New Year's rituals: how to make a wish so that it comes true. To make your New Year's wish come true

Adults and children are looking forward to the most magical night of the year and believe that the innermost wishes made under the chiming clock will certainly come true. And for this to really happen, you need to know what you want, ask correctly and perform funny New Year's rituals. The RIAMO correspondent in Balashikha figured out how to make a wish so that it will come true.

Clear wording

First, let's learn: in order for a wish to come true, you need to correctly formulate the request of the Universe.

The main condition for the "right desire" is a clear wording. Choose your words as precisely as possible so that the Universe cannot misinterpret your request. A lot of films have been shot on this topic and tales like this one have been circulating for a long time: one man in new year's eve wished to visit his parents, who live in another city and whom he had not seen for several years, and his wish came true, but in an unexpected way - in January, his mother was in the hospital, and the man urgently flew home. So, as many believe, at the end of your desire you need to add the phrase "It will be for the benefit of me and everyone."

The main condition for the “right desire” is a clear wording

The second rule: the New Year's wish must be pronounced as if it has already been fulfilled. For example, not "I want to win the lottery", but "I won the lottery." And, given the first rule, you need to clarify the amount of the winnings, otherwise the Universe will joke and give you a winnings of only 100 rubles.

An important point: it’s better to wish not for money, but for what you want to spend it on. That is, not "I received a million rubles", but "I bought a new car for a million rubles." It is even worth mentioning a specific brand, model and color.

To make a wish come true, do not use in its formulation negative particle"not". For example, you can’t think “I’m not sick” - it’s better to say “I’m healthy” and regularly repeat this positive affirmation.

And in conclusion: you can not make a wish that directly or indirectly can harm other people. The Universe can satisfy such requests, but those who wish to do so run the risk of receiving retribution, and a very serious one at that.

And now let's remember New Year's rituals that will make the party more interesting and help wishes come true.

Ashes in champagne

Perhaps the most famous New Year's ritual: during the chiming clock, you need to write a cherished desire on a piece of paper, burn it, pour the ashes into champagne and drink it. If you have time to do everything before the twelfth stroke, then the desire will certainly come true.

Here it is worth giving a few useful tips: prepare everything in advance, free up space on the table, ask guests not to disturb you, do not take too large and too thick paper, check the pen and lighter so that there are no unpleasant surprises.

magic chair

Another funny ritual: when the chimes start to beat 12 times, stand on a chair, close your eyes, say your wish and imagine that it has already come true. For example, if you dream of moving up the career ladder, imagine how you enter your office and hold a meeting with subordinates, and if you dream of replenishment in the family, feel how you first took the child in your arms, how you walk and play with him.

Painted happiness

A few days before the New Year, sit in a secluded place, focus and draw a picture - a diagram of what you dream about. Then roll up the paper, tie it with a red ribbon and hang it on the Christmas tree. After the chiming clock, the drawing must be removed from the festive tree and put away - so that no one touches it.

Bottled Desire

It is not surprising that in New Year many rituals are associated with champagne - this festive drink gives fun and sets you up for positive. So here's another way to make wishes: to the sound of the chiming clock, you need to uncork the champagne and pour it into glasses, put a pre-prepared leaflet with a request into an empty bottle, whisper it and blow it into the neck, and then “cork the desire” - close the bottle with a cork and put it in dark place.

Champagne bottle

We continue the theme of champagne. Find or buy a miniature bottle or vial, put a piece of paper with a written desire inside, and pour champagne into it under the chiming clock - be sure to use a glass from which you have already drunk. Seal the bottle and hide in a dark place until your wish is granted. As soon as this happens, pour the contents of the vial into running water, saying: "What has come, let it remain and bring joy."

Desire under the pillow

This way of making wishes will appeal to those who cannot decide on the most secret. Take 12 sheets of paper and write one request on each. Put them under your pillow in advance, and when you go to bed after celebrating the New Year, imagine that they have already come true. In the morning, randomly pull out one of the leaves from under the pillow - this desire will certainly come true.

candle flame

Prepare a beautiful Christmas candle. Light it when the chimes start to beat 12 times. Look closely at the flame and whisper your most cherished desire. After that, leave the candle burning and keep it away from drafts - you need it to burn out to the end, in which case the wish will come true. If the flame goes out - alas, your request will not be fulfilled, or you will encounter many obstacles that will interfere with its implementation.

