Mysticism and the paranormal. The most mysterious paranormal phenomena. Imaginary friend or relative

Ghost stories and other paranormal stories are tens of hundreds of cases that defy material reality. From time to time we encounter such mystical horror that it is impossible to believe in it.

tell paranormal stories, kind ghost

The next few "fairy tales" range from slightly creepy to downright terrifying, but they all have one thing in common: there is no reasonable explanation for them. - Please do not read mystical stories before going to bed - take care of your psyche.

Voices in a woman's head.

In 1984, a woman was quietly reading a book while at home. Suddenly, a clear voice sounded in her head, saying to her, Please don't be afraid. I know how shocking this conversation is, but it's the easiest way to communicate. My friend and I worked at the Children's Hospital and would like to help you. You are sick.

After a series of medical tests, including psychological tests, the patient was diagnosed with a large benign brain tumor. Moreover, the mysterious voice continued to speak to her during medical testing.

After the completion of the operation to remove the tumor, the patient, having come to her senses, heard a voice for the last time: We were glad to help you. Farewell.

The woman did not report any post-surgical problems and did not hear her voice again. A study of the patient and the mysterious voice in her head that diagnosed the brain tumor was published by the British Medical Journal (BMJ).

An imaginary friend or relative?

My grandfather passed away a few weeks after I was born. You know, I've never seen what he looks like. When I was 5 years old, I started seeing a person in a rocking chair. My parents thought it was an "imaginary friend" from dreams. But they were more and more surprised when I told them the details of the conversation.

Finally, my parents asked me more about it. I told them every detail I could remember and they showed me a photograph of the man. This was my grandfather.

Today I am 22, and I feel my grandfather somewhere in the background. I remember when I dreamed of a high school graduate, and I looked at the stands, I saw him next to my parents. I like to think that he watches over me from where he is.

Past life experience?

A few years ago, when my daughter was just over three years old, my husband and I watched a TV show about the horror of 9/11. It was the day of the anniversary of the event. My daughter, who was coloring pictures nearby, looked up as a plane hitting one of the World Trade Center buildings appeared on the screen. Suddenly she told us: "I died there."

Then she just went back to her pictures as if she hadn't said a word. We never spoke to her about the concept of death and never discussed 9/11.

Since then, the daughter has never spoken about it, but now, if something appears on TV about 9/11, she says: "I don't want to watch it."

Skeleton of Hampton Court Palace.

Hampton Court Palace is considered one of the most haunted buildings in England. According to their website, the castle is haunted by at least three ghosts.

Skeleton from Hampton Court Palace. England is a world of conservatism, a palace without a ghost is a hut

Katherine Howard - was repeatedly seen by palace employees and guests. Sybil Penn - a ghost wandering around the palace, apparently worried that her grave was moved back in 1829.

However, the palace's most notable "inhabitant" has to be the "Skeleton", a creepy ghost caught on the palace's CCTV cameras in 2003. Palace representatives explain on their website:

For three consecutive days, palace security personnel were forced to close one of the fire doors... On the first day, CCTV footage showed the doors being thrown wide open with great force, but nothing could be seen.

On the second day, the same thing happened, but this time on the screen unexpectedly in an evening dress and closed the doors. They add: The doors opened again on the third day, but there was no more sign of the ghostly "gatekeeper".

Maybe this is the ghost of the most famous resident of the palace of Henry VIII? You can watch the video on YouTube for yourself.

Papa Doppelganger (double) *

About ten years ago (I was 8 years old at the time), I visited my father at his house. My stepmother was in the kitchen and I was in the common room. We both saw him in a red flannel shirt and blue jeans coming up the stairs. I called my father and followed him. My father turned and looked at me as he climbed the top step and turned the corner.

I called my father again. Suddenly, unexpectedly, from the living room, dad raised his head over the couch and asked what I wanted. He slept on the couch all the time, but my stepmother and I saw him coming up the stairs from the living room.

