Russian stars who raise adopted children. There are no other people's children: Russian celebrities who became foster parents. Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness

Adoption of children around the world is becoming more popular every day. Russian celebrities also take kids to raise. Among them are Alexei Serebryakov, Svetlana Sorokina, Tatiana Ovsienko, Sergei Zverev, Ekaterina Gradova... On the eve of Children's Day, we talked with those who decided on such an unpopular, alas, act.

Sergei Zverev got into debt?

Among the first adopted son took stylist Sergei Zverev. Serezha will turn 21 this summer. We became aware of rumors that Zverev's son began to be friends with the green snake, quit his job and became overgrown with debts. Not so long ago, the son of the king of glamor was seen in one of the capital's banks, where he took out a loan. We made a call to the star.

“Nothing like that,” Sergey answered us. - Serezha does not let me down. I will not hide, we had problems with him. And who didn't have them when they were young? But I will say this, I am a strict dad and put everything in its place. The son is working. At least it doesn't sit on my neck. I believe that children should be brought up in severity, - says Zverev, - but be sure to help when they really need it. Otherwise, who will help our children, if not us? I don’t get into the affairs of my son’s heart until he asks me about it. But when it will be necessary, I will give any advice with pleasure.

Recall that Sergei Zverev took the child from the Irkutsk orphanage in the early 90s, then the situation in orphanages was catastrophic. The children did not have enough food, not to mention medicines. So Sergei saw a child who was very ill. He felt sorry for the baby.

According to Sergei Anatolyevich, at the sight of sick children, his heart bleeds. Zverev's mother was against her son taking the child to be raised, despite the fact that she herself was an orphanage. Sergey was able to convince his mother, and the boy began to live with them. As a result, Valentina Timofeevna succumbed to the persuasion of her son. She helped raise Seryozha Jr.

Natalya Belokhvostikova brought her son a cross

In 2007, actress Natalya Belokhvostikova, speaking at a creative evening in an orphanage, met a baby whom she could not forget. Having left home, Natalya Nikolaevna recalled the little boy Kirill, who asked her to bring him a cross. All the children ate sweets, which the actors brought a whole trunk, and Cyril stood sadly on the sidelines and asked for a pectoral cross. Without thinking twice, Natalya, together with her husband Vladimir Naumov, again visited the baby. They couldn't go home without him. Kirill clung to them as if they were family. It seemed that they had known this little man all their lives.

- Kiryusha, - says Natalya Nikolaevna, - used to be closed and shy. He only talked to us. Now he has grown up and become more sociable. Our daughter Natasha is already an adult, she has been well without us for a long time, and Kirill filled our life with new meaning. He saved Vladimir Naumovich and me from loneliness.

Natalya Belokhvostikova with her family /

Svetlana Sorokina adopted Tonya

TV presenter Svetlana Sorokina had everything: a great career, a luxurious mansion with servants, a luxurious limousine. But the TV personality did not leave the feeling of emptiness. Resigned that she was not destined to give birth, Svetlana began to look for a child in orphanages. Arriving at another shelter, she went into the room where the younger kids were playing. 11-month-old Tonechka went towards her, moving funny with the help of a walker. Today Tonechka is 11 years old. Antonina turned out to be a talented girl. She brilliantly studies at the music school at the Gnesinsky College. Mom and daughter often travel together. So far, 57-year-old Svetlana Innokentievna is raising her daughter alone. There were rumors that the TV presenter had remarried, but we found out from her that this was just idle talk. With her husband, cameraman Vladimir Grechishkin, Sorokin broke up at the peak of her career. Svetlana and Vladimir were a beautiful couple. Together they dreamed of adopting a child, but their love could not stand the test of distance. Svetlana's husband did not want to move with her from St. Petersburg to Moscow, where the broadcast star was offered a job. Svetlana's colleagues tried to dissuade her from adoption, but after a while they told her how good she was. Svetlana still manages to do everything and, according to her inner circle, she became younger after Tosha appeared in her life.

Svetlana Sorokina with her daughter Tonya /

Alexei Serebryakov refused to party for the sake of his son

On June 3, the wonderful actor Alexei Serebryakov will turn 50 years old. The actor will celebrate his half-century anniversary in the circle of a large family. We got through to Alexei Valerievich's home. His beloved wife Maria took the phone. Together with the children, she prepares a surprise for her husband for his birthday, the sons make something with their own hands. Maria and eldest daughter Dasha will definitely bake a big cake for their beloved dad and husband. Maria Serebryakova shared that her husband for the sake of children refused secular parties. The star of the "Penal Battalion" and "9th Company" bought a house of 300 square meters for his children, and then took them to Canada. According to Serebryakova, they are ready to adopt another child. So far, there are three children in the family. Daughter Daria - from the first marriage of Mary. In addition to Dashenka, in which the actor does not have a soul, there are two more sons. The Serebryakovs took them from the orphanage. First they adopted Daniel, and then his brother Stepan. According to Maria, she and her husband cannot be indifferent when the children feel bad. A few years ago, Serebryakov, together with his friends, actors Irina Apeksimova and Andrey Smolyakov, founded the Time to Live fund to help orphans.

