Osho's student and master of oriental practices, the mysterious Swami Dashi. Psychic dasha - practices of swami dasha and his predictions about the future

Psychics have always aroused interest and admiration among ordinary people. After all, they sometimes manage to do truly magical things that are difficult to find a scientific explanation. A particularly strong surge of interest in magic and psychic abilities arose against the backdrop of the program "The Battle of Psychics". It has been on television for several years in a row, and its winners become favorites of almost all residents of the country. Those who need help try to make an appointment with them. After all, these psychics have already proven their abilities by participating and winning a TV show.

It is to such popular people that Swami Dashi belongs. Who was at the reception, leaves reviews about this psychic, who uses Eastern practices in his work, exclusively in enthusiastic tones. They write that the mysterious winner of the seventeenth season of the Battle of Psychics completely changed their lives and helped them see new horizons. Despite the fact that Swami is widely known, he guards his private life very carefully. However, we were able to find interesting information, which allows you to get to know the psychic better.

A few words about Swami Dashi

At an appointment with a psychic Swami Dasha? Reviews of their experience with the clairvoyant are left by many of his clients. And this is not surprising, because his name is known to almost everyone who believes at least a little in magic and is interested in extrasensory abilities. People tell rather contradictory information about Swami himself, because he diligently hides everything that can reveal the secrets of his personal life. But from a professional point of view, Dasha is as open as possible to everyone who wants to study with him.

The psychic himself has repeatedly emphasized in an interview the fact that he is not engaged in magical practices. The one who was at the reception of Swami Dasha always confirms this information in the reviews. The winner of the "Battle of Psychics" is engaged in spiritual practices, yoga and meditation. He devoted more than twenty years of his life to Eastern teachings, which led him to a television project. At the moment, he is practically fluent in various oriental techniques that open consciousness. This allows Swami to get such a phenomenal result without the use of magic and communication with spirits.

However, the psychic himself always clarifies that the tests that he had to pass on the television project ended in success only thanks to careful preparation for them. Swami literally went hungry for two days before the next shooting and spent time meditating. Therefore, in the process of work, he was so easily able to complete tasks, penetrating into the past and future of completely different people.

About personal

Many people would like to know interesting facts about the mysterious Swami Dashi. But he claims that any information about a person can allow you to penetrate into the most hidden corners of his soul, and therefore skips all questions regarding his real name, wife, children and parents in an interview. However, journalists still managed to find out some data.

According to the psychic's passport, the name is Peter Smirnov and he is approximately sixty years old. He also hides his date of birth, so exact year No one, except for his relatives, knows the birth of Swami. Recently there was information that he was born on the twenty-second of August. On this day, everyone who was at the reception of Swami Dasha, in the reviews on his official website, congratulate this amazing person and thank him for his help.

Until recently, the practitioner of oriental techniques lived in St. Petersburg. Last years he lives with his family in Moscow.

It is known that Swami leads a healthy lifestyle and is actively involved in sports. He believes that this is the only way to keep your soul in order, because it is interconnected with the body and its condition. Some patients, in their reviews of Swami Dasha's appointment, wrote that his massage had a miraculous effect. Sometimes one or two sessions are enough to forget about many health problems.

Swami Dashi: the meaning of the name

The clairvoyant is often accused not only of creating a mysterious and mystical image on the TV screen, but also of choosing a sonorous pseudonym, which, according to many, was invented specifically to draw attention to the psychic person.

However, in fact, the name under which the clairvoyant was remembered by the audience of the Battle of Psychics has a very deep meaning. For about twenty years, the clairvoyant traveled through India and other Asian countries, studying all kinds of spiritual practices. Over the years, he perfectly mastered the skill of yoga, for which he received the title of "swami". If you try to translate it into Russian as close as possible to the original, you get something similar to "self-controlled". The second part of the name "Dashi" was given to the psychic by Indian masters. As a result, he completely abandoned his Slavic name, using it only when solving legal issues where official documents are requested.

Facts from the biography

Ordinary people are interested not only in information about the appointment with Swami Dasha, reviews and prices for his services, but also in the biography of a psychic. However, there is not as much data about him as many admirers of the clairvoyant talent would like.