It was the most impossible thing I have ever seen. Both my stepmother and I still remember it and talk about it to this day. And everything happened in good daylight, so it was not some kind of supernatural illusion of the night.

Wilson Hall, Ohio University.

Room 428 at Wilson Hall is permanently closed. Students from Ohio University, the ninth oldest public university in the US, are not allowed to look into the room due to multiple reports of ghosts and dangerous ghost activity.

Wilson Hall was reportedly built on top of an Indian burial (that always ends badly). Spiritualists argue; the building is located in the center of a pentagram formed by five ancient cemeteries, giving this geographic location additional strengths of either security or evil.

In the 1970s, a student died under mysterious (unexplained) circumstances in room 428. Years later, a student used what she perceived as "energy" in the room to practice "astral projection" rituals.

In such a practice, the human spirit (or consciousness) is said to leave the body and can travel at will. One day she cut her own wrists.

Ever since the two deaths occurred here, everyone in the room has reported terrifying apparitions at every hour of the day or night. Objects flew through the room and smashed against the walls. The students heard voices, whispering and even hysterically screaming, although no one was there.

The door often opened and then closed on its own. Worse than that, demonic faces appeared right on the wooden panel of the room's door. And although the school changed the door several times, the exhausted, disgusting faces reappeared.

Eventually, the room became too intimidating, and the university, fearful that another student death might occur, decided to permanently close the door. This is the only known case where the room is closed due to up to this day.

We are used to believing, or rather we are convinced that the world around us lives according to established and familiar laws, but is it so?

  • (German: Doppelganger - doppelgänger) a mysterious creature with the ability to polymorphism. Creation is able to recreate the image of a person indistinguishable from the original.

This article brings to your attention several paranormal phenomena over which scientists and skeptics have been racking their brains for many years and cannot come to an unambiguous conclusion.

Taos rumble

Taos hum is a low frequency noise of unknown nature. This phenomenon got its name due to the city in which it was registered - Taos, New Mexico. In fact, such phenomena are characteristic not only for this small town: the appearance of inexplicable noises has been noticed in different countries around the world.

Taos rumble audio:

Often, industrial origins are attributed to these sounds. And yet, the situation in Taos is somewhat different: only 2% of the local population hear the noise. In addition, people who have heard the Taos hum note that it is amplified inside buildings, and in the case of ordinary noises of industrial origin, it would be the other way around.

Basically, the nature of this phenomenon is explained in different ways:
1. Ordinary industrial or other noise produced by machines, acoustic systems, etc.
2. Infrasound, which may be of a geological or tectonic nature.
3. Pulsed microwaves
4. Electromagnetic waves
5. Sound waves from low frequency communication systems (e.g. communications on submarines)
6. Radiation in the ionosphere, including that produced within the framework of HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)
It is important to note that the source of the noises has not been definitively established despite numerous studies by local universities as well as individuals.

Near death experiences

Near-death experiences are the general name for the personal experiences of people at the moment of their near-death experience. The following phenomenon may provide an answer to questions about the possibility of life after death. Many people who have experienced clinical death claim that such a life exists.

NDEs include physiological, psychological, and transcendental aspects. Despite the fact that different people describe the events that occur to them after near-death experiences in different ways, many elements are common to all:

  • The first sensory impression is a very unpleasant sound (noise);
  • Understanding what is dead;
  • Pleasant emotions: calmness and tranquility;
  • Feeling out of the body, hovering over your own body and watching others;
  • Feeling of moving upward through a bright tunnel of light or a narrow passage;
  • Meeting with deceased relatives or clerics;
  • An encounter with a being of light (often interpreted as a deity);
  • Consideration of episodes of the past life;
  • Reaching a boundary or boundaries;
  • Feeling unwilling to return to the body;
  • Feeling warm despite not wearing clothes.