Alexey Serebryakov with his family /

Tatyana Ovsienko put the child on her feet

Singer Tatyana Ovsienko dreamed of children for many years. But when she heard from the doctors that she would never have them, she decided to take the child to be brought up.

While on tour in Penza, the singer visited several orphanages for the purpose of charity. This was way back in 1998. In one of the shelters, she was told that there is a 3-year-old boy suffering from a heart defect. The baby urgently needed an expensive operation. He could die, the clock counted. Tatyana did everything to instantly send the child to Moscow. When the boy was on the mend, Ovsienko adopted him. At that time, she was in a de facto marriage with actor Valery Nikolaev. Together they decided that it would be better for Igor to study in America. Now the guy is already 19 years old.

“My son,” Ovsienko told us, “has grown into a bright man. We had everything like everyone else. We abandoned our studies and quarreled. But everything turned over. Igor is an attentive and kind person. I think his wife will be very lucky with him.

Ekaterina Gradova with family /

Ekaterina Gradova adopted at 47

The adopted son of actress Ekaterina Gradova, Alexei, is the same age as her grandson Andrei. Guys are 22 years old. They get along and communicate with each other. Ekaterina Georgievna thought about adopting a child when she was 47 years old. She and her husband Igor Timofeev decided to take the child from the orphanage after the wedding. At that time, her eldest daughter Maria, whom she gave birth to from Andrei Mironov, was 20 years old, Masha Mironova was already growing up her son. Lyosha was taken to the same orphanage where in the early 70s they took children for the filming of the television series Seventeen Moments of Spring. Gradova in this telenovela played the radio operator Kat. According to her, she could never forget the kids who took part in the filming.

“As a child, Lyosha dreamed of being a military man,” says Ekaterina Georgievna. “Then his views changed. He tries himself in the acting profession, plays the guitar and piano perfectly, sings.

Meg Ryan with her daughter /

By the way

It is known that the actress Irina Alferova issued custody of the children of her deceased girlfriend. The adopted son was raised by Nikolai Karachentsov and Lyudmila Porgina; two children from Tyumen were adopted by the singer Margarita Sukhankina. The well-known lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky, having an adult daughter and grandchildren, adopted two-year-old twins Maxim and Daria with his wife Olga. Mikhail does not hide the fact that the children saved him and his wife from lonely old age.

From foreign stars, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Madonna, Nicole Kidman, Sharon Stone, Meg Ryan, Michelle Pfeiffer, Steven Spielberg and many others became adoptive parents.


Photo: Yuri Samolygo/ITAR-TASS, Boris Kremer, Andrey Strunin, Photoagency Interpress/Russian Look

List of stars who have adopted adopted children.

Taking on the upbringing of someone else's child is a huge responsibility, which, unfortunately, not everyone is ready for. Previously, it was quite common that foreign, American stars constantly adopt children. In our country, this was wildness and an unusual phenomenon. Only after the collapse of the Soviet Union did many families begin to adopt children from orphanages. In this article we will tell you which of the stars is raising adopted children.

Russian stars who raise adopted children

In fact, in order to get guardianship, to adopt a child from an orphanage, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. Because several examinations are required that confirm the state of health, not only physical, but also mental. You also need a huge amount of documentation that proves that you are able to give the child everything he needs.

Despite the fact that many of the stars are quite famous and public figures, the board of trustees, as well as bureaucrats, do not make any concessions for these people. They, like everyone else, need to spend a lot of time and effort in order to become happy. and increase your family with adopted children.

Star parents of adopted children:

  • Margarita Sukhankina. This is one of the members of the Mirage group. She traveled to orphanages for a long time, really wanted to adopt a child. And initially she wanted a girl, but she did not find suitable candidates. But 5 years ago, in one of the programs on television, she saw a boy and a girl, brother and sister. She was so touched by the plot that she immediately arrived in another city, filed documents for the adoption of children. For 5 years the kids have been living with her. Sukhankina says that for her it was a difficult, measured step. Before starting to draw up documents, she talked with her parents for a long time. Because she needed help, as well as the consent of loved ones and relatives.
  • Vladimir Naumov and Natalya Belokhvostikova. These famous personalities never thought about establishing, because they already have children. In my old age, it was somehow incorrect to think about children. But the woman performed in one of the orphanages and saw the boy Cyril there. He seemed to her somewhat strange, and significantly different from all the other children. The next time she came to the orphanage with her husband. They talked with the child, and decided to adopt him. Now the boy goes to school and pleases his parents with good grades.