It is known that he was born in Kazakhstan, from where the family soon moved to St. Petersburg. The parents of the future follower of alternative medicine practices were intellectuals. The father had the title of academician of biochemistry and dreamed of raising his son, who would become a talented pediatrician.

With early age Swami was instilled with the rules of a healthy lifestyle and a love of sports. In his youth, he was seriously engaged and even showed great promise as an athlete.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the department of pediatrics, but did not show much zeal for study. He graduated from the first courses only thanks to the insistence of his father, but his interest in oriental practices and alternative medicine turned out to be stronger and Swami left the institute. This caused a gap between the psychic and the parents.

At the age of twenty, the clairvoyant lost his mother, she committed suicide, and from that time on the young man did not communicate with his father.

Wife and kids

Swami Dashi does not like to talk about his marital status. However, it is known that he was married twice. From the first marriage, the clairvoyant has a son. Today he is over thirty years old. It is noteworthy that the young man is seriously involved in athletics and is a multiple champion of Russia in this sport.

In the psychic has three children. His wife was Irina Nogina, who is a fitness trainer. In parallel, she conducts all administrative work on Dasha's seminars and his other activities.

Unknown information from the biography of the healer

In some sources, sometimes there is evidence that in the nineties of the last century the clairvoyant was associated with gangs. He himself neither refutes nor confirms this information. In a few interviews, he gives very conflicting information about his past life.

However, he does not hide the fact that more than once he got into difficult and dangerous situations, communicating with people of different social status. It is known that Swami came to his first yoga class with bodyguards. This may indicate a special status of the healer in certain circles.

But if you look at his style now, you can understand how much knowledge and Eastern practices have enriched the psychic spiritually. He dresses very simply and wears mostly only a crystal pendant. The clairvoyant rarely expands on its meaning, but he once mentioned that ancient souls live in such crystals. On one of the trials in the TV project, Swami said that his soul is enclosed in the pendant, and this helps him connect with the world of the dead.

Stages of the spiritual path of the clairvoyant

Many of those who want to get an appointment with a healer initially study reviews of Swami Dashi. Those who were at the reception at his center know that the psychic uses quite interesting techniques brought from Asia in his work.

Once a psychic mentioned that he had spent a fabulous amount on his education - fifty thousand dollars. And only after that he fully revealed his abilities. At the same time, he believes that any person can discover a special gift in himself through certain rituals and practices, and is ready to help everyone.

Swami spent most of his time in Asia studying Osho's practices. They became the basis of his activities. The clairvoyant was of great interest, therefore he lived with these amazing people watching them perform operations without the use of surgical instruments.

Despite the fact that Swami is a Slav, he professes Islam. More precisely, his Sufi direction. In Samarkand, he even received a new name, which he proudly wears as a Muslim.

It is noteworthy that in his work the healer very skillfully combines spiritual practices and sports training. He himself often speaks of himself also as a coach helping a person to reveal the dormant resources of the body.

During his wanderings throughout the world, Swami managed to master breathing techniques Tibetan monks, dance practices of Sufis and dervishes, yoga and meditation. A psychic does not disclose or advertise much of his knowledge, because it is available only to initiates.

Secrets of Swami Dashi's work

The psychic leads numerous seminars that are based on three aspects:

  • sound;
  • breath;
  • motion.

The healer says that a person gets all the problems because of the various blocks set. They occur at three levels:

  • physical;
  • mental;
  • emotional.

If you destroy them, then a person gains a second wind and feels a surge of strength. Part of the blocks are effectively removed by massage. These sessions are led by Swami himself and his disciples. Naturally, the cost of such procedures is above average. But their performance is very high.

Of course, it's not new. Dynamic meditations were developed by Chandra Jane himself, known to the whole world as Osho. This is a rather controversial mystical personality. The movement he founded was likened to a sect in many countries. It was he who was the first person to come up with dynamic meditations. Now they are gaining their popularity. Swami Dashi gives important tips on the use and conduct of such meditations.

Features of active meditation

As many of you know, ordinary meditations involve peace, total focus on silence, peace. They are narrow-minded, so to speak. There are meditations on relaxation, on luck in love and sex, on monetary success, and so on. There are countless of them.