Affairs of the Heart

If you dream of strengthening or continuing your relationship with your significant other in the coming year, share your glass of champagne with your loved one. At the same time, you need to whisper quietly: “Like bubbles in a glass, we will be happy too.”

Family replenishment

For women who dream of pregnancy, there is a special way of making wishes. While the clock strikes 12 times, you need to have time to peel and eat a tangerine. If at least one bone comes across in it - wait for replenishment next year!


For people who dream of wealth or financial independence, there is also a way to make wishes. Wrap the leg of your glass in advance with any bill. When the chimes strike, say your request out loud and only then take a sip of champagne. After that, hide the "magic" bill in your wallet - it will serve as a talisman that attracts financial luck.

Fortune teller tree

If you have a live Christmas tree, then on New Year's Eve, break off a small branch from it and whisper your innermost desire over it. Then put the branch in a glass of water next to your bed and don't touch it. After three days, count the number of fallen needles: even - your request will come true soon, odd - be patient, because in the coming year you, unfortunately, will not get what you want.

All in our hands

New Year's rituals are a fun tradition that really enlivens the feast. Of course, we want to believe that the Universe will listen to our requests and fulfill our desire if we drink champagne with ashes in time or visualize what we want correctly. But it is worth remembering that everything is in our hands, and cherished desires come true for those people who boldly pursue their dreams, do not stop at difficulties and are optimistic about life.

Even the biggest pragmatists become a bit of children on the night of January 31-1, they are waiting for miracles and, of course, make a wish. On the eve of the New Year 2019, researchers conducted a survey that showed what wishes Russians most often make to the sound of chimes. Basically, the aspirations of people turned out to be simple and mundane.

On New Year's Eve 2019, the SuperJob website conducted a survey of Russians to find out what they most often wish for on New Year's Eve. It turned out that most often Russians think about the health of themselves and their loved ones - almost 30% of the respondents answered that way. In second place is the desire for “a lot of money” - this is what 11% answered, and “happiness and peace in the whole world” is wanted by 9% of those surveyed.

Six percent of respondents want well-being, only five - dream of stability in life, and another 4% of Russians ask fate to find love. Also, 4 percent are planning their own housing for the New Year. According to RIA Novosti, desires also differ by gender: on New Year's Eve, women more often dream of health (32%), happiness (11%), love and wedding (5% each), as well as real estate (5%) and travel (four%). Men, on the other hand, more often dream of earning a lot of money (11%), peace and the absence of wars (9%), prosperity (6%) and stability and confidence in tomorrow (5%).

Correctly make a wish for the New Year 2019, and it will come true

New Years is a magical time. And many people during this period try to make their deepest desires. Why not? We will show you how to do it in an original way.

1. Burn the wish sheet

This is the most popular way. Take a piece of paper and write down your wish. Under the chiming clock on December 31, set it on fire and throw the remaining ashes into a champagne glass. After the clock has struck 12 o'clock at night - drink everything to the bottom.

2. Stand on a chair

Get up on a chair when the chimes strike 12. It is believed that this moment is filled with special magical energy. Make a wish and imagine yourself where this dream has already come true. Well, for example, you want to buy an apartment. Visualize yourself returning from work to your own home. Or, say, dreaming of a promotion? Imagine yourself as the boss. In general, develop your imagination until the New Year comes.

3. Write a letter to Santa Claus

Do you think Santa Claus grants only children's wishes? Nothing like this! Never forget that miracles happen to those who believe in them. Take a paper and feel free to write what you dream about. Straight to the point. Then put the message in beautiful envelope and hide in a secluded place for a whole year. On the next holidays read everything the good wizard was asked for. We are sure you will be pleasantly surprised.

