition. He later received the Nobel Prize for his discovery.

Zheng Yi Xiao

13. The most successful pirate in history was Zheng Yi Xiao, a Chinese prostitute. She commanded 80,000 sailors and the largest fleet, and therefore the government was forced to offer her a truce. Having retired from piracy with the loot, she opened a gambling den, which she kept until her death.

The Chinese pirate Zheng married a prostitute in 1801. In turn, she agreed to marry on the condition that she would share power and wealth with him. After Zheng died, Zheng Yi Xiao took over the reins of power, but knowing that the pirates were unlikely to listen to the instructions of a woman, she appointed Zhang Bao as the ship's deputy captain.

Zheng Yi Xiao was in charge of affairs and military strategy, set the pirate code, and oversaw the growing number of pirates. She repelled all attacks by the Chinese fleet until they changed tactics and offered amnesty to the pirates in exchange for peace.


14. The Mongolian princess Khutulun declared that any man who wants to marry her must defeat her in a fight and give up his horses if he loses. She won 10,000 horses by defeating potential suitors.

Khutulun, born in 1260, was the daughter of the most powerful ruler in Central Asia, Khaidu. She helped her father in many battles, and he himself considered her his favorite and always consulted with her and sought her support.

Kaidu tried to appoint her as his successor before his death, but his brothers and relatives would not allow it. Marco Polo described Khutulun as a magnificent warrior who could break into the ranks of the enemy and grab a prisoner like a chicken hawk.

Hugh Glass

15. In 1823, an American fur hunter, Hugh Glass, was attacked by a grizzly bear, whom he killed with a knife, while being 320 km from the nearest settlement.

He treated his wounds by allowing the worms to eat the infected flesh to prevent gangrene. With a broken leg, he crawled to the river to make a raft and get to Fort Kiowa. The whole journey took him 6 weeks.

Based on the story of Hugh Glass, the film "The Revenant" with Leonardo DiCaprio was made. Hugh Glass came across a grizzly bear and two of her cubs, and she immediately attacked him. Glass was badly mauled and seriously injured, but was able to kill the she-bear with the help of his comrades.

When he passed out, two of his partners decided to stay behind to wait for him to die and bury him.

But when they were attacked by an Indian tribe, they fled, leaving Glass without weapons and equipment.

When he regained consciousness, he found that everyone had abandoned him, he had festering wounds, and deep wounds on his back exposed his ribs. Despite everything that happened, Glass was able to survive and get to the nearest settlement.

Michael Malloy

16. In 1933, five acquaintances of homeless alcoholic Michael Malloy plotted to take three insurance policies on the poor man and drink him to death.

When that didn't kill him, they decided to replace the alcohol with antifreeze, then turpentine, horse salve, and even mixed rat poison into the alcohol. Then they tried poisoned oysters and sardines on him, and none of them killed him. After several more attempts, they finally managed to kill him by placing a hose in his mouth and releasing the gas.

But that wasn't all he experienced. When the crooks realized that it was impossible to poison him, they decided to freeze him to death. After drinking him unconscious, they took him outside at a temperature of -26°C and poured 19 liters of water on his chest. The next day he showed up as if nothing had happened.

The next time they decided to hit him with a car at a speed of 72 km per hour. Although it broke his bones, Michael was soon released from the hospital. When he reappeared at the bar, the criminals made one last attempt, and this time successfully.

The police later exhumed the corpse and found out the cause of death of the poor fellow, and five criminals were executed in the electric chair.

Gordon Cooper

17. During the last manned flight on an automatically controlled spacecraft Faith 7 technical problems arose, forcing astronaut Gordon Cooper to take manual control.

Using his knowledge of the stars and a wrist watch, he orientated the spacecraft and landed just 6 km from the rescue ship in the Pacific Ocean.

All spacecraft flights under the NASA Mercury program were controlled automatically, including the Faith 7, piloted by Gordon Cooper. The automatic mode was considered a controversial engineering decision, which reduced the role of an astronaut to a simple passenger.

