Paparazzi of foreign stars. The most scandalous and unusual photos of celebrities taken by the paparazzi (12 photos). Shortly before the tragedy

Think you're the only one with bad photos? Rest assured, the stars have much more of them! After all, the paparazzi are specifically waiting for the moment to catch them in a funny or obscene way. Look at these pictures - and those who are depicted in them will open before you from a new and, I must admit, very unexpected side!

Mo "Nick and unshaven legs
This frame would be quite suitable for some kind of comedy with the participation of this famous comic actress.

Hilary Duff and the indecent proposal
Long hunted for Hillary Duff and her fiancé, hockey player Mike Comrie, the paparazzi still managed to catch the moment when Comrie proposed to Hillary in their hotel room. Alas, the couple forgot to draw the curtains on the panoramic window, and the intimate continuation of the scene also became the property of photographers. Since then, Hilary and Mike have already divorced, but these pictures will forever remain in history.

Kylie Jenner and the tanning shortage
Kylie Jenner appeared to be wearing a blouse with a more open neckline than she intended, forgetting to take care of self-tanner for a plunging neckline. The mistake immediately became the property of the paparazzi.

Spitting Justin Bieber
What boy has never spit from a balcony? Justin Bieber didn't resist either. True, he managed to do it in front of the very lens of the paparazzi. Justin, be careful!

Taylor Swifot and tight panties
The flying skirt did not at all make Taylor Swift seductive, like Marilyn Monroe - her slimming underwear, rather, evokes compassion, resembling a medical diaper for those experiencing bladder problems.

Ariana Grande and heavy angel wings
During a performance at the fashion show of the Victoria's Secret brand, singer Ariana Grande was almost blown off the stage by the mighty wings of an angel, played by model Elsa Hosk. Ariana's clumsy attempts to escape from under the winged monster looked, I must admit, extremely pitiful - and , of course, appeared on the pages of print in all its glory.

Robin Thicke and his playful little hand
Never take pictures with fans in front of a mirror - and then no one will know that you do not plan to limit yourself to a photo for memory! This truth the singer Robin Thicke has now mastered admirably.

Kristen Sewart: One Shot, Two Divorces
Rumors about the actress's romance with Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders were just rumors until the paparazzi caught the sweet couple in a very compromising position. The result was the separation of Kristen from Robert Patterson, which forced all Twilight fans to wear mourning, as well as the divorce of the long and firmly married Sanders at that time. Be vigilant, comrades!

Amanda Bynes and bad wig
One day you forget to comb your hair - and photographers will immediately come running! Such is the hard part of a star. However, to justify Amanda Bynes, it can be noted that the day before she spent the night in a cell for drunk driving, and soon she was forcibly hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic due to drug problems.

Nicolas Cage and filled eyes
If someone else needs proof that Nicolas Cage likes to pawn behind his collar, then there is no need for better. Although it may well be that in this picture the actor simply blinked unsuccessfully, but, to tell the truth, this does not cancel problems with alcohol.

Courtney Stodden
"Professional blonde" Courtney Stodden has used everything from participation in dubious reality shows to marriage to 50-year-old actor Doug Hutchison to achieve popularity. It turned out that everything was simpler: it was worth the girl to get drunk in public once in the company of friends - and all the pages of the gossip column were immediately full of her photographs!

Kate Perry and dropped swimming trunks
This photo is supposed to be hidden from those who are not yet 18, they can take their word for it: when the swimming trunks slipped off the singer in the water amusement park, the whole world forgot that she was a long-term UN Goodwill Ambassador, and for weeks gossip only about that in her position the buttocks could be pumped up.

Tori Spelling and a visit to the beautician
Well, if you are planning cosmetic anti-aging procedures, but stay in the clinic until your face heals! After these by no means complimentary images were leaked to the press, the star of the TV series "Beverly Hills, 90210" remembered this truth for a long time.

Nicki Minaj and short shorts
The grandiose buttocks of a rapper - a favorite subject of fan discussions on the topic "own or from under a scalpel"? The truth is helped by the paparazzi, hunting for every picture of Nicky in short shorts. This time they were lucky: the photo turned out to be detailed enough to show it to the current plastic surgeon. He claims implants. What do you think?

Drugs, cheating, fights, nudity - yes, all this attracts the attention of the paparazzi, who make fortunes in scandalous and unusual photographs of stars. We remembered the famous shots that made the world horrified or surprised.