4. Put a note in an empty bottle

Wait for the guests to drink champagne. Take the empty bottle from them and drop the leaf with your wishes into it. In addition, repeat to yourself everything that was written about and blow into the neck. After that, with a slight movement of your hand, cork the bottle with a cork and hide it in the closet. They say it will come true. People checked.

5. Hide your wishes under your pillow

Well, this method is for those who have already cheerfully celebrated the New Year and went to bed. Write in advance on 12 pieces of paper 12 of your cherished desires. Put them under your pillow. As soon as you wake up on January 1, pull out the first piece of paper that comes across. Here is what is written on it - it will come true for sure.

6. Light up the sparklers

Take a sparkler, light it with the first stroke of the clock and make a wish. With his sparks, he will, as it were, “spray” your desire for its speedy implementation. Keep the burnt sparkler until the wish is fulfilled.

7. Decorate the house with the symbol of your desire

Whatever your most great desire- You can always come up with a symbol for him. Dreaming of getting married? Make a doll-bride with your own hands and decorate the Christmas tree with it. Do you want to visit the Maldives? Starfish will be a great symbol of your future trip. Or maybe you want to win a million? Place some banknotes under the Christmas tree. So you already concretize the desire and bring its fulfillment closer.

8. Make a wish on the candle flame

Buy or make a beautiful Christmas candle in advance. And exactly at midnight, light it, make a wish over the flame and leave it burning. Another option is to write a wish with a needle directly on the wax. If the candle burns out to the end, it will surely come true. If it goes out, you will meet obstacles or it will not come true at all.

What wishes can not be made for the New Year 2019

New Year - perfect time for the realization of cherished desires. During this period, the surrounding energy becomes stronger, and with its help you can fulfill your dream and become happier. Most often, the Universe responds to people's requests and helps to realize their intentions, however, some desires do not correspond to its laws, and it is forbidden to make them.

Before you make a wish list, you need to find out which of them are not destined to come true. To make all your dreams come true, find out what wishes are strictly forbidden to make for the New Year 2019.

don't want money

Needs modern man closely related to material well-being. That is why most often people make money for the New Year and even ask for a certain amount. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this wish, but there is a chance that it will never come true. Instead of asking the universe for money, you can ask for improvement financial position or a higher paying job. In this case, not only the Universe will contribute to the fulfillment of your desire, but also the patron of 2019 - the Pig.

Do not ask for punishment of enemies or offenders

Your desire should not harm others, so you should not ask for the punishment of enemies or offenders. If the dream is negative, its energy can turn against you. In this case coming year will bring you a lot of trouble.

Your desire should concern only you

Many people mistakenly think that desire is capable of performing the function of a love spell, but in fact it is not. If you want to find love, you need to make your desire sound like this. You should not ask the Universe to attract a specific person, since your dream should concern only you.

In your desire, do not mention the particle "not"

You can’t make wishes using the “not” particle, because the result of your wish will be the opposite of what you expected. You should not mention other people in your desire, otherwise it will not come true.

Don't make wishes for another

Undoubtedly, each of you wants his loved ones to be healthy and happy, so that single family members find their love, and those who are in search of a true calling can find their dream job. However, if you address the Universe on behalf of another person, you will not be able to realize your dream. Therefore, your desire should apply only to your life.

Make realistic wishes

Despite the fact that the New Year is a time of miracles, you should not make unrealistic wishes. In order to realize your dreams, you need to believe in their fulfillment. For example, if you want to go to the future, the Universe may take it as a mockery. At best, your wish simply will not come true, at worst, your intentions will turn out to be failures for you.

Do not ask for too expensive things and equipment for the New Year. Of course you can ask for a new car or gadget latest model, but you can only get what you want if you make an effort on your part. In this case, it is best to ask for help in achieving a cherished dream.

... To formulate it correctly! What do we usually do? We write on a piece of paper, burn it, throw the ashes into champagne and drink it in one gulp. What a fuss! Desire is "lost" in this turmoil. And psychologists say that you need to carefully prepare in advance for making a New Year's wish. Shall we try? And then check how it works! So to speak, production magic ...