Another thing is dynamic meditations.
Their purpose is to prepare for the true journey within. Osho himself said that active meditation is the first stage of a real deep dive into the depths of consciousness. An alternative result is pep. You just start to feel better after dynamic meditation because it kind of turns the energy field inside out. It's like a good massage, but not for the body, but for the biofield.

The psychic gave a master class on the main stages of dynamic meditation in his already popular video. This is real lesson, which was filmed to familiarize the general public with the features of Osho meditation.
Swami Dashi, being an extremely pleasant, charismatic and eccentric personality, explained in the most relaxed manner all the subtleties of immersion in meditation and all the subtleties of its main stages.
Stage one: breathing. Breathe like you have never breathed before. You are pushing the air out of your lungs with your whole body, and chaotically, randomly. With all your strength, you exhale and inhale, but do it abruptly. At the same time, you need to move in a relaxed manner.
Stage two: catharsis. Catharsis means "cleansing". In this phase, you will need to get rid of all the problems that have accumulated over long time. You close your eyes and then do whatever your heart desires. It is the soul, not the mind or body. Listen to your inner world. You can scream at the top of your lungs, jump, shake. Thus, you will shed unnecessary ballast. After that, many people are flooded with emotions - tears, laughter, sadness, joy, rage.
Stage three: jumping in place. When you jump, landing on your feet, then bounce like a ball. In this case, it is necessary to make the sound "hoo". Hands up, body relaxed. You must not scream - the sound must come from within, from the belly. In his video, Swami Dashi tells in detail how to jump correctly and what to feel while doing it.

At the end of the meditation, you will feel that your body has been renewed. Everything will be different for you. The attitude will change. You will be filled with strength, energy that can be used for anything.
At the very end, Swami Dashi recommends kneeling down and touching the floor with your forehead. In this way, you will be able to distribute the energy more evenly throughout the body, stabilizing yourself completely.
You can talk endlessly about the usefulness of dynamic meditation. Its meaning is known to everyone in different ways, so try to make it to see the result with your own eyes.

Psychics have interested mankind since time immemorial. Periods of favor to soothsayers and sorcerers were replaced by severe persecutions and executions, but the curiosity of a person associated with paranormal activity, never faded away.

The era of enlightenment and tolerance that has now come again drives the curious closer to the spark of the supernatural - they come out television programs, books are written, seminars are held. Someone proclaims himself a fortune-teller or a telepath, someone is trying to prove his abilities in live. Someone even succeeds, such people are honored and scrutinized by the public. Let us lift the veil of secrecy that the participants of the Battle of Psychics project lower before themselves and find out more about one of its most famous winners - Swami Dashi.

Swami Dashi is a famous diagnostician and bioenergetic. He studies Eastern practices, is a real student of Osho and conducts thematic seminars and individual sessions for over 20 years. Swami believes in the ability to combine Eastern and Western views on, and everything that exists, therefore he travels to different countries, studies the views on the life of different Masters and creates a single philosophy from the collected knowledge, which he adheres to.
Swami does not call himself Master, Guru, or Teacher. He considers the body the only honest indicator internal state person and his level of development. Thoughts, says Swami Dashi, can be replaced, you can deceive yourself for years, but reactions cannot be faked. He is well versed in oriental physical practices involved in the development of the body, and therefore can help other people in diagnosing their problems.

Important! Swami holds his teaching meetings only in real life. No online courses and electronic instructions he does not send. On the Web, you can find many doubles of a real teacher, so you only need to trust the information on Dasha's official website.

It will be honest to say that the exact biography of Swami is not known to anyone from the media or not close circle - Dashi diligently protects her privacy. But his worldly name, given to him at the time, is known - Peter Smirnov. Peter was born and raised in St. Petersburg, in his youth he was fond of pole vaulting. Apparently, he did not ask because of the physical discrepancy, so he became interested in the teachings about the development of the spirit, soul and body, which, as they believe in the East, are interconnected.
The sports sector gave Peter something more valuable than success, - loving family. His wife, Irina Nogina-Chernyshova, is a master of sports in. They supposedly met in those young years. The couple has several children - 2 sons and a daughter. Pyotr Smirnov was married twice, his first wife gave birth to his son, who is now 33 years old. His son's name is Roman, he excelled in sports much more than his father: Smirnov Jr. is a multiple champion of Russia in athletics and participant Olympic Games in Pekin.