    With son Cyril

  • Sergey Zverev. At one time, the artist brushed off journalists for a long time and did not confirm the adoption of a child. But in one of the periods, Zverev regularly appeared at social events with his son and showed it to the public. Over time, the child chose a non-public lifestyle, now he left and lives separately.

  • Tatyana Ovsienko. Unfortunately, Tatyana and her husband do not have children, but speaking at one of the concerts in the orphanage, she drew attention to the child. She really liked him, but unfortunately the administration of the orphanage dissuaded the artist from adoption, because the child suffered from a heart defect. But Tatyana spent a huge amount of money, strength and nerves in order to put this child on her feet. After he underwent surgery, his parents filed for adoption, and now a son is growing up in their family. Now the artist's son is over 20 years old, he does not live in Moscow, but in America, but regularly visits his mother.

  • Andrey Kirilenko is a famous basketball player. In his family at the time when they decided to adopt a child, two eldest sons were growing up. But the couple wanted a third baby. Unfortunately, they did not manage to have a child for a long time, and they decided to take up adoption. Having traveled to orphanages, they saw a girl Sashenka, with blond hair, they really liked her. The couple decided to adopt her. The most interesting thing is that after some time another child appeared in the family - the youngest son. The family now has four children.

  • Svetlana Sorokina. The artist for a long time nurtured thoughts of adoption. She had wanted a child for a long time, and she initially planned to adopt a son. But having traveled to the homes of babies, seeing the little girl Tonya, who stretched out her hands to her, and she could not refuse. So I adopted this girl. The actress says that she never regretted this responsible step. She loves her daughter very much and brings her up in love.

  • Mikhail Barshchevsky and his wife. The fact is that Mikhail already had a daughter at the time of adoption, who managed to give him grandchildren. When he hinted to his wife that he wanted to adopt a child, the wife only brushed it off and did not give her consent. But about two years later, she raised the issue again. The man agreed and they adopted a boy and a girl. The couple note that since then their life has changed significantly, they have become closer to each other.

  • Alexey Serebryakov. The actor very carefully tried to hide his personal life, so when one publication published information about the adoption, he sued the editors. Later, the actor really confirmed the information that the two sons are adopted. In addition, the family also has a daughter. This is a child from the first wife of the actor. Serebryakov, together with Irina Apeksimova, and with several other colleagues on the set, founded a fund to help children who are in orphanages. They are looking for new families for these kids. At the same time, the actor never flaunted his charity. Until a certain time, until information about the adoption was leaked to the press, no one knew about this fact. Serebryakov is a very secretive person, he rarely gives interviews. He never boasts of charity in the press, he believes that people should help children disinterestedly, and not PR on this.

  • Irina Alferova I never dreamed of a huge family, but the circumstances decided everything for her. She had two more children at the time of the adoption into the house, she had her own daughter, quite an adult. But Alferova's husband's first wife died, with whom two children lived. So the couple took them in. After a while, Alferova's sister died, who left her little son Sasha. Therefore, the couple decided to adopt a fourth child. Irina Alferova loves all her four children and is very proud of them. Now all children are adults. The eldest daughter followed in the footsteps of her mother, is a successful actress. Two children of Irina's husband are now studying abroad and successfully working there. The youngest son has recently graduated from law school and is learning the basics of the profession.

    Irina Alferova

As you can see, not only American, but also Russian stars are raising adopted children. Perhaps such a popularization of adoption will reach ordinary people who want to give their love not only to their own, but also to other people's children.

VIDEO: Adopted children of Russian stars

For some, adoption (adoption) is the last chance to become a mom and dad, for someone - an act of goodwill. Either way, it's good for the child. Today, all over the world, the adoption of children, for one reason or another, left without parental care, is becoming an increasingly common phenomenon. Well, public people - they are just in plain sight.

Alexey Serebryakov does not like to talk about his personal life, share the details of his good deeds - even more so. The fact that Alexei has adopted children became known thanks to journalists who, without the consent of the actor, published this information in one publication. The case even went to court.