You need to remember the main thing: in order for your desire to be fulfilled, you need to clearly formulate it, refuse the “not” particle and be able to “let go”.

Before you start making a wish, on the eve of the New Year, do the following.

Drive away the negative. Write down all your grievances and feelings on a piece of paper, and then mentally release them and burn the paper. And also - discard settings like “I would like to, but where can I go with my salary”, “not with my “happiness”, etc.

Consider wording. State your goal very clearly. For example, if your dream is “to get married in 2018”, then describe the desired groom as detailed as possible.

Remember the text. It is best to write down a correctly formulated desire on a piece of paper and remember it well. At the same time - we remind you again - try to avoid the “not” particle (our subconscious mind perceives “I don’t want” as “I want”) and describe the desire as having taken place (“I have a car in 2018”).

Making an "order"

We offer you several popular ways of making wishes.

Letter. In one of last days take a sheet of paper and write a “letter” in which you indicate one, or better several, of your desires. Put it in an envelope and sign it "To the universe, to the urgent wish fulfillment department." You can open it only next year - to check if your dreams have come true.

Toys and balls."Order" desires through the decorations with which you decorate the Christmas tree. This ball is profitable job, that one is love, etc. And when you shoot them, imagine letting your dreams go upstairs. The same can be done with balloons, making an "order" when you inflate them, and releasing when you pierce them with a needle.

Bengal lights. To the sound of the chiming clock, light a sparkler and make a wish on it. Keep the remainder of it until your wish is fulfilled.

New guest. If a stranger or acquaintance comes to your company, whom you did not expect to meet on New Year's Eve, after midnight, take him by the hand and make a wish.

The number "twelve"

Months."Project" the first 12 days of the coming year for 12 months. For example, if you want to go on a trip in May, then January 5 (corresponding to the 5th month) spend a day on the road.

Desires. Write your desires on 12 pieces of paper, roll them up and put them under your pillow. In the morning, randomly take out one piece of paper: what is written on it will come true.

Don't get hung up on your desire: by this you deprive yourself of the energy that can go to its realization.

Important! You can’t dream for other people, because only they know what they really need.

New Year is the favorite and most long-awaited holiday for many people.

It is on this magical night that family and kindred spirits come together, this is the time when everyone, without saying a word, begins to evaluate the past year, as well as make plans for the future.

As a result, one way or another, but all at the same time begin to desire something for themselves: new apartment, job, love or just a lot of money. Each person has his own desires, but everyone equally wants them to be fulfilled during the coming year.

It is not surprising that a lot of traditions and rituals have formed about how to make a wish for the New Year.

Many who have tried them are convinced of the effectiveness of such methods.

Therefore, if you want to realize your plans and hopes, it is worth considering the most common and effective ways making wishes for the New Year.

How to properly prepare

There are many opinions as to why wishes made for the New Year come true.

Specialists involved in the occult say that positive energy is formed on this day, caused by a festive mood. a large number of people.

Accordingly, making a ritual for making a wish, a person, as it were, directs this energy flow in the direction he needs.

Psychologists say that the New Year's ritual for desire is self-programming, which subsequently, on a subconscious level, helps to fulfill one's own intentions.

Whatever it was, but just take it and want it is not enough. If a person nevertheless decides to conduct a specific ritual, then he should prepare in a certain way.

This is not difficult:

  • Before wishing for anything at all, you need to clearly understand what you want to achieve within next year and form the “right” desire.

For example, if you want to buy new car, it is better to specify the brand or approximate cost vehicle. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a really new car, but one that will create more problems than benefits.

Therefore, it is worth thinking not spontaneously, during the chimes, but in advance to allocate a little time in order to formulate your desire or several desires in peace and tranquility.

  • The wish made must be sincere. Whatever motives move a person, he cannot desire what others impose on him. Even if he thinks that he completely agrees with someone else's opinion, subconsciously a person may not want what others want, and are asked to wish with him.

Therefore, the goals that you want to realize, you need to form, based solely on your own will, and believe in their implementation.

  • New Year's rituals are quite simple and do not require any complicated preparations. But one requirement is extremely important - to arrive in a festive mood.