Before turning into a master of oriental teachings, Pyotr Smirnov studied at the then Leningrad Medical Pediatric Institute. Disappointed in its possibilities, he, as we have already said, became interested in Eastern philosophy, so he left for India, where he stayed for a long time and received his spiritual name. After that he traveled to Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, communicated with Sufis and spiritual leaders, and then brought his knowledge to Russia. Now he lives in two cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg, conducts educational lectures and continues his studies.

Basically, Swami relies on his vast life experience gained on the road. He began his journey 23 years ago, when he decided to leave his usual way of life and turn to wandering. The first country to which Swami went for spiritual enlightenment was. This trip enriched Dasha with new knowledge about nature. human body. He lived in Pune, where he improved his technique of working with the human body from the female master Ma Modak. She explained to him the principles of yoga and taught him.

A trip to India gave Swami Dashi the opportunity to settle in the ashram, join the rhythm of the life of its inhabitants, get used to meditation and take a course from the greatest Indian Master Osho, thus approaching the neo-Hinduism professed by that. The course of study with Osho encouraged Swami to develop further in the direction of Divine healing - he became interested in Chinese medicine and tantric teachings. Dashi was initiated into the art of tantra by the master Ma Krishna Rada, whom he also met in India.

It was learning from the Indian mystic Osho that became a defining moment in Dasha's life. Then he received his spiritual name, which eventually replaced the name given to him by his parents, and continued his spiritual quest, traveling through Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. At the same time, he lived with the order of Sufis - dervishes, who call themselves Nakshbandi.

Dashi did not consider himself a psychic at all, but he believed that he had the skills sufficient to participate in the project. He was supported by his wife, who also practices the philosophy that accompanies it. Swami came to the project as an ordinary contestant, just like everyone else, he went through qualifying tasks and rounds and got higher and higher, becoming a clear favorite. The number of Dasha's fans multiplied from series to series, so that even at the end of the project, he found many opportunities to realize himself as a healer and mentor.

Did you know? In Russia, there is the Harry Houdini Prize. Its size is 1 million rubles. They promise to award the prize to those who can in the conditions scientific experiment prove your paranormal psychic abilities before a selected committee. No psychic has yet been able to pass this test. A similar bonus, only in the amount of 1 million american dollars, was established by the American illusionist and skeptic James Randi. The prize is still waiting for its owner.

Popularity literally fell on Dasha. He himself, who lived for more than 20 years in places remote from the civilized world, said that a huge number of letters, comments, people eager to learn more about him, at first heavily loaded him.
Swami did not use the people's love to the extent that he could, preferring mass seminars and remote consultations to personal meetings with small audiences. Mysticism and magic tricks would bring him large quantity fans, but Dasha emphasizes that he is mostly a physiotherapist and spiritual practitioner, who made an exception for participating in the "Battle".

The name he received in India means a monk who has distanced himself from worldly temptations and is pure in soul. 'Swami' means 'free', so it worked for Peter. Despite the big name, Swami is attached not only to his family, but also to his clients, from whom there is no end after the "Battle". The master has accounts in social networks, own website with brief information and the schedule of upcoming workshops.
He truly reveals himself only with those who come to listen to him. O talks rarely and little, so as not to give his opponents the opportunity to harm him. The faces of his children in the photographs are always blurred, and his wife, as an adult, does not hide, but appears in the background.

Important! The yogic and meditation practices promoted by Swami require a certain physical training. Sign up for a seminar only if you are confident in your ability to devote several days in a row to many hours of physical and spiritual overcoming of yourself.

Previously known only in narrow neo-Hindu circles, Dashi brings Hinduism, self-improvement and fundamentals to the general public. The famous Russian witch Marilyn Kerro speaks warmly about him, calling him a strong psychic and a bright gifted person. Swami became the author of the book "Rebirth", published on September 5, 2017.

Dashi meets with different people in different countries peace. He said that he was traveling with his teaching in order to conduct a mutual exchange of experience and find new opportunities for. True, most of his lectures are based in Russia. Organizational issues for lectures and seminars are handled by Dasha's wife - Irina, her Email indicated in the contacts on the official website.