It is also known that in some cases the experiences following the seventh stage, on the contrary, are extremely unpleasant.
Communities of people who experience or study the paranormal are more open to interpreting near-death experiences as evidence for the existence of an afterlife. In turn, scientists often interpret this phenomenon as hallucinations or fiction.
In 2008, a study was launched in the UK that will study 1,500 near-death patients. The study will involve 25 hospitals in the UK and the US.

Doppelgänger - ghostly doppelgangers

In literature, doppelgangers (German doppelganger - "double") are the demonic counterparts of people, the opposite of a guardian angel. The appearance of a doppelgänger often heralds the hero's death. Despite the fact that they are considered to be literary characters, there are several historical sources that indirectly prove the existence of these creatures.
One of these is the testimony of Queen Elizabeth I, recorded by the chronicler shortly before her death. According to the queen, she saw herself lying on the bed of her bedroom, more precisely, her double, who, according to her, was very pale.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe saw his own double, dressed in a gray suit trimmed with gold, while riding a horse in the direction of Drusenheim (Drusenheim). At the same time, the double was driving in the opposite direction. Eight years later, while traveling from Drusenheim along the same road, Goethe noticed that he was wearing the exact same suit as he had seen on the double.
It is known that Catherine II also saw her copy moving in her direction. Frightened, she ordered the soldiers to shoot her.
An unusual case of a similar nature also happened to Abraham Lincoln: the reflection he saw in the mirror had two faces. Being a superstitious person, Lincoln remembered what he saw for a long time.

Sudarius from Oviedo is a piece of cloth measuring 84 x 53 cm. with blood stains. Some people are inclined to believe that this sudari was wrapped around the head of Christ after his death, as mentioned in the Gospel of John (20:6-7). It is believed that both the sudarius and the shroud were used in the funeral ritual. In the course of the study, the purpose of which was to confirm or refute the authenticity of the sudarium, blood stains remaining on the fabric were examined. As it turned out, the blood on the king and the shroud belongs to the fourth group. In addition, most of the spots on the sudaria come from fluid from the lungs. This is explained by the fact that often people who were crucified did not die from blood loss, but from suffocation.

Very often people pronounce the word "mysticism", although they do not always understand what it means.

Mysticism and the supernatural

Mysticism is belief in the supernatural, and practically the sister of religion. This concept comes from the Greek word "mysterious" and means a set of phenomena and actions that somehow connect a person with the secret forces of the world, regardless of what time and space he is in. Such mysticism is called real or experienced, which in turn is also subdivided:

Divinatory mysticism. It allows you to see objects and phenomena that are not visible, that is, they are not located in a given space and time. It includes such forms: divination, clairvoyance, oracles, astrology, etc.;

active or operational. Such mysticism allows you to act at a distance, create phenomena, produce or stop life processes only with the help of suggestion, and also turn the spiritual into the material or vice versa. This includes magic, necromancy, sorcery, sorcery, spiritual phenomena, mediums, etc.

Christian point of view: real mysticism is natural, divine and demonic. Usually, alchemy is also attributed to mysticism, but there are not enough grounds for this, since alchemists proceed from the principles of science.

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Meaning of the word

The word "mysticism" or "matter" in itself means something mysterious, enigmatic and exciting. While there are many worries in our material life, every day is the same, we get tired, we want some miracle. And, having touched mysticism, a person becomes the creator of these very miracles, because he was created for creation and happiness.

You can find answers to your questions if you immerse yourself in the flow of information and penetrate the subconscious into the other world. Gradually you begin to understand that the laws of the physical world depend on our actions and thinking, and they are open to both the visible world and the invisible.

The physical world is very mobile and its elements consist of very thin particles, so you understand that everything created by God is indestructible. It is eternal, and we can be where we want, if we develop our abilities.

In general, the concept of "mysticism" does not have a strict definition, it has more differences than common, depending on the conditions of understanding and manifestations. If we try to systematize the ideas of different cultures and thinkers, then the common feature turns out to be "inexplicable", since the relationship of physical reality with what mystics are waiting for is indefinite.