Britney Spears failures

In 2007, Britney, who went into the lead, overshadowed all the articles about the death of model Anna-Nicole Smith. A few days before this shot was taken, Britney tried to go to a clinic for the treatment of alcoholism, but, without spending a day in the hospital, she returned to Los Angeles, went to the Tarzana salon and demanded to cut her head, and after refusing I took the machine and shaved myself. Further, the testimony of different sources diverge: someone claims that Britney was calm and confident in what she was doing, and the portal, for example, claimed that Britney was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. However, looking at this photo, we tend to believe in the second version.

A year before, the paparazzi caught Britney in the frame, which almost dropped her eight-month-old son Sean Preston. The boy was picked up by the singer's bodyguard. Then these shots flew around the tabloids, but the gossips did not yet know what awaited them in a year ...

The way Britney treated her young children generally made many think. Here's another scandalous shot of Spears driving with a baby on her lap.

Last photo of Princess Diana

The paparazzi pursued Lady Dee until the last minutes of her life. According to the main version, the cause of Diana's death in a car accident was precisely the persecution of photographers, from whom the driver tried to break away. As we can see, the desire of the paparazzi to photograph Diana along with her boyfriend Dodi al-Fayed was really crazy. In the scandalous frame, bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones, the only survivor of the accident, makes an attempt to block the lens, and Diana tries to hide in the back seat.

Michael Jackson hangs his son from the balcony

While some celebrities are hiding from the paparazzi, others are happy to throw firewood on the fire. In 2002, Michael Jackson surprised even seasoned photographers by throwing his nine-month-old son Prince Michael Jackson II over the railing of a Berlin hotel balcony so the crowd could get a closer look at the baby. At the same time, the artist held the child with one hand, holding the second handkerchief on the baby's face.

Cheating Kristen Stewart

On the set of Snow White and the Huntsman in 2012, Kristen Stewart had a secret affair with married director Rupert Sandres, which, thanks to the efforts of the paparazzi, quickly became apparent. The footage, of course, instantly fell into the hands of Robert Pattinson, whom Kristen was then going to marry. The deceived fiancé packed up and canceled the engagement, despite the pleas and repentance of Stuart, whose personal life is still calm.

Nude Duchess Katherine

In September 2012, naked pictures of the Duchess of Cambridge graced the cover of the French magazine Closer. By the way, the photo does not show anything criminal: Crown Prince William and his young wife Kate are sunbathing all alone by the pool in a private chateau in the south of France. The Duchess allowed herself to remove the top of her bathing suit and, in this form, rub her husband's back with sunblock. Despite the humdrum nature of the episode, the pictures caused a stir around the world, with the reigning Queen Elizabeth II expressing her embarrassment.

Madonna, Sting and Tupac Shakur at the same table

Nothing scandalous and provocative, but the frame is really rare! The stars, who have so little in common, met at a party and chatted while they were photographed by surprised photographers.

The latest shots of Steve Jobs

Apple founder Steve Jobs has died at the age of 56 after undergoing cancer treatment. Almost a year after the discovery of his tumor in 2003, Jobs refused surgery, trying to be treated with veganism, acupuncture, herbs, and even hypnosis. The programmer later regretted his decision and nevertheless turned to surgeons, but Jobs's condition was rapidly deteriorating ... The latest photos of Jobs, exhausted by the disease, shocked fans.

John Lennon autographs his killer

On December 8, 1980, Lennon was shot and killed in the front yard of his New York home by fan Mark Chapman. A few hours earlier, Chapman had asked the Beatle for an autograph when Lennon left the house with Yoko Ono to go to the studio. Among the fans waiting for the musician at the entrance was photographer Paul Goresh, who took the famous picture. After Chapman waited several hours until Lennon and Ono returned home, he shot the musician.

Kate Moss uses cocaine

The cocaine scandal of 2005, when the paparazzi caught Kate using, would have cost the career of any other model, but not Moss: she again went to rehab and two years later triumphantly returned to the business.

There is an opinion that the best pictures are obtained when a person does not know that he is being photographed. He does not pose, does not strain and looks as relaxed and natural as possible. True, this rule does not work for everyone. For example, celebrities sometimes manage to turn out so poorly in "unexpected" paparazzi pictures that they are hardly recognized by fans.