Dasha gives lectures on the topic healthy eating, biorhythms, body strengthening. In many ways, they are similar to lectures about various religious groups. Lectures last from 1 hour to 3-4 hours, seminars go on for several days in a row. Their topics are different so that each of the fans can choose an educational course to their liking. Swami teaches a lot - from spiritual liberation to self-organization and Tibetan pulsations, which helps to better feel your body.

In his seminars, Dashi deals with pressing problems - quality,. He teaches you to properly monitor your body, stretch desired groups, give therapeutic massage to yourself and people who need it, and heal by focusing on yourself. During seminars, Dashi not only communicates with the audience, but also encourages close communication between the participants of the seminar.

There is a large number of groups on VKontakte and Facebook, which collect people from different cities in pre-registration lists. Seminars are held with a frequency of 1 time per week, and Dasha's pre-order schedule is packed for the whole winter. He himself draws the attention of followers to the fact that he never communicates online, preferring live communication. If you are offered to pay for a remote improvement course from Swami Dasha, you have stumbled upon scammers.

Did you know? Despite the popularization of parapsychology and extrasensory perception and their popularity among the people, not a single one has yet been put forward. scientific explanation this kind of phenomena. For example, National science fund The United States classifies extrasensory perception as one of the properties about which the largest percentage of the world's population is mistaken.

The healing direction is the basis of Master Swami's philosophy. He teaches his followers to look inside themselves, see their imperfections and positive sides, multiply the good and change the bad. He stands for balance and the principles that stand at the core of Hinduism. The body's resistance, its ability to recover largely depends on how a person listens to his body and manages it. During the collective meetings that Dashi holds for everyone, people learn to throw out the unnecessary and remain in silence, alone with themselves and what many call the Universe. Meditations are short, for an hour and a half, there are marathons and author's compilations that take more than 4 hours at a time.

Swami Dashi: "Rebirth"

The book was released in September 2017 and has already managed to go on sale both online and on the shelves of Ayurvedic and esoteric stores. The Eksmo publishing house took up its release. On the pages of the book, Swami recounts episodes from his long and eventful life with humor and inspiration. He shares his experience gained during travels and life in the ashram, talks about meetings and acquaintances with incredible people. In essence, this book describes Swami's life path, which led him to himself. Dashi shares how the decision to change irreversibly turns a person into a new being, and that there is no turning back.

Real name Swami Dashi- Pyotr Smirnov. He was born in Kazakhstan, spent a considerable part of his life (about 20 years) in India, in Pune, in the Osho ashram, until recently he lived in St. Season 17. By nationality, Peter is a Slav. Religion - Sufi Islam.

Swami Dashi- this is not part of a pseudonym, but something like an honorary title. They are awarded to people who have the skill of yoga, and this title is translated as “free from feelings” or “self-controlled”. He received it in India more than 20 years ago. Upon returning home, Swami Dashi continued his development, began to delve into the spiritual and philosophical teachings of the Western world, completely changed his worldview, and as a result managed to create his own personal practice, combining the approaches of the Western and Eastern culture– yoga, Osho bodily pulsations and general body massage. Now he conducts author's trainings and seminars in different cities Russia.

Dashi is widely known among people who are interested in spiritual practices. He spends a lot of time in the gym, combining various techniques and sports in his work. As a trainer, teacher, and alternative medicine specialist, he has a reputation for excellence.

As known from biographies of Swami Dasha, he does not use the methods of work that are traditional for most of the participants in the mystical project itself. Many call him a yogi, and this is partly true - the accumulated Indian yogis knowledge is really included in the mix of teachings and spiritual practices, which are preferred by psychic Swami Dashi. However, calling him a psychic is also somewhat erroneous - he does not practice magic and does not use the prompts of spirits. All his successes are the result of personal spiritual self-improvement with the help of special practices.

Personal life of psychic Swami Dasha

In his youth, Pyotr Smirnov tried himself in traditional sports - he was engaged in pole vaulting. According to media reports, Swami's wife is a 36-year-old master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics Irina Nogina-Chernyshova. She is a practicing fitness and Pilates trainer and her husband's administrator. Married to her psychic Swami Dashi two sons and a daughter were born. All of them live in St. Petersburg.

