Elena Proklova asked for forgiveness from the wives of famous actors with whom she had affairs. The revelations of Elena Proklova about the affair with Oleg Yankovsky shocked the audience Did Proklova have an affair with Mironov

Elena Proklova admitted that she did not tell about all the novels that were in her life.

The public continues to procrastinate the scandal that arose after Elena Proklova told the whole country about romances with married actors. The artist herself said that her whole family "doesn't give a damn" about the condemnation.

The fact that at different times she had affairs with her colleagues, who at that time were married (and some with children), Elena Proklova summed up a powerful philosophical base. “My whole family doesn’t give a damn about it, because everything that any of us has done is part of our life. And it should be cherished, every moment. Even if you do something wrong, it just needs to be comprehended. And be grateful for this incident, because it taught you something. I don't regret anything at all. How can you? Pity - do not pity, everything has already been done, Proklova said.

According to the actress, you need to be "a more rational person." “New day, new life. I was born today. Everything that happened before was stories about that other woman who is close to me, whom I love, but these are the stories of that other woman. I absolutely do not want to live on the remnants of food from that life, the leftovers from the previous table are not interesting to me. Today I have a new table and a new breakfast,” the actress, who does not suffer from remorse, gave a subtle metaphor.

Proklova stated that she had many more novels than she voiced. “In this sense, maybe I am too free a person, I don’t argue. However, this is my life, which I love. I appreciate everything that happened to her. It seemed to me every time that it was forever and for life. Therefore, I do not understand how it is to have a couple of lovers, having a husband, as so many women allow themselves. If I am in love, then everything is for this person, everything is at his feet. And if love has passed, then why? ”, Elena asked a rhetorical question.

Nevertheless, Proklova made a reservation that in her life there were never two men at once. “I, let’s say, had one frame: I never had both a loved one and a lover at the same time. I do not understand this. One novel ended with me - another began, ”Dni.ru quotes Elena Proklova.

Recall that the actress got into a scandal after she stated that she had relationships with many famous actors, including married ones. So, on her Don Juan list were Andrei Mironov, Oleg Yankovsky (from whom she even became pregnant, but had an abortion, although he begged her to leave the child), Oleg Tabakov, Mihai Volontir and others. Proklova asked for forgiveness from the wives of her former lovers, but the public reacted very negatively to the revelations of the actress.

The actress, who played the role of Larisa Ivanovna in the film "Mimino", refused reciprocity to Andrei Mironov, but gave in to the "gypsy" Mihai Volontir

Elena Proklova had many novels in her life, and her men were no less worthy than the legendary Budulai - Mihai Volontir. For example, few people know that Alexander Abdulov was passionately in love with her, although a long-term relationship did not work out. Alas, in search family happiness, Elena was destined to survive the worst test for a woman - the death of children.

Proklova's first husband was Vitaly Melik-Karamov, whom she met at the age of 15. Oriental handsome gained fame as a journalist and documentary filmmaker. And Lena has been a star of all-Union scale since childhood. She was lucky enough to star in the film by Alexander Mitta "They call, open the door!", Which was a huge success. At the same time, the talented girl did not think about an acting career. She was engaged in artistic gymnastics, having received the title of master of sports by the age of 11. And suddenly such a success!
Why, out of hundreds of admirers, Elena chose Vitaly and married him at the age of 17, it's hard to say. But four years later the marriage broke up. Even the birth of his daughter Alina did not save him.

“He was too good and loved me too much,” Proklova said about Vitaly in an interview. - A kind oriental person, and I was such a shebut. I think now he himself recalls with humor how he forbade me to kiss in the play "Valentin and Valentina." When the question became an edge - a profession or a family, we parted ways. I don't like ribbed questions.

Elena PROKLOVA with her husband Andrey TRISHIN and daughter Polina. By the way, Elena loves not only fishing, but also hunting. Photo: PhotoXPress

I want Larisa Ivanovna!

Marriage with MELIK-KARAMOV was not saved even by Alina's daughter.