At 57, the singer diligently follows her figure and with all her might maintains the image of an unfading artist, ready to set the heat on 25-year-old girls. All this is clearly seen in the "good" photos, for which Madonna is carefully preparing.
However, as soon as the pop diva relaxes, forgets about the lens and goes out into the street without a combat make-up, pictures are taken that reveal the main flaws for which the fans constantly criticize the star. In particular, too "male" hands and prominent veins.
And this is from the last exits of Madonna.
By the way, the paparazzi who took these pictures suggested that the singer does not look good because of her worries about her child: in early March, Madonna lost the court to her ex-husband Guy Ritchie, who received the right to custody of their 15-year-old son Rocco.

Pamela Anderson

As it looks in the photo with preparation. Another unfading blonde on our list is the sex symbol of the 90s, 48-year-old Pamela Anderson.
What does the paparazzi look like in the pictures. On the red carpet and in proven poses, the blonde certainly shines. However, it is worth recognizing that the actress is totally unlucky with a photo without preparation.
And it's not just about pictures in home clothes on a walk to the nearest supermarket.
And these pictures of the star were taken at all at the Oscars in 2001.

Julia Roberts

As it looks in the photo with preparation. The same age as Pamela Anderson at official events in most cases does not allow herself to appear in front of photographers in unprofitable images.
What does the paparazzi look like in the pictures. But as soon as the beauty relaxes a little, the paparazzi immediately take their toll.

Lady Gaga

As it looks in the photo with preparation.
What does the paparazzi look like in the pictures. To say that the 30-year-old singer is very worried about how she comes out in the pictures, even if she was ambushed without makeup, is an understatement. Otherwise, the artist would hardly have allowed the scandalous photographer Terry Richardson to follow her for a whole year and photograph every step. However, it cannot be denied that the singer's casual meetings with the paparazzi with enviable frequency turn out to be not the most successful shots.


As it looks in the photo with preparation.
What does the paparazzi look like in the pictures. It’s not easy for one of the most secretive and shy singers, 27-year-old Adele. Whenever possible, the artist tries not to catch the eye of curious paparazzi (with the exception of official events). After all, if such meetings take place, as a rule, very comical pictures of the singer leak to the Web.

Lolita Milyavskaya

As it looks in the photo with preparation.
What does the paparazzi look like in the pictures. The 52-year-old singer has always been a tidbit for domestic paparazzi looking for bad angles and celebrity poses. And after all, in most cases, the artist, which is called "itself to blame" (example - photo on the right).

Anastasia Volochkova

As it looks in the photo with preparation. The ex-ballerina has been using the same tried-and-true facial expression to pose for cameras for years.
What does the paparazzi look like in the pictures. However, sometimes the well-oiled system of the dancer fails.

Annoying paparazzi are hunting for celebrities around the clock. The result is scandalous photos of stars snorting cocaine, dropping their own children and cheating on their partners. Star secrets become public, and photographers receive thousands and even millions of dollars for their “catch”.

We present you the most expensive and provocative photos of stars taken by the paparazzi.

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The same stellar shot for Quinto, where threatens the paparazzi with a bow and arrow. So the star of the cult film Federico Fellini's "La Dolce Vita" (La Dolce Vita) protected her privacy. October 20, 1960

drops his son. In May 2006, the paparazzi captured how Britney Spears almost drops little Sean Preston Federline. And in the other hand, Spears has an alcoholic drink. Because of the photo, the singer was deprived of parental rights to children.

After that, Britney went off the rails. She tried to go to a clinic for the treatment of alcoholism, but, without spending a day in the hospital, she returned to Los Angeles, went to the Tarzana salon and demanded to cut her head, and after the refusal she took the machine and shaved herself.

Being depressed, the singer caught the photographer Danny Boy in this form. For pictures of the pop princess attacking his car, he received 250 thousand dollars. Later, he also sold his jeep, scratched by a star, for 40 thousand dollars.

Photo of Princess Diana on the day of the accident. According to the main version, the cause of Diana's death was precisely the persecution of photographers, from whom the driver tried to leave. In the scandalous frame, bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones, the only survivor of the accident, tries to cover his face with his hand from the lens, while Diana hides in the back seat.

Lady Dee's loneliness. February 11, 1992. The photographer took Princess Diana alone at the "temple of love" - ​​the Indian Taj Mahal. Then the princess decided to cooperate with the paparazzi: their pictures could show the world what was going on in her soul. Many have deciphered the message as follows: “Look, I am alone. My husband doesn't love me."

Photographers received $6 million from the media for a series of images of Lady Dee relaxing on a yacht in Saint-Tropez with her boyfriend, Dodi Al Fayed. They say this happened after her divorce from Prince Charles.