By the end of the mission, the spacecraft had technical problems, but the mission was saved thanks to Cooper's guidance.

stories of great people

Ernest Hemingway

18. Ernest Hemingway survived anthrax, pneumonia, dysentery, diabetes, hypertension, two plane crashes that resulted in a ruptured kidney and liver, a crushed skull, second-degree burns, and numerous other accidents.

The famous writer, journalist and Nobel laureate Ernest Hemingway went on a safari to Africa after the publication of the book "The Old Man and the Sea" and was in a serious plane crash, where he was seriously injured.

As Hemingway recovered from the consequences, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature.

He was later placed in a psychiatric clinic in an attempt to treat him with electric shocks. Ultimately, in 1961, the writer committed suicide by shooting himself with his own gun.

Simo Häyhä

19. A sniper known as Simo Häyhä killed 505 soldiers during the Finnish-Soviet War without a telescopic sight in temperatures ranging from -40 0 C to -20 0 C. His face was disfigured after being hit by an explosive bullet, but he survived and lived to be 96 years old.

Simo Häyhä joined the Finnish army when he was 20 years old and soon became an expert in marksmanship. He served as a sniper against the Red Army during the Soviet-Finnish War.

Häyhä killed more than 505 soldiers, although the exact number is a matter of dispute. However, in 1940, a Soviet soldier still hit a sniper. An explosive bullet hit him in the left cheek, disfiguring him. Despite everything, Simo lived a long life, living to the age of 96.

Thomas Fitzpatrick

20. In 1956, Thomas Fitzpatrick, in a state of intoxication, made a bet, stole a plane and flew from New Jersey to New York, landing in front of a bar. In 1958, he again stole a plane and landed in front of the university building, as the bartender did not believe that he had done it.

Thomas Fitzpatrick was a sailor during the Korean War and also an American pilot. In a drunken deal, he stole a plane from the Teterboro School of Aeronautics in New Jersey and flew it to New York in 15 minutes.

The next time, in 1958, he did the same, hijacking a plane and landing in front of a private university.

Cliff Young

21. In 1983, a 61-year-old farmer ran a marathon from Sydney to Melbourne. He became the first and was able to run 875 km 10 hours faster than his closest pursuers. While the others were sleeping, he set a record, beating the previous record by 2 days.

Australian farmer Cliff Young won the 875km Sydney to Melbourne super marathon. Young ran at a slow pace, well behind the leaders of the race on the first day.

However, he continued to run and did so even when the others were sleeping, eventually overtaking the best runners, he became a national hero. Young received a $10,000 prize, but gave it away to other athletes, saying he did not know the prize existed and that he did not participate for the money.

Molly Schuyler

22. In January 2014, Molly Schuyler, who weighs 56 kg, won a prize in an eating contest by eating 363 chicken wings. The next day, she won another pancake and bacon eating contest by eating over 2kg of bacon in 3 minutes. In 2015, she was able to eat three 2kg steaks in 20 minutes, breaking her own record and that of the restaurant.

Molly Schuyler has become the winner of many eating competitions. In August 2012, she competed in the Stellanator by eating a sandwich with 6 hamburger patties, 6 eggs, 6 slices of cheese, 6 slices of bacon with fried onions, jalapenos, lettuce, tomatoes, pickled cucumbers, two buns and mayonnaise. In the same year, she tried to master the Goliath burger, which included more than 2 kg of various products.

In 2015, she participated in many competitions and set a record by eating a 1.8 kg sandwich and 500 grams of potato balls in 2 minutes 55 seconds, and in another competition, 2.2 kg of bacon in 5 minutes.

James Harrison

23. James Harrison, who underwent a major operation at the age of 14, when he needed 13 liters of blood. He decided myselfbecome a donor when he is 18 years old.

It turned out that his blood contains very strong antibodies that help solve the problem of incompatibility of the Rh factor in mother and child. He has donated blood more than 1,000 times and has helped save the lives of more than 2.4 million children, including his own daughter.

Harrison became a blood donor in 1954 when doctors discovered that his blood contained strong antibodies against the D antigen (RhD). Thanks to his donation, thousands of children were saved from hemolytic disease of the newborn.

The unique properties of his blood are considered so important that his life was insured for a million dollars.