In 1977, the film "Mimino" was released on Soviet screens. Proklova has an episodic role there - a couple of shooting days, no more. But after that, the entire USSR repeated the phrase of the hero Vakhtang Kikabidze: “I want Larisa Ivanovna!” The blue-eyed stewardess performed by the 24-year-old actress has become the standard of female attractiveness. Elena Igorevna met her second husband just after the premiere of George Danelia's masterpiece. It turned out to be an outstanding physician - Alexander Savelov-Deryabin. Once a friend, actor Vsevolod Shilovsky, came to visit him. And with him - oh, my God! - the same "Larisa Ivanovna"!

I didn't expect such a miracle! Alexander later recalled. I didn't find a place for myself. She certainly felt my passion.

Four years later, Proklova turned to an experienced physician for help - her daughter Alina suffered from an ulcer. Alexander helped. And suddenly the doctor and the actress were irresistibly attracted to each other.

“This woman is so incredibly sexy,” Savelov-Deryabin nostalgically. - She has a fabulous figure, fabulous skin ... I will never forget how Lena met me from a business trip. She runs along the platform in a light dress, holding a huge bunch of flowers in her hands. Everyone envy me: “God! This is…” Flowers are scattered on the platform, she jumps on my chest… How many threats there were! One criminal constantly called: “It will be mine anyway!”

Refused to Andrey Mironov

On the set of the film "Be My Husband", the actress had an affair not with Andrei MIRONOV, but with the father of the boy Philip (behind his back) - Alexander ADAMOVICH

The marriage cracked after a terrible tragedy. This happened after a joint visit by Alexander and Elena to an underground maternity hospital, where births were taken in water according to fashionable then the method of Igor Charkovsky. Elena was on a demolition and persuaded her husband to visit this dubious place. The couple found a half-dead woman there, who was trying to give birth in agony. Through the efforts of Savelov-Deryabin, the unfortunate woman was saved. As well as her child. But all this made such a shocking impression on Proklova that she had a miscarriage - she lost twin boys. It was very hard for the couple. And the gap occurred on the set of the film "Be my husband." But not at all because of the partner in the picture, Andrei Mironov, as many people think. Although it was he who chose the actress for the role of his lover and persistently looked after her. Later, Larisa Golubkina, Andrei's then wife, admits that she felt something was wrong and rushed to Sochi to shoot, where she found her sad rejected spouse.

Elena's new chosen one was the father of the very boy who touchingly played the role of Proklova's son, the artist Alexander Adamovich.

Punishment for fuss

Passion literally covered the lovers. For the sake of Elena, the artist left his French wife and two children. But the relationship only lasted two years. Just the case when it was not possible to build happiness on the misfortune of others.

Alexander SAVELOV-DERYABIN still loves PROKLOVA. Photo: rusbereza.ru

Alexander returned to the family and soon died ... And Elena found solace with her brother's friend, businessman Andrei Trishin. In 1985, they got married, and the actress became pregnant again. “A son was born to us,” Elena Igorevna recalled. - The doctors who took delivery of me and that fatal time, sobbed with me with happiness. For some reason, I then said that we would not rush to register the child, we would wait a bit. And then, on the eighth day, they came to me and said that it had happened.” The son suddenly died ... But this time there was a man nearby who was able to fill the void in his heart that had arisen. Their union turned out to be so strong that together they were able to endure another blow of fate - a few years later, shortly before giving birth, she lost another son ... Only in the 94th year, fate rewarded them for all the torment: the long-awaited daughter Polina was born.
“I was rewarded both for the fuss and for the feeling that everything in this life is easy,” Elena admitted not so long ago. “A punishment without which there would be no me. There would be another person. And much less worthy.

Irina Yurevich, who played the role of the rival of the heroine Proklova in the film “Be Happy, Yulia!”, told how the shooting of spicy episodes went:

- All the bed scenes went somehow naturally. Neither Elena nor I were embarrassed and did not do takes. For that time, these scenes were a revelation. Mihai played so seriously, as if he was living his life. After filming, we never saw each other again, but I heard that he was sick. I want him to get better!