Alexei and his wife, a former choreographer at the Vakhtangov Theater, Maria, first took one boy from the orphanage - Daniil. Then the couple found out that Dani's younger brother Stepan remained in the orphanage. Without hesitation, Alexei and Maria adopted a second boy, despite the cramped life circumstances at that time. Alexei also could not remain indifferent to the rest of the children deprived of parental love: together with Irina Apeksimova and Andrey Smolyakov, he founded the Time to Live Foundation, whose work is focused on helping orphans.

Now Alexey and his family live in Toronto, Canada, but the actor continues to build his career in Russia. Recently, two popular series have been released with his participation - "Fartsa" and "Method". Two more will be released soon - "Dr. Richter" and "Quartet", as well as the film "Our Happy Tomorrow".

Plenipotentiary representative of the government of the Russian Federation, well-known lawyer and expert in the club "What? Where? When?" Mikhail Barshchevsky and his wife Olga Barkalova adopted two children, already being mature people and having grandchildren. Mikhail was the first to express the idea of ​​adoption, but Olga did not take it seriously. Two years later, Mikhail, already jokingly, again raised this topic - to his great surprise, his wife agreed, but only for two kids at once.

Olga and I have a biological daughter, at that time there were already two grandchildren who spent a lot of time in our country house. Once the grandchildren did not come, and I said to my wife: let's adopt a child, we are still young! But Olga said: "What are you talking about, we have grandchildren!" Two years have passed. We are driving in a car, the mood is bad - the grandchildren have not come for a long time, they live in Moscow, we are outside the city, it is lonely ... And in order to knock my wife off this topic, I say between times: "Well, let's adopt a child," - just to switch her from excitement and such a mood. But Olga suddenly answered: "Then two at once." I almost ran into a pole. Slowed down. He looked at her and asked: "Are you serious?". And she said: “Yes, I have been thinking about this for a long time. A boy and a girl,” Mikhail is quoted by the portal.
Olga and Mikhail visited several orphanages, talked with different children, for them, like many parents who decided to adopt, the first contact was important. And it happened to little Maxim.

Maxim immediately chose Misha. He went up to him, rapped his hand with all his might and laughed. Misha said: "This is mine!" Dasha was more careful. But still she smiled at me and went into her arms, - Olga said.

The Barshchevskys helped the twins Maxim and Daria find loving parents and a home, and they, in turn, gave Mikhail and Olga a second youth.

Olga definitely lost 20 years. For example, she was always athletic, but she never skated. And when the children grew up, they were 6 years old and they wanted to roller-skate, she got on the rollers and went with them. Now the children have gone to school, and I will find out what an interesting science arithmetic turns out to be. And so on. I am now telling my peers - do you want a second youth? Have children, take a child from an orphanage.

The famous TV presenter and journalist Svetlana Sorokina first became a mother at the age of 46, having adopted a three-year-old girl. Svetlana nurtured plans for a child for a long time before she decided to take a responsible step, and at first she wanted a boy. But in the end, things turned out a little differently.

“The last drop was my program Basic Instinct, in which we made the problem of adopted children the main topic. I kept my promise. By the way, there were those among my friends and relatives who dissuaded me, saying that in Russia there are many other options. But I immediately dismissed the test tube option. There are many abandoned children in Russia who need parents. To be honest, at first I wanted a boy of three years old "Four. I searched in Moscow, I searched in the provinces. I prepared "parental" documents in advance. And for a long time I did not know that Tonka was waiting for me, just me. Brown-eyed. Smiling. Abandoned," Svetlana said in an interview with Pavel Lobkov.
And again, as in most of these stories, everything was decided by a personal meeting with the child. As soon as Svetlana saw 11-month-old Tonya in the crowd of children, she realized who she had been looking for for so long. The girl also instantly responded to her in return.

“I’m actually a tough, unsentimental person. But when I saw her in one of the groups, something clicked: my girl. By the way, not long before Tonya rejected several potential parents, she just didn’t communicate with them. And she extended her hands to me , went forward. So it's not clear who chose whom."

By the way, the name Antonina was chosen by Svetlana for a reason. She decided to name her daughter after her grandmother.

"I'll tell you straight: my life began anew, with the letter A - the initial letter of the name Antonin."

Tatyana Ovsienko's life was divided into before and after in 1999, when, while on tour in Penza, she took part in a charity event at the local Baby House. That evening, among the cheerful and noisy crowd of children, Tatyana noticed a quiet, sad 2.5-year-old boy aside. To the question of the singer "What's wrong with him?" The worker of the orphanage answered that the baby had a severe pathology of the heart. Mom abandoned him at birth, the case is already neglected and complicated, and there is very little time left, a few weeks.