Also, based on samples of his blood, they created a commercial Anti-D immunoglobulin vaccine, known as RhoGAM.

In our world, interesting and funny situations often occur that amuse many people. But in addition to such curiosities, there are moments that make you think or simply frighten, driving you into a stupor. For example, some object mysteriously disappear t, although a couple of minutes ago he was in his place. Inexplicable and sometimes strange situations happen to everyone. Let's talk about real life stories told by people.

Fifth place - Death or not?

Lilia Zakharovna She is a well-known elementary school teacher in the area. All local residents tried to send their children to her, as she aroused honor and respect, trying to teach children the mind not according to the usual program, but according to her own. Thanks to their development, children quickly learned new knowledge and skillfully applied it in practice. She managed to do what no teacher could do - to make children work hard and gnaw at the granite of science.

Recently Lilia Zakharovna reached retirement age, which she gladly took advantage of, having gone on a legal vacation. She had a sister, Irina, whom she went to see. This is where the story begins.

Irina had a mother and a daughter who lived next door on the same stairwell. Lyudmila Petrovna, Irina's mother, had been seriously ill for a long time. The doctors did not know the exact diagnosis, because the symptoms were completely different with each visit to the hospital, which did not allow a 100% answer. The treatment was the most varied, but even it did not help to put Lyudmila Petrovna on her feet. After several years of painful procedures, she died. On the day of death, the cat that lived in the apartment woke up her daughter. She caught herself and ran to the woman and found that she was dead. The funeral took place near the city, in his native village.

The daughter and her friend visited the cemetery for several days in a row, without accepting the fact that Lyudmila Petrovna no more. On their next visit, they were surprised that there was a small hole on the grave, the depth of which was about forty centimeters. It was clear that she was fresh, and near the grave sat the same cat that woke her daughter on the day of her death. It immediately became clear that it was she who had dug the hole. The hole was filled up, but the cat was not given into the hands. It was decided to leave her there.

The next day, the girls again went to the cemetery in order to feed the hungry cat. This time there were already three of them - one of the relatives of the deceased joined them. They were very surprised when there was a larger hole on the grave than the last time. The cat still sat there with a very exhausted and tired look. This time, she decided not to resist and voluntarily climbed into the girls' bag.

And then strange thoughts begin to creep into the head of the girls. Suddenly, Lyudmila Petrovna was buried alive, and the cat was trying to get to her. Such thoughts haunted, and it was decided to dig up the coffin to make sure. The girl was found by several people without a fixed place of residence, they paid them money and brought them to the cemetery. They dug up the grave.

When the coffin was opened, the girls were in complete shock. The cat did not fail. There were visible traces of nails on the coffin, which suggests that the deceased was alive, trying to escape from imprisonment.

The girls grieved for a long time, realizing that they could still save Lyudmila Petrovna, if they immediately dug up the grave. These thoughts haunted them for a very long time, but nothing could be returned. Cats always feel trouble - this is a scientifically proven fact.

Fourth place - Forest paths

Ekaterina Ivanovna is an elderly woman living in a small village near Bryansk. The village is located around forests and fields. Grandmother lived here all her long life, so she knew all the paths and roads along and across. Since childhood, she walked around the neighborhood, picking berries and mushrooms, from which excellent jam and pickles were obtained. Her father was a forester, so Ekaterina Ivanovna was in harmony with mother nature all her life.

But one day a strange incident happened, which my grandmother still remembers and crosses herself. It was early autumn, when it was time to mow hay. Relatives from the city came to help, so as not to leave all the care of the household to an elderly woman. The whole crowd of them moved to the forest clearing to collect hay. In the late afternoon, Grandma went home to cook dinner for her tired helpers.

Walk to the village for about forty minutes. Of course, the path ran through the forest. Here Ekaterina Ivanovna has been walking since childhood, so, of course, there was no fear. On the way in the forest more often, a familiar woman met, and a dialogue began between them about all the events taking place in their native village.