The fact is that from the point of view of both the occult and the psychological explanation of the fulfillment of desires for the New Year, the corresponding state of mind plays an extremely important role. After all, the fulfillment of desires is, first of all, joy and the same “mood” must be used when performing the ritual.

Otherwise, in the general New Year's mass, a person turns into " white crow along with your desire, whatever it may be.

What should be desires and what should not be made

  • In no case should desires be negative and cannot have a “not” or “no” particle.

The fact is that this particle is not perceived by the subconscious. And when a person, for example, thinks “so that they don’t get fired from work” or “so that my half doesn’t leave me”, what is read without the prefix “not” is performed. And from the point of view of the occult, desire is a program for profit or achievement, which is contrary to the negative message.

  • Desires, even the most unimaginable ones, must be made in real time, as if they had already been fulfilled.

For example, in the desire: “so that this year I have a new apartment”, you should not use the prefix “to” and then the desire sounds like it has already been realized.

And you should never use the word “want” because a person wants to “want” the fulfillment of his goal. In general, in desire, every word plays its role, so it is worth formulating them as clearly and concisely as possible.

  • You don't need to limit yourself.

For example, if a person wants to buy a new apartment and for this he needs a promotion, you should not formulate the desire in this way. It is better to concentrate on what kind of housing he wants to buy, and the “universe” will already throw up the necessary opportunities. After all, it may be easier for a single person to win an apartment in the lottery or receive it as a gift than to achieve the necessary promotion.

  • Do not resort to abstractions, especially such as: "I am rich", "I am happy" or "I am healthy."

In the subconscious or by the decision of the universe, it may turn out that the person who wishes is already rich enough for a person of his level. In the end, he can be rich spiritually, happy in poverty, and ideally healthy people generally few, but not all of them consider themselves sick. Therefore, it is better for yourself to determine what wealth, happiness and health are.

  • You need to believe in the fulfillment of your desire.

That is, the goal can be the most unrealistic, up to the flight to Mars. But if a person subconsciously understands that he wants something that is a priori impossible to achieve, then the desire will not come true.

It is necessary, first of all for oneself, to be sure of the reality of its fulfillment. Whether it's a logical belief or just a belief doesn't matter. The main thing is not to have even a shred of doubt.

  • How many wishes can you make for the New Year?

In principle, no one limits you. But the fewer desires there are and the more clearly and correctly they are formulated, the greater the chance that it will come true.

And best of all, make a list of New Year's wishes for yourself in advance, then cross off what you can do without and in the end leave the one that will be most cherished for you.

Ways to make wishes for the New Year

Now you know how to make a wish for the New Year. And now we will consider various ways and options that will help you fulfill your cherished dream.

We make wishes for the New Year on paper and burn

The most common method is to burn the wish leaf, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it at midnight sharp.

The method is really effective, but you should not write the wish itself to the sound of the chimes. After all, here leading role it is not so much the performance of the ritual that plays, but the concentration of one's thoughts over the desire itself.

Therefore, if it is not large, then you can write directly under the chiming clock, then set it on fire and throw the ashes into a glass.

If the wish consists of many points, then it is better to write it in advance, and at the right time just read it out loud or to yourself before burning it.

And in no case should fuss be allowed in the performance of the ritual, since a person will distract his consciousness from desire for actions that he is trying to have time to carry out while the chimes are striking.

coin in hand

Prepare a coin in advance, preferably gold in color, you can even pre-clean it to a shine.

In the battle of the chimes, you need to hold a coin in your hand and mentally represent your wish in all its glory. After that, throw it into a glass and drink champagne while the chimes are chiming.

Then this coin must be carried with you as a talisman until the plan is fulfilled.

12 grapes

This method is suitable for those people for whom the ashes in champagne are wildness. The fact is that in Europe they also make wishes on New Year's Eve, but for this they use grapes, which symbolize wealth, happiness and good luck.

To do this, you need to take 12 grapes and eat them at exactly 12 o'clock at night. At the same time, you need to get rid of the bones while the chimes are beating. But some Europeans go to the trick and take seedless grapes.

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