This feature refers to the predictive mechanisms of the psyche. Thus, the question arises whether the existence of something unknowable by science, regardless of human consciousness, is possible, such that it contradicts the normal laws of probability, the ability to predict the future, etc.

At all times, various scientific laboratories conducted research on mystical phenomena, but they never managed to record a single mystical case, while there were imaginary phenomena. But, despite this, evidence of such mystical manifestations as reincarnation (transmigration of souls) and spiritualism, which psychics began to develop, is not ruled out.

As it turns out, there is always an explanation for all this, and there will be an unsuccessful attempt to enlist, for example, quantum physics to help. As you can see, there is not a single reliable documentation that would explain supernatural phenomena, and what is passed from hand to hand does not in any way confirm the evidence of mystical phenomena.

Mysticism and its manifestations

There are a large number of materials that show specific mystical cases, literally everyone who has reliable materials will declare this. There is even a special fund that is ready to pay a million dollars to anyone who demonstrates something normal or supernatural.

But, since the existence of this fund (30 years), no one has yet been able to show a similar phenomenon. Of course, all this does not mean that supernatural manifestations do not exist, it only says that all documentation about mysticism is closely related to the psychic nature. Any theorist will say that mysticism is a special state of human consciousness that gives priority to the spiritual over the material.

What is said above calls for the localization of the understanding of mystical manifestations by the phenomena of the psyche, something that so far no one has been able to give a reliable justification. And the very understanding of the essence of mysticism will develop as the understanding of the development of manifestations of mysticism in the human psyche from ancient times to the present day will be strengthened.

Everything mystical originates from primitive times. For example, tools were considered lucky, with the help of which it was possible to make a big catch of fish (nets) or hit the target twice successfully (arrows). They were given special attention and carefully looked after, and everything that was unsuccessful was avoided.

Any person can observe various mystical manifestations willy-nilly even today. Mysticism has found its manifestation in religious practice, here everything connected with the Lord is considered bright, kind. The goal of spiritual practice is to reach the truth through illumination. This practice includes special psychotechnical techniques that allow you to change the mind of a person and turn off his individuality, in other words, to enter a state of "peace of mind."

Attitude towards mysticism

In the modern world, people treat mysticism with irony, attaching more importance to logical thinking. But there are also those who strive to excel over others, expanding their consciousness with a sleeve of darkness. This is not possible for everyone. So, as when receiving information, it must take root, enter into matter, and not destroy it. Everything mystical in our life is connected with darkness. Modern man sees that the world is very unstable and depends not only on our actions, but also on thoughts and feelings. But for this the world was created to satisfy all our wishes and requests, to make our consciousness material.

Mysticism is a religious practice that connects a person with secret forces and beings regardless of time and place. There is such a type of mysticism as real. In turn, real mysticism includes divinatory and active. Divinatory mysticism consists of such forms as divination, clairvoyance, and astrology.

Active magic includes sorcery, necromancy, all spiritualistic and mediumistic phenomena. Real mysticism is divided into such types of mysticism as natural, divine and demonic. Previously, alchemy was considered a mystical phenomenon, but it cannot be said that all the experiments of alchemy are mystical. After all, alchemists used real substances.

Religious-philosophical cognitive activity is also called mysticism. Such activities show that there is communion between man and the deity. Such communication is recognized as the only way to know the truth, and all other ways are neglected. This interpretation of thought is called mysticism.

Regardless of this interpretation, the communication of man with the deity is recognized as the knowledge of the truth. As a result of this, such philosophical and religious teachings as theosophy, mystical philosophy and mystical theology appeared.

There is also practical mysticism. This includes seances, divination, superstition, sorcery, magic.