Golden wedding in the hospital

As Efrosinya Alekseevna admitted, they had love at first sight with Mihai:

It was real, pure, romantic love. Once he saw me, and his eyes clouded over. After four months of dating, Mihai wrote two sentences to me in the middle of the sheet, the meaning of which was that I should marry him. I realized that I was in a trap. So beautiful, wavy hair. But most importantly: I thought like me. Michael and I are very similar. The young did not have a wedding - after the registry office they immediately left for the shooting. — It was in 1960. They didn’t arrange a celebration - they lived then in a Spartan way, they shared one apple and one pear for two. There is no apartment, the salary is small. But if everything was smooth, it would not be interesting. I never leaned out in front of my husband, I knew my place.

The audience after the release of "Gypsy" married the actor to Clara LUCKO

Many people told me that I should be set as an example. We got married in the 90s. Under Soviet rule in Moldova, this could not be done, so we left for Romania. There the father performed the ceremony.
Two years ago, Efrosinya and Mihai celebrated their golden wedding. Alas, the celebration, as on the day of registration, did not work out, because the actor was unwell.

“The golden wedding was met in the hospital,” recalls Efrosinya Alekseevna. - I still visit him every day - I cheer up. This is my cross, and I must carry it with dignity. There is only one news: they began to put fewer droppers, but the council has not yet decided how to treat further. What would you like? Four operations in St. Petersburg, one in Moscow and three in Chisinau.

Irina YUREVICH (right) played PROKLOVA's opponent

Faith will save

By embroidering icons, Efrosinya Alekseevna believes that by doing this she saves her husband:

I have been baptized since childhood. And I have an outlet in life: I either knit or embroider icons. When he was in intensive care last Easter, I started knitting a napkin with roses on the table. It lay unfinished for eight months. And in the hospital she was tied up. Otherwise, I would go crazy there. I couldn't read, so I found a crochet hook and started knitting. I called the tablecloth "Revival". Mihai says so: you are my guardian angel. He has another patron - the holy archangel Michael. I and faith in God brought him back from the other world. Mihai is my heart. I feel it, I foresee the beginning of deterioration. He wonders: "How do you know?" How not to know: so many years side by side.

A stormy personal life of a woman, especially a public one, as a rule, does not brag. But Elena Proklova talks about her many men without a shadow of embarrassment.

“I allowed myself a lot,” the actress admits. “And I don’t regret a single novel!”

Early in the morning, 63-year-old Elena goes down to the kitchen to make coffee. For myself and my husband. Former. With Andrei Trishin, who is eight years younger, they divorced almost two years ago, but continue to live under the same roof in a country house.

Why was it necessary to destroy this one on paper - the third already, and even crowned! - marriage, if everything remained practically the same, is not clear. They also communicate, go on trips and hunts together, receive guests and conserve supplies for the winter. The only thing that has changed is Proklova's home outfits.

I used to allow myself to walk around in a bathrobe. Not now. Meeting with an ex-husband is intriguing. We are lovers now...

For Elena, romance has always come first. Perhaps by arranging a high-profile divorce, the actress just wanted to shake things up. Although there were rumors that she decided to dissolve the marriage because of her next dizzying romance ...


Proklova has not yet talked about the new man. But suddenly, for some reason, she revealed the secrets of the past. She never hid that there were losses in her life: three children died immediately after giving birth. Two daughters, thank God, are alive and well. But it turns out that the actress had four more children. And they all died unborn. True, Elena does not consider abortion a big sin. Rather, it is a forced measure.

“I had a serious love with Oleg Yankovsky. What’s on my part, what’s on his,” Proklova opened up on one of the recent TV shows. Passion, according to her memoirs, was so strong that the lovers were ready to run even to the ends of the world. Yes, that's bad luck - Yankovsky was long and firmly married.