“And from that very moment I didn’t have peace ... Upon returning home, I flew like a bullet to Bakulevka. But even there no one wanted to take on such a neglected case. And only Professor Mikhail Anatolyevich Zelenikin, our guardian angel with Igor, said the cherished "yes". 15 days after the operation, they told me that Igor could be taken home. I panicked. Firstly, I thought that after the most difficult operation the child should be in the hospital for quite a long time, he needs constant medical supervision. Secondly By that time, I had already firmly decided that Igorek would not return to any Penza, but so that in two weeks we had to make the main decision ... "- Tatyana said in an interview with Caravan of History magazine.
Tatyana confronted her husband, producer Vladimir Dubovitsky, with a fact - she simply called from the tour and said, "We have a son."

“I became the happiest woman in the world, a mother, and I was not going to part with this fantastic joy! I fell head over heels into my motherhood. And there was no greater pleasure than cooking dinners for the baby - all my unspent love spilled out into children's plates by the sea! And when Igorek called me mom, I flew: “This is the real thing! Finally I'm alive!"
It became more difficult when Igor began a transitional age. Then Tatyana called Vladimir, with whom at that time she had been divorced for a long time and who lived in the USA, and asked for a little help - to send her son to a language camp. Since then, Igor has been living in America, but he tries to regularly visit his mother in Russia. He is 20 years old, he recently married a Brazilian. The couple had a son, Alexander.

By the time famous basketball player Andrey Kirilenko and his wife Maria Lopatova decided to adopt a child from an orphanage, they had two children. The couple wanted to expand the family, but Maria did not manage to get pregnant for a long time. However, Lopatova herself admits that she always wanted to adopt a child, and Andrei supported her.

"We were ready to have an adopted child and we wanted a girl. This decision was completely normal for us. It was clear that sooner or later we would come to him."

The preparation of documents took 9 months - exactly as much as is necessary for bearing a child. Initially, Andrei and Maria wanted to adopt two - a brother and sister from two to five years old. Such were found, but unexpectedly the girl ended up in the hospital for a long time. Maria "understood that it was not destiny." But the fateful call happened almost immediately: Maria was invited to see a newborn girl, she agreed and ... realized that she had found her child.

“I took her in my arms and think:“ How pretty she is! ”And something we cooed with her like that, I forgot about everything in the world and even went with her to the exit, and the head doctor followed me:“ Stop! Where are you?!". I say: "What should I do, what should I sign so that I can pick her up?" She says: "Wait, you don't know anything about her, I have to tell you her medical history, you need to think "As a result, we agreed that I'm listening to her now, but I'm coming to pick up my daughter right tomorrow. I say: "I'm only interested in whether she has AIDS or cancer." She says: "No!" I say: "Well, that's it , the issue is resolved. "Difficult childbirth, hypoxia, otitis media of the second degree - all this does not matter," Maria said.
The day after the first meeting, Maria took Sasha home. The feeling of awareness of what happened came only at home.

“When I brought her, I put her on a big bed, looked at her and sobbed. I was calm as a boa constrictor when my children were born. There was joy, but some kind of inner, quiet. And then there were such emotions, everything is mixed. I thought: will I be able to love her? This is not my own child? What should I do now in general? "

Sasha quickly became a member of the family, the brothers, according to Maria, love her even more than each other. Five years later, in 2014, Andrei and Maria found out that they were expecting another child. In February 2015, their third boy was born.

Although the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, Leyla Aliyeva, cannot be called a Russian celebrity in full, we nevertheless decided to include her in our selection: Leyla was married to the popular singer Emin Agalarov, she is known and loved in Russia.

In her country, Leyla is known for caring: she is vice president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, often holds charity events, engages in youth programs and contributes to environmental protection. Visiting orphanages and boarding schools is also on the list of her mandatory activities, and one day such a trip became fateful for Leyla herself.
According to the executive director of the Foundation Anar Alekperov, thanks to frequent visits to such institutions and communication, Leyla developed good relations with many children, but she became especially attached to one girl - little Amina - and adopted her in July last year.
Emin Agalarov, to whom Leyla gave birth to two sons, also adopted a girl:

"Not so long ago, another child appeared in my family. Perhaps I was not ready for this, but my life has changed a lot, and I am very happy that this happened," he wrote.

The ex-soloist of the Mirage group, Margarita Sukhankina, became a mother for the first time, and two children at once, at the age of 48. But this important event was preceded by a difficult personal history. For the first time, Margarita managed to get pregnant many years ago, but then, at the insistence of her husband, she had an abortion at an already impressive time. Repentance and awareness of all the horror of what had happened came immediately, so when Margarita became pregnant again, the question of whether to give birth or not was not in principle. Unfortunately, at the eighth month, the baby died in the womb due to a medical error. In subsequent years, Margarita managed to get pregnant, but not to bear the baby. The miscarriage followed one after another.