Mysticism and man

The very term "mysticism" speaks of something mysterious, unusual. In our life, everyone wants a little magic. Coming into contact with mysticism, a person gets the opportunity to create magic. It beckons and bewitches. The other world can give a lot of answers to questions that torment all people on earth. Gradually, a person understands that everything depends on thinking and fantasy. All that God has created cannot be destroyed. Everything that is created is eternal. A person can be where his heart and soul wants to be.

Any mysticism consists of the moral moment of self-improvement, purification, patience, forgiveness. Since ancient times, philosophers have singled out the "moral-ascetic" type of mysticism. Ethical (mysticism of the Christian Aztecs) and Gnostic mysticism (mysticism of Kabbalah) were also distinguished. Although many philosophers do not consider "moral-ascetic" mysticism as a separate type of mysticism.

It is believed that this type is of an applied nature. At the highest level of mystical knowledge, the soul is removed; it does not distinguish between the boundaries of good and evil. This is what Plotinus said. Eckhart argued that at the highest level of knowledge of mysticism, the soul renounces God. The thinker Schweitzer considered a lot in mysticism itself. He considered the fact of union with the infinite as union with something alive.

Practical mysticism consists of psychophysical exercises (yoga) and hypnotic influence on the human mind with the help of paraphernalia (crosses, mandalas). Some, for the knowledge of mysticism, recommend a special way of breathing in certain postures (psychasm, yoga).

No kind of mysticism can do without trance and hypnosis (Satanism, Gnosticism). Mysticism involves the transfer of knowledge from teacher to student in various psychological states. As a result, the concept of "mentor" arose. For example, a tzadik in Hasidism, a guru in Hinduism, an elder in Hesychasm.

The origin of the concept

Mysticism has been around for a very long time. Even shamans, healers, sorcerers used various magical devices and rituals in their rituals. They were conductors between people and gods, spirits. But, despite this, from a scientific point of view, mysticism began to emerge in India, China, Greece, but much later.

Mysticism implies that a person has supernatural abilities. They can be varied. For example, clairvoyance or clairaudience (a person's ability to hear and see the present and the future). Telepathy is a special kind of intuition, the ability to read other people's thoughts, look into the past and future.

There is also such a gift as teleportation - this is the ability to be invisible and move at high speed over long distances, speak any language in the world, control the heartbeat. The unusual ability of the anima makes it possible to make everything living and non-living very small, while not causing any harm. And mahima does the opposite, everything can turn into a huge size. Widely known is the superpower of levitation. This is the ability to become lighter than air.

Today, many psychologists use such a mystical ability as hypnosis. Hypnosis makes it possible to look into the past of a person, help to remember certain moments of life and relive them. Modern medicine often resorts to treatment with hypnotic sessions.

There is a well-known mysterious unidentified flying object. This is a mystical phenomenon that many have seen. Many films have been made about him, a lot of literature has been written. Research in this area is still ongoing and scientists have already achieved good results.

Also, one should not forget about such mystical phenomena as ghosts and poltergeists. They heard a lot about them, many saw them, but very few people can really tell what it is and where it came from. It is believed that ghosts warn people of danger. Although many images can only be seen by children. Basically, ghosts appear to people in the form of a person.

The poltergeist is considered the least studied and most mysterious paranormal phenomenon. Poltergeist is translated from German as "noisy". There are several types of poltergeists: acoustic (knocking, howling, roaring); pyrite (spontaneous combustion) and hydrated (water).

mystical phenomena

Today, mystical phenomena are very rapidly studied by science in closed laboratories. True, the materials and information in this area of ​​​​knowledge are classified. Today, the street is the twenty-first century. And not far off is the time when all research and data will become known to a wide range of people, after which the study of mystical phenomena will be considered a whole asset for all mankind.

Today, there is no strictly defined concept of "mysticism". The mystic is by no means verifiable. In today's time, all mystical phenomena have no scientific evidence. There are many laboratories that are trying to give mystical phenomena at least some possibility of existence.