It was these pictures that became the first actual confirmation of the princess's romance with the Egyptian. In addition, it was with him that Diana rode in a car that ill-fated evening.

Proof of Cheating Kristen Stewart. On the set of Snow White and the Huntsman in 2012, Kristen Stewart had an affair with married director Rupert Sanders. Thanks to the efforts of the paparazzi, everything secret became clear.

The footage was immediately seen by Stewart's fiancé, Robert Pattinson. The deceived fiancé packed up and called off the engagement, despite Stewart's pleas and remorse.

In September 2012, naked pictures of the Duchess of Cambridge appeared on the cover of the French magazine Closer. On them, Prince William and his wife Kate are sunbathing by the pool, and the Duchess is in the sun without the top of a swimsuit. The pictures caused a stir around the world, even Queen Elizabeth II was embarrassed. The magazine was later fined.

Madonna, Sting and Tupac Shakur at the same table. The photograph is very rare, as there was, as everyone thought, very little in common between the assembled stars. Meanwhile, it is known that for some time the world-famous Madonna met with the not-so-famous Shakur.

Steve Jobs before death. The latest photos of the founder of Apple, emaciated by the disease, shocked fans. He was 56 when he passed away from cancer. A year after the discovery of his tumor, Jobs refused surgery, trying to be treated with veganism, acupuncture, herbs, and even hypnosis.

John Lennon autographs his killer. On December 8, 1980, Lennon was gunned down in his front yard in New York City. The killer was a fan of the musician, Mark Chapman. A few hours earlier, Chapman asked the Beatle for an autograph when Lennon left the house with Yoko Ono to go to the studio.

AIDS patient. For the seriously ill idol of millions of people, photographers have opened a real hunt. For a photo taken at dinner in a London restaurant, the photographer received 230 thousand dollars.

Cocaine sniffing Kate Moss. In October 2005, The Daily Mirror purchased a photo of model Kate Moss snorting cocaine for $300,000. After appearing on the cover in this form, Chanel and Burberry immediately broke off cooperation with Kate, who had to apologize and undergo treatment for drug addiction.

But even after the photographers caught a celebrity at the exit of nightclubs. In one of these pictures, the girl's trousers are stained with something white: either powder, or a forbidden powder.

Nude bride of Iglesias Anna Kournikova. For $500,000, a photographer named Frank sold nude photographs of Anna Kournikova to Penthouse magazine. Later it turned out that the pictures showed the daughter of Italian fashion designer Judith Soltis Benetton.

Jacqueline Onassis topless. For a photo of a semi-nude Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis, the famous paparazzi received $ 1.2 million. On that day, under the guise of a gardener, he entered the protected island of the Onassis family. The photo was published in the porn magazine Hustler.

King Farouk of Egypt gets into a fight. A photo of the Egyptian king Farouk, who threw himself at the Italian photographer Tazio Secchiaroli with his fists, was bought by the media for $1.4 million.

Photo of deceased supermodel Anna Nicole Smith. $1.5 million for a photo of the deceased Playboy star in 2007. And the Splash News & Picture Agency for a round sum bought a video in which the star is given artificial respiration and heart massage.

Hillary Clinton forgives Bill for cheating with Monica Lewinsky. A romantic picture of Bill Clinton with his wife Hillary was made by the paparazzi some time after the scandal with Monica Lewinsky. The whole world then realized that the president was forgiven.

Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton are cheating on their spouses. Richard and Elizabeth's romance began in 1962 on the set of Cleopatra. But Elizabeth was not ready to divorce: her then-husband Eddie Fisher left his wife for Taylor. For a while, she and Richard tried to keep their distance from each other.

But it didn't last long. Soon they secretly fled to a tiny villa in Porto San Stefano, and these were the happiest moments in a woman's life. The paparazzi caught them kissing on June 25, 1962.

Sean Penn hits annoying photographers. In the photo, Penn hits Vinnie Zuffante in New York. It was 1986. Sean Penn and his wife Madonna were attacked by paparazzi outside their apartment. Remarkably, the photo was taken by another paparazzi - the super-popular photographer Ron Galella mentioned above.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's first photo together. The photo was bought by publications for 500 thousand dollars. Before the evidence appeared, their romance was only an unconfirmed rumor.

Wet Victoria Beckham. The eternally perfect wife of a football player at the celebration in honor of the first anniversary of the Victoria Beckham boutique did not calculate the amount of alcohol. A representative of the Beckham family had to say that they just spilled a drink on Victoria.