He had a wonderful wife, whom he loved and appreciated, and I often talked to her. The two of us decided that we had no right to hurt her by destroying the family, - Elena sighs. - Therefore, when I became pregnant, I went for an abortion.

It was the second abortion in her life. Proklova made her first abortion at the age of 17, when she was in her first year at the institute and had just got married. The native grandmother decided that it was still too early for her granddaughter to give birth, and took her by the hand to the doctor.

I grew up in a family where this was considered the norm. The pregnancy was two and a half months, the deadline for termination. It was the son…”

Well, in the case of Yankovsky, she decided everything herself:

I had this abortion on my birthday. Oleg stood under the window and asked not to do this. He wanted this child. But I had an abortion -
cruel and painful for him. We didn't talk for many years after that. We talked only at the wake of Sasha Abdulov and decided that they had done the right thing. I think that until the last days of Yankovsky, I occupied a place in his heart ...


Yankovsky was not the only unfree man with whom Proklova twisted love. She does not hesitate to tell how, as a very young girl, she laid eyes on Oleg Tabakov. They met on the set of the film "Shine, shine my star." Elena was then barely 16, Tabakov was already 33.

How could I not be in love with this man? How could she not respond to his love? Yes, I bowed to him! But he was a married man, and the relationship between us was not easy, - Elena admits. - Then the novel "Lolita" was very popular. And, like any man, Tabakov could not help but dream of such a relationship.

He helped me become an actress, enter the Moscow Art Theater. But the people around turned it into a vulgar story that has no basis ... All that he wanted was not between us, no matter what anyone said. Then it wasn't. I don't regret it. Because when I became an adult woman and we tried to restore our relationship, it did not give pleasure to either me or him ...

MIRONOV IS Frightened

Elena also had an affair with Andrei Mironov - during the filming of the film "Be my husband." The south coast, the sound of the surf, the salty wind - aren't these the best scenery for an exciting flirtation between young actors?

We rested and worked at the same time. When we filmed the episodes in the most famous restaurant in Sochi, the Kavkazsky Aul, we were stuck there for a whole week. Couldn't get back to the hotel. Because as soon as the shooting ended and it got dark, tables were laid there, the orchestra played in our honor, we danced, and Andryushka sang from the stage, - Elena nostalgically. - In the morning we were taken to sleep a little in the staff room. And then it all started again: makeup, filming, partying. Andryusha and I were also taken on boats on the sea, they arranged fishing, scuba diving ... An endless holiday!

Mironov at that time was married to Larisa Golubkina. Many years later, she said: “I was terribly jealous of Andryusha! Proklova at that moment was a completely charming blonde. And I noticed that Andrey every time goes to rehearsals with her with great pleasure. And what should I have thought? He flew to Sochi to shoot and disappeared. He doesn't call, he doesn't write...

The wife understood: it smells of fried. She jumped on a plane and flew to save her family.

She came to the site with a check, Proklova recalls. I think she understood everything. But Andryushka, the coward, got nervous and worried. Funny!..


After Golubkina, having made a scandal, put her husband in his place, Elena was not upset at all. She turned her attention to another man - the decorator Alexander Adamovich, who was the father of the boy Philip, who played her on-screen son.

Adamovich, of course, was married. But he fell in love with Proklova so much that he soon abandoned both his wife and two children, if only nothing would interfere with his happiness with Lenochka.

In some ways, Sasha was like a bon vivant, women like them, and my mother is no exception, says the daughter of the actress Arina. - But the wonderful, intelligent, educated and well-read Adamovich had one drawback - he drank heavily. A couple of years later, his mother left him.

In 1983, Proklova's romance broke out again. And again on the set, and again with a man whose legal wife was waiting at home. In the film "Be happy, Julia!" Elena, who by that time had already broken up with her second healer husband, starred with Mihai Volontir.

It looked like gentlemanly courtship. But you can’t hide your feelings, everything was clear, - the cameraman of the picture, Valentin Belonogov, smiles. - Somehow his wife Efrosinya came to visit Volontir. A terrible scandal erupted. Six months later, Mihai and Elena broke up. And Efrosinya Alekseevna still does not even want to hear the name Proklova.