The conversation went on for about half an hour. And it was getting dark outside. Suddenly, an unexpectedly met woman screamed and laughed with all her might and evaporated, leaving a strong echo. Ekaterina Ivanovna was in complete horror, realizing what had happened. She was already lost in space and simply got nervous, not knowing which way to go. For two hours, my grandmother walked from one corner of the forest to another, trying to get out of the thicket. In the toga, she simply fell to the ground without strength. Thoughts had already entered my head that I would have to wait until the morning until someone rescued her. But the sound of the tractor turned out to be saving - it was Ekaterina Ivanovna who headed for it, soon coming out to the village.

The next day, my grandmother went home to the woman she met. She rejected the fact that she was in the forest, justifying this by the fact that she looked after the beds and simply did not have time. Ekaterina Ivanovna was in complete shock and already thought that against the background of fatigue, hallucinations began, leading astray. For several years, these events have been told to local residents with fear. From that moment on, my grandmother was never in the forest again, because she was afraid to get lost or, worse, to die from extreme fear. A proverb even appeared in the village: “The goblin leads Katerina.” I wonder who was actually in the forest that evening?

3rd place - A dream come true

In the life of the heroine, various situations constantly occur that simply cannot be called ordinary: they are strange. In the early eighties of the last century, Pavel Matveevich, who was the husband of his mother, died. The mortuary workers handed over to the family of the heroine his things and a gold watch, which the deceased loved very much. Mom decided to keep them and keep them as a memory.

As soon as the funeral is over, the heroine of strange stories has a dream. In it, the late Pavel Matveyevich demands from his mother that she take the clock back to where he originally lived. The girl woke up in the morning and ran to tell her mother the dream. Of course, it was decided that the watch must be returned. Let them be in their place.

At the same time, a dog barked loudly in the yard (and the house was private). When one of her own comes, she is silent. But here, apparently, someone else complained. And it’s true: Mom looked out the window and saw that a man was standing under the lamp and waiting for someone to leave the house. Mom came out and it turned out that this mysterious stranger was the son of Pavel Matveyevich from his first marriage. He was passing through the village and decided to stop by. The only interesting thing is how he found the house, because no one knew him before. In memory of his father, he wanted to take some thing from him. And my mother gave me the watch. On this strange stories in the life of a girl are not going to end. At the beginning of the 2000s, Pavel Ivanovich, the father of her husband, fell ill. On New Year's Eve, he ended up in the hospital awaiting his operation. And the girl again has a prophetic dream. There was a doctor who informed the family that the operation would be on the third of January. In the dream, another man furiously demanded the question of what interests the girl most of all. And she asked how many years the parents would live. No response was received.

It turned out that the surgeon had already told his father-in-law that the operation would be performed on the second of January. The girl said that something would definitely happen that would force the operation to be postponed the next day. And so it happened - the operation took place on the third of January. The relatives were stunned.

The last story took place when the heroine was already fifty years old. The woman was no longer in good health. As soon as the second daughter was born, the parent got a headache. The pain was so strong that there were already thoughts of giving an injection. In the hope that the pain would subside, the woman went to bed. As she dozed off for a bit, she heard the little baby wake up. There was a night light above the bed, and the girl reached out to turn it on, and she was immediately thrown back onto the bed, as if there had been an electric shock. And it seemed to her that she was flying somewhere high above the house. And only a child's strong cry brought her back from heaven to earth. Waking up, the girl was very wet, thinking that there was clinical death.

This is an interesting story about how 80 millionaires appeared overnight in one village.

And this story began like this. Back in 1917, Antonio Fernandez was born in the Spanish village of Ceresales del Condado. His family lived very poorly, and the parents, who had 13 children, had to work at the limit of their strength in order to somehow feed themselves. Antonio Fernandez went to school until the age of 14, but never finished it. He was forced to drop out of school and go to work in the fields to help his parents. It would seem that remarkable could be in this man? But an extraordinary fate awaited him.

In 1949, our hero, at the age of 32, went in search of his fortune to Mexico. His wife's uncle lived there. Having settled in Grupo Modelo, the largest beer producer, he began to quickly move up the career ladder. In 1971, he was already in top management, and all the founders of the corporation listened to his opinion.

Corona beer, under Antonio Fernandez's leadership, has grown from a local brewer to a recognizable global brand, and he has become CEO. Managing the company until 2005, the billionaire only retired at the age of 88.