“The only thing that was clear was the consequences of that terrible abortion, my endless stupidity. Therefore, now I tell everyone: if you are “flying” in your youth and there is no husband, no money, no housing, no profession, give birth anyway. Abortion is the worst What can be. And God will help with the child, people will help, "Margarita shared in an interview.

For the first time, Sukhankina's mother expressed the idea of ​​adoption, but the singer herself believed in her own strength and refused to give up so easily. Seven years have passed, due to health problems, doctors forbade Margarita to even think about the birth of her own children. Then she remembered her mother's words.

Margarita wanted to adopt a girl, but in one of the programs "So far everyone is at home" she saw 4-year-old Seryozha and 3-year-old Lera and realized that she would take only them. The children lived in another distant city, but this did not stop Margarita - she flew after them, once again made sure that her first impression did not deceive her, and took the children to Moscow. Since then, according to Margarita, she has found the fullness of life and true happiness.

The news that the only son of Sergei Zverev was not his own became a kind of sensation, because the stylist himself always told only one version in an interview. His wife tragically died, and he was left with a small child in his arms. They began to doubt the veracity of these words after Stanislav Sadalsky published a post in his LiveJournal in 2009, where he said that Sergey took a 3-year-old boy from an orphanage in Irkutsk. In the blog, Stanislav cited the words of Sergey himself:

"When I entered the room of the children, who could not walk at all, I almost died of fear. The wooden beds were gnawed! I thought: "Rats!" And these are the children ... I was in shock! They were hardly fed there. Food was stolen and dragged to their home. I grabbed this boy and ran out!

When a three-year-old boy Seryozha appeared in the family of director Vladimir Naumov and actress Natalya Belokhvostikova, they were 80 and 65 years old, respectively. They did not think about adoption, they did not plan anything of the kind, everything was decided by chance. In 2007, Natalya performed at a creative evening in an orphanage. Many different kids stretched their hands to her, treated themselves to sweets, told her something, but a quiet, modest boy attracted her attention. He approached her and said: "Aunty, everyone has crosses, but I don't. Give me, please ..."

Natalya told Vladimir about him, and the next time they came together. And they also left together, only not together, but already three.

Kirill used to be reserved and shy. He only talked to us. Now he has grown up and become more sociable. Our daughter Natasha is already an adult, she has been well without us for a long time, and Kirill filled our life with new meaning. He saved Vladimir Naumovich and me from loneliness,” Natalia said in an interview with Interlocutor.

“I would give mom and dad to all children, because I’m sure that the worst thing in life is loneliness. Therefore, if you have the desire and opportunity to adopt a child, don’t hesitate - hurry to do good,” says Natalia.

Far from everyone can raise someone else's child, but, as practice shows, many modern stars of Russian pop, cinema and sports decide on such an act. We will tell further about those who adopted a child into their family and raised him.

Margarita Sukhankina

Once Margarita saw on TV a story in which they talked about Seryozha and Lera - kids without parents. At that moment, the star realized that she wanted to become a mother for them.

In order to meet the kids, the singer has come a long way. After all the documents for adoption were completed, Margarita took the children to her, and since then she has been raising them. It is worth noting that immediately after the adoption procedure, the real parents of the babies wanted to take them back, but this was prevented by the fact that the mother was officially deprived of parental rights, and the father has five convictions.

Natalya Belokhvostikova

Once, actress Natalya Belokhvostikova performed in one of the orphanages and saw the boy Cyril. According to the woman, he stood out from all the other guys with his behavior. Moreover, the guy attracted the artist by the fact that during a personal conversation he asked Natalia to bring him a cross.

It is worth noting that the actress complied with the boy’s request and really brought him a cross, but already together with her husband Vladimir Naumov, with whom they adopted this child, despite their age (Natalya at that time was 65, and her husband was 80 years old). Today the boy grows up in a foster family, develops well and goes to school.

Sergey Zverev

Not so long ago, the country was shocked by the fact that the son of Sergei Zverev, whom everyone considered native, turned out to be adopted. This turned out to be within the framework of one of the Russian TV shows, before that the stylist himself hid this fact from the public for quite a long time, telling that his son was born from his common-law wife, who died in a car accident.

The boy grew up and suddenly disappeared from the radar of the tabloids and completely immersed himself in worldly life without chic and glamour. Currently, Sergei Zverev Jr. lives in Kolomna, he is married for the second time. The guy does not communicate with the adoptive father, since the parent did not approve of the choice of the son's first bride, who turned out to be a simple provincial waitress.