Paris Hilton lingerie. Outrageous millionaire was caught in one of the nightclubs in Saint-Tropez. Hilton then fairly took on her chest and started dancing along with tanned strangers. She did not even notice how her underwear came out.

Drunk Pamela Anderson. The paparazzi caught the drunk actress as she left the Guys & Dolls club in Hollywood.

Drug addict Heath Ledger. The fuzzy footage of the late Heath Ledger taking coke in January 2006 at a party outraged his agents. They filed a lawsuit against the Hollywood photo agency, stating that they specifically gave the powder to the actor.

Tupac Shakur on the night of the shooting. Rapper Tupac Shakur doesn't have long to live in this picture. On that evening, September 13, 1996 (the date is also visible in the picture), the musician, sitting in a black car, was shot by unknown persons near a hotel in the suburbs of Las Vegas.

By the way, the BMW in which the rapper died was put up for auction in 2017 with bullet holes for $1.5 million. To this day, no one has bought it, but the owners do not intend to reduce the price either. But the Hummer car bought by Tupac a month before his death was bought. For $206,531.

Michael Jackson hanging his daughter over the balcony railing. Michael showed his little one out the window by throwing her over the railing and throwing a towel over her head. The public found this strange and even cruel.

Cheating on the groom on the eve of the wedding Jessica Simpson. The singer was caught leaving a hotel in Los Angeles. Everything would be fine, but she was wearing the shirt of Adam Levine, with whom she spent the night. The wedding was canceled after the photo was posted.

Cheating Demi Moore Ashton Kutcher. In 2011, the popular actor and exemplary family man was caught cheating with Sarah Leal. After such a scandal, the star was not offered serious roles for two whole years.

A priest leaving a nightclub. The famous shot of priest Don Gussoni leaving a nightclub was taken in Rome in 1959. Hussoni's futile attempts to snatch the camera from the hands of photographer Giacomo Alexis fell into the lens of the eminent paparazzi Geppetti and forever destroyed the reputation of a church minister.

Marilyn Monroe undressed in front of John F. Kennedy. In fact, this is a staged photo with doubles. In reality, no intimate photos of Monroe and Kennedy existed.

French President Francois Hollande rides a motorcycle with his mistress. January, 2014 The French magazine Closer comes out with a "bomb" on the cover: President François Hollande has a love affair with actress Julie Gayet. Civil wife Valerie Trierweiler then went to the hospital with a nervous breakdown.

Julia Roberts is on her way to dinner with her lover. August, 1991 Actor Jason Patric and Julia Roberts head to Nick and Eddie's. The stars tried to hide themselves from the paparazzi, but Ron Galella managed to take a picture of the couple - already in the car. Came out a funny angle.

Another time, Julia Roberts got into the photographer's lens at a very unfortunate moment - when she forgot to shave her armpits. However, it remains to be hoped that she really forgot to do this, and does not walk like that all the time.

George Bush is trying to solve a Rubik's Cube. One of the most famous photographs of Alison Jackson, who loves to play with celebrity looks. In fact, this is a photo with a double of the president.

The human passion for peeping has made photography an extremely lucrative business. We present the ten most expensive shots in the history of the scandalous photo craft. Prices are given at the US dollar exchange rate for November 2007...

The photo report uses materials from "SIM" magazine... $230,000 per frame with Freddie Mercury!
In 1990, the paparazzi staged a real hunt for the already deeply ill Freddie Mercury. The fact that he has AIDS, the singer publicly admitted only the day before his death, but rumors appeared long before that. The musician practically did not leave the house. However, the paparazzi still managed to catch the exhausted Freddie in company with the British rock star Harry Glitter at lunch in one of the most elite restaurants in London.

Britney Attack - $250,000
On February 21, 2007, in front of the house of her ex-husband Kevin Federline, shaved bald Britney Spears, with an umbrella in her hand, attacked the car of a paparazzi named Danny Boy from the X17 agency.

This largest paparazzi center in Los Angeles (about 100 employees) specializes only in spying on Britney. Day and night, two or three jeeps with gloomy, silent Latinos follow the star on its heels.

The author of the pictures, in addition to a fee of $ 250,000, earned another $ 40,000 by selling his jeep, scratched by the singer.

Kate Moss Snorting Cocaine - $300,000!
In October 2005, the British edition of The Daily Mirror published photos of model Kate Moss snorting cocaine with her friend Pete Doherty. As a result, Chanel and Burberry immediately terminated contracts with Kate.