The main feature of Antonio Fernandez was that wealth did not eat him from the inside. The fact is that he bequeathed 200 million euros to the inhabitants of his Spanish village, where he was once born and raised. This remarkable man had no children, so the management of the company passed to his nephew. But to his former fellow villagers, he decided to make such an unusual gift.

The villagers tell how shocked they were when they found out that they became millionaires in an instant. Each of them got more than 2 million euros, which can ensure their comfortable existence for life.

It is generally known that Antonio Fernandez did a lot of charity work both in his native Spain and in Mexico, where he lived for more than half a century. Having died at the age of 99, he became a symbol of kindness and true nobility. Such life stories show that not all humanity is lost among extremely wealthy people.

When a real billionaire makes the whole village in which he was once born millionaires, this makes one admire the nobility and genuine kindness of a real benefactor.

The Amazing Fate of Violet Jessop

This is an interesting amazing story about the life of a woman who three times came out unscathed from mortal danger, she survived maritime accidents three times.

Violet was born in a family of Irish immigrants in Argentina. She was destined for an extraordinary fate, and this became clear even in childhood.

She was the first child to survive, as the three oldest children died very early. As a child, Violet Jessop was diagnosed with tuberculosis, and the doctor left no chance for life, since the situation was too serious. However, she survived, and after the death of her father, the whole family moved to the UK, where Violet began her career as a flight attendant.

At 23, a young and promising girl worked on board the famous giant ship Olympic, which was practically a copy of the Titanic. But in 1911, the Olympic collided with another ship at sea. Having received a 14-meter hole, the ship miraculously survived, and Violet Jessop successfully survived the first disaster in her life.

A year later, our heroine goes to work on the Titanic. Her friends said that she did not want to go there, but she was convinced that it was very promising for her future career. On the night of April 15, the liner was shipwrecked, which became one of the most notorious disasters of the twentieth century. But flight attendant Violet Jessop, along with some other workers, again managed to escape. In boat No. 16 they waited for the rescuers and saved their lives.

Violet herself writes in her memoirs that when she got into the boat, some officer handed her a small child into her hands, with whom she was saved. When they boarded the ship "Carpathia", which came to the aid of the "Titanic", a woman ran up to her and, without a word, snatched the child from her hands and disappeared with him into the crowd. It must have been his mother, scared to death. It would seem that the second warning should have made the girl think about changing jobs. But it was not there!

During World War I, Violet Jessop took a job as a nurse on the Britannic. In 1916, the ship hit a German mine and began to sink. In the process of evacuating passengers, when the first two boats were launched and loaded with people, they suddenly fell into the whirlpool of the Britannic going under water.

Not thinking of giving up, Violet Jessop jumped out of the boat and was saved, although more than 20 people were pulled under the screw of the sinking ship, where they died. In her memoirs, she says that after this tragic story, she developed severe headaches, and she was forced to see a doctor, who discovered a crack in her skull. + After these three sea accidents, the three-time surviving stewardess worked on passenger liners for more than 40 years and even made a trip around the world twice.

Interestingly, Violet Jessop was one of the passengers on the Titanic who heard the hymn "Nearer My God to Thee" played on the sinking ship.

After living for 83 years, she died peacefully in England.

Incredible luck in the life of one person

This story is about an Australian named Bill Morgan and the amazingly lucky events that happened in his life.

In 1999, he was 37 years old and worked as a truck driver. Everything would be fine if our hero did not get into a serious car accident. In the hospital, professional doctors fought for his life, but Bill's heart stopped. It would seem that the story has come to an end, and there is nothing more to talk about. But it was not there!

Bill Morgan after 14 minutes began to respond to the actions of resuscitators and came to his senses. In fact, such clinical death, as a rule, cannot last more than 15 minutes. In a word, literally a little more, and Bill would have left our world forever.

So, the heart was beating, but Morgan was in a coma. This went on for 12 days. Then he came to his senses and very quickly went on the mend, which was an extreme surprise for the medical staff of the hospital, who had seen everything.