Swami Dasha has a large number of tattoos on his body and arms, and it must be said that the drawings are quite impressive in size. Moreover, the main theme of the images is animals. Wolves flaunt on Dasha’s chest, and on her hands you can see a snake and bird wings.

How old Peter is not exactly known (approximately 53 years old), he hides his age. Only the date of birth is known exactly - August 22.

Swami Dashi on the project "Battle of Psychics", season 17

Swami Dashi is one of the most mysterious participants in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. He does not advertise his real name and personal life. On the project "Battle of Psychics" by Swami Dashi remembered for his extraordinary behavior during the test. Successful passing of tests and some non-standard participant of the Battle of psychics became the reason for the rapid popularity Swami Dashi. The practices that he prefers have nothing to do with what fans of the mystical project itself have already become accustomed to - communication with the spirits of the dead and other creatures, rituals and ceremonies. Peter received his gift while traveling the world in search of knowledge.

Generally, Swami Dashi is one of the most unusual participants in the Battle of Psychics project. Despite the fact that there are no powerful witches and sorcerers in his family, and the knowledge that helps a yogi pass tests has little to do with magic in its classical sense, Dashi has every chance of taking first place in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics.

Although Swami Dashi himself does not consider himself a psychic in the direct sense of the word, he is sure that the experience that has been accumulated over more than 20 years of activity is quite applicable in the framework of the television show "The Battle of Psychics". Therefore, the man went to the casting of this project in the studio of the TNT channel, successfully passed all the qualifying tests and is now considered one of the favorites of the television program.

Practice, methodology and experience of Swami Dasha

Swami Dashi- master of oriental practices, student of Osho. Connects Western and Eastern approaches to changing consciousness through meditation and body-oriented practices. Uses in his practices yoga skills, meditation skills, massage and bodily pulsations of Osho. It helps people find the strength and courage to see themselves as real and change a lot in their lives. Swami Dashi works in the Spirit-Soul-Body system and always emphasizes the importance of balance between physical, mental and spiritual activities that complement each other. Dashi opened several Meditation Centers of his own name, he has his own website darshi.ru - "Meditation Center". Conducts meditations, lectures, master classes, trainings and seminars in different countries of the world. Despite all this, he remains a man of mystery.

Peter specializes in working with the body. He mainly conducts seminars, master classes and lectures on development inner world man and the control of his body. The main place of work is St. Petersburg and Moscow.

If we talk about the practices that the favorite of the seventeenth Battle of Psychics prefers, then we are talking about alternative medicine of the East, yoga, various meditative practices, Osho, Sufi whirling and zikrs, Tibetan pulsations, Zen and Dzazen, as well as the techniques of Lapin, Gurdjieff and Reich.

Based on the stimulation of the vertical flow of energy through three main aspects: breathing - movement - sound , it gives you the opportunity to return the true feeling of your body, release repressed emotions, open the blocks associated with them, and remove them on the physical, mental and energy planes. In addition, there are many reviews from patients who managed to test Dasha's therapeutic massage techniques in practice.

Conducting meditations, lectures, master classes, trainings and seminars in different countries of the world - Swami Dashi meets interesting people and finds new systems and methods for working on himself and passing them through himself, brings this experience into group classes and individual sessions for Seeking people.

home Swami Dasha method- read information from the human body, since it, unlike human thoughts, is not capable of deceiving.

In each season of the rating show "Battle of Psychics", a large audience discovers the names of new heroes who are becoming popular. In season 17, from the first episodes, the love of the audience was won by a man who appeared at the trials in a dress, it was Swami Dashi.

Who is Dashi?

The famous psychic has repeatedly said that he loves silence and he is not going to become a media personality, therefore there is little information about his life, but a number of facts are known.

  1. According to Dasha, at the time of participation in the project, she was 56 years old. He celebrates his birthday on August 22.
  2. She made the "Battle of Psychics" by Swami Dashi popular, but at the same time only a few know his real name. There is information that his name is Peter Smirnov.
  3. Has four children.
  4. Swami is not a pseudonym, but an honorary title. It is given to yoga masters, and in translation it means "free from the senses." Dashi is an Indian name.