The model was forced to repeatedly make excuses, apologize and undergo treatment for drug addiction. And the paparazzi hit a great jackpot for scandalous photos - $ 300,000!

"Penthouse" disgraced - $ 500,000 in favor of the paparazzi ...
The entire circulation of the issue, where the pictures of our sports-sexy Anna Kournikova were published, had to go under the knife ... They were sold to the magazine by an amateur paparazzi from St. Louis, someone Frank, who managed to film several girls sunbathing. Frank was convinced that one of them was the elusive Kournikova: firstly, she was looking for solitude, and secondly, the paparazzi ... "recognized her by the shape of her nipples." Then he justified himself that he had not seen Kournikova herself, only a photo where she was in a tight-fitting sports T-shirt, treacherously betraying the shape of her natural jewelry. "Penthouse" did not notice the catch and bought the cassettes. But Judith Soltis Benetton, the adopted daughter of the Italian fashion designer Luciano Benetton, suddenly identified herself in the photograph of Kournikova. "Penthouse" was in shock, Judith and Kournikova - too, only Frank was pleased - he is now a celebrity! On this embarrassment, the guy cut down $ 500,000 ...

$1,000,000 for baby photo...
In September 2004 in London, notorious paparazzo Steve Sands (officially included in the list of the 50 Most Disgusting New Yorkers) photographed the daughter of rock musician, Coldplay frontman Chris Martin and actress Gwyneth Paltrow. It was the first ever paparazzi picture of a star baby...

In the future, the stars began to request millions of royalties for photo shoots of their kids - in 2007, the couples Brad Pitt - Angelina Jolie and Tom Cruise - Katie Holmes did this. In fairness, it should be noted that in one of the interviews, Steve Sands hinted that Gwyneth Paltrow does nothing for free.

So, most likely, he shared with her the percentage of the sales of these pictures ... $ 1,000,000 for a photo shoot is, you see, a lot.

$1,100,000 for the queen's love affair...
In 1982, Princess Caroline of Monaco, after divorcing her husband, French banker and playboy Philippe Junot, began dating athlete Guillermo Vilas, the Argentine tennis genius and the first Latin American to win a Grand Slam tournament.

Pictures of the couple appeared on the covers of 54 magazines. Until now, successful angles of the princess and the tennis player bring profit to these magazines - the pictures are in constant demand at online auctions. $ 1,100,000 for a photo - do you think this is an absolute record? Unfortunately no...

Jacqueline Onassis nude - $1,200,000
For a nude photo of Jacqueline Onassis, the famous paparazzi of the 70s, Ron Galella, received $ 1,200,000. In 1970, under the guise of a Mexican gardener, wearing a sombrero and mustache and hiding the camera in a turf wheelbarrow, Galella made his way to a carefully guarded island - the private property of Onassis and made famous topless Jacqueline.

$1,400,000 - fighting king...
On the evening of August 15, 1958, the Italian photographer Tazio Secchiaroli was walking through the fashionable quarter of Rome, where he stumbled upon the Egyptian king Farouk, who was lighting up two beauties in the company of two beauties at the Cafe de Paris street table. He photographed the crowned playboy who overturned the table and attacked him with his fists and went down in history as the founder of the genre - it was Secchiaroli who became the prototype of that same Signor Paparazzi from Fellini's famous film La Dolce Vita. $ 1,400,000 - and this is not the limit ...

$ 1,500,000 - the death of model Anna Nicole Smith ...
At that time, the paparazzi got hold of the full program ...

The last photo was published by all more or less decent world publications ...

The video of the Playboy star being given CPR and heart massage was purchased by the Splash News & Picture Agency for $1,500,000...

Where does this price come from? And because the footage was obtained just a few hours after her death ...

And Anna Nicole Smith bought pictures of Anna Nicole Smith in a body bag for a more round sum and did not hesitate to publish the American tabloid National Enquirer, in which she wrote a column during her lifetime. Another $1,500,000... Anna Nicole would be flattered...

Princess Diana was valued at $ 6,000,000 ... When in 1997 the paparazzi chasing Princess Diana's car were accused of the death of Lady Di, they considered it a monstrous absurdity: "It's like children killing a nursing mother!"

They recalled that just a few months ago, colleagues managed to raise $ 6 million for a series of pictures of the princess and her new friend Dodi al-Fayed on a yacht in Saint-Tropez (the first evidence of the novel) ...

This is the biggest fee in over a century of photography. And this is the most expensive picture in her history...

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