Tatyana Ovsienko

Participating in one of the charity events in the Penza Baby House, singer Tatyana Ovsienko spotted a boy deprived of parental care, Igor. At that time, the child had a serious disease - heart disease and needed immediate expensive treatment, without which he could simply die. It is worth noting that Tatyana collected the necessary amount, paid for the operation of the child and after that issued guardianship over him.

Currently, Igor Dubovitsky lives in the United States with Tatyana Ovsienko's ex-husband, Vladimir Dubovitsky. It is worth noting that as soon as the guy turned 18, Tatyana told him the whole truth about his adoption and suggested that he try to find his parents, which the guy refused, saying that he already had a mother.

Andrey Kirilenko

At the time of the adoption of Alexandra, the famous basketball player Andrei Kirilenko already had two sons, but he and his wife wanted another child. After several futile attempts to get pregnant, the couple decided to adopt the baby. At that moment, they visited the orphanage and saw little Sashenka there, whom they immediately fell in love with.

An interesting fact is that a short time after the adoption of Alexandra, Andrey's wife found out that she was carrying a baby under her heart. Now there are four children in the Kirilenko family.

Viktor Rakov

The famous Russian actor Viktor Rakov, together with his wife Lyudmila, decided to adopt a child at a time when their own daughter was 16 years old. In the orphanage, the couple liked little Daniil, whom they decided to take into their friendly family.

The actor himself mentioned more than once that the guy seemed to be waiting for new parents to come for him, because at the moment when he was taken from the baby’s house, he did not even think to turn around.

Ekaterina Gradova

Married to the famous actor Andrei Mironov, Ekaterina Gradova had a daughter, Maria, who was born in May 1973.

At the moment when Catherine saw the two-year-old Leshenka, the actress was in her second marriage to Igor Timofeev. As she herself admits, at that moment she realized that she wanted to adopt a boy, but she was very afraid that her husband would not share such an idea. However, despite all the fears, the husband supported Ekaterina, as a result of which, at the age of 47, the star of Soviet cinema became a mother for the second time, albeit a foster one.

Alexey Serebryakov

Alexei Serebryakov is one of those Russian actors who do not like to talk about the details of their personal lives. This became especially clear at the moment when the man sued because journalists wrote about the fact that he adopted two boys.

Later, the actor confirmed that Stepan and Daniil were indeed adopted children, in addition to whom, in the Serebryakov family, his own daughter Dasha, who remained with him from his first marriage, is growing up.

Ksenia Strizh

Not so long ago it became known that Ksenia Strizh is the adoptive mother of her son Nikita, whom she adopted at a fairly mature age (at that time the host was already 50, and the guy was 15 years old).

It is worth noting that this decision of the actress was supported by her current husband Andrei Susikov. First, the couple took a training course for adoptive parents, studying at a special school for 8 months. Only then the boy was taken to a new family.

Ksenia herself says about this that she just wants to give a decent life to the child, because he has his own parents, but they are deprived of the right to raise him.

Svetlana Sorokina

Svetlana Sorokina is a well-known journalist and a woman who is raising an adopted daughter, whom she took custody of in 2003. At the very beginning, Svetlana gave the girl her last name and named Antonina (the TV presenter and her adopted daughter are in the main photo).

It is worth noting that immediately after the adoption, Svetlana made public information about this, but the television star was in no hurry to show the girl to the public. The world saw Tonya only when she was 12 years old (in 2015).

Svetlana herself admits that she never regretted her act.

Tatyana Ovsienko In 1999, a popular singer took a boy named Igor from an orphanage. She saw him during a charity event in Penza. And when she found out that the boy had a heart defect, she decided to help him and pay for the operation. A little later, she became his mother. For many years, Tatyana hid from Igor the fact that she was not his own mother. The truth was revealed by the adoptive father, ex-husband of the singer, producer Vladimir Dubovitsky. The guy was shocked. But then, after talking with my mother, I was able to cope with emotions. Recently, Igor, who now lives in the States, became a dad himself - and thus made Tatyana Ovsienko a grandmother. - A wonderful event, now in my heart there is another little ball of love. The fact that now I am a grandmother does not scare me at all, ”the singer admitted.

Svetlana Sorokina In 2003, a well-known TV presenter adopted an 11-month-old girl. “I found my daughter, one might say, by accident,” Svetlana said in an interview. - A friend brought a child to the house, in which she herself took a girl a little earlier. Brought with the words: "And you will find your happiness here." And so it happened. I saw Tonka and realized: I don’t want to look for anyone else ... ”. The very fact that the girl was adopted, Sorokina did not hide - with her profession this is unrealistic. But at the same time she changed everything - both the date of birth and the name and patronymic. She named her daughter Antonina in honor of her grandmother.