Elena Proklova's fans are amazed: what made the actress reminisce about her love adventures? Well, it would be nice to be nostalgic for times long gone, without naming names. So after all, no - I handed over all my gentlemen with giblets.

But the wives of both Yankovsky and Mironov are alive, and it will be unpleasant for children to learn about the adventures of their fathers. Not to mention Oleg Tabakov, who is unlikely to be delighted with the memoirs of the grown-up Lolita.

Psychologists say that those who are afraid that their time is already gone like to bravado with their stormy adventures. Talking about past victories, they seem to be trying to convince the world of their irresistibility. And again to bring into life the main thing - love.

I'm bad with anxiety about men. Sometimes I think: do I even know what love is? - Proklova confesses. - It seems that she fell in love, and novels happened - fabulous, stormy, beautiful. And ask me now: what is love? I won't answer. Maybe I don't know how to love...

Photo by V. Goryachev.

Elena Proklova became another star guest of Boris Korchevnikov's program "Live". On the show, the artist spoke frankly about her novels with her colleagues. As it turned out, Elena met with Oleg Yankovsky (from whom she even became pregnant, but had an abortion, although he begged her to leave the child),


Proklova had no illusions about her relationship with Yankovsky: “Yes, he was married to a beautiful woman until the end of his days. Love was great. I believe that the passion for a girl like me, although it was long and serious, it was just a hobby. His wife knew about us."

Even in the Don Juan list was the star of the film "Gypsy" Mihai Volontir. Together they starred in Moldova in the film "Be happy, Julia!" In the midst of the work of the film crew, Mihai's wife unexpectedly appeared on the set. According to Proklova, a terrible scandal erupted. "The whole hotel was shaking," Elena admitted. And the actress met with Andrei Mironov and Oleg Tabakov.

Proklova asked for forgiveness from all the wives of her ex-lovers. She acknowledged that the "boomerang effect" exists. So, when Elena gave birth to a daughter from her husband Andrei Trishin, he started an affair with a young woman. "Everything is interconnected in life. Any of your actions - it will come back to you," the actress is sure. Nevertheless, the couple were able to overcome the crisis.

Interestingly, Proklova's ex-husband Andrey Trishin was also in the studio, with whom they, despite the divorce, live together. When it came to the amorous affairs of Elena, Andrei chose to leave the studio, not wanting to hear about the novels of the ex-wife. He returned only at the end of the transmission.

Note that Proklova's frankness did her a disservice. Some "experts" did not understand why, after so many years, Elena suddenly decided to tell about her novels. Netizens also agreed with them.

They spoke very harshly against the artist. “Well, why does everyone need to know about her “dirty” underwear? Why this publicity all over the country and not only! Why do relatives, the children of her lovers know this? Another PR! You can repent in church or before your conscience! such! An aging, practically unclaimed (I sympathize) artist is trying in such an unworthy way to arouse interest in herself! Dignity must be preserved in any situation, Elena Proklova! "," She did not repent, but boasted! even more so!”, “Why apologize to the dead and their wives? The dead don’t care anymore. They are in a different, Better world. old age .. What is it like for children, grandchildren to listen about the adventures of their mother, grandmother? Yes, in any family there is something they are silent about. And this old senile woman has put her all over the country .... exposed! " - so sounded only part of the negative reviews.

In the program "Live", the Soviet and Russian theater and film actress for the first time made a deafening confession. The sex symbol of Soviet cinema, Elena Proklova, frankly told the whole country about what she regrets. For which now he asks for forgiveness.

Photo by Mikhail Zilber

The leitmotif of the program was the mention of the serious illness of the actress without clarifying the diagnosis. Before confessing her love affairs with married actors, the 63-year-old woman explained why she decided to make a will.