How did Swami Dashi become a psychic?

The winner of the 17th season of the show said that he received and developed his abilities while living in India and Tibet. He spent 20 years in the ashram, where he studied various practices, the art of massage, meditation and yoga. Because of this, he can see people like open books, noticing diseases and other problems. The winner of the "Battle of Psychics" Swami Dashi claims that he does not practice magic, but works exclusively according to his own methodology. He does not like to look into the future and the past, and did this only on the show.

Swami Dasha technique

The famous psychic is a master of bodily practices, which he talks about in his seminars. The most famous practices of Swami Dashi:

  1. Dynamic involves the performance of active monotonous movements that help, as a result, to relax and achieve unity of the body, soul and spirit.
  2. Sufi whirling is an ancient practice used by esoteric Muslims.
  3. Another well-known Sufi practice is dhikr, which involves repeating prayers many times to glorify Allah.
  4. Zazen is based on sitting against a wall or stationary objects for several hours over many months. It helps to get rid of fussy thoughts.
  5. A special massage aimed at normalizing the circulation of qi energy.
  6. Psychic Dasha uses singing bowls for meditation, which vibrate after mechanical impact.

How to get an appointment with Swami Dashi?

After the end of the 17th season of the show, many asked this question. For those who are interested in how to find the psychic Dasha, there are several options to contact the administrator: his official website and social media profiles, but just keep in mind that they must be verified. You can sign up for an individual session, seminar and group classes that Swami conducts in different parts of Russia. People who want to know how to contact Dasha's psychic should take into account that many scammers are trying to make money off this by selling seats for non-existent sessions.

Unlike other psychics, one cannot hear recommendations from Swami, or know one's future. Advice from Dasha's psychics is more about meditation, and he recommends choosing an active option.

  1. The first stage is breathing. It is necessary to breathe with the whole body, exhaling completely all the air from the lungs. This must be done randomly and randomly. Movement should be relaxed.
  2. The second stage is catharsis (purification). With the help of this phase, you can cope with all the problems that have accumulated over a long period. You need to close your eyes and do whatever you want, listening to, so some scream, others jump, and so on. After that, many experience powerful emotions: crying, laughing and even fighting in hysterics.
  3. The third stage is jumping in place. Psychic Dasha recommends springing like a ball and making the sound “hoo”, which should come from the stomach. Hands must be raised up, and the body kept relaxed.
  4. After that, there will be a feeling that the body has been renewed, and attitudes have changed. At the end, it is recommended to kneel and touch the floor with your forehead. This will help to properly distribute energy throughout the body.

Everyone has experienced financial problems from time to time. The psychic believes that the repulsive energy of a person is to blame. For example, the frequent use of forbidden phrases, such as "there is no money for this." Many are interested in what Dasha's psychic says about this, and so, according to the winner of season 17, to solve material problems energy supply is needed and powerful protection. He recommends creating a talisman for yourself, which must be charged using well-known rituals.

Predictions of Swami Dasha

A huge number of people seek to find out what has been prepared for them New Year. Psychic Swami Dashi spoke about some of the events that can be expected in 2017.

  1. The Year of the Rooster will be energetically strong, so significant changes should be expected.
  2. Strong energy can cause harm, but in order to avoid this, the psychic recommends working on yourself, coping with vices and being more attentive to others.
  3. Dasha, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, recommends not making sudden decisions, but carefully considering each step.
  4. The most important feeling this year will be love, which should accompany a person every day. Goodness sent will certainly return doubly.
  5. The Year of the Rooster is ideal for marriage and the birth of children.
  6. Psychic Swami Dashi advises to get rid of selfishness and narcissism, as this can bring significant harm.
  7. People who have a strong character will be able to move up the career ladder.

Exposing Swami Dasha

People who watch or at least once heard about the show "The Battle of Psychics" can be divided into two groups: those who believe everything, and those who believe that this is fiction. After the end of each season, you can find a lot of reports that the participants are charlatans. Many are trying to expose Swami Dasha from the Battle of Psychics by carefully looking through the photos and recordings of the show. In contrast to skeptics, you can provide feedback from people who have attended his seminars and evaluated the results from practices.

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