Anastasia Denisova The star of the series "Deffchonki" Anastasia Denisova adopted her brother. She decided to adopt him after a terrible tragedy that occurred in the family: due to a serious illness, first the father and then the boy's mother left this world. It so happened that the father of the actress left the family when Denisova was 14 years old. He married again and had a son. For a long time, Anastasia did not see her father, but when it became known that he was seriously ill, the family began to communicate again. “On that day, my father, as always calmly and judiciously, said:“ I will soon be gone. It is not known how long my wife will live, she is very sick. Promise me that if Andryusha is left alone, you will take care of him, ”recalls the words of Pope Anastasia. Before social services took the orphan to an orphanage, the actress tried to adopt Andrei as soon as possible. Now the star of the series "Deffchonki" is raising the boy along with his own child Yura.

Mikhail Barshchevsky A well-known lawyer and his wife Olga in 2007 adopted twins - Dasha and Maxim.

Andrei Kirilenko The famous basketball player and his wife Maria were the parents of two boys when they decided to adopt a girl, Alexandra. It happened in 2009. Now there are four children in the family - in 2015 another boy was born. “I think that adoption is the best act in my life,” the athlete’s wife said in an interview. - Your children are, of course, very valuable, but adoptive ones can give you something else. You see, this is a more serious event for parents. You grow emotionally and spiritually. According to Maria, they are not going to hide from Sasha the fact that she was adopted. Now he spends most of his time in the States, and there such stories are in the order of things. - The process of collecting the necessary documents took nine months, we can say that we carried our child, - said the basketball player. - There were doubts whether we could treat all our children equally. Recently, my wife and I discussed this and came to the conclusion that we do not make a difference between them. I am very happy about it.

Margarita Sukhankina In 2013, the singer became a mother twice - she adopted a boy and a girl. Now Lera and Serezha go to school, study music. “We live happily,” Margarita said in an interview. - They are well-fed, dressed, shod. Everything is fine with us. We go to the cinema, theatres, museums, zoos, circuses... They have an absolutely normal full-fledged children's life. Sometimes they say to me: “Yes, you are a heroine! I took two children." I don't understand what is heroism? Moreover, I don’t even know who saved whom - I children or they me. Living without them, I was just quietly going crazy. The normal state of every woman, when she lives with her family, gives birth to children. It didn’t work out for me, my birth ended in tragedy. And I realized that I was already hanging myself. All that I earn, all this wealth, I alone do not need at all. To whom is all this money? What for? They told me: “Live for yourself! What are you! It's so cool!". And for me, this is the highest egoism - to live for yourself. I am a very active person, I have to give and share all the time. And who to take care of, if not about children? Now I am extremely happy that I have both a boy and a girl, two completely different worlds. Two planets. A niche filled in my soul that was empty.

Natalya Belokhvostikova and Vladimir Naumov In 2007, the 56-year-old actress and her 80-year-old director husband decided to become parents of a 3-year-old boy named Kirill. Their only daughter, Natasha, had already grown up by that time and lived separately. The actress said that the meeting with Cyril happened by chance. Together with her husband, they performed in an orphanage near Moscow. After the concert, a little boy approached them and asked them to give him a cross. And of course, they could not refuse him - they had to come to him again. Since then, the couple began to visit Cyril regularly, and then decided to adopt. - We went to Kiryusha for a whole year, he was waiting for us! The issue of adoption was resolved for more than a year. It's so hard to do it all! Now we have a family. The boy is with us, - said Naumov. “I remember when they took Kirill home, he said: “Every night I asked God that mom and dad would find me as soon as possible,” Belokhvostikova admitted. - I will do everything so that my son lives happily and he has a real childhood. Now he will never be alone.

Alexey Serebryakov Alexey Serebryakov does not like to talk about his personal life, share the details of his good deeds - even more so. The fact that Alexei has adopted children became known thanks to journalists who, without the consent of the actor, published this information in one publication. The case even went to court. Alexei and his wife, a former choreographer at the Vakhtangov Theater, Maria, first took one boy from the orphanage - Daniil. Then the couple found out that Dani's younger brother Stepan remained in the orphanage. Without hesitation, Alexei and Maria adopted a second boy, despite the cramped life circumstances at that time. Alexey also could not remain indifferent to the rest of the children deprived of parental love: together with Irina Apeksimova and Andrey Smolyakov, he founded the Time to Live Foundation, whose work is focused on helping orphans. Now Alexey and his family live in Toronto, Canada, but the actor continues to build his career in Russia.

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