Of course, after such a story, Bill decided to “tie up” with cargo transportation, and in general, leave the job of a driver. Finding himself another occupation, he proposed to his beloved woman, who gave him a positive answer.

Everything happened as if in a dream. First, a terrible accident, then clinical death, then a coma, and finally recovery. Now Australian Bill Morgan is starting a family and looks incredibly happy. Indeed, luck is evident!

In honor of the upcoming celebration, our lucky one decides to buy a lottery ticket. And what? He wins a car worth about $18,000. And this, in the late 90s, was a fairly large amount for Australia.

Knowing about the events that Bill had to endure in the recent past, the journalists decide to interview someone who is incredibly lucky in life. Before filming, a reporter asks Morgan to buy a lottery ticket on camera and exclaims that he has won a car. Say, it will be an interesting reportage. No sooner said than done!

Cameramen start filming, and Australian Bill Morgan comes to the window and buys a real lottery ticket. A journalist is standing there, waiting for the agreed phrase, but instead he sees the changed face of Bill, who quietly says: "I won 250 thousand dollars"! Not understanding what the matter is, the journalist clarifies what happened, and Morgan repeats: "I'm not joking at all and really won this amount of money."

Of course, the renters had a real shock, but the material for the report turned out to be really sensational. Just think, such incredible luck in a short period of time! Mr. Morgan immediately called his fiancee and informed her that they were now buying the house they had long dreamed of. The future wife, when she was interviewed, said: "I hope that my dear husband did not waste all his luck in these lotteries, and we will live happily ever after."

These are the incredible stories of amazing luck that happen in life.

17th century French document

This story could be classified as anecdotes. However, documents are a harsh thing.

And this document has survived to this day, although it dates from the 17th century. It tells of an incident that happened to the French Cardinal d'Armagnac in 1654.

And this is what happened: one day the cardinal, walking down the street, noticed an 80-year-old man who was crying. Approaching him, he asked what was the matter. In response, the 80-year-old elder told an amazing story. It turns out that he was crying because he was beaten by his 113-year-old father for disrespectfully addressing his 143-year-old grandfather. Can you imagine?

This document and this case are repeatedly described in various research papers on genetics.

An invisible thief, a dog driving, a woman having 250 orgasms a day... It all sounds incredible, but these are real stories. Here are collected the most amazing incidents published in various publications over the past few years.

Ellie's Endless Orgasms

Girl with Persistent Sexual Arousal SyndromeLondon - We know that diseases usually cause pain and suffering. But the disease that 28-year-old Londoner Ellie Allen suffers from gives her .. pleasure. It is called "Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome" (English - Psas). This syndrome manifests itself in an endless series of orgasms. Do you think she can be envied? Unlikely. Orgasms are repeated every 6 minutes (i.e. about 250 times a day). Ellie is forced to experience orgasms on the way to work, on buses, in the store, etc. Sudden orgasms in her are caused by accidental touches of people in a crowd or in transport, the vibration of an elevator or escalator, and even phone calls. Unfortunately, such a life is her destiny - the syndrome of constant sexual arousal cannot be cured.

By the way, in addition to Ellie, at least 7 thousand women suffer from this disease in the world, but in terms of “rate of fire” (frequency of orgasms), she seems to be in the lead.

Born in captivity

Jerusalem - Didn't pay the bill and didn't give her daughter.. - it happened in Jerusalem, where one Arab-Israeli mother gave birth, in premature birth, to three twin daughters. However, at the time of discharge, she was unable to pay her $2,150 hospital bill. For this, the hospital left one of her daughters as a deposit until the bill was paid. Now the Israeli Ministry of Justice must decide on the legality or illegality of the actions of the hospital management.

invisible thief

Tehran - A thief who tried to steal money from the bank's cash desk, believing himself invisible, was captured by the guards of one of the Tehran banks. He reported to the police that he had obtained "invisibility" by paying 625 euros to one of the local "magicians".

dog driving

Hohhot (Mongolia) - One Chinese woman, passing through the city of Hohhot, decided to entrust the steering of her car to her dog. However, this bold experiment was not crowned with success - at the very first turn there was a collision with an oncoming car.

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