"Because I've been around for a long time. And the longer I live, the less I want to have everything in the material sense. It's no longer interesting. I have, thank God, wonderful relatives who will not take anything away from me during my lifetime. I want my daughters to be calm, my husband too. I want nothing to tie me to the ground. In my will it was like this: “Everything that I have the right to after my divorce from my husband remains my youngest daughter Polina. My eldest daughter got everything that was due to me from my parents. In order not to push children in financial matters, ”she said.

The artist also explained the situation of divorce from her third husband. The divorce was formal. In fact, Proklova continues to live with her ex-husband.

“Andrey Vladimirovich and I are married people. I couldn't afford to ruin this marriage. And the divorce did not take place because he had a new love or me. We have lost what unites us. All the 30 years that we have lived have lost our weight, our strength, - Elena says frankly. - It seemed to me that the worst thing I can do for a man is to put obstacles in the way of his freedom. I said: “Okay, free. Live as you want". And then he wants to live nearby. There is a big difference when a man has to and a man wants.

The star of the Soviet screen also admitted that 18 years ago they tried to get a divorce, decided not to, but made a marriage contract:

“He fell in love with the neighbor's daughter, a very young girl, and could not do anything with himself. It was a very difficult period in our lives. Polyushka [the youngest daughter of actress Polina] was very small. I gave up my profession to live with our family. It was a wicked period. The house was unfinished... I didn't have a penny of money. I was completely stunned. I asked him to stay. I had a three year old child. It was scary. The feeling of being abandoned, I know."

Photo personal archive

The culmination of the talk show of the channel "Russia 1" was the recognition of Elena Proklova in novels with famous actors. At that moment, the actual husband of the actress Andrei Trishin nervously left the TV program studio.

“I have a lot of such actions on my conscience ... I'm already tired of making excuses. We met for the first time at the buffet. I went with a cup of coffee. And oh, Yankovsky himself, the love of all the people, came to meet me. And he said: “Oh my God, how amazing you are!” Was his catchphrase, which he said to every girl with whom he wanted to meet, have a relationship: “You are my destiny!” To which I said: “I don’t think so.” And she went to the table with her friends. He later told me: “I was so offended, I was so used to it that after these words any woman blossomed.” And in the evening it turned out that we were sitting in the same compartment on the train to Moscow. He agreed. And from this trip began a relationship. I was single, not married. Whether he was married or not, I didn't really care at the time. Bouquets of flowers, trips to filming in other cities, to festivals. Everything was beautiful, ”the artist says in detail.

Studio guests ask Proklova several times about whether Yankovsky's wife, Lyudmila Zorina, really knew about her husband's affair.

“Yes, he was married to a beautiful woman until the end of his days. The love was great, great. I believe that the passion for a girl, such as I was, despite the fact that it was serious and long, but it was just a hobby. Yes, his wife knew about it, - the actress answered confidently. - She was smart, like some people. What do wives not know in the acting world? They know everything. I do not regret anything. First, I have no one to blame, I was divorced. I lived my life, free, happy, loving and so on.

“I had an abortion from Oleg. On your birthday. It was painful. It was my decision. I think I was right. I have great respect for his family, his wife, his wonderful talented son. Oleg is well done for not doing anything more. Oleg wanted this child. But I insisted on an abortion. How could I? He has a wife and a child. I do not think that you can claim something else, - Elena recalls. - It's easy to look back. It's easy to justify your actions. It is much harder then to bring these actions to the denominator of justice, conscience and honor. Today I can reproach myself, advise others not to do this. How can I judge myself today? It's a different person."

Elena's last high-profile confession was an affair with Mihai Volontir.

“My great-grandmother called me an almshouse. I have always had the share of a comforting woman, a woman who revives to life, who gives strength. I now understand that this is a favorite male trick - to complain about how lonely I am, how unhappy I am. So it was with the Volunteer. He has always been married. His wife passed to the end of his days. He was terribly afraid of her. There was a big scandal in the hotel in which we lived, ”Proklova continued to repent.

And she denied the alleged connection with Alexander Abdulov: “This is my great friend in life. No matter what they attribute to us, we never had an affair.

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