There was a laboratory at the Princeton Institute (already closed today), which, over the 28 years of its existence, has not been able to scientifically prove mystical phenomena. As for today, mysticism is something that exists on its own and is not subject to documented data.

Of course, there are many testimonies that are mystical phenomena (spiritualism and reincarnation, photographs of spirits and auras). But over time, rational explanations for these facts appear. Even when researchers involve the science of quantum physics, it leaves rather unsuccessful attempts at explanation.

That is, today there is no scientific evidence that supernatural beings can actually exist. All the rumors and speculation that people tell are not subject to more than a single scientific fact. But mysticism still has little impact on the modern world around.

There is also a special fund that is ready to pay a person a large amount of money, which will scientifically prove the existence of supernatural phenomena. Of course, this should not be too scientific evidence and explanations, but there should be confirmation of this. For all the time of the existence of the fund, there was no person who could prove this phenomenon.

Mysticism as practice

Mysticism is a religious sacred practice that is aimed at directly achieving supernatural union and communion with God in an experienced ecstatic act of revelation. It is also a whole system of doctrines that sets the task of regulating and conceptualizing this system.

One of the first cycles of the development of mysticism is considered to be orgiastic archaic cults, which are realized with the help of the goal of removal at the moment when ritual actions take place between the world of spirits and the world of man. Also, mysticism is considered a phenomenon that occurs on a real level from the spiritual to the material, and it defies traditional explanations.

But at the same time, it can become everyone's experience and reality. Beyond the material world, to expand one's boundaries of perception is also considered mystic.

Translated from the Greek "mystic" means concealment and mystery. This is a religiously sacred practice, which implies a belief in the existence of supernatural beings, which is mysteriously able and connected to communicate with a person. This practice is a living of unity with God or spirits, as well as non-material entities.

Mysticism in this system means a set of philosophical and theological doctrines that are devoted to understanding and justifying this system.

If we consider the concept of "mystic" in a figurative sense, then this is a set of actions and phenomena that uniquely connect a person with supernatural forces and do not depend on space, physical causality and time. By itself, mysticism can also be divinatory.

Divinatory mysticism is the desire to see objects and phenomena that do not have the right to exist in a given space or temporal horizon. Such subjects include: astrology, clairvoyance, oracles or divination.

But this does not mean that if a person has witnessed such a phenomenon, this is necessarily a mystical action. Such phenomena will be considered mystic if such actions can at a distance call or stop some vital processes due to suggestion or create materialized spiritual beings and plastic forms.

Also, mystical phenomena include magic, necromancy, magnetism, theurgy and all methods of sorcery and magic, as well as spiritualistic and mediumistic phenomena.

If we consider mysticism from the Christian side, then it is divided according to the meaning of the subject and dignity. Also in this sense, demonic and natural interactions will refer to mysticism. Many researchers attribute the science of "alchemy" to mysticism. But there is no good reason for this.

For the reason that alchemists in their science try to use natural substances and are guided by the principle of the combination of matter, which today is considered a positive science.

In other senses, mysticism is considered a philosophical-religious activity. In addition to the natural ways of knowing the truth, metaphysical and religious possibilities of communication with supernatural forces and man have always been allowed. In this case, this method is considered the most worthy and true, because the other methods are considered unsatisfactory. Therefore, a wrong line of thought can arise, which is called mysticism.

Mystical phenomena are quite interesting actions. But many researchers do not trust this science, since it is impossible to confirm more than one mystical action scientifically. Not every person believes that supernatural forces exist, but if this is noticed, then some simply do not believe their eyes.

Such phenomena represent a combination of the real world with supernatural beings. Psychics, mediums, witches have always found a common language with the other world. They can communicate with spirits and look into a person's past and future. But, as you know, such sessions do not occur without a trace.

It is not for nothing that an ordinary person cannot look into his future. For this reason, not all people want to turn to psychics and witches. Because over time, fate can play a cruel joke and radically change for the worse. To believe in such phenomena is the choice of each person.

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